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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1898)
OREGON MIST. ! rHIOAVt WOVKIWBKH II. tan.; "TOLD IN EIDEIIEAD3. A Bio Obi. -TU Oregon Poultry . rt . . I. , A supply' uompany, ui omera, rs ..iv.,l ilirnnirh its manager. Qua. D. Goodbu, mi order from psrliss iu Montana tot buv norou(tnora riym ojiih Eook nd Wysndutl chickens. Mr. Good but eut to Jefferson, Al luny anil otliar U the valley town to , got the required Hock to 1)11 this owlnr. This onmrianv ii dolnC a- treat, dual toward the advancement of tine pnunr) raiting in Oregon, a Hi tut tw show a very marked lucre in this line, j Matbbiai. icob Foot BTv"svTh leaner Harvest Queen took down the remainder of the material for tbe work on the gun at Fort BUven one day laat wek. Work there le progressing rapidly, It is said, and' Stepbena will be one of tbe strongest positions in the country when completed. Tbe gup re of tb vory latest design, and verytblng connected with the fort la Up-to-date. Tbe dkappearlng guna re protected by an embankment more than 20 feet in thickness. Altogether, ' the fort ia atrong enough to repel al most any aitaok which might be made on Astoria, , Will Bill Oamcoock ikd Btao houd. District Judge Bellinger, of l'ortlaod, ha taaued an order for the ale of the steamers Gamecock end Bwgbound. Tbe proceeds will be de posited with tbe court. Tbe order waa the outcome of ceveral aulu which have been Bled againat tbe . teaoiera by paatengera who ioat their etfocla when the atesmera went to pieces off the river. Both boa la were bound, for Alaaka, but encountered lieavv weather when bat few mile ' off the river. No live were loat, el- though the boat were badly delapida ted by. the element. Tbey have been . lyiug in the Willamette aince tbe diaaa- Tw ram TtaniaiiiBn tlnrl riraatiui th. Iimmiii ftnH aha Mrlh than ha maAm prompt paying aubaoriber, and it waa nnjA TTm Aa a rhllaaarrl ul In UW. J - ' and he created the man that didn't believe in tdvertiaing and another who didn't Uke hie home paper, then he reated. Then the devil got into the moulding and he created the man that takea paper for yeare and then faila to my for it, After completing that eorry ob and having a few lump of mouldy, pigsty mudaty mud left, he made tbe louee (or a man who aattlea bia aub cription bylaatructing the poatmaater to mark bia paper "refueed" and he felt ao mean about it that he baa been kicking himaelf ever since. ExriNsuor Wan. Uncle Bam'a expense for the Bpaniah war alnk into laaiguiuaaaoe ura HUfiim wim u ot of the conflict between the etatee. Thna the war with Spain baa coat - 1187,629,941, or fraction over 11,000 ' 000 per day cinoe the beginning of .liOatUitiee, April II, against the eoor mouc turn of $3,413,415 dorine the civil war, or an average of $1,685,156 per day. Tbe largeat amount paid outlnaaingie day during the war with Spain w $4,110,000, or nearly claea battle-abip. Tbe next hhihest daya war September 19, when 13,770 000 was spent, and July 19, with total of $3,770,000, but the daily ex pouaea frequently ran above the $3,000- OOOmark, . '"' ' Bhippiho in Wooo Hardly ft day . paaeee now but one or more car loads of wood are chipped into tbie city from pointe on the Corvallle A Eastern railway, ooniigned to the Salem Light Traction Co., tbe Tbomaa Kay Woolen Mill Co. and other heavy and eonatant consumer. Tbia ia ft very auggaative fact, taken in connec tion with the notable aoarcity of tbia commodity hereabout tbia winter; it means nothing more or lew than that tbe nearby eourcoa of aupply are be coming exhausted, and that future supplies are to bail from longer die tanoea and at augmented price a. Tbia ia the conoluiion of many people largely intereatcd in the matter, from the aUndpoint of buyer and users. Salem Blateeman. Great intereat ia now manifested in the rcault of tbe eettlement between the United Statea and Spain. Tbe Weekly Oregonlan will oonUin each week a full text of the proceeding! of the peace commission. We will fur niu the Weekly Oregonlan and Mist together for $2 00 per year In advance. ' Alexander Feather, an . English aallor, waa brought to thla city Mon day from Goble, where be waa struck nd knocked off a treatle by a train during Sunday night. Dr. Cliff ex amined the injuriea, which were inter Dai,' and pronounoed tb ess not aoriout a slight Injnry to the apine. The man wa taken to the hotel, . tend seemed to reet quite easy. He stated