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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1892)
VI W UP 0 H HHXI HHHHUHH Ml Tfr W HMHMWIM I)') if ycavaut flrst-classjoii Tori ' AT LOW PRICES, lew lonr orlars Tt this offlci. twoou whiooooi iouoeooaot i.oi uum'i i , Ifyua want to teen jastefw COUNTY AFFAIRS, - Snliscrilig for llis Official Paper, OOO lOOnnt HMMM MHMt HMMKNKKIOOO 04KH1O 000 VOL. 9 ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1892. NO. 2U MIST.. Aa 1 WITH, 4 Si tveLLir wiLCVNiy TAne. you TO PVLLANf wmw CWB M &7UM0 MAN 3 A , atawttinvj A y f r insr yeah I ell WH II Hi tnlNli tNowTAnsi sUiituSicmMjmt. r v v" MITCHELL, LEWIS 6 STMER CO, r MACHINERY & VEHICLES, NEW MARKET BLOCK - PORTLAND, OREGON. THE OREGON MIST. IMtlKV KVKM rill DAY MOHrMlstt . - eT- ' THE MIST PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. R. BEEOLE, Manag9r. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. , akacrlptlsN Haiss. Ob. eopy oa. rear I. edyaar.,. II M On espy tla mouth. .......... . 76 lugl. eopy .................... Advertising Hal... IW.mI.imI cardt en. year, On. column on. yeai. ......... Mali column tin. year....,, I .,... I'M ,... J , .,,, ,,.. !!!!!."!."'.- ussrter column on. year, On Inch on. uianlh On. luoh litre, minima.., On. luck i kiouuia., ImiI hmImi lAcama mp Una for flrtt Inser tion ; ID eest per Uu. for each,' MuwlBrilMiii.nt,ll to per Inch for fir Inwrttoii, nl M ruit hi luculur each tubs. sjieattBtertlon. - - - " -- v- COLUMUIA COUNTY DIUfcXTOKY. Jadis, .. ..f), 1. 8wlter.t. Helen. ri.m ... K. K. qiitck.Hi. Sli.rllT ia. Matter, ft Helm Truurf ., W. to , et. Helen pt. a) ech.ils... ..... ..-..J. 0. Wait.. H-mh. Aor ....... ... 0. F. Ikmn, Kalnlei Sury.yur A. H. Utile, HallHe. i i... Il-rae Spe er, Vernuul CoUlon.M w Xai ins., Msa... - j--.'i 1 sristy Hellsss. M.iome.-m. Helena Lodge, Nil. M-ftetrulai ciiutsnuicatlou. lint snl llilM "fiu'dae J." each mouth at 7 '.Mr. M. .1 Moiik' hull. V Mi ls member la good standing tuylted to st M4sgiie.-IUInlr Mt. Ko. lr-Wtft' SKMllnnMalunliiy on or l.lur m.h lull niuoi. U sur .1 Mnl hull, ov.r lllmi. h.r I . M-ir. VI.IHux Bi.mU.rt lu goud lu.lln In vllril rtttnU. Til mll. )nwo rlv.r (Unstt elo l I M k. . Th. sail l..r V.ruonl. u.l I'llttnnr; fh."mll lor Mrhlnrt. rUl.k.iile nl Ml.' I.v. qnlnu MuuiUy, U aui!l.y mid ftii MMsU.nllwsyaorlhloN -! rortltud til r. M. Travsl.ts OI4-.HI.r ! 0. W. BHv-lvet "" lor frllnd t II Tn.-Uy. Vdl " V tliirotr lv. ft. llrlMM (or I l.l.kml. N-nar Wl'iwsr swl Vrtinf t 100 . TtANft li.n-Uvt t Helen, lor rorl Und ?:U . s. iitnnilni m ! f. rtmiiii Joiirl K.WM-I1 for FortUnd di lly x. iund. nil . . ' rlvlnitt HortUnd l 10 W: n-inmlu. ronuur ull.a.. .rrlvln. al St. Il.l.nt ' TROFEsJSlONAL. jQK. II. K. CLIFF, rUYSICIAN and SUKGKOX. 81. Heln. Oregon. niySIClAN. and SURGEON. Clstnkatile, Coluinl-la county, Or. yy i. Rtct, ' i ATTOilNEY-AT-LAW, Bt. Hums, . Obkoox. IXputy Dlttrlct Attorney forOulumMn Cu. QHA8. W.MAyOICIl, ? NOTARY rULBLIC and -INSURANCE AGENT, Usygwr, Okhoii. T. A. UcUaiDi. A. 8. Diitnaa, McBBIDB DBE88ER, - ATTORNEYS-at-LAX Oregon City , Oregon . rromjit itt.ntlongliilii'ofllbiiiilnMf. CTTnVF.VfiTl vn ; , ; -CIVIL .ENGINEER, 8t.Hcl.nt. 0r.gnn. . ' Comity torireyor L ind anrv.y Inc. town platllntf, snd tnglneenng woik pruiui.tly dun. ' . . W. T., v ; J. W. Dmm BURN BY A DRArER, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, Ortgon City, Oregon. li iLiMMji Uecrlfttar nf th. UnlMd Btato. L:iud Office '';. 