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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
(Paid Adv.). rial Patrol to Be Resumed LEM, May 19. That airplane tite patrol service will De re- d in western Oregon as early e 10 of this year is indicated loiter received today by F. A. lit, state forester, from H. H. aid, commander of the western iriment of army air service with quarters at San Francisco. Pro I information received in Salem to the effect that this year's air e patrol would be confined to orals. eluded in the letter received by tlfV ill O&O WW tw Coming Carnival horse that says his prayers, ibs into a four-foot bed, kisses P!f up with bedclothes unaided,' f be said to have about reached limit In equine Intellectual de- U what vm. '"of Foley Burks troop of col im , ur"e ao without any "Kn or suggestion, from his k. ' r he lunP out of bed hL i l!irTa of ,ire unded. ,k ' , 'nt0 burning building, u the fire and rescues a baby. 'rtorJfl! ?nly a few ' thlnga, CmJT ?T ,hl ndertul horse. Annth T"luM " 1.000. I rl.,r ,lar Pr'o"ner is Trlxle. ! . 1C horse. Trllle urnmn' "ntlfnl, statuesque poses with-' ROBERT N. STANFIELD Candidate For United States Senator SAYS: "Preserve American Institutions; Maintain Peace; Justice for Give Him Give r ' : ; ; . ; - L - , ' r Mr. Elliott was a blank contract pre pared by- the government.-wlilch, if signed by the Oregon forestry offi cials, will bind the state to furnish proper .landing fields, gu'ards to care for the planes when they are not in use. radio operators to ac company the pilots on their flights, auto service at the ba3es and free telephone and telegraph privileges. If the contract is signed, it was Indicated in Mr. Arnold's letter that bases would be established n,t Eu gene. Med ford and Portland and that the service would be conducted along the same lines as last year. Mr. Elliott stated today that the forestry department of Oregon some time ago requested a congressional out a word or signal, and apparently is proud of her achievements. She picks out colors readily, adds, multi plies and subtracts, and converses in the sign language. She also plays amusing pranks on her trainer, and iinmistaktngly laughs at his discom fiture. TnA laroa anhnnU nf militaiV POn ies. with the Foley and Hurk's com bined shows, Include Miss Alameda, 'the smallest pony in the world, and Dodger, the football pony. The Roseburg Strawberry Carnival will start next Tuesday, May 25, and will continue for five days at the Catholic school grounds, opposite the armory. The Catholio church has donated the ground as they Have done in for mer years. The big parade will start next Tuesday night about 6:45 p. m. from the show grounds, on the Catholic school grounds, through the city of Roseburg, then back to the gromds. when the big time of the week will start. Service Men; Develop Your Vote Tomorrow and Help Oregon its Place in the Sun STANFIELD appropriation of $00,000 with which to conduct-on airplane patrol dur ing the summer of 1920, but that j $50,000. The latter appropriation ' has now been approved, according to I .Mr. Elliott, but has not yet come up i for vote in either branch of con j gress. i Should the appropriation be de feated, Mr. Elliott believes he will be able to raise sufficient money from the timber owners of the state. It Is believed the contract will b" signed. NEW SNAP SHOTS Js VLsitbie Hero H. L. Tabke. of Portland, stopped In this city yesterday enroute home from a business trip to Astoria. He will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stanton while in this city. Move to Portland Dr. W. J. Phillips, a former well known Sutherlin dentis:, and for four years the mayor of this city, has pur chased a residence in Portland and will move from North Rend, his pres ent place of residence to Portland in the near future. Dr. Phillips, who lo recognized as one of the best den tists In the state, will open an office in Portland. Sutherlin Sun. UFT OF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sort, touchy corns off with fingers tNo pain I Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little i Freetone on an aching corn. Instant- j ly that corn stops hurting, then you lift It right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freeione costs but a few cents at any drug store.! but is sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without sore-j nesa or irritation. i Freeione Is the sensational dlscov-! ery of a Cincinnati genius. It I wonderful. I RrwrwmO NFWS.REVTRW. T11VPWAY. MAY 80. 1930. FOR SENATOR Here From Portland Ex-County Judge R. V.' Mcrstcrs. now with the Pacific Culvert and Flume Co., returned last night from Salem and Portland, where he has been attending to business matters. Over 17000 people read the News Review every day in the week. E. L. C0BURN Candidate for Republican Nomination for Secretary of State Present C( unty Ckrk of Josephine County. fPnld Adv.) CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alw ays 1 .' the Signature ICE Our wagons are now ready to deliver ice anywhere upon phone call, and will be running on regular routes in a few days. Ice will be Strictly Cash this year, or the coupon sys tem, which are the best for everybody. Hooks are now on sale at $5. $10 and $20 each. Phone your order for book now and avoid the rush Inter, when we are very buy. The price is one cent per pound. Roseburg Ice Co. C. B. CANNON, Mgr. Oregon's Resources COMMITTEE. St. John i iif KuUicrUn. W. E. St. John was in town for a few hours last Sunday, coming in from Portland on the morning train and returning on Monday evening. Mis condition Is improving very sal llsfactorily, but it will probably be several weeks before, his physicians will allow bim to return permanent ly. This was Mr. St. John's first visit here Bince be went under the care cf physicians in Portland two months ago. Sutherlin Sun. VOTE 508 X YES FOR We nro called upon to vote Yen or No on the Imhuihico of Sven Tliounnnd (7H)0.00) Hollar In bonds for tho purchase of liie Haiuut field In the Mouth end of Itoseburg f r an aviation livid. We believe that Ui time ha come when a city without an aviation ftfld in like a Miip without a rudder. A city located a favorably aa Itoae-' hunr would be hope lewd y unproffreHH ive and could not maintain It place In tho development of the great Northwest nor would It be entitled to Income a commercial center without It. Aviation in here to fttny, and a city Ignoring il ' destined to become a mere Htage village. Wo need the ground for other purpoaen. Additional It. R. trackaffo Ih required and other development need additional frroundJi. It is a ffrd investment and buNlnea proposition. No penton desiring a greater I&oe bii re and eommiuiity will vote no, but will cat a vote for proftrew and development. 508 X YES Will Do Something for Your Town I. Abraham Dr. E. V. Hoover J. E. Pelton (Paid Adv.). Stock Mali Here j G. Debernardt, of Crescent City, I California, arrived In Roseburg last night and will spend the next two ' weeks on his large stock ranch on the North IIninn:ia Mr, nphfrnanll has an injured wrist which he has' had treated since last March, and ow-' Ing to the fact that it was giving' him some trouble when he arrlvod In this city he had an X-Uay plcturo"' taken of the injury this morning. ' PROGRESS S. D. Evans A. C. Marsters F. H. Churchill PAOB THRFH I The plate disclosed a small broken bone about one inch from the wrist Joint. .... Returns to IUxburg Ellon Asvado, wno nas been re siding at Tenlno, Wash., for several months, has returned to Roseburg to again make her home here. She left this morning for Sutherlin to visit with friends and relatives for a short Advertise In News-Review. J. VV. Hamilton J.VV. Perkins ; E. B. Stewart