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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1898)
j JL JLJLJLiJ SLKJ Jl VOL. XV. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1898. NO. 43. EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TEIISK TICKS FBOM THK WIEK8 An Interesting Collection of llimi Trttm the Two Hemispheres Presented ' In a Condensed form. A new cabinet hat been formed In Japan. The Crank Indium had a tight over the elections, and one of them wat killed. , At Geneva, Switzerland, Lnchennl, the Italian anarchist who assassinated the Empress of Austria, was lentenced to imprisonment (or life. ' There It general belief In England that the danger ii not pant, that Fashoda was but one incident, and that war with France Ii yet probable. The Cubans at Holrjoln are reported to be in a terrible condition and are rotting to death without the oar of a doctor. The death rate if SO a day. At a eounoll of admirals held la Paris It was decided to fit out all French war Teasels available. Thirty reserve ships have been ordered Into oommisslon. Lake Michigan was again swept by a northeast gale, and great damage to the tea wall has resulted. The work of re pairing the damage created by the last gale it all nndone, and the outer drive way In Lincoln park was undermined. French newspapers are becoming hos tile and are eritoiting tb proceedings of the peace commission. The Ameri cam at acouted of having adopted an Irregulal form of procedure lu present ing the reply to the Spanish proposal. An early rupture in the negotiations it predicted, . A serious dash of authority, In whloh the government inspector and Bed Croat agent were Involved, occurred in Cuba, and the warehouse at tiibara wat seised. The agent protested against the telsura, but hit protest was disre garded. He then appealed to Ueneral Wood, who promised to tee that no further Motion occurred. : . At Wilmington, N. 0., white men provoked trouble with negroes and a fight to the death ensued, In which tight of the blacks were killed. Armed men petroled the streets of the city. The battle was precipitated by the de struction of the plant of newspaper inn by a negro, and In which had been published an article derogatory to the white women of Wilmington. The negroes wera disarmed to prevent fur ther trouble. The United States collier Nero bat arrived at Nagasaki, Japan. Rrltith naval preparation! for pos sible war continue unabated. . Governor Lord of Oregon bat iatoed hit annual Thanksgiving proclamation. Western railroads have been enjoined from excluding Pueblo steel from Paolfit eoatt points. Orders have been issued for a general movement of traopt from Camp Meade, Pa., to the South, Drought and hot winda have played havoc with Anstialian wheat fields. ' The commissioner of agriculture tayt there will not be enough wheat for the local demand. The principal garrison of the United Stales troops in Cuba will be located near Havana, according to completed plant of the commission appointed to select csmp el tel. A plot bat been discovered at Parit which bat for Itt object the fomenta tion of a general revolt against the gov ernment in, case the revision of the Dteyfut case itsulti favorably to the prisoner. The monthly statement of the direct or of the mint shows the total coinage at the United States mint during Octo ber to have been t8, 600, 841, as follows: Gold, 9,180,000i silver, 15,804,191; minor coins, 108,860, William C. Hipp, of the Massillon (O.) Fire Brick Company, hat scoured options on the plants of all the reading fire brick companies of thit country, and they will soon be purohased and operated' b a trust. Rich gold mines have been discov ered a Terra del Fuego, according to a report made by Franklin Hansom, who has just returned to Cleveland, O., from that country with 118,000 in dust, as a result of two years work. ' The mayor of Spokane has declared an emergency, and issued a proclama tion enrolling all persons over 81 years of age at special constables, to assist in arresting robbers who have been ram pant lutely. A reward of $600 la offered for the conviction of any one of the robbers. The labor problem at Santiago