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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1900)
OREGON MIST Entered at the Poetnfriea at fit.' Helens, Drigou, as iwond-clsst mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. IsSUKD E.VKKY FafDAT MoKNIM BY DAViD DAVIS, Editob ahu PaoMucfo. eCBSCRXFTION I'RICB: Ont copy one fear, in advance. ... .$1.00 fiii month... 60 COUNTY OFFICERS. RepreiientaMv . , Jntuce... .... Clr r... Hlirrlir Trwaaurur Supi. of Schools. jtuvHur.. Rurveyor. ........ CtH-twer...... .... CommieeloDera ' .Norma Merrill, Clataksnte ....Joaeph. h. IKmu, Katnt.r ). tl. w.u, sl Helena ...... B. 8. Htittau, 81. Holm. K. Hum. St. Heleue H. CotkcLnd, HoiiHou ....Mulln Wh-i. St. n,-lem .A. B tittle, ifoullou ,.,I)r. U. R. Clifl-. St. Hln P. A. riu, S nwij W. D. Ctw, Htuburg they have grown weary of the agitator. That totnetliimjr definite and reassuring will come ol tint late talk ie devoutly to be hoped and the assistance ot the pun pie may be expected when it it demon el rated that it'f business, not wind. But there doei teem to radiate from Uiii weent outbreak omethiug tangible. There teems to be about it an air of business which baa not characterised uaet utidxrUkintra in that line, and from it we hope the hope of the hopeful. We apsure these people of the hearty co operation of the entire populace of our comity proviaea tuey mean Dtisiness, but to the dillv-dallier there certainly ii itttie to nope lor in mat line. NOVEMBER 23, 1900. MR. HCMWiirS ASPIRATIO0S. Thi announcement that United Statea Land Commissioner Binger Hermann is aboot to resign hia billet to become a candidate for election to the United Statea Senate to succeed Senator Mo- Bride ia not received by the people aa an act of a genuinely shrewd politician. Mr. Hermann has a lucrative position, one of honor and influence aa well aa of great importance, and we believe him to be a man poaaeeaed of greater fore Bight and ability than to give np the bird in hia band with the hope of cap turing tiie one in the buat. Mr. Mc Bride'a chaocea for re-election are too good to warrant any man surrendering good billet to enter a race where he stands but little chance to win. No doubt Mr. Hermann baa many friends who would be delighted to have him elected to the United States Senate, and no doubt he is eminently qualified to ably represent the btate in that capac ity, but it seems to ns that his chances for winning each a prize are not ample to warrant the step which it is said he proposes to undertake. Of course, Mr. Hermann atrenuously denies that he has intimated to l'resident McKinley his intention of resigning his office, but that, of course, is the expected state ment of a man well up in the methods taught in the political school. Senator McBride ia the logical candidate for the place, and whoever enters the race against him does so with a fight of more than ordinary proportions on his hands. Sift THI tOT 4 CHAHCC. Wnrrtica farm life ia agreeable or not to a boy depends to a very great extent on the relation between him and the other members of the family. If the son and futher enjoy each other's com panv, they will have enure confluence in each other, and the boy will most likely grow up with a good, broad view oi lite, drawn from the greater expert' ence of his father. This ia largely the case with the relation between brother and sister, but it is not so important. At a people, we Americans are not in the U.'a-t danger of being too polite, and the earlier we betrin the belter for us. But when the father and son do not nndei-ktaud and indeed know each other's opinions and pleasures, then ia when we may expect sorrow sooner or later. in iruiu, it is surprising now vert' lew larmera take auy interest in their tons interests and treasures, ex ccptto discourage