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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1903)
ORFGON MIST :oM ',,"',,,",'i',"tr",,"' "i'. HHI i mi ni i ""' af eorreauoiidciits. fcntcre.1 at the ISt'Virtiiv ' M. tleieit, Ptlll Ih major portion nf Hie pfmts ' Oregon. aS..m.Ul nil B..U. f. homn nwtlrtkn,,,nfiHli.lik Joali Milling, sre "lernln tu apel." COUNTY OPlClAL PAPER. t. ..T1 I I 11 H1 -I i 1 I 1 ' ' al ftaav Faiinv MoaKirfu llv KKl.KK H. 1 KIIKKT, l.oVeoa ask I'RurairioR. Sl'IWCklrTlOX I'RIi'E: .ne ropy mif year, in advance, flit mouths. IBffaDdDsff Thiit.rot the oivg.ninn, tio u Feed Dale ctHs on Scott's reg ded by some a a probable "ebony prrjulsioi. -hu.,1 equine" in thepreaen, na..ri... ' ' .j. i no struggle, l !pprenrl pained at the " , 50 of Multnomah' the fCaSOHS why Scott S r5!: j Cnirto in wpport or hiii m.w p-n4in Emulsion restores the strength ' in the legislature, relative ti the reput- and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. I'twai),!,- aa a oertoaottiit ivinneea for . tm . f .1 . ?x ?- &t - 1 & iui - . - - - - ' r ineiaci mat it is mc wsi 1 a... i. ..i tu t li ia ivullit I V M . FlnUhlag McKlnley' Tasks. ; ............ prCparatioi, of Cod Liver Oil, "He won greatness." sara Prudent ! .tr.. would prove a., efficacious r"-" ",m'lmBm',u"l,,,u,u7 kaoMveit or hi pmi-.-cwwr t the . cthoiicon. Read the fr. going stimulation is a suggestion as ci 'r ii.e to why it dtxjs what it does. j Scott's Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, FEBRUARY . Thl paper ike.t unfile HI 'he Ore- ed r the Associated 1'ie.a on Prs Ao-iti.m Kim . Hatuil-! r"frr!"-1" on buildiiiK, Portland, Oregon. mmm , I u-aiiiy, a a per . freight congestion ill this cotiutiv. comprehensive system of nujrov then gatherim in honor of William McKin-' sentence twice, ley's hinhd.ty in hij home town, "by dictionary. (neftitiR ami wJung iaue as they arcwe, j - Kom iih the most .killfnl ; i'-"" p..-.,,iv ,e.iia fullest in strength, least in their meeting ..l ..ami.-.. ,l.ei.t. hut with fear-' ou1 ' a" " U e e4oUon when the e.i.i caue. ihat Ihoe . Tin, .V cour- i. the tlSte. , I ifJ. ,:.. 'mlildle one, which Hllows the orlinarj - OUn Women III lit HH( mm mat wii in vn.. " Ue eeror aougl.l excuse. Ur shirking j fther prophet to pre-lict that there teens " arc permanently Cured tart, it! the .'aa that it waa ditf. rt-nt " ''kcly to be " ue kind of a ,-hange." ,) the ,1 disease of the Irom the one he expected to roe." ; In the manner in which William M.- 1 "Mn that ii horn of womiu," nley von greatneM th.-ro is a kina observes the Americm J.i.) Kecord.-r, tor those who would len I the people, "ia iall cabbage and few in a pate' . but despair of popular governiuent, I" infancy he i full or colic, paregoric merely because they cannot induce the : and citnip tea, and in old age he ii lu.l people to uiove in the direction they i uf cos word and rheuinaiiam. would like. Tlirre i also a Laroa for j , tliose who w ll have nothing because j General Frederick FunMon. the not. d they cannot hnve all, and who delay ; Filipino fighter, baa been onlcred tu reforina becanse the people are not ', take command of the department r the ready to be reformed as completely as j Cjiuuibia and a id be sutioued at Vau the reformer wonid like. ! coaver bnrracka. That waa cot the spirit of McKiuley. j He was always willing to be patient,: puJ))rj K;pysttt not pi3e as a !s willing to take one step ! vet it umt be eonceded that He ever strove to do the work blood which shows itself, in paleness, weaknessand nervous ness, by regular treatment with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. vt will be gUd to Mad sample to any sufltw. WHY THEY MARRIED. wr (be I rnle frawka Pas Kalerlwa Iwla W4lurk, Testa! rtinls having been' Kent out to tnurrled men with the Inuulty "Why did )ou nin try V a law number of n.Npoiia-ii came to hand, from which the following nrc selected: "iUnfa witnt I hue Iwii tryUig for eleven yenra to llud ut-X.w "MnrrUM to pet even with her moth er, but never huve.-W." HH-aue Sarah told me that five other youiiK wen had proposed to her. -;." The fathiN- thought elclit yenra' courtln' waa ulutoal lonif enoiiKh.-H." ThHiao don't at!r me up. J." "Hmiiw I did not huv the experi ence I have now. tJ." That the aaiue question my friend ask itiu.-C II." "1 wnuted a companion of the oppo site sex. 1 ft. --She la atlll oioite. A."' -Ihs-auw It la Ji-.Ht my hick. I. J." "I yeamwl f.w comviny. We now have It all the time - Karl" "Have exhauatvd nil the tlKitna lu the arlthmeltc ;o ttiire out an answer to your tiuostlou. It tve.Mi ttiultipllea t!ou and division hi the family and dla traction In adlitUin,' the anawer l hard to arrive X. --Old Mun." "I uiarrhM t get the beat wife la the world. Simon." "Ilcrauw I askeil her If she'd bave me. Kue mild aue would. Shea got me.-Bl!v:ni"-lK-tro!t rree ITeaa. TNI NEW AJtO CMLARQC3 EDITION OF WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY Imals la Viwl ..fni ltiia,Aiul. Lltwtal to i'lu u. au4 to f calm. L . 1mm .nwruvl aipliatviu iH-nl llJIIUlH.Hi" it irrupt mmw aM"' I uitlnlvilujitilo Iwlnil- iim a'vlti t wirl their imi. Vm Ii wool m I i , niallly canabt i f I irlns a ianmna I "?!. . ,1 una .wiiiiu. .U'uilu the lt nuli ,r pnuoioirjr, I m-y H w ' -' vr.lr4'LK,,Li. a l.,vtlS ! rrvnvntvn " -- llir iwieim;lh ll uliiU'rlll' "r irl Iml la Dtll.lilMis. , T'wy, ,l'-"r; ten. 'l eoiHia.'ii awl aw i.neu tu lie r In which tl- word h i . .ilie-l I hs.lna ,.f nHWiiini;. Many tl Uelt-Hitlousaiellhwimi.-'l. Enl la Its Ai( Jl ''(.-li U a iaclil tOITl. ..!!!! Ill IWlllI k'1'lWhllk'-. (mil M a Worilnt DlcllMr. "her luoli ,.inll.ii.i huh h u l ill informal Ion, M S.I YtulUl l-OUK-llWI't for H'lWllI lallon. or :nli'tvnIilo In tli bonw, i nil)', at-b.M.1, ur oiiUi'. Tho International ha.i 2:W4 quarto pajtoa with T(XK) illus 9 now wonls Vlttl lVII.'l V-' ami phrases have recently been mliUHl under mo super vision of W. T. Harris. Ph.D.. I.L.D.. U. S. Commuwioner of i'Aluoation. LET U 8END VOU FBI! A Tiwt In FrwauariiMM" whk-h 0onl 1 pkiiMint and in-iroi low evniiii:' filler-lain-uoot. Ilhwiiai! Mihll lw (em U. C. MHHMAM f , "i-rina-ueM. Maaa A S Ij-t A skitr (limit IS1, h- t l.uti'i uiiiitl dark grii n; ouk ri I ; keel I. mil ihroegh the bottom. tlewa'd !'