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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1893)
nn 'THE MIST" onus ALL Tiis Official anft Other Ms or- Columbia : County. OREGON M -in Tim Official Paper -.(,!- ('oliiinl)ia : County. VOL. 10. NO. 29. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1893. HIM MIST" TTTTl i n Hi THli OREGON MIST. i:u t raoiiNiNU ' -IIY- ' THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, DAV18 BK03., Managers. OFFICIAL COUNTY 1'Al'hR. ftuli.trliHlon llui. One epy '"' yrur 1" B'lvttii'o II Una euM i uiuiilln 5j tmiKiu vny AdvvrllaiMV ItnlDO. PmlvMlonnl mt'U nut year.,... Illlt (l 1 1 1 1'l ! Will fimt Mult (Tot it tti tt iiiiii )r gu.nH'i ciilinni. Mm J'uiif.. Una Inch mm .minll. ,..,i, ...... One Inch lb ire nn. win, ...... .... ni llirll "l BiiMilln,.,.... MS ISA 7ft 41) tuntl neuron, IHcnin.r line fur llmt In-iir-lluu ; lu rent. i'i Unti lf mi ll iil.i-ini'iil In- "Tiled iMlvttllK.menls I.M wr Inch fur Hrl liiMiriluii. unit n rent ur linlifof wli unlwo qiitiiilniwrllii. COI.UMIIIA (XHNTY HUtKtTullY. t'ounlr Olln i r.. limn HlniH'Imnl, ILIiilof K. K wnli k. '. Helen. , A, UmI, HI. II. I.' . It M. VS liitrl. 1'iiliiiiiUln t-lly Jnitl" ('lurk MULillt Tr.'Mtir r, ...... ... Hllpt. f S-'IiwI. , 1'. J. Clerl'ill, Vvllimil W. II. Kyu.T. Ksllller A H. l.llll.'. Hit'llIlT AMK'itr.. ....... ....... fill rVOJr'"..'.-" ......... C(iliiliillMicr...,. 14. il. .;ltu mover. Vdiimni 0. rt. Ilarutw. MKr. Nurtt-ir riiinr. kUwiSuv-Kl. .Mem tuft. Nn. M-Krmilr rumiimiiKKltmn l.r.i mul lliinl (iiriluy 111 mail III m V ! M. l Miiiiilii Jim . . I nil msmlwr III "l "tmullmt Itivllvl to ! ""SuknKic.-Kiilnlor l'. l-Utwl imwiinij). Mniui.lny on or l..imeiwli lull "'" Hi 5 iw r. M. t Mnwiili' Imll. v Hlniicl.itNl Mow. Vlniiiim mviiitivrn III Kuwt iinll.ii lie vIumI le mwii'l. (lull 'I.Mii t. llKnn l il'k'B So. 117 "... ........ .,i..t,t ii 7 ui. 1'lit hrviliruu liigawl uiiiiiiS cur.llU) IniliK t ui Biiricl '! MmU. IVjwii river (WD cliwn i SI M. I'll fll lltiilHlclu'tt" ' ", . , - Tfi ll V..f V.ifiwii lv m. IIvIdiw Jl.-u.ltt). .lui'ilnc 'l rlitay mivlt fnr M.irhltt'l. flm.kiinlffl w1 W i.m i(ninii MuuiUr, Wv.lim-.liiy ml t'M) "'"frullvmy) north ttlnw ' 1 ,ur t'ortUnU t a r. M. . Tmli.' uia llltT Miil. fr.,"!!.i lit ii . ,f,r,,l,i f'ri",: :u,;l Ml.lfly. Ivi w '''-,1r''?!.'ml HmMM Ikm.i.a - U'v. t. lU'lcii. fnr l'nrl Una 7;l& . . iniiriilug ' r. Jucii Kl.lno-!vw. IMon I.., ..,,ii..u.l .lully isccirt HMii.lny Ill n Hi'Iik ill I'.irtlnml l ll SB; uirniiiif, ln 1'iifiUnr ml I I" rrlvliiK l Hi. Iluln ' l'KUt'KSU)NAL. 1) It. II. K. ClirT, rilYSICIAN and SUltflKOX. HI. lU'li'ii. Oregon. jtt. 1, K. IUI U PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ' CldUikiuile. Ciiliiinlila county, Or. 1 11. I.IITI.K. A. .. , SUUVKYOR and CIVIL KXOISEER, 81. Hclcim, Orrgon. (Smiitv mirvKVnr. Liiml mirvfjfiiif,twn (.ImiliiK,' mul ciiKiiiccniiK l'mntl'lty lillllO. ' lnfnUnnnrlfriillii'lw"'"1',,,;,0ir fiiisi i t'll. !l ItltlAIU av. Msvr 011 1)1. iit tm Vol? iiiuriiix . " ft MIT. ow-ttm' '.':'!:' s. w ?uihi OTwSSii. iri Ut ho lu Ui. The Overland Route. To Irnlin ilully. Icv. HiK rift ll I Mrii ts. UimnlCciilrtil tH'l'ut. ciinn.vliiOi'ii"1'" iimiiis, r.H.. 1...,. I..r lliuivcr, kiilinj .... .... ........... rii in ir mi ,t fur Hciivcr. '(.. iliimiKli Ht. Hiilcim. Ilnlti' " r : ,r , wall Wallu, eiillmmiHliMKiriiv- '.',.,.,( , Hiok.iii... oruy No No. H. ' t vef ' ," f "VotTrlHl mtrl'. 11 V...I .lv..r llinlll cllilUK". Hllll U (HIKAN H- KAVIKHHMa 1 . , LKV 1'llKTI.AN ; C,llUllll..My I, l.l.-J Bttu !' ',7,' 1 11. nun .J - piihiu.. 1-lglH VU i.un.. limr;or,int ."VJtoUIA ROUTK-Mom. rmer or 0 "ft '"L,,,,, i,ai" ,inv Kxct'in Hiuumy, 1 1 Ml Anivrikx AHluriii uiiiij, - limit ll'livim i h ivm.i ruinrn- lug, leave. Ali'rl '.,',''Vl,l.,im ' .(,rllniul ik"s. jfl 0lenlfl ABrlan I SI - TOB I V' '5l OISION lATHT. IMs-" nopvmOHTS. toJ it i t&rs-li i'-" M." ''r1"" ii' Unilln. el. .V'',"' . ,, tlie WiKhlimliHi l" lay anrt Hal nnli mi. ' 'K ll)BV,. Kroin An- rtB ly, exci-et Hunday: ;t .11 n 1 m , B( Vl;' "a'n'b w' ..ANOINOS-..,!.. atAg.ri, OT1I1CU 8W. ." AiM """" llftwnta-lii 'tiS THE PACIFIC COAST. Richardson Gets Eight Years in the Penitentiary. THE BONANZA MINE IS SOLD. Warden Aull Declines to Allow Any More Interviews to be Held With George Sontug. . , TlmTiM!iitittClminli"r of Oomiivre hn, imvi!i into Uh imw $iri'),(ll)l) buililiiiK. Wurk tin tli Hiintit If irbiira ni'l of thu railway gun bi'twunu lOllwou I mi l Hunttt MarKitritit ih to bfiii ut once. OniiiK" nliipmciilH from IiivuriiUi tliin Hi'iiHon uiiioiiiiUhI to 2,'iUli ciirloailH, the Inru'i'ft Hinoitiit ever MhiiJ ill one Mi'it ton. The Vltrtorlrt (II. C.) Sii.rcme Comt llHH llinilliH('ll tllU cllllljM Of llHHHIlit mkuIiihI Itov. Allnirt Hi'iuiiH, tint Mi'rce. runiiwny. An Kii(lih