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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1893)
.".v'ei- 4 OREGON MIST. Unitsft States' and ConntT Official Paper. BunscniPTioN run year $i.fio. Advertising fates marie known u;ion '"'Ilea tion. Addicts all c.iinmiinlc.:itlni lo "lidkor Dragon Mini," Hi. llcleiu, Oioguu. Davis lmo-s., j t t i i realtors. til. HolerVe, Or"Bn, July t, 183. Commenting on the strained con dition of finance, the Ttioilio Banker mid Investor rightly conrhiJee that uncertainly ot Tariff and currency legislation lias seriously i:niuireil tli fueling of confidence which i necess ary lo the continuation of business enterprises ntl the mnrkclingof secur ities Hnd other kinds of property whic forms thu basis of hunk loans and com woreinl credits ccncrally. An adverse balance of foreign trade, followed I large shipments of gold to Europe, aud the evidently vicious effects of tin Hherman silver law are also responsi' bio for what is termed the financial wtrinsency, under the suspension of somo bank of or failure of some im portant business house is just now of almost daily occurrence. A financial stringency does not necessarily arise from or indicate an inadequate suji ily of money in bank vaults or in the ocketa of the people to keep busiuecs moving right along the same as it di before tho stringency was felt. So long as general confidence in mnikel- bleues8of secnilics exists credit and loans are easily obtained and nionpj moves stcudily along. But no matter liow this confidence become impaired the moment it disappears most people vrant to sell, few want to buy, investors bold on to their money, bank and other loans become restricted, and what is called a financial stringency takes place, even though there is just as much money in bank vaults nud pri vate bauds ns there was before the stringency began. It is not hick of money in the country that has caused Iho existing financial depression. Ship ments of gold to Europe have not ser- ionsly redueed the supply of money It is a credit stringency, resulting from luck of confidence invalnesand salabil- ily, that is now causiug business fail urcs. The Australian panic will nat urally stop the flow of English capital to that country and divert it to Ameri can securities, so that gold nicy begin to flow "back any day from Europe. The moment confidence is restored the supply will be found abundant, busi ness will becomo active, sales will be easily made, and the financial troubles disappear as on uncanny mist disap pears before the genial rays of the morning sun. Tbebidekt Cleveland's dctermina. tiOD lo summon congress at a date earlier than woa originally intended, for the purpose of enacting such legis lation as shall pilot the country safely out of the throes of the monetary maelstrom in which it is just now fttrnggliae, meets with the unqualified approval of every sensible man in the country, irrespective of party affilia tions. On the occasion of bis first public expression regarding the ex pediency of an extra session of con gress, Cleveland announced that though it seemed advisable to defer tho extraordinary event until the early autumn, still be wonld bring the national lawmakers together for the re peal Of disastrous silver legislation the moment conditions appeared to demand such an unusual course. So unmistakable and insistent is the de." liunciaiion of the provisions of the Sherman Law compelling the purchase of silver and the redemption of silver certificates in gold, and so obvious are many of the evil consequences of the measure, that it is difficult to conceive of a congress so defiant ot the popular will and so indifferent to the interests of tho people, as to dare shirk or re fuse the duty for which it is to be as- eemblud. Yet, the influence