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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1893)
OREGON MIST. Iiultfd Nititm mill I'mniiy orriclul rjirr HI, Hi'li-lls, July 21, IHItU, KlUUBHeHa NOTIOsT All iinmniiiiiliiii.ii. .mt tu rns mist for putt- Ditllto mid li'it n I1.UI4 lie i.linii viuuimnini liy Nix uilllim . 1,'IHIIH 111. I II' Mtfott. I oiii. We rn am warn in uatita ror niih v!tllr of mini faith. L'lir hut mm hii ?J.'i. i'.T.r.'A'n'.fJ.l"!"". f,'".'"' "''" ' l "'"iiiiiiiriic Willi BRIEF MENTION. .lob printing lu-iitly exccutoU at this Iluy milking is now lln farmer. In order with U.-iHilpt hooks n ii1 unto hooks (or S.tlfl m tills ollliw. l'uliitoo liiil fair In yield will (ill. A large i' nip la vxiiccUmJ, tl.i lltiire u litllo cliunuc In tho romll tinu of tliu liili wult'i in iliv CiiliiiubiH Dott't forget Hih ttruiiil lull to bt Klvnii l.v ilia OJU Fellows m lb i luu liny 20. Campers should IwHr In mi ml Unit yon onn g( your siiliu rMsoiull III McNiilt Uion, iU,r In Viiriioiiln Ihu mow on Ml. Hood mul Mt. Hi, Hmuiis u slowly iliHimiiiig am ihtuo inn run inures urn iu us soon on t'ltlicrol tlicin. Vlnn your supply of bill vfliioi'K, lotti'r hemls or otlmr stationery lii'i'onioi cxlittuoicd, cull ul this unite ii J get a now tuily. From tint Clntsksiim correspondent we lor i) ul the total llnirtioti by lite oi llio residence l IS. W. Conyt-rs, i thai place, ins coriusjioiiilunt ex JllllllH. John Urionnil U. V, Clark. of Until Ion, Imvo been iiugnguii Uio present W01K. SllWIIlff Slid CKlllllK tint piling (or Um low purl of Um new wharf ut (hit pl.ll'O. - Tlie times r doll, ami money Is light, " U tliu tiiux (lint it iiing iHilli , ihy and night: but cui'ivihub doq't suiK hiiiik miy more, who purulmse their gouilN ul Uulinuii s more. The nntiual futnp nirnlii.g of tho KvHngolival association in bonked for tho lalUr tmrt of AnKttntal Vernotiiit. 'J'lieso urn liirguly ultemloil ami I'nthu- mastic inorting, anil uic productive ul llUICll glKril. Tim ladies uf the Congregational church at !ji:iiiiiiooi?, will vive no Ice cream festival hi the ulitireh At tlint ) Ucti hi unlay vvi'iiiitg. tl: ifttih. A toulial iiivilitliou in extended the gen rul pnUiij. In Anotbor column you will find the dveilisunu'lit of tho Anuria Malble Work. When yuii with uoytlimj; in that line, yon, no ilmlit, could prollt by consulting Mr. Imhoir. Write him at AiUiii. Th almost uiiolningulilo condition of Urn water will ui"fo thuii liki ly linve no Aiitull bearing upon li e wild liny crop thin iM''on. WildgrHiw will be rfiidy ti cut later lhi year than for ihiiiiIk r of yeain, nnd the yield muy not bo up to un average. Home notion linn bt'tm biken nt ClatR ku iiio to entnblieli it cnHimry. fio liioru biTiii'lioul or Incretive enlerpriHe I'ouU be hhIhIiIikIhiI, ImiiIi to the pro rnoteu mid the farmerr, tliun I hi uue filing. We euruc'Htly hope Hint Hie )irople of that lown will bo o forltl uaih iMCtn nevure to prolluililu un c tuliliflimciit. The expremions of (urmrre from dif ferent parti of llio county ire very nioolitliouiimo relntivo to tho buy crop. All report a vury henry crop of clover, timothy U mid to be far ahead of the growth for mute years. With the as inranee of mi iverage (rnit nd liny crop Columbia county need notbucoi. eiderud O'herwioe lluu 111 proipoious condition. On the evening Unit tho Monterey uteumed up the river, tome demented creature, whether prompted by pat riolinn or uuBdullerated meannuBH, rliachirged the contemn ol rillu it ' th vcnael, tho ball etriking one of the turret! within I few tuthei of tho cap tuin'i head. The miscreant wai earched for with tbollghU bat noih iug could he iwen of him. Such fool iohneai ihould be pnld for with a heavy fine or term in ihe"kookum" houie. At in Curly hour Monday morning culler it the hom of Chan. TlwRode, a woll known flahernmn, ol Willow bur, were pained to Bud him dead in, llio bed. Hia death whs the remilt oi heart trotihle with which he had been allllctcd tome lime. A few