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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1893)
A PARADOX OF ACTING. Why not, indeed? When the Royal Baking Powder makes finer and more, wholesome food at a less cost, which every housekeeper familiar with it will affirm, why not discard altogether the old fashioned methods of soda and sour milk, or home-made mixture of cream of tartar and soda, or the cheaper and inferior baking pow ders, and use it exclusively ? EXPERIENCES OF A RESOURCEFUL MANAGER WITH A PLAY. "Our Maby." Bhe was a tiny little slrL with dirty. an tanned hair, a bine calloo dress and bare feet. She carried in ber arms a baby half as large an herself, and the baby was bo beavy tliat It sucRed down In the mid dle, Hiving the Infant the apieArance of being held by the fret and nape of the , neck; There was Home excitement around the corner of the next block on Wash street, and the children were hurrying for , ward like mad from all directions. The little girl tried to run, but the baby was too beavy, and her breath gave out Said 1, in a spirit of badinage.- "Drop the baby, sis, and go see what the trouble is." She stopped and stared at me. "I aay, put the baby down on the aide walk and run." "Yer must take me fer a fool, mister." "Whyf . . " 'Cos this is our baby." "Well, suppose it is. I'll stay here and watch It for von." "No, yer won't, mister. Yer might carry ItolT." "What if I didl Ain't yon tired carrying tt around and making yonr back achef" . "Naw, 1 ain't. Say, mister, this is the only little Imliy we're irot, and if yer only knowed how she can crow and laugh yer wouldn't want me to do no such thing. This baby hain't got no ma 'sept me, and pa and me couldn't do 'tbout her. She sets up in a high chair at the table and crows and kicks while me and pa eats, and t night I rock her to sleep like ma used to da When ma died the baby didn't know no better, but just laughed and hot lered, and i cried so 1 couldn't keep ber stilL Put her down on the sidewalk! Fool- killer '11 git S'ou, mister, ef you stay around here long. "St. Lonis Republic. MY CROWN. "Let no man take my crown!" Oh, can it be These gracious, royal words were meant for mef My crowd And was 1 born a crown to wearf Where is niy kingdom. Lord, oh, tell tne, where (Stand forth, O mortal, and receive thy rlghtl Hath he not said it he, the king of might? . Joint heir thou an with him, the prince who wins. Thy reign that hath no end e'en here begins. Bat not alone in Heaven regnant thou'll be: On earth a radiant crown awaitcth thee. Twas made for thine own use, for thine alone; Then oee that no man else shall thee dethrone. Whatever talent thou canst 'claim as thine. What illumined truth in thy soul doth shine. This Is thy crown, and this thine empire true. Just where is thine appointed work to do. It matters not how small thy klnirdom h The crown thereof tietonif-t to only then. If thou canst tin in fcxr name one true thing. it Is thy right: with Joy thine onYrlna tiring. Amelia . King in lluninesn Woman a Jour- 'HI WAS IN IT." Judge Monroe So lrci 'rt In Favor of Kelly Kelly vs. Fenlow. la the House of Commons. "My dear sir," observed the great man to me as be lit another cigarette, "you must understand that nothing in as it used to be here. Times are changed; so are tnannesx; so is the shape of people's bats. Look at that fellow. Milkpct, who is pass ing us now observe that monstrosity be has on his bead, a Mexican sombrero, lit for the pampas or tbenouotains who would have dreamed of entering the house of commons wearing such a thing in Lord Palmers ton's timer Look at the brim, sir. It spreads over the terrace like an awning Milkpot might hold a tea party under it That shows what is going on. "We don't even dress like gentlemen ny more. A man may do anything now adays and do one will think the worse of Dim. It nsed to be an understood thing that divisions should not be sprung upon us In the dinner hour, or at other nnseem ly times, and consequently we could go away comfortably and dine without fear of coming bock and tlnding the ship scut tled. But now we are obliged to be here ail through a sitting we dare not leave the place, even for ten minutes. "Weil, we cannot always be stuck on the treasury bench, like so many enchanted pes, and If we go into the library some body is sure to be after us with a question, or a deputation, or a request which is ut terly Irregular, not to say disgusting. So you see it has become necessary to provide each of us with a room. A lot of servants and clerks have been turned out of this part of the house, and here we are in