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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1900)
r Vms Cat Vine 7 23 Lw ik ia aW Htj tataf - firstdo me&aLia that holds the rooard for thm largest number of abso lute Curea of female Ilia la LydSm Em ' PSmkham'a Vegetable Compound. , Second Hire. Plnkham oan show by hor latter files In Lynn that a mil lion women havo ton restored to health by her medlolno and advloom Third -All laitoratotiZra Plnkham are rmomhred, opened, road and an awered by women only. . This foot la oortSflad to by the mayor and postmas tar of Lynn and others of Mrs. P'mkham's own city. Write for free book eon tatnlng these oertlfloateam Every aKlng woman la Invited to write to Lira. Plnkham and get hor ad vloo free of charge tvdla . Ffekbam aHd. Co., Lrua. Maes. Private roof gardens are tocb a suc cess in New York that the large board-lug-houses find it necessary, to adopt them aa a regular summer feature. oon'T err rooTsoRK. get fot- - (All, A powder. At tlii maon your fret feel swollen, nervous and uncomfortable. li Ton have smarting feet or tight shiies, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It resta and coniform; ' make walking easy. Cum swollen and sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Kelieves corns and bunions of all pain and in certain cure for t'hilhlains. Sweating, Dump or Froeted Fret. We have over 30. OrO teiimonials. Don't get footsore get Foot-Eaxe. Try it loda. Bold br all druggist and shoe stores fr 25r. Trial pacts Fni. Address, Allen 8. Olm sted, Le Sot, K. Y. The native of Hawaii, be they ever to poor, never steal or beg." Theae offencea are oon&ed almost exclusive ly to the Portuguese resident of Mm island. TO CTJM A COLD lit Oil 0AT Take Laxative Biotno Quinine Tab lets. All drtisrgirta refund the money if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's sig nature it on each box. 15c. Under rational treatment the average yield of a bee bive in Palestine is 100 pounds. '- mmvr tr anted. WAKTID- slew and wm of good efcmraeUNr le represent eetabllshe4 aoaae aaiarr; splewnm ppnnastty a mrmmm f. O. Box 67, Pertlaad, Oregea Farmers who keep common sheep and depend upon wool, do not know bow specimens of some breeds may be made to reach great weights. A 2-year-old grade Lincoln wether in England was slaughtered, its live weight being 434 ponnds. The carcass weighed 804 pounds, the loose fat 84 ponnds, the sikn, blood and entrails 90 pounds and the waste 6 ponnds. 6beep weigning 800 pounds live weight are numerous In this country. The population of the Berlin suburb Cbariottenborg is in a curiously orjst ble condition. Last year 44,718 of the population of 174,550 left the city and s3,744 from elsewhere took their places. mm Catarrh has Lecotne such a common liseaae that a person entirely free front this disgusting complaint is seldom met with, ft is customary to speak of Catarrh aa nothing more serious than a bad cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and throat. It is, in fact, a complicated and eery dangerous disease ; if not at first, it ery soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated by (he font secretions, and the poison through the general circulation is carried to all parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are onsatia factoiy and disappointing, because they do not reach the seat of the trouble. 