Is be. coming seriflus. Native Cubans will not work, and the tituatlon is most try ing. Capital seeking Investment holds aloof because of the fact that there is no stable government and no assurance that labor coold be secured to develop properties In which money might be Invested. " ' f. , ''' Minor Hows Items. J ' west Virginia is wunoui a time um ( and hat a casli surpins oi i,uuu,uuu In banks drawing 8 per cent interest. Silat Packard, the well-known edu estoi and toundar of Pnokard business college, died at bit home in New York, god 7 years. It is said that 85 per oont of the sp plications made for divorce In North Dakota this year were made from New York state, and moat of these from Hew York city. . LATER NEWS. The Spanish government la trying to borrow money in London to pay off the tioopt la Cuba. Secretary Long wltnesed a successful torpedo test of the Holland submarine boat fa New York. As a fatal wind-up of a debate In Coot oounty .Oregon, Itny Hollenbeok stabbed to death Guy Beck lord, Adjutant-General Oorbln tayt the volunteers may soon coma home. The regulars will take their placet. An unlikely ttory comes from Parit that a syndloate of capitalists proposes to take over the Philippines. Returning Klondi ken "bring newt that the City of Dawson has been visit ed by a 150,000 Bre, in which 40 build, ings were burned. News hat been received of the death of two more Oregon volunteers at Manila, Frank E. ltoflno, of Portland, and J. J. Reed, of Hubbard. A Berlin dispatch tflyt Spain it nego tiating with Germany to dispose of the remnant) of her kingdom, notably the Caroline,' Palawan and Lad rone islands. The steamer Woloott, from Copper river, Alaska, brings newa of the drowning of a young woman named Grostcup and a man named Tankerton, In Controller buy, October 6. Secretary Long hat given orders that no new work on North Altantlo vessels be begun. , The Oregon and Iowa have been otdered to remain on the Braaillao coast for ten days. A London dispatch from the province of Chan Tung, China, announces that a flood in an adjoining province bat de stroyed hundreds of villages and threat ens a million people with famine. International complications are pos sible with Mexico. James Temple, American, is being held in Sonora, lol having atiot a Mexican in Arlsona. Bis release lias been demanded by the sec retary of state. Seven thousand unsaid Spanish troops in Cuba have mutinied, and an armed demonstration wat made at the residence of the military governor at Nuevitas. Two Spanish warablpt are en route to the scene. Archbishop William Bickley Gross, of tht Oregon Roman Catholic ohurch, died at St. Joseph's hospital, Baltimore, Md. His death wat canted by heart trouble, brought about by rheumatism, lie had been ill for tome time, but bit death was, entirely unexpected. Morrlt J. Lull, a Reading (Pa.) shoe maker, wat shot and killed by his 18-year-old ton. Young Luta came home intoxicated, and hit lather reprimanded bint. Thit angered the boy and he fired two shots through bit father's bead. The boy then committed suicide by outting bit throat. He had the rep utation of being' a desperate young fellow. . , Six of the Fergui Falls train robbers have been captured. " A Are and an explosion In store in Hanover, Mats, killed four men. ' According to astronomical calcula tions a shower of meteors it due thit month. ...... Five honrdod men were thrown ont of employment by a lire In copper mine at Houghton, Mich. Havana toreadors will petition Presi dent MoKinley to permit professional boll-flghting in Cuba under the new regime.' . , v v4v.: Charles A. Wheeler out bit throat with a rasor in the Woodmen't hall at Portland, Or. He left a letter, saying that drink wat the cause of hit down fall. . A fierce duel between the notoriont Herr Wolff and the Polish deputy, Chevalier de Qnlewoas, it tbe sensation of the hour in Vierfha. Swordt were the weapona need and De Gniewoei was badly woundod. Miss May Wallace, a teacher In tire Pendleton academy, wat ahot through the body while standing by a window at the home of her parents in that city. A Chinese youth is suspected, hit motive being revenge for being expelled from