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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1892)
HMHrtaWfiIMH)lJ'Mk)lUtH0 ,OOUOO0 JtifH 00 If YoFw anTfrSte job woS . AT LOW PRICES, Leafs your orders at tliis o3c3, V "Nil OOJ KKWaOUOOO lOOOOfHKKKMJfM luOOOt KMX Hl0 , Tf yiraftnefiii pbstcd oa COUNTY AFFAIRS, . Subscribe for tHe Official Paoer. 11 ii u VOL. 0 ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1892. NO. 23. IVJLJLkD re COVERED WITH. A avctter: miL.IT. WILJL MIY TAH& YOU MAKt'.S A t??Ss ""rv'ntc CROP tsittikc lVvwin3i YEAH HW postal rM uaiiSSffjMWWWft MITCHELL NEW MARKET THIi ORliGOiN Mi ST. nr. THE MIST PUN COMPANY, J. H. BEEOLE, Managsr. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAi'EB, , ftkrrlitloM limn. On. on year In advance, $1 M One 'utiy U month f 1 klogle c.'i y Adt.rtlaiiif Itattam. An. venr 1 1 - 1! 0'if culiimn (ill. iuai m. .... . H til atilumn im year O irl-wiiuina ouh yuar.. V It I ilneh ona innnlli i Inch. Out nieollu........ ..................... , 1 Oat Itirb all inatitha t Lienl M;lc. Ietntt per line f. r fjrtt lner 11 -m: lOt'eute perllue for iu uli.ix);iiit lu-n-r'l m. ftlT.nlrn.nts (I hi ir inch for flrnl Inwrii'tii, anil ,i rxuu per inch lor each l nltuMrllDll. i lj.l, ... ,, i CO LC M J t A CO C S T Y D1KECT0KY. .....D. JHwH'pr, M. H.Utu . ..t. K. Uu;rk, HI. llrl.ii B'l.r'ff .... -Vm. Miwiir. nt Ilvlr t fx iurc ....U. W. c(, M llU- X u' il) ..J- 0. c.j'i"i lilfirilK A-.-wor,. C. r. lioiiTi. Hninlpr "intir C ui nli-t'jnn.. A. H. Lltui!. HiinitAr Itoi.1 H. Mr, Vrrnoul. J. iV. ariir, tj. t-'J'T- l. "J . L "J- -f - ' .UroHIC -ft IIAlfiii Ulc. N I. fS-Brilftr ri ii-.'iuu'r.tM-n nr. I 1. I lllll.l -Kl iriMV in eh month t..'r, H. KtiU ill. UjII. Vi-it In t momlnrt lu i!004 .uttxlluc liiviml to (.rift. V ....mi. .li,lr t.f. fin. Jl-KtMB I .tlinn S.iurdny or Siwlt lull nmuii B.?'lir. x t Umulc hiill, owr Wdnju it I a Vlmiiar weuibrr la co j.I umlinit In lie.; t ftiil. " - Down rlf (xi) ; ; I'., rtvi." i.ln -n ft! A l U I . K. Ti.i. i.iit i,m I'.Vu.mift ftti.1 IMIInlar? Vimi i. U:.a tluii ly, Wo l.inwldjr tia4 PrlJuy t ft H Th. mill for Mif h)aii.t, fr-lklilP ft VMM Q'tU i MouJy. w li4' ''l'' iy .. 19 t. Miiurmllwij) nr(!i cl't ft ID . fur I jrtloH ii I r. x 1 J.-J.'JJ'i-1'i.J..JH'.HL!1" TrafrUiii U jlrl-.Hlvr Itoulc. 49.Au.rr KiriVKltlVfl Mt. f... l.piU.i.t at tl A. tf. Tltft.'ttfV. 'I L .IMlrlV Itllll P' tfvi. m. Molt for i lnl iil M.miUy, W4injly Vil'Uy ftt .W A. M. RfH : Ikalik l.ava St. Jlrtlvu. fin Port ImUTui H.iilnrultiii ni 3:;u f. M. stiKAMCr 1 K'.lono ImrsHt Itelnn- ... l.l...i.l (tnlltf .r tl Mituitnv. Ht 7 A. It . Ai ' Hvtnir: 'ort!n'i tt iifiiiinliii!. liv 'iirllnnv ftt t r. tf.. tirrlvliiK ul Hi. ftt PROFESSIONAL. pR. JI. U. CLIr-F, )' 1IYSIC1 AX and SU ROEOX. 8t. Itlen Oregon D .11. J. E. II ALL, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, . Clfttskiinlt, Coliiin' l i county, Or. 1. KJCS. - ATTORNEV-T-LAW, t 6T.1ILE1C8, - j OBFOOM. , Deputy Dlntrirt Atlxriiy fordlnmi In Co. NOTARY PULRLIC and ' INSURANCE AGEXT, v , . Uaygrr, Oregon. . ...... T. A. McUftior. . , A. a. DRtMMa. ftjcBlllDK DBKfahEU, ATTORNEYS atLAW. - Orrjon City t Orron . - rrorhit attention g.vnn Uii'l-olTlc bunlnei-. urns, f SURVEYOR and CIVIL ENGINEER, Bt. Helens. Orejriin. Uonnty antveyor L.'itJ mirvcyln",to n pUnlUMi mil wiuUievruij w.nk ir,iu,'.I, done. ' ' W, T. BlMWBV. J.'W. DuArmt. UBNEY A PltAI'EU, ATTORNEYS-at-LAW, drcK Cltv, Orcgun. Tw.lve vcura1 exmol iv'e Ui'irlstcr of Win i;iiileiHiut I. in, urtliv lie ;. 