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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1903)
Aching Joints In the fingers, toes, tirnm, nml other parts of the boil.v, are joints that ore inflamed nml swollen by rheumatism that aeid condition of the blood which afloets the mus cles also. Sufferers dread to move, espe cially after sitting or lying lonp, and their condition is commonly worse in wet weather. "It has been a long time since we have been without Hood's Sarsayiarilla. Jv father thinks he could not be without it. He has been troubled with rheumatism ince he was a boy. and Hood's Sarsapa rllla is the only medicine ho can take thnt will enable him to take his place in the field." Miss Ada Dott, Sidney, Iowa. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove the cause of rheumatism and cure the disease no outward application can. Take them. Economy tn Eggs. When eggs are expenisve, it is well to remember that it is not necessary to boil a whole egg to get a yolk without breaking the latter tor garnishing. Separate the white alid yolk without breaking the latter ami poach it liar J in salted water. The white is saved or glazing or merinsue, etc. Cause and Effect. "I understand he is married and has recently come into considerable money." "Whicn was cause and which effect?" An Unlimited Supply. "Everything is getting dearer," said j the apprehensive citizen. j "No," answered the man w ho had been reading about "How to Circuit)- j vent the Trusts," "advice is as cheap as ever. "-"-Washington Star. J SI ! O! O 0 i 01 ST. JACOB POSITIVELY CURES Rheama.ism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feelache All Bodily Aches AND CONQUERS SI Oi PAIN. o 01 & 1 ! a ' THE BEST POMMEL SLICKER IN THE WORLD DCAio in 13 TSAPE flARS fair entO THOUGH OFTEN IfllTATEQ ASA SAME COAT ivsnrw" eA.ALcsjrs rats. aewiK rvLi, kmc er (asisxts .s hats. A-ar.TOrVCa C9.. BOSTON, MAS. 44 What More Could He Ask. "But can yon provide for my daught er properly?" aeked the father. "Certainly," replied the youth from Europe. "I lan provide her with a title, can't 1?" Chi. ago Pott. IPOR OUT I OIL t X I . J V , f mm When the cold wave flag is up, freezing weather is on the way. Winter to here in earnest, and with it all the miserable symptoms of Catarrh return blinding headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous discharges lom the nose and throat, a hacking cough and pain in the chest, bad taste in the mouth, fetid breath, nausea and all that makes Catarrh the most sickening and disgusting of all complaints. It causes a feeling of per lonal defilement and mortification that keeps one nervous and anxious while In the company of others. In spite of all efforts to prevent it, the filthy secretions and mucous mat ter find their way into the Stomach tad are distributed by the blood to every nook and corner of the system; the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact every organ and part of the body, be come infected with the catarrhal poison. This disease is rarely, if ever, evenin its earliest stages, a purely local iisease or simpleinflammation of the nose and throat, and this is why sprays, washes, powders and the various in baling mixtures fail to cure. Heredity Is sometimes back of it parents have It and so do their children. In the treatment of Catarrh, ana leptic and soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing the bead and throat, but this is the extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh permanently, the blood must be purified and the system relieved of its load of foul secretions, and the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which has membrane and is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh infected portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous discharges cease and the patient is relieved of the most offensive and humiliating of all complaints. S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy and contains nothing that could injure the most delicate constitution. It cures Catarrh in its most aggravated forms, nd cases apparently incurable and hopeless. Write us if you have Catarrh, tud our physicians will advise you without charge. THE SWIFT SPEOiHO CO.. ATLANTA. OAs The Basilisk. The ancients described the basilisk as a serpent which could kill by its very glance. It lived in a desert be cause ita breath destroyed all vegeta tion, thus making a desert of any place inhabited by it. A basilisk was said to have caused a deadly pestilence in Rome during the time of. Tope Leo IV. Why (listen Leaves. "After all, Tat's love, for hit native isle is but natural pstrietism." ".Maybe. But it's a little overdone when it leads him to believe that the leaves are green in honor of Ireland." New York Times. Nn the Bounding Deep. Freshleigh ir'ay, . Paltman, I don't feel very well i I am going to my berth. Saltman Kraca up, old man, ot the pastengert will think you are going to your death instead of to your berth. New York Times. Easily Explained, tr.ii. Vv..r i.-n how kindly an ! audience takes to jokes about policemen ... ...,.ui that U tha men do? j I'm afraid it's a bad sign. rotta Don t worry, it is numau nature to enjoy seeing one's bosset made fun of. Indianapolis Press. Your Dealer ill tell you if ho has ever made the comparison that the purest, atrongett and most aromatic spices for sale by any firm in the Northwest are called Monopole. If he doesn't believe it, just ask him to send to Wadhams A Kerr Hros.. l'ortlaud. for a fample tin 'of any variety he may select, and we'll I bank on his Judgment in favor of Mono pole. Be sure you get this brand from - your grocer. Preacher Also a Physician. The Rev. Charles A. Trotman, pastor of the Church of the Redeemer, St. Louis, is also a practicing physician, having regular oflke hours during the week. Mothers will Rna Sirs, mnslow's Sooth ins Svnm the tx-st remedy to use tor their Siiildrea during the teething period. Carefully Considered. Miss CHuuu I dou't suppose you ever think of marrying. Mr. Savage Oh, yes; it's thinking of it that keeps me a bachelor. A Threadbare Compensation. "She isn't at all handsome." "Hut she's very good." "Dear me; that's what they always say." A "Dead Cinch." "You college men seem to take life pretty easy." "Yes; even when we'graduate we do it by degrees." , j Jerusalem Artichoke. The Jerusalem artichoke has no con nection whatever with the holy city of the Jeas. It is a species of sunflower. When Iron Melts. The heat of a common coal fire is 1, 140 degrees, but it takes 3,479 degrees to melt iron. An Habitual Offender. Jangles I understand he's a golf en thusiast. Has he broken any records? Waggles No, he never breaks any thing but the Sabbath. New York Times. Rarity Among Womea There may be some husbands who may be filled with envy r henthey read that the deep melancholy in which the czarina is said to be leads her to pre serve silence for long periods even in the presence of guests. Certainly her alleged mania might take a more acute and objectionable form. Oreat Odds. The odds against a whist player hnld inz all the trumps are 108, 733, 389, 899 to 1. Queen Exhibits Bantams. Eight varieties of bantams ara being exhibited by the Queen of England at a show at Barnstable. Saturday the Day for Fires. In Ijondcn there are more fires on attird:iy than on any other day in the week. FORkt U H H Mancbe.ter, Va., March 6, 1901. Gentlemen: I had all t lie symptoms