of the lobby hag often asserted itself in almost increditable manner. The friends of silver have behind them an armament of wealth that may prove potent enough to withstand the stress of the nation's demands. The country, has, it is true, learned much from the ob ject lessons of the past few years, but experience counts but little when pitted against a limitless coiruption fund. We are not yet out of the woods. The way is clear to us, but remains to be careful that venality nnd intrigal do not avoid to throw some fatal obstacle in the way. PEEK ISLAND. The present showery weather is very unpleasant to tho hay makors. E. M. Wharton is building a new born. Jus. Gnitens has the shinies on tho ground for a new building. Chas. L. Smith i getting his barn well covered. Chas. Bumcardner is employed in II. O. Howard s mill on Milum creek, Miss Eva WMger, of St. Helens, was the guest of Mrs. Ed Morrill fast Friday. The girl who rode tho horse to Go bi o last Sunday, lot no grass grow under his feet. County Judge Dean Blanchard was down from St Helens Monday looking after the interests of tho county. Ho returned rejoicing that he found mat ters looking better than he expected. The Fourth's celebration at Canaan was an honor to the entire county. A bountiful lunch was served ; fruit, nuts and camly was spread to the pub lic, and ice-cold lemonade was served by the bucketful. Everything was free. Dancing was the order of the evening and all night, till sunrise the next morning. It was a grand social affair and worthy of repeating. Last week when the "good peopl of this school district contemplated giving a party at the new school house for thn purpose of raising a fund to finish the building, Mr. O. A. Woods and Thomas Sainden, to oppose it got up a free dance, free supper and free liquor and cigars, which was well attended and was an cniovable affair in every particular. Those who attended were: A. P. Usher and wife Jf. Anderson and wife. Frank Bishop ana wile, 11. U. Uore and wife, I,. M Spencer aud wife, Misses Pearl Usher, May Simpson, Howard and Krause, Messrs E. II. Girlv, O. Woods, Patrick Hughes, Jack Rilev, Dave hunpson, Chas. Bumeardner. H U. Howard and Wm. Nelson. A Usher and E. Girtv furuUhed the music. Notwithstanding the free onnsition dance, the school house party was success both morally and financially, The committee left nothing undono to mate it enjoyable ami had those who attoneded protected by the strong arm ot the law and had a core of deoutv ... . sncriu on hand in case of an out break from any dinclion. This is the first time in the history of Peer Island that the sheriff was called lo protect public party. Those who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. English Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrill, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Connell, Mr. and Mrs. E Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Strachan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cuminings, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. English, Mr. and Mrs. J as Oaitens, Misses Anna Merrill. Bess Glendye, Maud Watts, Eva Widger, aiary Halts, Jane Swager, Lena Bialtesley and Jjiura Merrill. Mesnrs. J? red Simpson, Will Miles, Chas. Bos tor, A. Mott, XI. Johnson, Frank Little fcd English, Mick Sundby, A. II. Mer M Many persons may complain of Hon. J. T. Appcrson's way of doing business, but we a-c of the opinion, that it will prove a difficulty lo fill the office with one who will more accurately and promptly attend lo the land office af fairs. : ' Thk hard limes have forced the Daily Examiner of Astoria, to suspend. There will probably be numerous not liberally-patronized country papers cease to exist unless (here be a change ia affairs soon. nil, lu