to gentleman who was wait ing upon him, that ha had recently come to thia oountry in an Engliah vessel and got into the handa of the sailor boarding houae man, Larry Sul livan, who attempted to ahip him gain, but he refuaed to comply with tbe raqueat, and ran away from Port land. He wae in conetant fear while here tht Sullivan would overhaul him nd Uke him baok to Portland. The unfortunate fellow died from the ef fect of the injuries at the Oriental hotel in thia city during Tuesday Bight. Hia remains were laid to rest in the Odd Fellowa' cemetery Wed Dedgr. ' x " ; ' '' Teaobere ExavmlaMton. Superintendent Copeland ii con. duoting tne leoonera- tjunrveny " nation in thia oily thia week, aaaiated i. nv Mr lf!nr and Mrs. S. S. Way. The following poraons am tak ing the examination t Liisle J. Wetle, Columbia City; TT.rriai Thaver. Eainieri Matilda ii...- i , Tj.h Wllann. Houlton Lucy A. Williama, Marshland Anna O. Olaon, Alhina; Daisy L. Ewing, Mavgor; Ollie Bice, Rainier' and Eddie North, Vernonia. Bnow fell al Heppuer, thia atte, last Monday. LOCAL NEWS NOTES. Mr. W. B. Dillsrd did buainee in Portland Monday. Mr. E. Jonea, of Deer Island, waa In town Wednesday. Mr. Edwin Merrill wa op from Deer Island Monday. Tbe interior of tbe poatoffloe store la receiving a coat of paint this week, Mra. Jacob Genres cams down from Portland Wednesday for a short visit with relatives and friends. 1 . .' Bov. M. Burllugame will preach to the Gue chapel at Soapnooae next Sunday at II a. m. and 7 :80 p. m.. Clerk Watts issued a marriage li cense on Tuesday to Everett K. .Nick eraon and Marinda P, Kickeraon, both of Pittsburg, Ber. 0, E. Pbllbrook will preach at Bachelor Flat next Sunday at 11 a. m. and in this city in tha evening at 7:80, - ' , Tb county commissioners arrived In town Tuesday evening and entered upon the diaobarge of tbelr duties the next mOrnlog. Mr. Clyde Chamberlain and family moved to this city from Linnton last week. Mr. Chamberlain hi employed at tbe rock erusber. We were reliably informed on Tues day 'that Dr. McLaren bad returned from nia visit to Canada. Tbe doctor has been absent about aix weeks. Ther may soon be a bowling con test in thia city. Local team will probably be organized and considera ble intereat created in that line of sport. Mr. A. B. Little, who has been in the government aurvey service over in Washington for several months, re turned to hi homo at Houlton Tues day evening. Thvlars crusher betas? operated just below tha city ia employing a large number of men and U . turning outaa immense amount of crushed rock for improvement at Fort Btevena. Wa understand ther la one West- port legger who baa three big rafts of log ready for hlpinsnt, for which he has refused an offer of $8 per thous annd feet, says tbe Skamokawa Eagle. Tb Astoria Herald I waging war agalngt th people of that town for going to Portland to purchase their waies, snd at tb sam urn preiena iag to be loyal to tb interests of their own city. The city recorder of this city, G. A. Banford, rcgigned bis offio last Mon day evening at tb regular monthly meeting of the city council. Ma ap pointment has yet been mad to fill th vacancy. U. M. Beeebley was in town Mon day. Mr. Beerhley drove down a herd of cattle from Mehalem valley to Port land the latter part of last week lor Mr. Gray, tb centleman who has bought so many cattle in that valley tbisyear. W. H. Dolman didn't go to Portland Wednesday waa so busy opening out and placing dry goods, groceriee, leather, rubber and other footwear; hats, caps and other beadgear; Yan kee, pioua and other notions that he didn't have Urn to go. Th October term of circuit court for Columbia county wa not a very expansive term. With th exception of tb grand jury, which wa only in eaaion three days, ther were but three jurors who did aotual service, yet al together tbat feature oi toe eoun cost $233.40. Bailiffs cost $45.00; proeeout ing attorney $67.50 and official court reporter $80,00. It ia time wasted to circulate peti tion asking the legislature to pa certain road laws. Tb legislature will probblypas a good road law and all the petitiona that ce circu lated will not influence f Ynbere of the legislature. Th 4 Maber are as anxious to pass a good roaa law as people who aign . petitions, not know ing what tbey are signing. RurtWcat wa down from Soap- poos Monday morning. Mr. West brought down for ahipment to a down river point, a thorougbred ram, receiv ing for the