day bo foio hia death phyaician wai called from Portland, who preucribod for him and a meimenger wa Haul for the med ieine but did not reiiirn until after the man had died. Tliegoda made hii home on Biittvie'i inland, anil wua wuu and favorably known in thi neighbor hood. The thunknof thepfiovleof thin com rnunilyaro due dipt. Win. H. Palter aon, who piloted the Monterey to safely to Portland, for hii complimentary re mark of our little city. Hid interview in lint Sunday'! Oregonian very ex plicillv explained the manner in whicn the oliloeu of the big hip were enter tainl in our town and the much ap i,recited way In which the viior to iu- -i.: r.n.. l.nrn wnre treRtetl, but H IIIO IIIM ... - ' - , that ho nut coriBiueraoie lire., upon "Lot! of girl-" who were ... ,in. The affair wai loo impromptu to allow ub time enough to ipreail the uainga. Th Teachere Institute, which com meucea here next Monday, bidi fair to 9 the Hneat meeting oi inn yet held In thii county. Ai lheMhool law require the couniy teachon. to at tend the annual inatitute, and ai there ore a great many leachori i t Coi-ntyShe attendance from that wurce will hi large, he.Ule. thi .OT " ntod In educational work will " Prof. Oleclon hen iparod not one unRlo . i. mont hi? a eranti ineana w niK 1 ii, nt luccena, ni ii evinced by the length o t ho necaion. Let the people of 8U i na maintain the name they Jrwdy hear for ho.pilality in entertain tig our coming gueili, and nmiit olhen in . Ibeir effort to make thle meetmg one Iwg to hi i vememt,f,1v Thb Midt, for lome unacoountable rcttnon, neglected to mention the mar riage f Waltor Mwoetland and Mini iei a uray at the renideuce of the bride i mother, Mn. Etta Corllii, of Minuevillo, on tho 11th Instant, The ceremony wai performed by Rov. Faxon, who tied tho nuptial knot in heilitiug manner. The newly wed dod couple departed immediately for California to upend tho honeymoon. Mr. and Mn. Bweotlind are both well and favorably known here, the bride Imvlnir nunlo thli place her home niucfl childhood. Mr. Hweetland ii in eutorprining young buiine! man of t. Helens, and in highly roipected by hii many acnuainlaiieoi. Our cnn. gratulittioui are )ut a hearty now ai iney nan neon extended before, and 1 IT., " "V''1 l0.tlM? haP.P,M,w mo uuwiy niaue oeneutct aud lit! bride. The beef buveri of rortland anil the Hound country are now booking with nnxioii! eyei to Kaitern Oreaoti nnu waimngion, lays the Klamath Htur. They tee that loti of cattle-men ... .1 a l I i ' are likely to go out of the buoineM aud into lomclhing more prolitablo, and in oritur to prevent thla reduction of lup ply below demand, they have con mimed lOTuwe me price oi beet to a lomcwhat encouraging figure. But the diKcouniKemeat of cattle-men com menead too long uo, and it will be yean before their courage will bo ai nilih a llio beef buyer! would like to ruine it JUKI now. A hopgrowcr one of the larget in Marion and Polk counlioii inform! ui thut the Willamette valley will proiiuiiiy receive more clear money noin hopi than from wheat (hii year. and yet (hero are 100 acrei of wheat to one of liopi, iiyi the Buloin Demo crat. Fruit aid hope, butter, hay, hogi and line itock make a rich conn try. Li t in fumiili theie, while Kaat em Oregon can raiao the wheat and OHltlo. A bright little woman from Kaniai, 21 or 22 yeari old, wai in Colton, Whitman county, Washington, last week, l.xikinit for a hunband, whom ihe found living on a farm near by and enjoying connubial blin with an other woman. She nay! they were married in the lunllnwer itate about four yean aco, but hud lived together only a abort time when her liege lord took Mr. Ureelcy i advice and came Weal. In tho civil cme of Jacquiah va. Gild- ner, Tuesday, the jury wai out all night and failed to hgree,atanding nine for defendant and one for plaintiff. Tl.o cane wai continued for lervice. Tho cuo win brought to recover wharf age on cord wood which wai paptod over pluintifl"! wharf at Kronen, the nun hinging on the