8. S. S. does. It cleanses the blood of the poison and eliminates from the system all catarrhal secretions, and thus cures thor oughly and permanently the wont Mr. T. H. McA.Hftter, of Firrodirnf-. Ky write: "Having be- a Urrib BuSctex tnm uunrl. sua being sow Sound end welt, the ques tion often put to m is, What curea you ? In n wer I feci it my duty to tUicthat Swift's Specific Is the medicine. I am wh true w?siver in the efficacy of Swift's Specific that J can huuestljr and tonsctetitiottBiy recon tneod it to any one suffer- Iner fjMM r-il.rrh Usiwa 7" tworsoiendcd It to many, f 4 sw f t ed to use it csa beiir me out I a tbe statesseat rbet twill rtire nf case of Catarrh if taken acoiwd g to directions." , is the only purely veg- I etable blood purifier known. and tbe greatest it yon have Catarrh don't wait nntil it becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be gin at once the use of S. 8. 8., and send for our book on blood and skin diseases and write our physicians about your case, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, fX ' imZV Unttl TM bsrvt an 4 totted Mr wsksfe. rlt ,:7r.J Mil c4 VsMtory Trie OM-llkir a4 aM Umh hat yon bav I pj alMwhar. taT W Our watrhM are OtWd rlh tti uaqtsalls) J I y saa 1 1 Jtaakal IJaallW am UwJ WavWbsjaB M Eiyla sresi, kMNr r.S' . ' iT?. th. wrrrLd crrwr mm that aaest anal " WARRANTE9 20 VlARI i GtMlf hMa.ngioJidrcMpt4t.ra Mfravlnc, Srstra 14 karat $ol4 4 !: auu4 twotsfli for sraliroaa ' Mtililiral, SfMreHal tlSW tor ttM i t.t S 4mjt Sand jrnw swMrasa w awdmwtitaMad wale 0. O. IK with pHvllwff at CaU wuunlM. lion. Call La anj npart aad If found iwrfswtiv aatiafirtorv aj)4 Si Mm Ual watrh awar orTcrad tar anafe a Vrm a i&.lBi and ttpnui hara t, otSiarwissi mi sm ewQl fREH e.'.fm k.l tot ttaat Si dam maltat swatr. IBM. l?lai If La!)aa or O.nt wavh it wnt4. Writtscvcaaa a mvf oc advertise Ma watch atli(aprlaalB. CsAsJaapi tra. Uawiiior Watix C-. 47 OwBtxaJ WkBid.,Ciiiww I. MjiritK Lit tiSt i-l4tl.. t Coiihrh hyrup Tai Good. UfS f I in timft Ritiff hr rtvmrcif" "wi'ir-ffTfT""" ' ,y'.rv"J!811 tm AT THE FARMHOUSE. Nor em See trees are brewa sod bare And brief aad chill November daja, Hot oa tbe farm all are aatlr Aad cheerfully the mother saya "Tbe day te all Mew Kocland dear ThaBkasiviaf Uay, will aooa be acre. "So, father, choose the turkey now And I will nuke some pompkla plea, And we will hare a podding nice Aad It shall be of largest siae; There are walaats la the garret Aad there la corn that pops like snow. There are apptea la the cellar Which all the chlldrea leva, I knew. "Aad we will have ear sons come home. Oar daughters and grandchildren, too, Mary Ana and Jim and Joseph, Haggle, Selile and babe Prat." So father gets the tnrkey one And mother makes the pumpkin pies Aad home Thanksgiving morning brings Beloved eaes of every else. The old hoose rings with their glad laugh. The S rep lace glowa with roddy light, Aad when at table all have met -That kitchen la a pleasant s gbt. The father offers sincere thanga, The little onea Impatient wait. And then the tnrkey plump he carves And from the boonty Hue each plate. Thee grandma's plnm-fllled pudding comes With mlnee snd pumpkin pies galore. While aots and apples, raisins sweet. And fun and feasting erowa the hour. : And here the poor remembered are And not In kindly word alone. With well-nTled hands tbe children speed To neighbors' homes where want la known. The pleasant hoora most swiftly fly, Tbe corn is popped snd stilled the fnn. And hsppy children rest In bed. The glad November day Is done. Bat by the Ore grandmother sits And In her hand she holds a curl. A soft bmwn curl, that shone long since Around the face of her drat girl "Dear child." she cries, "forgotten never, A mother's love remembers ever.' -Emi:y Pearson Bailey. I A RURAL PEACEMAKER. ; . t BY J. 1 HARBOUR. - -HBY did not pay much attention l to Thanksgiving in tbe country i school district In which I taught in he Went a good many years ago. Lhrist nas was the chief holiday of the winter, ind it was celebrated