them, and how very few ever take the time to teach them to work easily and well. Some boys are interested in plants, others in birds and insects, ami it they are encouraged lust a very little, the pleasure they derive from these little things will make their whole life briuht. not to mention the training in neatness and accuracy they get by so doing, mere are too many things done on the farm just to keep the lys trom getting spoiled, justaa tnougn they were colts. They dare not watch the plumber or machinist for fear they might get lacy, wneu they would oe only too glad to make np all tho time lost. .Notice, if you please, the way the farmer boys make room for themselves in the cities, and how they are appre ciated by men of influence. These men quickly recognise the kind of stuff the boys are made of. Can anyone tell why these same hoys are never appreciated in the couutryr SMALLER LAUD HOLDINGS. W publish this week a brief extract from the McMinnville Transcript touch ing upon the importance of small farms. This certainly is a subject that will bear great deal of discussion and candid thought. The large land holding in a County like Colombia is s menace to progress individually and publicly, and the sooner our people become convinced of this important fact the better it will be for the County generally. To this there are exceptions, as matter of fact, but, ordinarily speaking, fonr per sons had better own and properly culti vate a quarter section man lor one man to own it and slightly improve it, as is too often the case here. By this we are not disposed to say that an individual should not be permitted to acquire title to more than forty acres. Quite to the contrary; but after acquiring title to such an amount of land let him en deavor to dispone of part of hit holdings to some individual who will improve it, thus adding value to the land, popula tion to the County, increase the amount and value of assessable property and add to the County's ability to produce more of what is consumed ' by the peo ple of our own State. No one will 4 question the statement tbat we wonld be eminently better off if we produced the pork, butter, eggs, sheep, etc., that we consume instead of importing those staples from other sections. One man has about reached the limit to do when he has prepared for thorough cultiva tion fifty acres of land in a country heavily timbered as ours Is. We would not be understood as suggesting that the first and natural crop of onr land is to be destroyed wantonly. This is not necessary, for ordinarily it can be read ilv marketed for a figure amply eutli- - cent to clear and put in a condition of prime cultivation the land upon which it has grown. Of course this rule does not hold good in all caoe. but ordinarily it does, and the sooner we can make two blades of grass grow where but one grew before, the better off will the County be in sense of self sustenance, physically, financially, morally and socially. Almost every train to this city brings people from other States in quest of homes with as.. But as general thing tney are not people ot great weattn, having only limited means that would enable them to buy and pay for small homes. But these are not to be found. The large farms remain with us and thus many men who would make excel' lent citizens are prevented from settling here and assisting in developing and building np the country. What men have acquired belongs to them and they are free to -do with it as they choose ; but would it not be one of" the best things that could happen for this coun try if the large farms were cut np into small tracts T McMinnville Transcript. It is a good theory to practice one of Caeaar'a rules of life. That is always to be in advance of bis enemies, so ss to meet them in battle when they least expect it. Thi