Byii'liniti! has h nilit the Bunitii.a iiiint! ul UiUiii"t Hula, A. T., utviiiK if l.Oou.lXKl fur it. It in a very rich gulil niinu. With tliu aHMiantiii'iit a, cominnn.liiiil. of tliti Muri) IhIiiiuI navy yur l l'iiitniii Klrklnml rwcivcil Iiih pruni'ilion to the rank of C'liiiinioilonj, Tin taiiiN'M at StrMikton have wmwwI piiklinn liiilcn. TIkiv tilaim 8 cetitit chr;l by thu tlcalcm 1h Uv hijih, and ImnitieHM will not lie rvHiinuil until the price in liiwurcil, 'flit! oimlcr Favoiite had at Victoria from the wiwt coant with acatch of 1,01)0 Ht-alH. Kho also brought the Triiiinli' ami M imti'M valeh of 1,170 anil WW respectively. Han Jimiiiiu grain ili-aler are olTcrins; to buy the new 'crop and loanim? f Ift to 1S ptir ton on mtorei.1 wheat at Moi kton, ahuwing better comlition of money mat tor. All wheat coining in in being nton-1, m price are too low. , The Matninoth mine in l'inal imittitv, A. T., one of the Uncut uolil milieu in llie Territory, Iiiih ihut down until A new dliaft can be driven, a cave in the niino miuiH time ao renderinu it ditlleult. to work as well an linprolltable. The 8an IVilro Lumber Company has neciired at Ioii! Anifclei! a judu'tnimt affiiiimt Merrick KovnohU, their former maiiauer, fur lKi,0(Xl. UeynoMu was chanced with neglect and eauniiig' the fttlillcatioii of the votuputiy's hooka. Hix miMuiiroments made hy Kred 1. Plumnier of the height of Mount Kain ier Hhow it to Ik from ' 14,000 to 15.10:) fe-t high. Mount Whitney, which Ih credited with iM-ing thu highest mount- uin in the Uuilea Mate, in i i.o.'o iwi high. "' Judge Catlin at Sacramwito has Ue .idel the long pemling case of V. J. lin gorv va. J. J. Spieker, involving, the i-ijlit to the inaiiufarturo and nale of a ,, medicine, judgment buinga'varil- d plaintiir. The cane lw4een pending 'or iiiiei yearn. - , , ' ' ... ci,ll ,!,.ji!..i and manufact urer.! cHlimate that over half e ihe mill of Wasliii'!'"'" w cloaeil, ami that more will i-luw. , It i estunated that the combined mdlu of the Ma e have a daily output of approximately 10,0011,000 h'inglo ar day. At jirewwt amajorilvof the dealers and iimniiliiet nieiH of tiicoma do not admit that there n over an average of 5,000,000 clnnglm manufactured daily in the .State. Waiden Aull of the Folwmi prinon will allow uo more interview with ont!ig. He bvh: " While P .ofl'.'Y ol of the State and Ward, n of Joh-om priwnit i my duly to care ; for IIiohk placed under my charge, til I I owe no ia.luiy to ll.e State ami to m-wt tiiun to put my i Kit down and nay that 'on, thi time on, while 1 m Warden ..f ,i.iu 11. iii Soiita 1 mamliin iiionlhlngtlmH not dUgrileo; the! p ,.t umii her California new-pw- ntguH The State Hank ConimUn,.Hei have completed their examimnhni into the llnaiH'iul condition of the Paellic lU'ik t San FraneiH.. wl.iei. recent ly m- llClllleU. lliev llll'l n '",.; kmrceHof the bank, ' limited , iimiketiilile value, am r,,"". nil liabilitieH,H,000. ."No account I taken of the aipitai toek or gu- ohiH The ConmiiHHioncri reganl the liatiK "ii Holvent ho far a ability to pav.loH.itorH U concerned. The ltiU will probably be reorganised and awune hiwmeM. j An insect discovered by J. R. Shopard. of Zeiuv, Or., was found to be devouring the green and woolly np iih n h or I'wf. K. I- Washington, ento imlogiHlof the Oregon ugi'ieultuial ex w nu'ntHtatu.n, m the.lox.H't . i1 v ..... ..... it.iLt . iA 110 iincoin- 0 feed on Hoft-bodied infects. ')!' h.o-n-H of poilabriia have al) niade r,W record an iiphin-eateiH in uregim. m -rt 1 0 I i.uv.r. to hei'oiue ntnuer- " ..? ,. No eiiU It til) with , the aph.H. "1.1. . 1... .1.. f,.,i tleorge UicnariiMou mm ..i-v.. ... g, my of an attempt to '8'!" crnl'iieine train near Drain, Ui. U s : 1 " 1 , a tin iii wan Hhitimd by is . Imrilion who held a torch, and whose eve laS;ram-e indicated that ho had been in mcd. lleclaoued lio li jl covered robber tearing up 113 i ..,.( (hut thev had beaten and Htalibed and limt tin v ; , , , . 'if" : h new as m "i t hat ho was charged with the tten. ted crime of train-wreck ug with H ve.vH.iU. JIUHuntenceiH eight veai-H in the State prison court enea in 1 - . - " i'ry. n,. . ... - - , ft not 1..1..IUVH S , " .v.. ui,. wa provea I that I'eliruary in vim i f the bank Hiowert no hi.... .m- Now, 1 . . . 