without any special letnoastration, for most of tbe people were Door and there waa not much senti ment In their general make-up. Old Han nah Dorton, with whom I boarded, was .if New England birth, and she had not oome to the West nntil some years after her marriage. She was a woman of a xood deal of force of character, and no one in tbe neighborhood bad a nimbler tongue. One evening about two weeks before Thanksgiving I said to her; "Do tbe people observe Thanksgiving very generally in this neighborhood r "Ho, they do not," replied the old lsdy with considerable emphasis. "And it has always been a good deal of a trial to me that se little attention was paid to a day that we made se much of back there in desr old New England. It was the great est holiday of the year to us, and how we did enjoy IU" "Why do they pay so little attention to it here 7" 'Well, I guess It m Just became they hsve never got In tbe way of paying any attention te it They never celebrated the Fourth of July as it ought to be cele brated onto my husband got them started te doing it ten years before he died, and bow we have a big celebration every rear. '.'Some one ongnt te start mem to cele brating Thanksgiving " "So they ought. But who Is to do It?" I reflected for a few moments, and then f said: Suppose we start them oil in that di rection. 'How asked the eld lady, drooping her knitting into her lap and manifesting esger Interest Suppose we get up a Thanksgiving dinner in the school bouse. Invite sll the folks la the district to come and bring their dinner with them. There does not seem to be any social life In the neigh borhood nnleas one can call occasional spelling matches and singing schools In the school house social diversions. The leople never eat and drink together In a merry-making of any kind. Don't yon think that the Idea of a Thanksgiving dinner in the school house would take?" The old lady reflected for a moment and then said: "Yes. I think ft wonld. It would be a novelty te every one, and I think the folks would turn out big, only only " "Only what?" I asked. "Well, the fact Is, there are so many folks In this neighborhood that doa't spesk to each other. I never saw any thing like it. There Is old Squire Bent, who won't speak to bis daughter because j she married John Walters against the squire's wishes. There was nothing against John, excepting tbat he was poor, snd he had a brother that had been in jail, but John couldn't help that, and be has done splendidly ever since he mar ried, and it is my opinion tbat the squire would like to make up with John snd Nellie, only he la too prond to make any advances, and they won't either. Then there ia Kate Whiting and her sinter, Lucy Patch, who had a falling out years ago. and ain't spoke to each other since, snd btffore that one was the very shadder of the other. Iteuben Hoones and bis brother Silas and their families fell out over the property after old man Hoopoe died, and they ain't ever spoke since. Then the Anderson snd ltobey families had a falling oat fire years sgo, and they don't speak, and before that tbey were as thick as flies sround a molasses bar'L Then there are other families in the dis trict that ain't aa friendly as they onght to be, so your Thanksgiving dinner might end in a riot if all these people come to gether in the school honse." "Not with a woman of your tact at the head of it," I said. "Well, you go ahead and get It up, and I will aid and abet you all I can. It will be a break in the monotony of things here even if there is a fight." I spent all of my time before snd after school dnring tbe next ten days in call- i Ing at all of the homes in the neighbor hood, and inviting the people to come to the