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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1893)
OREGON MIST. Uuitcastatcs and Coaaty Official Paper, STJBSCfllPTION VKR YEAR et.&O, A Ivertf&frig istsa niali known upon annllea lloti, A-Micts all ciimiiiutitcaii'iria ii) flJlmr Oiagoa Mi :i," St. U i-ltt, Oregon. DAVIS ItllO'S., it;): i:1itoi-8. (t. Helenw, July 21, I8SI3, Califotkiy in dittpliiyiitg rharaiter ltic rnlerpriro in ceiiiiit.; mid prrpnr ing fur Ilia m'dwnili'i'OKi.Gsiliou. The t-nurgetic gold tlijit'is 1 1 a ve secured JO acres in Golden Cip Turk upon which tlicy will immctlinU-ly couioience the Construction of on tnimlruil buildings 111 which to ttcroiiimndiUu lo displays of both domestic und foreign exhibit or. It is proposed to Iiring the state's exhibit from the world's f; ir and put it on exhibition (here, and nhto bring s much of the foreign und home ex hibit can ho recured. All the Pao iflo const states together with Utah und tho United States government Jiave expressed their assurance, that they will each have a building, and r.minii.'tioner Nunez, who lias charge of Guatemala's world's fair exhibit at Chicago, has assured the director-general that his government will be rep resented at 0o midwinter exposition With a much better display than it has at the world's fair. It is highly prob able that all thu Soulli American stales will be well represented at SanFrancisco as that city is easily accessible to all those countries. For the same reason most of the European countries will VndoubtcUly forward their world's fair exhibit to that city as it is no more trouble to place them on board ships at San Francisco than New York. The Califoruians can depend upon a large umber who always go south to spend the winter, many will stay away from the world's fair to go to tb, Golden Gate city. A Grand Ji rv has :it last been found in Portland which, betides having an nnusal supply of horse sense also has a little sand. The jury referred to is tho one impaneled hist week to en quire into the Chinese sm ugIingcases with which the Portland customs offi culs are charged, ati'd at last there is a possibility that somebody will be re quired to explain by what authority so fniuy Chinese "merchants" have been admitted within the borders of this country upon tho strength of certifi Caics of citizenship which have always been known to bs the boldest kind of forgeries, Monday the special grand jury returned indictments against Jas. Lotan.C. B. Cardinell Win. Dunbar and Nat Blum. ' Ue two latter are in dicted on two counts each and charged with smuggling both Chinese and opium. Ex Inspectors Linville and Kearney, of Astoria, arc also under ar rest on similar charges. It ia a notor ious fact tUiit an organized gang of Smugglers have been operating ia Port land for several years, but they are so thoroughly organized that it will prob ably be a difficult matter to convict them. Tho fact that the Portland market is well supplied with opium while none of that drug has been en tered at the custom house for some years, is a matter that a good many people would like to see explained. A russiONBit who has received no tice that he must produce new proofs as to his right to receive his pension, writes to us to learn what it means. We suppose this is the general notice to all pensioners, sent out or to be sent out by the department, requiring each one to produce the certificate of a re putable physician, attested by two wit nesses, thai he is precluded from act ive labor by injuries or disabilities not resulting from his own vicious habits . It is understood that it no attention is paid to this notification within sixty days, tho pensioner will he dropped from the rolls. If, on the other hand, the required certificate, properly drawD up and signed, is forwarded to the pen sion bureau, the pensioner will still be required to appear before a local board of medical examiners for inquiry as to his condition. We have not seea au official copy of the circular, but learn that these