Bennett, E. J. Barnes, J. opurgeon, v js uiark W C Cooner Bennett L II Bevis, L Kinker, Chas Muckle, T Muckle, C L Smith P Cal lahan. Goo Clark and F L Clark any names who have been missed please report the same to box 18, Deer Island, and they will receive due publication. CA.VAAN. Farmers say it is bad weather for hay making. It does not riuen the fruit very fast, either. What is the weather good for? The Fourth of July celebration proved a great success. The heavy snowers during the day rendering picnic on the chosen grounds impossi ble, the picnic party was obliged to re. pair to the dance ball of Mr. A. P, Usher, where lunch was served and after which a general merry-making look place. The dance in the evening is, however, the crowning success of tne event, and was largely attended trom the surrounding settlements. Last Friday evening Mr. Woods en tertained a number xtf bis friends at Deer Island. A large attendance is reported. Teachers' Institute, The teachers' annual institute for Columbia county will be held at this place, beginning July 24th. The ses sion will last at least two weeks, and probably longer. County School Su perintendent Ackerman,of Multnomah county, will have charge of the insli- vumj worn, wnicn assures success, and a pleasant and profitable time. The teachers throughout this county are urged upon to attend this session of the institute as some splendid work will bo accomplished. All friends of education are cordially invited to at tend. PEBSO.IAL MEMTIOn. u. w. McHndeand Miss Dell Butler, of saieru, arrived in St. Helens, late Friday evening. Mrs. J. Dart and little daughter were nas- senifers up to Portland on the Barah Dixon r nuay oi last week. Miss Frankie Wv retnrneri lu from Portland where she h as hpen nrf-rwt. ing school. Mrs A. Davis was viaitini? hei itaiiornfor. in luiimuu me saner pari cu last week. C. L. Colburn and wife left Mnmlov PVPIl. ing lor roHh tleach. They will ba absent a coupie or weeks. Strayed. A small red cow. with calf bv her side. The cow has slender horns and a pug nose. Any one civine iii'nrmn- tion in regard to her will be suitably rewarded. S. E. Faxton Jr., Columbia City, Oregon. HOlliTON. Mrs. Kaiser, from Portland, is visit ing Mrs. Heoshaw. We are pleased to li-nrn that M Capt.Cox is improving. Goo. Terry has also completed largo barn on Ilia Perry farm. Mr. and Mrs. Brous, ot Uainier, viailiug Mib. Perry. John R. Walls, of Seappooso, ha boon viriting Mr. aud Mrs. N. A. Per Mr. El well. R. P. C, with N. P. 1 R., is visiting our Postmaster, K. Perry, All of the trains have been stopping here of late, hut cannot say if it is permanent thing. Mrs. Geo. Perry has returned from Quincy Or., where she has just closed a very successful term of school. Several of our farmers look blue ow ing to the fact that they have hay out ana it is still raiuiuc. lloultnn subscribers for the Mist are well pleased to know that here of late the paper reaches us so prompt. dipt. Cox has just completed a 11 barn on his farm here, which greatly adds to the appearance of Ins farm. David lleushaw is in Florida, kill ing crocodiles, as he has wrote home that he killed one nine feet long. L. Meeker lost a valuable heifer yes lerday by eating too much clover while the dew was on it early in tho mol ing. Emerson Bros., starts their mill to day after shutting down for tho 4tl of July, to give the boys a cbauce to celebrate. If any of our St. Helens friends want a tine drive we invite them to take ride over our new plank road to Ho ard's mill. Mr. Gilson has taken the Vernonia mail and stage route; stage leaves for Vernonia at 8:30 tri-weekly Ti'esday Thursdays and Saturdays of each week 1', G. Baker a capitalist of Portland has sold camp Gibbon, of this, place to a Portland Co. for a consideration of 11,500. Rock, apparently, bring