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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1920)
RQSEBURG MEWS-REVIEW Today'sEdition Reaches Over 17000 Readers In Which it Included The Evening New and The Roseburg Review f. UOSr.lU HO, ORKt.ON, A.K.NEStAY, MAY IttUU. VOI IX, NO. ISO, OF TIIK KYhXIXG NEWS - ftp. ROSEBURG TODAY torthwestAdmen Spend Two Hours In uty nm re taking of Luncheon. HEAD OF SCHEDULE Lfc In Northern P i . .. ..... Iluilnr 'I Iiall Lrt t'liUlid .much - Had Bei. Kled 4tim- ... nt phpdule Twenty IlHltUll a " Jwriy announced -"""y" Ul Ltau arrived In Uoseburg at morning. The caravan an li iiwlf Willi h deafening .u o horns, whistle, and sir ire 01 , streeis. a P1 ...,. receive a ..n huinrt? ai uh - -- - D, of gasoline and oil. The flrst consisted o( twenty-live car.. '. industries and walk, of life the Pacific northwest. The sec- quota consn-icu . J, lhe army s eniry oi ..u.. Emissary Muck. lied Cross ambii- Ice and oilier 'mi F . . i fin hour made nere io- uuu' " . half while the travelers en- led their luncheon. l the lead car Governor on Olcott. r. " r,., kndborg. "HIU carrei-i i... v Stran-itiorg, piioii-;-- ,,...iH H:,ilav. Light & Power L aire-mr of the Pacific hhwest auto caravan. During this k, however, an tin. hiated to just plain "Bill, the offi- coat. fThts is Ihe biggest demonstration Its kind ever anemptea, mi. Wndborg said. "We are going in to California to if ie northwest: not aione i.e. Ic beauties nor her attractions to Isu. but we are taking along and women representing her in rles and her great businesses, to that we also have a commer Ufe that l worthy of Investlga l At every step we are holding Crania In which ihe northwest is Hi advertising of the kind that is. All the way down we ar ft to write the northwest in hip fcra and California will know that re Is something north of that state We do not desire to divert tlio fist travel from ralifornia that lot our aim. Hal her it is our le- to have the tourist travel com fa the east to California and then a mighty river flow northward the Pacific highway througa gon, Washington and Idaho. To e this tuoveint-nt successful we urging each city to adopt the to of "Give the visitor 10U cents every dollar he invests." If we t the tourist fuir and square he be aatistied and will be a boost- loternor Olcott met the caravan IFortland. lo which place it was fcmpanied by Governor Hart of hlngton. The Oregon governor I go through to the state line and I then return to Salem. '1 didn't think much of this mat- untll I j-uned the caravan at iy slackened only in passing pi. - construction la still uuu ..a some places the roads wore , . to be dusty, but nothing liinuere-. the progress of the cara van. All details of the trip have beam carefully worked out and It is expected that Stockton will be reached without mishap. Harold Howell to Stay at Monmouth .'. FOCH WARNS FRANCE CONTEST IS OFF.TOPREPAREFOftWARi Lack of Co-operation Forces 'Addresses Annual Meetir.gof A. G. Sutherland Goes Into Executive Committee to Call off Race. Paris School For Army Engineers. Records to Ascertain the True State of Affairs. Votes Obul.ieU Through the Sale of Odessa in Hunda l ltusiai. Miarn ; Cmnily, Affali-a lit... In n llusloes. SALEM, Or. .May lit. Harold CHANGES ARE MADE BOLSHEVISTS HOLD CITY A FULL EXPLANATION murdering Lillian Leuthold, was In Salem yesterday on his way to Mon mouth, where he will spend the sum mer on his uncle's ranch. The lad appeared happy during his stay here, and displayed no sogns of his long confinement In Jail, lie would make no comment regarding the charges preferred against ihm or his trials other than he was happy to e free. Oliver O. Howell, father of the 'oy, sm nt more thnn an hour' at the Buttons Will lie Turned to the Senior Queens Instead of to t lill-lren's Choice. Decline 111 Korrign Currency at 1'arls Today Marks the Tin-le TroiiMU-tioiis. ly AMMciatHI TYess I'AHIS. May '-(.Sounding warning ihul France must In time of Because of the objections raided hy a number of he pareuts ot can didates, the Junior caruivul queen .,..,t..u, nulLwl ,.tr 'I'.iiB . - !..!., lt.hi..w