5 In ou aiwolsHy u( nil kind of bUKlue.a befor. tlis Land 0" f r. Onnrts, wd U0lTiDf lbs Osnwal Land Farm t Mill -' . . STUMP r Engines, Boilers, Wagons, Buggies, Etc., Etc. LARGEST Prices the Lowest. I .Correspondence Solicited- I- B. UROCKKNBllOUUlI, ATTORNRY-at-LAW, Oregon City, Oreiron. ( I.a'e "pei-lnl agent of (Hni riil Inml i ffl'-e. ) K in. le-d, I'rc-einiition. and Tl'i'tx-r l.aml api l iallon-, nii.l iln-r Lnn-1 Oill- e hu-lne-" a ii c'nl . Olllco aiuond fluor, Lund Ufll- a But ilfuif. MI.SC'ELLAMCOUS. THE HTl Jl.TI B IBALDA It now ntakinc regular round ' tin Iruiu OAK POINT TO PORTLAND ; Daily Except Wednesdays, Lmiim OAK POIST.. " . KTKI.LA ... . . " , K A I M KM. ., KAI.iMA ' HT. IIKLKN4 aaivixo IOUTI.aND. 40 A. M. ,, .. . ;...:. x". ... .7:00 " ...... : ' ... .11:00 " RETURNI. G l.rAVra TORI LAND... . AauivibTKI.I.A .1:00 l M .7:44 - W. E. NEWSOM. Model Saloon. J. 8. ( 10X1XCEB, Prop'r. . ST. HELEN8, - OBE005 Choice Wines, Uouors and Cigars. Beer 5 Cts. Billard and Pool Tabla for (La fooommodaCion of Patroni CALL AROUND. Portland Seed Co, (F. W. MILLER. Mgr..) UKAI.RK8 IS SJBDECJDS ; Fertilizers, Bee Supplies, Spraying Apparatos and Material, Poultry Snpplies, Etc., Etc 171 Sn-cmil St. Portland, Oregon, feinl for Catnloauu. nov20 6in BLUE FRONi:. One Price Cashr Store. WM. SYMONS, DKALER IS-T General Merchandise DRY GOODS, rv r f QKOCEI5IES, TINWARE, ETC. Ladies FineShoes X A ; PATENT MEDICINES. ; r RAL'IER,;. i i : , s OREGON. A. H. BLAKESLY. Proprietor of ' Oriental : Hotel. BT. HELKNS, OREGON. Tha hnin. h been fully rafurnlshe tbrouglii'Ul and tlia best of nucom- , ' moduHuiia will be given. , " CHARGES REASONABLE. PT A OK run In connection with tli li(it.'lioiii.ecitng with th North ern PaoillcTTallroad at Milton. S'a:e for Tacoma tralnt 10 p. m. For Portland train at J p. m. TREES Machinery J PULLERS, STOCK. ST. HELENS HOTEL. J. George, Proprietor, Table alwayt Upli4 wi'li Die be-tedlblen and dvlleacien the market atlbrdt. THRMS HE 80XABMC FOR BEUR BOARDERS. Hjving been n.w'y refuri.idied. we are prepared 1 1 Kire aaiiefuctiun to all our patrons, und folic t a aba o ot your patronage. ST. HELEN 4 OREGON. -00 TO JOHN A. BECK, The Watchmaker and Jeweler I 01t YOUR KLEGANT : : : JKWELRY The I'liie-l a-aor'nieiit of Watches. Cl.x ki and J.-wlry ol i ll ileevripiiun. Opposite the K-m ill, PnrtU'd Oreon .JAPANESE CURB A new ani eomvlete n. t i.ih. natUiiiiff o u;ik,.Iu t, ointment. In Ca"le, l li nox aud t'lllt: a P.mliUe cure fur KMrriml. In l.rnal, Blln l and blee-iliu, Iu-liliig. nronlc i tieiil or lletad lair 1 1 ic. un l nmny olhri tl.en.e anilleuitl. ekne--. It it tlw.yni jrtal benunl to Ihe healih. Th. iln. d M-ov.'ir ola m. lliaTi-ure rsinlerlngin urera .Inu lin ma knife uiiuecusry htreutler. Thl lit. cie. iv hut ner lieeu Ihhiwii to (all. (lie Imi. s for i: win hr mall. Why Buffer I mm thl l.trll.le iII-mi when a written g.iarame. la ilven with a bo. In refund lha num. II noi eiiret. Hend tanii for fne !tnil8. linaraiilee iwueilbv Wo,iAo. I'larkc A Whiletli and K.i.ll DruKlu. Sot Anenu, l'orlland, or. NIC XV Colnmbia Restaurants Lodging Bouse. ETerytWng New, ' Clean Beds and the Best Table Set MRS. M. J. SCOTT, (Formerly Mre. M. .N'uit, PROPRIETRESS Ni-gt Door to Miiaoiiio Hull,"" ST. HELENS,, OREGON OF COURSE YOU DO. SrOH BEtNO THK OA8B. It behooTe v u lo lin.l Hi. in t dv-lrabltt place to purcle vour' lnri rutor." "THE