that accompany this disease, suoh aa mucus dropping in the throat, a con stant desire to hawk and spit, feeling of dryness in the throat, cough and pitting upon rising in the morning, scabs forming in the nose, which re quired much effort to blow out, some times causing the nose to bleed and leaving ma with a sick hcadaohe.I had thus suffered for five years, I commenced to take S. 8. B. and after I had taken three large bottles, I noticed change for the better. Thus encouraged, I continued to take It and In a short while was entirely cured. JTJDSON A. BELLAS!. Main and Vine Sts., Blchmond, Va. JiWl 1 mvtv , I I no equal as a blood punher. It restores the blood to a natural, healthy state and the catarrhal poison and effete matter are carried out of the system through the proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the brood all its good qualities, and when rich, pure blood reaches the inflamed CATARRH THIRTY YEARS .WV j .-""" ......... . ,. 1, f CONGRESSMAN MEEKISOS, OK OHIO. ; Hon. Paid Meekimu is well known, not only in his own state, but through out America. He began his political career by serving four onecutive tem as Mavor of the town in w hich he lives, during which tints he became widely known as the founder of the Meeklson Bank, of Napoleon, Ohio. 11" elected to the Fifty-fifth congress by a very large miajority, and ia the cknw ledged leader of hie paity in his section of the state. Only one flaw marred the otherwise complete success of this rising states man. Catarrh with its insidious approach and tenacious grasp, was his only unconquered foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy. At last Peruna came to the rescue, and he dictated the fol lowing letter to Dr. Hartman a the result: ' have used several bottles of Peruna and I feel greatly bene fited thereby frem my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to be lleve that if I use It a shott time longer I will be fully able to eradi cate the disease of thirty years' standing. David Meeklson, Member of Congress. . The season of catching cold is npon us. The cough and the sneeze and the nasal twang are to be heard on every hand. The origin of chronic catarrh, the most common and dreadful of dis eases, is a cold. This is the way the. chronic catarrh generally begins. A person catches cold, which hangs on longer than usual. 1 The cold generally starts n the head' and throat. Then follows sensitiveness of the air passages which incline one to catch cold very easily. At last the person has a cold all the while, seem- j ingly, more or less discharge from the . nose, hawking, spitting, frequent clear-1 ing of the throat, nostrils stopped op, full feeling in the head, and tore, in flated throat. The beft time to treat catarrh is at 1 the very beginning. A bottle of Peru na properly used, never fails to cure a common cold, thus preventing chronic Ask your druggist for a free Olive Trees. An olive tree yields six pounds of olives when it is three years old. At the age of fifty it yields from twenty two to twenty-six pounds. Petroleum for Rheumatism. When petroleum was firt discovered in this country, it was called rock oil, and was sold in small vials as a specific for rheumatism. Etiquette. Mrs. Blank Is your husband going to -Mrs. Jason's funeral? Mrs. Dash Decidedly not. fhe did n't return my last, call. Baltimore Star. In Prohibition Kansas, Tool An Atchison husband hovered at death's door so long his wife remarked t,c Bunnoiwd he was havine his nsnal trouble finding the keyhole. Atchison Globe. Deceitful Appearance. "Jaysmith fairly worships his wife," said Fosdiclr, "and yet he won't give her enough money to dress herself prop erly." "It isn't always the most devout wor shipper