em.rerrinir with members . ""' "'" . , . " , , ,j . , ' decision was reacnea uy me execu- turu tari, (ieneral ocli, who led It. o. iue luiiusmiu a - n e..mmi-. lilt. commiUee wnlin ,U(Ji ust ignt J,-I.e,lcl alllly to victory in the world slon. Mr. Howell siiflere-i tne loss i . , u) . . anlj comnlete ulaus and ' .hhih ih n.ii.iiul meetinir I. ilu- .Milliner, nn-l lteK.rt Shows ;-kkI, Clean, Kirlctel.l Meth-:tl lb In l'.ree. I have been furnished with a slater. ent purporting to represent U.e coll-ctlons and Uisbuiseuielits of Ihe geu-ral load fund of Douglas county tor the year lttiy, in wnicn siuiement it Is claimed that the books show the total amount of taxes The reason for this Is plain. When the county cleerk draws a warrant against any fund, It Is Immediately charged lo lhal fund. The treasurer does not charge this warrant to the fund upon which it la drawn until the warrant is actually presented for payment. As a warrant may be held1 several days, or even several weeks, before it Is presented to the treas urer, it is plain to see that the bal ances shown in the two offices will never agree. The only way any com parison can be made would be by subtracting from the balances shown In the treasurer's office all warrants which had been drawn by the county clerk and not yet paid by the county treasurer. t la the same principle exactly as the balance which a per son's check book may show as com pared with the balance which the bank's books show. When correct, Ihe two always differ by Ihe amount of the outstanding checks. I also find from an investigation of the county record that on January 7, 19S0, the county courl entered in to a contract with Ihe firm of Cran dall Roberts, of Portland, for an audit of the county hooks. A. O. Sl'THKUirAND, K. H. LENOX, Co. Clerk. HIGH PRICES WILL INJURE GROWERS By Demanding an Increased Price Growers Will Suffer Curtailment Orders. CONSUMER IS JUDGE Prohibitive l"rice Put by lirowem ou Apples Results In the Loss of Several Thousand Hollars to the oreliardlsiM. of bis loft hand In a mill accident I trial charitably Inclined citizens of the state came to Mr. Howell's assist ance. . R. L. Whipple today brought suits for collection against A. Spaulinger collected in IS la mid credited to the; and wife for $88. 65; Trevis Dyslnger for lis, and J. I. Sprlngstead for fun is. w hile it is claimed Ihat tho 1 before Justice of Ihe Peace I. B. Sid amount on a 7t) per cent basis would 'die. Mr. Whipple Is acting as col oe IS2.248.K6. leaving the amount ; lector for local firms In these ac which the statement claims has been ; Hons. to formulate and complete plans and ' wur. addressed the annual meeting ., umio in Mirch 1919 .nrt ' . " .T" .""l V ' " general road I und to be f 1 1 7 .4M . as. I for fit. and now reWve. con nensation ' a Ihe ! "i"'"'.0'" -" .11 L army engineers tooay. y r ocii ;nd of , ,moont ,7 1.1 2.74 ' $38.46. The case, were brought In rat- of n2.50 a month. 1 , fr7 FZZZi T. .... - aPI-. tion. d to the road district ! the Justice, court and will be heard The three trials of .his hoy left , lt wa ajjej to Cttn orf this rate, protection urged, as it vas held a ua- MT. Howell almost penniless, accora-. The YotP8 ,ich ate given with each t iutiul crisis would probably arts -, ins to his friends. During the Inst .-arnival button sold will In the fu- ,lnd unless the military arm of the IU.UIK lie tl-'Ulieu IU WUIWI gOVerilllieill WBB Ol IO C-(W II II : .,i . -.l .liulplnt fm, I candidates. The committee greatly tilt. other power, JKrance would be... .,. ., regrets being forced to this action, overwhelmed. i 1' have examined the records' and but because of lack of co-operation . t ,M 0,.s. ' X "Xe of the c",u" .y it has been made necessary. CONSTANTINOPLE. May 19. . . ,,,rUll., the rnrrect.iesa of The committee commended the od , ,, clajin d hy the Itus- -- t" boy scouts and extended Its that ks ,ta i,niah.vlst. and rumors of t,s examination that It is true thai to the orgauiratiou lor its service, capture by Ukrainian forms have not V . . of ,UI,.g coiiected Ihe boys having spent three days in heva ubs(antiated by later messa-s . ... . . lltd lo ...e .efieral selling buttons and disposing of a fro,n the fighting center. The allied r " J, f,,,, u 1 " 7 49 8 38 Of tlU large quantity of them I commission here are lucking official ulllmmt n()Wever. only $111.1105.11 It was also decided to receive per- lnformatlon concerning the siiu.i-, . , ,918 ro mission from the city to depultie ll(m. . , the remainder of $6443.27 h-lng de- several carnival workers. giving Korelirn t'lirreiicj' Declines. V,,,., r, n vrar 1BK lo them police power .0 better handle PAms. May ID.