was the secret of his success. He led his age by always being in auvauce ui if. exercise your juug ment, rely upon your own convictions, keep a tolerably clear head, and don't be afraid. Nearly every business man likes to deal with men of courage. They win give sncn men better terms, thev will grant them larger credit, and they take fewer chances in doing so. SCALP BOUNTY LAW. RAILROADS HEW AND OLD. W publish this week an article taken from Tuesday's Oregoniaa relative to the proposed building of a railroad from Portland to Nehalem Bay via the Upper " Nehalem country. All that is said in the article is fSrst-clafS logic, but that nature of pretty flowers does uot pro duce railroads. We sincerely hope, for own good and that of our neighbors over the ridge and the financial and influen tial good of Portland, that something more will come of this last agitation than has been the case in the pan. We have . taken many doses of Nehalem railroad agitation,, but the usual guar anteed permanent cure has not yet been effected. In fact, the medicine has lost its efficacious qualities, and that old proverbial saying of "hope deterred j . inaketh the heart sick." is written on I every tree and elirub along these "pro posed routes." We and our friends can theorize and moralize by the hundred miles but the shod hoof of the iron horse yet finis to disturb the slumbers of tuff good people up and down the Nehalem. Don't tell us of the wealth of the timber, the extent and quality of the coal, the productiveness of the soil end the many other conditions which challenge capital to meet it half way, but gratify our desires by trotting out the iron horse on a sure-go heut instead of jockeying so much. The hopes of the people throughout the length and Highly Commended bj Oar Eastern Oregon Neighbors. The subject of the scalp bounty law is receiving considerable attention at pres ent by those whose interests are affected by it, and there ia a difference of opinion as to its merits. On one side it is con tended that the law ia a detriment to the agricultural interests of the state, aa the slaughtering of the coyotes gives the squirrels and rabbits a better chance to multiply. There are others, mostly wool growers, wno are in favor of the low as it stands. The Northwest Livestock and Woolgrowers' Journal, in commenting upon the matter, says : The coyotes is as mnch of a menace to the herdsman as the Russian thistle is to the small farmer, but the energy of the scarp hunter is rapidly decemaling the ranks of the wily pest. In Wheeler and Gilliam counties the farmer aa well as the wool grower ia loud in his com mendation of the assistance rendered him through legislation in hii effort to subdue the coyote. In Wheeler county it is only by the closest surveillance tbat a farmer is enabled to protect his chick ens from the vulpine cunning of this destructive animal. The coyote is almost as prolific as the Belgian hare, and for this reason it is 'or those most interested in the extermination of the pent that it will be necessary to retain the present bounty law for several years before abso lute immunity from this destructive ani mal is obtained. It seems to be the con sensus of opinion in the stock sections of Eastern Oregon that no law of recent years has resulted in so much benefit to the settler as the scalp bounty law. The farmer in some sections where jack rabbits prove a troublesome pest win prouaojy oppose the state scalp bounty law, unless ranblta are also in cluded among the animals souizht to be destroyed. As the destruction of the coy ote may tend to increase the number of rabbits, on which they feed unless sheep and chickens can easily be secured, it s not improbable that our lawmakers may decide upon some plan by which encour agement may be given to the curtail ment of this pestiferous burrowing ro- aent. COUNTY EXPENSE ACCOUNT. List of Claims Allowed at the No. v ember Toraa of Dowrt. Jaa Hum uli rev, rebate of fees. . . .