are its main features. The board is now going pver all the cases that came under the act of 1890, about 100,000 in number, and sending spec ial notification 10 all who are suspected of an ability to work, or whose disabil ity is supposed to be due to vicious habits. It will readily be seen that these conditions involve inquiry into matters about which the truth is hard to discover. Oregonian. How St. Helens prospered ag it did ' for so many Years has became quite an important question for discussion since our water system has been putin. In. lead of dry, dusty lawns, sidewalks mid streets, everything presents a cool jji cen, thrifty and pleasant appearance. Flower purdens are kept green and beautiful by spraying which ;s afforded by llio water ytetn, withered, dusty lawns are refmhed, and it now proves a source of pleasure and admiration instead of dincomforture, to stroll through our liulo city. We could tuoi ,.ure s'.i:!i improvements and yoi u iu.itK sjaicriaJ.' either, , Ir you want your city to grow and prosper, patronise your business men. They pay their taxes here and help huild up your country with their mean. Tub fact that Seid Back, the Chinese merchant has fumifhed bail fur Nat Blum who is charged with smnptrliug, is regarded as a singular coincidence by sumo people. Tub Duke of Vtragua is said to be financially embarrassed and will prob ably lose his entire estate- in Spain He is Only one of many who will go homo from Chicago "busted." Own new hall has already proven it soll more than was expected as a place of convenience for social, religious and business gatherings. We cun now en tertain at mauy people at tee tit to visit ns on any occasion. I u The cycloiie-stricken peoplo of Iowa should turn their eyes to a country where cyclones do not sprout or de velop, and where prudently managed hanks and where properly cultivated crop do not fail. That land is Oregon. Though the United Stales ha cause to blush for its president, there are several state governors to whom w can point with pride; IVnnnyer, of Oregon.Llewelling of Krtiisas.Waile, of Colorado and Altgeld of Illinois. Pop ulist Voice, From the natural course of events warmer weather will soon prevail and with it the hop lice will become un usually numerous and destructive. Tho successful and careful grower is spraying and Ihas being ready for the probable coming of the lice. With warm weather, llvs wheat will head, the hops will grow, and large crops, are expected. The fruit trees are loaded down and thj indications are that the fame of the Oregon red apple will be restored. We may have dem ocratic rule and scarcity of coin, but the cropa in Oregon never fail. Dallas Observer. If we would wish to improve our park it would not be out of order to make some arrangements to have it fenced and seeded to either blue grass or clover. The cost would be nominal compared with the benefit to he de rived from such a thing. It is a most beautiful spot and could be made one of the most beautiful placet on the Columbia river. We are glad to note the, improved prospects for a railroad from Astoria. We hops there will be no failure on the part of the projectors this time to secure the necessary funds for the completion of the work. The con struction is to commence, according to the contract, October 1st, aad to be fin ished to transcontinental connection within one year. Salem Statesmen. An exchange pertinently remarks that a local paper is in a sense the directory of the town in which it is published and every business man in the place should have an advertise ment in the paper, even if it only con tains the name, address and occupation in order to give probable consumers and the public generally an opportun ity of getting acquainted with the basinets of the place. So the world's fair is to be opened on Sunday. In the holy name of relig ion, in honor of the sanctity of the Sabbath we object to the opening of the world's fair at all, because the Sab bath of the Greeks is Monday, of the Hersians, Tuesday, of the