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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1892)
UUOtHuOiMimHOIMMMIlHMU 'rfWUHUHKHHHMWU If yoi want flnt-dass joi work AT LOW PRICES, inn yonr orders at tins offlcs. r 00(HKl.M)OOipm0((00MNiOl If yon want to toep jostei on COUNTY AFFAIRS,- Mscritejorjls Official Paper. . K))noiKKH100MXHK)OIKM00000000000 H MIST VOL. J) ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1892. NO. 22. J Mi 'V I Mr ?..-. .go- i jr . sssBswtoaifl3apE Send for CATALOGUE, and . PRICE LIST FREE! MITCHELL, LEWIS & STMER GO. MACHINERY '& VEHICLES, NEW MARKET BLOCK PORTLAND, OREGON. THE OREGON MIST. MMl'HU K.VfcUl t'HIDAV MOHNINU . -Mf- THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPAH, J. B. BEEQLE, Maoagor. 4 OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. - aafcwcrlpllwa MaM On. eonr year Ui advance........." Oil ropy Sis nMIUlBN..... tuagia copy.... ....II M ... .... . r.nlM.( Rat... rml.uUin.1 rnl one )f ..... ftareoliimnuM year ......... lialf ruliium (m year........ (Juailvr column un m( - On Inch one nouin.M r ..... ; .... 4 J .... One Inch three iinth....-.... " Caa luck tU a.uuih.. ....... L k-hI a.itltx , in ccnta tr line f first lner tloii: lit per Uue for utck .uliMHiiMMit la- !iVedTMleniettf,l.40 per lurh lot tint UwCli'MU aed 71 wut p Inch for each tpieut Insertion. COI.CMBtA COUNTY UIKKCTOHY. JtidM-..-- Mars.... Treasurer.. - Xuut. nt f i h..i... A enr... .... .,.. hervryof Cuaiials-loaerJ Caxtmr llr. , ...I. "J. Baltner , St. Ilele i;. k. uniFk. t. n"ii Wie, Meeker, ft. Helens J. fl. WU. tUMUlKJKK .., c. r. IhMin. Kaluter A. II. Mule. lululM IT rael Hp cr, Veniunl ill. w. Rarnwa. Maaem Moeiely voir.-KI. llilrnl Lorhte, . -lleular .mmuiitrUnii' "nl an'l third UWH Hhuktilllh .17 MP. fl.Nl NMMKlir h..i. ";IM;. .lH-'.mti.hll, over Ul.;ht4 . . Titbit. .U.IKI, Dawn rlv.r f Ixw . I . I I .... I Ia. 41 ... 11 . " Tk. tK.ll for Mw.)!!..; !. (t.l.Vil JI; lmv ijiiinn null'"). - norlkcliM '10 A.M.; (r t '! ST. HELENS DRUG STORE. B. BKOOKEXIIHOt'OH, ATTORNBY-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. l.te nptHal tgentot General l.inil oflire. ) Ilwiiiextuiul, l're-i-nrition, and Timber Land application, and other Land Offlce liUKinrnH Mi-rcinlty. OIIU'O. tecond fluor, Land Ofllto Buildup. " Addrea. bjr Hon.W. N. HilUboro. 00 TO ' JOHN A. BECK, The Watchmaker and Jeweler, FOR YOUR ELEGANT : : : JEWELRY. The Flneat aaaortment o( Wktche. Clock. and Jewelry ol all deacriptloiWi Opposite the EHmond. Tortlond. Oregon. Prescriptions A Specialty. Orders from the Country filled by Return Mail. IGDAVXJST, noss, DRUGGIST. IiRALKK IN IMJBE DRl'OS, OITICAL GOODS, WKWCINE8, TOILET ! FANCY GOODS, AltriCLES, CHEMICALS, 8TATIONEEY, CONFECTIONERY, NEW NOVELS, ETC. P2JEFUMES And everj tliliig uually found In a Firnt-t'laaa Drug Store. Pliyrlduiia' I'rrMriiptl ma carefully compounded at ny hour, day or night, by a competent nd Gxeri need Druggial. Farm ers an a m rcuauis A. H. BLAKESLY, Proprietor of Oriental : Hotel. ST. HELKXS, OREGON Tin houne hn been fully reforniahed throughout and the next 01 accom roodutiona will be given. CHARGES REASONABLE. 8TA0R run In connection with . the Hotel fonnecilng with the North- uiin.xl at Milinn. Blare for Tacoaia train 10 p. n. For Fortiaud train a.1 p. m. JAPANESE? CURE l.JmuhiiUii tnMlm.nt. eoilftiBtlnff of Siil!wit3rle. Oiiilnient In Cajiaidea, also lu llvi and Clila: Pixltlve Cuie tnr Kxteraal, In- . i im.,1 .nil uiiwxlinr. lb?rilnir. t;nronic. i.'..., ... fforMiltiirv Plli. ati.l manv other rtlaeaw. aoil female weaknejse.: It ta ilwa.a yret Incllt t the nerl helth. The Brut diHTOvery ola medli-al cure rendering an opera- .. . . . I . ...... 1. n. .. 1 .1 . til i a im wiin lire "iinf j Kauioly haf never been known to fall. llr box. for 14; enl by mall. Why auffor from thin teiTlhle illnenae wnen a inura aiven wilh 6 boien. to refund the money If not :...a ua for (fnit Mumnla. (iiiarantee iH.u.tlby Woooiko, Cuaaa Co., Wholenale and Retail Druanuu. oie Axenu, renaim INSURANCE COMPANY. .Albany, Or. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - - - - S500.000 SECURKD CAPITAL, - ' - - 247,500 PAID CAPITAL, - ' - - - - 74,250 FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. All Losses Promptly and Satisfactorily Adjusted. For particular apply at the oWco of Moore 4 Cole, or Tun SItaT olBco. Trarelera Onl4-lllvr Hoal... ,..,!; W.luolay and VM al W . . lkaio-l ''" ',rrort ba4 . . returning ApM . HTr. ior Ki.t.-lawHt. Helen. Mrtlaiid at W.UU; relurmnu. leave PROFESSIONAL. jju. it. it. curr, rilYSICIAN and SURGEON. St. Helena, Oregon. Columbia Restaurant , Lodging House. EYerytbiag Rew, " Clean Beds and the Best Table Set MBS. M. J. SCOTT, fFormerly Mrs. MuNulty,) PKOPRIETEESS Next Door to Musonic Hall, ST. HELENS. - OltEGON REPCBMCAN SPEAKING, Barrett, of One Dollar Weekly Buys a good gold watch by our club aya tern. Our lt-karat gold-filled cases are wur- rPUE RETAIL MERCHANT is the neceesary I Medium of Trade between the Manufacturer and the Consumer. He inut protect the interest of his customers by purchasing iD tho lowest and nnd best tnnrkets, and by selling to his patrons at the Lowest Possible Prices. P.J.K, HAI.I., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. ClAtakaule. Columbia county, Or. J. RICK, ' . ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, fir. ifici-itxH, - - Oekon. lieptity llatrli t Attorney for Columbia. Co. qIIAB. VY.MAYOKR. NOTARY PULBLIC, and ,. INSURANCE AGENT, Maygor, instill. T. A. McHuing, A. S. DiiKsagH M clJRIDK mtESSKR, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW. Oregon City, Oregon. Prompt attention given lund-offlce business. 1JJ.ITTLK, SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, 8t, Heloita, Oregon. OnnntV aurveyor L iml plar.h..a..d enulneeruig work promptly done. ,. . PROPRIETOR OF THE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, In keeping these true principles of trade always in view ; often leaves the old truck and strikes "across lots" for Bargains for his customers. His stock of ttGeneral Merchandise Is being enlarged by New Goods Every Day. It li not convenient to name the many different we kP on aale a-i-lc from Irv aoods.Cl.itliiiig. Ldie' Wear Gentlemen a Wear? leil W r, Koot Wear'. Flour and M, tft ncl floods. Nulla and Hardware Crockery and f"; .u1T?mt" and 'tinware, I'owdcr and Hl.ot. Hata anS Caps, Uoota and Slioea, Patent MedUiues, Toilet Articles, etc. F. R. CHOWN, Tri A Fi' D W -A.F2.Hj ' V v, AND i ' TO V BS. 212 First and 9 Salmon Street. PORTLAND UKKEV a. draper J, W. Dhapkr. I1E7 DISCOVERY byAGOIOENT la oomoouBdlm aaolullen a part aa aecblaoily inlllwi oa the baa4 indon wMlni allerwanl II waa dlaoovafed tbal lie hair wan eon. aMatrrewvea. We at oaea put Oil woadwful praparatloa. oatke KaJkat S3 mTraat baa been the demand h.t we an ww r Introf wIb It throoifhout lha woria anaar ui IT ISPERFEOTLY HARMLESS AND IT IS r" tIMPUB ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. . .. - l .nniv th mivtnM for a few mlBatea. and the alaDen aalt br niijic wllbont Ih. illaUteat palo or Injury wbea 1X2 "tawartIt auDj.rotuerpr.pMa ranted for it vears. r'iue hlgm an4 vvui tham in cu;ent. Stem wind and set.' Ladv'a or gent sue. j-xjuhi 10 any natch. To secure agcnt'- where we have none, we aell one of the hunting ca--e ...;.. ir ,i nrice g2S and wild C O. O. bv expres with privilegeof examina tion before paying for the same. Our agent at Durham, N. C, writes . "Our Jewelem have ronfened they don't know how you can furnish aurh work for the money. Our agent at Heath Spring-, 8. 0 writes: "Your watehet take- at lght. Tha aentleman who Knt the last waleh aalrt that he examined and price.1 a leweler a watehea in Un"ter, that were ao better than yours, but the price was tlfc" Our agent at Pennington, Tex., writes; Am In receipt of the. watch, ann am pieaaea wlthnut meamire. All who have seen ax n would be cheap at I W." One Itood reliable agent wanted lor eacn pi. W:riwforp.rtu:lars. 