olass. , Five wera Instantly killed and four others seriously injured In collision en a Pennsylvania railroad. Two ex press trains crashed bead-on by failure of the air-brakes on one of the locomo tives to work. All the killed and in jured men were members of tbe crewt of the wrecked trains. Bl,'knp among the soldiers in camn at Honolulu it increasing. Typhoid . mi - ill i fever 18 rampant, mo wuiinry nov pita, Is crowded, and tbe nursing force ia entirely inadequate to the demands a..! tinin it HtnnA .AiiffilAt 9ft. 1ft soldiers have succumbed to various dis eases, typnoiu carrying on seven. Timre are no lees than 208 New York ers on the sick list. : The administration has decided, says a Washington dispatch, to pay but little cash to the Dons. The Philippine pub lic improvements debt will be made good, but no more. Tire whole amount to be allowed will probably not exceed one million. The president and cab inet carefully noted the sentiment of the country in regard to an indemnity at expressed at the election, and con clude that payment of the mm first pro posed would not be in accord with the will of the people. Charles G, Dawes, comptroller of the currency, hat ordered that the system of semiannual examinations of national banks in effect in tbe country shall ex tend over all cities, without any excep tion, as beietofore. - Postmaster-General Smith bat issued an order directing that Hawaiian post age stamps shall be recognised at their fa? value for payment of postage on all articles mailed In Hawaii, whether addressed for delivery in the United States or elsewheie, ' , NOVEMBER ELECTIONS rifty-tlxth Congress Will B Repunll- ean--ItoosveH tueoeaelnl In Maw York. All except three of the 45 atatesT Maine, Vermont and Oregon, held elec tions the first Tuesday in November. Forty-two states elected congressmen. In Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Ken tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississip pi, .North Carolina, Rhode Island, Virginia and West Virginia only con gressmen were chosen. Twenty-three of the ttates elected loiflslatuies, which will name United States senators. These are: California, Connecticut, Florida, Delaware, In diana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Min nesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and West Vir- Summary of the Returns. Theodore Roosevelt has been elected governor of New York by a plurality of 20,000. Republicans lose lOoongruss men, electing IS, while Demoorats elected 19. The legislature will be Republican. The Ohio congressional delegation remains onobanged, but the Republicans have elected their state troket by over 60,000 plurality. Re turns from Indiana are favorable to the Republlcani by about 16,000 plurality; all but four congressmen are Repub licans, and the legislature Is Repub lican. In Illinois tbe house will be Democratic and the senate Republican. The state it Republican by probably 80,000. In Massachusetts tbe Repub licans elected their state tioket, but lost two congressmen. The fusion state VOTE OF Fallaiwlajc la (! Tata of Wastilnartaa ae Far aa Return e4. COUNTIES Adams ..... ... Chehnlla Clallam ... .... Cliirk" Columbia. Cowllta Ixtuglaa .... ... Franklin Garlh-IU ., ..... Island ...... ... Jt-rTerson .... .. King".... , Kitsap Kltlltaa ...... . Klickitat , Lewis" Lincoln Mason , l'acitlc ... Pierce , Bkaalt Bnohomish Buokane .. ... Tnurntnn ..... Wahkiakum .. Walla Walla . Whalcom .. ... Whitman" ,. . Yakima .. Totals Official. "Complete unofficial ticket wins in Nebraska, but the leg islature will be Republican, they hav ing also secured four out of fix con gressmen. Governor Pingree, of Mich igan, baa been e-elected. - Delaware Republicans elect state, congressional and legislative tickets. Gage is elected governor of California over Magulre by about 80,000 plurality. In Nevada the Republicans elect McMillan gov ernor. Colorado reports a fusion victory. Wyoming it Republican by 1,000 to 1,800. Tbe futlonistt won in Idaho. In North Carolina two Re publicans out of nine were elected and in Tennessee two out of nine. Voor hees, Republican, is elected governor of New Jersey, and six of tbe eight