Assyrians, Wednesday, of the Egyptians, Thurs day, of the Turks, Friday, of the Jews and Seventh Day Adventists, Satur day, and of the large body of Chris tians, Sunday, and there Is some doubt which is the one holding the real bona fide first mortgage on the next world we wish to keep out of b-l by not monkeying with anybody's Sabbath. Valley Record. That the prospective tampering with the tariff is having its effect upon the finances of the country can not be disputed, and the editor of an exchange very sensibly sums up the situation in the following language: "When any one claims that the pres ent condition of the wool market in the United States is the result of the Mc Kinley bill, be says what he knows positively is not the truth. The bot tom of the wool market in this coun try has dropped out because of the un certain condition of affairs as to the legislation congress may make upon the tariff question. If the promised free wool is given no one proposes to pay the prices that could be paid un der the protective tariff, hence, what prices are paid are really in anticipa tion of wool being put on the free list." The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. sed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. ..s.. ( ' ' . ". The great trouble with Colorado it that that slate hat mado liulo develop ment outside her mining interest! and the result it that the whole country is dependent upon that industry and when anything happens to depress mining interests the country is plunged into the throes of a financial crises. Similar conditions obtain in any coun try that is depedent upon any one sin glo enterprise. This fact was proven by the late agitation ia Kansas, A concalvration of circumstances com bined to depress tho values of cereals, and' as the latter stale may be said to be absolutely dependent upon the har vest und value of wheat and corn, it necessarily follows that the failure of these cropa or tho depression in prices will precipitate season of hard timet. This it the situation in Colorado. The people of that stale have developed their mines and little of anything else, and now that silver agitation has ren dered their miues practically valueless, they are without resources and desper ately sore iu consequence. They have followed mining to the exclusion of al most every oilier industry and not see the folly of doing so. No state, it is said, has more varied resources than Colorado, and if they were as well de veloped there would he little fear of the luiure. Gov. Altukld, of lllinoys, now pro poes to write a pamphlet reviewing the anarchist's cases and try to justify his action in pardoning them by charg ing conapiraey, bribery, partiality and injustice on the part of the officers who arrested them and the court which con victed them. It is not stated how the goverjor will explain the hay market murders or justify them, but it is sup posed that since the victims were the representatives of law and order there is no explanation necessary. Like our own and only Puuuoyer Gov. Altgeld ha a weakness for cheap and question able notoriety aud the anarchist pro pensities which he has lately developed is having the effect of bringing him a genteel sufficiency of that much courted commodity. The people know all thev care to about Gov. Altgeld aud his murderous thugs, and the sooner be retires to the oblivion from which be sprang, the sooner this country will be rid of a creature for which it lms no use. The sinking of the great Englitih battle ship in the Mediterranean shows how easily man caubuilda house upon the sand. This vessel was believed to be a triumph of marine aihiclecture. To produce her, centuries of study and billions of ffluney have been, ex peuded. The engineer contemplated the mighty craft and the plan upon which she was built in vain-glorious self-satisfaction. Iu the twinkling of an eye tbo hallucination was dispelled A single prod from the ram of another vessel sends the alleged invincible craft and her plans bottom side up to the bottom of