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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1898)
The But Tim. No autumn or winter is so gox! bat hiflv be bad for rheumatism. The Worst time for It Is the best time to bur anil me St. Jaooba Oil to Ouro it, bovMutio it euros promptly. Pockot tutors attached to the end of IS or SO inches of rubber tubing are re oh nt valuable addition to the tourist's outfit. The biker addicted to the 'century" habit or the camper ia now protected against insects when drinking from a mountain spring or wayside brook. No danger of imbibing snakes except iu the time-honored road house way. Pure Blood . Good Digestion These are the essentials of health. Hood's Barsaparilla Is the great blood purifier and stomach tonio. It promptly expels the impurities which cause pimples, sores and eruptions and by giving healthy action to the stomach and digestive organ it keeps the system in perfect order. Mood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine, SI; six for (&. Prepared only by 0. 1 Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass, Hood's) Pllla wire Blk Headache. 26o. ' Ark-Like Weather. "Talking abont lainy weather," said the Westerner, "I remember one out in Indianapolis meeting a farmer who took the most cheerful tiew of damp noes of anybody I ever saw. I asked him if they bad bad much rain down on the Wabash that spring. 'Well, it baa been a little damp, he answered. 'The day beloie I left borne I bad to hang ap 84 of my ducks. Tbey bad got so water-soaked that tbey couldn't swim any longer. I planted my corn in two feet of water, and I don't expect orer 80 bushels to the acre. . Why, wheat is looking pretty well but the 'sturgeon and catfish bave damaged it considerably. " 'There was about 15 minutes of sunshine one day, and I thought 1 would plant my potatoes, so I loaded them on scow and anchored the scow In three feet of water, when it began to lain again. I wanted to go down on the bottom lamia next tbe Wabash to see It the- grass was growing lor my bay crop, but my wife said that as ws didn't hava any diving-bell she'd rather I wouldn't : " 'I should feel kind of discouraged with all the rain, but I've spent my odd hours of leisure time and tbe even ones, too, on account of staying in out of the wet building as an arte If it will only rain another week or two un til I get ber all ready to sail, I'm going to take my family out to Missouri by water for a trip to visit our folks that moved off out there because they didn't know enough to stay in a place) where they were comfortable.' "St. Louis Globe-Democrat Try Beaming's Beat tea and baking; powder. Tbe Metal Works, a trade paper, says that 41 tin-plate manufacturing estab lishments in tbe United States,with an aggregate of 250 tin mills, turned out in the six months ended June 80, 1898, 414,116,498 pounds, or 184,878 tons of black plate for tinning and 859,468,301 pounds, or 160,477 tons, of finished tin plate. ; " 'v: ' - . An African fat, used for domestic purposes, ia the soil of a species of beetle. It resembles hardened oocoa DUt OiL, , ' ' .; i, A woman of Belfast, Me., pawned ber beat bonnet in order to obtain money to pay the license tax on her pet dog. - y': ' ' . There ate 10,000 camels at work in Australia. TUMOR EXPELLED.'. ' ' ' '.' Unqualified Baooeaa " of Lydla El plnkham'a Vegetable OompounoV' 1 , Mrs. Euzabktb Wbeixock, Magna 11a, Iowa, In the following; letter de scribes ber recovery from a very crltl cal condition i . " Deab Mrs. Pifrsnaif I bave been taking your Vegetable Compound, and am now ready to sound lta praises. II has dona .won ders for me in relieving; me of a tumor. -"My health baa been poor for three years. Change of life was working '''VPft much Wolted and was Dur- den to myself. Was troubled with smothering spells, also palpitation of the heart and that bearing-down feel. Ing, and could not be on my feet much. " I was growing worse ail tbe time, until I took your medicine. "After taking three boxes of tydls, E. Plnkham's Vegetable- Compound Lozenges, the tumor passed from me. .' "My health has been better ever since, can now walk quite a distance and am troubled no more with palpita tion of the heart or bloating. I rec ommend your medicine to all sufferers from female-troubles." '' ' It is hardly reasonable to suppose that any one can doubt the efficiency of Mrs. Pinkbam's methods and medi cine in the face of the tremendous vol ume of testimony. .... . VETERMISlf Ii yon made a borne prior to lOT less aeree. you are entitled to an additional entry. which It assignable