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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1900)
CL.OB1NQ THIS WAV, ill head ii applicable In 0110 respect hat I to follow, but ill itllcatlon uly temporary. During the recant sjuffiteatlons naitartlliiit Future Iui Iroemen of Honda Thlt head ii to what ia on visit of the numbers of the County Court to our city they Jointly Inspected the long bridge in tlio western portion of onr town. and decided upon Hi lin- ' modiste nd permanent repair, and In accordance willi the instruction of the board, Kosd Supervisor i'lank hna itartod the work of touring away the structure and intends to temporarily replace It by putting in a structure nearer the ground, aomothlng that will answer for uae thla winter. When . apring arrives and conditions bououie iiiuli lliat work can be proHHoutod with haste and to advantngti, a till across tint nwalo now apAiined by tlio bridge will be made and me course or we road l. .......ul 1., itiitru fttiftluptu .tlr.i,l (.in .!. Ig" " .. ........ .......ib.w,, bearing around the contour of the bluff to a do lit nuar where the "Canyon" bridge now standi, wliera thu present road will lie intercepts, It la laid that thl plan and mute will not onlv be far more practicable but will afford a much cheaper and more permanent thorough luro. urlglnally thia bridge waa a costly structure, but it jja called fur ihe outlay of but little cash or labor iu keeping it in repair, However. It tine outlived ita usefulness mid ia considerably decayed and not perfectly aafo for travel. It terved ita uuhmmm) well, but it la now believed that to diaporae with the bridge and abandon the preiient route from the south end of the structure will In future be more economical and ia now more nract cal. Hnlendld road material la to be had all along the propositi route fur the new road, the utilisation of which will not only afford (rood and permanent roadbed, but it will reduoe the coat of construc tion and maintenance almost to a mini' mum. One of the moat neceiwary things to be puriuexl in our road work ia to permanently locate, our roaua on a inor uughly practical basis, avoiding bridges M muoh aa poaalble, because their life ia short and coat and maintenance enor mous. The road located on aolid terra Srin, can in lime be worked up to a cares of absolute perfuctnuae and solid ity, if not by the ordinary methods then certainly by the employment of more modern means of tlrat acquiring the aolid foundation thence covering it with crushed rock and gravel until the roadbed becomes almost aolid cement, Thia degree ol perfection cannot be hoped to be accomplished in a year or two, but we eipect to remain here and continue the work of road building u a business ami in the hope of bringing up ' the standard of the quality of our thor oughfares. " We know by siperirnoe that slipshod methods of road building avail nothing. It's good money thrown after bad to continue in such work. The sooner the County starts out on a crusade of abandoning impracticable routes and establishing highways on natural locationa and with a view to making roads, of them roads that we ran hope to work up to become roads, then will wo have opened the way to bet ter thoroughfares throughout ourCounty. The anving of 12,500 more or lesi each year of Intercut paid on the public debt, can with abumhtnt profit, be applied tin bur road. This ia not an important factor when considered for but one year, but ita application on the roads year niter yar, aa can now certainly be the case since tht publio debt has been so reduced, means that the aggregate after number of yours must certainly be come of eontu public benefit in a notice able improvement in the public roads. We eanuot hope to attain to all this atate of perfection iu a ahort time, but with the roads properly located and each year properly worked, we may reasonably expect a decided improve r Mr, opene Week sVAKKKN ITEMS). V. Ifciker's new atom to Urn public tlie first ol was the RAIfiHUAD AGITATION. Another Hove for Road to Nehalem lluai and Timber. Tuesday's nregunliu. A project for a railroad from Portland to the Nehalem coal Held la taking shape. Those who are ou the Inside ol the negotiations decline to be quoted, nut it is evident that a careiui examina tion of the couutry has been made, and fiatallof the necessarU-s (or determining the matter has been gathered and ia available for use. It ia unloosed that influences favorable to the Great North ern are behind the preseut Nehalem project. It is expected that something definite regardiug the building of the line will be given out in a few duye. It ia expected to , bring the Nehalem coal and timber, us well as the agricultural