good figure here. Cirewlt Coart Proceed John crhmidtka vs. lii-Tw. Nicholas Splawn, juilgiiiiut for Pllfl'. as prayed for in conipa'm. Albert Michael vs. K. R. Snem-er and C. Enyarl, judgment for plaiulilf. Johnathan Dodge vs. Jo. Vanbtaricom non-suit and judgment fjr defendant for 8. A. Miles vs. Kelson Hort. confirms iion oi sale. H. J. Iteris ct. al. vs. J. W. Rp-? rt ! juugiuem lor planum in sum oi S!fi9 JO Wilson Itros. vs. J. K. Bourne, continued or icrra. John &i-l:midtka vs. J. W. Bevis. eonlin ned lor term. Portland Savings Bank vs. T. G. David son et. at , continuation of sale, P. Hu'bes vs. B. C. Envart and K. It Spencer, judgment for plaint.ffaj prayed id conipiaiat, E. Tideway vs. I. M. Harris, continued ioi leriu. Prof. C. H. Jones, well known this community, has seenred the prin cipaUbip of one of the Eugene publfc schools. We are pleased to know that Prof. Jones should be so fortunate as to procure a situation like the one above mentioned for he has the ability to leach in any graded school and deserving of all the good fortune which may befall him. MAIXEVILXE. ncnooi nere Closed June sura. A vrry lea-ant school picnic was held in the crave opine tne school House. The term has been considered very successful by a'l. The Rev. Keller preached here Monday iue oru, at o p. 2U, A larze number of our i itbens attended the picnic at Kt. Helens picnic grounds the tui, pieasam time is reported. II. O. Howard's laree barn cent!,! fire luevimy nigni, ana in spue oi all ellorts to save it a burned to the eround. The contents were saved. Cause of hrn nn known. Work of rebuilding will be com menced Mimical iteiy. r nt.l... The following- discribed horses are mlaml Irani the ran ire near St. Helens: (Inn bright sorrel gelding, three years old. one a bay mare with scar on side of head, one bay horse three years old. A liberal re ward will be paid for information of their whereabouts, or for their return lo the American Bridge Co., Portland, or to S. A. niies. ot. Helens. Take Notice Sheriff Massie will sell valuable property in this county by auction to morrow, for description see legal no tice in another column. Notice far Publication. land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. Inn. 13 l&OQ NOTICE Is hereby given tbat the foliowlns uamed neuter haft filri nolle tt hi int. tion to make final proof lu sunnon of hi elim ndthat wild proof will be marie before the County Clerk of Columbia county, at lit. Helens, homestead-entry No. 7336' OT the ks.'So! Bee, He names the following wltneHftea rn nmra ta wiimitiuuB rciuucii(.'e unon Ann finiv.,tir.n m said land, viz: ' G. H. Siercka, W. C. Hertdenon, Henry Potter, and Julius Cbeeseman, of Scajpooe, Columbia couutv. - jlCjum J. T. APPERSON, Register. . Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. Jitlv in iniq NOTICE 1 hereby given that the foliowlrlg named settlei hn lilefl notice of her Inten tion to make nnal nriof. nntruitlnn 'u It u ill support of her claim, au'f that said i;nof will niaue before the Keflrater anil Heelvnr. at Oregon City, Oregon, on Aiiguat 2S, M, vii: MEAN Y K. PKTKKH, widow of Otto I'etera, deceased, homertead en try No. 785, lor lots 1 and section 33. lown- np s north, range 1 wext. Hue names tho followlne wttneuea tji nmu er continuous residence upon and cultivation I 1H1II IMIlfJ, vis: ' Ixiaan Hparke, of Aurthur. Oregon, 1. Ilalley, ' Keuben. Oregon, and H. Marrlll una H ull. er, of fleer Island. Oreirnn juHauls 3. T. AI'PEKflO.V, Register. Somo "Good Buys" roa sale sr D. J. Switzer, !T. 1IKLKN3, - OltKUON The southwest of section S', and the southeast U of the poutlieast U of section .HI, and went 'u ot tho southwest H of see lion si, iownhli 7 north, range i west, !!) acres, i.ou pcracre. The southeast v of the sonthra't