-Another ' 1 were coHec'-d the crowds during the festivities. 'decline In foreign currency occurie-i d , , the 'r 1919 1 alll flnd A discussion was held regarding on ,he Parig market this morning. A (rom h81l(1 riit.,',r,lB lha', t, hns been ne coming iwiugiu i.-Bue ouna sterling optn-o ai is iraucs, . , ,,U8(oll ror the county clerk, up on or-ler inuue by llie county court, Resolution Passed at Last, Night's Meeting Pledges Support Local Post. contest are to be turned over to the gn centimes. A high official of tin PAIGN 10 START American Legion Will Have Nation Wide Campaign May 17-22. lo up, kin ion lo t'ueh mad district ii DONATION IS MADE Plans Considered to Put Over Win ter Caralvnl TIii-oiiaIi the CoaMt liailtnuiilia Service, Which llus ItepreNentative Mere, carnival iun. ana ...e "e.-a...c anR or rrBUce expresseu uie view (u 70 . C(.llt of lhe roud u.g committee is desirous of having a lnat the sharp decline in exchansto eV)rd ech year, whether or not all imKe ."y. : r. . .. -' " m,,, taxes had been actually c-n- LOCALPOSTTOINCREASE ance. The high school band wll play fllvll , tn,: 0)d ,..;vhvlum. ruled by U . d . the-deftelencr between thai.. ...... for the game, and other attractions , tnP ,aw 0, ,llp,y nd .lemand. , '"nt , ' a"tua"ly c oil. "led and ' ' ""PI""' r"t legion W.ll K11. nenvor 10 A-i-l .viany 11 no re in Accord Willi Alms Will will be offered. A parade will pie rede the came, and aulolsts are a-ked to Join. A holiday will be do- HQf ElUriUge ler-, -J clirod after 2 o'clock and all me i rantile houses will close. I Preparations have been made for I decorating the streets and the flags nnd bunting will be put In place tne i the entire amount credited being a-1-; tunced out of the general road fund 1 ' -it In-! county. W hen these d-'lin-1 inn nt taxed have been collected, the ) general road fund Is then relm- ! ; hursed. It therefore follows lhal of. He Taken I p Ncl Meeling Pauses Awav S Iiiii'mm,! It Iheref-irp foil-IMS dial of U.mhan nt lha ITninrillA Post of the collections during the year l-il'Jjthe American Legion are preparing telegram was received (his the sum of which was col-1 for the great nation wide campaign hy Mrs. ('. S. ll-'inllno lo lected from delinquent taxes, did not for membership which begins In tlint her lather, Itev. K. O.'in any naiiicular b-ong to lite road every post on May 17th, and con- inseball team were aliufffloned and It j itoseburg within a few days. I Kiiisconal chur-'h in this city, ready received Ita full quota by ad- The Loglou now has npprovlm .as definitely decided that the or-! 11 was rep7 ,,,' hee.i Passed away at 3:30 at Seislile, va:i.emeut from the general road alely one and a half million Hium- nnUation will not be represented in l'ne 10 lne c""";! ,"," 'r,Tn!an where he Is filling fhe Methodist turn!, and the general road fund was , hers and seeks lo g I a million he baseball field this year. The completed ana tiiat lnntuon ian . T, d . rnml, a8 a ;lK11 ri.t,bur.el out of d.lin-1 more. When it Is remembered that equipment recently ordered and pur- w '" to j,,.,. 1 i.-i nl i ,,e. who had qu. nt taxes ...ll.ct. d in the year j four and a ha million men and k.., . 