school house on Thanksgiving day with well-filled baskets. Tbe school house was unusually large, and there would be room for all If we took out a part of the seats. Three days before Thanksgiving old Mrs. Dorton said: "I guess you'll have the bouse full Thanksgiving. Nancy Rosa was in here to-dny, and she says that the whole dis trict Is coming, and Nancy knows if sny one docs, for she spends most of her time trotting about picking up gossip and re tailing it out aagin. She is as good as the local columns of a newspaper for giv ing news about what folks are saying and doing, and she says tbat tbe ides of the Thanksgiving dinner in the school house was taught like wildfire. Nancy says she wouldn't miss it for a party," . Tbe larger boys and girla of the school met me at the school house the evening before .thanksgiving, and we decorated the room beautifully withjsvergreens and .... --tWJ-- ' f 1:m. J: 1 "WC WILL IOW SlltO.' several flags we had been able to borrow, Provision bad been made for two long tables to ran almost tbe entire length of the room with some smaller tables in tbe corners. 'I suppose that we will have to be careful bow we seat tbe people at tbe ta bles," I said to Mrs. Dorton. "You just leave tbat mostly to me," said the old lady. "I know the people better than yon do, and I won t be so apt to make awkward blunders. I'll set 'em down all right." Nancy Itoss was right when she said tbat the whole district would be present at the dinner. The dinner was to be at 1 o'clock, and by noon the bouse was fill ed by a merry, happy crowd. Including al most every family In tbe district There were baskets snd boxes snd even tnbfnls of turkeys and chickens and doughnuts and pies and cakes. There were baskets of big red apples, and Hi ram Hawkins brought half a barrel of sweet cider. Some one brought a bas ket of popcorn balls for the children, snd there was an infinite variety of jellies and jams and preserves and pickles brought forth from boil's and baskets. "There's enough stuff here to feed an army, said tiannan uorcon, as sue cas tled about from table to table, tbe happi est and most active person in the house. A few minutes before 1 o clock I beard her saying to Mrs. Kate Whiting, "Come, now, Kate; yon and .your husband and I f:K I saY.T.wm ifk Wi flW! mwmm two children are to set at this table over in this corner. Come right along." Ani when they were seated the old lady bus tled up to Mrs. Patch and said: "Now, Lucy, yon and your husband and the children are to sit here at this table." :,. "And If she didn't plump them right down with the Whitings that they hadn't snokeo to for years." snid the voluble Nancy Ross afterward, indeed Nancy was so fond of telling shout that Thanksgiving dinner afterwsrd that I think I will let her tell about It now. "Then," she said, "if tbat lianner Dor ton didn't set old Squire Bern down at the brad of one table with bis daughter Nellie at his right band snd his sou in law, John Walters, at his left, an' their baby in a high chair at its grno'pa'a side, an' it wa'n't three minutes before the old Squire bad that baby in bis arms and he et his whole dinner with the little thing In his lap. I beard his daughter say to him, 'Shan't I take the baby, father, so that yon cau rat your dinner in greater comfortf But he held right on to it, and there be sat t h Ik in' to Nellie and John same as If there' J never been any trouble at alb Aud he bad that baby In his arms tbe whole afternoon, an' went around as proud, savin' to folks, 'See my grandson. Ain't be a mighty fine boyT It waa the first time be had ever seen the child, an' the next week he made Nellie and John come and lire with him. Then what did that Manner Dor ton