con gressmen are Republican,' Campbell, Democrat, will be the new congressman from Montana, and Thomas, Mormon Democrat, from Utah. Pennsylavnia eleotet VV. A. Stone, Republican, gov ernor by a large plurality. South Da kota will have a Populist governor and a Republican legislature- The elec tion! in the South, at usual, went Dem ocratio. , . The Next Congress. ReDublicana will remain In control of the o6th congress; Almost complete retnrnt show that they will have at least 180 votes in the house, Democrats 160, Fopulistt 4, Silver Republicans 8. Tha Hons. ':; ' Tl, fnllowlntf Aahla atinwa tha strength of the different parties in the next house: Ficty-nftS; flfty-etathi STATES. Alabama .. , Arkansaa .. ..... California Colorado ... Connecticut ...... Delaware .. ..... Florida , Oeot'tta Idaho ... ......... flilnola ....... Indiana .. ....... Iowa Kansas Kentucky ....... .ouwiana ....... fains klarylana ........ asMohuaetts . lohlaan ....... lilnnuaota Mississippi ..... .Hsoourl .. ...... Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey,,,.,. New Tgrk. ...... North Carolina. North Dakota,,. 8hlo .. regon Pennsylvania ... Rhode Inland.,.. Boutii Carolina, fiouih Dakota... Tennessee ,, Texas ............ frtnh Vermont Virginia Washington ..... West Vlrflnla.. Wisconsin ....... Wyoming Tot all. lM(t4 . The Vast Isnnt. . . - States to elect senators in which Re publican legislatures appear to be suc cessful ' are: Michigan, Minnesota, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylavnia, New Jersey and California. Five of these stattet are now represented by Democrats, who will give way to Re publicans, The othor five states are now represented by Republicans. The complexion of the. next senate will be at follows: Stats-. Alabama Arkansas , California Colorado Cnnnsotiout .......... Delaware Florida ... Georgia, .. Idaho ..... illlnola .... ndlana ., ..... owa .4 Kansas ..... ......... Kentucky .. ......... Louisiana Maine Maryland .... MaaaachusettS ..... . Mlsewelppl Michigan .... Minnesota Missouri .... ......... Montana Nevada ......... Mebraekt ............ New Hampshire ... New Jersey New York North Carolina. North Dakota. Ohio Oregon Eennsylvanta ....j. hoda Island South Carolina ...... South Dakota Tennessee, Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Waslnrton ... ...... Went Virginia Wisconsin .... Wyoming P. S R. 1 j i :: :i :: ::: "i ;;; iii'i ::: I ::: 1 ;;; i ... i ::: i .... t i 'i Totals Legislature doubtful. M M WASHINGTON. Representatives. Supreme Judges. n S tr S w I i. I id 2X1 260 249 M9 274 1.131 l,Lr,9 1,110 1,017 1.1S7 410 413 -470 4.10 437 1,314 l.m . m W5 1.J7S 73 53 6H3 7 76 sta mi t7 6S4 rs m m 4a6 4x m 46 3 66 68 37 S4 S H 221 8 m ZZl 14 130 . 19 643 ' 616 837 3(0 m 1.097 6,776 .6H2 5.7SO t.132 643 m 635 644 642 746 m 672 633 642 4S0 450 200 1W S0 1,476 1,622 1,310 L2US 1.627 417 474 2S1 311 14 261 . 25 421 SK2 871 679 663 4 2,'8 687 4,1X2 (.310 t,lm 3.3J 4,239 1,2(16 1,268 1,128 1.0)9 1,2110 1.6S4 1,712 1.738 1,678 l.SX 3.6S4 1.641 l,V 2,112 1.687 1,051 1,004 972 907 1,042 279 8R m 1K4 2K9 1,681 1.57T 1,187 1,04 1,888 1,743 1.835 1,519 1,337 1,811 2,072 1,937 J.032 1,821 2,014 746 690 672 628 43 25,460 1 24,904 I 32.114 29,275 I 85,447 . 272 1.156 4l!6 1.253 78) 871 316 I 86 247 337 (W2 t,m 642 646 II 450 l 3K3 871 6S3 4,302 1.2u 1,677 1.665 toil 2K9 1,5M 1.777 1468 646 140 tort in 874 152 358 243 1.017 3x2 : 818 639 141 63 253 l'.!6 23 1,673 43 &..!( 19 1,124 207 873 2fi0 2.386 1,050 1,642 1.847 8f3 181 1.0K9 1.83S 1.718 6tt m m 8.6S7 453 674 ' 2O0 tl76 VI M 8.071 1.050 1.667 3.0O3 806 187 1,03 !,37 1,60 674 661 ( 28,274 I 28,823 IN WASHINGTON. Both Republican Congressman Elected Legislators Republican on Jolul . Ballot Amendment Dafented. The state oi Washington changed from Populism to tbe column of gold standard states, and elected Jones and Coshman, the Republican nominees for representative! In congress, and Andert and Fnllerton, the Republican candi atea for lupreme judges. Their major ities appear to be between 9.000 and i f ..i ' a.-:' W W. L. ("YAKIMA") JONES, Successful Kepnbllcan cannidate lor oonf rest from the state of Washington. 