1 a ui ,.r n nni I'll'l Au 4 II 111 II (IVI II H IPdiL'H 1 WUHIfU ml V VI IKIIIlt' 1(11 Ml fill Mfl nil I II At the regular hl-monthly meeting first of next week. The contract lor moni , ,f Umpqua Post. American Legion, ; this work has been given to oi t- ,e effei.t rKn t.lana f., 1U fn, ,11 :l t inn nt H 1HUU llllll, will... o... - chased by the legion was sold lo '", ,h. r,.ivi heard nothing of an illn-ss. Mr. and ll!l. have been very satisfactorily mud soo-ls having been turned over at ni-vuai cujm. op Miss Welch, representing the Coast Chautauqua service, was iieem made an offer to put on the winter carnival sponsored by that organi zation, under certain considerations. The matter was discussed at some length and a committee composed of .lames Goodman, Frank Lilliurn and Guy Cordon were appointed to in quire into this matter more thor oughly and act for the local post In ...iiin n Heelslon. In the event it i h few exceptions, and tho outlook train for S-asnle. ami will remain -he year Jl rr taxes or the coming event is very good. I until after the funeral. All arrange- 1918 nil . Sev- tity p-r c. or tne coming event is ve y g weni wll, be postponed until th. Ir,; sum, which would be the Aged Riddle Lady I more serious than several he had "had. before, no apprehension was Susan A. Thrush-Hlundell, whoaj . lt .,n,, jsl before his death. t'eath occurred yesterday morning, ; ,lh occur,,.,! at 3:30. Iiv. Kid was born In Iowa, April 1. Isa3. She r,?e wa3 pas'.er In this city tame across the plains with her Par"i years ago, and had visited here upon the world war In army, nuvy or mucin ut of this corps. It does not si -in that th apportion-fleglon's aim is an extravagant one. I arrival According to Ihe telegram, ""'in oi ' I " mi u-isimu. mr- uiunuj, Itev Kldridge was taken suddenly aiiiounis lo $77.738 .67. 1 lind thai . hlch there are now about 9.1 SOU, re 111 with acute Indigestion, and a doc- " "'la amount $71,128.74 was ac-; port tlut their chief obstacle ill get I m i-, ri.. ... ' lually apporlione-l to the roail Uls- i tnK nlcn to loin has been mere III Hurifrl Tnmnrmn L. r,n ii,-,i !', -.'tt-k s-emed io''ril't fund -luring the year VjVj. and e,.,a. Thousands of men are con tillriea iOmOrrOW Urt that V ."': .f.T.! .? 1.47 apportioned to the ,.,, , ,h. dM.lral.mtv of legion road district fund on K-tiruary o. membership and are In hearty ac 1920. the last being the apportion- eoTll wh itl) prln(.p0,. (t the5 mi nt from taxes received late in the h fii t "nhev lhal linn.ilse' Blx year If. 19. making the total amount m(t hm.on,e a(.tVe members. It Is be- .11 uie i:n mini i-i'i" ","''" lleved a national- membership pusi. roud district I iiii.I in the sum of $7..- ,,,v le additional Impetu. 2'..6.21. This leaves on hand and un-thut w cauBe a mJo,.llv ol apportioned at the present time the yMl of (nera , J()n tl)e ,,.,. sun, of $443 3.. Instead , The legion ha. done enough t.ene Kilifornla boosting one htrndred vation army, was present and spose ; plare noar Bandon. She was mar- Maryland, and as about 7 years of a,,ve ,., r,., r(.,i to. The small amount u"n'ot , , cent stnuis for the Pacllic north-: briefly regarding tne orneo..- r,ed to James K. . niunoen. ..iay nee at t,e tini. f his n.atn. in an- llft 0a hnnd has evidently not been ' ' k and th,v will n.n this eo.mtrv ' dor wav. The no donated $Ja. as children liaving been . , ir. iielnline. he Is sur-' ,, , v; ,,,r ,h,. reason "' the organltalion or not, to earn i. fthc map f.,i all time. . This cara- an orgaization and individual mem- borQ ,0 ,hl6 un0n. six of these, child-, ,:VPd b his , :,;,, whom he mar-, , , )t la too B1ai m apPortlon hKh place In the afTeclions of tties. I will ak hM.. . ,,.. ,ii ofTre. ........ .o.H..rf additional amounts. r,.i..- her. Maud lavls. of Port- i ...... ....., m in Portland. ..... ri,..w Hisirirts -if men. The legion has obtained lion. Ilourljt travel, for it demonstrates ! The following resolution was unanl- , d charlea Illiin-lell .of Cody, j : -i .. county mion a inlllng- basis. It .congress an lncr.