'After the meeting of- Hie Ben Hnr- inon republicnr club' Friday night, Hon. W. N. Barrett, candidate for prosecuting attorney on the republi can ticket for this district, waa intro duced by Mr. Eice. Mr. Barrett, with hia usual calmness, spoke at some length upon the tariff question, and produced statistics to prove his state ments. He said that the republican party four year ago had promised a reduction in the tariffs, or import du ties on foreign commodities shipped into the United States, and that promise had been f ullfilled through the passage of the McKinley bill. It had greatly decreased the tax on many ar ticles of general consumption by the masses of the people, thereby saving to the consumers a large amouut an nually. He referred to the jstablih menlof new manufacturing enter prises and through the aid to them by the tariff law the American wage- earners were far better paid than those of the Old Country. Next the speaker look up the monetary question, of which so much is being, said by the opposing party, and made a very plain argument to the effect that in order to issue greenbacks that would be a legal tender for all debts, there gold and eilver, coin or bullion in the treasury of ths Unite J Slates a secur ity for this' paper money. The mere fact of the government of the United States placing its stamp upon a piece : ot paper (Lies not compel its acceptance j with a foreign- nation, and without this interchange of currency our com merce would be diingeroutdy crippled. On the other hand a gold or Bilver dol lar has an intrinsic Talue the world over, and is recognized by all nations as the standard money, good for all debts without exception. This is the only sound currency the world ever knew or ever will know. A man may owe you f 1,000, but if lie has not $1,000 worth of property as security lor that sum you could not sell his note tor its fate value. Just so it is with the greenback, unless there is something back of it that carries a standard talue in the markets of the worlU,itia bound to be below par when you attempt to use it for purchasing purposes. He cited the report of Secretary Foster of tbe treasury department wherein it shows that there is in the United siaia trwtnv over 132 rjer capita, and that there were $23.4o, per capita ic circulation, a large increase in tbe past few years, and that the lust congress authorised the secretary of the treas ury to purchase a large amount of silver bullion monthly for coinage pur poses to be distributed or put into cir culation through the various chan neis of commerce. At the conclusion- of Mr. Barrett's remarks Hon. Geo. W. McBride was culled, who made a ehort address, after which the meeting adjourned. Following is an extract from last Sundny's New York Herald's Wall street article: "Money is, if poasiblo, a greater drug than ever in Loudon, lending there at J per- cent, on call and it is almost unlcndable hero. Yes terday's statements of New York City banks shows an important increase of surplus reserve, notwithstanding the heavy exports of gold on the previous Saturday are fully reflected in it, and from this period until the middle of July funds always flow to this center. Although the volume of dealing in stock last week was no larger than for the corresponding period one year ago in round figures 1,600,000 shares the amount of bonds ran well above 11,000,000, aa against $4,000,000 one and fortv issues of bonds J " o ' - dealt in on the stock exchange show advances ranging from 1 to 4 percent, for the week." Thb voters should beware of charges brough out in the canvass too late to be contradicted before tbe elec lion. If matters of this kind will not stand the light of investigation they are unworthy of belief. Information haa been received that the peoples' party are preparing for a final volley of this kind. It is not honorable poli tics and it in an insult to the intelli gence of the people to presume that such a course will win votes. Any charges made by Tbk Mibt against any candidate or lot of candidates have been made in due time for refutation were there any refutation for the same. We challenge anyone to contradict any statement made by this paper in regard to the amount of taxes