auimal$15. Mr. West sold sixteen of the earn breed of animal to one man in Yakima laat fall. He also received from the Bast a abort time since, two registered rams, for which he paid, delivered at Scappoose sta tion, $81.16 each. inAaa TWn. althmiirh on hand to eonduot probata and oounty court tnis weex, is eomewua uritno. w.llrlniv ahntil with a friend in Rainier last Saturday, when hia atten tion waa attracted nenina mm. us nil ha did ao. the friend stepped on a pieca of loos plank. The plank raised from tbe sill just as the Judge stepped forward, the right foot and leg going downward. A ser ious bruise on the calf of th leg and a skinned abin ia the result of the acci dent. Tk .(.to nf Waahlnpttn inat over the river from Oregon in ioo eteotea tmn nnnnliat ranreaanta.tives to con- irese and the entire state populist tick- St, by aooui iz,uw majority, dmhum an almost solid populist legislature. W t.ara an Knnthur election held in that state on Tuesday of tbia present weex. Keaulis a wo repuouoan uou tha ataie rennblican ticket and a big republican majority in the legttiftiura eieoiea iut corok-j v entimnl in tht iUU amounted to ., IT fWA wniAn Vakfilv nnniiliam BUUUI eVIgWW vwivss y v a ( p . ----- seems to have loat its job. Columbia County new pica copy. Th Oregon Wood Company, of thia oity, last week purchased th tract of laud just baok of Houlton, bnnarn aa tha Ainawnrih tract. Oon- t.inincr BSO aores. Th company will nxwuMi at nnca to eui we umoer on the entire traot Into eordwood. It is estimated that 40,000 eords of wood hannt then. Thia la the moat accessible traot of timber near here, .nt tha antira nroduot of wood will be marketed at this city. The company's flame will be brought into requisition in conveying the wood to the Colum bia river. It will be possible for from twenty-fly to fifty men to And em ployment at cutting wood on that tract. County Court Proceeding. The following proceedings were had in the commissioners court Wednesday JuMh Ilij-burn appeared in court ant! made a claim for th assignment of tax sale certificate No. 123 on property In Clalskaule, Th same order4 assigned upon payment of $02.33. O. K. Kindt appeared In court and asked for th assignment of tax sale certificate Ho. 62, for tbe Brandt estate. Bame or dered assigned opou payment of 175.33. D. W. Dobbins appeared in court and asked tbat 18.88 be remitted on m6 and 86 tax. Amount ordered remitted. In the matter of the road petition of J. W. Tlnkbam and others. Ordered tbat Wm. Cooper, J. W. Tlnkhsm and Frank Hoyt be appointed viewers an George Hayes, surveyor, meet at residence of Phillip Keer on November 29, to view out and locate road. In the matter of the road petition of Wm. Roberts and others to alter tbe ltaygerand Delena road. Ordered that Andrew Berg- bom, W. V. Slaughter and D. M. Ewing be viewer and George Hayes, surveyor, meet at th residence of W. M. Boberts on Nov ember 2t, and view and lay out said road. . Victor Fieves asked for the assignment of tax sals certificate No. 890. Tbe court ordered the certificate assigned npon th payment of 108.81. S. Heuman was allowed stO for damage to land by reason of cbang In tb South Soappoos road. , CIRCUIT COURT. Tbs followlns prooeedlnrs were bad In th oircuit oourt from Thursday morning of last week t the Urn of adjournment, last Friday night! R 7,. la, wa. Oolnmbla oonntv! motion of plslntidr to dismiss appeal at coat of the oounty, allowed. A. V. Davis vs. Joel Hill et al: plaintiff was alio wa laasmenioo veraictana piaint- itf to reoover ooata in lower court and one- ball actual disbursements In this court. E. A. Weston vs. T. V. Ryekman: decree ef foreclosure snd attorney fee of 174.00. Vf after of eatata of Dean Blanebard. an laaol vent debtor; order allowing assignee to sell parcel of real estat. Lilly H. Taylor vs. John Henry Taylor: defau.'t and rfeeree of divorce. Matter of bills allowed: T. J. Lleaton. 