that puts the most money on the collection plate," replied Keed ick. Town Topics. How to Discourage Treating. fiayboy Have a drink with me? Hardhead Certainly. Here's to you. Gayboy Ah, that's good. Hardhead First-rate. Order anoth er round if yon like. I belong to the anti-treating league, and have promised not to treat; but there's nothing in the rules abont accepting treats. Order ' right along, old boy. Von pay and I'll drink. New York Weekly. j His Little Scheme. ; He was cutting an item from the i newspaper. "It tells how a house was robbed, and I want to show it to my wife," he explained. j "What good will that uo7" a Irlend inquired. "A whole lot," was the reply. "Yon so, this house was ro )bed while a man was at church with his wife." "Say!" exclaimed the friend, ex citedly, "you haven't got another c py of that paper, have you?" Chi- ago Post. It was the Card. The weary housekeeper paused beside the basket of eggs that bore the card: "Fresh this morning 38 cents." t "Give me a dozen of these eggs," she said. "I suppose you guarantee their freshness?'' i "Well, no," said the hesitating storekeeper, "We wculdn't like to do that." "But the card says: 'Fresh this morning.' " "Yes'm," the stoorekeeper reluctant ly admitted. "But vou see it's the 1 I 1. ..... t. tl t Cleveland Plain Dealer. 1 i catarrh. While tnany people have been cured of chronic catarrh by a single bottle of Peruna, yet, as a rule, when (he ratarrh becomes thoroughly fixed more than one bottle Is neeeisaiy to complete a cure. Peruna has cured case innum erable of catarrh of twenty years stand ing. It is the best, If not the only In ternal remedy for chronic catarrh in existence. But prevention is far bett'r than cure. Every person subject to catching cold should take Peruna at once at the slightest symptom of cold or sore throat at this season of the year and thus pro vent what ia almost certain to end in chronic catarrh. Send for free book on catarrh, en titled "Winter Catarrh," by Dr. Hart man. "Health and Beauty" sent free to women only. Pe - ru - na almanac. Mother Qooe. "Mother Goose," who is probably more familiar to children than any 1 ther personage in story books, was a real person. Mrs. Goose, for that was her real name, lived w ith a family named Fleet, who kept a little store in Pudding Lane, Boston. Whistling In Buenos Ay res. Any person eaugla whistling in the streets of Buenos Ayros is liable to be arreste.d The police alone have the right to w histle. ABSOLUT SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Muit Bear 8lgntur of tt Fac-Slmlle Wrapper Below. Tar? aaaall mmd r to tak u sairu. FOB HEADACHE FOR DIZZINESS. FOR IIUOUSHESt. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CARTERS PljLL$. mJa t Unix I rarely TeetJ)le.5w5 1 ' JllMUIIIiSHS1l', " CURE SICK HEADACHE.. DELICIOUS AND TEMPTING LffTJ-vyirjl At irood candy to a ?6LI1 ATVl HI 11(1. Queen Bee Cough Drops A re wade tit pure hon ey ati't menthol. Tbuy are iileasfiiit and if tactive as a rerne'Iy for coiiKhit and cold.. Try a I'ltrlcuKft, Hi, Id !y all ilriiKKllM and coitiuctioiittrii. 'two j,rkHi- by in all on receintuf 10c., stamp. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Portland, Ore. 00CHDH0r7 iICaMJWU!lJS lw litHIS rVHiil All (LS lAILS. ' V. BestCuuiOi Hymn. Taalin OootL OSS ' I tr 111 thna. Boll t)T dnireHa. FRENCH MARRIAGE BROKER8. Decision Which Olv.a Their Hh.Im 1B Keeoauittoii. Matrimonial agent a In Krauoo are jubilant The hivv which up to the present has detilt somewhat severely with them and refuxed to coupler na binding cimlrncla made by them i apparently beginning to take up an other attitude. At any rate, thla wan the caao recently when the Chtimbiw dea Heqnetea had to consider au tic