11 . l,a , ma went to I s resi.u n , ,ig Rt. nf tho Don- h-KellvltonkinRtA.iiiny.eunvicU'd f .inbvli.'K'fl'i.0lw fmm tllttt 'I''"!" NATIONAL CAPITAL. In re)i1y to ft direct rpioHtlon ft, to whether he would be a candidate for the ScnatiirHliip Judge Crinp naid: "Iain now a caniliiUto, an you doubtleHH have obeei ved, for re-election an Speaker in the next House of KepreHontativeH I ilo not think I will have any opposition for the oflieo. In fact, I do not believe ibere vviiH ever any HerioiiH intention on the part of the next CongroHH to oppoHO me for Ihe place, I, of courHe, appre ciate kindly the use of my name in con nection with the HenalorHhip, but it in altogether unauthorized by me." The attention of the War Department Inm liccli called to the operations of a man who eigiifi himself J. J. Fuller and reproKontH hiiiiHcIf an a nephew of the I hief J.tHlice of the Supreme Court. He bun addrcHHod a letter to the Sergeants of varioiii" military companies through out the Went, which he request that 'bey read to their compameH, oll'ering through the awiHliiiioo of bin tinclo to obtain the repeal of the law preventing rereiiliHtineiit after ten yeivr' Hervice and pn.iiil.iting a man from purchasing dis charge. -He savs in concliiion : " Send me iil, and 1 wi I giniraiitee large profits within a little while." lie gives Ids ad dress as San I'lancisco, and reipients the roMieiH not to deb.iv, fts he slarlH for Win-hingtuii AugiiHt 20 to press the imit ter in Congress. The opinion is held by a ninnher of CoiiirrcHHioeii that the extra Hes.iioii will not be li ngtbv, 1111 1 that financial innt tei'H iilnt.u will engage its attention. C K. S heeler of Alabama said: "J see no reason whv the. country should b btiid-ned bv ii long tiresome session, u ii h HtleieUint debates and set speeches. TI.e Tru-idiiiit ba called them together by reason of thu gravity of the money niii Htion. hiiiI that alone. There are nu merous Congressmen who ls'lievo it eould be w ise for Congress as soon as it organizes to pass resolution giving the President authority tosifpeud the pur chase ' l. or deal wit h it as he may deem beet. t'ongrihH could then adjourn at once. When convened in regular session in December the litmncial condition could be dealt with Intelligently and with deliberation and in the light of the result of lour tuontb' work under the policy the I'resident ought under the re. olution inaugurate." wiiili. tnioiiben of CVnirrePH and lead. er in financial limttera are discussing various plans bv which the present situ ation can la; relieved, the ollicials of the Treasury Department are quietly orepar ing the statistics and histories of tinnn vial transactions fur the benefit of the admiiiii't.atioii to guide it in its own views of the vital subject. Several plans have been Hiigm sled to Secretary Car lisle. Among them ia one which con templates nn entire change in the money evutem of the United States. . la short, i. .,in iu t.i n.iKH a Hiiecie resumption m i-niiiiir the various forms of nnw used in iho country and is- Htiing instead Cnited States Treasurv ,. ,I,.M U-Illl!4 value shall always lie fixed. There are at present nine different forms of monev in circulation, and the fact of 'wide diirerence between the value of gold and silver 4orw.iU. I hey are the oretically of a one of tho causes which hasjoiggesU'd the plan promised. The national banks during tho pant two months have increased their circulation . ii7 000 Omi. ai'ordtr lor new cir- " ; n... ..iiioiint of 2.277,000 hav ."""' ... , .,-,' . ...!. I ho lieen receivtHl so lar 1111s moim. ny Contriiller Eckels. lent, has Hli?nc.l an order re. organizing the iiiiltUtry Department of Arixona under the name of tho Depart ment of Colorado, witli hoadiiuarterH at Denver. Tho Department of Arizona eoni-isied of the Territories of New Me 1111,1 Ariwina and that portion of Cal ifornia south of tho; 36th parallel. The order iiholwhes the Department of Arizona, and places Arizona, New Mex ico. Utah and Colorado in the new dis trict. California ia restored to the De- nnriment of Va ifornia. Willi iieauauar- ters at San t'rancisoo. This change has Iteen urged 1y the military authorities for a year past, mo iieamiuarHTs 01 nw Department of Arizona were at Ixis An geles, placing tieneral MeCook, eom mnnding the department, at the extreme western part of his department, una caused great delay in communicating with ortuv headquarters at Washington, as all matters in his section were sent to him and bv him to Washington. With headquarters at Denver he will bo at the extreme east of the department and in tho closest? 