4&: T. 0. Watt, bailiff, 112; O. K. Banyoa, of&olal reporter, 110. Court adionraed to raonrn an De cember 17tb. Real Estate Transfer. Frank Bears to Cbrls Maxwell, power of attorney. U. R. Crandall to 8. A. Miles, lots 1 and 2, see 14. tp 8 n, r 4 west; 475. John and Ina Carlson to Mary W. Lewis. nwK of seo 20, tp n, r 4 west; HoO. VT. L. and Daisy FliDpin to T. J. Fllnnln. swX of sw of seo 2B, tp 7 n, r 4 west; 10. K. E. and Gertrude Flippin to Florence If. FliPDlti. mmii of omil of see 82. tp 7 n. r4 west;10. - George O. Oran to Beatrice A. Merrill, t auras in Harris D. L. O., see 7, tp 6 n, r t west; suwuk Allan B and Battle M. Joy to Chaa. W. LaBarra, lot 8, In sec IS, tp 7 n, r 4 west; 1300. John W. and Prlscllla I. Jones to Mar MolisaOrwig, loMt and 7, blk 2, Bryani- ville;450. Elicabeth and James Low to school dis trict No 48,60x100 feet la sec 34. tp 7 n, r 2 west; f)L Charles W. LaBarreto Tom McDonald. lot 0, In see 18, tp 7 n, r west; 1350. Lanre J. McC vaiocds to Sarah K. Bovd. aH of seK and n of swK of see 20, tp 4 n,r3wel;m L. and Fiorina Baldem to Emu Loreeren. nwM of swX of see 1, tp 7 n, r 4 west; 160. J. n. Rio, sheriff; to Alias B, Joy. lot 8. In eee 18, tp 7 a, r 4 west; J18.3S. Mary Anna and Katharine Schoeok to C. V. Wlntsengerod. power of attorney. I. L. Whit to Isam Whit, lots in Vr- noula, H0O. ' HAinlKBS NOTE. ' Hon. T. J. Cleeton was la town a few hours Sunday. W. J. Diets spent a few day in the me tropolis laat week. Mr. and Mra. Wm. Bvmone ware ahon- ping In Portland Friday. Born, to the wife of A. M. Aaron. Nov ember 5th, a 12-ponnd boy. Cantnln Hoochklrk spent BnndaT la Portfaud with his family. Tha oresent Indication are tbat Balnisr will nave a railroad aepotaoon. Rnv Brinons has a set of boxlnat cloves snd all tb bays are trying to do ons ca- o Liter op. Mra. Tom Evans, of Oak Point. Washing ton, Is visiting hat sister, Mrs. C B. Sutton, this week. I. B. Meeervs has son to Houlton to so- narvlaa tha construction of In M. IS. churoh about to be built ther. flommlMloner Frake was In town Sat- nrdav. While Friend Frakes ia a "kicker" in court, It ia what we lov him for. Dr. A. P. McLaren has returned from a month's visit at hia old home in Canada. Doctor ia looking well and says he ia feeling to same. The Dostmaster ber ha been notified . 1 . .1 O.i. 1 . L- II u inn vn ma wwrwiou, u,. ui wm i v oeeire from and forward maU to Cortland on vening tralne. Wm. Bolsannle. of Delena. wa In town Saturday delivering bis good bntter to bis ouetomera. He says tb next lot will be creamery, for ha ia going to buy a separa tor ana seep op wuo tne uaiee aou toe wanu or tn consumer. W O. Rarav wae serionalv Inlnred at the old Boom wood ohnta at in lower eaa or town last week. It aeems that Mr Carey started dowa the chute on a piece of wood and before be bad time to get eat of th way, some one Bntnooxnieaiy tnrew a link of rardwood In. which, overtaking Mr. Carey, struck bim In the baok, almost kil ling mm. " aTreisa liw elatnt; Sums. New Zealand. Nov. 2S. 1899. I am verv oleaaed to state that sine I took the agency of Chamberlain's medicines the sale baa been very large, more especial ly of Cough Remedy. In two years I have sold more of this particular remedy than of all other makes for th previous Ave vaara. Aa to its efBoacv. I have bee In formed by scores of persons of tb good re sults they nave receiyeo irom is ana mow its value from the nse of it in my own household. It is so pleasant to take that we bare to place th bottle beyond th reaon or in eouaren, a, j. ooBri.avuas. For sale by Dr. Kdwin Koss. druggist. S ii.".S cream cf tarter. Safeguards tfcs Jood , csinst a!tim; Alum boJiSnsr powders are tfaet rrcatast acei to healiJt d vat prsstut oy. frW4. awW ptyttfiWM Oft, t WW1 WHi ' Road Meetinsi at Vernonia. VKRBWtuTor.. Mov. U, 1899. D. Davis. Esq., St, Helen. Our road -t w was held on Saturday and tb fol lowing executive oommitte elected perma nent, with Wa, Prliigie, chairman, and John Prlngle, seoretary, with C. L. Parker and T. B. Denslow, sssoclates. On of tb 1st oommitte bad no sub- aorlptians.and the meeting elected th pres ent oommitte a permanent on to report ia two weeks. . v .- I think we will get about 1500 In lobar. etc. Woold you pleas form committee In St. Helens snd elect a treasurer to bold any funds you may get, so we can got In shape? I will report progress ber two weeks from today. Respectfully yours, Joh PaisoL. Secy. A IKtl work ha been don slong the skirmish line of this important, undertak ing here at St. Helena, and it ia believed tbat valuable financial assistance can be secured from our people. The county ooort asanree us that it will aid th under taking. KniTo. J School Report. YasKTOs, Kov. 8, 1B99. Following is th reoort of th Yankton school for month ending November 4tb ; Number of boys carolled 7 Number of rirls enrolled .11 total enrolled ....If) Total attendance during month. Time tardy. Punila not absent nor tardy were Harry Brown, Alice Brlggs, Guy Crosby, Laura Smith