quuntion of a contract na to the price to be paid for the uue of the wharf. Will A. Hurria, late of tho Vemonia Mill Co., bin accepted a position in the ollire of Couniy Clerk yuick where be ii to be a fixture. Ho will noon bring hia family hero anil make tbiii pluce hi! home. Mr. and Mn. Harris will be a dcairublu addition to llio society of tin! pluce uud wo are pleated towel come them to our city. Mr. W. If. Dolman, accompanied by Dr. Willia Moree, returned yenter- ilny nioruint,', from tho world i fair nod a visit to ralittivei in other parti of the Kant. Mn. Dolman ti delighted with the rxpOdition and cheerfully reco mnd it to all who wiali to see the greatest event of tho age. In Ihe Probate court, Wednesday, It. U. Davie edminUlrutor the entuleof i'onino Uaricliio. Application for final seltloujont and dischnrxe, testimony und urgument lubmllted and case taken under advisement. Nice gO'xl! and good bargains is tho new tune, and during hard times a positive boon ;oome, join in the chorus, ing it oer ami ovr, aim ptircuaie your goods at Dolman's sloro. Beaido Travel is a little heavierthan for tiie past few weeks, yet we are doubtful if the number visiting the coast this year will be ai large ai hai been in formor yean. The cholera la coming. Advicei from Moscow, Maples nnd Cardiff re port the contuKloii in those cities. A case of yellow fever is also reported at Lewis, Delewari. Those who deiire to purchase any of the rustic furniture made by Mr. Livermoro should do ho at once, as he uteuds leaving for tho Last in a short time. Rev. Faxon will hold divine service! in the school house at Maineville, this Sunday, July 23, both morning and evening, at 11 and 8 o'clock. Rev. Judy will conduct religious eer vices next Sunday morning and even ing. Subject lor 11 A. M. "Our Sun day." everybody invited. On Wcdnoaday, at Washington, D. 0., John Pringlo was appointed post master at Vernonia, this county, R. U. McNutt, removed. Newell Llvermore returned Wednos lv ovenine from Oregon City, whore he had been visiting relatives for sev eral days. n 'iv,!nv Avenintr the personal effecd of Charles Thegoda, deceaied, were sold by pubuo auction, oy a. n. Blakesley. a. I,. Colburn and wife returned Tuosday evening from the coast, where they have ooen rusucaium ior w pnv week. Qui H. Bynon, editor of the Ne halem Journal, was in St. Helens the latter part of last week. Jack Balmanno, of Portland, is visit ing this week with hii grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A! Davis. A large ottendance U expected at the teachers' institute which oom mencci here Monday. An interesting communication from our Peris correspondent arrived too into for publication. n lrnwtnl. of Milton creek ii pushing hii new barn to an early com- pletion. Sheriff Massie was in fta.mer xu. dav afternoon on officiul business. The adjourned term of me wmu.y . ' "Juuprl Wednesday A. M. ... jm 1 rt. convened Wednesday Steamboat competition ii brisk at present on. the toiuu.iH. . Oregon Crop. "The report! concerning the fruit crop are not encouraging. , The heavy raini during the time the fruit wai In blossom did most of the injury and late i routs materially assisted in culling down thcyicld. Then too many of the orchards are not properly attended to, tne old pioneer orchard lucks spraying and cultivation. Many of the corres pondents report Rome orchards as good crops, other no crop. There is - a marked absence of insects: but this can be accounted for from the tact that warm, bright lunihine is necess ary to develop thorn. In parti of Mult nomah and Clackamai counties the caterpillar ii very destructive. The nighti have been cool, hence the cod- tin moth ii not plentiful. The green and wooly aphis are reported from a lew of the counties, bat practically in sect! have done no damage to the fruit. Cherries are now ripe, and not a county reports a full average crop, an occasional section has a good crop ; but generally ineakinff the cherry crop ii from one-half a crop to