and worth something. Widows and minor orphana of deceased sol rilersheve same right. I will boy it. Bo not VMtt postage unless you made an original entry as stated above. , JjfltK COLLINS, Helena, Montana. Buy - Direct -JOSHST WOOLEN MILLS And save middleman's profits. Hen's line talk or-made ults,t3.A6 to $14. Fit guaranteed. Cata logue, aamples, self-measurement blanks, etc., mailed tree. Address J. LAN MOAN, McKay building, Portland, Or. Meution this paper BASEBALL, FOOTBALL. ATHLETIC AND OYHNMiUBl SUPPLIES. . . , Bend for Catalogue. , r" f Aft Ale Market St. a If...i M, lu fnaiilicsi is O'.ii. Use I 1 LTV arf 'W H I 9 , . e t ALONG THE COAST. Iteuia of General Interest Oleaneal From tha Thrlviuc 1'aolSo States. The ministers of Spokane are gen erally of the opinion that there should be but one legal ground for divorce. The now sawmill of the Equality Colony, near Ellison, Wash., is com pleted and paiil for. its daily capacity ia 10,000 feet. 1 The shipments from Coulee City, Wash., last week amounted to S3 cars of cattle, containing nearly 1,800 bead, and representing (13.000. The Indians who bave been causing trouble are getting out of Grant coun ty, Oregon, as fast as possible, and no further trouble ia expected. According to the financial statement oi Coos county, Oiegon, tbe 8 per cout reduction in the legal rato of interest will mean a yearly saving of something over $1,800. , , , Q. G oner son, of Melbourne, end one of the largest timber importora of Aus tralia, is vnsitlng tbe Northwest arrang ing for the pnrobase of several cargoes of fir lumber. Isaao W. Garrett, ex-secretary of state of Idaho, and a pioneer of Ore gon, died at Bo 180. Mr. Garrett had suffered from a complication of troubles for about a year. The Grand Ronde Lumber Company. of La Grande, has just closed large con tracts with different southern California fruit associations for, very large quanti ties of orange and other fruit boxes. The receiver of the Bank of Everett, which failed early in the panio, has made his anal report to the oourt, and an order has been made directing the remaining assets to be sold at auction The Pacific sheet metal works at New Whatcom started np again last week with half a crew, after having been shut down for about a month. This means the employment of about 60 or 60 persons, and is welcome news to a large number ofpeople. The discovery has been made that some miscreant has defaced the two 64 ton guns that are waiting to be plaoed in position at Marrowatono point, in Puget sound, by cutting names on the steel barrels with soap and acid. Sus picion rests on discharged workmen. The Imperial Paste Company has been organized at Great Falls, Mont., for the purpose of manufacturing maoaroni to supply the trade of that and adjonining states. The output of the factory is 600 pounds daily. They have orders ahead for three months' troiluct. The receiver of the defunct Spokane Savings bank has been authorized by the eonrt to pay a dividend of 1 per cent nn the outstanding olaims againBt the institution. This will make a total of 63 per cent paid by the bank. The total indebtedness of the bank amounts to 1100,409.64. Tbe Golden Giant dredger, now be ing rapidly poshed to completion at Lannan's spur, below the mouth of Burnt river, will be. ready to operate on December, 1.. Its capacity Is 2.000 cubic yards per day, and it is to be operated on 160 actes which are report ed good for 60 cents per cubio yard. '. Tbe Itepnbllo Mining Company of Eastern Washington baa just declared another dividend amounting to $30, OOOwhlch is at the rate of t cents per share. This is the second monthly dividend paid by the company of like amount, and there is every assurance that the dividends will continue at this rate every month, although the mill is not running at its full capacity. Kevei before was grass so scarce on the Gilliam county range as now. Even in pastures where the old bnnob grass is abundant, the grass Is so devoid of nutriment from long-continued drought that stock are losing flesh on it. Several sheepmen have commenced feeding hay already, and wise sheepmen and cattlemen are reducing their flocks ust now, while the pirca is good. The contract to cut 6,000,000 feet oi lumber and 175,000 ties has been secured by Mcpherson Bros. & Stout, of Brooklyn, B. C This contract is with the Columbia & Western railway, whioh will use the lumber on its Rob- Inson-Pent Icon branch. This firm con templates removing their mill to Glad stone, where a fine body of timber exists. - John Holmes, of Wellington, New Zealand, was recently in