11 c tneuila u in niiiiiiei!ift,"y oi " klnili tittrlneaM bufuitt the Lund Olli'iu t CnurM.wid into'.triiig the Onitrul Lui.U tXflo. . .. CIPSl'.V.l tM-I . " B BwBa3fl HVBCZ.JeaiBWB w . SlUMl' gines, Boilers Wagons, Buggies; Etc., Etc. LARGESTSTOCK. Prices the Lowest.. Correspondence S3licifcd. ,USWIS;&v,8TAlfER MACHINERY & VEHICLES, BLOCK - PORTLAND, OREGON. ST. HELENS Prescriptions A Specialty. EDWIN HOSS, DRUGGIST DfcAMiK IN ) PURE DRUGS,' ' -' OPTICAL GODS, MCDICIN'KS. T01LF-T. FANCY GOOD-", ARTICLES. CliEMIr'AL". . STATIONERY. CONFECTIOSEUY, XEW NOVELS. ETC. AiM Vfrytl.t:iK uiuil y foun J In a Fir.-t-i ,liis Thy Itii iim" l'ie c I p 1 nii'i-fu!!y com, outidfil at any hem -, J.iy or i irlit. I y rOiii;'H'iit a iil Kxn'il n Iiimiit).!', -rT,TriI3 - rs an "J--r INSURANCI COMPANY, A.lbnny, Or. AUTIlOriZKD CAPITAL; - - - -SECURED CAPITA L, - - All) CAPITAL, . - - - - FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALTY, All Losses Promptly and Satisfactorily Adjusted Fur lA: ticul.tri iily t t'miilic of Min rc .t OiiK-, r Tils Mt t ftW. '"THE REI'AIL MEUC Muditim ol Triu bi t uiul llio Lotiriuuicr. llo luiml jifoloct tho interest oi Iiis ciiMtoiiicisj y piirclioing iu thc lowcM and nml host iniiiketH, uml Ity wiling' to his nitrons at tLc J-ovvoot Pottible Prices. jer. PROPRIETOR OF THE OLD ST. HELENS STORE, In kropinp there tn;o juini-iples of tr:;de alwp.38 in view ; often leave tho oil truck und strikes, "across lots ? for lJjiivaius for Inn cuntoincrs. His 6tock of tX5G8noral Morohandise Is being cnUrged hy It i not' I'nnvcn'ft'it to iiiiiih- the nmny liiT-rcnt nrt'i'les kept nn wile, ft i co l 1 (.111 lr,v () il ,1 I tbii K. L iliii.i' Wi'iir OkhiIviiicii'ii Wtar, ua, iirr, fiiot Wm'i Hour unit P eil, (iwiir e- una i n ni Oomt", hni iiiioi Uurmiitru. rm-kirv ati.i Olu var. Oitiuitii i.i.i) li nvuri'. 'lowiitr nml eliut, llnti i.ud Cuius i.oo' uiul bli es, i'lititit Muili tie , Ivl i Alticlcn, itc, . . F. R. GHOWN, HARDWARE - AND 1 nn rrv 212 First and 9 Salman Street. tplre nt Oil.,., n't A trf..a tl ..... Hnl tin .anf In " IT- ' H an.iled Iriun oltsttrvallnnv Bond monev or a tampa by letter with full rddremwrltten rlaln'.y. 1 Jit" pojHlan-wmricDy einfldntlnl Thu adyerffment l boueat arrt tiillit to wrrd in every woio ii etniMna. W. Invite vo'l tl.1"il wlrh'n nrl voawlll and everything A rrrrrwiited Cut tbSil aiin a ndtvdnv. idrtreiw O'I'PM OMf MtCftL CO.. 174 Rc f etreet, ClUC IKrVftTU O. Yen ci n rotH'er your leifr at in. I'init Oilice to Inaare Ha aafe rtiv. ry, . wbl rr . on for ftty ci Of f tlluro or llr:h'eiit Injiii r io nor po rhHer. ;very bnttlo ftuarunU'Cd. t DEPJll -To ladl who lairodiB-. n1 mona their Mcodp ""'' "a", Sfi rtWalwiiip,,eiftwithit.1tl5Rr!.I7rdiM.iao r La iy "'' an aal-a M ftn 'i. lli M aii to Ml t ft o si ulwIUi . ttood alalary m Ooaimttttoa ta ftawaw. PULLERS, DRUG STORE. jraors irom moi Cotyitry filled JJcturn Mail. S-3')0,00 2 17.0; 74,25' II ANT is tho nociSi.rj livwii "tho AI;,inu..ciii'rr oi Xew Goods Every D.iy. - ' . rr ttti PORTLAND d Merchants1 liEW DISeOVEflY tCGIBei In oi.niixionrlint n aoluttoii a piu-t wu acolilently iiilitril un th rrnnij and vn wwililuif illtcrwaol II ua dutcovcrtft Ihut tli Lair nn com. piciuty n-ni-'Vi'd. W. at ouonpttt ihmuiiniiul prip.railon. tiathft market ami ancreat has lHen the duinnd itutl w. an uow intnkluclng It throuirliotit the worl4 under 111. nurae ol Uuo.u'. Auli-iiftU'iuo IT ISPtRFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANT CHILD CAN USE IT, It the riatr over anrt apply tli admire lor a few mlnutfS. and tlia hur illnpprs" W maglo without ih.iilghtMtpaiiiorinjnrr when amiMcd or vr allerw.rd. It liunllko any olliw preparatlt a ever awd fi'i'a MkeimrpoKe. Tlionnanila el LAlill Knhohave teen annayiMi with luilr FACE. KR arrl altll" atteat Its merlta. IIKNTI.KMKX who do not arpreelntea heard or hnlron their neelr, f nd ft pnoilca. boon In Uuern'ii A nll-Hnli in-nhleh doea awny ii.liHbnvhii .l,. r.rini ItH tulnr. .ronlh an utli r Impwwiblltly. auftv mafllnff htlXe tMWtlire Ptlld b' Ul ttTCUrely . Ii. JlKOCKr.NllUOUolI, ATTO RN RY-at-L AW, Oregon City, Oregon. , t,n'epel il nsctitof 'Ipticnil I mil offlw.) II iiio-lcxl. Vte-t iiii'lUin. Bn J 'limber Land appl onion-, uiul ithi-r Lin I Ollim liuxintiM .kc aliy. OILca, aivond, fluor, LimuOlli. c Dili iliiiir. -go to- JOHN A. BECK, The Watchmaker acd Jeweler, -I'Oll YOfR- E LEO ANT JEWELRY. Tli? Hiict imnorfmenl of Watchpn. Clocka, and Ji'Wtlry of nit cJci:riucinsi. Oppoilc Die Em m.l, : Purtl:ii rl Orceon. A. H. BLAKE SLY, Proprietor of Oriental t Hotel. BT. IIEL.KNS, OREGON. The hoiifc h.ia hr-pti fully re'nrnl.hei' tlno i'.'Ii 'U! nnd ti e I't-t of iitccm nioiliiliniis will lie iven. CHARGES RE ASfJNABLE TAliK tun In conn rt't!on with tin lint I ohi ec )'i(r with ilio Nonli-p-ii Pnt'ilic . .ii il n nU at Milun tj'ujc or Tacoi a irnin lu p. tit.- r'or I'orilam. tr In at S i. in. JAPANESE CURE A npw nn-l complete tveul tut. ti-itlnKo itIjHIt 1 1, O.lidftCIllM I I CaiMTrlf , til o it ox fl!nl ills: n (Mifivc 'u e lor Kxti-rnil, In t:iml, Jtlht'i ittid HUtiiUif IuliiiiK, itiioiiic. ecfur nr Hcl tuty VV.e. Kn-.l im nv otlini l-erp tijtl iViiitilf! uc.akuos e-: it ( ahvtii rout tentjHl to tlifl gemtl hnfl . 'the Iith I wo' t! y of n m iit-al pure rju iu o, .n !u " itli tne knii tnuie -ftsa he o ner. 'llii e r.clv Hm nevr Lreti known to fitil f 1 e ix. forf. ent hv mail. Whv tifhr fro u thi rrii lf riKeHnc when h w iiMn p w-an:ro i f n ult'i l-oxi. to re fun 1 I he m net' If mi; nrci. 8en I tam r for free suu le. (fuitrniitcr ...I In- '.L',...i. . m. miritl, I'.. 111. nJ KetH-l JnijtK'4is.' Ho e Akgiu', Portluau, Or. Golumfcia Restaurant & Lodging Bouse. ferjtMni New, : Claaa Bads and tli3 Bast Table Sel MR3. M X SCOTT, (Form riy Mr-. M Nuitv,) PKOPUIETRESt Nrxl Dimr to Ias.iiic Hull, vr.. HELEN. : - - OREGON One Dollar Weekly tuyii a stood poM natcli hy iur i-lnb " tin. Our 14 kar t gol'-tihidca.ii'snri'W r a teJ fur '.0 vtitn. f ine Klirin aoit Wah li:ti miVi'irin'.. Ktnii ni ul ami ret L ! rr (S'lit. fee. Kqmil t'i any V 111:1. m.eurd Nriit ft liira we hav, on , tve .ell "t.e of ihi- Ii u n ! i rtjr c ntclic" ii r ili clnli imioe $2S nn I ciM O 1. P. by xre. witlt T vilcgpof eacami .a ion bi.foi'i' j av.iig for tin-.-anie. )'ir niri'i t at Durbani, N. ('.. riw. "Ottr Jewelern 3iH''e oon'tn c 1 thev r'on't know now you call turnin mtcu u ora lor tne money. )i!' agi'i t tit Ilivith Spring , S. (!. , wr tea: "Your watches t.-ike at slirhl. The treiiiletnim whoKot the lat wfll-'h wiia ihftt he exmninei. unit rl(J . teiveliM-n vvAUrhe. in tuuiutr. that w:. uii bnt;er than yourd, but the price was?,." , Our rgent nt Pcnnitipton, Tex . write: "Am In r 'Clpt of the vviilch, and ampleifel without luiftdiro. All tvho have cecii it wiv it wool I be I'hVAp at f ,11." One pood relluhti' asctit wa'ilctl for eaili place. Wrilefor t arti.