1,600. The proposed municipal tax amendment to the constitution wat badly defeated, and the woman-suffrage amendment thared the same fate. All but two legislative districts have been heard from. The legislature, which it composed of 84 senators and 78 representative!, now stands: Benate Republlcans........,15 1 Independent........... 1 Kustonlnts........ U House Republicans., 66 I Independent.. 1 FusiouUls...... 9 I DonbtJul........... 2 The doubtful representatives : are from Okanogan and Wahkiakum ooun ties. In the tenate the fuaionists had 18 bold -over senators, 5 Demoorats and 10 Populists.- Tbey elect three, one Democrat and two Populists. Tbe Re publican! bad one bold-over. They elect 14. Tbe independent senator Is Gray, Silver Republican, of Stevens county. He wat eleoted on a citizens' ticket.' The Independent representative ia Q. M, Welty, Democrat, ol Stevens coun ty, who wat also elected on the citiaens' ticket. Of the nine fusion representatives elected, five are Populists and (bur are Democrats. - By giving tbe doubtful representa tives to the fusionists, the legislature on joint ballot stand: Rcpnbllcsna 81 1 Independent..,.. S Fusioulsta .......29 I The Republicans attribute their vio tory largely to- the municipal tax amendment, which they made a direct issue, claiming that it was "single tax". They also assign credit to the sentiment in favor of sustaining tbe national administration. WASHINGTON LEGISLATURE. Sennte. ' . ' 'First district, Lincoln and Okanogan F. M. Baum, dem. Second district, etevena) and Spokane W. C. Gray, ind. Third district, Bpokane W. H. Plura mer, pop. Fourth district, Bpokane Herman O. Crow, rep. . Fifth district, Spokane W. B). Hunner, pop. Blxth district, Whitman John H. Car per, pop. Seventh district. Whitman Oliver Hall, rep. Eighth district. Asotin, Columbia and Oar(lcldJ. C. Van Fatten, pop. " iCV t vix r tiJL'i tear' T. W. CUSHMAN, Suceetsful Republican candidate lor con T eel Irora the Hate ol Waahlnstoo. Ninth district. Adams, Franklin and Walla Walla John I. Yeend, pop. Tenth dlatrtct. Walla Walla 'David Miller, dem. . Eleventh district, Kittitas and Douglas D. Paul, dem. Twelfth dlatrtct, Klickitat and Yakima George H. Baker, rep. ' Thirteenth district, Clark and Skamania August High, dem. Fourteenth dlatiiot. Cowltta, Paclfto and Wahkiakum J. O. Megler, rep. Fifteenth district, Lewis 'Joseph Hill, P-p. Sixteenth district, Chehalls-Oorge D. Schorleld, rep. Seventeenth district. Mason, Kitsap and Island 'John McKeavy, dem.- Eighteenth district, Thurston T. i. Miller, pop. Nineteenth district, Pierce E. C Keith, pop. - Twentieth district. Pierce E. 8. Hamil ton, rep. Twenty-first district. Fierce 8tanton Warburton, rep. Twenty-second district Pierce J. Cola. dob. ' Twenty-third district. Pierce-S. M. Le Crone, rep. Twenty-fourth district. Kins; John Wooding, rep. Twenty-rUth district, : King Andrew Henrlch, rep. Twenty-elxth district. Kintf-Harold Preston, rep. Twenty-seventh district, King W. W. Wllshlre. rep. Twenty-eighth district, Klng-L. B. An drews, rep. Twenty-ninth district, King Paul Land, pop. Thirtieth' district. Jefferson and Clal lam Cyrus F. Clapp, rep. Thirty-flrat district, Bnohom'sti J. Davla. pop. Thirty-second district, Skagit and Ban Juan 1. Hammer, Tife Thirty-third district, Whatcom L D. Rlnehart, pop. Thirty-fourth district, Whatcom D. K Biggs, pop. Elected in 18M. . Basse. First district, Stevens O. M. Welty, Inrl Second dletrlct, Bpokane-H. K Allen, rep. Third district, Spokane Wallace Mount, rep.: Joseph Scott, rep. Fourth district, Spokane Harry Roaen- haupt, rep.; K. N. McLean, rep.; J. F. Bea ton, rep. Fifth district, Spokane F. P. Whlttlcr, rep.: A. Harrison, rep. Sixth district. Whitman-B. F. Tottea. rep.! J. B. Frick, rep. Seventh dlatrtct. Whitman W. L. La Folletta, rep; Wllford Allen, rep. Eighth district, Asotin John F. Chrts tnan, rep. . Ninth dlatrtct, Qaraeld-C. M. Baldwin, rep. Tenth district, Columbia C 8. Gerard, rep. Eleventh district. Walla Walla Grant Copeland, rep. Twelfth district. Walla Walla Columbus C. Close, rep. Thirteenth ; district, Franklin Robert Gerry, dem. Fourteenth district, Adams George Sin clair, rep. Fifteenth district, Lincoln