their places. Come in, and I will show you mine." Macrnillan's Magazine. Dogs are not the only animals emo tionally affected by music Cats some times show great fondness for playing and singing, though music does not ap pear to anect them to the point of howl ing. '. ' ' - A man falls on the icy pavement and breaks his leg; he carries a quart of milk In a tin pail without a cover; be does not lose a drop of it. psili m Hott to Cone to a Stop. When we least expect them, accidents will befall us, a veri fication of the old adage that the unexpected always hap pens. The fol lou'insr recites how an active business man was suddenly brought down. THE TRAIN 8TOPS. CmciK., O. " Recently while in the ct of ftlltrhtitie from my car, I stepped upon a stone, winch, turning suddenly under my foot, threw me to the ground, with a severely sprained ankle. THE MANACER STOPS. Soffermff exceed in srfr, I was helped into my car, and my man rubbed me most generously With, arrxuiajjii ku4rxl xnatrnduM, put to so avail i A POINT TO STOP AT. Reaching a station where St. Jacobs Oil could ix procureri, two bottles ol It rup,T S TWe were baught, and the applies- Zmrzr--m. lion of It resulted at once in s 5- iiviii pain, wnun naa wcimiKn oecome unDearsRie. I was out and about my work la three days." W. W. PR ABODY, Prert. & Genl. Man. O. & M. K.R. The Pain Ctops. ffrr "German Svfud" c a My niece, Emeline Hawlejr, was, UVea with spitting blood, and she became very much alarmed, fearinz lli.tM.Jj .1 : "'wu uisease, consumption, one tried nearly all kinds of medi cine but nothing did her any good. Finally she took German Syrup and she told me it did her more good than anything she ever tried. It topped the blood, gave her strength and ease, and a good appetite. I had it from her own lips. Mrs. Mary A. Stacey, Trumbull, Conn. Honor to German Syrup. o John J. Kelly vs. People's Bank et al. riaint- iff began this suit by seising a lottery ticket, one-twentieth ot a whole ticket, which bad won $15,000 and bad been forwarded to the People's Bank for collection, snd in which he claimed one-fourth interest as owner. By consent the ticket was cashed, and the unclaimed three- quarters were withdrawn, leaving the contested one-quarter, which was also claimed by John W. Fenlow, under control of the court. The parties live in St. Louis, and have been quite on fortunate. In 1891 Fenlow, Kelly, Xorle- nian, O'Keefe and Connors formed s quasi club, snd on three or four occasions purchased Ave fractions of lottery tickets, said fractions cost ing 91 each, and each member contributing his proportion of the price was equally interested In the winnings. Fenlow generally was charged with purchasing the tickets, snd held them until the drawing. The members usually paid their contributions before the drawings, and Fenlow paid the lot tery ticket vendor. In April, 1892, they invested (Connors had dropped out). All paid except Kelly, who had agreed to (My his dollar on the day preceding the drawing. ine tickets naa been selected Dy oriemsn. There was no further intercourse between the members of the club until after ttie drswina- ou Tuesday, April 12, when it was learned that one of the four tickets had won 115,000. The ticket have been paid for by Fenlow, and the question for the court to decide is whether Fenlow paid for account of Keily f 1, or whether it was lor nis own account.. The day alter the drawing Kelly tendered his dollar, but was told that he was " too late " and that he was " not in it." The court concludes thst Fenlow gave Kelly to understand that he (Fenlow) would see that Kelly's interest iu the ticket would be psid for. It is therefore ordered, adjudged snd decreed that there be Judgement in favor of John J. Kelly and against John V. Fenlow, decreeing Kelly to have been the owner oi an undivided one fourth interest in the lottery ticket, and that plaintiff receive and collect 13,730, repre senting the one-fourth of the proceeds of the lonery ucset now on aeposii. .New urteans (La.) City Item. S. P, W. U. No. 502-8. F. . U. No. 679 A Word for the Earthworm. The earthworm is an animal which has not received that attention from xoologista which it deserves, in spite of the fact that its habits and structure formed the last of that magnificent series of volumes with which Darwin enriched scientific literature. And ft has not only been neglected by nat uralists, but has incurred the bitterenmitv of gardeners and farmers. It is true that the gardener has some reason for his dis like when he sees his carefully rolled walks and smooth lawns rendered unsightly by the heaps of earth with which