do but put Keiibrn Hongics an' his brother Silas and their families at a table by themselves, an" I heard her s.iy to "em, 'Come, now, you folks want to 'je sociable an have a good vblt together same as own brothers ought to os Thankngivin' day.' Their wives have al ways wsnted to make up, an' 1 tell yoa they found their tongues mighty soon, an' 'fore that meal was over they was talkin' away as if there bad never been sny row over property or anything else. An' before they knew it the Anderson and Robey families fonnd themselves at the ssme table with llnnner sny in' to 'em, 'Now it don't make no difTrence about the past. This Is Thanksgivin' day, an' a good time to forget thnt there has ever been anything but a happy past between you folks. ' "Then If she didn't up an set old Ilntb Norse an' old Betty Underwood down side by side, an' tbey hadn't spoke to each other for years, an' before tbey knowed It them two old bodies was chat tin' away together as If they bad never had a fallin' out in the world. Then when she had got all the people that were enemies set down side by side she seated every one else, and then she said, " 'We will now sing.' ' "Blest be tbe tie that binds." ' An' ev'rybody sung it, an' then Elder Shsrpe asked a blessin' an' tbe dinner was begun. There never was such a spread seen before In these parts, an' you never would have thought to have seen them people eatiu' sn' laiighin' an' mrrrymakin' together that there was such a thing In the world as malice or envy or bitterness or ill-will or anything o' the sort, no you wouldn't. After tbe dinner we bad games an' sung songs an' made speeches, an' from thnt time on there was more peace an' happiness an' sociability in the neighborhood than there ever waa before. I tell yon we'd good reason to stand up as we did- before we started for borne an' sing " 'Praise Ood from whom all blessings flow.'" Cause fur Anxiety "What are you crying . about, little ginr "Boo-boo, 'oo sittln' on my jam tartl A Prosrsmme. Thanksgiving comes In glad array, Tbe poet's Jocund text, With turkey and mince pie oa da And biliousness tha aazL Washington Htar. -JsaVaC asatf TNy sa.JS"''' 'I'm lk)(isj'' Sandwiohes that are to bt served at n afternoon tea should not be spread with batter or the filling mixture, quit to the ediie of the bread. This little precaution will prevent tbeir soiling the gloves of those who hold them. The Oldaat Baakaote la In the possession of Ibe Bank or Kne Uiul. It is dated December 18, 1M), and Is fur f5.' but on aoNiutit of Its ape same Is n.ails verv valuable. One of tlie oldest Bud most valuable stomach mtdioliies is Hiwtetter'a Hloniai'h Hitlers. For fifty tears it lias cured ityspeinia, itiillKesttoii uervotisiiea or Imomnia. It will cure when faithfully taken.- At a street fair in Wichita hls fall. one of the chief features will be aa a rah 40 feet high, constructed entirely of apples. aioo KtHtitn a too. The readers of Ihla paper will be P1" to nam tlt tlivra la at leaot out aroauea oieaas IbatMixiirs has been able to oura la all lia stum, and that iauatarrb. Hnll'il starrh Oura Imbaoiiljr iMwitivesiire known to the to i teal Irawruliy. Catarrh being a coDatltutlonat dis ease, re,iims a eonsUtittmiiRl treatment. Hall's t'aisrra Cure Is taken Interaallr, a-Hn dmi'tlf hjhiii tha blood and inueons sunai'ea of Uia sjrutvia, tbereb dostrnrlng lbs (omnia. Hon of tbe dmaae, and alvins tha atient strenatb. by balldini up the eanatitat'on end aisiilii nainr la liar Its work. Tha pn prleliirs hre so much faith In US rurativi powers, that thee offer One Hundred Dollar lor ant eaes tbat It falls to cure, baud tot list oi Uuiunouleta. Aillrws r. f. t'H KNIT A CO, Toledo, 0. Sold by dmeiiUta, JSo. Hall's