Iiroducta of Tillamook County, to Port am! direct. ' Thia route uiakea the distance from Portland to Nehnlem bay lesa than 78 luilea. It contemplates going out a few miles on 0110 of two tracks already built on the Hoiithcru 1'aelflu to Hillsboro, or on the Northern Pacific to a point near Ilolbrook, at the mouth of Cor nelius 'Gap. The Hillsboro route, iu connection with the Southern Pacific, would leave only 68 miles of new track to build to reach Nehalem Buy; from the Northern Pacific near Llnnton the mileage of new road to build would be a little more than 78 mites. On neither route wonld the grade exceed 2 per cent. The grade of Fourth street, Portland, is about 4 per cent. The higheet elevation reached would be less than 1100 feet above the sea. The main line would go down -the Salmon llcrry branch of thu Nehalem to its Junction with the main river, and then down.- the river to Nehalem Bay, where it would command the shipments of coal and Himbef from the Lower Ne lialeiQ country.':-A branch- would leave the main line near the summit and , penetrate the heart of the Upper Nelia leut Valley. Nehalem Bay can be made safe port for coasting vessels at small pipeline. An extension of the railroad 12 miles down the coast from Nehalem Hay to Tillamook Bay would afford that rich region the trannportion facilities .essential to its development. Two reasons are given for favoring this route to the Nehalem country over the route via Astoria. One ia that the dis tance is little more than half as great, and the other Is that tho local buainoss along the proposed direct line would be large and pecullarlyvaluHble to Portland. From the mouth of the Nehrlvm to Port land via Astoria la 140 miles: via the proposed new line, 78 miles. The new line would tan ft large area of unsurpass ed timber, tiie manufacture of which would keep Portland mills busy for many years. The coal of the Lower Ne halem, concerning the quantity and auality of which there is snid to be no onbt, would be a bonanna for Portland at once. The coal of the Upper Nehalem is reported to be lesa valuable on account of the sulphur it bears. The valley of tho Nehalem la also rich In agricultural pos aibilitiea, and the whole coast country is unsurpassed for dairying. If It should he decided to build to the good start Mr. E. H. Lynch and son, Charles, were business visitors to Portland one ujr msv wees, Mr. LI UuHuiliMutn li.a k..tu MM' Uon to Mi house which greatly add to Mr. Dee Duncan and wife, of New- erg, aro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. tinury vuncan lor a lew days, Mr. and Mrs. TWul. ..,.1 children, late arrivals from Kausai, are "" iiui;eu on me iiegeie (arm. Mr. Lldway Wilson bus bought a few acres of land of Phillip Neer, and has erected quite a neat little house for iiiinseii, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins were Portland visitors last week, also Mr. and Mrs.'N. h . Baker, who were purchasing supplies for their store. Mr. J. W. Tlnkham Is having his res dimce covered over with rustic, besides having an addition built. He ii also having It ceiled. Mr. and Mn. Edward Lambcrson snd (lordon Mullins, of fcVsppoose, and Will Blavons, of Kalnier, attended the en tertainment given at the ichoolhouse last Friday evening. Mr. Charles Clarke and family are moving over from the Noon place on the Hlough to the main land and will occupy the house ol Mr. K. O. Haxen. All the stock has already been transferred to this side. t Mr. B. O. llaaen and William Cooper have purchased 100 acree of land from Mr. E. Cox, Mr. Cooper bavlng fourteen acres of it. He ia having lumber hauled with which be will soon erect dwell ing bouse. The entertainment slven hv the lHln of the Evangelical church fast Friday evening was a decided success. Not withstanding the Inclemency of the weather, quite a a large crowd eons-re galed at the ichoolhouse to listen to the nroKaamme, which waa well rendered. Kach part waa well carried out for the hurt time in which they bad to nractice. After the program refreshments were served in the ball above, after which gamee were Indulged in fora short time, wnen an aepanea lor weir noraes. BCAPPOOHK NEWI ITEMS. Kev. Fairchllde will hold services at the Methodist church on Bunday, Nov ember 2Sth. , Jim Grant, who has been anendlna a few days at North Yakima, returned nome on r nuay last. Mr, J. Adams has rented the Thomas place and extiecta to remove his family mere some nine in is weea. Johnson A Burgdorffbr Bros, shipped a car ot lumber consigned to H. II. Clark, at Warren, last week. Watts A Price have the lumber noon the ground for their windmill, which is to be erected in the near future. J. P. West has received a carload ol tiling, which Is to