$60 00 Dart A ftiuckle, material for Ne halem bridgoa. . .. . ,. .......... 10 20 J Honeymau A Co, earns 6 SI P A Zilljtitt, tame...... ... ... 8 76 Fisher, Thornsen A Co, same. , . .. 64 15 I.. I... Ii.i.,U IfH Mrs K V McNutt, same - 10 00 Smith A Thomas, same M 83 W W Allen, labor earns... tt 60 John Parker, same 10 00 OA Powell, same...,.,..,.,.. ... S 70 E 8hannahan, same 61 70 F M Parker, same.... 48 14 H Ch ristiausen, same. 7 20 E J Mills, same . 24 80 J Sesseman, same SI tK) SMIoh's Consumption cures cough and colds at cna. We don't mean that it relieves you for a. little while Nehalem Timber tand Wanted, The New York A Oregon Coal A Tim ber Company, by their attorney. Joa. Oaston, having made a proposition to us to nurchaae all the timber laud which is now contracted to as, which has here ' tofore been placed in our nanus aa events to sell, amounting to 20.000 acres, with the privilege of Increasing the amount to 60,000 acre", we deal re now to give notioe to all owners of tiinlier land within flftveu miles of Vernuiiia, that such tracts as will yield an average I of 26,000 feet t logging timber per acre, uiay be added lo our list and In' It has been doing In any .ale we may make by ap plication by mall to us at once here al M J Englert. . . Geo Grant . . . A D Holaday . U Lang J W Meserve.. C Bnvder. 47 88 J L Morgan. 7 JRJ H I. colvin HI, Warren... J M Thome ....... Israel Spencer., .... R Beesemsn.. John Pringle., C S Mc.N'mt h W VauDyke K O Hasen HTGrewell John Dolan,., Ed Collins... ....... Wo Holt A M Parker, same. . . . ...... 10 80 E E Nickerson. same. , . w , 21 00 J L Young, same. . .............. 67 60 U K Keasey, same i w Bert Mills, same 14 86 A L Parker, same 16 30 K M Ward, same 87 80 J W Parker, same S Oft II 8 Mow.same 7 60 i 8 P Ballard, same., 41 10 Alex Sword, same.. ...... ... . .. Jf U M Brechley. same . 25 50 O Malmi'ten, same ... 4 75 James Emmons, same.. .. ,. 7 20 Y m Wood, same i. . . . . . . 1 10 Erivk Kricksou. same............ 4 60 Johu Edholui, same.. .......... . 18 90 K Soafeizian. same os io John U Pringle, same ........... S8 70 Allicrt tiaxer, name uu W DCaee. same 91 60 8 P rllrd,8me.. 4 90 W M Wilson, same. W E O Darlinir. timber 10 00 Johnson A BurgdorSer, lumber for rd 1.. xa o H O Howard, same r d 3 J G Schmidt, same r d 6 K Bourne, same, r d 6 77 Z3 Meserve Bros, same- r d 7 4309 H O Howard, lumber for Milton briiltre , . 46 22 A I. Richarson, timber for r d 0. .. 88 78 U Blancham, same lor r d o at uu Nordby A Flippen, lumber r d 10 101 17 Norbv A FliDi.ln. same r d 9 S!4 84 Casper Libel, same r d 13 89 25 Smith A Thomas, same x d 13. ... 83 89 Dart A Muckle, tools for r d 3. . . . 3 Si F L Clark, same, r d 6 14 96 Honeyman, Deliart A Co, nails for r a o n so Thos Meserve. tools rd 7 6 00 The Mayger Co, nails for r d 8. . , 5 60 r' Li Clark, Bridge work roe low R N Lovelace, same r d 6. : 8 80 The Mavger Co. nails r d 9 8 27 D W Freeman, bridge work r d 12 2 60 John Lane, same Frank Lonkey, same Al Harvey, same ft wuson, same r d 13 John Bachman, same..... B is 1-iud, same F Peterson, same H Rnddiman, same....... David Kaye, same. H Aldridee, same . . Ponham A McGillvarv. holta rd 13 G ? Lindgren, nails r d 12 and 13 31 75 U flank, supervisor r d 8 17 00 F L Clark, same r d 6. 40 00 S M Rice, same r d 6 83 00 John Boiler, same r d 12 16 00 M White, assessor 138 00 C W Blakesley, den assessor 107 j "rfflj t ' . ik Hardin sauiser M K Hall, exam Beck, insane. ... 6 00 E Ross, exam Miss Liilach 6 00 CL Hatfield, med etc, Mrs Eastlick 10 00 Mrs D F Baker, board, same 20 00 John Pringle, supplies, same 2 30 N A Perry, supplies for Isabella. . 