'communication with Wash ington. Tills, it is believed, will efl'ect economy in time and money and greatly faiOhtnfe' the disbursement of supplies and iinimunltlon. General SicCook will command the new department. . ' WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Tvnn Ix-vitte and Legare Rabinovits, Representing the Russian Silversmith Comiianv of Moscow, who had charueof nn exhibit in the manufactures building, i..iv IwMm: ivrrestud nd eli;vrirel with selling exhibits on which no duty had 1..U.H riiiid. Thev admitted their offense. uii.l wiinl held to tho grand jury. The government will prosecute the men and ll nr eases hereafter. The legul objections advanced against West Point cadets going to the World's iA,ir iinvn been overcome and acting Soeretarv d rant sent the necessary in struct ions to Colonel Ernst, superin tendent of the Military Academy, for ii,,, trin. ' The cadets will leave West Point August 17 and remain at Chicago toii .d.vyH. .Thev will he encamped in Jackson Tark during their stay. The finances of tho exposition are fast assuming a more satisfactory condition, nml Mim-itvof Chicago is boconiins truly ..out. for the largo nnmlHr of visitors (mm Abroad. An evening paper esti mates that, in the period embraced within the. last 120 davs of the fuir a sum rang ing from $120,000,000 to $160,000,000 will be brought into Chicago bv visitors and i.,ft tiii.i-n. Tt is certain that every day shows a gradual increase in the number in attendance. , , ,, Mrs. Alice Houghton, tho Lady Man- j ager from Washington, has been in a much-flustered state since she got back to the World's Fair. It will be remem bered that 1(5.000 was appropriated for the woman's department. Mrs. Hough ton has spent about $1,500 of this, and now for no reason that can be learned tho Board of Lady Managers has refused to forward her any more. . She had not even enough to pay the scrub woman who condescends to holy-stone the floor of her department. Mrs. Houghton has had several conferences with Dr. Cal houn over the matter, but the Executive Commissioner is too shrewd to mix him self up in any of the troubles of the la dies, and so tho matter remains in statu quo. About (WO was lost of the ladins' fund in the failure of tho World's Fair Columbian Bank. EASTERN NEWS. Iigh Waters in Louisiana Do Immense Damage. THE GUILELESS IMMIGRANTS. Wheat Crop of the United State Will be Much Below the Av erage Corn Crop. Lizzie Borden ha, lieen invited by the Globe-Democrat to lecture. Thu work of overhauling the halls of Congress 18 being pUhhed rapidly. I'oronto is wrestling with the question of running street cars on Sunday. Lcadville, Col., is filling up with idle men, owing to ine snuiung uown 01 mo niines Serious charges of discrimination have been filed against a number of roadsen- tiring Chicago by local merchants, Itv nsintr cotton-nicking machines crop can now lie raised in some districts of the Houth at a cost of 2 cents a nun ml. Near Valecitos, Tex., the Rangers and a Viand of Mexican horsethieves had a light, and Captain Jones ot tne itangers was killed. There in dmtitution in parts of Kan. sas. 1 110 wneat crop .a a iniimo n mio sections. ' The legislature may be called in extra aesHion Guileless immigrants landing in New Vrali Bninefimes are bunkoed into the exchange of good European money for Confederate bills Secretary of Slate Lesueur is receiving complaints from all over Missouri re- (carding combinations ol insurance agents to put up rates. Governors will lie elected next novem- hor in Ohio. Iowa. Massachusetts and Virginia. The contests 111 Uhio ana lowa will bo the most interesting of them all. The other day workmen in an old house n Philadelphia, at one time occujiied by William l'enn, discovered a lot of an- cienteoin and English bank notes soscs 111a- den under the flooring. The receipts of the government for the year aggregated (ilHo.OOO.OOO. while the exiienditurea will loot up .Jd,uoo,ouu, leaving a surplus oi recuipis uuuvc w Denditures of (2,000,000. Tho Department of Agriculture is about to introduce calla-lily roots as .a vegetable. In appearance the toot re sembles an Irish potato; it is easily propagated and palatable. J""?. "irK"ri5a liells, which are placed in different por (i.,.nf tho business part of the city. I me . ' . . . . - " - - . The town is now fully prepared for rob bers, A aniit htm been instituted at New York against Senator Squire of the State of Win linsrton to recover 52,oi"j,uuu, winun, it is r aimed, the Senator owes tne plaintiffs for lands sold and which be longed to them. The outeome of the weather-bureau imition at Washington is the ex- nnnmtiim of Prof. Harrington and the dismissal of McLaughlin, cniet 01 tno executive division, who preierreo we charges on which the investigation was oaseu. Tim nour militsirv nnler signed DV ine President aliolisues the Department ol Arizona, and places Arixona, , ft ew wex- iro, Utah and toiorano in iuo new u- milt Deoartment of California, with head- .ailment. . ' W mora ? raw. ouarters at San F'rancisco. Tim niiizona of Chicago have been of ficially warned to keep out of the United States government Dtiiding in wav, , .1 j L. . D,,;i.ii,, the postottiee, custom-nouae anil reuwim m rinvnm, v.j t... ....... & Commissioner Toolen made personal in- sjwetionof the place, and aeciarea u n- ol.l in m,llaiua. afc anv moment. Th whaat eroD of the United States ...:n i.