be used in draining a piece 01 land lie nas recently had cleared. II. J. Kaliaky. reoresentinir M. fiellar company, 01 rortiaua, was doing Dua- ineai witn Merchant race on Monday last. and other eamea were nartfclnntad in and at 11 o'clock the tcuesta partook o! delicious refreshments, after which music and songs were indulged in until a laie nour. Edward Elliott, a master mechanic and bridge builder of Portland, haa twelve men at work this week on the brldgee and trestle of the It. N. k P railroad. Tho company have the piles all driven out ai far ai the N. P. track, alHo the piles nil driven for the side track on the west aide of the N. I1 track. It will take them about two weeki to drive the piling for the trestle ana rouway on the east side ol the H. P, track and then they will begin to lay the iron down, which will not take long as uiey uave me ties distributed out along their road now. Alter a Ilngeringr Illness of many months, Mrs, Veva M. Bonier, the be loved wife of John Bonier, died at her borne near here on Bunday lost from consumption. Last August Mrs. Bomnr went to eastern uregon in search 01 health and while there so fully recov ered that all danger was supposed to have been past, but -after she had re turned home it wai only a short time until she waa under the doctor'! care and remained io nntil hor death. The remains were buried at the Fairview cemetery on Tuesday last, where a large crowd of sorrowing friendi repaired to ay their list respect! to the dead, tev. Jones oreached the funeral ser vices and the Brave waa covered with many beautiful flowers. Mn. Bonser wai born in Portland in 1873. Bhe wai a graduate of the Portland High School, and also taught for a number of yean before her marriage to Mr. Bonier in 1808., :;: : :. - 5 j:,.; V;; A number of frlenda of George Fox's thought that they would play a Joke on him whereby be would have to band out the cigara with a liberal hand, George ii iu the habit ot cutting quite an armful of kindlings to start his tire with these cold mornings, ao hia friendi thought it would be a tine idea to take his kindlinirs, which they did. and a few iticki which were not kindlinirs. The boys repaired to a place not a thousand miles from the stove and built up a roaring lire. A. quiet little game of Casino 1 1)' wai in full blast when George made his appearance and who quickly became dead next. George soon took his departure and in doing 10 heard one of hia friendi aik if they thought he caught on. George itnole a mule a yard long aa lie went home thinking bow sweet revenge is. In the -morning one of his friendi made his appearance at the stove bright and early. Here was George's chance. Calling his friend by name, George asked him how he made out the night before. When told that he had been a winner, George with an eye to businoss, made a note ot it in hia day book, and likewise did the same with the rest ot the jokera. When each of the boyi were presented with a bill for wood they realised that George had the better of them, and with a hearty laugh all around the boyi promptly paid their 'score, (Joorge now tocki Ins luaruing'i wood in the itore. , 'T . KEUBKN. - ' The tint mow of the season fell here Monday evening. - ' Attorney R. P. Graham, of Portland, wai in town Thursday. , Mrs. W, E, Elliott visited friends in Portland Wednesday morning. Missel Kittle and Minnie Lindsay went to Portland Wednesday morning. W. E. Clark was a passenger on the Kellogg Monday morning for up river points. Edith Clark, of Nowberg, Or., visited her brother, T. H. Clark, Saturday and Sunday. D. J. A. Bay, of Pittsburg, ihipped two cows to Portland Wednesday on the Kellogg. Fred Koble and wife were passengers for Portland 011 the Kellogg Wednesday morning. J Mn. locate here tor the winter . W. Mason and wife, of Bloomfield. ,., arrived in town Jriday and will Hon. J. The butcher shop has reopened. Jack Cooper is spending s few days in (own. - Attorney W. H. Oonyers was up from Remember the dance at this place Mrs. , David Henshaw, of Houlton, visiieu roruana Tuesday. Mr. John Gllmore visited hii family In )rnn flltu 1.... S.l.. ' a, w. uvn Kttvj aa OUUUK, Fine, growing pigi for sale cheap, by i, a, vnver, xanacon, uregon. Dr. Cawood. dentist, can b found each Wednesday at the residence of B, wx. Johnnie Dart, who inent the summer at uape noine, arrived bock on Wed nelday. ... .