7 22 E Ross, medicine for Farrell 6 60 St Marys hospital, care of Batson 42 70 W J Diets, care of Jordan 10 00 H Larsen, care of Headley 30 00 D Blanchard, honse for Jordan. . . 10 40 Wm Frazier, board of Lane 62 66 W O Matchett, board of prisoner! and inrv S3 60 Effie VanBlaricom, care children 10 00 BridaJokela, same 10 00 Bertha Hansen, same Id 00 R See sera an, casket for Palmer., , 10 00 A F Henshaw. iuror 2 00 Emma Bittner, witness May term 8 00 G Haley, same 4 00 M Helens Light A Water Co. 3 00 R S Hattan, sheriff, tax on land sold to countv 443 14 O H Wilson, supervisor r d IS. . . . 46 00 P Bheeley.saine r d 15 . . . 22 00 it eurts. this for half a century. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. It will save yours if you give it a chance, HI Iwo rv4 M Back txatSl bom It, kat I klwty rwNiwuMwa Shilafc't for aoslut tftroat. bruKkMI and lug itvhwM. taAS. VANUKKCAit, WMariaf, M. Y. hlloV CuwampMoa Car la wU4 by all 4rirriM at BO SM-OO ImUla, A rriut.d (wum com wla mrmn bowl, rroa r mi mMsAmi r i r araaot WMm Inr lllMtmM4 bnok M OMMttMMloa ukauteMUywk AC WtlaJ,Ultqr,M.V 8 00 3 00 8 00 ......... 8 00 9 00 S00 JWBoals... 300 W HKyser 8 00 Aimer Meserve.. 8 00 A 8 Graham 8 00 3 00 8 00 8 00 11 40 800 ... .... 8 20 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 3 00 8 00 S 00 ........ 400 at Vcrnoiila or to 883 East Burnslde street, f Portland. Oregon. CAMrBKM X ITINOLS. Vernoniu. Or., Nov. 13, 1900. Village Blacksmith Bayed His Little Son's Mfw. Mr. H. II. Black, tlx well-known vil lage blacksmith at GraliHincvillc, Hulli- vanCo.,N. Y.. says: "Our little son, five years old, baa always been subject to croup, and so bad have the attuckn been that we feared many times that he would die. We have had -the doctor and used manv medicines, hut Cham berlain's Cough Remedy it now our sole I reliance. It seems to dissolve the tough muctia and by giving frequent dunes when the cronpy symptoms appear we have found that the dreaded croun is cured before it guts settled." There is no danger in giving this remedy lor it I contains no opium or other injurious! drug and may be given as confidently I to a nabe as an adult, f or tale at the i 8t. Heleut Pharmacy. 4 00 3 60 1 80 , 964 7 60 27 00 21 75 4 60 3 76 81 60 7 20 S 80 8 20 8 40 9 201 20 7 20 9 20 10 20 6 00 00 23 SO 23 20 2 00 25 60 26 00 29 60 28 80 27 20 21 60 16 80 20 00 19 20 2 00 9 60 5 40 1 9 60 12 76 8 64 W Meserve. hall for election. O H Wilson, same J as uaittent, same Israel Spencer, same A L Clark, registering voters John Pringle, same T C Watts, same R Cox, canvassing election returns Wm Symons, same. R Cox, j p fees State vs Stewart. , Mrs A McUuire, witness, tame. .. Mrs R A Liilach, same Marion Liilach, same. ......... Daisy Liilach, same. Miles Bheeirn 5 10 John Hendricks 7 90 H R Cliff, exam W White, insane 6 00 E Ross, same 6 00 R Cox, j p fees, earn a. 8 80 J B Duncan, witness 4 60 Geo Lemont, wood for court house 22 60 4 06 3 45 90 6 90 9 65 2 00 8 00 4 00 ' ' I ht. (1 ...! f'!li.mVut.t.ln'. fV,t 1 Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to he a. great medicine, savt Mr, E. 8. Phipps, of Poteau, Arkansas. "It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe canes make it a favorite every where. For sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Nothing exhibits a man's weakness more than to see him continually point ing out the faults of others and blind to his own. , aix rrlfbitnl Fat I aires. Six terrible failures of aix different doctors nearly tent Wm. H. Mullen, of Lockland, O., to an early grave. All said he had a fatal lung trouble and breadth of Nehalem Valley have been j that he must toon die. But he so many tunes bolstered up by smooth stories of adventurers, promoters, rain, bow chasers and that ilk tiiat the only thing that will restore confidence is the railroad ite!f actually traversing the territory. The disposition of the people in Nehalem is and always has been to render all poHnible aid to any legitiuutte move that promises them an outlet, but was urged to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. After taking Ave bottles he was entirely cored. It is pos itively guaranteed to cure all diseases of the throat, chest and lungs, includ ing coughs, colds, la grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, hay lever, croup, whooping cough. 