the worm diligently covers them. But the farmer baa do business to com plain, for not only do earthworms form a large part of the food of many birds, which would, perhaps. In their absence direct their attention more closely to his crops and fruit trees, bat they are of positive ad vantage in loosening the soil, and so malt ing passages for the rain to trickle down to the lowest roots. More than a hundred rears airo Gilbert White devoted one of bis letters to the sub ject of earthworms, and defended them from the accusation of uselessneaa and in jnrionsnexs in the economy of nature, re marking further, and so to a certain ex tent anticipating Darwin, that they are often responsible for the formation of new soils. K. E. Beddard, M. A., in Chambers' Journal. Fishes Thst Carry Batteries. The "torpedo" or "cramp fish" has two complete electric batteries on either side of Its head, constructed after the most ap proved scientific principles. Each of them consists of about 470 eel Is in the shape of six sided tubes placed side by side. The walla or these cells are lined with nerve tissue and each one is tilled with a clear, trembling Jelly. Precisely how many volts this duplex galvanic apparatus is capable of administering bas never been deter mined, but frequent experience has shown the power to be sufficient to knock down and temporarily paralyze a man. Natives in Central America are said to make a practice of driving wild horses into water where cramp fish are in order that the latter may stun the- frightened quad rupeds and make them easy to caotnre. So that a shock shall be administered, the ob ject must be brought into contact at two points with the torpedo, thus comnletius the electric circuit. Scientific men regard tbis as one of the most Interesting of natural phenomena. Two other kinda of animals possess gal vanic batteries a catfish and an eel. The two latter have the storage cells situated in tbelr tails. In all three cases the elec tricity is merely transformed nervous en rgy. Interview in Washington Star. Marvelous Fecundity. The reproductive powers of manv bac teria is so marvelous aa to be almost be yond belief. Professor I .aw has experi mented with several different forms which were capable of doubling their number every hour. When in tbe best condition a single bacterium will give 18,777,200 indi vidualsln the short space of twenty-four hours. In forty-eight hours the offspring from a germ not measuring more than one-fitteen-thousnndth of an Inch will have In creased until their bulk cannot be put in a half pint measure, the total number of in dividuals then exceeding 281,500,000,0001 If these deductions are correct (and scientists have proved that tbey are, as near as such figures can possibly be from the very nature of the experiment), is it any wonder that bacterial diseases are so difficult to control f St, Louis Republic. Looking (or a Star Who Would Be Will Ing to Make Luve to a Mummy Star rylug an Actress to Secure H.r Services- Mummy Repined by Dummy. "The paradox of acting P" said the mana ger, thoughtfully, "1 should aay I'd seen something of what you'd call the paradox of acting. Yes, I should say I had. If it's come under my observation once it's come under it huudred times, and In one ease look here, wbeu did you last see 'A Dead Mashf "Why. A Dead Mash' baa been the greatest success I ever handled, and I'm only taking it off the road this year be cause. See here, perhaps the name of Miss Dotty Devoe, tbe leading lady, has never been brought to your attention? If you've beard of Miss Devoe you have heard of her aa a charming aoubrette, vivacious, plquaut and orAinal, In fact the most tal ented actress now on the tarce-oomedy boards. Exactly. "About a year before 'A Dead Mash' was In rehearsal, tbe play waa in my hands waiting for a star. There waa nobody 1 knew I cared about giving It to. You recollect the time. A young girl falls in love with s mummy lu the museum and coaxes him to life. Now, the responsibil ity of finding the right woman for it weighed on me. A STAR DISCOVERED. "One day I learned that a little girl, name and professional antecedents un kuown to fame, bad caught tbe town in Boston iu a topical act lu a rank comic opera. I went on to see her. House crowded, company guys, opera Inexpressi ble! But the little girll It was just the most per-fect-Iy irresistible thing you ever imagined. She had a topical soug, 'Teach ing the Baby to Talk' the one bright thing in the opera and by a stroke of genius they gave her a parrot as well as a baby. "You understand the idea. The parrot chipped in with the things she waa