BANQUET." Keep, constantly on h ind the niu.oua Cuban Blossom Cigars. The flneat line of lna Ihuoi a ana to le found ilii" tide i.f Port In nd. And if m lh to eiig.nie in a ironic of POOL OR BILLIARDS, They can asu a you tbat tliey bave tin Ivtnl in town. r.verj n ing t ., niiit. and your putroiingo ia ra.1n.1-tfu.l5 aolii'lied. THE BANQUET" St IM.n. Oregon. UucMsu's Arnica cIts. The Bent 8al la Ihe world for Cut, Brulnet. gore.. Uleera. Salt, F.r.r Bore., Tetter, Chapped llaoda, Chllululn., Corot aud all tilt In Grnutlona, and po.ltlTely eurea 1'llett or no ay required. It It guaranteed to give perfect aatia faHlon, or monejr refunded, Trie. 26 eviita per box. For Sale Bv Kdwin Boat. One Dollar Weekly Buy. a good gold watch by our i-lub xy- tein. Our 14-kart goll-ntit'i canes are wnr rai ted fnriX) .xeara. Fine Klgiu and Wnl- Ihuin m.ven'tni. Biem wind ami cel.'n or irenfn eixe. Bqnsl to any waicb. loat'cure agents whir, we have noil'', we "ell " oi me uuining i-s e O. I), by express with pr vilegeof exund iu tlon befiirv paying for Hie fame. Our agent at Durham, N. . write. "Ourlewelert have ennfeased they don't know how you can fiiruUhauch work fur the money." Out agent at flrath Spring-, K. 0 , wr'tea: , "your WBICIIO. ittt ai .ik. ,n .. who got the lait watch mid that he examined ann nru'wi a powtie. ...'Uar than yourt, but the prk-e waaliA." Our Hgent at Pennington. Tex., write! 'Am In reeelpi OI in. waien, ann am pieamn .in,,.,,! miunn. All who have teen il aav li would be cheap at lie." One eood reliuble agent wanted lor eacli plac.. Write for narticnlara. JSL. OBBSSSSHSBSSSH REPUBLICAN STATE -TICKET. Fiir Pri' EWtira, J. F. CA.I'LES, of PiiiiI.hkI. II B. MII.LKK, if GrifV Phs. 1). M. DUNNE, of PurtlHiid. G. M. IRWIN, i.f Fur 8ui'rpiii' Jmlx, F. A. MOORE. 81. Ilcl. na. A rti Tiicy-Oi-iieriil, L. R. WEBSTER, Jrti'kmmville. DISTJiWT. Fur CotiKn'eanifii, DINGER HERMANN. (1-t ilietrict. V. R. ELLId. (2nd iliatrict) Fur Citriiit JhiIk, T. A. McBRIDE. OrK" Oity. Fur Dimrirt Attorney, W, N. BARRETT, f Hill.born. For Joint Senmor, J. W. MAXWELL, .f Tillamook. Vnnrd of K'lii'iliz-ition, G. WINGATE, of Antorin. COLUMBIA COUXTY. For R'preseiititive, NORMAN MERRILL. ; For Sheriff, C. W. BLAKESLEY. For Clt rk. , E. E. QUICK. For Conimiiieioiier, ISRAEL SPENCER. For County J iuIk. DEAN BLANCH ARD. . For Treaeim r, E. M. WHARTON. " For Aei-eeMir, GEORGK MAYGER. For Surveyor, : A. U. LITTLE. For S' liiX'l SuiM rintemletit, T. J. CLEETON Fr Coroner, B. P. QUIVY. NOTICE toil PUBLICATION. jind Offle. at Oreiran City. or.. Arll 111, 192. Nolle 1 Hereby etven thai the folli.wiii- niiiie-l helllcr hat lili-d not lie of hi. Imeull. n n make Hunt pmof iu .up(4 t ..f hii claim, and thai Mild prouf will be matie befnie Inu county lerk of t:nluinliia county. alM. Helena, U,egn, on May HI, Iter.', via: JOHN O. TOMPKINS, llnmetead entry Xu. tBti. for the .w U o ree ilnn . t n. r 2 w. lie nam.- ihe f, U,,wlne ailueasa lo prove hU'eouilniioii. retl.lence iiiwii, and cultivation of aald laud, under tee ilon-WI, K. 8.: B. P. Qulvy, Henry riierxka. Siephen Halnea. Julius Zeamatin; all ol bcap piHuie. Ouliimbin county. Iiretou- HeujHinln Harues wbo ma-is p-e emptlf-n P. 4. No. I. hereby tiieeially niitiiie-1 to api-eai nnd .how eaune why Ihe entry of Jubu U. T impkina thould lint be allouexl. Zlmn 1. T. ArTEltSoS. RegUter. Treasurer's Notice. Counlv Treaatm r'a OfBce, I St. Hrk-na, tr M v IK, 1852. f Btnte