tluu from Toulouse. Homo time bitik a solicitor living In the neighborhood of that town, engngod the aetvleea of a local matrimonial agent, who. In due course found a aultable wife for hi client. The marriage took place ami the agent applied for his commli Um, but the solicitor did nut appear Inclined to pay the sum agreed upon. He llrat declared that the amount w out of proportion with the services rendered, and atibaequetiMy refused to pay anything whatever, says the Pari Messenger. The parties then went to law, ami the local civil court dlamlwaod tho agents' claim on tjuestlona of fact. He appealed, and tho Appeal Court also decided against him, holding that "money payments for matrimonial ne gotiations wore immorul and Illegal." The plaintiff next appealed on a point of law to the Chambre dea Keipiete. which decided In his favor ami ordered a fresh trial of the netloii Uv tlu I'lvll Court. A tuissnge lu the speech made by the Advocate General la well worth quoting. After allowing that ninrrlace had alwava been con sidered as the baala of aoelety, tie said; "How can tho fact of facilitating a miirrlniro. of i)hii-luir two families III relationship, of procuring a companion for ttiH man who wishes to create a family be declared n priori. Ipso facto, an act contrary to morula, to law and to public order? The contrary Is the case. A priori and on principle. It la a Meritorious action, ami It cannot bo considered too favorably. Must the nature of thl meritorious and moral action be changed lava use the Inter mediary has not Imvii a dlslutereted person? Hy no means. A disinter ested Intermediary may commit a de testable action, while 1111 Interested one may commit an excellent one. Kvery thing depends oil the elreumstatieea." In Hungary the legal age of an In dividual dates only from baptism. I Frog skin makes the tutighct leather known In proportion to lt thickness. I lli ussels has a church cluck w ound .v atmospheric exputmlou Induced by the heat of the sun, J All orange tree 111 full bearing hud been known to produce fifteen thousand 'oranges; a lemon tree six thousand fruit. I Forest covers 31 per cent of Hiisala's total area, or, In nil, 4iH,rs,i acres, lu of her words, there are four acres uf forest to every Inhabitant of UiiskI:i. j A country laborer of l!rei,i while cleaning an eel discovered In Its atom, nctl a large Muck pearl, which j been purchased by a .Milan Jeweler f.r $".:). I The Prussian city of Ciisscl will be a thousand years old In ll'l.'l. while the J French city of Marseilles was founded I more thnii 'J,.Vsl years ago, ami Itniue 1 ' 2,i'M years old. j Cntldy-innkers say that Ihe moat prof liable part of their trade is to fancy cntidUn, put up In ornamental bjxea, tho box frequently cutting more figure lu the purchase than the good. I The Japanese ent more fish llinti any other peoplo In the world. With them imtiteatliig Is a foreign Innovation, confined to the rich, or rather to those rich people who prefer It to the nutl-nnl diet. It has often been statist that sixty miles an hour was the utmost rate at which a swallow could fly. Hecint ex periments between 'ouipelgne and Antwerp proved that a swallow In a hurry can cover liis'4 miles an hour. The oil glands of the skin nre most numerous In races living under the tropics, because the oil Is nature's pro tection ngHltmt the heat of the ami. In hot countries Its action Is often nsdstid by the application of vegetable or mil Mini oils. The relative durability of wood and Iron In given strange Illustration by 1111 old cannon which has stood since 1H.M) on the high grounds of point Honltn, at the entrance of Kan Francisco hay. The gnu has rusted away, while the wood supports ore In n slate of perfect