-iilnr. Ejiriuu Watch Co., New York. Sealed Bids. J Not'ee l liire'iy jiivi'ii that se.i'co tH will hi- weired by i In- 0 uuty eon t of C ... binibii coin. tv, OreRon, Uiio 10 o'clovk A M , im tin- tli Uav of .hi y, 1MI2. for ihe eon t it timi oi' a bti.lge n r .-s Miitonc 'i'fk i t Mil on 't U n on li e Nunlivin I'aeitic liiti to ol . tlie liiiidi r t furnish t a sp, r iiit aiion-, stiuin, dingta'ii and all mat tiul bo tin-eotitrtnui hi of said loi.ire. K eh I bid- r -hull dtoo-ii wtt'i hi; hi . 5 n f i- nt. of the nut mot of sun I id, wbii'li sludl Iw fiir'.iii'tl 1 1 ino cMi nty in ri' ti e nuurd i iu ide tu I i.n anil h iai', nailer ti r -v S -r t w rioil of uvo days a tt nueli iiwa-d i in de. lo t i ter int ii c n r tsftnU hlo hi ln.n I ii, he ttui.mer ruqtlired by und o tlie Miti ia uf li e nuid bounl of coip tv ( o.mol.innnci'i. imiiiII ultra, h Units II b' aril may. in ;ti disc.t'tion. ij -t nils mi 1 nil hid, liy otiicr ul tin: bi a u m county coni ni..6ioi:e'rt. , u. j. switzkr, County Judpp. St. Iltlens. Or., May 5, late. n.l. jlO I'ctttio.t'" fjp Liqna.' Ij'cciasa." ' No Ice i hereby (riven that nt aie'int f th' i.'i.Uiuv loin t, oi the fct.tti; of OtiuO't. i. r the t.o ntv nf Oul .in i , to bj Ii lion then i day oi'J.tlv, A. I. 1MU2, the u riT- iKntd'ttili ap. ly 1 1 said i-i tir o. a liuen-i-ai n aVitl f t in the fuHowinii ntt..i 'ii. to-it i I'u the Ilonlriill i Ct min's-to- ert and futility Cum! o t ,o t tjti-oi Oregon , .or i'u. it m' ijiu t on ity : We, t:i' iinilertlKiicil letral vote's in ve:iri pousi. nt riii i l. fi limih'ii county, Ma e f itvi!i n. ien io fully i e iti u y ur I o: ont l!e I a y t int it l.ivn e etrrnnt d luO.uirlcs . Koni- If A Co . Ui xi II . iii turn-, v nou in I ion t liintirs in nid Si nppoo'i' Tf inei in If-H qiiiinii I " ih n t n p-dlo i.. lor a neriud d one y ar, da i g rum July Gila. A. I). I ;il'J: 1 '.. Ii iV I'rlfo, J 1 c Minrd. Jo .in H Ome, John I'rlc. .lo'in Sclinit kit. 1 Hiib h. Jo-.e. h IV ta un. iii'tl, Wliliiim TWh te. Vmuk Te'u iHivv John iliHrt'iili'iri. Ii II l.yii 'h, 1. i 1 etiilorlf, liuatav. If i-ivK-ki. Joob A KrilM. Willla i. Mi'Muin. tlenrita D tiuvc. It K Morris lv I) Mr-Kay, 6 A iliiK'or. J S S; arkn. J li ToiitTiHufi, A lliuunuu... Ire. I'llin M 1'ar-on. Ritrtava l.Biiao. N II McKay, ii ( llt'iivais. J I feni'v.. M Halite, 'William liiarove' Jr., Mtrhael Fit-t eiiil't. K'rlwanl 1 1 nrtx, U .Newman. Ni wnuin. II W Kniifhi in, I I Min-kina. r Itnbluo y, W C Kemul. ( hai It'ltn. J 11 1 velmiiini I Pliim' enr, 0 Kt th. K ! .itnrtiin, o bii.iiiiir wii r un. o Kehmititft. v ; tirou'u, .1 'U finer .1 h ti'tneiin. Jihn V : .v t. ceor-e M ItroiH. 0 W Rvimy,- II bar- .o THV.ill, w N Kiel. Mab'olm M.-Kay, N f Oldnndoi tf, T A Clonli per. John A Johnson I Itiiukuiauu, 0 iijuul. S Sbattuck. iu'm I. 2i m .1 J3Tl CLAMMY LEECHES. What HHpprnr.l Wlin it t-'arm of Then Itroke Ih. In Culirrnlu. PfrwinH iu the WeKtuin addition bav Mlept soundly for yean ia ig iioniiicp of the fiu-t that at any mo uiimt a iilarao woine thnn'tho lcKrusts of I'KJ'I't might wnne crawling into olK'ii wiudowH and under hniwily 1 8ho wan far away, Llcr bird hopid tiling drxiin--tt plagueof fierco. Hood j jt9 Kndad cat and peeped in vain hungry lx:he. Thoro an exten tor food from her hand. DayH went wve letx:h Tann at t.12.1 Buh BtJWt. i by. Tho dnain was fjraduallv clear where Ki.iioiiof the -repulsive won- in j, mm,x ar.d uheu it was BtofH uiut-i.'