Famtlx fills are the beat. An Egyptian contemporary saya: 'Our whole island in now glraled with golf courses. All the world It no lunger stttge, bat golf links." This signature Is ea every bos of the isamrae Laxative BroraoQuinise toe remedy that assess) a M la aase stay Rural mall delivery is progressing in way to satiety both tha people and tbe department, la Carroll county, Maryland, every farm house now bas a daily free mail delivery. TOO KNOW WHAT VOC AHB TAKING When you take drove's Tasteless Chill Tonlo because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine In a taste leeg rorra. No Cure, No Pay. 60o. Ceilings that bava been smoked with kerosene lamp should be washed oil with soda water. FLETEHEB'S SUCCESS. The Daughter mt a Forms? eeveraer f Saatki Dakota Altalne aa Bavlabla Position. From the Oregon Independent, Seism, Ore. Tbe daughter of lion. J. B. Fletcher, formerly governor of Booth Dakota, but now a resident of Salem, Oregon, baa lately attained an enviable position. Her success is remarkable, especially when tha fact it known that for some time it was feared her caieer would be shortened because of ill health, Kx-Goveroor Fletcher in speaking of tbe happy event in bit daughter's life said: "For over two yean my daughter had been declining 'from a strong, healthy, rosy-cheeked person to a pale, weakly aud helpless girl. Sha was afflicted with terrible headaches, and apparently grew weaker and mora lan guid, and apparently without cause. We became greatly alarmed and feared that ber days were already numbered "1 tried several doctors, one after tbe other, but all without avail, fin ally, to please a friend, I bought a bog of Dr. Willinras' Pink Pills for Pale People, aud to our surprise, before it was nsed ber headaches erased, the color begun to return to ber cheeks and lips and ber strength began to assert itself. "I bought five boxes more and by the time she bad finished them she was completely restored to her health, and today our heart are gladdened with the society of a robust, rosy and healthy girl instead of a pale, tired and sickly one. In her case the transfor mation was rapid and wonderful, and I can never speak too highly of the splendid merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." No discovery of mrxlern timet bas proved such a boon to women as Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People. Aoting directly on the blood and nerves, iovigorating the body, regulat ing the functions, they restore the strength and bealtb to tbe exhausted woman when every effort of tha phjsl- cian proves unavailing. For tbe growing girl tbey are of tbe utmost benefit, for the mother indis pensable, for every woman invaluable. Everywhere Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are recognised at a sped Ho for diseases of the blood and nerve. For paralysis, locomotor atax ia, and other diseasea long supposed incurable, they have proved their effi cacy in thousands of oases. They are one of the greatest blessings ever be Mowed upon mankind. , This remedy la sold by druggists generally, or will be sent, postpaid, bv the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Sche nectady, N, Y., on receipt of price, 60 cents per oox, six lioxet for $2.60. Dnring the present century 400 hu man lives, JI2S.000.000 and 300 ships have been lost in -fruitless efforts to find the North Pols. saHis'l'ii Beware of Them There are two afflictions which perhaps give the most pais aad trouble, vis; Sciatica . and Lumbago Both disable and cripple, St. Jacobs Oil is their bast enre. ChlBsae tike Aaaerleaat Beat. TJp to tha beginning of tha present troubles, it has bean somewhat remark able fact, aooording to tht Philadel