60 cents and $1. Trial bottles free at the Rt. Helens Pharmacy, Arthur George, work on court h Uther Clark, same , H Morgus, oil... E Ross, tuppliet for c h . '. Honeyman Deliart ACo handcuffs F M Parker, rebate of tax J M Lindsay, same ... Pau Blank Book Co, stationery. . . R H Mitchell, advertising delin quent tax list . . .163 80 David Davis, priu ting, etc 80 76 Glass A Prudhomme. tax rolls and blank books 113 25 I H Cope land, postage 8 80 J G Watte, same 10 00 R. S. Hattan, same 8 00 A B Little, surveyor 18 JCDOU AND OLKKJCB OF XLCCTIOM. M 8 Dippold 6 60 M Fowler 3 00 Wm Perry...... ,.. 8 00 R P Burns 8 00 VV A Wood 3 00 PO Marks,.... 8 40 Jared Wilson . . 8 00 WL Brown ., 8 00 JCKilbv 8 00 BWLowman 8 00 WF Slaughter 3 00 CN Gable 8 00 Andrew King 8 00 J B Godfrey..,. 8 00 E 8 Faxon...........;. 8 00 GWBarnet.. 8 00 DMEwmg , 3 00 R 8 Payne 9 20 Fred Fluhrer. , 8 00 Robert WiJliamt 8 00 TO Watts... ...... 6 40 GOFowier.... ......... 8 00 GCJaquish ir 8 00 J C Monroe. 8 00 Henry Wasser 8 00 C W Emerson.. , 8 00 M Fresh 8 00 John King ,,, 6 40 James Gaittens. . , , ,. 8 00 Edwin Merrill 8 00 O II Wilson... 9 40 D W Freeman 8 00 FJ Peterson 8 00 Casper Libel.... ,,, 8 00 F E Malmberg. 8 00 GLPerrine 8 00 8 OTichenor 8 00 N Merrill ,. 8 00 HWest.. 4'80 W H Conyers 10 20 AJOrwig 3 00 JvaoM ocroexB tum. CFBrlggs N B Htiidrickson... . J M Hill f T L Carter ., Frank Dve. ................... F J Peterson... Chris Johnson W T Watts J L Black JD McKay.. Simon Casper John Stockenberg H Morgus J G Pringle M K Emmont Casper Libel O 8 Lyons W R Holmet.... Andrew Anderson ANCIark W E Clark 20 00 J W Lane 80 80 0 G Caplet 18 80 u Mtwing 28 w 19 20 19 60 E H Lynch John Berdahl J E Morris John Bchmitka 04D WAiaAirra laacin. Chat Burgdorffer, district 1 . . . , L Rasmussen, district 2 J G Plank, district 3 frank unmecki, tame D J Switzer, tame Eugene Milea. tame... James Vandolah, tame Wm Miller, district 4 Emit Wasser, district 6 F Lengescber, tame Tboe Pawson, tame J Waster, tame W Clark, same H Wasser, same. W E Rice, district 6 W E Rice, same 8 M Rice.. 8 M Rice, tame C Hall, same..... Wm Johnson, district 8 G W Richardson, tame. Aaron Gisselberg B N LInd. district 13 4 00 1 J F Peterson, district 13 1 60 1 A Gisselberg, tame J W Rench, district 14 H Christiansen, district 16 H Anderson, same. W G Woods, same J T Adams, same. . , J A McDonald, same A G Hotchkiss, at me S G Scboonover, same. H K Shirk, same P O Marks, district 7 E R Bird, bicycle work W1TMKSSRS IN CIRCUIT COUBT, H M Hawley 12 00 Emma Bittner 12 00 N C Dale 13 00 Mora Dale ,., is 00 Mrs Van 13 60 Mrt W Shearer... 13 60 Mre E Peterson 12 40 Mrs N D Peterson 12 40 Bauer Weadere. Editor W. V. Barry, of Lexington. Term., In exploring Mammoth Cave, I contracted a severe case of piles. Hit I quick cure through nuing Bucklen't I Arnica Halve, convinced hini it is an-1 other world's wonder. Cures nilea. in juries, inflammation and all bodily eruptions. Only 25 cents al the St. Helens marmacy, Mauls Yaaag Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weekt hat put me in my 'teens' again," writes I). H. Turner. of Dempsevtown, Pa. They're the best in the world tor liver, stomach and bow els. Purely vegetable. Never trine. Only 25 cents at the St. Helens Phar-1 niacy. OABVOIlXAi Baarsttc A " TailWt"t BOCSSt Balaie The Kind You IIav Always Bought, aiiA whloh hm been In hm for over 30 year, hu borne the tiprnntjira of j tind htu been mode under lilt per- Sj , JJt-A-i . tonal tuperviHlou tlnce it infancy. tX7-cUcAM Allow no one to deceive you in thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jiwt-M-trood" are bud Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of , Infitnts and CUUdreu Experience Against Experiment. What io CASTOR I A Caatorlit I lmrnilew eubiititute tor Cantor OU, Fare, gorlc, Drop and Boothiujr Syrup It le 1'l.uunwit. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other NarcoUa ubatance. Its ng-e l its tjruerautee. It destroy Worm and tvllftyii FeverlMhnewi. It cure Diarrhoea and Wind Collo. It rellevce Teething- Troubled, curee Couatlpntloa and Flatulency. It aaalnillittes the Food, mrulutea the Stomach and Itowelm giving healthy and natural tloen. The Children'! Panacea The Mother's Friend. CENUiriE C ASTORIA AleVVAYQ Bears the !g&atur of le Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. OABVOItZAi Bsarttks ylM aHH tw Hwt Imn Boaglsl wgaatsie ' O, Bean toe Bgaasnt tf WHITE COLLAR LINE pIalairtVlbMBotg 1 5 How About Your Title? i RK YOtl Nf'HK II U all riant? Km.mbr thai II U lh kki ohd Mm gown,. II ! our mi.imm io Marco lb HMtmt, anil .how wIihI Ih.v ronl.ln la rel.llnn Ut l.nd Miloa. If rou cuiilvmnim but In. Uiul or luanlus mnii.r en trfit MKiurltr, (.ii. no nun', wit.1, but ! upon knowing wli.l Hi. riHNwt tuw rwK.Mtna lh.tul. An AtMtlrwnt l,MmfiO.I m JJ, liMlitott having It. W Buy ih only mi 'if aiwusot book. In in. county. A ll work promillreiiiv4 siut Htl,fiRila RUftr.itUhxl, If yoii h.v. pniny in inaur.slv.uia rail. v. ar. ut.ute liw Hi. bt nr. Itittrt)reuniiillii th. woit1. If you hv propMty fur Ml. 11m 11 wtlh u and w. will Hud a buj.r. COLE iffOUIOK. aram errssr r. arcucfvv, VKtUUH tQ igyi -j p The Weekly Oregonianji year Landing Pool of Alriur BtrMl, Portland. a lelenhon Leave. Antorle dally (.xraut Mund) 7 V. M. I Leava. Portland dally (ie.MHundav)sl A. M uuiaina leiepnon. aocs, AMoria. Hllev Oftliert tlcktu rood on atitatii.r Huala. steamer Humlo tlck.u zood on liallev Oauvrt. a. w. i.itu 11 inn,, rorlland. A. 1. TAYUIE. Agent, Adorla. X STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER 1 RAILROAD COMPANY. 2 60 1 00 14 20 1 60 240 8 00 6 60 7 00 7 90 7 90 7 90 7 90 TUB COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUUKT HOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA. ROUTE. "SS STR. GATZERT 10 08 9 00 00 3 00 1 60 22 60 8 00 84 60 26 10 12 60 26 10 16 00 27 90 6 60 10 72 7 60 11 V 11 26 4 60 6 40 17 00 16 00 4 60 6 00 4 60 4 60 8 76 4 60 88 16 60 60 CONTAINS All tlie newt wetl wrifU-ii. Articles ilnxriWng Western scenes and incidents. tttorie nf love anil advrnture by well known authors. Itrllllant illustration by mparwrar!ttt Intvrestiiiff tkett'hcs ami literature (or bnvs ami frtrln. r'nuliiou arllrlt'S anil illiittratioiii for women. Sat. ly. 5TI DAILY. r nr. m. J:80( f:M 1:47 4:03 4:07 4:1 4:2 4:M S:I7 a 8 M 44 t 90 i M t OK 1 S7 10 00 s:ai:io(w 6 3K 10 30 A.M. S 00 t 06 t 1 SS 40 M 10 00 10 10 10 21 10 9) a m u 10 ii -i tl so .0! SS.4 4I. 63M Ml 71 ,J 77 90.1 0S.4 UTATieikS Ly Portland Ar .... onbl. .... ....Rainier ... ... Pyramid... . . Mmr.... ....Qufnoy .... .. Clauk.nle.. .. Marihlaod.. .. Wntnurt.... ....Clluin.... ....Knftppa.... ... Svenson.... ...John Iir... Ar. AntorU Lv asiDur DAILY. a. m. r. h. 11 10 40 io ot a SA V 03 t W So g 00 III T 04 30 It 13 IK 03 7 3 t IH 7 17 8 87 7 03 8 17 43 8 07 (S3 1U t 30 7 4 8 10 l OUR CLUBBINfi OFFER jis ' ' We have perfected arrausetuenta whereby we are enabled to far SZ. nlsb The Weekly Orrgoiiian In connection with Thi Mist tor only Two Dollars. The price of The Oregonian alone is $1.60. S tii tr noennM hiict i 1 1 vni-vavsM ivi i o 1 lileiUiUileiUiUiUMsiUiiiiUiU IAAAAAA Malinda Lane. Otto Bittner. Ethel Lane.... Tacie Lane.... Cleo Lane .... C L Hatfield . . James Williams 18 40 12 40 13 40 12 40 8 40 11 20 13 40 All Iraln. make cIom iHinnellona .1 llihlji with Nnruicrn raollio tralin l and from the Eiurt and Mound point. At Portland with ell train, leaving Union deimt At Anuria with I. a. n. uo.