and Ray Tarbell. - Floba vrciT, Teacher. ruiwn'a . .mw ..wi. w. " district No. 23, for lb month ending on i , . i . ic ... nf riMi atfitnHanAa... ..DUO Number of days bsno... 83 Times tardy 18 Naoiberoi coys cnroiiea U I 1 ,1. umIIJ 1 1 Totfti number enrolled 27 Average dally attend anoe zo Those neither absent nor tardy were: nww ..u. i White Overholt, Maggie and Charles Tor ner. Artie Huffman, Claude Overholt and Arthur season. tusTiiXA uouirru, teacoer. DO YOU KNOW Coosumptioa Is preventable 7 Scien baa proves that, and also that neglect is sui cidal. Th worst cold or cough can be eared with Shilob's Cough and Consump tion Cur. Sold on a positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, drnggist. St. Helens, Uregon, aa JN. a. ferry, uouuon, uregon. ProtMtt Coart Note. Mrs. Engeni Furrow ba been ap Dointed by th county iadge e ad ministratrix of tbe eatata of Wajter Furrow, deceased. Judxe Doan. last Monday, appointed Oscar Anatina. of Rainier, administra tor of tba estat of J. P. Youct;, de ceased. E. E. Oaick ha been appointed by the-counly judge a adminiatrator of th estate of Philip eer. Mr. Quirk qualified on Tuesday. Norman Merrill ha been appointed administrator of th att of James F. Flak, deceased, vice Sarah E. Butter, resigned. Letter of administration bsve been issued to Annie L. Larsen a adminis tratrix of tbe estate of Andror P. Lar- sen, deceased. Tke SSeet riaater. A ntana nf flannel daiaoened with Cham berlain' Pain Balsa and bound on the af ire ted parts I superior to any plaster. When troubled with pain in tha chest or side, or lam back, glv It a trial. Yon are certain to D more man pieaaea who tha nmmnt ralief which it affords. Pain tseiia IS also a certain curator raeumawsni. For sal by Dr. Edwin Koss, aruggtst. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. Mr. Joseph Gaston died at ber home in Portland. Monday of this weex.' There are now aix million egg in th trays at the Kalama aalmon hatchery. Tha Pendleton Republican say wheat will advance to 60 cent a buabel in the next ten day. The apple erop of the United State thia acaeon 1 smaller than it has been since reliable statistics have been gathered. Mr. Henry Failing, one of tb moat nrominont eitisen and business men of Portland, died at hi heme in that oity Tuesday. It is said that a Wsaton girl wbo wa recently married ia such an ex cruciatingly neat housekeeper that ahe tprinkled an eight day clock with insect powder to get rid of tb tick. An Irishman, in order to celebrate the advent of a new era, went out on a little lark. He dida't get borne until S o'olook in th morning, and wa barely in th house when a nurse rushed up and, uncovering a bnncb of soft goods, showed bim triplet. The Irishman looked ap at the clock which aid three, and then at th three of a kind in tha nurse' arms, and said, "Oi'm not superstitious, but thank beaven thot Oi didn't come attwilvet"' ON EVERY BOTTLE Of SbUoh's Consumption Cur is this guar antes: "All we ask of you Is to nse two thirds of th contents of this bottle faith fully, then If you say you are not benefited return the bottle to your droiririat and he may refund th price paid. Price 28 eta, 80 eta and 1.00 Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, Oregon, and H. A. Perry, Houlton, Oregon. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Omos or Oitt TasAsnaas. '' St. HsusNa. Oregon, Nor. 11, W9S. THB CITY TRKAiiUKKa OF ST. HKLKN8. Ore Kim boreby elves notice that all war rants of tun city wlii(i) have been presented andendoned "Not Paid for Want of yundV Srlor to Aeirait 1, 107, and warrant No. m, em orsed Augest , 18U7. will be paid npo pre aentatlon to me. Interest will not be allowed alter this date. BAVID DAVIS. Oity Treasurer. CONTEST NOTICE. Dir ABTXiKT or tbs iKTasioa. I United States Undontoe-i 0bsik Citt, Oregon, Oct. 1, Vm. ABUFFIC1KM COMTsr AFKIWAVIT H AV in bean Sled io this offtoa by 11, Township 4 North, ftaage 4 Went, brCoolnt Druggoman. ewnw,e, , u ...-r. - . that the said eonatant BrugKeman never nia.le ettlement on his alaiin; that he saver realdod there al all alter ae raane entry, nor urn wi tivu or imnrove the name enter makiu entry; that he has not lived on his eialim or been on his olaita for ever sl yearn nor anyone acting sm a.,.n, ,! hta khmaiw la not due te hia em ployment In the military or naval service ol the fjohed States in time ol war! said psiuee are hereby noil lied to ai'PMr. rsapond and orter evi dene tonehlng said aii' stiM at Woeloek a. m. oa ixnile th, l'- s, before Hie Sater and Receiver at the UaiUMl etatas Laud Ouice in Orceou City, Oreirou, Tne contestant having, tn a proper sm davit. Bled 0it. 1, MW, mi forth facia which auovr that alter due diligence personal serf loe of this notice cannot be ruado, is hereby or dered and directed that such actio be given by do and propor publication. ' ohaB, B. WOOORES, Bcgliter. 