- ... u i,..i... .1.,. .voraim. n-hiln w in uo uiutu yvivn mu the corn crop will be enormous, anu ii the weather conditions continue good, nmk i rt iK InrpeRt ever raised, ine 1"" ' acreage 01 oats, iiancy, ro .. u..,. grams lias lieen increased, anu tne crop will be large. The hay crop is above the average. . , . The Mississippi waters passing through tho Rescne crevasse into the JNew Kiver Bl" rV" 51 luiu.oiv, uui..s ....... ... ..-. ------ ttre flve,J VV '.V01. w.Bl llV r" iUWII. " lilt- .1 limpet n 'i' m ,T" . j .1 1', ,u win im. and it is honed the back water will nu- I iiJ. u l L .1. .WIVh-ih of the fall. The wrTtinda seven feet deep in places, and several lives have been lost. . . More serious still is the prospect that further adverse weather, whicn may fairly be. expecteil at this season, catch- ing the belated crop in its present eon- dition, will reduce the yield still further. The United States makes ayerydis- ralt)nts ot the most graceful kind. ,,'Zr shin cana will be opened for steers, 2.25(02.50; fair to good Keens vorablo weather during the past six England than it does to manure an acre or March. -:'..- Mutton Cho c mutton, (2.75; weeks! that it has got a poorstart; tliat of land m England so that it can grow Baro Hirgch is preparin2 to make a dresud (6-00 larabSi 10082.60; it is being injured by insects and disease good wheat. " ' ' -' ' visit to the Argentine Republic, w here dr,,e,e(l ,00 ehearlings, 2c, live ..?.. w n nvnnum yield. New Bedford can easily afford to stop fr two years past he has been striving A few sections, as t lurma ami uiuinhim, i jg paid to Da in tne 01 inumei 1 ami its supporters arecoin ei i".- .. u,i... seem to have been exempted to the me- ami Webb. Tex. It contains upward of nWue on the part of Air. Gladstone, teorologteal fate that lias ovenaxen ine the cotton crop generally, out mey are not. extensive enough to make any ma- teriivl dill'erence in the crop as a whole, Actim. Secretary Hamlin has instruct- ed Collectors 01 uusioms 1.1 oruer uum the department may be fully advised concerning the admission of Chinese persons into the United htates to pre- pare anu ioriu io hid ....y... . statement showing the number of t in neso persons admitted by them from January 1 to Juneau, sons; the nnm, er to wnom a. ... was reiuseu UU.T ber permitted to .ami .or w. other port lor.exii irom u umjeu KiearrtWe persons seeking admission into the United States, through giving names, States that of paper-making now holds I taken to the hospitals each week. In description, occupation and place of des- fifth place. During 1802 there were a fluenza is rather increasing, but the gen tination in tho United States, of those few more than 1,100 mills in operation eTa ,iPat), rate of tne city 18.2 is be ..i..,!.uj n.i ,o Btr!ilnn linnn which Hiie.h action was bused, and also tne "".." v . '-v .. . names and description and the occupa- tion of wiiom admission was re fnseil and the reasons for such refusal; also the names, occupation and a de- scriptionof such persons permitted to mini lor Hwiui iw PERSONAL MENTION. William C. Todd, who recently gave 50.000 to the Boston public library to support a newspaper reading room, is 70 years old and a graduate of Dartmouth ! ,1 1 ..I lu.l ill uiu eiaiv 01 lot . Mrs. Annie Moore, who has the repu tation of being tho only woman Presi dent, of a national bank (Mount I'leas ant, Tex.), is described as a dark-com plexioned woman, witli peculiarly nriu lant eyes and soft voice and gentle man ners. Robert Buchanan appears to tie turn ing pessimist. He savs of literature that it is one of the least ennobling of the professions, and that he has " not met one individual who has not deterior ated morally by the pursuit of literary lame." Ex-Governor N. 8. Berry of Bristol, N. IL. who. if he lives, will 7 years old on September 1 next, is well and act ive. Jus intellect continues strong ana clear. He readH and writes daily, and keeps fully posted upon all of the impor tant occurrences of the day. James Wliitcomb Riley says that, com position is a severe matter witn nun. He makes so many laise. siar.s, corrce tions and orasures that lie is ashamed to let anv one see his work until it is re- copied, tie modestly says mat ne isn i at all proud of it even men. When Booth was playing " Richard " in Chicago in 1870 a mentally unbal anced spectator named Gray shot at the actor twice fiom the ga'lery. One of the bu lets Mr. Booth secured, and had it set in a gold cartridge, upon which he hail engraved the words : f rom Marie Grav to Edwin Bjoth. April 23, 1870.' This grim reminder he always preserved. Miss Winnie Davis, daughter of Jef ferson Davis, is in Chicago to see ttie World's Fair as the guest 01 Mrs. mow vich of New York. It is noted as a co incidence that Mrs. Philip H. Sheridan is visiting Chicago at the same time, and that her hotel is only two blocks away from Miss Davis', it 'is the intention 0! their friends that the two women shall goorl meet. General Longstroet lives in what is de Ucribcd as " whito-pme bandbox: of a lmus " near the ruins of his line ol I mansion in Central Georgia, winch was burned a few years ago. The house he now occupies faces the ume Mounts ains, and commands a view of unsui- passed beauty. 