trying to teach the baby, and the effect was out of sight. Of course it didu't take me a mo ment to see that, though the parrot waa lire enough, it waa one of tbe dumb breed, and that the speaking waa done from the Hies. But it was billed as a trained bird, and the audience took it all iu and was in ecstasies. . ; "I made np my mind on the spot 1 bad found my star, and before I left town Miss Dotty Devoe had engaged with me for the ensuing season, aud the paragraphs were being sent round to tbe papers. I filled up my company for 'A Dead Mash, fixed August for rehearsals and arranged meet Miss McPherson real name and her aunt a week or two beforehand, so aa to get things quietly in shape between us. GA1NI.N0 A POINT. "Mrdearsir.such was the personal charm and ingenuousness of the young lady that it took me and tbe author a week to dis cover that we had run into tbe deadest wall of our lives, and that she couldn't act at all not a little bit! She was simply In competent. "If a man could go over Niagara falls and retain consciousness be would know howl felt. I talked to little Dotty as kindly as I could and tried to give her an Idea or two, but it waa no use. She was heartbroken there it stopped. "finally, while I waa telegraphing all over the country to try to rake np another star, I pressed her again about tbe topical song, and she whimpered out that she liked parrots and bad always just loved babies. and she didn t like mummies, and that w all there was to it. "I seemed to get hold of an idea here, but for the life of me 1 couldn't tell what it was. "There was, say, ten days before rehear sals need begin. In those ten days don't laugh, for 1 was serious I made as good love to that girl aa 1 knew how. There was no reason I shouldn't, except age; and there was good reason I ahould, when you looked at her. I will merely say that I'm younger than some other old bachelors. and that at the end of tea days she was ready to marry me. " 'Now,' said I, my dear, I want you to think of this play just once more. If you can love me you can love a mummy, guess.' " 'John,' she said, 'you must be crazy.' " 'My love,' said 1, '1 mean it. You are to go on the stage this afternoon for re bearsal, you are to make np your mind that that mummy is me, and you are to act to it. And if you don't. I vow I won't marry you.' "It was an awfnl risk, but I took It She gave me one look, turned on ber heel and walked off. I held on to my courage like grim death till rehearsal came. She was there. SUCCESS t!t AS CKTAIB WAT. "Her first lines went of pretty well. had provided a property mummy as mucb like me in tbe general outfit as well as could be without calling attention, in ber first scene with it it was behind a glass, in a case and it was brought out and un wrapped, and all that. Hank Edwards. that's the author, and I were watching her an or a tremble, fciie was pale and bad a red spot in each cheek. Still, she went on all right until the uncovering and then. sir, she made a sudden dart at the oblect. dashed it down to tbe floor, kicked it like a little fury, and then sat down on It cry ing as if ber heart would break. "I threw np my hands. I was shaking witn excitement so that 1 could hardly speak. I grabbed Edwards by tbe collar and jammed tbe stage copy of the play into his hand. 'Hankl' I gasped, 'take it take it home with you, pull the whole thing to pieces and rewrite it up to this scene. Bring It back in tbe morning if you have to write your ears off.' Then I pushed half a dozen of the company out of the way, dropped down by Dotty on the mummy and laughed until tbe little Tar tar turned round and fait me, air, slapped me soundly In tbe face, and I don't blame ber. "And now, sir, If you will go to see 'A Dead Mash' tbe next time it Is played here, and take particular notice of the scene In which Miss Devoe kicks tbe mummy in contempt, you will understand why 1 claim to understand the paradox of act ing." "It seems to me that method of educa tion was a little unfair to Miss Devoe," I suggested soberly. Tbe manager looked at me a moment, and then said, quizzically: "Perhaps it was, because it resulted in her having to marry me. Come up and see us some day, and you'll find she's got a parrot. She's got a baby, too," be added reflectively. HE WOULD NOT LEAVE THE COLONY, New York Recorder. How Tennysoo Decided a Matter. Here is Tennyson's own account to Mr. James Knowles, editor of The Nine teenth Century, of bow he was offered and accepted the laureateship: "Tbe night before 1 was asked to take the laureateship, which was offered to me through Prince Albert's liking for my 