. r-.i. I.rai or send tnf-rtiiHiioii to Tiik Fob I lk) urtvi 'Die cordw-oud tluitter on of tnu'l. t'nlt on or iid-lima time. He ever strove 10 0.0 me wor he iM 0(Ore hi,al, ,r ,,, in hand and the ta.,k Hat lay : lhan ny of Kjllg EjWtlrJ., Ilt,r a af lhal ihH pirtvr la Ik form at a Ubcl n on th a,plw, of avry botiit at S.B.aiiioa vol b jy SCOTT A BOWNE, Chamlata, 409 St., New York. 1 visers. to bo noted that few of our Pieaidentaj have achieved more of their object j Th, jU,OI of or-jm'. aeaatori.! im tUuhe. ir arrived more certamly ; Urlio, ...i,,, v ulM.lllllSlj. ' the giala which tht y Isd in u-iod. TEACUERy FXIMIMTIOSS. "He undertook, '" aa his successor said i saiu, many tasks. Some of them he j finished completely. Others we must; finish. Yet others remain which he j -.lid not have to face, but which we, if j we are worthv to oe me inneruora 01 1 Notice is ht're!y given that the county ! iiioeriiiiendeut oi Columbia County d The Taaae af 3yafra. Ilunwn lias explained the periodical eruption of ceysers hi auch a satisfac tory rcauner that doubt la no longer iwvuilil.. A i-avrrn Hllctl with water lira deep In the ran h under the geyser, and Oiimion Miar otlt. e. St. Helena. the water in this cannru U heatcl ty the earth's Internal ln-at far alaive .U ,1.. ttf..u tl. .i la a hi-vr hv.lro ata-llc preaaure upvu It arising from lha . PKURY. Iloultoii. Dr. weight of wr.ter In the paiwage or naf , ural atandplpe that Icada from the sub-; tt-rraueau chans'ier to the aurfai-e of, tbe earth. t Afur a time the tcnirH-ruture of the water helow rises. o that steam la glr- j ea off la spite nf the pn-aaure. and the column In the exit nil la gradually ; forced upward. T lie release of preaaure ' and the disturtiatice of the water then ' ratme the roiileuta of the suhterranean chamlxr to Hash Into steam and expel the contents f the exit pipe violently. These eruptions may alao be provoked by throwing stonea or clods of turf Into the baain if the geyser. The water In ' the enveru below la dbtturlwd by thla mm oa. Lssi .HAT is a fit in an ordi nary shoe is not a fit in Sorosis; they do not stretch. The shoe is built to fit its counterpart b the human foot The lesson tausfct us by experience is that a woman once perfectly fitted in Sorosis never changes. She is moro than satisfied; in fact has practically her own private last Somais stores t Nrv York. Proollyn fhil.oi hi fV'. bin. Wa hiitston, t.iliimrrf, St. t.i.i. Oriji ! ... FiaiKii. etc. Furs f h 'P : t -mtd-'n, f hiMin. till hi UliUiinitiiKiu. Paris, linlin. IUiiiUuib. Frank fori 011 l!,.