.ifiucil awaiting purchas er, rne fann ia one uf two in the United Status, tho other .being in New York, will tliurw ut times Mi.tint) leucheB Hquirtn ceasejlessly nlxmt. over and through nwamp uiut'lc, eonHtantly Bcarchin; for txime lmi)liunimal thiit t-hantt) may have inilvil tloxvn to furniKh ufe&Kt fortbe iuHatiate aiiDeliilal. The hiechew at the Sau Francfctto fanu broke away the other night and overspread theneigliboringteno uient in a very ahoi-t time. Hun dred of theui crawled up the walls and tried every window and crevice. Keeking an entrance lieeauxe of some iuxtiuctive knowledge that in the honxe they eoultl find tmceulent pa turage upon the fomw of leepers who rented without knowledge of the thi-eateniugdiiDtrer. ..... - . D'.it a minority found thoir way Into the nluepiug rooiiw not more than I.omi- but even that number of Kiiaky. greeniKh black, creepy worma BiiSieixI to terrify the occupant al most into ft Cm when they felt the eajjer miction of the leeches and awoke to lind themselves festooned with the ugly pniducttof theKwampy ooze if B:rileaiuc. ' The first to awaken rns a young Iiuly. uml Khe was uot long ia r.n uoiinciug her iliHtrcsn end nroiwing ; her fellow occupants of the Loiiko, : nly to (hid thitt each of then had j for nami companions Inmi a ticoro to j htliidretbi of the leeches, r Biianns were savagely plied in twrV tfJlUor ' and under every piece of furnilurt.. Dtxlclothing wasUiaken and clowfly examined. Ltetrh bitea vveit divtwed with wiothing applica tiniLs. ttrtl after seveial hours of ec tnnty the hoiusehold again settled down to rest. . Next morning un escmination of the prtsmntM catl Ihose r.djaccr.t vras niado. and wbeu the leech farm was dineovereil the nocit;t was out ch well us the leei.'hes. The worm are brought from Franco, whereabout Dordeam there aw wide r.rea iu Llack, light oozo ia which leeches of the fiercest sort multiply uiistintod. . The jhizs fcirly hcives with their wvithinga at the season of the year when they are uiiast uctive. acd it it then that one of thecruolest wghta possible may bo seen. , . .. . ld horses worn ctit ia faithful service are driven into the marshes and are noon covered with the hun gry lcoche;i. which fasten .to lips, eyelids, nose or any other tender irt. and hang on until glutted with the life blood of their victim, or un til the wi-etched horse 'weakens un der the diiiiu and falls to suffocate in tlie slime of the leech morasa When lew'bes ure ihiml to send to New York or Kan Francisco men are; huwi wnose iioverty compels them to accept chance. Tho men walk barelej'geil into the landera of the leeth sv.v.mps and are' immedi ately covered by the repulsive crawl ers, but liefore they can mow than pieiie the skin of the men with their sharp semilunar teeth they are swept nil luto pouches, fi-om which they are counted out into beds of wet moss uml boxes ttf their native oie, imbedded in which they are trunsKirtod rifely any distance. San Francisco Examiner. ; Tlia Clioarteat Llht. " Secretary Langl(?y. nf the Smith sonian institution, has leen cxpori menting for some time past with fire flies fi-om (ilia. He says that the light they give. Is the "cheapest" in the world produced, that Is to fay with the least heat and the smallest exiaiuditure: of enei'gy; and he be lieves that a , suivossful imitation of It would prove a most profitably, substitute for gas and electricity. The insects ore beetles two inches long aud lielougiug to the family of "snapping bugs." so called because wheu oueof them is laid ou its back it snaps itself into the cir with a clickii.g sound, r- Washington Star. On Way to' NuO'orata at Troj. ; A frog cannot , breathe with his mouth open.. The conformation of bis breathing apparatus w such that when bis mouth is open his nestrib will be closed and. 