'In Memoriam,' I dreamed he came to me and kissed me on the cheek. I said in my dream, 'Very kind, but very Ger man.' In the. morning the letter about the laoreateship was brought to me and laid upon my bed. I thought about it through the day, but could not make up my mind whether to take it or refuse it, and at the last I wrote two letters, one accepting and one declining, and threw them on the table and settled to decide which X would send after my dinner and bottle of port." . A Prisoner Who Climbed a twoanut Tree and UeOod a Hcgliunnt. it is the custom in the isntish army that whenever a regiuiimt is traimforriMl from one colony to auothttr prisoners who may be in tho jail are handed ovor to the outgoing corps aud continue mcir sentences at the new station, Iu one case one of these jai I birds nuulo np his mind that ho 'would not leave tho colony. iTivute Johnson was one or the smart est men in tho curta, aud furthermore lie was mi excellent grooui d almost a "cordon bleu." Ho bad one and fail lug. lie was a thief. His peculations had, however, bepti generally small, and he had camped sorious punishment. One night a large store in the town was bro ken into and a considerable amount of money stolen. It was conclusively proved that Johnson wns the thief, and he was sent to jail. When the regiment waa leaving the colony, Johnson, with some other soldier prisoners, waa to bo handed over according to custom. When, however, Ins cell wns visited, it wns empty, and there was not a sign of Johnson anywhere. A search was made In every direction and at last a prisoner pointed to a cocoa- nut tree which grow in the middle of the prison yard, and there comfortably seated among the tuft of leaves was Johnson, Tho warden at first tried to get the man down by quiet jH'rsuasion, then ho threatened, then stormed nnd sworo. Johnson laughed contentedly at every mood, but did not move, Tho fact was reported to the colonial secretary, who recommended that tho fire engine 1)6 called out anil the man washed down. The chief of tho tire department hardly thought it was consonant with his dig nity to wash a prisoner out of a cocoa- out tree and reported that there was not pressure of water enough to get a streuui to tho top of the tree. This was prolia bly true, for tho tree was a tall one. Tho case was again referred to tho co lonial secretary, who took it before the governor. His excellency was having luncheon with some of the departing oflicers and their friends and waa having a good time. He was vexed that at such time he should be troubled with oflicial work, as hastily glancing over tho docu ment he added the following instruc tions: "Cut the fellow dowa. I mean the tree." This could only be done by tho engi neering department, so orderlies were sent ont to find the chief engineer. Whilo all this was going on, timo was slipping away. Almost all the troops were onboard the troopship, aud asthes vessels wait for no one tho escort which had been sent to bring Johnson down to the ship had to hurry off, not to l late Itself. Johnson bellowed a farewell, aud despite the strong language of the ward en still laughed and did not move. Be fore the engineer department had come to a conclusion as to how to cut down the tree and lower it gradually, tho troopship hud np anchor and was steam ing out of the harbor. Then Johnson climbed down the tree and finished his sentence on tho island, to which he had taken a fancy. His con viction had carried with it his "discharge with ignominy." He settled in the inland and was soon in easy circumstances. He had undoubtedly hidden his stolen prop erty, and after his release dng it np and started iu business. When Johnson was last seen, he was flourishing and had a large cocoanut grove around his cottage. Itusltieaa Enterprise. "Talk atx)ut business enterprise." said Frank L. Perley, a circus man. "Away back in 1S&5 we had a young fellow with ns who was getting 15 and bis board. The night Jumbo was killed in St Thomas this boy developed himself. Wo were all sympathizing with, poor old Jumbo and wondering how we could re place him. The youngster was thinking of something else, lou know the tail of an elephant lias at the very tip a bunch of thick hair very much like a brush. This boy got nuder the fence and had pnlled every hair ont of Jumbo's tail. His business at the circus was to sell balloons to children. Well, there were 70 of those thick hairs, and at the show the next afternoon he was selling them for $1 apiece as relics of the great giant He sold 75 of them and practi cally found $75. The other one he kept for himself and still wears