of Oregon, t'oluinbiu County: No lw Is beieiy vien that all unraid I'liuuty warm nta which have nern inente.l and ehdorwd "not paid tor waul of fumU'' from Mnv 4, 1891 uu to July -W, 1'- both Iniei i'l'lusm-, will be uiia ujioii ri-n-nu-ti hi at ihi-i olHoe. Interest on aal.T warrant-' will nut be allowed aft-r tiiednieof lhi.nutce. O. W. COI.K. - dunty rreii'Urer. Sealed Bids. Notice l" hereby given that aea'eci bids will Iks received by lln- c lunty court of C i 'nnibiu cniiiitv, Oregon, up lo 10 u'clwk A. M , on the Nth dav ot Ju y, 18!)2. for the iiut ii tii.ti of a biidge i f Milton creek i,t .Milion .-t ti n. on il e Nortltvin I'aciHc Hui roud , the binder t" p ans, hc ilkaliuni, truln, dingiaui and all mateiial fur the construiui ii of anid luilge. E ch I idd'-r -hall deHi-lt sitli Id' U I 5 m r c. nt. of the Hiuiiiiut of audi hid, whii-h ahull he forltiti-d t ihe int.-nty in -aw Hie nward U nude In l.iui and he tails, neiilpi -ta r re l'u-4-a t -r t ie in riod of two day a ter surh iwa'd i ni.ide, to enter into a on t met and lie l,i bund in ihe ma iner required by snd o the eati fa lion of the miiil bonnl uf iii.uuiiiuiimeni. provided vlua-e that."! I I" ani niav, initadiscietion, nj ct nii v un.l nil bida. liy order of li.e b. a.u ol county coniiui.ioiier!i. 1). ). SWCTZKR, Comity Judge. ' 81. Hilene.Or., May 5. 1!I2. . inlajlO Splendid Young N:rman Horse Will make the sea-on of 1803 sj fullowt: Moniliiy and Tuoadiiy ut R. COX'S plure, Warren. VVVrlneaitiiv nnd Tl nrsdny ut GEO. JAyUE3',G.dilf, . , Reel of the week at C. MUCKLES rnnrli. Deer I-lniul. lEimS: 1NSU RANCH; $13.00 TKMI'K-i'l-abeauti:'nllsrk lion gray. 16 l-atide liiuli: lx years ol.i: weiifua ltWO iiouu.l. with tine.atile. nuit'k moveiiieni. ttii.l totnil t., nulla In iMii.lkl ,e uivm Hod uuranility. j He wa iren ny oun uyron iwier: ny nlil llvion Kier. l:iino:-tud nnd owned by tiliiirimiter, Keotti, Iowa. Tempei-I's dam a -I ed by Uld lempeai. u .orinun none, wnea nv J. isown. luwn. CIIAS. MUCKLE, Owner. NOTICE rOR PCBLICATIOM. Land Office at Orison City, Or., April l 1SI2. Notice It hertby iilven that the fol'owlug namod settler hat filed notice of hi. iuleu iou tn make Una) proof In tuiKrl of hit claim aud tliaiMAld nroof will be made before lha County tlerk of Columbia county, at M. Helena, Ore-1 iou, on May HI. l'i. vii: - ci. . y "una . Preemption 1. D. No. 7 .S.V for the a. i of lec tion . I 4 n. r 3 w. He name, the following wlin-eetn tmive hit eonlinnont reairieni. upn.i, and ciilllratlnn of raid land. Tic II. Weal, U. Freeman. Geort;. Kamsey and H. White: all. of Hcappouse t. 0.. Columbia county, uree.a.1 a&utff J T. APPKRSON. BaglMer. . mWm A SLUMBtR SONO. Ill dream yon stand uutalde Ihe window, My old wblaperiiig leesa; I'll dream you bum inittkl ibswlmtew, Jly old boner beea. ' Till my peaceful apiril drnwsaa With your plrataul hum. Ia and out your little Iwntas, Aa you ao sod come. Oatbee me Ihe honey of aleep, Tbnmgh Ibe old. ewvet. aitnny liahl, Wbete your bum la anft and dsep HofUT Ibua Ihla Inures dIkIu. Utile, bummliiii, uoldsn bats, liummlnK bees. ' Bum me lo .lumber, To slumber. And from the eweet old anmraer gardes. FuutbinK Kiand fro. And from Ihe bright old aiimmer gardes, Wberr Ihe lillea blow, from the holly bm-ka' bigh chamber lluuiming loud sad low. Wheat the moruina g lor lea rbuuber Aa you eome snd KK From Ibe old daya fly lo bm. Bum s dream around my braia. lioni old aweetneea