paid by the candidates, or the utterances of the peoples' party orators. Sealed Bids. Notice U hereby given that sealed bids will he received by the county court of Co i.. .iimr.v Oreimn. un to 10 o'clock A. M n the Rlli day of July. 1802. for the construction of a bridge across Miltoncreek at Milton Mutinn. on the Northern Pacific Kai'road. the bidder to furnish plans, spec ifieationa, strain, diagram and all material fur tho construction of said bridga. Each i..i,iui. ..hull rlnsic with liu bid 5 uer cent. of the amount of such bid, which shall be forfeited to the county in case the Award Is made to htm and he fails, neglects or re (uses for the period of two days after such i- . .1 i ..iiln tn outer into a contract and Ki. m hnnd ir. ihn manner reauired by and to the satisfaction of the said board of county co.nnilssioners, provided always ii.., :.i.l l.niinl mnv. In itadiscrctioti. reieot any nnd all bids. By order of the board of county corninKMoners. j. SW,TZER4: Countv Judae, St. Helens, Or,, May 5. 1892. luiSjlO Thk boycottera are so far depraved as to make the statement that the an archists, Spies, Parsons, Fitcher,Lingg and others whotwere hanged in Chi cago a few years sgo for murdering I number of persons by throwing i dynamite bomb iuto multitale of people, did perfectly right and should not have been executed ; and also de clare that the principle they were ad vocating was right and just What nextf VWaay to oar readers your country, your home, in fact your life is in danger if this element is not sup pressed, and that very soon, lo en- onuraire this sentiment is to assure your ruin. ' Do you not owe some pro- lection to yourself and your neighbor? Denounce this open declaration of the lvnamita rjulicv bv vour vote on the . - - fi.hof June. Attention,. Mnslo Lovers. Tw ii niCKU '" "" . : Lin. i Mislliess ueioi-o v " . . , Courts and Involving the tlcuwul uinu Office. u......i. ..i i.aiiiVk who have IsMaannoyea with hair on their PACK. KSCK anl 2..1 ?nSi,.k OKNTI.K.M KN who do not apprwiatea N-ard or hair on their neck, anriinrcvoaa booa la un-e Aiin-nin.--"---- . . . I -HLU ... H. toMUIHWIU l.llira .IV Price of Antl-H elrlno . pr bottl., wnl la f.ty Jf ,ff?!rSaTi a.,. I art nlMMtVtinfl). flflnd montW Or RlftlTtlM UT IVi ws- . I In avsr 1 X"L7 J" TKriiif; d.liv7ry. tVn will par SJioo ror an, c. ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oregon. ...i,.. ara' oxm.rlenc as Eegister of , ni"-w ''2: ii..i,-,l Hiatos Lund OfHce here, riconi- '-,. ?u, P(Wt omo. to main ,ds u. in ous aneclalty of ii w '''''5"'!" Petition for Liqnor License. Notice l hereby given that at a term of the County court, of the State ot Oregon, for the Gounty of CoUnnhi i. to be held on theGtli day of JulV, A. D. 1892, the under signed will apply to said court for a license as prayed for in the following petition, To the Honorable Comnifssloners and Count v Court of the State of Oregon , for Columbia County: ' "",'' We, the undersigned legal voters in Scap poose precinct, Columbia county, State of Oregon, respectfully petition your honora ble body that a license be granted toCbarles R. Konkle 4 Co., to sell spirituous, vinou and malt liquors in said Scappoose precinct In less qnantitiea tnun one gnuuii. or a tieriod of one year, dating from July Gth, A. I 1-W: ... DW Price, J lonard. Jonn H Gore, John Price, John Sehniitka, D ltaleh, Joseph W Camn- ' bell, William T White, Frank Tompkins, John Sparenborg, B H Lynch, L OMcudorfT, GuiUv U Slercks. Jwob 8 Kruga, William McMaln, . George 1) Clove, K K Morris, B D McKay, 8 A OUuirer. J 8 Sparks, J O Tompklna, 8 Giinwun- I ire, John M Carson . Outtave Lauaa.N II McKay, 1 U U Beaveis, J H Beavers, H Kaines,' WIlMam Munarove Jr., Mivhael - KlUitcraM, Kdward Hans, G Newman, S Newman, H W Knight lu, M BOasklns, C Rablnotyi W C Evorsoul, Chas Helni.J Hamelmann, J Sturaberg, C, R Hurtoii, G Latabar. Will Tates. U 8ehmltka, F Hrown, J W (llrdner, J B Puuean, John W i Waut, deotae M Brous, O W Ramsey, A H Lar son, T B Vail, W N Kid. Malcolm McKay, N i OldendortVTA Clonlnfter, John A