1 lie corneuerauj veteran is now 1 a years oiu aim mini v ji,ri- 1 archal aspect. The Duke of York and the Princes May are going to set an example to vou'ng couples starting in life. The royal pair will keep house in a little cottage at Sundringliam. which contains besides three bedrooms only two small sitting ., , . n ct...l,.n,. fiftin fnr rhA nv il 1 .1... i..!. i. i ntto.i n Mih ike. It is simplv fitted np with Ikdit and inexwnsivefm-niture.andis altogether a very nnxlest dwelling. , Jesse M..parKS ot lennessreiiasiKwn mninted Consul at Piedras Negri, appointed Consul at Piedras Negro.. ii ., ... , . .. ...... a in Mexico, and thereby hangs a tale. Dur- ing Prtsident Cleveland's first adminis- tration Major Sparks sent to the execu- tive mansion three opossums, fat and toothsome, from the lennessee mount- ams. The rresiaent never Aorgoi, inn gift, and when Major Sparks was in Washington last spring air. u ieveianu asked if the Tennesseean wouldn't like to be a Consul. The reply w as in the affirmative, and the appointment lol lowed. The opossums did the business. INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. The arBege pie(.e 0f copper ever taken out of tne Michigan upper renmnmm wrnhnl a mnt nine tons. Ostrich-taming is a very profitable in- (jHstrv j Africa, where it is computed there Rre over jsq.OOO tame birds. Th f tV,B V.Vstern cattle is es- timated at $2,000,000,000. or five times that of all the cattle in Australia. niamnnil-ent ters in Holland have suc ceeded in cutting stones so small that it U,M 1 fi,v, of .,,, to weigh a karat, - -- - - - I Th hurhost rate of discount ever . - - tablished by the Bank of England was to per ceui on jy it, iow, ....6 I Pftllic. 1 The narrowest-gauge rouroao now m ni is one of twentv inches in North --- . yarouna, oiuu iai. ye. .o. timber. ' . . A mill nn do lars in gold com m . ,"..:: o .... .. Y ,!ll! ,l.,l. WOign .1,0.10.0, an ara , saVer coin win weigu oo,v.u. tK)limlg. Alaska produced 1,000,000 in )ia last ve:ir and California 12,003,000. Ihe tgn& product of the United states was r:,:.: . ...... ........ j ne larm lana 01 ine cmi.o iu.i " produced twice as much 111 value last IH .,11 ti, ,.,JA on.l oilvur minus in .vwu """""" - tt,,:.,,,! S(,.ra. luo u" - " ... m. . Nothing ; Is wasted n ' . n "i V"f ilu catching whales, for according to the latest .statistics sue is "in 'i land cities second only to Fall River 111 cotton spindles. The largest sheep ranch in the world 400,000 acres, and yeany pastures iron. 1 x.QOO.UUU to l.ww.wu sueep. Th lament irold nugget ever found in n,, . : , .,1 thirteen pounds; the inr .oak in the IJiutetl Kates weighed 101 pounds and o ounces ; ungeui. m mo WOrld, 223 pounds and 4 ounces. pamnaa rass is said to cover an area 0j square miles in South Amer- . v ... ...MX ...:i.n In Un..,h A , , It was first grown lor marKei. in - n,lifornia in 1S72. and in 1S00 a twenty- eiBht.acre ram.h yielded 20,000 plumes. mininn an(1 ft haif men work in mlneB of the world. Of these RnVand has 535.000 -. United States, m -,m. G,manv. 2.000: Belgium, :,.: . ".A..m . Ths world's Among the industries of the United in this country, having an annual ctipac- ;:- . . m i . . ity oi aoout io,wu,ouo puuuua oi puer. Superintendent Han nan has received - 8everal applications for permission to nSe the Fie canal for experiments 1 1 -1. ..; .... .. .. I (. ,H ....p........ lu electri(. propulsion for canal boats. There are 3,5X10 canal boats, and the electric iuowjit. m propoi moui nuuui jnuuauij FOREIGN CABLES. Salt Water Used for Street- Sprinkling Purposes. SCANDAL IN FRENCH POLITICS. An Ingenious Frenchman Invents a Process for Manufacturing Artificial Silk. Horseflesh is dearer than beef or mut ton in Paris. An elevated electric railway is to bo built in Berlin. Nightingales have been especially nu merous in England this year. Tim onlv Euronc-an sovereign older than Victoria is the King of Denmark, A hulv in Copenhagen has been officr ally registered as a carpenter ana joiner, An epidemic of typhus fever prevails among the fcoiuiers 01 me juumuu gar rison, tiuvaria. It. is a matter of common occurrence in England nowadays for an auctioneer to sell a castle or ui abbey. Scandals in French politics are becom ing SO numerous mat .ana icpnwa have ceased investigating them. Tf, Prince of Wales has resumed his office of Captain-General and Colonel of the Honorable Artillery company. A societv has been formed in England tr ,livMira''e vandal advertising because of its defacement ot natural scenery. The principal orange growers in Kaf- fraria complain that the fruit is poor both in quantity and quality tins season. Brewers in Belgium, where there are eighty-nine breweries, are reported to be having an exceptionally prosperous pe riod. I A drastic measure for the regulation 7 . 