- !oi. c.i. 7Vi V. 7-.iN.7.T (akrg "The Shoe TKti Sells tk WorlJ Arjjil naaaalie rrrklai ll.l.l S-atllaaia. Urrgaa. Co tiik knh;iit SIIOI- I Can't Afford A Tailor-Made SUITT. The inheritance tax ha, pas-ed both ; hold the reguli r examination of appli tiounes at Sleiu. THE MIST ILIB KATES. Subscribe now aud get the mid-winter edition. .; nriiielola. will fare wth the same i , , , , i This paper and the Weekly Orego- reaolution, the same sanity, the same j mau a aniiUUJ unfal'.ering beleif in the greatness of J j,, anJ tlle Young People's this country, and nnfaheriug champion-' Weelslj, l per a:iuuiu. hip of the rights of each audallour! This paper and the Weekly Capital ... . , , . , . . ,' Jouruul, ol hifiii, SI &U per annum ; people, which marked his high nJ : ,(I oionths, 75 cv!a. apleiidid caierr." j This paper aud the Portland Weekly The spirit of McKiuley the pir;: Journal, .ilcn.oiiatic, l 5y per an , , . , ! loh. '.hat patiently wnits ami dues tlle wjrt , ..... j This paper ar. 1 llie N. Y. Thrice-a '.at lies nearest-the spin', that eetterk tio.Vj per ye.i. l j; six the goal tat is content to take one s:ep i i;.unthf, IV cema. it a time with the people i that American spirit which they who would The Cliieagu Weekly Inter Ocean and ; Davrliloev I 1. . . UP . .... . uu . . t Ail 1 1 cants for statu and county papers at Sr. j Helens, us follows: Foa St,t P.U'ira. I Conimencing Wednesday, Febtnary : 11, at nine o'clock, a. 111., and euiiiiou- , ing until Saturda-, February U, at four j o'clock. j Wednesday Penmanship, hutory, spelling, algebra, reading, achnd law. ; ThurJay Written Arithmetic, the ory of teaching, giatnuiar, book Bueping, pliyjic", civil g'jvernuien'.. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal riihmetic, composition, physical geography. Satiirdiy 3laiiv, plane geometry,' general lutturv, r.ngiisn uieraiure, t.... ......... .....1 L-...... : .... T..!.. iead the American people, understand ( grit11 l4iUfe Ujullllia ,,jr! TllU pjluer t-nii.r-,ai M.igJjiue lor thetntelves, their country, and 'one )vai lor 1 'J. iiriliiation. Inler Ocean. All club subscriptions . r invariably : la aitvance. 1 Bad Spell. THE Sl'LTAX OF JOLO. Foa Coi nit Papkh. Cooiinencing Wednesday February I 11, at nii.e o'clock, a. in., and coiitiuu-j ii:g until Friday, February 13, at four! o'clock 1 Firai, Second and Third (trade Certiti- ! cates. 1 ....,.i,ni, ,r. . i I Meunfsoav reninansnip, nut ry, Lne C"UI t? " D',lt U Jrkes nJic ' lhe Su;,an lorthogr.phc; reading, pntiatenpon the indifferent spelling as 0f Jolo belongs to the .porting column tahibited by th pupils of the public instead of the crbituary department.- Thur-Jay Written Arithmetic, the- , ... , i HartiV,.l Pnt I orv of teach i iig, grain m:r , achuoi law. at-liools on eighth grade examination nartlont roet, papers. Yet, not in Lanecouuty alone, J Feeling the need of a quiet time and Friday Geography, mental ariilnue- .sthiaa crying evil (if negative good j tre"."m ,.r0", """'"t, the .IUi. j te. pnvsioiogy, civ., p. I joio is going iv vmi si. ijuh. suiciie- 1 ter Post Express. A l-ova roll... ! One of tt li-ading aotiiers ' . Incline to the old herbalist wu til" iiniou tid ing of love rriwd. ra fur drspond.nt swalua an ! htirti k uialdcna. If a powder would not hrlutf the denlreil re lief, various Juli .-a of roots and berba ; were uilushil lu a potion and aold 11a ' the love jihliil. Here ! an dd rrv'pe: J Ml-rtl.