Johnson. D Hrlnkmann, 0 Poucll, 8 F Hhattuck, . m'J0J17 "Brainard'a Musical World" for May is full of beautiful new music and in teresting reading matter. It contains four choice piauo pieces: "Remomber Me" by Brinkmann; the celebrated "Barcarolle," op. 87, by Tschaikowsky ; "Doubt," a beautiful tone poem, by Emery j.and "May Bells," by Spindler. Also charming new song by Fannie Snow Knowlton, entitled, "I'm Yours, Sweetheart, Forever." The music in this number is alone worth $2. Mailed noat-naid for 15 cents in stamps, or three back numbers mailed for 25 cents. Published monthly at $1.60 per year. "The Musicians' Guide (spring edi tion 1892) contains, beside 212 pages of musical information, biographa of 150 musicians, with 25 portraits, a "Teachers' Guide" and other valuable features, three new songs.v "My Kath leens Coming Back," "LastNight,"and "That is Love," and two piano pieces, "Sounds from, the Ballroom" and "Stolen Kissea" Gavotte. Mailed free for eight two-cent stamps, or the "World" and "Guide,!' containing the above ten tongs and pieces, mailed for twelve two-cent stamps. Address, The S. Brainard's Sons Co.; Chicago 111. -:-:-;-'!.--:v:. Many years practice have given C A. Snow A Co., Solicitors of Patent, at Washington, D. C, unsurpassed success in obtaining patents for all classes of inventions. They make a specialty of rejected cases, and have secured allowance of ninny patents that had been previously rejected. Their advertisement in another col umn, will bo of interest to inventors, patenteesmanufacturers, and all who have to do with patents. ' If you want to get the county- news subscribe for Thk Must. Wk commend the whole republican ticket to the voters of the state and county. They are men who have an undivided interest in the welfare and m-naneritvof the stale, ami are well i i - fitted for the offices to which they aspire, and everyone of them should receive the full party .vote. If there Ms any man on the ticket not your choice, we invite you to compare his ability and claims with his opposing candidate on the peoples' ticket; and then we believe you will decide to vote ilio tit Vnf without a scratch. By so doing you will deal a death-blow to anarchy anoVtheatlempted destruction of the country. THE CLATSKAN1B RALLIES. The great calamity howler of the peoples' party " movement Genera! Weaver made this town a flying visit last Friday, for the purpose of leaching the faithful in the tenets of the new faith. When it was first advertised that he would address the people of this place, it was loudly excluimed by the leaders of the local band of believers that thern would be three thousand people here to hear the gifted orator deliver the new dispensation ; that' only 24 hours notice was necessary to secure this number. But it seems even the announcement of his name did not arouse a sufficient current of magnet ism to draw together only about three hundred on this occasion. Two-thirds of whom were republicans, and the balance were of all shades- from the straight-out democrat who sticks by his party through thick and thin, down through the various grades of the latest issues. The effect upon the members of the alliance was similar to a wet blanket. The third parly candidate's noses that were present lengthened out like the proverbial moral law, when they saw the small attendance of people to bear the distinguished speaker. They real ized they had over estimated the trength of tbe third party movement; Their ranks looked so thin and weak as to be patent by all observers, aud to their own dismay. V " ... Mr. Weaver is to be congratulated on his remarkable memory. . Those that have had the pleasure of listening to him before, can well remember it was the same song he has sung,' with out any variation, for many years. Ha U still stuck on the same peg that he first struck, when he waa kicked out of the republican party, and that hia mind haa not been able to conceive that the nation haa made any advance ment since that day. . It was all ot the past. He advocates no measures that would be of future