1: I f,...! , ,,,n,tinn a and restricnuii ,ji n. - before the Legislature of New South Wales. a nnvnl insnrance comnanv lias been started in trance, witn tne oiijeci ol enpPlyi ng girls with dowries when they mi,,.rv TlieOueen's appointment of the Duke of Edinburgh as Admiral of the fleets is 1 not received with acclamation oy tne British public. Honey Choice comb, 18c per pound; -The Turks are now watering the land new Oregon, 16,i20c; extract, (KglOe. n tiuhuIv with holv water from Mecca tne piafciie m iiiius. . the plague ot mice. India has shipped to Europe since April bushels otwneat, -v ---- - pondmg time iMt year. Bponamg ear. Some members of Umdori s smart set are attempting by force ot example to revive the wearing of knee breeches as a fashion of evening dress. Many Anarchist newspapers, leatletw an,j books have been seized in tne oar- racks in Milan, Naples, Florence and Turin within the last tew days. - hill granting monetary assistance to o.v.r get tiers in order to facili ate the --... . l ... i ...,.....i ,i.. settling of the colonv has passed K- C..,l. lCnlnc laK.l ,:Unl Parliament. It is stated that the Panama canal n-nrka u-ill h resumeii at the end Ol 1S93, and that already 50,000,000 francs have been raised for the purpose. Patti is now at Craig-v-Nos ( astle Btmlvinn the new opera by big. I iz:o, 'Inch she will proouce uuruig n;r wai of the United States next winter. Tt haa not vet been definitely settl jd t,at tho (ieriiisn ffoverument will have a majority in the Keiclistag, many 01 those elected reserving their views, nhartlonnet. an ingenious Frenchman, has invented a process for niannfactur- ing artificial silK that is said to compare vei-v favorably with th real article. Historic homes are cheap in Lon Inn. The house of the banker an t poet, sam- 11..I Rover, w.ia with Ira vn trom an auc tion sale week before last because of the Hinallness of the bids. I INo credence is in wcn - m - No eredenee is attached in well-in- ( C(1 mj(u.,er8 8t Constantinople to tlle report tliat the Turkish government , j,i. ..;..,.i , mn(n,.,.o mil mrv service . . -""" Un0n its Jewish subjects. - p . ., K(veral women who , ',eredbv police permits to wear 1 ji clothing. These include ..mong ,rtjrt and several whose profe Hioml dntiea are ailu)US, V ome.TB of the German army are bavfi a new cloak, the novelty 01 ", ich lie3 in the (act that by an ingent I ! ., ..,...' j ,i,:,.i- ous device tne cioas may ira "iur. .m. I :.. ..i...,,..i i. wi. mm. of turn, it ia auapteu tor a.wr . mer wear. . , . - - , .! IITk"?: to establish Hebrew colonies, and where ne nas punaiaaeu. gwu u ... joKmizing purposes. Debating in the House of Commons naa ba-ome, so far as the government He meets all comers, and in doing so ne shows wonderful address and resource. :u,.o w,. I - .- . . . . 8alt water for street-sprinkling is used ot. Yarmouth. Birkenhead and other vm! n-lish ports, and foand to be particu- rfv aivantageoua. At Birkenhead it larlv a ivantageoua. ai uu . l a giii,l that one spread of salt water is equal to three of fresh water for laying I . "ir - Home Park, a bit of pleasure ground wbich has just been opened to the peo- pie ot LiOiitiou, uoiiiiii u " . .. 1. .. . , - . f . .. . .. . . 1 n nn.A.l girth of thirty-seven feet and a noted aim of irreat size growing in two stems, known as the Two Sisters of King Charles' Swing. There has been a good deal of small pox in London this season. It is de creasing now. but 500 cases are still low the average. 1 fiorence for the pieces of blotting paper I .- . nneen Tof England used when There has been quite a scramble at ,n 1 " .. , . I in I , at Villa Palmieri. Some indi- vl,i,m promptly secured as much as hel oni, vvhich he is selling at a lire apiece 1 , Mj joouiing quite neat mus lonune. PORTLAND MARKET. Whhat Nominal, tiuoto? Vallev, 1.07!ie41 10; Walla Wa la, tl.OOet 1.1.2',' per cental. rwvn, MRU, K'lC Floor Standard, nil. 40 ; Walla Walla, $3.40; graham, $3.00; Hiiperlino, a.50 per barrel. Oats White, 45c per bushel: gray, 42(43c; rolled, in bags, !frt.2r),0.50; bar rels, $6.50(8.75; eases, $:i.7o. Hat Best, $15(3 17 Ier ton; common, $iomi:j. Miixstoffs Bran, $17.00; shorts, $21.00; ground barley, t20.a24j chop feed, $18 per ton ; whole feed, Imrhty, HO 85c per cental; middlings, 2.ii28; per ton; brewing barley, 0.