028n28 WW. aALLOWAY, Bttseiver. TREASURKFTS NOTICE. CocTTTHis'sOrcs, BT. Bxlkhs, 0., N'UDBlWlW". NOTIOB Id OIVKN 'tUAT Al.L uuuald Countv Warrant of Columbia and sodomed: "Not rl lot Waul ol un., prior to Jan. 1, ltw7, will Iw paid upon pRMwn tatlon at thtaothu. Interest will not be allowed a(tr thia tlate. fcliWIN KOnH, nid Trewurer of Columbia County, Oregon. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Las Orrics at Obsoom Citt, Oa., OcU)br u, vm. NOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVJKN THAT THB foUowlug-namttd ttler baa Died notlc ol hia IntAiiflnn & m&ka AumI Dmttf In auouortof hlselalin. and thataald proof will be made be fore trie county eiera oi cotumoia ooumr ok Ueleos, Oregon, on TJwenitr a, ihw), tlx: 0IOXL Wil.KlKtKlN, Homestead entry No. iH'li, tor the north H of uorthweat V; of aeotion 27. and eaat M of north- eaat of section 28, townatilp I nona. range 4 weat. He names the followlnr witnesses to prove his continuous italdenee upon, and cultivation of said land, rla: William Wood, TJ. M. Beeghley, 1. M. Parker and Win Melllugtsr. all of Vernonia, Orexon. tnn Caaa. B. Mooaas, Beglater. NOTICE rOH PUBLICATION. LAwnOrncBAtOBioojiCiTV, Oa.. September 29th, 189. NOTIC 18 HRRKBY 61VKN THAT THB following-named aettler haa Sled notice of bis Intention to make dual proof In support of bis claim, and tbat said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia county, at Bt, Helens, Oregon, on November 12th, Vm, vis: JOHN HII.llKHH.ANn. Homeatead Entry No. StwA for tbe south H of nortnweat . and lota s and 4 of section 4, town ship 4 north, range $ west. He names tb following witnesses to prove his continuous rairleuoe upon and eultlvatioa oi ma tana, vis: vaieuu ouniecai, joe mwn, Andrew Kinowskl, and Oerhard Morbach, all of Valley, Oregon. o7oU CH AS. B. HOORE8, BegUter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lahb Omcl at OaseoH Crrv, Oa . October 14. iM. vroTICB K HBEBBV GIVEN THAT THB 11 followtng-eamed settler baa Sled notice of nts intention to nuuu nnai proof in wppun hia claim, and that said oroot will be made be fore the County Clerk ol Columbia county, at St. Helens, Ureiron, on Norem ber wtn, mm, via: IJhTAV H. HIKRCKfl. Homestead Bntry No. Via, for the ae4 of ssctioa s,ip an, rawest. He name tha following witnewaea to vrove his eontlnnona mdilAnca nrw,n. and cultivation of said una. via: r. J. Tompsms. n. c. uHnoer son, Julius Zlesmann, and Orvllle B. Oarrison, ail oi Bcappoose, uregon. Oo2 CHab. B. MOOEKS, Becjlster. EM'S Sals ca Fcrccliissra." In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon, tor tuevountyoi lanumDia. fl. Vabww, is., PlalatlS, Abmib ItiUkBB As W. M. Miulsb, DefendaBta. BT V1RTOB OF AN EXECUTION, JCDO rnent, order and dceree, duly isaned out of ana anaer tne seat oi toe aoove-enutiea vooix, ! ,L .A Jul.rilMul ,u u. .inf,m,ii. J wui v ... v, , and dated tbe 4th day of November, 1808, upon a Judgment and decree rendered and entered in said Court on tha 11th day of October, vm, in favor of the above-named plaintiff, H. Varwig, Jr., aad against the above-named defendants, Annie Miller and W. K. Miller, for the sum of four hundred (1400) dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of eleht per sent per annum since October 11th, and thirty dollars attorney's fees, and twenty-five (J25.00) dollars coats and accruing costs of aod upon this writ, command Ing and requiring me to make sale of the follow in g-deacribed mortgaged premises, to wit: Tbe northeast quarter (mrti) of the northeast quar ter (mi) of section fourteen (14), in townabip all (t'l, north of range two (2), west of the Will amette meridian, containing forty acres of land, in Columbia countv. Oregon. Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment, order ana aeoree ana in compliance wun uio cm- 111..."