practically nothing. Then hai been a very slight increaie in tho acreage of cherries. Apples sre a good crop in Lincoln, Benton, parts of Linn, Lane, Douglass and Josephine counties; other coun ties report a poor crop. The early ap ple are even ihorter in yield than lbs late applet, and it ii noted that on those tree which had a good yield lat year are very ihort this year; on a general average there will not bo over 75 per cent of an average crop of ap ples. Peaches are generally reported to be a failure; Jackson, Josephine and Douglui counties appear to have the best prospects for the peach crop, but even in these counties there will not be an average crop. Many peach trees have died from some unknown cause. The curl leaf is especially bad tbiiyear. The peach crop ii about CO per cent of an average. The acreage of peachei haa been increased quite considerably, especially 10 in the southern counties. Peers are alto a short crop. Josephine county appear! to have an average crop. Some correspondent! report the pear crop a total failure, while otbera report one-fourth to one-half a crop. The acreage of peari haa been gener ally increased. From the present out look, Oregon crops can be summed up as follows : Cereal crop an average one in yield and product. Hay crop above the average. Fruit U decidedly short crop, except prunei and berriei, prunes an average crop. Berries a largo crop. Vegetables a good crop, especially potatoes." CI.ATBKAN1E. Miss Marv Convrs came In from Oreeon Cltr on the Dixon Monday evening to visit her parents. Mr. Cunnlaa, of the Arm of Canning A Wallace, was iiterriewing our merchant! on Monday. Dr. Wm. Orlswold. of St. Helens. Is spending the week here looking after the teelh of this community. The iioatft store room in Ihe city now in that uf No, this Is nut an advertisement, the patrons can find out for themselves. Rev. I. Bkans. a Rweilish minister, from rortland, sppiit Kritlav niKht in lown and left for tlieJiclmlem valley Saturday niorn Inx. The new city recorder presided for the court Monday even ing Ten dollars were added to the city treasury as a result. A number of quite severeessesof whoop ins couch arc rcnorted at different places about town, lint there seems t be uo easel inside I lie city limits. Lg are now reaching tide water by way f the new lojritina: railroad which is completed far enonsh to et out a good run of lugs for the season. An overland eonvryance between here ml Mi irors to eive nssseniw-rs a new line of trurel to Portland is one of the things pmimml for the near future. It begins to look as thouth we could soon have very cheat) rates to l'ortlaud. The onlreltv prisoner at this writing is a solitary pig which wai found inside the city limits without the proper papers. . He l being cared tor and is advertised for sale tit case of not being claimed and rescued before the time ol sate occurs. Nathan Tingle, of lower Reaver, wai In the city Thursday evening with his tam and wugnn to meet his daughter, Mrs. Cross and family, of Oregon City, who came in on the luxon to spend some time in the couatry, at grandpa's bouse. We noticed Jank Cameron haulinga baby carriage out of town the other day on bis WHfron. it aeeincn a strange arucie ui nir uitiire for Jack to he hauling but It was learned upon inquiry that the carriage be longed to Amos Krickson.and was intended for the new baby there. Our people were sorry to leant that Jas. Fisk had made an assignment on Saturday for the benefit of his creditors. It was thought that arrangements could be e (Tee ted to hare the business continued during the summer, but failure to satisfy the demands of the creditors seemed to make the as signment necessary. N. Merrill was ap pointed assignee. Judge lilanchard, as captain of the little steamer John Wist, made himself quite a friend to the boys while his boat was bin last week. They took great pride In assist ing him to manage his vessel and he bad no lack of help iu all the positions where help could be used, in