-! Morirui carrie a eomnlnte Una of shoes and boots. He bas the irenuine uunr- inoe. . . Any lumber on theyard at Btanwood'i mill S per thousand; ipecial order to per tuousana. Attorney W. H. Powell received on the 17th a notorial commission from Governor Goer. EdJBtanwood renorts that his mill ia in oerauon in Ita new location on Ted, fordfCreek, near Yankton. Bev. Mr. Pbilbrook will nreach at Bacueiorx lac ana et. ueiena next Bun' day at the usual hours. Miss A. O'Neill, of New York, waa visiting in tnis city a lew dayi last week me guest 01 mn. m, j. tun. The County Clerk issued a marriage license on Tuesday to John G. Lindberg sou jaisa Amanae n. reteraon. For bargains in general merchandise call on Bailey A Brinn, Houlton. Call ana examine goodi and prices. The mow and consequent cold weather the first of the week wai the earlieit on record here for several years, Geonre Con yen was ia town a few hours Wednesday on hia way to Port- iana, wnere ne went to attend to Dim ness matters. Services will be held at tbe Episcopal enurcn nere on Wednesday evening. novemDerzsm, conducted Dy itev. Geo. B, Van Wat ten. Ore Powell, of Pittaburg, wai in town a day or two this week en route to Mon mouth to enter the Normal School, which institution be attended but year. The Orienttl hotel baa reopened to the publiujagain under the management ol Mr. Jbugene tsiakeslev, who will at tentively eater to tbe public's wishes in that line. Clarence Garrison and N. F. Baker will conduct a shooting match at Houl ton, ou Wednesday. November 28th. Turkeys, geese and chickena will be hot lor, everybody invited. The Oriental hotel in this city is airain open to the public. The building bas been repapered, repainted and thor oughly renovated, and ia in competent handa to give the publio a good service. The ladiea oi the Eniacooal church of this city have decided to bold their an nual baaaar on Thursday and Friday evenings. December 13th and 14th, to wmcn tne public is most cordially invited. . , a n tr.. ,1,1. t i. uA K7. V. .Will, Ulhjf V...J agent in this County for the incandes cent gasoline lamp, the greatest conven ience and pleasure in the line of artifi cial light ever invented. See him for particulars. The social given at the Congregational church here last Saturday evening by the young people wai locially and finan cially very much of a success. It was desired to raise funds with which to purchase a stove for the annex of the church building, and the effort was successful. Mr. Herman, who one time waa editor and manager of the Balnier Beview, arrived in Raiuier Tuesday evening with a newip'aper plant to again enter the newspaper field in thia County. Mr. L,. W. VanDyke, of Vernonia, was in Rain tor Tnnmlav and Wednesday looking over the field with a view to establish ing a paper there in conjunction with tbe News, of thii place, but it ii under stood the project ii abandoned, since Mr. Herman ia on the ground with his plant ready to do business. Judge Doan and Assessor White rep resented Columbia County at the Assessor's Convention held in Portland this week. Theae meetings are held for the purpose or in the hope of each Assessor in the State agreeing to some uniform method of making the annual assessment, made necessary, yory nec essary, by reason of there being no State Equalisation Board, but little suc cess haa so far seemed to follow their efforts. . Each Assessor in the State aeemi to do Just ai he pleases in the matter, anyway, out mere may oe some good come out of this last smeeting. Assessor White waa made a member of the committee on assearaent of real property. If every Assessor in the MmtA would do his dutv aa conscien- ciously aa Mr. White does there would be less need tor an attempt to arrive at uniformity. Inducement for tho Boja. John Dollar, located on the corner of Flrt, end Yamhill streets. Portland, has a display of twenty-five different styles and grodea of Boys' luita, which are offered as a special inducement from 60 centa to 11.60 less than any other itore in the city. .John Dollar knows that the ixyi are bard on shoes; that's why he carrios none but (rood, solid ones, and sells them from 2.0 cents to 60 centa less than any other store in the city. A big variety ol hoys' caps, regular 26 and 60 cent values, are offeredfor 16c, 26c and 3'm:. A large aisortiiieiit of boys' waiiti at 25c and 40c. regular 60c and 76o value. The latent style of sweaters, 60c, 76c, f 1 and $1.60. The boyi can be very neatly dressed for a very little sum of money by nuying oi jonn ueiiar, corner tint and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Departmont of ths Interior. Lanu Offics at Oksoon ;ity, Os , Oetobor 30. iORO. NOTICE 18 HKKRBY GIVEN THAT THE Inllowlni-named nettler haa Sled uodce of hl Intaiillea U nialie final orou Id lurnortof his claim, and that saiil proof wilt be niade b. fore the EeKlnler and Koceivcr. at Oregon City OrsKOO, on UKinber 8, 1W0, via: DANIEL D. TOMPKINS, Hometa4 entry Mo. 12.VM. for tha northwwt W of aeollon IS, townohlp i north, rang t weak He names tbe followlnff wltDaea to prove hfa continuous renldanca opod and cultivation of said land, via: John F. Miller, ot Orama City, Oregon, Albert L. Millar of Warren, Ore gon, bvron ft. Mlehoit, of Portland, Oregon, and Jacob H. Tompkins, of Warren, Oreiom. ihas. u. MUUKua, Kagisiar, oMulu COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Cookty Taantjaaa's Optics, St. Hsxsni. Ol. Norember !. 