- Ol ,niU Wll.i . Will, V U MUUW7I vcm- ber Uth, litwl, at the hour of 11 o'clock in tbe forenoon, at the front door of the county court house, Id tbe City of 8L Helens, aald comity and state, sell, snbteet to redemption, at public auction, to the highest bidder, tor United state gold cola, cuh in Hand, all tbe ngtit, tttie ana wwnm wqwb voc uwtvukiium iwirmi.iiin, Annie Miller and W. U. Miller, or either of them, Bad, en tbe lorngoing-desonoea property on the date of tmlnuif aiorteaare. or stuce had. to satisfy aaid execution, judgment, order and aeoree, interest, oosw ana au accruing coats. a au eir ar Sheriff ol Colombia County, OrewoB. patea tnis lit cay of November, lows, nuo Slerif fs Bals ci Fsrc&li AmM .wwitaWs IB the Circuit Oourt of the Stat ef Oregon, far tne uounty of Columbia. at ma SUBtbm aaao, Plaintiff, va. JOB C Mavts, Abbib Mawtb, Basi Xawts, -VlkLIB MAMTS, tlABt, JSABTS, ALrHI A ADAKS, M. Hshdbick abb Xtbu. Hbhsbicu, ie fendaiita. BY VIHT0B OP A EXECTJTIOH. JTJDO ment. order and decree, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above-entitled Court, in the above-entitled cause, to me duly directed, and dated tbs 4th day of November, IKWt, upon a judgment and decree rendered and entered in said Court on the X2nd day of October, Dam, in favor of tbe above-named plaintiff, Emma H. Stenberg, and againat the above-named defend ant, John C. Mants, tor the sura of foui hundred () dollara. with interest thereon from tbe 1Mb day of August, 18U7, at the rate of ten par oent per annum, and ninety (90) dollars attor ney foes, and tbe aunt of forty-two Mi'i) dollars suets ot suit and accruing ooata of and open thia writ, commanding and requiring me to make sale ol tbe follow ing -described mortgaged S remises, la-wit: l ne soutnweet quarter oi see on four 14). townshin three (81. north ol range two (2), west ol the Willamette meridian, ail in Columbia County, State of Oregon. Now. there fore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment, or der and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Monday, the 12th day of December, lft, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the front door ol the oounty courthouse, ia the City of Bt. Helena, aald oountv and state, sell, subieot to re-1 emo tion, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for United Statee gold coin, eaah in hand, all the rlirnt, title and intereat which the aoove-nauiea defend&nta. or either nf them. had. at the time ol the commencement of this suit, or since had in ana to tne anovMescrtbea property, e&t bfy said execution, judgment, order ana degree. interest, oosw, ana accruing ooata. " Sheriff ot Oolnrnfila (Jountv. Oregon Dated, Bt. Helena, Oregon, Kov. U, ut& nlXd IZBnvrtfr'n Vsla nn Vnnnetinir iimua a mm Vat summ In the Circuit Court oi th Stat of Oregon, for UoraiuDia uounty. Job Cobwat, Plaintiff, va. HATHA NlCBOIA, llABT O. HUt, JoBt HlU. abb Mabtba 1. Nichols, iMienoanss. T- Y VTBTtlr! OF AW KXROBTION. JtJDO- 13 Bient, order and decree, duly issued out ot ano under tne seal ox uie aoove-euutieu ,uri, in the ahove-entitted cause, to me duly directed, snd dated th 1st day of November, IwM, upon A judgment and decree rendered and entered in aald Court on the 14th dav of October. 1W. in favor ef the above-named plaintiff. John Con way, and against tne aoove-uameu aeieuuante, Nathan Nlohnle and Mrv (1. Hill, for the Bum of three hundred and forty-four and ninety-four one hundredths (S44.M) dollars, with intereat thereon al the rate of eight per oent per annum from the 14th day of October, less, and tha further sum of Slty (60) dollars attorney's fee, and the further sum of twenty-three and fifty one-hundredths ( dollars coats and dis bursemente. and the ooeta of and upon this writ, commending and requiring me to make sale ol the foUowing-desoribed property, to-wit: A lotef land deacri bad as beginning at a point where tha oounty road intersects a lot of land now owned by B. W. Blood, which borders on aha Clatakanie river, thenoe running in a south erly direction Connie on tbe line of said lota dlatauoe of on hundred feet; thenoe in an east erly direction one htm ! red feet to the oounty road; thenoe running along; said eoonty road in a northerly course, fifty feet: thenoe sunning along said county road one hundred and six teen wet, to the place of betrtunluir: said lot be ing a pert uf the donation clai in of B.O. Bryant, in mwi inn L eownehin V Berth, range 4. weat of Willamette meridian: and also that certain lot of land beginuio at a stalie marked "H", run ning thenoe due south 1W feet: tbenoe due east 96 iet; thence Cue north 100 feet; thence weat iu feet, to tlie place ot bejrinniug, being also a ration M the donation claim ot said 8. ii. Brv. ant in seetioa , towuabip V north, range 4, weat of Wlilemeue meridian, wltb all the tenements aua hertdimnanu thereunto Deionging. ww, ment, order and decree, and tn compliance with the MmmMdiol aald writ. 1 will, on Monday. llMvmlM, 1Mb. Ifcw4 at the knur of 10 O'clock in tbe forenoon, at the front door ot the oourt- houae. in the city of Ht. Helena, in aaia county and state, sell, subject to redemption, at publio auction, to Dae fcikheat bl.Mor, for Vnitud BUtoa mA n.fn AHMh in hand, all the rli.