the sea. That Sampson was all right till his wife cut his hair, all the world knows. So, too, the mighty warships today, our own among the rest, are all right if the ram of an other vessel don't poke them in the ribs. Columbia County is going to have a pretty good crop of fruit this year, but our fruit growers can't ship the crop out to any advantage by individ ual shipments. They should organize, have the fruit properly graded and packed at three or four places in the county, at available points, and ship by car-load lots. The columns of The Mist are open to fruit men for the dis cussion of methods and measures for the successful carrying out of these plans. To neglect unity in this is neg lecting your duty to yourself and the whole county. Another expedition hat started for the Polar regions with Lieutenant Peary in command. The hardships that have to be undergone and the ter rible fate that has overcome to many brave explorers seems to have no effect on scientific enthusiasts, unless it is to lure them on to bolder attempts. The Falcon and her brave crew have the good wishes of all, even though it is difficult for people to believe they can accomplish enough to justify the risk involved. DEEll ISLAND. It looks as though the weather had finally settled down to bay-making duty. . Nelson Pinckney. of Carico, intends to (rive' a magic lantern exhibition at the Canaan school bouse next baturday night. H. W. Bumgarduer and family were vis iting at Mcvonald s lust bunday, Rev, Wra. O'Kelley wishes to preach at our school house. We cannot see why there should be any objection to using the school house (or such a cause or anv other moral or social cause. There is no doubt but that this is a eood field for a nreacker. though generally , we are a good, law abid ing class of people, though Christ did not come to call the righteous, but that sinners might repent. 3 . a&in owden Sonio "Good Buys" ro sue tv D. T. Switzer, ST. HKI.KNS, - OREGON. The southwest l of section 82. and the southeast H of the mintheast H uf section 81, and west i of the south went H of sec tion 81, township 7 north, range )t west, iiSO acre, i ,ou per aors, Tho southeast i of the southeast M of section 3tl, township I north, rungs 12 west, 40 acres at H per acre. The northwest of section (1, township tttieriit, rang t we.s, containing too aiiu, 810 per acre, The southwest M srui 's M ' south east V, and the sOiitheiiMt K of the south' east anil the went 4 of Hie northeast and the northeast i ( the northeast of .iih tion t), tmvnahip U north, raugu '1 west, 100 acres, S7.S0 per acre. The west t of the northwest W "f sec tion ft, township a north, range 2 west, J acroi, 17.80 ifr acre. The northeast of tliesouthweM W the northwest V of the southeast j of sec tion 8, township (I north, range i we..t, SO acres, per acre. The iorth W of the northeast l (it tee flou 7, township 6 north, range 2 west, W) acres. i per acre, A farm of M acres at W nrren Station , on the N. 1. K. K . Willi team of horses, wa gon, harness, 3 eow.i. 1 yearling; also nil (arming tools, good house ami barn, t'rrte, il.'MV two-thirds down, balance in I year. Inquire of IX J. Switicr, St. Helens, Or. The northeast f of the southeast H of section 1 , township 6 north, range 3 west, 47.60 per acre. Terns Oiie-lliinl cash, balance secured hy mortgage at 8 per eent rntorest. Astoria Marble Works, l. H. IMHOFF, rRO'p. y ttJAl'FACTUBEU or Marble and Granite Work. All Kinds of Cemetery Work. FOOT OF OI.NEV STREET, ASTORIA. : : : : OKKGOtf. McNutt Bro's, The Leading Merchants Vernonia and Cornelius Write to Cornelius for Sta?e Dates. Supplies for Campers and Fish: cnen. Vernonia and Cornelias, Or. J. H. DECKER. Tonsorial Artist. The old and reliable barber has his razors just as sharp as can be found, and will shave you comfortably and quickly foi only iiftcou cunts. Give Him a Call at the Old Stand, ST. HELEN'S, OREGON. MUCKLE BROS. MiHUfACTUUEItS Of Rongh and Dressed Lumber. -UEALEU8 IS- Dry Goods, Groceries, Hay, Flour and Feed. St. Ilelens, - Oregon. TOURIST AND MILT HEADQUARTERS. New York Keetaurant. Anderson a Be key, Proprietor!. It. 132 rim tree t, PORTLAND, - - OREGON. LEARN TELEGRAPHYMVpayT Success Sure. Addrcm J. C. HK VMOKKEH, Oreironian BUIc. PORTLAND, OREGON. DR. Wm. GRISWOLD, DENTISTRY. OFFICE AT THE DRUG STORE. v S l,ST. HFLEI?S, : s OEZGGX. 