phia Inquirer, tbat no American citi sen, traveler, bualuteS UUU. dlplotDnt or missionary, bat ever been murdered in China by the Chinese. This an bt said of tha oittaous of none of the other great powers which have bad constant and long-oontlaned intercourse with tha East. This, it la hM, U Dot a mere colnoldenoe, of tculdeut. The Chinese Ilka Ainerioans. Of eimm, tba statement it made with tha reser vation that they do not Ilka any tor signers at a resident of China, but at compared with the people of tbt great Kiironean nowert. they Ilka tha Amerl- onus. Whenever they ask a man of what nationality he Is, and hit answer it that ha is aa American, they at onoa exclaim, "Wsare friends." Steers are preferred in this country for beef, but ia England the butchers pay one oenl per pound mora for belt er, at they glva lost bona and mora choice cut. A well-bred belter, how aver, it worth mora for the dairy than for beet. No helfeie should be kept when oalves unions from patents that are known to possess merit. Make Toar Liver Lively. A lesr, languid llrsr keeps f no la bad health all the time. ke linn to llely seilon with crls Csudr lathanlo. 236, 400. AildruMlita, IDs, Meat bas been preserved in a frosen state for 80 years, aud found perfectly eatable at tbe end of tbat time. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow'a Sooth !rr Hyrup the beat remedy to use fur their ahildrsn during the teething period. Before tba next tourist season opens the Swiss railway from Splea to Foutl gen will be completed, The rrMerlptlea far Malaria Chill and Fever it a bottle of U roves. Tasteless Chill Tonic, It Is simply Iron and qulntna In a tasteless form, No Cure, No Pay. Price too. When a man is lost to all shame, a olob or a rawhide is tbt only argument left. Plso't Cure tor Consumption la an infal lible medicine for cniigba and colds. N. W. 8Mvab, Ocean Urove, tf. J., Feb. 17, 11)03. , . In China a doctor's tea varies from 8 cents to a quarter. ItHKITWATIsn, aoiATIOA. Immediate ly rolitvMl: tlllrly cured by "HhsuRistnl " Prepared only by the fcbsuatalol Vo., sua W. lllli St., N.w Yurk. The wasie from tba bay mow makes excellent litter for chickens. Tba seeds ot all kinds of grass when dry are relished tiy fowls, and when tba waste from tbe mow Is thrown oa the floor of tha poultry house the fowls wilt industriously woik in the Utter and find much to consume. (The Firnout Oerman Wood Preservir) .AVEtJAttiUS CABBOUilEVIll.. PermanamUy Daotrov ..CHICKEN LICE g&rOnt application ia all that your dialer cannot supply you, writ followlnj distributing agxntst Perfection Pile Preserving- Co Seattle, Wah4 Fisher, Thorten & Co Portland, Oreg-oruj Whittier, Coburn & Co San Francisco, Cat DOU YOU WANT YOUR SON EDUCATED FOR A YAMHILL AND KLSTCMTU STKBCKTS, fOUTI. A Jl. OBeGO. Writeoa. tend for our Haw IlloMrsled Catalogue. Ike Owl Sere are axil K.ll.f f.,r ni.niHATioH niituiiiftiioiii f I ATICA. KI it A l.4, A, NfcltVlFiri NKtH. lVr.M'HI A, HKfAHK. CA TAKHH, riUMTp, HliONlHITIA, 1A OBIFfK, MAI, A Hit, H It li f WSAK NKNV KICKPINia M MHKSM, 10. HtT rx.Ml t'Hinr nrl hmvm U In ! hmw ft, wilt amta ftuAVrng mm istM-tor'a bill HrmtM lf ehti4rn' itaja. Con t ! nr opiate or othr harm ful mar timm, Abmiiiitrljr pur ant) fummntrnt. fara lmtt) of WW iUm tot t, prepaid br mail r rsr, or will swikI you (liaiil) tria4 b'.MIta fitr 2-1 rfitta). AfjoMta wantiNt. tvmm mmm m Smw, m ut m n All AMERICAN WATCH t iSssSwausl M-(. su t-MM w.WSm, sSnS AMERICAN MOVEMENT stV ''-, ' ' ,m7 SJWrWaj lnrMVSMaflla- Ta.w m.0 rM t)tt f Mia ftuaal fwte irr;frr: 20 year MiEtCs (MMasK.IIOMirsMMMSftMw.l'lt SntC.O rB'St.SI himmwIm,-,, ittriru,crHas astaiiATioa. a Saliati.fMtory. ' r,.rx.