addition to quite a reserve force, ready to ride on deck and lake their chances. The Judge stands in well with the boys of Clatskanie. One day laid week D. Dixon, Sr., was in town dressed in his best, announcing that be was going to Kt. Helens. . On thittirday morning Rev. Moore and wife started out of town on horseback, and upon their re turn it leaked out that Mr. Dixon's errand te St. Helens was to procure a marriage license for his son Daniel, snd that on Sat urday morning, the loth, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs D. Dixon, by Rev. V, L Moore, Daniel Dixon, Jr., and Mtss Ida Peterson were pronounced man and wife after the regulation form and In the man ner prescribed by law. Congratulations are now In order. Your correspondent wishes that the sunshine which greeted their marriage may ever remain with them and that tbey may be as bappy always as they are today. The first fire that has destroyed a rest dence here for years took place about 5:H0 o'clock last Friday afternoon and entirely consumed the neat and attractive home of K. W. Conyers. The Are cauitht In the up per story and burned so rapidly that noth ing could be saved there, but the lower rooms were woll cleaned out and nearly everv article saved, though somewhat dam aged by the hasty removal. The citixens worked hard to got out the furniture and save the outbuildings whioh they succeeded In doing notwithstanding the intense heat. The house was a total loss, a very few min utes being sufficient to reduce it to ashes. Tha Are was caused accidentally, but the man who ought to know the most about how It occurred was not in condition to givo auy information. Mr. and Mrs Con yers wore both ont at the time. The prop erty was partiuuy uisuivu. Strayed. A small red cow, with calf by her side. The cow has slender horns and a dus nose. Any one giving infornia lion in regard to her will be suitably rewarded. 8. E. Fnxton Jr., Columbia City, Oregon. THB MONITOIl MONTEilKY. On Her "Way np the River She Stops at St. Helens. For the first time In in history St. Helens, on the evening of June 13th, oio itself the lionor ol reoeivini? and entertaining a representative of the United States navy. Since the first announcement tbat the monitor Mon terey was to pay a visit to the Colum bia river, great interest in the war-like visitor has been manifested by our citizens, who have awaited her arrival with eager anticipation. Intelligence that the friendly monster was actually in the river was received with exclama tions of pleasure, snd when the mighty ironelad dropped her anchors in front of this city enthusiasm was boundless. Not since the visit of the Baltimore and Charleston to the Columbia river, snd perhaDi not then, has there been ai much interest taken in any similar event. From current dispatches it was understood when the monitor left Astoria that she would come as far as Kalama and drop her anchors for the night. Realizing that this was a rare opportunity to distinguish ounelve lor hospitality and enterprise, Com mander Kempff was wired, in the name of the mayor of this city, on the morning of the 12th, to bring bis ves sel np to this city and favor us with the pleasure of entertaining himself and crew at S ball and banquet, and requested a reply. As Pilot Patterson did not board the Monterey until Thurs day morning, Captain Kempff, was un able to reply definitely to our invita tion until late in the afternoon of the day be arrived here, and his tardiness in answering precluded the possibility of making very elaborate preparations for his reception. However, by dint of lively rustling a reception committee was organized and everything possible in the short time left was done to ap propriately receive our distinguished visiton. The naval trojan had no sooner came to anchor than the steam er Cycolne, carrying the reception committee and the Ridgefield band, ran along side. The committee was oomposed of the following gentlemen : W. J. Rice, Mayor T. V. Watte, W. ii. Dolman, Dr. H. R. Cliff and 8. 