-a noei ana ran una to end from ii. waco and North Beach points. pMsengers for Antorta or way points ninat nag train, at Houllon. Train, will atop to let paa enger. off at lloultnn when coming from polnls ' rten. piun.'Agl.,Aaiorla. Or i 1 ii 0.14 H. CO. J.Y NEED OF MEDICINE.. i i i THE. c -GO TO- LATSKANIE DRUQ STORE i i Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc DR. J. t. HALL, Proprittor. CLATSKAXIE, OREGON. nr v we T JCIeetoii.. , 12 00 O A Hall..,. 6 00 O W Lane. Clara Lane........... Ah Wing.. C C Cninniingt. , D McOrosky Mrs b M Ferrell Annie Ferrell John Ferrell Joe Ferrell , W H Copeland II Stepbensen Ah Wing. .. Mrt E A Lillich Marion Lillian , , Edwin Koss.. J W flunking Orville Bacon ... Walter Bacon Wm Bacon.., Roy Orewell.,,.,,..'. i'. Chas Urie Ixm Puzey. 2 00 13 40 18 00 12 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 86 00 86 00 16 00 8 20 8 20 2 00 2 40 8 00 3 00 8 00 8 00 2 40 8 00 CASTOR I A For In&oti and Children. ; Hei Kind Yea Kan ktem I . Bear the (Signature of awjif Latest Internal He venae Decisions1. "A person who holds himself In mad. Iness to make Durcbttet or salea. either I for bimeelf or as agent, of County war wants, or fee bills, whether due or not due, presented for payment or not pres- fiiiBu ior payment, is a DroKer," win. U. Jtolman has naid the Internal Rv. enne brokers tax, with place of business ( iOiunt at tiray't store, tttrlctcom- ! pliance with the law required. dwast Time SCHEDULES A"Y Chicago- belt Lake, Denver, Ft. 4n. m. Portland Worth, Omaha, Knn Mpeeiel m City, Hi. Louie, 0.15 a.m. Chicago and E. Belt Lake, Deier, R. 7:00 a.m. Atlantic Worth, Omaha, Kan Kxpre City. Hi. Louia, :00 p. m. Chicago and kail. Walla Walla, Lowla- 8:40 1. at. Hfinkane ton, Hinkane, Minn Fly.r eapolfa, St. Paul, 8:00 p.m. Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago sod Kwt. Ocean eteamahlse. pB All .ailing date, lub- f-a-jet Ui ohenge. for Ban Pranclaco Hell every fly. days. Dally Oolumbla River 4 p. m. tx Kunday ateamere. ' Kx.tiuiidey 8 n. m. Saturday To Astoria and Way Up. m. landings. 8a.m. Wlllam.tle Rlv.r. 4:0p.m. x.Siinday Oregon CHr. Kewberg, Ki.Hunilay j salern vVay-lend'gi 7 s. m. Wlllamett. and Yam. f no n, m. Tnee.Thiir. hill Rlvere, Mon. Wed. aad list, Oregon City. Dayton, and Frt, and Way.landluga. 8a.m. Willamette River. 4 aop. m. Tuas.Thur. Portland to Cnrvallla Mon. Wed. and flat. and Way-landinge. and Frl. i!l',Il "' 'ver. Lv.Uw'ton S.noa. m. dallv at dally Blparla to Lewliton. W, H. HUKLBKRT, General Faeeengcr Agent, ORTLAND . . . . . 0KK00M mwniniiiiiitWHiwwwmrtviiiiiMiiwiiiwniiiiiimiiff THE NEW YORK STORE 1 : IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN 3 Clothing: Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc; if Cooper Building, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon. S The CRUISER i i i i i i i i i i n. WKL1JSOTOV, frop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1. H. W1IIHKIKMI Cutter, Magnolia, Old Conle, end BKKHi FamouaHop Orild, and Bipori llcer. cio Altai Henry the Fourth, and Wlndaor Houas. eXT TO TUB HOI EI,, 8T. HELENS, : : 0REO0N. ""IW" nd other d.yMi fr PM. time. Newinereandn.rii.i.,M - - ,- . . .... Brinn Brothers CAFE ST. HELENS, - - OREGOlf. NEW PLACE. tf you want something good In (lis line of whiaky try SHAW'S MALT Only the bent of- Liqncrg and Cigars Kept in Stoct OPIN FROM 8 A. M. TO IS O'OLOOK MIDNIGHT. - WWt'MywW t1