1900. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVBN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrants ol Columbia County, Oregon, which have bean preauld and endoratxv "Not Paid for Want of funds," prior to Hareh 20th, lm, will ba paid uioo pre- sentatloa at this ofhea. InUret will not be allowed after tills data. EIWIN KOee. o!7nll Treasurer ot Columbia County, Oregon. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I SOTICE W HKBKHY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned baa bean, bjr the Hon. County ae t" CiAuuiUa Couuty. State ol Ottn, smointed administrator of tna estate of Maria west, deceased. Any and ail perrons' having aiai ins aa;a ust said estate are nereby required ttt present tbe same to ma at my residence at Mcappoose, Oregon, within six numtlis from the dale noreof. bated November Vth, v."i. I1AKUY WKftT, - Administrator of the estate of Maria West, de Oeaaed. ' NOTICE REPUBLICATION. r Department of tbe Interior, " lyAHl U'flt'S AT OftSdOM lilTY, Oft.. Oefnbffr Wh, MOO; NOTIOK 18 BtKHEBY OIVKN THAT THE foliowlng-nained Millar hrw fllwl notltw ul hi Intention to make fhial proof in nupportof hiieliin, ni1 (hat ui prowl will h ma4t hB fore tite Kel titer mi ftucelver Rt Oregon City, Ortgou, on lMKmbvr iili, rU; SAMUEL J. RAFFKTV. HomeiteAd cntrv No. 11,. -iM, for the wt') ot the norihwKLiind wmtheMt XA of north went XA, nd witithweft of norrheuH of cttoti 20, township 8 north, rmiffe 8 wont. He name tbe followlu witnesrted to prove hU (Mjutlnuous reiJeiice upon and eiiUlvtlon of a((J Und.vis: Thon. O. ochftrii, of Bavlo uk, Oregon, Jmv tb fetch iicht, Hatuuel Bipp end Wm. Mregg, of iflutintain Inle, Oregon. O-MoW CU.A4. a. NOOKKij, KeKfeter, SUMMONS. In tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for me uoumy oi uoiumoia. J. S. GiUner, Plaintiff, ' . vi. J ' ' Mn. M. E. Brraat and C. P. Bryant, Defend ant. , . To Mr. M, E. Bryant and C. F. Birans, tne above-named dbfendanta. IN THK WAMK OF THE WTATS OF OKKOON: Yoa are hereby reoufred to apuear and ans wer the oomplai nt filed auainut you in the above entitled action on or before the lt day of De cember, A. D. 1WK), aald day being the expiration of lix week from the ISth day of October, A. I. IdOO. tbe date ordered by the Court for the first publication of thia notice, and If yon fail to ao appear and answer the plaintiff wul take Indg mont afraioat you for the aum of two hundred dollars and Interest thereon from the 26th day of fair, lttif, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and the further shui of flftv dollars attorney fee. and the ooste and disbursement of thia action Thla lummotu Is publiihed by order of the Hor. T. A. McHride, judxeof the above-entitled Court. made and entered on the 17th day of October, A. 1). 1100. OILTNKR A BE WALL. olna) Attorneys for Plaintiff. Timber Land, Aut June 8, 178. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U hi Tin Statm Lai Orwtcr., Oaaaon City, Oregon, Octobr 22. 1900. NOTIC E IH HEKEBY OiVKN THAT IN COM pllance with tbe provtaloua of the act ol Congreiuof June S. 1H78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In tbe Htates of Call torn I a, Oregon, .Nevada, and Waahiitgton Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by mat of Auguat 4, Walter W. Webnter, if Buxton, Cob my of Watbinfrtnf State of Oregon, has ilila day filed In this otltee his awora aiate ment No. for the purchase of the southeast lAot section 25 , In townnlilp No, 4 north, range nv m wcivi uu wiia unci (iiuvi w suuw aii viav land a ought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish hia claim to said lAnd before tbe Hegia ter and Receiver of this office at Oregon t'lty. Or egou, on Tuesday, the 8th day of January, l!HJl. He names as wltnesMes: Kobert T. blmpaon, Al bert F. Webater. William B. Leualgnont, Robert Keha. all of Buxton, Washington County, Ore- Sob. Any person claiming advei-Hely tbe above eecribed lauda are requested to file their claims In this office on or before aatd 8th day of Janu ary, 1001. CHA6. B. MOOKKg. Regisler. Reopened to the Public Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKE6LET, : Proprietor. ST. HELENS. Board by Day, Week cr f'enth ' At Biamiiabu Fiants. Visitors met at iteamer landing! and guesti baggage looked alter. THE OLD STAND ST. HELENS, t t OEEGON. E9TABU8HED