0. Davis. A number of others, however, were invited to accompany the com mittee. W. H. Dolman did the honon. Captain Kempff received his visitors graciously, and with the able assistance of his officers quickly made them feel that they were among Iriends. A de lightful half honr was spent by the committee inipecting tbii truly won derful engine, at the end of which tnnea pressing invitation was extended to and accepted by Captain Kempff and his lieutenants to become onr guests and accept such hospitalities as the limited time had made it conven ient for ua to extend to them. THB BALL. The ball was purely an impromptu affair, and considered as such, was a very pleasant event. None of the ladies had more than a couple of houn notice of the bull, and were conse quently unable to make satisfactory preparations for it. The time passed enjoy-ably, however, until 12 :30 o'clock when the guests were escorted to the St. Helem Hotel, where they were banqueted and where many toasts were exchanged. Before the olucers re turned to the ship they formally in vited the citixens of the city to visit the monitor on the following day. At an early hour the next morning the naphtha launch Don Carlos arrived down from Portland, and at once be gun carrying passengers to and from Ihe ironclad. Several hundred de lighted visiton-improved the oppor tunity to see the monitor, and were welcomed by the officers and crew who took pleasure and evident pride in showing and explaining every part of the complicated . vessel to their many greatly interested guests. MAINKVILLE. Maineville is booming, sure. Tlrtn Urn', am havta lumber hauled for their new bouse. J. K. Sherman is all reidv to bogie work ing ea bis new bouse. The oatside f Charles Tarbell's new house Is neanng completion. H. 0. Howard raised the frame of his new barn Monday a. pi. It is 40xU0 feet. Frank Brown, of this nlace. who is spend ing the summer at Rainier, was at home on Thursday, the 13tb. Althonrh we shall miss B. I. Plnmmer very aiueh. we an pleased to learn that he nas gone no laruier away man xiouiwn. Ten of our citizens joined the farmers' alliance here last Saturday night and five others intend joining next Saturday night. There was a wedding hen on Tuesday. the Uth instant. Miss Tina Gray was united in marriage to Walter 8 wee tl and, of St. Helens, the Rev. Faxon, officiating. The happy couple started for California on their wedding tour. , CANAAN. Hummer lias arrived at last. It is late but we an pleased to see it, nevertheless. The second school month in this district ended with examinations on Friday last. Society Is takina a vacation. Everybody is making bay while the sun shines. The dance which took dace on Saturday eveuing at the residence of Mr. and Mn Cushman, who live in the upper settlement proved a great success. Quite a number f Canaan's residents wen present. School Report. The following is the report for school district 38 ; Apiary : Number enrolled 18, average attendance lor montn in, number neither absent or tardy . 12. Report of examinations : Nettie Lind say, 65 ; Carrie Kilby, 80 j Charlie Hamilton, 9196' ; Alice Kilby, 90 j Minnie Lindsay, 82; Albert Kilby, J;Jimmie Orindle, 78; Charlie Orindle, 80; Virgie Pricbard, 86; Matt ie Kilbv. 92K. Mas. W. C. Kwo, Teatcher. Strayed r Stolen. The following described horsei are mused from the range near St. ueieni One a bright sorrel gelding, three years old, one a bay mare with scar on side of head, one a bay horse three years old. A liberal reward will be paid for information of their whereabouts, or for their return to the Amorioan Bridge Co., Portland, or to S. A. Miles, St. Helen!. , - Strayed. From St. Helem, Or., about June 10th, a imall black horse, about five or lix yem old, branded "JR." Last seen near Scappoose. Kindly return mm to me and receive nward. Oso. B. ASPSETVS; Real Estate Transfers, The following are the latest real ettate transfers taken irotn me recurus up iu uaie: W. M. Rlggs snd wife to Mattie Cuul Wen. 10 acres in seotion 21. town ship 7 north, range 'I west 0 00 F. A. Lamont to l. W Cole and R. P. (J rah a m 2f acres In section 84 townships north, ranj;e 1 weft 871 Ml II. A. Murray and wife to J. W. bclimiiltli 10 acres ill seetiou 18, township 7 north, range 4 went ... 