'paradoxical aa it may stHm. all you have to do to suf focate a frog is to put a stick in hia uimith so be can in it shut his jaws. It is a strange phenomenon, probably tuipuraileloiV iu uuimal history, but ueverthehtw. any .one .. who pleases ni.iy make the experiment though tt certainly will ! disastrous to the frog. Bt. Louis Glolie-Deuiociat ' t Ollv. Oil Ot-romliiE a Myth. The development of theeottonseod industry has been so great and tho many articles now made from it aro so useful that it has supplanted tho famous olive tree products in a ma jority of cases. -New YoriJ Journal. No Time 'to Look. D;tshuway - What did Miss Palisade nave on last ntgutf ,-riv Stuffer-I don't know; I only saw itauamo changed to Rosn-to?i. Carboy- at dinner. Cloak Review, " ! pors Bazar, . THE OLD RED CRADLE. A Hit of flon.rlinl.1 I'm nil I lit I. rut lip at Auction ftn.l Hi. Ku(a .. Oil. After - the woman hud Ux.-n away for (kiyH liv went through the- house like ii man. iu a dream. EIo ji-adiiaJ-ly camo to a. realization of tho truth. AH her little thiujw were there, hut over it loft him on weak und unde- cided aa a child. Thu next day out on l!i3 wall hung tho red flag of tho auctioneer. : lie wau rring to bo'1 out r.nd go away. Tho auctioneer wca raying, in his metallic, mcrcantilo way: Tiiis. ladies and gentlemen. La part of tho property of Mr. Jatnea Dar dell, who Li suddenly obliged to loave an account of ill health. And Low much am I olTorodT , Tho bids wont along lively, one after another. They boU her chairs, bor carpeta. her curtains, her dishes, her betla. hor bedding. Every Beard, every stitch, every chip ia tho paint seemed to cry out tho story of the happiness of other days, and of a home despoiled. Clilt, one after an other, the neighlwr woman, clert tor bargains, carried them off, . : "And now," said tho auctioneer, "here, ladies arid gen tlemen, wo bavo tho liltlo old red cradle, such cs you and 1 were rocked ia ia tho old New England farmhouse homo. tSy client tells mo it baa been in tho family for fifty yearn.. Go on now, pvo mo a bid." IIo held up the red cradle. "Two doUurs." said a gruff voice, that of a secondhand dealer at tho corner. ( ; "And ton." said another. ' r "And twenty-Ovo." cai.l a third. . "Tho old iod cracllo. what do 1 hccrT cicktimed the auctioneer In in hia aercantilo tono. After the bale. Lzaaat. who had bought the cradle, was settling his scoro with v the auetioceei's clo.k. Uo said to th? man whose wifo had gono away t I have bmight stuff." . nearly c!l your j ; "You have. L-sacs. "Do yea want t. buy tliem bccU'r cunning fimilo. "Leave me." said tho man abrupt ly ; "tcke your good and leavo taa." "In the morning,' said Liuaxs. At noon nevt day Curdall said to hisKTvrait: - 'Why doesn't Isaacs como overt Go end tell Liui I want to see Lia tt onco. He must take the ntvJT away, 83 wo faufst get out ct onee.T ; "lie Bays," said the servant, coil ing back, "Oust be baa changed his mind. lie refuses to take the goods." vuatsiftatr "no bought everything in for your tvifo, who stood in the crowd and hrcko completely down when the old red cradle was put up tt auction. Here L a note raying that tho awaits your furgiveuesa to return homo.'" The old red tradlo. Ah ! what is its cong cf "Home.