-toe Urrlea fuot exceeding nine In niimlier) are suvped lu au e.jiml , mixture of wine. Iee, viueunr ami' honey. ! " ThU taken cn an empty st.iiiiach be fore gol'Ui to U-d will canw dreama of j your Tutor deaiiiiy Iprovidiil you re- ' tire tM-fiirv 12 oVka-ki either 011 Christ- j ma err Or on the first and third of a now moon." Perhaps as a llnjirlng j remnant of this alMirdlty there Is a 1 current notion lu a. me parts of the 1 world today that a whole mince pie j eaten at niidiilht nlll C5HI-4,' the r:ip- j pec ran e of long deported rriendu. not j to Ulelltioil lu.' flll.'.d ph.VH.elllll urm the more Ititercj-tiil . iu'uiUts of th bouM-hold. Thi ia a enm:ii in remark, but nit sh iw tun bow t- o'ivi ita th dilfl cully, for we have hundred of iinfliifiml 1 1 iiim an I overMiitt at tan I f their or einnl priee. Tlieae are su'ls mad. at n ir diff r.nt .tn'.s ; thnxiahoiit the Pacitic iiorthwi'at an-1 for various re.ioi. Iu. u4 laseii oiled lor, I lJ Miila and Hirrroats maile br ISO. now IT .'-0 MA) Sim- and ilveniwt ins'le for t.'fl. tnw tl .' li) Tut'.inta and OvemMts iimde l-r .iil ami ."0, nowilll.'.'.ll I We nlo have .1 line ! troiimrs in tho tiewe.t an I biljiitoat patterns from ; 12 50 up Seod l"r aa-i'plea, piieea and intructioil lor aelf lue.Miiremeiit. M41I ' orlcn lereive prompt attention. Tie ii;. no'iii h.ia jmt iotjlld a Hue line ol ieiil,' Furiilahiiigs at extreme! low pries. Farnsworth-Herald T A I LOR ING COM PA N Y JS WASHINGTON Sheet 5rd.LD FOFRmAlSrrD. ORE, nrniorabl. nt.Ie. The most memorable ride In Kti; llsh Chssificd Advertisements SlllYK.lHiilM TilK FARM 11H' I.. Avira. near Yankton, n oaik id, ft liitil loill, iitsk"l, hrnndid and h-leone1 liraiided on the left hi"l. A "marked w tli crop and atilit in the left ear nod note in the iittht. Any information will im u iidly rii eive.1 by C, I.. Ayrea at Vaiikton, who will pay reaaid. VKJOKIT POWDHRCO. Manufacturers of impkovki) iilsiin(; mum ORIENTAL IIOTHI. may be so denotniuated) but is co-ex : ; . L. . t . I. ,..1 . .. f .1... 1 r The fcultan of i to emphatically r!e- graphical instruction. itlareaheis not dead. This looks' like perhaps not least of the maoy causes ; pretty g-ol evidence of a u.i-iako soine ia this lack in the public school course j where Pittsburg Uazeite. if the present text book on this subject, j The Sultan of Jolo ha requef ted that i, , in um in thi. .Lata While on k.'1"' deal1' 'Ouior be recalle.1. Ha is Orthog- cjminit to the St. Louis exposition tie- fore dying permanently. Waihingtuii ( client preseuUilion of certain phases o! spelliog, its vocabulary is entirely too j jot. 