benefit to the na tion, because he knew of none ; neither could he advance any ; that course waa beyond his grasp. . He even disap pointed his followers, as the doctrine belaid down was as obnoxious to many of them as the doctrines of the old parties; Each member- seems to have a platform of his own, and is not satisfied if his version' is not adopted and bis biightness discovered by his fellowman. And one bit of consola tion lie gave them lie said that "The members of the peoples' party are . no more honest or better than those of the other parties," and which did not suit some of the howlers, who have been claiming to possess tbe im macu la to righteousness of the earth. Oregon is a great state for produc tion. It ia not an uncommon thing for a man to die his potatoes in the spring ; the winter being so light that they are not froxen, Quite frequently this happens at the tiuio of planting the spring crop. But a man near Sa lem, came forward and says that some time ago he punted early potatoes which are noWnp large enough to hoe Last week he started in to plant his late potatoes, and" at the same time dig those that were left in the ground overwinter. Thus he was planting, hoeing,' and digging his potatoes all at the same time. Oregon Is, in deed, a great state. Thb journalistic anarchist who is al ways howling about the awfnl condi tion of the people of this country, and is trying to educate his Clarke county readers to believe that they are the most down-trodden and cinshed peo ple on earth, will no donbt read with pleasure that at a big meeting of h kind in Chicago recently, the motto, "our children cry for bread" was dis played, and while the children were atill crvinir. their father's drank 300 kegs of beer before the meeting ended, Vancouver Independent. Tk-campaign liars are abroad the land, and are Killing all kinds of falsehoods to further their tyrannical en Is. It is impossible for a man set of men to tell the truth when they refuse to recognize the court record not even being honest enough to look at the figures placed before them, and also refuse to investigate for them selves. ' On Monday evening, the 23rd cf May, Mr. Ellis addressed the largest audience of any speaker that has been here. ' His address was able, dignified. aud (horough,and was well appreciated by his audience. The impression that he created was one of great respect to himself, and that he has the ability to make a good congressman. Echo. When a newspaper misrepresents the character and ability of a man ia one respect it is evidence that it will do so in all. Thinking people should take this into consideration and not be too ready to believe every campaign lie that unscrupulous papers are apt to publish; The Telegram- says that Judge Moore is a j us tice-of-the-peace lawyer with no practice before- tire su preme court. The statement is utterly false and a man who would publish it for the truth certainly does not believe iu a hereafter. -. Injury to a . man's- character is one of tbe greatest crimes to Immunity. It is well known that Judge Moore has a large practice be- fore the supreme court and the Tele gram is well aware of the fact, but ita deuial of the same will only mislead a few ignorant people, and among th3 more intelligent make votes for' Mr. Moore at the June election. - Thb Astoria Herald is- still harping on the same old tuae in regard to the Columbia river this side of Astoria. In an article headed "To be Expected,' in that paper hist week, it says: "When an ordinary fishing boat with a cargo of spuds for Portland has to be packed overland around the shoals and bars, or eulightered between that town and Astoria, then Portland can not expect to be a town of any im portance." The only thing that ia ailing the Herald now ia jealousy, in consequence of the safe arrival of the warships, Baltimore and Charleston, wbomude the run from Astoria to Portland without the least obstruction on their route, aud which ia enough to convince all sensible people that the Herald's insinuations are' baaed UpuU nothing but atillUlt motives,