it as his mas cot" St. Louis Globe-Democrat The Vlntnrla Cross. The aural Ion has been nuked, How many oflloers are entitled to wear the Victoria eroasr lam able to answer the uueatlon Tho mere s'.ateiiienl of uutnlier reveals at once the exclusive ulmraeterof this reward for valor.' No leas, however, limn thirty nine general oflloers tire entitled to wear It an indication of the fact that promotion to exulted military rank in England ha In a ureat niauv cases bcuti the reward or nu roiu merit Thirty colonels and lieutenant colouels are entitled to wear the decora tion; twenty-two majors, eleven captains, eight lleiiicuanla and live quartermasters (HiKsess the same privilege. Vlfty-nlne of the medals, however, are held by noncommissioned oltioera aud prt vates, thirty-four lieltig lu possession of privates, live of lance corporals, throe of corporals, seven of sergeauts, six of color sergeants, two or tiiiartvrtuasterssrgoauta and two sergeant majors, One clergyman possesses the medal, the Kev. J. W. Adams, who was formerly attached to the Hongai ecclesiastical establishment Manchester Examiner. IIOITT'S OAK OKOVK SCHOOL. Mlllhrae. San Mateo county, Cal. A first- class home school lor boys. lWautiful stir- rotitidiiiKS. Munerior instruction. The nest of care. Its graduates for IKK) are admitted to the State I'liiveisitv or titaiiford Univer sity without examination. Number of pu pil's limited. Fall term commences August 1, (fend lor catalogue, ami mention this paper. Ira U. lloltt, I'h. If., Master, ex 8tato Superintendent I'll bile Instruction. Mr. Oldliean (s-rowlmt romantic) Ah, how I n-Uh I had lived In Hie kiilahllv cluvnof ol.ll Hint Youiidtlilns (Hmwing wearjy l'ldn't you? PRfflTEAS AND PUDUSIIERS -WILL FIND A FULL LINK OF- TV 0 E, PRESSES, Printing Material and Machinery For eulo at lowest prioos ond most nilvatitiigeoim terms ut PALMER & REY TYPE FOUNDRY, Corner Front and Alder Streets. PORTLAND, OR. HT Writ for prices nnd terms before buying elsewhere. UKltDKULV SHAKY, A tremltUiiff hnnd, n unovrinln ittp. flriinMt- no, iiullmti'U ljr rarliM flUiftitig from one iHceor posture tuHiioihrr u-UHiiy .mmim n novniit'0 ut unoxiH'tei uoism, an amoiiK th ltiiticaiitma if vxirim iwrvouantw. Thi atom triiUiiu, hat the health of tmn nnd womt-u II tlUS IfmUUIOM IH "tUM'HIOUlV hitkY." it Kit o to Ihj overthrown disastrously by omittu w tilt h he viK'Totit tiiivht defy. To foriifv th nor voiti symti'tu Honi'ml vlifor must, tlirot.KU Uie nu'iiium or rvmionvti uikosuoii ami a renewal , I an uui'turvii rower ti ieeiinii at niuiit. be ntueu to a neaitnim utanuaiu. a Ktiarauitxi of this Is liotftetter'a Stomach Htttrra. whloh re-1 eiitabli8lie diKetlou, bile wo ret ton and the ton oi tXMiy ou iHr.nunei.iiY mimar Ihun renewing that body emllihriuin, I hieh i followed by a Main of ftienKth and nerve tnuujuiiuiy. Kr kidney couiinli.t, rheumatism, neural!, and a a pr venilvv oi the lint attaek or ubneiuint rvturu of ma la in. uiM'ruvra, i nil mwi t iiT 19 wiuiuiii I'CVr. nruw uauy late wuiegiaaMm. I I'll, nrotmiitir crtrr. st.uupvr iioumv Uua oeut a dose. Tn Orbit Cotton wnrrw all olhrrs aiL couns. Croup, tor Ihroat, Hcro'nM, whoariinf Csush and Asthma. For Conaumptl.n It bis no rivnll has cured thousands, snd will cms nu if taken la ttrno. bold oy UruiriiM on a Runr S'ltoo. Kor n Iuno llnt-U or i'hrt, ma BHILOHS BELLADONNA. FLA SI It ft .210. WthblM Wsa hl death a nw ol srrldunt or snlridtff Waliulrn tvllbvrst atih'lda, He I allvd for spring water In a Kentucky barroom. OHILOH'SI jiave voui aiiHith t Wed to cunt you. lrlou,G0cU. CATARRH REMEDY, 1 tila roruiHly luinmnirv. nuwiur (rua. Itri'TION Or TUB SKIN Cl'HCI). Kd Vmncy, Brockville, Ontario, Canada, says : ' I have nsed PavsnRiTu' Pius Tor the past liftcen years, and think them the best cathartic and anti-mantis remedy known. For some live years I snfl'ured with an erun- uun ui me hkiii uint a-ave me areat iiatu and annoyance. I tried di Herein blood remedies, but, although teaming strength, me ilcliiiiK was unrelieved. 