'iauited for the ueeda of the candidate j nimn. i'io Sn!i.. ..1 1 i .i fvr high school matrijulaiion.or even toj j stands that all tht nice th ugs ve ssid! tarrow for the more numerous phalcnx ! about hitu were written under the j r,f hoaand tfirls w-bo va.v r,a from ! assurance that he was dead. Ue ! Primary Cei lificates. VVednelay Penmanship, rapliy, reading, arithmelic. Thur.lay Art if Questioning, theory of teaching, methods, physiology. I. II. COI'Kf.ANI County (icifool hueriuteudeiit. Daie.1 at lioulton, Oregon, Jan. 30, K3 which pl:iiiMl the llanoverxii dynas ou the throne of tSreat l'.rltaln. The 1 '-t of M'ttiement by which lu lTol puni.iim-tit tHcctiil the houe of Hun over to the British throne ivna pnsrjifl by only one vote, aud this rusting vote waa given by Sir Arthur Owen. tl;. member of parliament for l"einlirok hire. He nrrlvad at Westminster, 'n,..i, duaty and travel worn, only Jimt ln'l)(J.M' time to record his vote, having ridden , with furious haste from Wales for the purpose on relays of borne, kept at all j Tr'tfisicflf the poatltig h-usc along the route. To j that ride hrltaln owe Its OeorgUiu : era deacenuanta. 1'mler the nuiiK gi 101 i.t ol MRS. FRED BRIGGS, Haw the lU-H Ao'omiiKalatloiia, AND LODGING, 1'KK MJMII. $1 Per Uav. .S PUMP HO A I.) ITfl, Madison Ktreet, Hr.A.STI.'N'O. UATL WOlMv AN DM IX INCi. - porilamJ, Ortrs, ii8 x sr- Ithe NEW YORK store; Hits just rer rived a largfi linoi,. f t u Qureu Vktorl" unJ uer ; I-eccl Barn in Connec tion. ST. HELENS, Or. ! Moines Register and (x-ader. Kverf llottlc of CliBmberlairi'k Cough Iteruedy Warranted We g iarantee every Ijoltle of Cham berlain's Gondii Remedy ami will re fund the money to anyone who is not remaps in (tending to come over to ; Mii.fted after us'ii two-third of the public school, to the manifold UJis , f .u i...;H.... ...i.i ' Ji ,O0 UJM UUEiilTE, VVIIIt. i , T J 1 id, si. xouia cxn,i! ion too IM .n ..I ' 1.. .1 . I . , . -r. .,.!,,. ! ,.,,1 1 , , ' " -i roiiu'iiia, una is 100 oesi reiui'iiv 11 Teacher, should remember tti.t Jolo ha, t.k.n the most effective course i lhe worM for Krippe. c-ough.. c.l ... lUugh Orlhography, ityn.ology, and ; to persuade the American people, that I Cro..p and w hooping cough and t.ihoepy are all intimately connected, : in spite of all reports, that he is not j plenemt and safe to take. It prevent the teaching of one does col necege-arily rr"jp dead, Koston Ulobe. ! .ny tetiducy of a cold to result in pneu- itnply the mental acquisition of the ' Tl' Sul!an of Jolo says he is not dead, ! mouia. l)ljier, j but i, coming to the tt. Ixiuis fair. P,y I - . , . . all mean, let bim come. Should the ... ft learn to do by doing," Ergo, I gooJ peope at.ceeM in gboH,)ing Uje I W astern-. TBCfrrwoBTHr obti.m- the only rational method of learning to 1 Aiidwav he will tindita, easy to run i or ,a,1,-v '" "'"''j ,cou W .j " '- .... ... . : ' ruu 1 nee, for an old established liou-e 01. tiU is by spelling. or 1, tin, prone-! over to Kanaa. City, where they have 1 solid financial .landing. A straight, it-si to etymological errors aud urtlio- 'he "boocliee coochee" dances in churib ,,on ,i,,e wtekly salary of $1H.00 puiu , , . ,. . , ! fair. Limi.vill. r,nrlr t.......l ; by check every Wedneaday with all ex- g-aplucBl tnaccuraoea confined aoiely to Wln'- "v"'e Conner Journal. peuaesdirect 'torn helqua.lera. Monev I loe riaing generation, neither does it a, ' ' ! advanced for espeoaea. Manager, 34') imrasual investigator might sttppo, 'fibers received at thi, 0f.jCto Bid... Ci.ic.go. , . . ' Bee for the l. veiling Telegram, Oregon', ii.ore frr auent v tK-cur in t,li...