100 00 N. A. Perry and wife to Ellsabelh and Geo, Perry land in section ill , township 6 north, range 3 west ... 1 00 Thomas Kutter to Thoiuss But ter 80 acres in section 31, town ship 8 north, range 4 west 1 00 United States to Alex. Christholm 100 acres in section '!, township! north, rahgl 4 west, patent. A. Ohristholm to J. 8. Hall WO sens In section 28, township 1 north, range 4 west 850 00 Thomas Rotter to H. J. Rut tor 80 acres in section 84, township 8 north, range 4 west ... , 100 Cora and Henry Alumhangh to D.T. lioknsm loj acres in secuun a, township 4 nerttt 500 Oft United States to M. A. Swager 102 acres in section 3, townships north, range 2 west, patent. United States to John Q. Thompklns soutnwest yt section o, low rump north, range 2 west, patent. H. T. Ryckman to Phi Harris land in section a, townsnip i norm, range 2 west... 100 Maiia llaker and husband to Cyrus W. Bargerand Kiizaneira loaeres In section 4, township 4 north, range 1 west 1500 00 S. B. Rose and wife to C. L. Colburn lot 1, block 2, ttose addition to the town of Vernonia 100 00 8. K. Hudson to Woodbine Cemetery association y, acre in township i noth, range 3 west 1 00 F. P. Rice and Martha Rice to Wood bine Cemetery association .40 acre in township 7 north, range 3 went. 1 00 D. Blancbard to Boilden Sash and Door Manufacturing Co. river front property in Rainier, Oregon. 700 00 Einil Schmidt and wife to dens Han sen southeast section 10, town ship 7 north, range 8 west ' 1 00 John T. Milaer and wife to J. H. - M liner 100 acres in section 25, township 4 north, range 6 west. ... 1 00 W. H. Foots and wife to Nancy A. licnenor lane in section e, town ship 7 north, rang 4 west 400 00 W. H. Palmer and F. F. Palmer to Johnatban Dodge 40 acres in sec tion 8, township 4 north, range 4 west 161 16 United States to t. E. Elliott 160 acres in sections 9 and 10, town ship 7 north, range 5 west, patent. United States to W. W. EUiott 1C0 acres in secUon 10, township 7 north, range 6 west, patent. O. R. Hall and wife and J. E. Hall and wife to 1 . U. Landgren lot 8, block 8, town of Clatskanie 75 00 Frank Merrill and wife to G. O. Lindgren 326 square feet in tbe Iowa of Esto, Columbia county. . . 10 00 Liberal Way of Advertising-. " Maka as saanv small English words doss- Ible from letters contained in C E Lt K ft 17 P I It It S, without using a letter in any one word more times than it appears in "Celery Pills." To he person sending the largest list will be given a beau tiful matched pair of Cream White Ponies, Gold Mounted Harness and phay eton ; a trip to tbe Worlda'a Fair and re turn for second largest list received ; a r ine Unrieht Piano for third : a Pneumatic Bicy cle for fourth ; fine Gold Watch forfifthr; pair Diamond Ear-rings for sixth; Parlor Orgaa for seventh : elegant Harp for eigth; black Bine uress rauern ior mntn; music Box. Drum and bells for tenth largest list; also 100 other valuable prises for first 100 persons sending a list ol not less tnan tH words msde from letters contained in ' Cel ery Pills." Budge's "Celery PHla" art- hat you renuire if troubled with nervous ness, insomnia, loss of appetite, weakness, dyspepsia, stomach trouble, headache, in digestion, etc. Send thirteen 2-centstaraps with list of words and try for one of our handsome prizes and receive FREE a sam nle Dackaee . with full particulars and list of those in your state who have won prizes to Introduce mis gnat nerve ana sioroacn remedy, all delivered in IT. 8. free. En close thirteen U. 8. 2c. stamps with list of words promptly to HUlMiK CJSliHKX Pllili CO.. Montreal, One , and you are shun of a hrst-elass prise for your trouble. Ratine far FaMscartlwa. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, July 10. 