Vancouver, B. C, as a commissioner from the gov- eminent of the island on a mission to Ond new fields for the hemp trade of Mew Zealand, which last year pro duced 22,000 tons. Mr. Holmes says this eon ii try offers a fine opening for trade in shirts, shoes, cottons, house hold furniture, oanned salmon and agri cultural implements. Five mourning tribes assembled at the Puyallup reservation Sunday to pay the but honors to tbe royal infant, Reed Leech i, who died last, week, and who was the 8-months-old son of George Leshi, chief of the Puyallup tribe, and bis death Is mourned as the removal of a possible leader of the peo ple, there being but one living heir now left Leschi's uncle was the leader ef the war against the whites in the early days, for wbioh he lost his life. In compliance with the request of tbe Philadelphia board of trade, which was addressed to the several chambers of commerce in Pacific coast cities, the Los Angeles ohamber of commerce last week passed resolutions urging congress to take needed action to restore to the United States the ocean-carrying trade in vessels sailing undet tbe American flag, and also urging the press of the coast to lend its powerful aid to the success of this great national under taking, and to. cooperate with local commercial organizations. ' Reliable authorities place the ralue of the Washington fruit crop at about $4,000,000. , The . prune crop was gathcre 1 and evaporated in good condi tion, and about 76 per cent will grade 40s to 60s, which is considered excel lent for sizo. The apple orop west of the Cascades has colored up well, and is almost entirely free, from scab and other blemishes. Wbere the culture was thorough in the eastern part of tbe state, the per cent of apples affected by the codlin moth is small. Eastern fruit merchants are applying to the Pa cific Morthwest apple-growers for fruit this seasvn. PA0IFIO COAST TRADE. oatM Market. ' ' ( Tomatoes, B0'R5o per box. Cucumbers. 10 loo pot doa. ' Onions, 86 C"? 0o per 100 pounds, Potatoes. 1019. Boats, per sack, $1. Turnips, pr sack. 60 68a, : Carrots, per saok, 60c ' Parsnips, per sack, $1. Beans, green, SfttBo. Green corn, $1.26 1.60 per saok. ' Cauliflower, 75a per doa. Celery, 4060o. Cabbage, native and Calitoro' $1.26551. 60 per 100 pounds. Apples, 600(9660 per box. Pears, 76c $l per box. Prunes, 60o per box. ' ' Peaches, 7 60. Plums, 60o. ButterCreamery, !7o per pound dairy and ranch, IS ZOO per pound. Efegs, 80c. Cheese Native, 13 12 K Poultry Old btns, 180 per pound; spring chio&eos, I4r, turKoys, icq. Froth moats Choice dressed beef stoers, prime, 6Ka?oi cows, iprlme,' tc mutton, 7Hn W Too; veal, T8o. . ,; Wheat Feed wheat, $192v Oats CTioibe, pur ton, $22&2. Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.60(1 10; choloe Eastern Washington tim othy. $13. Corn Whole. $23.60; cracked, $34; food meal. $33.60. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $3426; whole, $33. Flout Patent, per barrel, $3.60 straights, $3.23; California brands, $3.26; buckwheat flour, $3.76; graham, per barrel, $3.70; whole wheat flour, $3. 76; rye flour, $4. ( MilletuffB Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $lfl. , Feed Chopped feed, $1721 pet ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil Oaks meal, per ton, $36. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla,. 61ct Val ley and Bines tem, C9o per bushel. Flour Best' grades, $3.46; graham, $3; superfine, $3.26 per barrel. . . OattH-Cholce white, 89(3 40c; choice gray, 8738o per bushel. Barlev Feed barley, $21 22; brew ing, ii per ton. Millatuffs-Bran, $15.60 per ton; mid dlings, $21; shorts, $16; chop, $15.80 per ton. Hav Timothy. $89; clover. $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $8 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6055o; seconds, 4046o; dairy, 40346o store, 8035o. r Cheese Oregon full cream, ll12o; Young America, 12ioi new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3. 60 8 per dozen; hens, $3.00(88.80; springs, $1.25 8; geese, $3.00 6.00 for old. $4. 60 5 for young; ducks. $4.00(3 6.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 13 12)iC per pound. Potatoes 45 (3 65c per sack; sweets, 2cjper pounn. Vegetables Beets, 80c; turnips, 76fl per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $11.25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, 76a per sack; beans, 80 per pound; celery, 70 (3 75o per dozen; cucumbers, 60c pet box; peas, 8(g3 o per pound. Onions Oregon, 75o$l per sack. Hops 1017e; 1897 crop, 67o. Wool Valley, 10312o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8(3 12c; mohair, 25c per pound. , ;; , , . , Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8 UO; dressed mutton. 