- Sweet Ilume T New York Recorder. : . Caxthaa tlreut SnKkoa ' . . . .Tho ancienti firmly believed in raonstor serpeiit of all kinds and of both tlie land and merino cpeeioa. Dunng the wars with Carthage a gTcat tnako U said to havo kept the liomaa army f nim wostdEg the Dag ratios river for sovoral days.. The monster ewallowed up no less than seventy Koman soldiers during this combat and was not conquered un til a hundred stones from as many different catapults were tired upon it all at one time. The monster skull and skin were preserved and after ward exhibited in one of the Roman tomples. creature cording to Pliny. St Louia Republic, A Horrowcil Scrinnn. Ea early cu James U's tima we road of a country clorgyrnfcif who olectri fled his eouereffation bv the state- mont Unit it was "for their vices. that i Providonco has auiicted them anil their famihes with that err.u) iwsti lenw whieh u spi-eading everywhere in this town." . Uo had omitted to read tho discourse right tkrough. or ho woidd have known that this re ferred to the gi cat plaguo ia London. Dlustiated London News. Ouo Way of Telllnc. " YTiTo I know that Hrs. Droastone waa thinking all sorts cf horrid things of uo while sho was talking to me. ry't Utsbcr.d Why, my dear, 1 don't understand v.'bvvmi rJiniihl tnr thnr Cineeeti-liilli ..-"u en,.,.'t,..unnt i - Wife Oh. yes. of ccuiiie; Lut she kept l-okicg tt my dress nil the time she was talking. - Detroit Freo Pivss. Tlio Topua nml the Coral. Coral was madeiisoof bv tho Ro mans as a projection against the evil cj'o, and popidar : s'.poititlon has crotlitcd the topaz with tho ixiwer of depriving boiling wator if its heat Pei'haps tho most wonderful prep ertio:i. hoveVcr,. .T''ei,e aseribtad ta the chimerical stones which many crea turca wore euppoaed to caiTy in their boada. Queries Magazine. -f. ! Boston. Illclit Object. "ITew York U ruloil by so' few poli ticians!," Kiid il.xrlowj of Philadel phia, "that I should think you'd havo , The clriwl skin of . tho "?f . was .120 feet in length, "to v 1 ? . tu-.v-ja COLLEGE MEN AT A DISCOUNT. Prank AUvle. from Son.lbl. Rlatar Aldml One Vttiinj Fellow to ; t start. He was a college bred youth, nml after graduation camo tho fjttostion of Low bo wan to make his living. : IIo had the right stuff in him. though at first it waa pretty well hidden by tho high opinion he held of bis own capacity. . ''' A farmer's son, with no influential friends to assfct him in obtaining a jituuiion, ho found himself alone iu DoKUih. He : presented himself at Inir iw.'ss otlices, wrote letters in an-F.-.ver to advertisements, sought inter views with, men prominent In com mercial and banldng circles, but was everywhere met with refusal. At last ho began to grow despondent and to wonder what a college educa tion was good for anyhow. He now sought the advieo of an old maid sister, his senior by many years, whose experiences in the world had made her thoroughly prac tical. She questioned him closely as to how he maile application for a podtion. bow Le approached an em ployer, what ho said of himself, etc. When tho young man had answered, she said : "It's just w I supposed, John. You didn't oslt for a place as an employee at all. Your method ii more hue de manding that the employer turn over ki3 entire business to you. You'll Lavo to go about tho thing different ly. Don't attach so much impor tance to your college acquirement. Collegians nowadays oro as thick as