H. A. P. Meyer, rep.; James Parish, rep. Sixteenth district, Okanogan In doubt. Seventeenth district, Douglas . K. Pen dergast, pop. Eighteenth district, Klttltaa-J. P. Sharp, rep.; R. B. Wilson, rep. Nineteenth district, Yakima Ira P. Knglehart, rep. Twentieth district, Klickitat Leon W. Curtis, rep. Twenty-first district, Skamania C. J. Moore, dem. Twenty-second district, Clark W. B. Daniels, .rep.; B. C. Bellows, rep. Twenty-third district, Cowllta L. M. Sims, rep. Twenty-fourth district, Wahkiakum W. Colwell. Twenty-nfth district. Pacific I. W. Maxwell, rep. , Twenty-elxth district, Lewis Ek P. Kingsbury, rep.: George McCoy, rep. Twenty-seventh district, Thurston A. J. Falknor, rep.; F. W. Stocking, rep. Twenty-eighth district. Chehajls-E. U Mlnard, rep.; A. P. Btockwell, rep. Twenty-ninth district, MasonJ. B. Gunderaon, rep. Thirtieth district, Kltsap-F. E. Patter son, rep. Thirty-first district, Jefferson Peter Motty, rep.; William Bishop, jr.. rep. Thirty-second district. Clallam A. B. Dorsoy, rep. i Thirty-third district, Pterce-C. L. Stew, art, rep. ; Frank Blsson, pop. Thirty-fourth district. Pierce B. C. Mil ler, rep.; Charles Bedford, rep. Thirty-fifth district. Plerce-D. B. Shel ter, rep.; James Wlckoreham, rep. Thirty-sixth district, Plerce-J. C. Dick son, rep.; M, H. Corey, rep. Thirty-seventh district, .Pierce A. K. Heilig. rep.; O. W. Barlow, rep. Thirty-eighth district. King W. T. Clnrk, rep.; Dr. J. J. Smith, rep. Thirty-ninth district. King George- W. Somerindyke, rep. ; J. M. Conway, pop. Fortieth district, King-John W. Pratt, rep.; B. B. Palmer, rep. Forty-first district, Klng-B. It Guile, rep. ; H M. Eamea. rep. Forty-second district. King C 8. Glcar son, rep.; R. W. Carpenter, rep. Forty-third district, Klng-J. C. Olson, pop.; C. B. Boyce, nop.; F. A. McDonald, dem. : Forty-fourth district. Snohomish H. 3. Langrlt, rep.; C. A. Mlosimer, rep. Forty-fifth district, Island-Dr. W.' L. White, rep. Forty-sixth district, Bkaglt J. H. Park er, rop.j 11 H, Deals, rep. Forty-seventh district, San Juan W. H. Thacker, rep. Forty-ninth district, Whatcom Jesse Fraye, rep.; James Balstone, rep. Forty-eighth district, Whatcom Edwar Broom, rap.; Rust Lambert, rep. THE ATTACK OF IL0IL0 Insurgents Occupying urbs of the City. Sub- PEOPLE ARB TEROR-STRICKE lok tar nn Asaaolt te Mads at Any Tints Appeal to the Captain t the Charleston. Manila, Nov. 15. Tbe following ad rices have been received from Hollo, capital of Panay, one of tbe srlnclpal islands ol the Visayat groupt "The insurgents have occupied Lin ranis. Oton and Pavla, suburbs of llorlo, and are daily expecting to at tack tire town. The Spaniards bavt abandoned the mole and destroyed tbe connecting bridges. Business la par alysed, and the inhabitants are in a state of terror. Tbe mercantile houses of all nationalities have signed a clroo lar, asking the commander of the Dnl ted States cruiser Charleston to re main, aa the Spanish authorities are incapable of affording them protection." It it reported also that the insurgents have taken the whole of tbe islands of Negros and Zebo, of tbe Visayas group. As tbe cable connections are cut, it it impossible to confirm tbe rumor. November 0 General Bios, Spanish governor of the Visayas, It said to have declared a seven days' aimistioe in or der to communicate with Madrid, with a view of transferring control to tbe Americana. Major Bell has gone to Hollo to ascer tain the facts ot tbe situation. The Dnited States transport 8candla will leave tomorrow with 60 aiok and discharged men. Kepsrt From QTiner Bios. , Madrid, Nov. 15. The government has received a dispatch from General Bios, governor of tbe ViauyaS islands, reporting tha rebellion in tne island of Negros, and announcing tbe departure from Iloilo of the mail steamer Mnnot with a number of invalided men. REFUSE TO LEAVE. Mutiny Among Spanish Soldlere In Puerto Prlaelpa. Washington, Nov. 15. Adjutant General Corbin received a dispatch to day announcing that tbe Eighth cavalry sailed thii morning from Savannah for Puerto Principo, Cuba. The regiment will be the American garrison at Puer to Principe and Nuevitas. In this connection an interesting