preservation. The title of "doctor" was Invented In the twelfth century and conferred for the first time upon Im rlns of the uni versity of Holognn, statin the Metn. physical Magnssliic. The llrst "doctor of medicine" was Oullelmo (iordenlo, who received the honor from Ihe college of Aodtl, also In Italy, In I'J'Ji). In a recent lecture at (Iresham Col lege, Dr. fiynies Thompson, In speak ing of the effects of climate, remarked that It hud become necessary to sublet English government work In Egypt be cause It was found that the natives would only work when chnMtjsid, and It was a rule tliut a Ilrltlsh ofllcer must not strlko a native. IMioeiilx, Arlr.., the center of Halt Itlver valley, was a few years ago n sagebrush dissert. It has now twenty five thousand Inhabitants, with an as sensed property valuation of $10,000,. 000. All this Is due to water, which, brought In canals from streams fed mainly from Kan Francisco and other Arizona reserves, has turned the desert Into a fertile vulley, covered with ranches and dotted with small towns. Tho Moat Valiialilo Hook. The moat valuable work In cxlalcncc Is said to bo a copy of the Koran now treasured lu the Mohiinimednii city of tKoniin-KtiKii, reraltt. The covers, nine mid otio-hulf Inches by four Inches, mv of solid gold nil eighth of 1111 Inch thick, while precious Ntonoa set In symbolic designs figure In the center nml each of the corners. The book Is writ ten upon parchment, nnd this part of Iho work Is valued at fllt.'i.fHJO. rerfectlon Is all right iih n theory, lull perfect purity la seldom found ouImIiIi the baking powder ndvertlHcmciitM. My Lungi "An attack of Is grippe left m vltll a bad cough. My friends said I hd consumption. I then tried Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral and It cured me promptly." A. K. Randies, Nokomls, III. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Aycr's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on, so you let It run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, It will not disappoint you. There's a record or sixty years to fall back on. -,,1,1 1 SW,,)ul llit till IIOHO lillU, !!. Molur Car In Scotland, The motor ear terror Is said to have struck Hcotlaml revaroly on account o the number of rich tourists that country, In one cam heavy racing automobile, running vnry rapid ly at night, plunged Into a Hock ol ehmp lieing driven to market, and killed ami mangled quite a number ol them. tuts o onto, r itt of tutseo, 1 l.en.i'nesir. I ' ratsa 1 1 insiiv make oaih ! h" t Iwiiu.r irli wl lli llnil ul r i 1 sV A I o, dolus tnl.llirn 111 111 l( Tolislu, I'ollHlf ml glale ilwrHiit, ! di.l el'l UI the sunt M U.VK lll'M'Kr.H I'll! I AM" lifwl ami ier ei ul ('.null that e.iiuot lno cuonl b Uj uhuI IUM.'a'traa Ci i HUNK J I IIKNt V Hwurn 10 m an-l n M-rii . l 111 nor fteaetire, llllalll iii ul P.Miulr, . l (Me. . 1 A. W.ul h.HtS, I Au(.iry JsM Hair. Catarrh Cure ami (llreetlr oil lite MismI atel niueoti. sojlat-v ol Uie.y.Um. SH,t f,,r If.limtiloa!., (rt... r. j.i-iiKsay & 1'., lo.cio, u. Ptui lit itrtntsi.i.. Uail't raiullj I'm. wa Uie ImuV I'ortsrntcil. (ihe This Is the roitaurant where one always has to wail so long. lli, V011 know the mason, don't you? "No: why?" "fhnir prices are si high that they ran't afl -rd to serve suy dtsb, without first looking up the flnamjal rating ol Uie customer," No Yorker. For bronchial Iron Mm fry I'l.o'a Cnw for I'oii.iiiui iioii. It is a r'""l e"M.:h Incln mo. Al ilroitsfii, prlta rftna. A Pardonable Mistake. Rnlla I ratne near miing a pro poal last night. Ilella Vou did? H-dls Yes. Ho got do a on his knees and I thought bo was merely looking for a ping-p mg ball. llArpet'e llauar. FITS rfliir llf Rum SI. heit"-wt alur Ril !. ... I I" K: ,., tic lM.fl SMi,lfe I'll EI..J IM11 1.,.!U W. Pa. H 11 a, l . 