dmwaily. And my old, soft aleep aicsiu; Litils. bummlnK, Koldeu I ilumniiuK beet. Hum me toaluinbcr. To slumber. . Irene Putnam in Hood llouaskeeplag. Lsremsklng la Krane. It was etttimated in 1876 tbat there were ROO.IHKT lace workers ia Euro)o. of which 13(1,0(1(1 were women, aud that in Djlgium alone there were over Out) luce echooUi. many of whih were in the convents: No wonder in j it, then, that the most remarkable I pieuce of point lace are found an heir looma all through Belgium, one of j which is dewTibed an a three cor nered shawl aa delicate an if woven by a spider and ho fine it can be drawn through a ring. Until 1665 French lacee were no coarse that the people would not wear them, in spite of several ordinances of the French government Thin led Colbert to start the manu facture of newdewigna at hi own country seat, near Alencon. from patterns brought from Flanders. Ven ice and Genoa, under the superin tendence of Mme. Gilbert a native of Alencon, with thirty skilled lace makers. The result of thin scheme Boon became the rage, so that no more money went out of the coun try, to the delight of the shrewd Col bert Brooklyn Eagle. A Now Jerary Street Apple. Nature must have been in a hu morous mood when she made the Eweet Greening. She has turned out an apple which is peculiar to itself. Thin variety is large and firm. Its coat is a very iale, yellowish green, sometimes almost white. It is rather sticky, but the skin is thin and ten der. The best way to eat it is to rinse it in lukewarm water and bite it off without peeling it. If peeled and quartered it will not taste half so good. Thin variety is grown almost alto gether in Monmouth county. N. J. Nearly all of the crops are shipped to the New York market. The greater part of each crop is con sumed in this city. -New York Even ing Sun. ": . " A merles aa Tssght la Fore lew Bckoola. It L said that American girls who have been educated abroad never grow to look with respect upon the land of their birth and its institu tions. Brought up in the midst of the pageantry of monarchical fun di tions they grow to love the splendor and deem the simplicity of American customs barren. American history is insufficiently taught American customs ridiculed by tales in which they are shown distorted by the fancy of the narrator. Even the geography of this country is neglect ed. Philadelphia Press. On. of tbs Qsrsa'. Admirers. ; William VYilberforce. writing to Hannah More in 1S20. says: "In consequence of a very civil message from the Duchess of Kent 1 waited on her this morning. She received me with her little girl on theflixir by her side, with her playthings, of which I soon became one. The little princess is now a great grandmother, and is known to the world as Queen Victoria. Youth's Companion , Dim Haatsslty Degmaersts If tsft Atssst , We find no instance yet of the wolf evolving itself inio life human, but we have s instances of the human easily losing its most essential char acteristics and taking on the type of the wolf. Does the human life left to itself find degradation more nat ural than development?-Rev. J. H. Seeley in Congregationalist Tlrasosas Jskse." Low Comedian- These newspaper jokes about theatrical companies bu sting up and the actors walking home are getting rather tiwwme. Heavy Man (reflectively) -Yea. but not half so tiresome as the the walk ing. -New York Weekly. Wblatllng Daring s Rskssrssl. - ' To whistle iri the theater during a rehearsal is a sign that some oue will die, or that you are "pil ing" a mem ber of the company out of an engage ment There is nothing to counter act the evil of this.