-ilul.;,. , .. -r Kreaieai eveninir naoer. t.i. ,.n 1.1. j. , ou iirouiuz 01 an aiiios Drum on v ex ecuted at this office. Now i, the lime to get your letter heads, billheads and siatemeut, printed. rt a , Ill .. t. : 11 ' .in.qgwqmppaperwUoeditori,an""'nthlyandxpen..e..or 30 pJr i-ei.t.!, Tll """ - P'n may eu, the ex i-daoirua rerentlv refeire.l . '" "i'moii m laae oiaers lor our rami ; "' - """" "" "'" expswagogue recently releired to a Seed., Fruits and Flowers. We sell four . poisoning result, from the injury. All) certain old gentleman a tlie ".Sester" , grade, of jrnits, so any competition can danger of this can be avoided, nowever, 01 i-emoaracy. Pid he intend to call ! Z irnVdeh'orllm." Cn'de by P"""'' wW" Cha,..l.rlain', him tin old hen? ! " are part time. We pay you each I58'1". Il n antUeptic and; A-, ea.u,e,l ,l,ia.nn.,r.e. i -I ci""'1 chance to eai 11 inbnev this quick healing HnUiieiit for cuw. brniae, ! , co. tempoiary , , UPr. Wri, (((r (rw .,, , nw , hy iir..uuiiUa; oo, uvpi naea all .llius , a e, i j nrserj LOinpaay, KOCBester, .11 4toi,..i- " I f 1 i "Tomato." What la the earliest Instance of tf. occurrence of the word tomato In any European language? The first I liar In my notebook la the reference to "AOMTlcanormn tutuatle." tnnde by Gnlllandlntia In his "lie Papyro," a commentary on parts of Pliny. 1.172, page 00. Later lpae 01) he says, '!) nlque tumatle ex Tbemlstltan. reeen fiores fere pomuiu aiircuni. et pomtim amor.'a nuiienpant." ahowlng that both the Aztec name toointl and the popular "love apple" were already In use. "The mlstltnn." I may add. la probably misprint for Theiiuatltan I. e., Te-iK-ht'.tlan. b' aj-nonyuj for Mexico. Note aud Queries. (Winter Goods, Shoes, I Dry r.rvwls, Groceries, Hoots. Shoes, Ktc. 1 II. MORGU9. Cooppr DuiMiii!;, Mnin Strcpt. St. Hp1iw, Oregon. Ca.t Oat Caat. Honor to the strong man In thew age who bus shaken blmxelf loose of shams aud Ja aoiiie'liiiig For In the way of being worthy the first coudltlon aurely l that one lie. lA-t cant cea at all risks and at nil insta. Till cant eeaae nothing clue can begin. Carlyks. UOWN-COUNTY PEOPLE -T WHITE COLLAR LIKE O" To T lk. - Clatskanic W i A uvim More u profundities, it is the simple, .very day words, oit 'U monosyllables, that most of u. bblitually inusptll A Farmer, His Sou Heroic n.mejlea. "They claim thnt perltonltla cure for apiiendlcltla." "I suppose that a on the same prln aiple thnt beheading la a sure cure for qolntlug." Cleveland Pluln fnler. , ol stationary An oillcial document of Columbia jaunty speaks of "atutionery" engines. Wt recall another editor who a We are still furnishing the Weekly ' M. lirinn. uregonian and Misr together for a year only i.OO. Balrilie nov. The Ht. Helen, Hotel takes the lead ( uiiuer loe iii iiigt;in.ill Ol tj. A. nild A Subscribe for Tub Mist. Wit la brushwood. Judgment I, tim ber. The first make, the brightest dames, but the other give, the most tasting