l7i ..100 JOHN A. BECK PEAUR IK Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ....JEWELRY.... Eepairing a Specialty. n Morrison M. Bet. Front it First, PORTLAND. Steamer G. W. SHAVER. LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION. To ths FonorsbU Countf Court of Columbia Count., Oregon: W, tha uudarstrned Ifl roters, residing In Ooble precinct, Columbia County. Oreaon.would respectfully petition your honorable body st U. nest regular session, wnieb will be held on the 9th day of January, 1901. in the Court House, tu the City oi St. Helens, Columbia County, State of Oregon, that a license be granted to O. K. Hunter to sell spirituous, vinous and malt liquors In quantities less than one gallon, In Qoble precinct, in said County and State, and thai M id license be granted for a period of one year, for all of which your petitioners will erer pray: W E Hunter, Edgar Enyart, Tho Paw son, O C Jaqulsh, F Bruiuan. W A Blood, i Bur bee, O W Foster. Win Beudick, 1 Kennedy, John Oillem, F W Maklnster, O C Fowler, Vic tor Furer, II Blake, J Chester, A Neer, K Ur Ingaton, ) at Fowler, R M Fowler, L Bradley, M Bradley, Frank Welter, H Ward, Christopher Msginn, Joseph Lawrence, C P Anderson, Wal ter liunter. Bolt Havard, John Munsoii, H Sten man. James Moriarty, K L Pierce, C W Miller, C Bo.en, B W Fowler, J O'spalu, 8 B Butts, Joe Ichmidtmeln, B Wsvyler, Jay Archibald, John Fair, Ross Enyart, Peter Hoesay, Thoa Say, M Link, P H Filer, B V Butts, C C Fowler, George Foster Jr. O V Melville, William Thomas, N Ballson, D J Fulton, A Link, C Kratzke, OW Pltsenberrer, i C Monroe, Jae Unsslamnd, I M rlpenoer, Frank Clearer. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To tha Honorable County Comrt of Columbia County, Oregon: We, the undersigned legal voters residing In Oobte Precinct. Columbia County, Stale of Oi ron, able Bod re- would respectfully petition your Honor Body at iu adjourned term, which will be u.iu uu ui. ,vu uj va tj ii f , 'tj i , iu uiv Court House in the city of St. Helens, Columbia County, State of Oregon, that a license be granted to John Burhee to sell spirituous, vin ous and malt liquors In quantities less than one gallon, in uooie rrecinci, in sata county ana State, and that said -license be granted fora period of one year, for all of which we will ever jray: J Chester, K L Pierce, I C Crow, I II Rothwell, Our Smith, O S Foster, G C Ja qulsh, O E Hunter, Wm B Bnrdick, Wslter Hunter, I M Spencer, John Oillem, J Camp bell,! Link, Jar P Archibald, Bolt Havard. Win Connor, B W Fowler. I m Fowler, i M Undsay, Jss Kennedy, Jake Miner, Wm Fur long, George Yates, Geo N White. Walter Un derwood, Bill M culls, C. Horen, Charles Link, Allen M Pottle, Geo Gale, i Despain, V Wscho wlak, C H Gore, W Miller, H W Jurks, Carl Gus tafson, Jas McNaughton, H A McConnick, A 8 Porter, R Champion, H gtennick, T Wasser, Emile Wasser, Avery Miller. George Clark, J Wallace, John Shea, Pat ClafTy, John Whitney, 0 B Melville, O J Melville, G o Fowler, Peter Horen. Alex Ntohols, Victor Furer, W E Hun ter, H Blake, W A Blood, D 1 Fulton. Leaves Portland, foot of Washington street. for Clatakanie and way landings, on Monday and Thursday at 6:80 a. m. Leaves Clstskanie Tuesday and Friday at 4 o'clock am. Shaver Ti asportation Co. Stealer JOSEPH KELLOGG ' Leaves Portland on Tassday, Thursday and Bat- urday at 7 a. m. lot St. Hthnt, Kalama, Cairelft fVaf, Maiaier M Kiln, Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 2 p. ul. Wharf foot of Salmon St H. HOLMAH. Agent. No resort in the city of St. Hel en! ii near aa popular aa the PAHQUET. Only the very best brands of im ported and domestic fine winea, liquors and cigara kept in stock. GYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY WEINHARD'S BEER. Fool and card tables for the en tertainment of patrons. To remove a troublesome corn or ban- Ion : First soak the corn or bunion in warm water . to soften it, then pare it down as close a e possible with out drawing blood and apply Chamber-1 k jj i. d-: ii, . i... ,i..if. .,.M,;,,,i F' viKorously for five minutes at eacnjVfl application. A corn plaster should jkjj 8 eieeme whithey, rnp. MW0lsW SUMJMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia Coanty. John Fair, Plaintiff, , re, Libble Farr, Defendant. To Libble Farr, the above-named Defendant: IN THK NAME OF TH K 8TATB OFOBEGON: You are herebr reoulred to annear and an swer the complaint filed against you, on the 25th day of October, A. D. 1900, In the above-entitled It In the above-named Court, on or before the 21st day of December, A. D. 1900, which is the time prescribed In the order of publication of this summons for you to so appear and answer, and if you fall to so appear