bit of information has reached tbe war de partment. Arrangements have been made by the Spanish authorities to send back to Spain the Spanish troops, numbering 9,500 men, upon the arrival of the American garrison. It was ex pected tbey would sail Wednesday or Thursday, bnt an unexpected obstacle bat arisen among the men themselves. Tbey are on the verge of mutiny, open ly declaring they will not return to Spain until they have received their pay, now far in arrears, for service in Cuba. ' Tbe mutiny extends not only to the enlisted men bnt to their officers, and is directed against the executive official! of the government on tbe Island. Some of the men bave not been paid for Dearly year, and to all of them several month. of pay is due. The situation has created no particu lar concern In the minds oi the Amer ican authorities, at it it not likely seriously to affect the control of that portion of the island by the American forces; bnt it is realised that these 8,500 soldiers. If they should persist in tbelt refusal to return to Spain, might become dependents whom it would be difficult to care for, and nltimatel. perhaps, a menace to good government In the Island. Tbe Spanish authorities, express no fear of their ability to solve tbe problem presented, but how they will solve it if the men, backed by their officers, absolutely refuee to return borne without their pay ia not clear. . REDUCED TO ASHES. Business Portion ef Canyon City, Or., Destroyed, by Firs, Baker City, Nov. 15. At 11 o'clock Inst night fire wat discovered In the Rlblinrn hntol. at . Pnr.vnn CHtv anrl ! within two hours the entire business j portion ot the town and a number of residences were reduced to ashes. The I fire department was unable successfully I to combat the flames, owing to a lack 1 of water. The buildings were mostly frame, and trie fire made rapid prog .leas. The conflagration was due to ' tbe explosion of a lamp. I Friday night recalls to memory tha great conflagration that destroyed the ! town on August 19, 1870. Canton City was at that time ; tbe liveliest lnn tn RaatttYti f)rAcnn mnilA an he1 ' the mining excitement that prevailed as a result of the gold discovered In Canyon creek. - The population ol the town was much greater then than it has since been, and tbe number ot bus iness bonaot was larger. The lire of 1870, like the i count conflagration, swept through the town and left it a mass of ashes. Firs at BloomBeld, O. Bloomfield, O., Nov. 15. Pour busU ns blocks were burned to tbe ground today, with a loss of $75,000. Ttie Are is thought to have been of Incendiary origin. . Died of Hydrophobia. Sedalla, Mo., Nov. 15. Thomas Moore, ? years of age, son of E. J. Moore, a member of company I, Second legiment, Missouri volunteers, died to day of hydrophobia. . The boy wis bit ten two weofcs ago by a dog suffering from rabies. Yesterday the boy com menced to bark like a dog and Was at tacked with frequent convulsions. lit tried to bite his attendants and seemed possessed of superhuman stiength. lie disd In greet asouv. . NO MORE PARLEY. fhe Disposition of the Philippines Is Rsttlsd. Washington, Nov. 15. The cabinet beld a session tonight at which Instruc tions, Understood to be of t positive character, bearing otj the Philippine question, were drafted for dispatch to the American commissioners in Paris. These instructions wera the outcome of tbe conference beld earlier In the day, and instinct the American representa tives to admit of no further discussion at to the right to consider tbe disposi tion ot the islands, and ttate that on that point tbe Instructions already sent most stand, the only matters for dis oussion from tbe American point ol view being the manner of giving over tbe islands.. The attitude of the insurgents In the Philippines bss given the admlnistra tion considerable uneasiness, for it ia feared that If tbe Insurgents are allowed to continue their hostile activity, there mar be protests which we shall be compelled to regard. The cabinet meeting lasted until nearly 1 o'clock. One of the features was the presentation by Admiral Schley of the report of the Porto Rioan evacu ation commission. Schley's, visit brought