4 W ft At IS ARE YOU -THAT- Edwin CARRIES A COMPLETE 8TOCK OF Drugs and PATENT MEDICINES ETC. Perfumes, Stationery, School Books and Cigars PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. Joit't Fool With Fakos If yourself or friends wish to be cured of Liquor, Opium, Morphine, Choral, Co caine or Tobacco hab ts, seek only the gen uine Keeloy Treatment, which is the only safe, reliable and permanent cure in exist ence. Genuine Kceley Institutes, with most favorable surroundings, at Forest Grove and Rosebiirg, Or. BCjEWrite for particulars. Correspond ence confidential. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO., Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL SECCUEI) CAPITAL PAID CAPITAL ran.n rttof i:htt a specialty. For particulars apply at the ofllue f PHIaril A Col'-, or Tu M ut ofllro. H. VARWIG & SON, WII0LE3AI.I AMD MKTAIL jfiuor Dealers, 231 FUONT 8TRKKT, PORTLAND OREGON. ST. HELENS HOTEL J, George, Proprietor, Tsbles always Mippliud wiihtliebcutcdibles Cud delicacies tlit market all'orda. TfRM3 KKASON AP.f.K FOR REGULAR BOARDERS. Having been newly refurnlilicd, ws are prrparad to gtre satisfaction t all our patrons, and solicit a sliara of your putrouaga. ST. HELENS OREGON. TIIK Splendid, Young Norman Horse TEMPEST Will Make the Season of 1893 as Follows: Monday and Tuesday at It. COX'S place, Warren. We'Jncsdny and Thijn!av at Oohln, Rest of the we. at C. MUCKLE'H ranch, Deer Inland. TERMS: INSURANCE $15 TEMP KMT Is a bcaulirul, dork Iron grav, 16 hands hivh; seven years old ; weighs ItiCU pounds, with line style, quick movement, snd second to none in nuiHCiilar bower and durability. He wn sired by Young Byron Kler: by Old livron Kior. inninrud and owned bv bingninler, Keota, Iowa. 'Ininest's dam w Hired by Old 'ironnt,a Noriuan Iluri owned by J. Downs, Iowa. Chas. Muckle, Owner. JAMES F. BRADDOCK, GliNEltAL. BLACKSMITH WORK In all its Branches. REPAIRING : WOOD WORK. I'rlcea are very reasonable and ell work guaranteed. UOULXO, OREGON, AWARE? .1Ro8s Chemicles, f.TOO.WO 5M7.DIXI 74,250 COLUMBIA BANKING CO. (Incorporated) ST. UEIMS, - - OREGON. CI. A. M ASM 11", V.. II. NKWKf.l.. I'n talent. t aidiicr Capital $20,000. Transact a kcimtuI ImnkiiiK lmliu' Kxcluuign tiiiii:bt mid tuhl. iulercuil ul lowed on time deposits. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. )o If i Oil? OF COURSE Wn DO. StTfTl! BKINO TIIK CASH, it behoove. yna to bud tlit most desirable place u purchase vour ' invignrator." THE BANQUET." Kerpa constantly on bund the famous Cuban Blossom Cigars. Tbe Uncut line of Wines I.iiiuort and Cigar to be found iliilrte or Port land. And if you widi to engiiKe in a gainu of POOL OR BILLIARDS, They can awurs you that they have the best table in town, Kverytlilng new and neat, end your patronage Is renpectfuily solicltad "THE BANQUET" Bt. Helens, Oregon. Model Saloon. I. IT1KWOOD, lrpr. ST, HELENS, ... onEQON Choice Wines, Liouors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool WM far On JloaommodaCion of Fafront CALL AROUND. Hart & Sweetland, Proprietor St. Helens Meat Market Fresh and Salted Meats, Sausaga, Pish and vegetables . Heats by wholesale at special rates. Express wagon run to all narta of town. aitU ciiarjcj reunouuble, I Til 15 OIIH.M'II' WHIHT Of III B Mule of Origin, lir OiliimMii t'liuiily Ki'Mi'NU lUi.i , I 'liiinlill, I JuiiN If. flii.Mn ami l,ii".iu f ' . , I.. V.IU, UoIciiiIhhH. l To John II. tiu.i.m ,m. I' i nhki i , lii'feiitlunlH. IN THU NAM I". OK TIIK. tfTATlC OF Oregon you urn I'l'ipiiiwl heri li.v to sp penr and answer ih eoinpliilni lihd Hf iiinH von iu llie above Miiit, h.v lli lenlli day Uetolmr IHlOi ami If ymi fail ' t nii'iwer, for want tliervuf, the iiliiliiilll Will dike