- Chicago Herald. tlrae. Mas. Men can be found who are willing to go to Africa as missionaries who are not willing to take cape of a cross baby for the tired wife for an hour. -Ram's Horn. Wood folee Losing favor, Telegraph poles made of iron are being largely employed in Europe. They are both light and strong. -New York Journal, HIS OWN EXECUTI0NO. A Chief TTka 11 lamer. mOleted Iks Dtstk I'esaltles Us Istpssed. If you go down to French Guiana and ascend the big Moroni river-n little distance you will find a great many negroes who talk very bad French. Some of them, however, have visited France and have a little education. The more intelligent of these negroes will tell you that the greatest man who ever lived, except tae first Napoleon was Boni. One of these negro tribes is called the Boni, from the name of the man who t jleased the people from slavery. Boni was the intelligent and au dacious negro who, in 1772. revolted against his master on the coast of Dutch Guiana, destroyed his prop erty, escaped with hundreds of other slaves and founded a new home for the people, whom he piloted to the borders of French Guiana. For many decades all slaves who escaped from their masters were able to find their freedom among the Bonis. A curious story is told about Boni by the ex plorer Henry Coudreau, who has done so much to make the interior of French Oruiana known. A long distance up the Maroni river is the island Adlafo, which means "cutting off the head." This is the island where for a long time Boni carried out the execution of crimi nals whom he had condemned to death. The enrions feature of his system of capital punishment was that he requned no assistance what ever in carrying his judgments into effect He alone escorted the con demned persons to the island of Ad lafo, and unaided ha cut off their heads. The Spartacus of the "Ne groes of the Woods" seemed to be particularly fond of this son, of ex ercise. Physically he was the most powerful man in his country; No ono wished to cope with him in com bat. - When he had a prisoner whom he had condemned bo would place his flintlock and his saber in a canoe, seat the condemned man in the bow of the boat and then paddle up stream several miles to the island. IIo would not have even a boatman with him on these little expeditions. "Now," Boni was wont to say to the unhappy wretch before him, aa he paddled along, "do not attempt to escape, for if you do I shall surely stop you by a bullet in the legs. I shall not shoot to kill yon, for I shall wish to torture you after I get you." "No. chief," the trembling victim would often reply. "1 -shall not try to escape." And such was the terror Boni inspired that the unfortunate prisoner would reach the place of punishment prot-ably without enter taining the slightest thought of es caping. , When they reached the island, Boni would tell his prisoner to get out of the canoe ami would then march him to the place of execution. This was a large fiat rock, washed by the waters of the rapid river and shaded by a tamarind tree. The rock is still shown to every one who visits the spot When they reached the- place, Boni, fierce and inexor able, would sternly command: "Now you die. .To your ktieca. Your nanus behind your back. Hold down your head." The unfortunate wretch, more dead than alive, would mechanically obey : the order. Boni would raise his saber, and with one sure stroke would sever the head from the body. The head would roll upon the flat stone, and the blood would be washed away by the rush of water from the rapids, which now and then over spread the rock. Boni would then re embark, and upon his return hid peo ple would more than ever regard him as an object of terror to evil doers. Chicago Herald. . Bad rises for a Ussae. .