heat Es ray Taken I p. Notice i, herthy given, that on the lith day of January HKJl. I took up a red heifer, at my olare.MX miles west of Reuben, County nf Columbia, f4tate of I Oregon; described a, follow.: Ued, ' sUml one mid one half years old, no1 mark or brand. The ow ner of the de-: scribed animal can obtain possession of the same by furnishing siillieient proof j of ow nership, urn! paying all exs-iics' "'I co-l-. ' ti. Bi:.b. ! Mrs. Fred Unrtvth, .IS ry 1awv "ImIosi "Artsr Bay first baky wsa been I M aot seam to arfAka asy stissntti altSwifll tha oortor ga m . losac which k unad crsd wsry saparawr, last laalssd wt Jstthtf httssr I grew waster (very day. My ka. bsad aaJjaU khat I Uka Visa) af Cardul far a vk and as, what M weuM da for an. I did taka ttas Bwaktaw aad ws lowly iwtarninL la rw. wtrlii I rai sat p-atafuf te IM my rrwfth at wss very and hhii af had aaat IB a sooaMi I was skis to tslu up any warwl tartiaa. I aaa very sathusl. aaik k Its pnuas." Win. of Card bJ reinfornra theoiyan, of rnaraXiun for tba onleal of preg aaooy Bad child birth. Itiirovsita mia aarriafra. ho woman who tskn Wbtt of Cardul seed fear the ournuig of bar ahild. If klra. Unrath bad Ukra Y.: at Cardoi Wore her baby earn. ' a would not have boon weukaiaad aa eba wma. Her rapid recovery should ooosnumd this great muly to srery axpeetant muJb'Ja Wine li Cardui re(ru!.tci the tnanutrrutl How. xmvdorchmui rob Tutin- iOBTLAND-rORIA ROUTE". 31 R. "3AimY UATZERT. Drills and Medicines I' iUy It-nit.', J r-4 .n U Ttilet Articles and Perfcmerj Or. J. . HALL, fropntttr Cmtsksnik : Oatoon. Owl Saloon i.-.,n.rf., p HOP HI I 'TORS Only Hi. tw-M ol t It'nnrl.S Dull Piarnaa tfn.l PI.. I. liuui. ouu ti.aii tcyi in uiuui CYRUS NOBLE Arid otli.r (...puiar i,rni, of whbklis !.) In ,iiH'k. WEINHARD'S BEER oil itraiKlit. "Tom Bentcu" Cigars. an a. niM naw.r,,,,, h uiatr ist roil i. . 1. TA.. ..... f M la.a loriliitl 1. a ,o.r . "."."".'.''...'. """"I" eornaiet roiine!lon wlih Hn-sn'SI Nalirmu hum l:..oi ,10 ".wall IHilllla. Wai; i foliar l.bis TI(-k, iMla.Thaur.l.l 1. ' H. .V. :, tii V. I. 1 The "itaiSS Sts. -Tahoma- k Metbko" l.llv T1I1 r!a. Bisaasa 1 tlloNa." Irav. Pnrllnn.l The., lloo. .-l 1 A. M. tS Ills llallra Mull,, ,...Krl. J A M. KTSAami "Msrimn." . P'iHlan.1 Ti'wdav. rh,,".'r. tt... 1 A . I. v. fall... Morula,, win.i.,, rrl . I A l ANblSU AMI li ll-g: Koot of Abler Mr,.!, t.,ih 'Mi una Main l. I'IHI"II, UIISuS. J. W I'airHTos ThsUall.. Or, A. K. rl'Uura ,.. lliv.r. Or. ?. WVKM II. HUV llua...i. ... J. . n v ait u-... a ..H AVlMiB Or. A. J, W- t'Bh'MTug, Portland, )r. Kstray Tko I'p. N'.'lli'. is ,,U.,.n .... III. x , I lith. day of flec,ii,K.r, lM), v k si 1 a x led steer ,,t ,y ,lH near' liuble, i 1 hi in, 01 1 oiiiinbia, 8iale of Oieg de-crilad as follow,. H, with whll wt ill liana j no tnu. sa or briindi i Hllout IWII Vein, oh ; J,.,,,.,, ,.r about Ihe iioaa. The im nor of the .la.vo ill" seribeil nliiiinil rnn O,tl4o ,-,,., ..ion o! the nine bv him Ilillg .llllli iellt il d of ownership -n aud citi. p'lvlua .11 i-xnci.Ki'S I. P. i''MI'IAI I