(f'.5o per cental ; chicken wheat, $1.22J8r 1.23 per cental. DAISY PBODUCB. Buttkb Oregon fancy creamery, 22 (825c; fancy dairy, 17,'ite.20c; fair to good, lfSc ; common, 12aC per pound; California, 35&44C per roll. Ciikesb Oregon, 12'jc; California, Ufa 12c; Young America, HAjo per pound. ','' Eoos Oregon, 18.420c per dozen. l'om.TUY Chickens, old, $4; broilers, ' large, $2.003.fi0; small, not quoted; ducks, old, $4.60(8:6.00; young, $3.00S . 0.00; geese. 18.00M 0.00 per dozen; tur keys, Eve, 12,' c; dressed, 15c per pound. VBOKTABLKS A-VD FRUITS. - Votabi,s Cablmge, ltfl?e per pound; potatoes, $1.50 lor Garnet Chilis; $1.75 for litirbanks; new, $1.2o,i'1.50 mr cental: new California onions, $1.50 per cental; asparagus, $1.75 per box ; radishes. 10-1 1 2 -.jC per dozen ; green Oregon onions, iuu per uuii. encutnuers, we per iwu, vocg-ju m cuiiitiers, 75c$1.00 per dozen ; string iKsana, 10"S He per pounu; uregon peas, l4(a2ti per pound. Fruits Sicily lemons, fo.oomo.w vr box: California new crop, f-l.t0(r.DU per box; bananas, $1.W)(3.1)0 per bunch; oranges, seedlings, i-' 1 & per oox: .1- vels, $3.O0(84.w; mrawuerrtew, ru.r niMuA nineatmles. 10.00 per dozen : cherries-, OOeni 1.50 per box ; Oregon Koyal I Ann cherries, U.w per box; gixweber ries, 3fc3!c per pound; new Cali torn ia n ,,). rwv l.uulw. I IL'tlclieR $1 if) lJ K"-,'.F '.:, i:i,v...-I.I., lr. SWF 1 ' : herrieH. J1.50 per 15-pound crate; peach plums, $1.75 per box ; new pears, $1.00 ... per box. , BTAFLB UHOUKKIBH. Dried Forrs Petite prunes, lOdllc; silver, 11 J2c; Italian, 13'oc; German, iiwsii.- nlnniH. KdtOc: evaiKiraksl ap- r.i lOmllc: vaioraled apricots, I2i 18c. peaches, lOtailc; pears, 7llo -. r ponnd. Salt Liverpool, llsls, $10.00; 60s, , ..Vr.... on.--. m.i.. vnur., .tv ja au ., V,, mS . per umbia, same, 24 o-ioo,; p,a!iHiml.f4.75.tt5.. RIcE-I.sland,$4.75.a5.00;.Iapan,$4.75; Orleans. 14.50 per cental, j3KANS Small whites, 3'ijc; pinks, g3 . bav0fJi 3ic; butter, 4c; luua, 4c pound. I Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 40e5oc; jn half-barrels, 42'aovc; in cases, ao; per gallon; $2.25 per keg; California, in barrels, 2040c per gallon; ler keg. .. ' Scgab Netprices: D,5Vj Goldeno, ri:. D.tra C. fit.c: conlectioners' A, (Mc: drv granulated, 6c ; cube. crushed and powuereu, i ',. nn,n,l .licwiimt. nn all irrades for prompt cash; maple sugar, 15 18c per pound. , . CANNED GOODS. r,vin RnoiM Table fruits, assorted. $1.75:82.00; peaches, $1.85(2.10; Bart lett pears, $1.75(82.00; plums, $1.879 1.50; strawberries, $2.252.45; cherries, fc $2.25(t2.40; blackberries, $1.852.00; mspberries, 2.4U; pineappiea, f&.vs 2.80; apriTOts, $1.(55((;2.00. Pie fruits,,: assorted, $1.20; peaches, $1.25; plums, 1.0091.20; blackberries, $1.2591.40 per dozen. Pie fruits, gallons, assorted, $3.153.50; peaches, $3.5094.00; apn-. cots, $3.504.00; plums, $2.753.00; blackberries, $4.254.50. Mkats Corned beet, is, i.oo; as, $2.40; chipped, $2.55 4.0O; luncn tongue, Is, $4; 2s, $6.75; deviled ham, $1.75$2.15 per dozen. . , i rwii . -1,...,., "i --v;-..----. risH Sardines, 48, -octs;., 2.15(84.50 ; lobsters, W-Wf- mon, tin Mb talis, 1.2591.50; flats, $1.75;2-lbs, $2.25(22.50; -barrel, $o.50. provisions. : Kastkrs Smoked Mbat'and Lard TTams. medium. nncovered, 1S917MC per , pound; covered, 15la17c; liams, large, uncovered, 159170; covered, 15'49 ' 16l..c; breakfast bacon, uncovered, Ws, istjjc; covered, 15'i10!.jc; short clear sides, 13914c; dry salt aides, 12'ij I " ' .51. ; ; Idmlfi.. (13ls,c: lard, compound, in mia, im 1 10 per pounu, pum, ui v.m, Jl. ifi n -ffl..)i:. Oregon iara, nis"v. uvs DKB8SED meat. B-Primerteers,$2.602.8D;d.ok-e lfoos Choice heavy, 5.0095.50; me dium, 4.50(5.00; light and leeaers, $4.5095.00; dresstni, .uu. , . Veal $4.00 (o.w. HOI'S, WOOL AND HIDES. . Hors 1017Mc per pound, according to quality., . - -', , lt1V.' . ,. Wool umpqna vaney, tiiinw, nu , clip, . 13914c; Willamette valley, urig lie, aeeorumg to quiim , iura 8n',.,i mll 014o per pounu, cwruoig w . , - n hides, selected prime. - selected, over 55 pounds, . ,'?, fS5 pounds. 3c; sheep pelts, . I ahnrt wool, autaoue: iuwuuiu, wnsow..- I . ' . 1 n,. ,.11 UI 1. . , ooc91.25; shearling3, 10920c; tal- low goCKi to choice, 395e per pound. BAGS AND BAOOlNO. Burlaps, 8-ounce, w-mcn, net casu, 6c; burlaps, lOV-ouuce, 40-inch, net cash, 7c; burlaps, 12-onnce, 45-inch, 7Vc; burlaps, 15-onnce, 60-inch, 12c; burlaps, 20-ounce, 76-inch, 14c; wheat bags, Calcutta, iou, oji,, 0v , 2-bushel oat bags, 7c. MISCELLANEOUS. Tin I. C. charcoal, 14x20, prime qual ity, $8.50 S9.00 per box; for crosses, $2 extra per box; I. C. coke plates, 14x20, I plate, I. C prime quality, $6.607.00. I Nails Base quotations: Iron, $2.25; nrime quality, Ti.ouw.uwper uui, mm 1. , i1 LL: ...i:. ia ma? in - I , , . . OK . : .O 7 ....V L-... .. steei, wutj, r.i i". . , Iron Bar, 2?e per pound; pig-uon, i?3 25 per ton. STEEL rer poinm, r. .. .. A tt LiAXr-Per pound, 4oj bar, 8X0.