M of rm:iifii itiwiinill) I liuilll, raiiv 4 wvai 40 acres al t wr acre. Tho northwest y of scrtlon fi, township n nurin. range wusi, containing luu acres, Vio jier acre. The southwest J and west M of south cant u and the southeaxt ' of the south va"t x and the west of th northeast Ki, and the imi tneat Vi ol (tie nortneaxl i ot sis lion t, township (I north, range 'i west, AW acres, per acre. The wd M of the northwest M of see- lion ;, township G north, range 'J west, tO Seres, $7.,V) per acre. The northeast Wof the southwest M. and I lie leirtliwejt u ol thu soullienst U ot see tion 6, towmhip 0 north, range t west, SO acres stk er acre. Tho north of the northeast U of see tion 7, township 0 north, range i west, HO acres. t per acre. A farm of 51 acres at Warren Station , on the N. I'. It. It , with team of horses , wa gon, harness, i cows, 1 yearling; also all I. inning tool, good House anil barn, rriee 9 !,2u0, two-ihirda down, balance in 1 year. inquire ol u. j. tswilsvr, bl. lleiem, nr. The northeast M of the southeast H of section 1, township o north, ranee 9 west, $7.50 per acre. Terms One-third cash, balance secured by mortgage at S er cent interest. Notloo of Fluat Heitlement. In the County Court of Columbia County, ttjte of Oregon. In tne mailer ol the estate of Bora A. Railev, deceased. Mi I ICIS i hereby Riven that the under- !igntHi executor of the hvt will and testa nient of Nora A Itailey, drcraaeil . has lileii his linal account in Ihe ad.iiiuistratiun of said esuue in the above en'iiled Court, and tbat the lion. Judge of said Court has aiv pointed Monday, the 17th day of July. ISil, at 10 o'clnck a in., and the Court room of said Court, as the time and place for the hearing oi objections to such hnal account and the settlement thereof. All persons interested in the said estate arc hereby required to file their objection to aid linal account on or before said 17ib day of July. ISirt. II. R. CLIKK. r.xeeutoror tne last will ami testament of Nora A. liailey, dre.isetl. junlijuli Paled June 7th, ISM. JIatico for PablicalloM. Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon. July IV. 1SV3. NOTICK is hereby given that the followiug namwri tattler ha Sled notice ol his Inten tion to make final nrtiol In auinort of his claim. and that Mid proof will be made bel e Ihe County Clerk uf t'ohimm county, at St tlelcua, Oregon, on Auxmt IS litn. vis: aAtxiri7.ri.M.i.Kr, llnmestrod entry Nn SS7S. lor the northwest H ui Hriitiu iiiMrniiipv iwio, raii:e a wm. He nale the following wilneaaea to pmre ins rouinmmis reaiuciiee upon auu cmtivatiuu ui titi frfji.i, tic: Homer C. Brown. Got til I rb Anllrker. RnoraG Jones aud Kdware A. Cushman. all of Keuben. Oregon. J. T. Al'PtKSO. IS Keglster. ARE YOU AWARE? -THAT" CARRIES A COMPLETE STOCK OF Drugs and Chemicles, PATENT MEDICINES ETC. Perfumes, Stationery, School Books and Cigars PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. ST. HELENS, - - OR'CCN. Don Foo f itlii'ife If yourself or fronds wish to lo cured of Liquor, 04.!un, Morphine, Choral, Cj caine or Tobacco ltab in, seek only the gen uine Keeley Treatment, which is the only safe, reliable a id permanent cure in exist ence. Genuine Keeley Institutes, with most favorable surroundin s, at Forest Groye and Rosebnrg, Or. IJlS Write for particulars. Correspond ence confidential. McNutt Bro's, The Leading Merchants Vernonia and Cornelius Write to Cornelias for Stage Dates. Supplies for Campers and Fish ermen. Vernonia and Cornelius, Or. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL 1 500,000 8ECCKKD CAI'ITAI 247,600 PAID CAPITAL ,. 