- A farmer digging a well near Ms houao at Darlington has discovered that his dwelling was built over the remains of a huge mastodon. He has discovered about ten feet of the tusk, but has stopped excavating in the sandstone for fear of endanger ing his house. Scientists who hate visited Darlington to investigate the discovery estimate that the tusk must be about 16 feet long and the whole skeleton 3(1 feet long and 18 to 20 foot high. A small chip from the tusk was sent to a New York scien tist who pronounced it the-purest ivory. A rich mineral spring has burst from the rock just above the tusk. Iudiana Cor. St Louis Ulobs Domocrat ... la Iks Klgktasstk Ceatary. - Envelopes ore supposed to be quite modern, but in the Birch manu scripts iu the British museum. No. 4.m-t05, there is a letter from Martin Triowald to Sir Hans Sloane, dated Stockholm. April ti, 1733, in closed in an ordinary envelope, which is oponed out and mounted at the end of the letter. Notes and Que ries. ' P.t os Shipboard. - , Monkeys are common on- board slaps serving in tropical and semi tropical .waters. ; The Yorktown. the Yantic and some. other ships carry innstiUa. Many carry cats, and Cape pigeons are pots with the vessels on the Pacific station. VNew York News. V, Mot Ik Coffe. V, "Customer TUia poffee tastes lik n old tobacco pipe. r Waiter-! 11 bring you a basin or tYatcr so you con wash y'r muAtache, uooti news, MsssOts mt Heading Circlet. ; ' Resiling circles -seem to be all the rage now among young people of . every clans. Their multiplication, unlike many other successful institu tions, iu not due altogether to the fact that the idea is a fashionable one. for fashion and study hardly go band in hand They are horses of different breed, different color aud different proportions, and it is sel dom that they can, from a compara tive standpoint be made to labor to gether. . The necessity of education which is daily impressing itself moro und more upon the youth of our times is the cause responsible for their existence. The benefit that the studious one derives from thera is obviously great A man reads a book and carries) out of it a' certain number of ideas. His knowledge of that book is uot as great as if he re ceived the ideas of thirty readers of it each of whom views it differently to some degree. This is the argument the voting people make in favor of this pros perous institution, aud a little reflec- -tion will show that it is not a bad ono. I dropped in during the exercises of one of these circles during the week. Young men and women, the maxi mum age of whom was twenty -three, were laboring industriously over the j French rebellion, and the way that they arranged the facto, throwing in I detail While keeping clear and npper , most the main ideas, was something marvelous. They bad been eotabor ing for just one year and had in that time reviewed and studied American history and a dozen work of