a Unci cu aifaiiiHl vim. Itm mild aollun ii broiurht to obtain a decree t thta void t lot tli foMvloMtie of two cat tain tntirtaues ! eribud in the fiiid iMiui lHlnl, nml eKn'iitml liv I ho anld John ii. Ui'Ui, oil the lenlli day of Jnmint'Y, Ihiki, to neiiuu the piiyinviii et two cwrtiilii priiiiilKony nnle. That Ilia irenilwa ooliveymi ny Mini iiiirui! may in .olil nml ihn'iiriioeeil) Hnl licii to the p iuiil uf )alii liiiti'd. And til i.'Hi nid inn. eeed me not nulla lent to pny thu name, Hu n tu nhliim uii exui uiiiiii iigniii't nuiii John Jl liilliii for the hslunen rrninliiiiiic lue, mid nlo the auld diiteudiiiita, nml men ut them, and all ' peimna elnhnlng by, thiiiiiiih , or iimh r thi ni, may lie barred and I'urci' (it nil riuht. lib 1, ii I a i 1 1 1 . lien, eiUiiy of redeiniillxii, mid Inii-rcct In and to ii!il iiiiirtKiimd premiHi'n, and (or otliur and tiinhoi rellnf 111 will tumn fully nppeiir by relineuee liv tlie eninpiuiiit inv lllu herein. And that t-nul deli ml.iiit. 1.1 tie l''ennell, he foreelumvl of nil riuht, lille, iiiul inlerext in und In tliofiild pi vuiii'tw iln' 1'i ilivit In the mild niortiiauea, mm inti eoui pluint lierciii, by virtue of a certain niort- iifi", fir lien, which tii iiin i.uski rniuieii minis to have thereon. U.AKKNrr( COM"!. jniiinjiiL'S Attorney for I'liiliitllr. IHntlee la Crmlltore. NOTU'IC In hereby given by the uwlerMj n fil.U. I). iiiiiiiiiiir,'ailniinlitrutor of the n lale of Mlelntel I' ljtutriilt. diM'i'inted. to the creditor of, and to all perotin liavlnu cliniin RKiilimt, aniu ueeenveo, 10 cxniuii lliein, with the neeeisnrv votieliern, anil eerlilieil an by Inw required, wit It tit aia inoulha from the date of the fitut piilille tuiii of tills iioiii e, tu naid a.!inlnllriitor . at theolllce of bin attorneys, room Hi) and ,11, McKay building, corner of 'I bird smt tturk meets, In the elty of Cortland, county of Multiioimtli, amte of Oieiinn, Hie aiinie bring the place where ihehiitun of naiil entiitv In Irametrled. O. I1 IMih mini, ailinluiatrutor of the estate u! Michael I'ttrgerald, ileeca rd, Dared Juitx .no, WM, Nttrw of I'lital Hottleiiii-nt. lit tho Coiintv Court of Columbia County, t.tiitc of tiregou. In the matter of the e-tute of Nora A, ftnllov, deeentted. No'l'ICK la hereby glran that the under signed executor uf the lu-t will and lclu nnntol Nora A Ituilcy, deceimed. hit Hied Ilia tlual u. iMiiMi In the ad.iilnl -lrailon ot mild eitnle in the aimr einiiled Cwiirt, and Ihal the Hun. Ju'lc.mif raid Court h ii. ap poluUiil M. utility , tbe llihvtuy of July. VM, at lOu'cli'ck a in., unit the Com I rmini et Siiid t'uiirt, n tbe time und plai n fur lb hearing of objections In aneli tinnl mciiuiit and the avttienient thereof. All perwiim Interested iu the suld eslala are hereby required to tile tlielr objeiiimta In .aid tinnl in count on or before aalii 1 7 1 la iliiv of July. I -ii'l. II. U. iM.lrK. Ivxeeiiiorof (he lust will und test.iinimt of Nora A. llulley, dceneil. Jiin!iJl7 Dated J mi 7Hi, W. Nolli't lar ruailenilwii. IaikI (Jltlc.itt oreann t:M, Ornfnn, J. inn i:i, ihiiK! N'f)Tli-K la herebv given that in tellowlnir ItHfiti'tl fiei'.inr liu'i tllvd liulleM of hln liifeu Hun to itiuliiliiiil jirmif In Keior( of tin I'lulin. Hint that mukI er iiif will ! iiihi. hefere Culm!,)' t'leik ot fiiiutty, at til, Held!, tiiKiori, nil Aiiuti.t -I ls:.i1, tl; .ui.Vi: i. itnVKft. Iinniei-a-l-entiy f J... Hi. b.t the N K ',nf ge". tit 4, N K. g IV.. W. M. lie nanus, the Inllnivllitf w !live. In l-l'ive tils I'oitttnttiiti. ranliteuee ui'uii and citllniitleu el, Miild I. ml, vfx: O. II WiT-m, W. t:. lleii.troli. Ift nrv fr-.i l.-r, and Jiillii (jhi'uiiiHii, of f;c.i;io;e. uluiuh eon in v. Jirjjiii;t 1. T. ArTKKKC-N. n.vl.ier. AMtgnen1 ! alter. In theiriiillerof tbe assigiiitieut of .Inmrt I'. Knit ami liobeit Juliimoii, eo I'iirintt.a, as "''lsk iV Jolilisiiti' iltsolvulit ic.-r.. The tiniler.igiin.l, having In en oulv ip poinU'd iuei.'oee ot IhetluMof the nhiYC limned iniHilveiit ileliliir under mel hv Vir luuiif u ml of ilni i 'gisbtiive aseiiillv of Ibe slnle of OrrK'.u, eidiibil ' am net In fc mife to i fiiilors it pii.