-1 .lour pna r- n mm mm SB iOoMpll llw, wna ORt l),.llw. t- Ft t E Hll,Mlld. SmSirmb4MS0,lt3 U wlis M H SM. IUkaklPsMbrrlH.nS r.ll. W,tt. wkMbwILshl r I.Mn. imlrr OrtiL...,. I tenia's J.wlrv C. OspL.l tals Bit, ClilCAtttX Aro Yqsm If an sssh of DaAFNISS or MAHD-HKAWINa International laralClini. JT-ciuC FINE OLD , ...WHISKY Gin, Brandy, Rum n fuu qiisrts. W.on. Per sallnn, I2.M. tOHT AND BHKitKV, 11.6ft XXX ALL OOOll OOOUS Orders for a2A.H0 snd nnwsM rl.n.. , nesrejit hallrnad or eteamsr Lauding. Blank ( sses aud Keas. 1 LOUIS CAHEN & SON Xstabllshed 00 Vcsra S-nAWDISCO, CALIFORNIA. DROPSY 10 DAYS' THEATMEfiT FfltL . rH-i. y.iRi7Af;.?f.W fa?R bS i r, 3J ai'u,iL and aauiAa. ' 'Wr'3Ajr m a-"11- rll ;T mlfkt ala an wiia all Waaassj mi m.,i M,, &,, vtMmt 1 I ' -liif . A. Every Exertion a Task Every Care a Burden There I fiiilure of the strength to do and the power to endure; there ia weukiis "all over" thnt la permntetit and constant, TU vital function are Impaired, food doo not nourish, and the whole syetom ia run down. A iiiedioine that Ktrengthena the stomach, per foots digoRtioit, invig orate and tones is needed. What Mood's Narsaparllla did for Mrs' I II. Uarlaud, bhady, 'i'eiiii., it ha don for others. Hlie look It whsit she wa all run down without appetite, losing Hash, and tillable lo do lirr work, It reiiureil liar appetite, Increased her aeluht, and Iliads her ell and strung. This is hr own unsolicited sintonioiit. HootF Saraaparllfa Promises to cure and keeps the promise. The earlier treatment is iK'guri the hetter--b,gin it today. A fruit troe propagator hat produced a seedless apple. These new apples are n prior in flavor to the ordinary kinds. High prices are being paid for the trees. Stop tlm Comjh and Work Oil tlto Gold. Laxative Hrowo-Qulnln Tablet cure a cold in one day. No enre, No Pay, Price 15 cent. One Chicago man ha escaped Jury nrivoe on tbe plea tbat be I preju diced against th city. Hut then some men will say almost anything to ea eape jury duty. cD n n j u 112 3 3i f saNVred tbe tertajree mt itaa em4l vlth protriuims pose Ixoutm sa bt eonsiipa Una wlih alh I was afmeted for tunny years. I rsa sarose yeur t'ASi ARVT In the town of Nswell, la., and water tonne awn hint lo equal them. To-day I am snUnt free treat plies sod lee I Ilka a nsa wis " a H. Ksits, till Joaea hi., tloai City, la tnssssnt, Palatable- iidenl. Tssu 0e4. fit tout, Msrsr !. W mm. or Gru. s, Skv SH ... CURK CONSTIPATION. ... tUHtaf hull tasw, ttluss, liMSII, See f Sf. SB) IU-BAU I I DIMM lUhll. - - - '- ': '' -- ' - J AND VERMIN.. is required. It last for years. If for circulars and information to tha BUSINESS LIFE? SAW MILL, ENGINE ROII PD or anr plec.ol Maehlnerr, It UVILiUIl sllluu liiarlUll, In. .!. logu. and prloea. RUSSELL a OO., Portland. Of. NOTHING BETTER MADE Yoa can't mass s mlitakt II rou gela ..Mitchell.. Mitchell, Itemis & Staver Co. PORTLAND, ORECON. . DBaGUTSSSPILLS OHB WON A D08K. Cure lp n1 whs sutl Ir Papala, Kamovs I'luiinss.l'uririr llis llluud. Aid mil-. u, ur. MunotorlpsorStcksa, 'i. E'l 'il-JJi.1 1,1 "r oa. BO8ANKO00., rtlltfelsUs, , inl by UrusgKU, JOHN POOLK, Poti,ao, Obkoo, can give yon the best bargains In general tiiaclilnerjr, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belt and windmills, 'ilia new steel I X L wliidmlll, sold bv him, Is tin equalled. If CLAIMANTS FOR Wrl. tsNAIHAN PErjsiori BICKrumi. Wsshlnlan, II. 0 . the will ra relvsaulck renliss. aiib Cori-s, fronoiiting elalms stno 1H7A. ti, mn it. vims, iwi CUTLER'S CABEGLATEcf I0DIHE A gnsrsnteed Curs lor t'slsrrh and i.. i)ikii. U lAtck una lis, !dy.JTU co. iiftai-, i. y , Mt M. F. W. U. .-io. 41-1 oo. WMBIt wrltlna; t advertlaers pleat wwtlus this ap.r, - CANDV yjtJ CATHARTIC If You Need r- -y'a Ktm