7c; ' spring lambs, 7c per lb. . Hoga Gross, choice heavy, $4,781 light and feeders. $3.00(4.00; dressed, $5.50(18.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.50(33.75; cows, 12. 60 3. 00; dressed beef. 66to per pound Veal Large. 6o; smalL 6a 7e per pound. Ban FranoiMo Harks. Wool Spring Nevada, 10 (3 14c per pound; Oregon, Eastern, I012o; Val ley, 15(8 17c; Northern, 9llo. Millstuffs Middlings, $1721.00; bran, $15. 00g 18.00 per ton. : Onions Yellow, 8040c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery,: 24c; do seconds, 22dc23; fancy dairy, 3i& 22c; do seconds, 20 (3 24c per pound. Eggs Store, 1822c; fancy ranch, 8489o. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3 2.60; Mexican limes, $6.S0; Caii, fornia lemons. $2.00 . 800; do ohoioe- $3. 50 4. 80; per box. LABOR AND INDUSTRY. The Detroit steel and spring works Ci the Detroit Steel & Spring Company are being operated 34 hours a day The Pennsylvania tube works of Pitts burg, Pa., have an order from the Standard Oil Company for 40 miles oi eight-Inch pipe. Experiments made in Paris show that an electrio wagon costs 47 per cent lesss to run than a horse wagon and 83 per cent lees to run than a petroleum motor."-'' Coventry is the center of the British cycle industry. Compared with this time last year the firms there are said to be employing about 4,000 fewer per sons, while thousands of employes are now working only 80 hours weekly. The xtoithern Pacific railway sbopl at South Tacoma have practically sus pended tbe Duildini of the 800 flat-cars. Two hundred of the cars were finished, and then it became impossible to get enough material to complete the others. Houston is tbe only interior cotton market in the world that ever received ,85,000 bales of cotton In one day. pixty per cent of tbe Texas crop will pass through Houston this season and the total gross receipts at this point are expected to exceed 3,000,000 bales. ' American manufacturers wishing to send goods, into Turkey in Asia are warned by the consuls that their circu lars and letters must be written in Turkish or French, preferably Turkish. To write Or prlpt them In English is simply a waste of time and money. It is estimated that the combined tomato pack of Salem and Cumberland counties, New Jersey, this year will not be less than 12,000,000 cans. Tbe average output of canned tomatoes in the United States from 1893 to 1897 was about 6,250,000 cases, or 126,000, OOOoans. . Tbe largest tin plate establishment In 4he world is to be moved from Wales to tbe United States. Formerly this country imported anrmallf from $20,0.00,000 to I3O.OO0.00O worth of tin plate. As tbe result of a moderat protective duty the importation last rest? was less than (4,000,000. NO) FORMAL PROTEST MADE. Our Halations With Nicaragua CoDcarn . tlta Vaaalt ,. Washington, Nov. 6. It is snid at the state doparttnunt that our govern ment has not protested against tbe ac tion of the Nicaragua government in granting a ooncewlon for the building of the Nicaragua oanal to Eyre & Cra gin, after the expiration of the Marl time company's concession next Octo ber. What the department has done is not of recc-it date, and consists solely of making of roprosenations to the Nic aragua authorities to the effect that the United Statos deemed it only fair and proper that the status quo should be maintained in matters relating to the Nicaragua oanal until the board, headed by Admiral Walker, has had chance to report and congress an op portunity to consider that report. This is diplomatically something very differ ent from a protest. The reasoon that this action is taken Is that tbe making of a new concession by tbe Nicaragua government, even though it will take effect only upon the expiration of tbe piesent concession to the Maritime Cannl Company, might operate to pre vent the latter from obtaining an ex tension of Its concession, to which it might be justly entitled. 