( of 'lie tatu of dehtois, wiioeoutev to ii..bin:e hr lt- lieiHfil of creiilnt," apprnve.l (lelelwr ii.'. l-i7t, nml the nineuiliiieiitii tberetu iipirov('i ! i In y it, IS-."", nil per.iiin. Iinvbig I'i'iii I u uiiisl ,iid cMitu are hereby tiollui d u present ibe sniue In me. ut toy iilnce of re- Idincn, at t'liiiotttiiin, ra!iMiibla enuniv, Oregon, duly voided n by iuw ruired, uiibiii lllli e niiliili from the ilnttt In rent, NuUMAS SiHIMtlt.l., An!;il', t. Helens. frrejMii, July '"o, t. D.I. itnH Nullee lar I'nbllc ultuii. Laud ORIi at Uregau Cilv, Oi"?on July 10. iswt N'OTtCK In hereby given th.l Hi. (iillowlnc nanie.1 Mttl,n ham rllifd imtiee of her tiuii' lion lu iinikv tinnl prdtif, nn'ler tectlou H In iiiiiort ul Irei eUlni, and ihtit mint immf wilt he tnaite tefure the lteuiter and kcenlver, at Orenua city, ttrrgmi, on Annum 'jh, Iiwi, It, HKANV a. I'KIKKjI. widow of Otto peters, deriip.l, hiiineteail n trw Kti THt'A In, I..I. 1 Hrl i,v,. SI mill.. rlilp e inirlli, runeu I weit. unn tltlne lite lelloivnte HllnesneM in prove her cimiluiiniis'lence lii-ou and cultivation . . , .. I . I I .. n . I I . . liioni Kisirka, id Aiirthur, flretfon, J. Haftev, of Keiihiiii, ilrde.n, ami II. Merrill unit II, lib Ik. ... !.... I.I.....1 (l,..,.,H iul'tania j.T, APPKRMOX, lleilnter. Adnilui.lralere bailee' The undersigned, haying beer appolnteii by the County Court ol Columbia t i.uniy, Oregon, ailiiiiiiisirittors of the e.tute if Deo, Clark, deeeased, all persons having ehtiini a::aiuat aiiid eistale lire rique-Ud lir prevent the same lo us ut Astoria, Oregoi , within six months from lliis date. K. A. Kl.sllKR, H. K. II A KHU, Dated July l.'Hh, Ilia Admlnitiaiora. ii21ukIS. SHERIFF'S SALE 8TATR OF OltKGON, I cuiiniv of t.;oiuuriiii,( BY VIKTI.K ' li' AN KXECVTIOW issued out of the t'iretttt Court of lha Hmte of Orefrnii for t'oiiiinbln Cntiuiy In favor of W. II. f!ouver, mid a:;alnxt John Miivniird. for I tin sum of list Ml DnIUra Juilgiuent wilh Interest thereon Mica lb 'till day of b'nliriiHry, lmi'l.iil ibe rale of 8 per cent, per annum, and for the oosis and ex- pensea of nald writ nnd or vahl aide, said writ wns directed and delivered tome o Hhurifl of Columbia C'uunty, Oregon, eoin- iiianmng ma to tiinxe itm uhoye-iiaiueil .inn. nnf f,t IIia iipam.i'Iv r.r ..1,1 il..rAii.lui. jolin Mavnurd, ami for want of personal property I did, on tbeKtli day of June, IsiiS, levy nponiilluf tip- Interest in sold defendant John Mnyiiard, in and to the following described real eslale to-wlt; Lots f'Jland (4) two and four, auction 18 toniislilii notrli, range (n) live west, and lots ft 8, 7, M and southeiirt V, of oiilheiiKt aaetinn IT township (I iiorih, range Ii west, of Die Wil' lauieltii Merliliun, i inhrncing ii 1 1 acres rmirJess, in Columbia County, Oregon. Now, tlinrufore, liv virtue nnd in pursuance of mud execution, I will, m. Hiiturdiiy, the 2Uth day of July, WO, lit tbe hour of ID o'clock In I he fiireiiiiori of nnld day, at the door of the court bouse In ht, Helens, in mild Coiimy anil Hlitte, sell for cash at public auction, to thu biblical, bidder there for, nil of tho right, til In ami interest of lha aairl clufenditiit, John Mnynartl, in nd Ut the above ilcncrjln'd real eslnle, to satlify naiil execution und cosla and expenaas of sale, rjalil snlo la made subject to redemp tion a; per Htatuto of Oregon. . A.MA8HIB, JuniriJulH Hheriffof Colitinbia county, Of. Admlnlalraior'a malice. N0Tlf;E Is hereby given hy the under, sinned adniiiiiairiitnr of the e.siHt.ii of Char les Ihegnda, ih ceiiHcd, to the crcillturs of and nil persona having claims ngalnat the aald, (o .eihihit them with tbe necessary vouclicrj within six inontlia alter the lirat publication of this notice, to the -said administrator, (it the Hi. Charles Hotel, in tho city of Portland, stale of Oregon. ALU Kit I' JOI1NHON, Administr'iinr of the estate of Charles1 Tbegoda, dacafi, . Cited July II, 1333., -