-l,. title and intereat which Uie above-named doieudanta, or either ot them had, in and to the foregoing deeorlbed promise, all in said county and state, on the ittn of nlalntlfTa mortgage, or sinte bed, to satisfy afi euwntion, Judgment, order ana arecree, interest, ouete auu ,ii bwiujui Sheriff of Columbia Coumy, tjreeon, Dated at St. Helena, OwKon, Novembel 11, la. Joseph oastoa, auoraey ior ruuntta. uti-m SplWillltlttSJIJII'Sttv. f r r- 1 Tite THad Toa Hare Atarax la use for over SO roars, nd fJz. 54tV't-5- . boteaI wxrvy; cU4S Anow no one to deceive you la this. AH Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes are tot Ex perlraents tbat trtfle wita and endanger tlie healiJi ot In&vnts and Chililrea lirperlence agaiust EnerliaEU . : ... What ic CASTOR I At Castorfa Is a substitute for Castor Oa,T Parerrorlc,1 Proil " .and Boo thin jf Eyrnp. It is Hiurmless'and Pleasant.. It 'contains neither Opium, Morphine' nor other. Karet!af ' substance. Its ago Is its guarantee.'-' It destroys Womm, and aSays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Win.; . ' Colic It relieve Teething Troables, cures CoriiitJpatioa and Ftetuiency. It asstmiifttes the Food, regisiates tha ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural slcpe . The Children's Panacea T lie Mother's Friend. v CBHUiriBCASTORIA ALVAY6 i Bears th Tho Kind You Haio AInays Bong In Uso For M wtTfl Mrfsnr. TT HARRIS' CASH GROCERY S Kwpb always on hand all kind of ! atapie and fancy grocarie ami ; . ,,' v. provivrfoua, farm product), lropiyfi For Yorr . vtxx.v. liroccrs. teas and ooJteea, tobaneo and ctsra, ,.,-,,. , ., - ; A fln Un3i of 3oB(ctiotery also iu ; - rwOek, and rartousposiMrr speeAaiuua. CORNER COWLITZ AND MAIN STREET. ST. HELENS, OR. ST. HELENS Dr. EDWIN DRUGS Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AND Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur ately Compounded.... DAY. OR NIGHT. ....Cigars.... r wa si's- A ir'ir iflU r " w "" DART & nla Street, CEKERM. DART & Main Street, - GOOD TOOLS! .-FOB SET Jennings Patent Bit 13 to 90o Clark's Xxranaoo Jilts 70o to $1.10 Common Brace. .SS to 60o Ratohet Braces. Drawint-knives Folding brawinavkntve. Common Hw-ets Morrell's 8a-sets Carpenters' hammer. .... Carpenters' hatchets Carpenter' handues .... Jack planes lhaaton handsaws. ....... Good steel handsaws .... Firmer chisels. .... ...... ....e0otOv2.00 ...460 20 lfto 60c , ..25 to 450 ........ .8S to MM 60 to 70c .L..6SC 1 25 50 to 76o 17 toSoC ICS CBBAM rSBSZSSS. 1-qt. Artto... 5-qt. Artia... 3-qt, Artio... .9 8S . 1 15 . 1 80 Blaok Diamond Files, Oil Stoves, Pinchers, Wren-,nsi, a -..1 r n used bj all kinds oi paople, at low prices (or Ua next SO 6ojn. l,. w a.trviavat aaa ak.a w v a , r'!( D ; Pi TZmght, enl wUci h&a hem mi) borne tbe gsgtMitaro tf has leca xttadw weder Juts pttt Bupervlslon iace Its iafancy. Elgaatoa cl - . Over CO Yearc S3 PIIARIIAGY ROSS, Proprietor. Fancy Toilet Articles. FANCY STATIONERY. Complete Line c? D-Hr :i ? ft i ' y rl v, fl .tsj AllileJ iww.MaaaV-' School Books, and School Suppli OlTJ '- "" MUCKLE St. Helens, Oresosu Choice Groced Alwara en hand. Flour, train, erd fee4. Tohaeoo aad utgairs, and aiuofcers1 anieles, oouona, ate. ...Haiwcipo... CROCKERY AND TimVAI3 ...Dry Goods... iMtnrlf n a renersi assortment of elothlDsr, fnrntnlilnars, and dress gooda. Atsoa Hue line of boots and snoea. MUCKLE Zi. Helens, Ore; LOW PHICE3! 8P0T CASH- 4-Quart Artio , 1-qt. Whit Mountain.. 2-qt. White Mountain. . 3- qt. White MoantHia.. 4-qt. White Mountain.. 6-qt. Whit Monntain. . .11 m .Hi . i . 1 74 . 8 1. . 2 4 1AWK MOWSB. 13-Inch PhHfJlphia l-iiich Phiiailclphi 16-lnch I'liilBfieiltia...., 18-inch Phiiadripbia , 20-inch Philadelphia , Camp Coliae l ota sbabiti OAitr irrr 5- qt. with cover....,..., 4-qt. wi'.lx cover... 6-qt, vith cover 8-qt. with cover. ,. n . ii .. 6 .. 0 I") . 1 i to i