74,250 FAtm rHOPBMTV A BrKCIAI.Tr. For particular, apply at the oftlce W Dillard A Cole, or Tat Mist offle. H. YARWIG & SON, wholsials aia trrail SSI FKOST STREET, PORTLAND OREGON. ST. HELENS HOTEL. J. H. DECKER. Tonsorial Artist The old and reliable barber lias bis razors just aa sharp as can be found nd will shave you comfortably and quickly ioi paly lilteen cenu. Give Him a Call at the Old Stand ST HELEX3, OREGON, MUCKLE BROS. MANVFACTUBEB8 Of oagh and Dressed Lumber. -DEALERS IK- Dry Goods, Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed. hi. Helens, - Oregon. TOURIST A3iD FABILI nEADftfJABTEBS. New York Restaurant. Asdersoh Beasey, Proprietors. Tl: 133 rirsi Straal, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. The ovei land railroads Iwvo cut the rates a dullur lit a time until the fare to Chii'iio, is Jiow tlijrrv-pu dollnrs. Aflt'r th'.-v Lave uisdo al'Otit thirty five more Miuiiur cuts we wilj U.iu to psck ourgunuv suck, lJ akin cmaer. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder". So Ammonia; No Alattf. " ' Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the gtandartj. A TRADE, IT PAYS LEARN TELEGRAPHY! Success Sure. Addreaa J. C. SBVMOERER. OroimDlan Bids. rouTLAKS, oamou. DR. Wm. GRISWOLD, DENTISTRY. OFFICE AT THE DRUG STORE. ST. IIFLENS, t i : OREGON. J. George, Proprietor, Tsbles always snppllfd wlih tli beat edibles and delicacies the market affords. TKRM3 REASONABLE FOR REGULAR BOARDERS, Having been newly refurnished, we are prepared to give satisfaction te all oar patrons, and solicit a share of your patronage. ST. HELENS 0EEG0N. THB Splendid, Young Noraan Horse TEMPEST WiU Make the Season of 1893 as Follows: Monday and Tuesday at E. COX'S place, warren. Wednesday and Thursday at Gobi. Jttesi 01 tne week at fj. MUCKLE'S ranch, Deer Island. TERMS: INSURANCE $15. TEMPEST Is a besatlru), dark Iron gray, I hands big-h : seven veara old : welvha HKUl pounaa, wun line style, quick movement. and second tl none in muacular nower anil durability. He was sired by Young Byron Kler: by Old Hyron Kier. imported and owned by Hingmaster, Krota, Iowa. Teninest'a dam was aired bv Old Tempest, a Norman Hone owned by . Downs. Iowa. Chas. Mnckle, Owner. JAMES F. BRADDOCK, V r-;, - COLUMBIA BANKING CO. BIIERIFF'3 SALE STATU OV OHH(ITn7, ... l omitv nf O11I11111 Ms, I T5Y VIltlllK Of AN KXlCCUTfOW 1) and iirdi'f of sale ""il oul of the Oiriilt court of tlis Btulo ot Orison, for the Comity nf Cnlnnililit, t nm illrooted, in favor o, the Htulu t Ori'gnn and the Hoard of CnaimlmioiiPra, for the sale of HcIidiiI unit l.!nlviHltv Innda, and fur thu liivittrneiit nf fund. aiMng tliere from, and agaliint Hainnet l l.uyell, ICllr.a T Lovoliaiid John Way Hard, for Ihe Mini of (fl.n'AVKft) dullur. Judgment, with Interest at th mti'uf pur cont. per an mini front Ihe IHih day of March, I.HO, and tho further aumof (ln.(l)dillHrco.u nnd secruhiB m.t, t'oinliinndliig me to nmlte cale of Ihe followlng-dewrilied real pruMrty, to-witi The nf the north. wet H mid the iinrlliwiwl U lf n "on'h wet U, and lota 10 nnd II, of H'Clinn (17.) towiihli No, ttl) north, range No. (ft) weal of the Willamette meridian, embracing IttO acres, morn or Icaa. Ingnlhcr with Ihe U'lie iiiciiN, herolllniiicnla and niilirtiuan!es Micrtuuilo IwloiiKlng or In Snveise npper. tninliiK, nil being altuuted In Cohimhla coiinly. elate of Oregon 1 duly levlrd up on said pri'ini.n'i on tlie Hllnlny of June, I Ml 1.1 Now, lu piirannnce of ald eiecution I will, on the iniliday of July.lKiU), at the hour oi 1U o'clock a. in. of anld day. at the k'liurlhouae donr, In aaH rouuty and state, all at publio auction, all the rluht, lltle, clnini and inlereai In and to Ihe almve des cribed real properly of anid Kaimiel I,., liovull. Kliaik 1-ovcll and John Muynard, to thn lilKhe't bidder therefor for canh lo aatlaly aald execution, iutereal and eeets. (I. A. MAMkIK, JiiuKiJulU HharlfTof Uuluiubla Counly, Or. In Equity, M'msnona). IN THK nitfuiT"cOtIRT