1S93. NOTICE Is hereby given that the following named settler has Sled notice ot his inten tion to make thiol proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clork of Columbia county, at St. Helens, Oregon, on August M.ISDX, vis: JACOB 2EVINGLKT, Homestead entry No. 187. for tho northwest ii of section S3, township I north, range 2 west. He names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Homer C. Brown, Oothlleb Anlleker, Knor O Jones and Edward A. Cushman, all of Reuben. Omron. J. T. AFFKBSON, JuliaulS Register. NOTICE. " ? I- t- 1 k. that lit RaikI nf l.UH ID t,l T . " ...V " " Equalisation will meet at t. Helena, in the .u a . u iqch rn- II.. Mtn. VUUI U1UUOV, AUfUO AO, 1W, .V. ware " pose of equalizing the assessment of 1393. All claims ior ourrevuuu niusi re maui uv fore the Board. W. H. KY8ER, County Assessor. Netlee mi Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that 1, the un dersigned administrator of the estate of George Allnhousa, deceased, have filed wftli the iVmnty Clerk of Columbia Connty, Stat of Oregon, my final account together with my petiuon tor aismimuon oi me murine nf said estate rem ami? in m V hands. and that the Hon. Dean Blancbard, Judge of the Connty Court of said Comity and State nas appointed monaay, tun na uay ui Anmitt. 1U. at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day and tbe Court room of said Court as the time and place for hearing and settling said account, and petition for distribution, when and where any person interested may appear and Tile objections thereto W. 8. NUNN, administrator of the estate of George AHshouse. deceased. uatea Juneau, ran For Sale! Bottom land, well Improved, with fine. young orchard and good buildings; also a good upland farm, well improved, tine, young orchard, iplendid buildings. Call onoraddress I. BUMGAKDNER. Veer Island, or. Notice. couniy Treasurer w nannn w roww btsofflre Iu the court house In St. Helens on Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week. ONE DAY CURE HATTEES go ry OW.R. MFfeCt-TORTUWaO For 8sl by Krtwtn Ross, St. IMens.Or. -aA SS I lVSf-THE-B5 BOOTS. BOOTS! General lei-chandise, N-iSIfifiJii N fWQpODS 1 ATEftTYLS JUST FROM DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. G. F MOECK, RAINIER, F. R. CHOWN, ardware. Stoves DAIRY PANS, CHURNS, MILK STRAINERS,' MILK CANS, ETC. 212 First Street, PORTLAIfD PORTLAND - CLATSKANIE ROUTE ! SARAH DIXON, O. M. Shaver. Master. Leaves Portland, at Alder Street Dock, Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Clatskanie, touching at Sauvie's island, St. Helena, Columbia City, Kalama Neer City, Bainier, Cedar Landing, Mt. Coffin, Bradbury, Stella, Oak Point and all intermediate points, returning Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Stop "Where you will find the largest stock of PATENT MEDICINES, PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC, In Columbia County DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. CASH STORE- W. J. MUCKLE & CO., -DC A General Merchandise Crockery. Glassware, Queensware, Ladies' Dress Goods, Boots, Shoes, Gents' Furnishing Good. LUMBER, SHINGLES, ETC. Produce Taken in Exchange. It Will Pay You to Consult Our Prices RAINIER, - - - OREGON. Joseph Kellogg & Joseph Kellogg and Northwest- FOR COWLITZ RIVER. NORTHWEST Leaves KELSO Monday, Wdne.4ay, and Friday at 5 am. Leaves PORTLAND Tueiday, Tkum- day, and Saturday at o a. in. JOSEPH KELLOGG daily, Sunday excepted, arriving at Portland at 10:30 a. n. Returning leaves Portland at 1 p. ra., arriving at 6 p. m u BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER." This is the reason why The St. Charles Hotel, C. W. KNOWLES, .Proprietor, Has such large patronage by the lusnw men el the State. If you want to meet a fnend yon will lwy find him t The St.. OlmrW. SHOES, SHOES! THE FACTORY. OREGON. 9 For your Medicines at tho Clatskanie Drug Store, UBS IS- Co.'s River Steu&ers," sssa. ..... . Leaves RAINIliR at I a. . tw-'