1.U . i. u it., i' l.u tki.ll A Harrowing Jcal. The man at our laiarding tiiuiim l,n Ihe remain ot a oitro pronpuroua , kel comb, (rom which tha twth bad long since HihI. Inyo., "Why," SB sske.1 him, carry that thing around aith you that worthies old comb? And bo replied : "Welt, 1 can't part with It.' Haiti mora News. ' 'l.!M' iai 1 iia ' ' ; - If- ::;; " V-sr-7 L, .,,,r. : . carccly a Day. t ss I i mi A, ftsisur iUttU utt iv thn -ilr-- t r tnt W f ratiti-.f tv t ihI i fiLfcv "f , !h t t1 lif-, .,ai i-i l' 1 ' a- .iok.. aiut sM-.ifi 1I.--I I u,l. l ;j.i Sulela). Ifom 9 U. Uft t lr T ! Wi WISli BROS., i-iiit ii .tsii. onr-itiiN, A NEW ORGAN Delivered at any Kallrond Station A f or Iiont Lnndinir in Oregon )40 l ill Mil'Ji! "J uf TIL It," f tJLis f?AymJ e ; 1 1 1 , . r ItL iliIfl . fx ! Z' ttin "'l l"r Uv CUI-.M..I i ow uismifiw'liirsit. ml ... L, I ' 1 ' .'"I"'"'""!' If Kllera I'lltM.i II,,,,,,,. ,1,.0 (aiiey al- n .1 .T ., 1 ! . M"" v",ry '" -"" freiieh plata mirror. rWily nillftt.flfl, (III (if HAiiilMlt til Bliy fllHIIHltifi. ' 11 , at i,n oT!!? '' oryu,,i.'.lnitlt miiivrii',', :!r..;:T:,r;:r:!,;;.s;,:;;n:,,,;,iu,t'1 1,1 1 '"" - i.r pui'tt. n;t,io,o:il1l;'i;o'.!t;:r,;::r 1 u' "'' " ' Special Introductory Offer 'rai'v::.:: will ili'llvnr a ii.r!i.r, .,,,1 i,,n ... . . alum In 010 ,,lr ami inrlns, ami EILERS PIANO HOUSI: PortUind. Ure.t, Ua,lng ,nii Mo.l a I Waalllntrfnn HI.. I'urtland, Ilr, 608 Spr.Kii. Av,, hpukana, Wa.h. Ninth and J Hl Sacrsmanlo. JOHN IHK)LR. PORTLAND, ORB I ml oi MarrtMW Strut, ran firs ymi tlis iw.t barssln. In . anil fnsliiM. Wlii.lmlll.. I'm,, , tmli .? rsl Maeliln..rr, Vv,.,t Hawli,,' M, hu!i. specially, SVi i Iwli.ra l,u,"it, ' a,u" I MOHOfOlK MIAOHta f m Tlte tnosl ovtli'lmis rstmnil, tii them j( 1 loiiii your oioenr. I tier ' , 111 in, i,u. ty iter a haiiriwnne Mite lalvl.,i ,J if siiikiiiui... . WalUIAMM KKHlt Illli is J) m Miiiinil Utocttrs, I'ortUinl, ore. ' i l-t. .-.f M)f.f.., tn.f. 1 .,,! mmm mmm Tito SEED MAN ftolinl l fn li liwmil u 1.0. w tel 11,0 liroVH In ynti llisl ill CHW Rril tin, I.-. 1. SVriio tmUy tor Uioi s,.t rIMeS fel U trtHt oil rt'tllf4t I H,t I'xrilsixl uil l"f Murium, 11I I' ,ll '-tllOIMil,'. N.-mJ. Iidtw " 1 Hill Moot to l alltiel., ln.0 nil re.!l.l, IHlr s'. t-aiiu Aiii,Al lor l!M, In itllii.,. ,,,, i-lilnl I"" W rue twlay. ioii..l,liiy O. S Mann thm sccdman tB front 91., Pvrilimd, Of. Sour Stomacli tm I m lttslw4 I I -M . ' n I t tiH t.fs. .!;..( IbxM ttt ih tWk i Ht isa a (( . ii) t IHM4 ' ftcitsrsl t .. lis.t.iti tifm (M ! ttat t - t tttl ttMs Mr If ! 4 ) t -tli ris tv- t4ifili ttt t Hm9k " r-.l-l I'l'llsl . -."r, I T ! oir4 Is) Um, .1.1.1 .... i.i i,i , a a ... CURB CONSTIPATION, ... Ko-TO-BAC r;i:r;vu'ir;H.ui:?- r. a. v. Ma. rt. ISO. MtS wfiljt l rf i-ftllffl ptlftM tuioutlu litis 4Hsr ! . ,..1...... ts - lill,' U.i U?- fi'U ) t r V. f..- I 'lu ir' ti'. at .h fiit U Al HI t : - ' ' - j skw ''jrV 1 1.1,1 gitaianuod '.. isr ITS A 11 -,:fi . . 1: , I M A -4 li:.,ti ,ilnta 11,1 V. t 4. .,. I 1; 1 j1n:.l '' nm -f . V, theKina J V ' '1n Ln J sm f ftail Hi'f yl hi titol. 1 , 4 1 a.,1.1 1. I T S. I lo Ha Aaaaal ( i 1 yualis-kl r W ail m: ' aeio.itiMI, fJiV Birf4c., Tsk' ,Sv O.lfsil. Sia. f Oj oi.,-. s.rvy:TiVi-7sw ti ' Lj Siirrt-j srroi w rAttl XA ;C7l,033,r.OO CustoraenV i f 1 no ,.. ; I.. Hi. H( V ' ' tr i'Jf i . isii4 fanw f SI 0.00 for lOc.f 'A i.(l 1 I :' U ny f "c" f-at-.--f .j.rwsf i JRy - tivf with ti'f r ti t-4 MfiSs, JF J Jq-5-"' , hj!ilian i srit,, jFjW sk 1 hwi aiiiu, yty V .jlSkA. uj4i " Ll kT.SmT ' f&b CANOV lsntict . " . n,it. y. ainn l lili l ati.l a.liliiiitou i i' - i t-VTi HM,m.ll,, v,tM lltak-r. 6S.I Markrt HI., Kan I'