OK THU Hlateof Oregon, for Oohiiubia Couutv. kdmums Ham., l'lnlutitf, v. Joiik II. ( and I.usil KaaKn.L. Ilelciiilaut.. To John II. tliu-i. and Liixis FssaiLt, llefendanta. IN TDK NAME OK THK 8TATC OF Oregun you are required hrndiy lo a pear and answer the compluint tiled against yon in the above .nit, by Hie truth day of (Molicr Isul; and if you fail en to answer, for want thnrrnf, the I lalnllll will lake a dveree against you. The anld anion ia brought Ui obtain a decree et this court for the foreclosure of two certain mortage dea rrlhed in the said coniidaitil, and executed by Ihe anld Joint II. Uldia, nn ihe teeth dee of January, I mm, to ecru re (be payment of two certain promissory uoiea. That the premise, conveyed by .aid muriates may be anld and the ttroceeda applleit lo lbs pay ment uf said notes. And in case eald pre reeda are not itiftlrlenl In pay the same, Ibcn tn obtain an etn-utlon against aald John II tlihia for tl balnnce remaining due, and also the aald defendants, aod each of them, and all person, cl.ilnilng by, through, or under thrm.niay Debarred aud foreclosed of all right, til. I, claim, lien equity of redemption, and Interest In and tn said mortsnged premise, and fur such oilier and further rrllsf a will more fully aiqienr by reference by the complaint oat tile herein. And that said defendant, IJav xle Keunell, lie foreclosed nf all right, Iftfe. and iiilcrrat in and lo theaaid premises da cribed in the aaid nmrtKagm, and the com plaint herein, by virtue of a certain mort gage, nr lien, which lbs said Linle YsiiDett claims to have thereon. CLARENCE COLE. JunlOjulU Attorney for I'laiaUft (Incorporated) ST. UlLtNS, OREGON. O. A. MASfilK, I'reaident. C. H. NEWKI.U Cashier. Capital $20,000. Tranaarta a general hanking bualneM, Kxcbange bought and sold. Interest al lowed on Umedepoeita. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Do You Drink? OF COURSE YOD DO. o - SUCH BEING THE OA BE, It behooves vmi to nnd the most daairabla nlaoa to parehaae vonr ' Invtgnralor." HIU . TS A ItTr-a W t S)m aa Keeps eonstantly on hand the famous Cuban Blossom Cigars. The finest line of Wines IJqnors and Ulfars to be found this side of Fort land. Aud If you wish to engage In a game of POOL OR BILLIARDS, They can assure you that they have the rieai lama in town, averyililng new and neatjand your patronage ia respectfully "THE BANQUET" IM. H.leni, Oregon. SHERIFF'S SALE. BTATK Or ORKOON, I vi. iimy oi ixiuimoia.l HY VIlttUE OK AN Exr.crjTioir, tndemenl nrHDiinilaiierMiMs Mk of and under the seal of Ihe Cireeil court of the Hlateof Oregon for Colomliiaenuoly. to me directed, dated June 1.1. 1MUS. nnan a Judgment rendered In aald court, en Ibe linn day nf May JWJ3, In favor f It. U. mcnou, piaiiiiui, ana agalnei uus II. and Nellie Rmmnna-llvnnn. defend. aula, for the sum of tlXluO with Interest, thereon at Ibe rate of ten per cent, per an num, and the furltier sum of 176.00 aa at torney 'a fee, and Ihe further aura oi VAM costs and dbbursmeuta, aud also aceraiae; cots, eoiuiaaiidlng me lo make aale of Ike following dewrilied real prniiertv, lo-wlts All of Iota numbered threat S), fonr(t), flee t.M. ail (0), nine(U), ten (IU) and eleven (1 1 1, hi block numbered twenty-five (2f, and al so all nf block numbered twenty ait (J6), all in Mcl'lnger'. Hrt Addition to the city of Vernonia, Columbia county, (Irrg.a. Now, therefore, by vtrlueof said eiaculion, judginent. order and decree. I will, en J air Ihe l&th, im, at Ihe hour nf 10 o'clock aw in. at the door of the county courthouse la Ml. Helena, aaid county and atate, sell publio auction, subject to redemption, ta the hlghext bidder, for cash, all of de fendants Out II Itynon and Nellit Eav mniis-Uynon'a right, title and Interest let and to .aid real properly to satisfy said execution. Judgment order and decree, io- tcrest, eosla end accruing euu. O. A. MASSIE, JunlOjulM Sheriff of Columbia county, Or. Model Saloon. I. TAisweoo, ST. HELENS. 