1 tinally con- i'iel to take a tliumiiKh course or IIRN uitrrit'a I'iliji. I six esoh night for four nights, then live, four, three, two, les sening each time by one, and then for one month took on every night with the happy result that now my skin is perfectly irar anu nas neon so ever since. Mden It Is an effort In In-half of a retributive Jiutlre ini is urKiiiK me aiiemui iu freeze oui ins ire vouiuuie in waaningiou. RCPTCUa AMD PILE VDHBO. We noslMvelT core rnntnre. olles snd all reo- HiginMtswiiaoai puu oraewaaon rrora nun uess. No cure, uo oar. Also all JYtooitdta. earn. Aitrtreda lor pamphlet Dm. Forlerneld A uawy, oo jiaraei strati, aau rranuisoo. Baking Pontier Purity and Lc3venin& PoWcr UNEQUALED r. QASH PRICES I la Introduce our Powder, we bar d. The telephone girl, no matter how charming I he may eem to t, 1 always quUu dlmaiit iu hit voitrcrfa. ion. krnUntnl toril.trllmloaiixjiia Iba i.m.nm. era a nuniUr or Oakii l'lUZKa To tut rwnnnorelnti returning vaiheiargwit '"' orcertnieawa on or br.r Jn. J, 1SU4, we will iva s caah prlaaof lOU. ami lottia nest largest, numanma olhvr urlaaa rauslu(CraafMuS7siM CAUIt, Koth Said Ber Verse, Little Rnth can road very nicely, and her mother is anxious that at an early age she shall become familiar with tho Bible, so that when she was obliged to leave home to be cone five months she told Ruth she would brinjr her home a ninff if she would say a Bible verse every night before Bhe went to bed. Ruth promised that she would. Mamma came home at the end of the five months. Be fore presenting the innlT she said: "How antral me verses, ttutur "I Mini one every night, mamma." "That's mam ma's nice girl. Von mnst have learned . Rood many in five months, dear." Why, I always said the very same one." The same one all the time! What was tliatr "Jesns wept," said Rutli. It wasn't just what mother expected, but Kuin got tbe muff. Boston Crlobe. There In more catarrh In this section of the country tian all oilier Oinraai-a put toitctbvr, si d until th,; last lew years waa upimed io be incurable. For a great many veara doctors pm- nuuuii-u i. a im-ai niii-n.r auu preacnocci local rvmuillea, and by constantly falling tocure with ux-ai treatment uronoum-eu it incuraii e. sci ence has proven catarrh to be a eonatmitloi al din-axe, and therefore require conatltutlonal treatment. Hall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured oy r. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally In dose from ten dropatoatcaiipoon lul. It act directly on the blend snd mut-ou surfaces id the tmi iii. They Oder one huilr-d dollura for any cae It fails to cure. Send lor circulars ai d totimnniaii. Address F. J. CHtNKY A CO.. Toledo. O. eoiu uy urugguia; yooeuis. CL0SSET & DEVERS, PORTLAND, Or. Use KnamaUne More polish: nodsst, no smeu. Tbt Germs for breakfast. Hercules Gas Enninu (OAS OK OAHOMNK) Mad for Power or Pumping Purposes. The Cheaiwat Hellahta (las Kiujhie ou Uia Market, OUT 0 f N9NI AMI Pustis For fllmpllrlty It Heats tha World. It oils llaeir front a Iteaereulr, Ko Carburetor to (et ant of enter. No llatterles or Kleotrla Mpark. It runs with a Cheaper (trade nr (hianUne lhaa say utiier fcngoia. km roa l lTtMXjCS to PALMER & BEY, MANUgACTUfUaJt. 49. tajinmi Strut, lu Irwtsa, CL PORTLAND. OKBGON. DR. GUMS jatrnoTiD OLIVER PILLS A ISILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. i mtnwi of th txrwtU mtH dar la Atmwarr fbr KMkUh. 't'hwMt pitta sHimtly ythmi ihytu lah t ! tl rtt,r, ?'hovurelieMtu'h, brutbtii tn iy fciul fllxar th lip!eiia tMMir ihn to tntm. Thry sxrt tnily, uhr ffrlp n Btkttt tUsr no. To ctonvliu you of thir mnt taill ntll eYfamiiiM rVeM nr full bus far UJtcMnt. ttolA 1 YS. Vi i? FRAZER AXLE Get tbi &BDui.8!lfriinr Sold EvarywharBl U 1 1 L.f fU L. FRANK WOOLIIT .Agaut, Portland, Or. WWkW lillllard Rooms In Bouses. Houses will soon be all top. Men will go np stairs to play billiards when they will not go down. Up stairs there is greater freedom of conversation. Fath ers have discovered that If there is a well equipped billiard room near thcroof.with good air, an unrestricted outlook, ade quate privacy and satisfactory means of refreshment, their sons, after business hours, are much more apt to come home and bring their friends with them to play until dinner tbun to ko to their clubs. San Francisco Argonaut Money Eauily Made. Wall irv!iee for advertih'j.j purnosfw eoiamands very high rentals in popular business thoroughfare in this citv. There Is one man who obtains au annual incotno of sevtral thouaud dollars out of one side of a housa which is cotwpicu ously htwiI.-!-w York Herald. Numb Spells, Chills Rush of blood to the head, and other diiagree- hle symptoms afflicted rs. Annie W. Jordan, of 218 Tremont Htroct, Bf-. I n, caused by bad clr cnl -itlon of the blood. 8 io eoulil m.t tnke ti.o tihyBl'-lan's medicine, ao bcK:n txiUtke HiKid'sKiir I.:r:i!a aud mihii Iu ly rf-c-ivp (d ikuv eu- joyK perfect heatlh. . HOOD'S mm Mm Mrs. Jordua CURES Hood's Pills cn-e Liver Jsnndloe, Eil.ouuuMi.H'ck liciulache snd Coantlnatlou, a Losa rnocEssios ot diseases start from a torpid liver and Im pure blood. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis covery cures every one of them. It prrrmtt thrnn. too. Take It. as you ounlit. wlien vou feel the flrst symptoms (languor, Um ut ap pvtito, dullneas, ditrwdon ) and you'll save yonrscii rrom sometnine serious. in uuuumsr up neeaeri llcsh and strencth. and to purify and enrich the blixxl, nothing can equal the " uiscovery." it invigorates the liver ana kulneys, promotes all tiic txxiliy I unit ions, and brings back nenitn ana vigor. For DvinCDiiia. " I.iver Comnlalnt." Rlliouav- need, and all Hcrofiiltms, Bkin, and Hculp Dis eases, it is the only remedy that's ffunruntred to oeneni or cure, in every case, or toe money is rei unueo About Catarrh. No matter what you've tried and found wanting, you can lie cured with Dr. Sage's Catarrh ltemedy. The pro prietors of this medicine agree to cure you, er uwy u pay you fouu m caan. Nulure should he nsslstod to throw ofrimpnrltlcHorthc blood. Nothing does It to well, go promptly, or so safely as Swift's Specific. thnlre Hire. He tti: lane Kalnlna. ! tine Tea. SDc; K-iyriip, l; Arlmrkle Coffee, Haau, Vt; Tapioca. 6c: lK-n iikira Klns'a llut-kwhaat. Ute; lrled reaches, He; flgn.ti-. Hrunea, Un; Applet, l-vap'iralml, Itc. HKNO KOIt TH K lit- I'aIik nnvkKs' tiinuB krkk. with kiii.i. yl OTATlO.N. Mention this paper, address Jones' Cash Store. 'in in iso front street, Portland. Or. , j 111 y Brooklyn Hotel I ana in A...L a r t f I w I. tvi-iM ousn san rrancisco. fills favorite hotel fa tinrior the nanarnnf of CIIAKI.KS MD.VTUUMKKV.and lnH If not the Ik-. I r'auill, and Uiialiieaa Men'a Hotel In Han Franc laco. Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled ! Klm-elaiM service nnd the hfuheit m.rnUrd ii ropei'iai.lllty Kiisranteeil. our r,Mi nmnni l.t mrpntniil int vrMnrn an rtmort Hoard and room per dav. II. ii. si.'iO. ll TAaml l2i iuni and room per week, ; to fl.'; uluirle ruoiaa 6oc 10 . i. tree coacu m snu iroin imtvl, THIS Is Tlllt TIMK TO onler your CMMIR kul.l.KfUt. Vou want IhessaTj that's the only k!4 we deal In. Then end your order lot the HKHT KOU.ICKM and 1NKH In I'Al.MKK A RKV Tyi'S K'DBV foSTLAMD, OS. NO DIRT OR SMOKE. YOUR WIFK CAM RU.N ITI llereule Uaa er Uaaollae Knalue. Palmer A Key, 8. f Cnl and I'ortUnd, Or. POISOH SOCIETY BADGES. A. FKI.DBNflEIM. Kit, Leading Jew. eler of the Pacific Northwest, keeps a larjre utock of nil HKOKKT MUCIKTV HA IX I H on hand. Ueat siKida at low eat flxurea. Uadges made to order. LIFE SAD NO CHARMS. For three years I was troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and life lost all Its charms. 1 tried mercurial and potash remedies, but to no effect. I could get no relief. I then decided to tryBWM" A few bottles of this wonderful affiw? medicine made a complete and permanent cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever. ). A. kick, utuwa, Kan. Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa, HA ItC ITOIHNO known hr mnlatme tin WC lia par.plratiuji.oaiiolnto0BfncijiRa ." - wtnm wirm, Tfila form aiwt llLlNll, f 11 Tlf:l.ITtmi'KTO ffT DR. BO-SSN-KO'S PILE REM EOT, Uv lie aula directly on parte amt!tf. Dff C O prman"nt"nra. I'rlpw fioe. iiniasl.ta rLtmO erui4. Ur.auaaBka,mUaulli,uia. Va mo -00. fl.. R.rfrffn. Hair Mittreiws, Floss Mattresses, Wire Mattrsssss, HcudforCatslosne. SHfl PIIIOWS. f . A. SCHROCK " Man Frnnclioo CJL YOUNO MCNI The) 8pclflo A No. I. Orn-M. without fall, all eaaea of 4Jar SMen and Jle.t, no piatwr ul li-,w lo's eieVHiiui atniti.t. ii tu- .v UriiU n-oie-lv. rnrt-a wnen ereryUiJiia elaa Hi'lS hv all IjniuMtA Maiiulartnrerti ill" A.(t iiii,hM,MMfclna 1J., Man Joae, Cal. alMmlllis. Urn,U n-l hw I dl-.l MK. W HS nW'C SOOTH.NQ ivi iiiiivluii g oYRUP FOU AMII Fa at U as. UM -I?1 V1,1 rgU U. tent, ft lietUU. $15 00 1 J f2,500" VI U.UU B. F. Johnson A Co- Kichmono. Va THE BEST U A D M LC Q 0 0a,k-Tnn"l1Vt hr used, and all work K"r n AH N C U IJ ?a'i ' lhoni'u'n"I.II'wtrato.lCUloKiie fume. ' 180 Unt"n Avenue (Kant Sldi'l, Portland, Or KVER MANUFACTURE D ON THE COAST is sold by DOLE-PEARSON HARNESS CO., at prices that will aHtonish you. Only the bust HERCULES GAS ENGINE. Ham With or Osteollme. Tonr Wife can ran IL Sjvinlren no lfnananrf engineer. Makesnosmellordlrt. NoBatterio aiectrio ripark. PALMIER Ic HEY, 8am Francisco, Oau PosTLANn, Oa, BEATS STEAII POWEf "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO ' Plao'i ltomMy for Catarrh It the Beat, Eaalnat to TTmi, an4 Chcapeat. Sold by Drusft-tau or sent by mall. KM. E, T. UaielUrie, Wsrrsa, l'a. RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Tiloore's Revealed Remedy. MOOiwhkkvkTOdriS "Mn, fat by the ua. 0, MATIUM when th. beat doctor 1 tm''iluZ OLD sua ar v Miiui. TOCB DBCOOUT,