'In the event that congress should legislate upon the basis of the con strnction of the work nndcr the aus pices of the Maritime company, this, of course, would seriously jeopardize the Interests of tbe United States. GALLERY COLLAPSED. Sarlous Accident la tho Xmsnt Opera- Hnuit-FaopU Panle-Btrlekaa. Eugene, Or.. Nov. 8. Tonight at about 10 o'clock, during a performance at the opera-hoiiBO, while the building was packed, a section of one of the up per floors, on which there were about 80 people, fell, without warning. The lower floor was also crowded. The sec tion of floor that fell was abont 13 feet long and 8 feet wide. It was built out from the wall. The wall supports gave way, and the Door swung baok. precipitating the people to the floor below. Those underneath were caught nnder the timbers, but miraoulously few ol them were injured. One man had his collar bone broken, and a boy about 16 years of age was severely in jured in the back. A ' dozen or more received minor injuries. A regular panic followed the collapse, but the house was emptied without further ac cidents, thw', another floor creaked and came near going down daring the tush.. : ... BUFFALO READY FOR HER TRIP. Will Go ta alia Via tha Baas Canal Bonta. New York, Nov. 6. Everything is now in readiness for tbe departure of tbe crluser Buffalo for Manila. The coaling of the ship was completed last night. The Buffalo is to go by way of the Mediterranean and the Sues canal. There will be several hundied men for Admiral Dewey's fleet on tbe Buf falo when she sails. Tbey are intend ed to fill the vacancies duo to illness nd other causes, on the vessels iu tbe Asiatio station. A large amount of stores will also be sent on the Buffalo. She la expected to make the trip in abont 60 days, traveling at a speed of 10 knots an hour. An effort will be made to get ber into Manila harbor by Christmas. Twenty-four officers sail on the Buf falo. Commander J. N. Hemphill Is iu command; Lieutenant W. B. Diehl is executive officer, and Lieutenant George W. Logan, navigator. To Stop Growth of Crime. Spokane, Nov. 5. A special meeting of the mayor, commissioners and ohlef of police was held today, to take action rogarding the growth of crime. The city has become infested with burglars and highwaymen and hold-ops and rob beiies have become of nightly occur rence. As a result of the meeting the mayor issued a proclamation offering reward of $500 for the arrest and con viction of any of the men who have been engaged in the recent hold-ups. It was also decided to swear in as spe cial policemen any reputable citizens who may desire to carrj arms for their own protection. To Prevent FrtvatoortBs;. ' Washington, Nov. 5. A memorla prepared by Charles Henry Butler and others has been presented to the nresi dent, asking that this government call an international convention to consider the question of making private property free from oapture on the high seas in time of wai.- The memorial pays a tribute to the administration on the humane and speedily successful prose cution of the recent war, and points out that this government is in the beat position of any power at present to take the Initiative in such a humane movement, without laying itself open to the imputation of selfishness. Wows From Kotxebno. San Francisco, Nov. 6. A letter from Frank Nnnan, a prospector, dated September 18, was received in this city from Kotzebue sound today. He states that the sternwheel steamer John Riley was aground six miles above Squirrel river, and it was said that her baok was broken. Tbe steamer Arctic went to the Riley's assistance with provisions for her orew. On the Nootak, Sclawack and Kubak rivers only the color of flour gold was discovered. Prospects on tbf Buckland river are fair. Chicago, Nov. 6. The British gov eminent has closed a contract here for the Immediate delivery of 135,000 gal lons of distilled spirits at . Montreal. An Intimation was also given that about 40,000 more gallons would in all likelihood be ordered within about 10 days. This order ot 126,000 gallons amounts to nearly 8,000 barrels, and will tequire over 60 cars for its trans portation Into Canada. The nse of the distilled Spirits thus ordered will be in tbe manufacture of smokeless powder. Washington, Nov. 6. In regard to Spain's protest against sending the battle-ships Oregon and Iowa to Ma nila, Secretary of State Hay has noti fied M. Tbiebaut, the French charge d'affaires, who it representing Spain. in the absence of M. Cambon, that tbe destination of these ships is Honolulu, and ss that is now an American port this government has the right to send she ships there. The Oregon end Iowa are now In Brazilian waters, and while ofiiolally it is stated they are bound for Hono lulu, It is unofficially admitted that tbey will proceed to Manila. fl Vigoroas Battle. From tht Kivt Sro, Drttmburg, fiiA : T Mloiii. Is a straightforward statement ol taots by a veteran of the late wur. No comrade will need fur ther proof than thoii friend's own words, as here given. Squire John Castor, of Newpoint, Ind is the narrator, and on honest, respected aitizen ho is, too. He said: "I have been troubled with rheumatism in all my loints, ever since I went to the war. It was brought on by my ex posure there. H came on mo gradu ally, and kept getting worse until I was unable to do any work. I tried several physicians, but they did me no oniwt Tlmv axiil mi trouble was rhoil matisin resulting in disease of the nnA tl.ut iliArawin manure ttt iL. NovertholoHs I bad lived and fought the disease for thirty years, and did not intend to die,' simply because thoy said 1 must, so 1 nuuieu up some rem I Want to Swear to That. ediee for mvself. and finally happened on. Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pale People. I asked some of my ncighbois about the medicine, for it bad been used by several., persona in the com mnnity, and they recommended it very highly. I procured a box," Tho pills helped me right away, and I continued taking them. I commenced taking them lost fall, and finished taking the Sixth box few months ago. I am not bothered with the rheumatism now the medicine has on red me. I can most certainly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pil's for Pale People." ' These pills are not only good for rheumatism, but are valuable for any disease that arises fiora impoverished, or bad blood. They do not act on the bowels. , IN THE ANIMAL WORLD. . The organs ot smell in a vulture and a carrion crow are so keen that they can scent their food for a distance of 40 miles. The wings of birds are not only to aid locomotion in the air, but also on the ground and water. One bird even has claws in the "elbows" of its wings to aid in olirubing. : The elephant does not smell with his trunk. His olfactory nerves are con tained in a single nostril, which is in tbe roof of the mouth, near the front, : Humming birds are domesticated by placing In their cages a number of paper flowers of tubular form, ooutain- ing a small quantity of sugar and water. which must be frequently renewed. Of this liquid tbe birds partake and quick ly become apparently contented with tbeir oaptivity. A fossil bog oak, weighing 40 tons, whioh geologists assert to be 10,000 years old, has been dug np at Stock' port, England, in exoavating to lay a sewer. The corporation of the town wants to blow it up with dynamito, in spite ol, protests from solentlao men throughout England. No household Is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. Mrs. Thackara, General Sherman's daughter, who resides in Havre, France, her husband having been made the American consul at that port, writes that she has been elected a member ol the board ot managers of the Havre So ciety for the Protection of Animals, The members of the board are chiefly men, there being only two women be, sides Mrs. Thackara. When coming to Ban Francisco go to Brooklyn ' Hotel. 208-212 Bush street. American- or Enropean plan, Koom and board $1.00 to 11.50 per dny; rooms 50 cents to tl.uu per oay; single mean 20 cents. ire coacn. Clins. Montgomery. When J. A. Paulsell, a veteran of both the Mexican and civil wars, and now 82 years old, married a woman of 22 years a few days ago, he used a novel wedding ring. It was of brass and was made from a bit of. cannon used by the Mexicans at Chapultepec and destroyed by the Amerioans. '' ' To Core a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it falls to cure. 25o. Robert Quinoy and wife, of Parkers burg, W. Va., bave separated because of the latter's fondness for onions and tbe former's inability to stand the smell of that vegetable. The husband is seeking a divorce, and the wife is with her parents. They bave several children. I believe my prompt use of PIko's Cure irerented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy Valine, Marquette, Kansas, Dee. 12, lbtts. , Thirty years ago there were only two dozen explosive compounds known to chemists; now there are over 1,000. Tender Flesh. The more tender the flesh, the blacker the bruise. Tbe sooner yon nse SU Jacobs Oil, the quicker will be the cure of any bruise, and any bruise will dis appear promptly undei the treatment of the great remedy. - : Cupid, instead of Davy Jones, kid naped Miss King, whose mysterious disappearance from Coney- island re cently created snoh a stir, and now she has returned alive, well and a blushing bride, seeking the parental blessing, . The lareeet orsan in the wmld Ii In the Cathedral of Seville, Spain. It has 68 pipes and 110 stops. The Well-Known tea of the Pacific Coast I3 SckiUint Best.' ; Vyell-known fof gfrddncsa ) and money -back if e you don't -like -it. 1 . PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Ndtwltstandlng' bis 