huckleberries down cast, and some of them aro working for a mere song. "Don't eay to a man from whom you expect a situation, 'My dear sir, if thero fa cn existing vacancy in ycur establishment I shall bo glad to till it. being assured that my qualifi cations will enable me to ossumoany position you may havo to offer.' Just bclieVo that there are a few things left which you don't know, on'3 make your application accordingly."' John waa sensible, and eaw the force cf Lis sister's remarks. His neit request for a situation was couched ia more modest terms than the others, end his college training was uot tn'jatioacd until the very h.'t part of the interview, when it ; v.xs i-iiwa clx by tho employer a ' ovrn questions. ' , Ho got that situation after a few days without further trou'ults. That wen esvcral years ago. end today he holds a much lictter position in the samo establishment ' " V b Only tho other day John repeated bin tiiiitpr'ti odvk-e to a recent gradu ate from bin alma mater, at the name time relating his own experience. Eostoa Herald. . : . . r - '" ' Canty Heat Caicra.' - llany rats cf men Uvo entirely on animal food, and these ore the most hardy, and from all I hare been able to gather on the subject the most free from dkeaseU cf ell lands. Sir Frendd Head seya of the Pampas In dians: "They cro all horsemen, or rather pass their lives on horseback. In spiio of theclimate, which is burn ing hot in KiKamor: and freezing in winter, these Wave men. who havo. never yet been' iJnbdued, are entirely naked, end liave'liot even a covering for, their head. They live together in tribes,, each of which fc governed by a cacique, but they have no fixed place. of roHidoaeo. ,Wherothe pas-i, rare i.i gixid they aro to bo found un til it U consumed by their horses, and they then instantly move to a more " Terdant spot ' They1 have neither bread, fruit nor vegetables, but thoy subsist entirely On the flesh of . their mares. "-Gentleman's Magazino. Electricity Iu Modern TOarahlpa. - Ia ma-Jura warahirw. electricity is plajnug a vory important part1 The by the pressureof a button can make hit) wishes known- to e very' part of the vessel, as well as direct its move ments mechanically. Now, by a rev.- application, tho fighters on the 1-Iiantor.omch can clow away the j smoke irora their eyes, and n may I net lio long we-' some invention' ia 1 pj:lentexl Ly which they may blow i this b-ciolro into tho eyes of their en- enucj. Ccctricty, ... '"'''- - - Horn Kliurka 11 1 to. ' l enco hocked a shark about fiv foetlcng, whit:h fought longer than ucual. acd when brought to gaff he was found to bo hocked in a side fin. "liothat Lo retained hiti fulL towers. Soclsowitb the hammerhead.' The i thovclr-ose rhtuk-I bavo found to ' bo the most active of s them,; Tho ' nurse i hai k Lies cn the bottom, and 'tfl bite i.i cot felt or its oreeence I known to tho angler till be raises his rod. then the Cab "cornea up like a log, without resistance. - Forest and Stream. " "' - . . Tka Only TVay. , , Miu Yoitngmothor (with tones ele vated above baby's screams) Don't sing, to tho child. Edward, for mer- -cy's sake:, he'll never go to sleep if you do. '. Edward (who' has an execrable voico and kmiwa itlrrYos Le will, my lore? hell do it in self defonea, Kato Field'8 Washington. . . ... . Lagta and Love. Dejected Cuitor If you intende4 to cay "no" why did you lot tne pro pose . '.-,.'' ,j : Bweet Girl "Why, how could I eay no" if yon didn't? Not 'oik Weekly.