't a-rap'r. OJZEQON sflEKEBALs BLACKSMITH WORK In all its Branches. REPAIRING : 1C0D : WORX Prices are very reasonable and all work guaranwea. H0ULT0N, Choice Wines, iouors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool Table for th PKsommo3uion of Patron aMaWawaaaaaaa CALL AROUND. SHERIFF'S SAIX STATE Olf OREOON, I County of Columble.l M rjY VIRTUE OK AN EXECCTI0K 13 hnued out of the Circnlt Court ef the Btate of Oregon for Columbia Couuty In favor of W. H. Congers, and agalosl Joha Mavnard. for lha amn of lai ha nn.M Judgment wttb interest thereon since the fllh day of February, lH03,at the rate ef 8 per cent, per annum, and for the coats and ex pensaa of aaid writ and of aaid aale, said writ was directed and !llro,l in - Hberifl of Columbia County. Oregon, com manding me to make the above-aanied sunn out of the property of said defendant, John Mavnard, and for want of personal property I did. on the 8th day of June, ISuS. levy upon all of the Interest of aald defendant John Muynard, in and to the following described real estate to-wlt: Lots ai and (4) two and four, section IS township not rh, range (S 1 rive west, and lota 5. 6. f , and southeast Wof aoutbeaat section IT Hiwuaiiip n norm, range s west, of the Wil lamette Msrldian. embracing 201 acrea more or leas, in Columbia County, Oregon. Now. therefore, by virtue and in pursuance of .aid execution, I wlll.o.i Saturday, the 2?lhdav of July, law, t the hour of M o clock in the forenoon of said day, al the door of the court home In Hi. Helens, In said County and Hlate. sell for cash at public auction, tn the higheal bidder there ell of the right, title and Interest of the aid defendant, John Maynard, In sad to the above described real estate, to satisfy aald execution aud costs and expenses of sale. Held sale ia mads subject to rtdaaiD tion as per Statute of Oregon. JuuiejulU Sheriff ot Columbia ouniy, On Hart & Sweetland, Proprietor St. Helens Meat Market Fresh and Halted Meats ci.i. end vegetables. " ' Notice te Creditors. NOTICE la hereby given by the undersign, ed, O. I). Dunning, administrator of the es tate of Michael Htigeralal, deceased, to the c red tors nf. anil In all 1 1 claims apnlnst. said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, and certi led as by h,w rennlred, within six mouths from tho date ot the first publlos. linn nr ,1.1. n.tilu t.i - t. . .I. r,i 1 . w' "B,u anmini.iraior, at the otlice of hla attorneys, rooms Wand 81, McKay building, corner of Third and Htnrk atreeta, In thn city of Portland, county of Multnomah, slate of Oregon, the same being thu place where the business of said estate la Irani acted. O. T. Tv ftrno. administrator of tus estate of Michael Fltigorald , deceased, Dated June 80, im, Meats by wholesale at special rates. nBf rlfiW Jixprene wagon run I VKEOON, I ,nd charges Express wagon run to all parts of town, J n n n a epaVaaei Vasn aSiraasi ukla ,'. . . . Notice ef rtnal festlensont. NOTICE is hereby given thall, the nn deralgncd administrator of the estate of tieorge Allshouae, doceased, have filed with M.,e1.CTA,ty Jlrrk ot '-olnnibia County; Htftte of Oregon, my linal account higether with my petition for dlstrlhiitloti of the rosldiio of saiil estate reinalnlgln my hands ami that the Hon. chard, JudgJ of the County Court nf anld County and Htute has unpointed Monday, the 7th day of Angu.t, ihlW, ,,t 10 o'clock A. M. of that day nnd the Court -,,r..,, r ..1.1 .. the time and place for hearing and settling said account., and petition for distribution: when and w here miy person In tore. ted may apponr and llle ohloctiona therein . P.ted"ju,,. "'7 )