70 years, George MaoDonald, the novelist, Is slowly re- ' Mvortna from the ft acts of the sun- ' stroke received in August. I H all the aooounts ate true sny right minded man would rather be s plain I American oitlson thau etnperor of China. The former has grout deal more fun. ' ' I Some of the suits for damages grow ing out o( tho loss of the steamship La i Bourgngno, of tho Ciunpngnle Gatierale I TiaiiBatlantlqne, are based on the allo- 1 cation that the captain of the ship, Dleoiiclo, was Insane, that he had prophesied that he would go to the bot tom with his ship, ami. took no measure, either to avoid tho disaster or to savo tha lives of his passengers. It's Your Own Fault. How long have you had lame baokt It's your own fault. St. Jacobs Oil would have cured It promptly, and will oure It now, no matter how long It has remained neglected. ; Taking the avorage depth of the ocean to be three miles, there would be a later of salt 380 foot if the water should evaporate. If you want the best wind mill, tiumns, tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot all slses boilers, enirlnes, of fxnornl machinery. eo or write JOHN POOI.15, foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. The now cable which has been lutd across the Atlantic, weighs 660 pounds to the milo. This is tho biggest of all the cables. riff Permiuipntly CuriHl. rto suor nsrveiisnet II ftr Unit ilsy's IMS ot ttr. Kline's urrt Nerve IWnturer, at'tut tor VllkK es.o irinl boil In uid trentlne. I 'IV It U. aXt&U, lid W0 ,Kll SUliet, 1'tlllMlelpbla, !. There is a clock In Bi onsets, Belgium, which has uovur boon wound up by human hands. It Is kept going by the wind. 100 ItEWAItn siioo. The renders of this paper will he r'cssmt te KMrn that ttiitre II at least one dr.n.lcl Ulwiw that sslenee has lieen able to cure In all It Slant's, ami that lactttarrh, Hnll'sUaturh euro Is iheoulj lol!leoure known to Hie medical Iramrnhy. (Jaurra heirs a constitutional ills ease, requires a eonatltuilnnal treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internslly, acting directly nnon the blood and mneons surfaces of ihe syainin, thereby destroying the louml. Hon of the dmcae, and giving the patient uenith by bulkttiut U the cnnitltallpn and aumlng nature In doing Its work. The pro prietors have so much faltb la It curative powers, that they offer On Hundred Italian fur anr ewe that It (alls to cure, bead loi list Oi testimonials. AiMrtwa F. 1. Cll KNEY A C0H Toledo, O. Bold by drngxlsta, 79, Hell's Family fills are tbe best Baron Guslav de Kothsobild has founded charitable work In memory of bis daughter, Baroness Emanuel Leonino. It consists of 20 pensions ol 600 francs a year to aged Hebrews of either sex above 60 years of age, who have resided at least 10 years in Paris, and whose age or' ill health piorouts their making a living. The demand for sardines has rnn so far short ol tho supply that tbe French factories are closing their doors, and the government has been asked to come to tbe relief of this Important national industry by making a ration ot 6 or 10 sardines daily part of the regular fare of the French soldier. "CALTHOS"- wuW IWi P Pool' fPAff ufp U lt.Ca.Ca Ii . KOUlmM HU US ii I 4 B k J Ll I l Lost Manhood 5 BysTrial Treatsnsnt by Gealod In Mil -?i i'i oi J' " 4 I f fev:''r,e. not radically, quickly and permanently ours. Hesual Cj .J IV Va weakness does not cure Iteclf, It growa worse from week '' ( .N to week, Kach dav aaarsvetee the fnimtnl ,v. anmilr-h. helps you, more of the medicine can be purchased. If it does not help, no harm le dona and no money pain out, you csn send your name with the full knowledge that It will he kDt from all, Adilrsa applications for trial treatment, etc., to the VON MOHl, o 171 II Cincinnati, O. Largest liuportera of Stnmlurd I'reimratiun la Ilia V. S. ....STEEL SPIRAL CONVEYERS,... ..iw.9 e"7, ln ";orMf lae "J."