differ ent rtandard, authors. Brooklyn Eagle. - - . Wsa VTalllsis-tssi SaryrleedT The generally rereived notion that the Duke of Wellington, waa-anrprised receives full eonfirnmtiosy io many pages of "Waterloo Letters. "and per haps most sBsvrkedly in a letter from Sir William KapieT. tto historian. Napier gives- the- loUoaeing account . from tBslukeeown month: ... ; . lie found the Print of Orange at the Duchess of Richmond's ball on the- evening of the 13th. He was uarpnaed to see him because ho had placed him at Binche. an important outpost tor the purpose of observing and giving notice of the movement of tho enemy. He went up to him and: asked if there was any news. "No. nothing but that the French have-crossed the Sombre and had a . brush with the Prussians. . Haveyoa heard uf it r" This was news. So he told hint quietly that he had better , go bock to his post and then by de green k got the principal officers away frnm the ball and sent them to their troops. This was done. I think he said, about IT o'clock. He then, went to hi quarters and found Muf fling there, coming from Blucher with the aews; he ought to have ar rived long before, but said the duke to me, "1 cannot tell the world that Clucher picked the fattest man hi his army to ride with an express t -mo. and that he took thirty hours to go thirty mito, London Academy. . fimrl. Baby's Vslee. The phonograph has in its cylinder, great ixjetdbiliries of comfort, as more ani more- persons are beginning to discover. A Xew England father, whose business, makes compulsory long periods-of absence) from home, has a dear little daughter of four years. The child is, olast mother-, less, snd the father writes thus to a friend: "When I next return east I shall take Baby to the phonegraph makers and have an inatrMtnent made for her which will preserve her quaint utterances and her sweet . voico. 1 shall take it with me al . ways, and when 1 am weary and longing for home I shall set it in op eration and listen to the musk of her loving prattle.? Her Point of View in New York Times. , , .. -. ' "'- 'A Rsaaarkskls Bteard. .'" ' The statistician of tlio Delaware and Hudson Canal company railroad points with pride to, tho remarkable . fact that on the Pennsylvania branch , of this railroad not a single pasaen- ger.bas been killed since the road went into operation, twenty years ago. "It is also a matter of oou- -grarulation," -be sayar "tliat during that time. four children tare iea born on the traina of tbat division - . . two of them twins." AU four are . alive, and one of them ia an em- ployee of the oompany. Yankee Blade t-j-, Ths Only Tfclsg They fcvsir DI4. It is not "generally known '" that John Bright' powers of sarcasm were almost unrivaled. Some of his sharpest utterances bare been against . members of the nobility. When boasts : ; bad been made of the antiquity of a i prominent family, tbat theii. ancee i tors came over with the Conqueror, hie) reply was prompt. "I never heard i that they did anything else." Saa Francisco Argonaut.. "; Cos as for Csaaplstisty, Weo Daughter ' (admiringly) - You're such a darling, sweet mam mal So pretty and stylish. I'm so glad that - ry""rTi.! Mamma-i-WeU, dear, goon, Wee Daughter trcniarigl y) Well, I'm ever ao gb4 you inarrjed into our family. -Pittsburg Bulletin. Tks Trouble), "What fa the hardest part of jolie writing. WittixT 'Punctuation. That a the reason many jokes lack point." Hew i tur