and answer said complaint within said time, the plaintlffwlll apply to ths Court for the relief demanded in the complaint aforesaid; to-wit: For the disso lution of tha bonds of matrimony, now and heretofore existing betweeu you ana tlie above named plaintiffupon thegroundeof thedesertion forinore than one year Immediately preceding the cornmeuuemeut of this suit, by you from plaintiff. This summons Is published in the Oekoom Mist, pursuant to an order made by the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of the County Court of said Col umbia County, Oregon, dated the 8th day of November A. I). WW, in the absence from said County of the Judge of said Circuit Court. The date of the first pablicatlon of this summons is November sth. A. D. 1900, and tbe last publica tion Is or will be December Hth, A. D., 1900. . ... 8. H. GR0BKK, ' Attorney for Plaintiff. . SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Court oi the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia. The First National Bank of Portland, Plaintiff, vs. . Daniel Holton, Defendant. To Daniel Holton, Defendant above-named: IN THK KAMK OF THK 6TATK OF OKKUON, yon are hereby required to appear and ans wer to the complaint filed herein against you in the above-entitled Court and cause, ou or be fore the 2tth day of November, 1800, that being the date Axed In the order of publication of summons tor your appearance or answer, and if you fall so to appear or answer to the complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief prayed for In his complaint, which is: 1, That tlie plaintiff have Judgment against said defendant. Daniel Holton. for the sum of .e85.90, with interest thereon at tbe rate of tea per cent per annum rrom. we isi aay oi rtovem ber, 102, and the further sum of fSOO attorney's fee; for the further sum of H8.18 paid by plaint iff on aeneuot of taxes and In redemption fmin tax sales upon the real property, hereinafter described, and for It costs and dlsbnrsemeuts In this suit. X, For a decree foreclosing i by you executed to Henry Fl a certain raortgag lecaenstein aua e t .. m taaM rl u a lt nmtui It. f l",U ,1 the shoe. As general liniment for PC sprains, bruises, lameness and rheum- jkJ tiaiiil . sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. syrnrvni sys jut atWTgrMTSLsl jsst JurTsjarM toirVAAsVAAsViftAA roll PORTLAND, MAILT. B1 flrstve xslorra Mice Rlanlev and Livinzstone, found ; It hanlor to overcome malaria, leveranu ague, and typhoid disease germi Uian II. Mmitietb, a capitalist of , - J tht Electru Bitten ii a wonder- H NAhninm fi'Ain 1 1 lllfifinrn. A . . . . . . . . i i would be found In 10 miles oi oui grauc a ,U,tHrnan oi iw i that was completed about eight years ; ,wn Tliursday looking over the ay of ioi.ra.Ufi.nm Pnrt itnrl Wrillltl , ., l in . unit' not lor Hteir ir..l. Muni.. J. 1). VYlOKPrrMlBIIl, Ul c w...!,.,.lM..n iiikI Hon. John A. Harris, i,....hirniai of Uedwood, Cal.. were in ngot but th bo Heavy, while the grade via uorneuus , tn,y jniminoa ine wnwi.. uap, on tne iNortlieni ruoiiio wimiu -v"! -mj Mrs Antone Wise enter- eiti eed 2 per Cent. The new enterpriser is ; f , , friPm)g at their I desUtned aa a short nut from Hon Ud to Rmm, Thursday even- I Nehnlem Uay, with a 12 -mile branch a' yew m.'iisiit game of whist from the IhUoV point to TillmiKioh "y- j fui cure for all malarial diseases. If roti have chilli with fever, aches in back of neck and head and tired, worn-ont feeling, a trial will convince you of their merit W. A. Null, of Webb, 111., writei : . "My children suffered for more than a year with chills snd fever; then two bottles of Electric Bitten cured them." Trv them. Guaranteed. Sold at the St. Helens rkarmacy. H H H -UtTEAMeU "America" H Willamett Slongli Route Leave St. Helens. ... 6:80 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland 8:30 PM Arrive at 8t. Helena. 8:00 PM rABB SB CENT. . Will Carry Nothing but Passen gers and Fast Freight, J A. HEM 60OD, nsntar. k rr rfk rf A Wa... H M H Julius Mayer, partners by tho Ann name of Fleukensteln oi Mayer, recorded In the records of mortgages of Columbia County. Oregon, No- I vember 8rd, 18sr2, at page 438 of book "G' which said mortgage has heretofore been, on tne ram day of December, lta. sold, assigned and de livered to the First National Bank of Portland, plaintiff herein, by said Henry Fleckensteln and 8. Julius Mayer, partners as aforesaid, said mortgage being upon the hereinafter-described real property. 8. For a decree adjudging the moneys das plsinttS and for which Judgrueut Is herein prayed to be a Hen upon nil the fallowing-described rest proper! y, to- wit: The north halt of the north half of section twenty-seven (27), and section twenty eight (28), In township four (4) north, range two (3), west of the Willamette meridian, containing two hundred sores, more or less, lying and situate In ths County of Co lumbia, state of Oregon. 