! ,bo.v oonvorers, both rlpht and left, which ws will sell at jtroatly reduced prices. Alo all slses of (levator buckets and bolts. Write for price-list and discounts. Willamet Iron Works Front and Everett 8ts. YOUR LIVER Is it Wrong? Get It Right. Keep it Right. Moore's Revealed Remedy wllldolt. Throe doses will make Ton leal better, net it your druggist or an wholesalodrns house, or svih bh, mi v a uoimos urug uo. Seattle TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Koota f7rown(l. BrldnrtMi Matlo, l'attlleaS til Hilar aft.tls-1 Xklrant lnn. I Dr. T. H. White, Kf- Miss Theodora Cowan, o( Cyimey, Australia's first woman sculptor, was Powers, and has exhibited two ilK"jj of bor work In the Oruftou gallery, , Activity of Vesuvius. Much anxiety has bean caused In Naples by the renewed activity of Mount Vesu vius. There is little likelihood that U will do ouy serious dumnirn. On tha other hiind thousands dlo dully front stomach disorder, who mixht buvo survived hud they resorted to llnstetter's Htuinaelt hit. tern. It Is the Kreiiteot tonlo known for stomach and dlxeallv organs. The moon mnvos through space at the rate of 8,1193 font per second. Its mean distance from the earth Is 288, 850 miles. Tho latest excuse advanced In expla nation ol tha bad niarkmanshlp of the Spanish gunners Is that persons pos sessing light eyes aim truer than those with dark orbs, The advocates of this theory, however, do not offe any coun ter reason for tho expert marksmanship of negroes and Indians, who are mora dark-eyed than the people of tbe Latin race. . , ' The Inhabitants ot the Marquesas Island are among the most expert tt tooers on earth. v- Y m EXCUIENCB CFSYKUPCF CCS la due not only to the originality and simplicity of tha combination, but also to tho care and skill with which it Is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Califorkia F10 Synvr Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the Importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genulue Syrup of Figs Is manufactured by the CALiroHNiA Fit) Btiive Co. only, koowledg of that fact will asslat one in avoiding the worth leas Imitations manufactured by other par tics. The hifrh standing of the Cau roftttlA FlO grftup Co. With the medi cal profession, and tha satlhfaotlon which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty ot the exoollonce of its remedy. U U far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate. In order to pet IU beneficial e fleets, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. a a a rKaacMOo, Cal. Uit'litVIU.E. Iir. NK.W TOkC. X. T. Prof. Laborde's French Cure tot Sent iso'iie Freo Mail to ail Gufforers Flo C.O.D. or Deposit Gchemo The only rweixirartoti known to tolenee which resltv eurea Ixmt Mnnhond le "t'al,THr8," Ihe marolmia Fr. ru h remedy dUcoveieil ttr Pro!. Jules t.nburi1. It Is onntn ll-,1 eminlry by the Von kiohl Co.. ot (Iniiliiiiail. chit, ooi:mwhlch ewMieiee a hlKh and Nonorahl t,lnr in Os Ini'lnclnnmi, as any one who Is acquainted In that city will mmiiBint. u tm ens or me mum rini!W noiisea wat.ty. The Von MoM Co. Invitee all men suff-rlnf from Lost Mnhxx1, Spermatorrhoea, Varlmeele or Wenhnna of any nature In the Nerves or Heavial Orsana, to en4 their hnmes enlrelvea flv deya nettment, Tula will prove ilia eron. Jerful vltallsln Bowere of "CAM'llHS." After unlnar It Sve flay tha aitrferera wilt Snd new vlffnr In their oraana, new furoe In thulr mueeles, new lilntifl In thfllr veins, new mhltlon, anl ranlit preareea lowartl tha buoyant (eellnaa ntt SMnaatlons of younaer dsye. This liberal free offer genuine. There la nowln1ltna; C. O, v., er depoMt schema ponnerteri with It. The five days' treatment la sent by senleil mull to all on reiiueet, wrapped in a plole package, ana nrlnterl limtructlons e eonihany the metlielne. en that each patient becomes tile own (lector an4 mirea himself at home. It doeen't mnho any tltfference what oauserl tha week neaa whether bail hahtta In youth, or exceea. or over work, or bunlness troubles. "OALTHoa" will effect a cure, no matter what bis name lite disease may tit ealleS by doctors. The Von Mohl Co. tresis all oorreioni1ence In perfect confi.lenoe. Under no condition will It make public tha Baniea of tha Ihouffanda who have written teetlmnulule tellies of their restoration to roouBt manhood after other medicines proved worthless. "CAI.THOH" Is rerulaily used In the French and Oertnan armlca. and the l,1iers In thiols countries hava coma to lie nnrfect models of atreriKth and vltnlttv, Curee are ertecled at all airce from 20 to HO yen re. Thifa no case (cuceiit where the slnae of epllenvy or Innanlty has been rtiacheril which It .nt Bend toilnv fee Hue Ave rtnv' trl.t 19 i. $45 845 $43 $45 545 1899 BICYCLES "nest Wheels "un Earth." 189S ideals trt.M, 2S, fin. Pond for ratalogue. blve agents wanted everywhere, FRRIl T. HKBK1IX CYCLE CO., PORTLAND. 81'OKANK. TACOMA. -PORTLAr.D. OR- CURE YCURSELFI I't JHfftU tor 4jiinnturU atiflturjc'S, il)rihjyiiilonn, Irritaiituii or ulcrnvfoui f l I 4 eare oi mnooBi mciiibrnn)i f-a.4rwcFv.ts flucumif fU sttrnt or tM-.iati.n.ri V 0.1.1. , i Of Kini In Dlafn wrnnraaiiL mt- Ulroular sent en rwnioss. N. 1. N. V. HO. s(l-'ttH. w II KN vrrltloe; to advertiser please menUoB tUls vapor.