up the Porto Rico question. The admiral was invited to participate In tbe discussion. Concerning Cuba, a definite conclu sion was arrived at by tbe cabinet to open a port on the western coast of tlie Island, probably at Cienfuegos, about December 1, in order to allow tho large sugar planters to get in machinery and begin work on tbe new sugar crop. LOOTED THE TERESA. Retire f Oat Islam! Plundered the Stranded Cruiser Washington, Nov. 16. The official report to the navy department of the finding of the Maria Teresa was con tained in tbe following cablegram re ceived from Commander Craven, of the Wrecking tug Potomac, which had been ordered to Cat island from Santiago. "Nassau, Nov. 15.- Secretary of the Navy, Washington: - Potomac ariivod. Maria Teresa is near Bird point, Cat Island, one mile off shore, In two fath oms of water. Tide it rising and fall ing Inside; temporary deck it broken up; moveable articles were removed by natives. Vulcan was not seen. Na tivee bave been at work since Satur day."': - - . . The Potomac wat ordered at once back to Cat island, with instructions to Commander Craven to "take the Maria Teresa and drive off the natives who are looting the ship." He replied by cable that he would leave immediately and toould arrive at the wreck in the morning. Tho fact that the Teresa, a vessel drawing S3 feet of water and watei log ged aa she was when abandoned, and now probably drawing nearly 80 feet, had been driven in 12 feet of water is regarded by naval officers as evidence ol tbe great strength of the storm whloh caused her crew to leave her. HELP FOR POOR CUBANS. Movement Started In This Country to Give Them Kmploymen. New Tork, Nov. 15. In Plymouth ohurch, Brooklyn, tonight, a meeting was held to consider the present condi tion of Cuba. Addresses were made by Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott, William How ard. Bev. Herbert M. Allen and others. Mr. Howard desc j;d the condition of Cuba aa he had seen it and pointed Out that the only remedy for tha exist ing misery lay in giving employment to the poor. He introduced industrial relief among the Armenians in Turkey during his two years as a relief commis sioner among the Armenians. Mr. Alien, who was Mr. Howard's associate in Armenian relief work, de- scribnd the industrial relief operations in Turkey up to the present time. Res olutions were adopted indorsing a plan for Cuban Industrial relief as a practical and effective means of helping the Cuban poor to help themselves, by pro-' viding for them honest employment in stead of indiscriminate gifts and tem porary relief. Continuing, the resolu tions recommended; "That an undenominational eommrs sion bo formed to procure funds with which to carry this plan Into effect." Life Imprisonment for Weaves. Boms, Or., Nov. 15. In the case ot Jim Weaver, the motion for a new trial wat overruled and tbe prisoner was sentenoed for life. Weaver was convicted Wednesday morning last of murder in the second degree. The prisoner is 89 years of age, and Was born In Marlon county, this state. Ho came to Prineville when he wat 10 years old, and lived there until some four years, ago, since which time he has lived in Burns. He was woodchopper. On the evenlnsg of September S3 he killed William McKinnon in a saloon altercation. He Was tried during the present term of court before Judge Clifford. - Jumped Through n Car Window. Detroit, Nov. 15. Ida E, Irola, 33 years of age, early today threw herself . through the Window of the Houghton express, on the Michigan Central rail road, when the train wat a short dis tance from Columbiaville. She was an insane woman, who was being doported to Finland, in accordance with the Immigration laws, she having resided here loss than a year. London Nov. 15. The Dally Mail tayt this morning the French naval construction programme for 1SSU in cludes two battleships of 14, 500 tons each, with Very powerful armament and protection: two cruisers of 4,000 tons each; two Imgs torpodo-bost iloatroyers and 11 torpedo boats. " Larued, Kan., Kov. 3.5. .'nils fc'fi. tion ol the state was wist ted by t', heaviest snow of the tmmm Wt and today. The win tot ht ; kc btftieSted. -