4. For a decree foreclosing the right, title and Interest which the defendant to tills suit has in or to the real property hereto before-described, and directing the sale of said real property, the prooeeds thereof to be applied in payment of the amount due and which may be adjudged to plaintiff In this suit; and that plaintiff have Judgment and execution against said defendant, oanlel Holton, for any derlolenoy that may re main after applying all the proceeds of said sale of reM property applicable to the satisfaction of said judgment, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. - This summons Is served upon you by publica tion by order made by the above-entitled Court, tn-wlt: the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, on the 10th day ot October, lwO, which directs th publication thereof In Ths Oksoon Mist, a newppsper of general circulation, printed and published at ot. Helens, ureson, once earn wiwa 101 -i iw cesslve weeks, the first publication of this sum moos being in ths issue of said paper of the 12th of October, 1900, and the last publication thereof belli In the Issue of said newspaper of the 23rd of November, WOO. DOLPH.MALLORY, SIMON AGSARIN, Attorneys tor Plaintiff. St. Helens Pharmacy s DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. Drugs, Chemicals AND ....PATENT MEDICiKES.... Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books,School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc .... Prescription! carefully and accurately compounded at any hour of the aay or nigr.i. uruers dv malt lor medicine will n I receive prompt attention. PAINTS, OILS, laaw CLEVELAND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. 5 T- COTTAGE COLORS. ..St. Helens Pharmacy.. ST. HELENS, ; - - OREGON DEjTISTRV. ' . EEGI8TEEED DESTlST Long experienced All kinds of fine dent al work done in s neat,.darable manner by latest op-to-date methods. Only tbe very best of materials used, and this combined with skill and ex perience gives yoa tbe very best results. Your teeth are examined free and conscientious verdict given, thus you know the exact condition ol your teeth and tzactly what it will coHt'yon to have yonr work done, ami you can rely on getting what is agreed upon. You need have no fesr of Laving sound teeth crowned or filled just to get your money. Extracting and filling done painlessly, by a simple method. lift tllV-a ILUi "PAINLESS EXTRACTING Gold Crows, 15.00; White Crowns, $5.00; Bridge Work, $5.00; Gold Fill ings, $1.00 up; Amalgam Fillinga, 75 cents up; Cement Fillings, 50 e. ' COLO. CELLULOID H0 &LLUMINUM PLATES. Teeth extracted free (painlessly) when teeth are made. Warm, pleas ant rooms. Lady attendant. Appointments made by mail. :" ; ' , HE." TMOMBON, Boomi 50 and 61, Washington Building, Southeast Corner 4th and Wash ington Streets, Sth Floor, Portland. Take elevator. Quality and Variety yvwvwVI Are two very important features to take into consideration when one goes to procure articiea tor everyday oae ana consumption, xo onr host of patrons we are pleased to say we have QUALITY, YABIETY AMD QUANTITY. Oar large and select stock affords the intending par chaser splendid opportunity to get the best ' - bargains offered in thu vicinity. : GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cat tier j , . blankets, ou clothing, feed, nour, garaen seeas, orcnara grass, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc etc , COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Seasonable Goods At onr itore means that we keep constantly for sale a variety and quality of merchandise which at all times is suitable to the demand of all well-living people. We cater to all classes LOGGER, FARM," UERCHAHT. General Merchandising Is our especial business, and we have held tbe fort by offering a high quality of goods at low ' quality prices. We handle Household Necessitie Supplies for everybody and to meet all demands. We Invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and quality. Now ia the time to call on . POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. .JOHNSON & DURCDO.tFCil CHCS. 0 Manufacturers of and Dealers In o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dresssd Lumber... Flerlsa;... Bsistle ...Ceiling; ...Dlnseuale Lumber... : " GOOD B0AO TO THE MUX. J Mill oa Houth fork of VnTmosc t'revk.four W utiles frm Sf MiMKtse slHtif,u. Lilmlier delivered se Sviis ptKie stitUon or Jolntsu"Blantiiiit( nt Xl.tKf per M, extrih. At Warren station, .1.30. . 8OAPPOO8K, - - . OREGON n