-use of base pay for conaition of the highway as noth- mously adopted: iWyo.; C. r. Illunifeil, or crams ; . wiU ,,.,f,B . seen Ihat the in -use cniil-i do. Thousands of whereas lhe Home service cam- Paa.. .. p. Dlundell. or linnnnn, . - r..r,.ne from the rina hav.i Ijeen turned back at ! nnion of the Salvation Army naanoi;.. Ih veiison. of Handon, and h. : tu a i,.iitii,n.d to the ellect that sonic I-alifornia line because Ihev have I heen a success in Douglas ; hi,,-,!,... Df North Uend. Th I a "a.i roaas in Oregon ana ; county; and funeral will tie "neia ni me mumr A's- iated Press ) n -i.y uriiiuuBuoicn i . v. nereas, me . - cemetery at z p. m- "u-n"j. it rteel.le.l lo Dut on tliecarnlval a.. 1..1.,, and Kllzabeih Trimble ',,.' ne-a.lons. lie was held hland." Governor Olcott sal-l. rive-nlght entertainment will De pro- . thrush and spent the early part or 1 I; hl(,h resp..,. )V his friends in tins P now 1 realize what a truly big vided for mid-wtnter. , her girlhood at lanyonMiie, uregou, ,,jtv who arR d,.piy shock, d at mo t. it ia. These people are going Mr. Chilcotc, representing the Sal- Ulter moving with her parents to a demise. He was born In southern HOOI) RIVER. Or.. May 19. II. Davidson, apple shipper, who is , interested in the canning industry. varus growers against setting exor- jltant prices on their product. The canning Industry, according to Mr. Llavldson, who himself is a grower, owning one of the largest local fruit .racls, aa the result 01 nigu cost o. , aw material, frulls and sugar, is .aclng the necessity of curtailing lhe pack the coming season. "The situation Is going 10 reouunu ; iltlmately," says Mr. Davidson, "to . he detriment of the grower. We can . lind an example of growers over- , .slimming the value of their proii.ici : Hid the resultant bad effects in the j ipple deal of the past season. "Growers last year, on the open 11 g of the market, priced their fruit it a figure that curtailed conaump- 1 Ion. If the values had been st , ower, low enough to have kept .10- j .ilea moving swiftly Into actual con- , .umptlon, northwestern apple grow- ! ra would be thousands of dollars j letter oil today. The grower must J iccept a reasonable price for his pru luct or kill the demand. Demand Kails Off. 1 "The consumer In the end deter- ; nines how many apples or how much : f a fruit product, or any other pred ict for that matter. Is going to bo j old. Where the pilc goes beyond 1 certain figure, the consumer will i ease to buy. Growers cannot afford .' 0 produce such a aituailon as this. "As a vice-president of A. Rupert 1 Co., who operate nine canneries In 1 regon, I have had occasion recently .' o refer to correi-piindt'nce from Jok ers. These dealers are all ready to urtall orders. They stn'e that til l rice, both of fruits canned In ordin ry syrup and preserved product. Is olng to be so high, according to resent indications, that orders are olng lo he relatively small. ln 'eed. orders arc only a half lo, a bird of expects 'Ions. Sugar Koine Factor. "Of course, lhe high cost of susar s ail -'lenient In lhe canning deal. have heard the sugar growers be ng accused of respoiiHlbiliry for lie? creased cost of the product. In fact, he refiner, in my mind. Is doing the urger part of the boosting, lr sugar iliinters are wise they will work lo irevent the prohibitive prices, whie:i .re certainly going to result In a arge decrease In consumption of ugar. The con-Ill Ion Is going to res ult in a boomerang that will ulti lately be hurtful to growing Inter- , sis." Mr. Davidson's warnings are cor--obornted by ihe Hood lilver Can ning company, which specializes on 'lark seedling straw berries hero. "At a price of 15 to 16 cents a ollnd for strawberries." says I. R. cheson. of the canning concern, "a 20-ounce can of our product will cost he consumer about $1 tile coming ear. This will cerlnliily place It In lie luxury class and will be hurtful ill around. " DA .vci-: AT foiid all d-nibi that the road 13 . tion Army Is of great Importance toiT s Mogher of Kiddle, officiating. f-..- mm iapy wm no longer turn 1 ,he people of Douglas county " ...., ,ey win come nru. igtate r Oregon; una i have the Pacific highway open I ichu. the Salvation Army has; n.,.-,.,, hlomhpr : SAN FK A. .CISCO. May I ". Price cultini- In lhe pale of tex- tile materials, hats, furnish- j4 IngP, and lines of that nature, a .1.. ,.rr...t!i-0 her,. A var earner ,. ever bc(ore Uown Ita bonalr devotion to the .UPWHlM ; , ,1 ,, wed this i tins fa,t wll nrove of creat , 10 to the welfare , p..' i.JT yesi.riiii). '0 us. 1 an. a ad I decided lo ! ."..Tiers in the great Of i C.V OOCltflV ? ' ' ' .7.. I ,, :ri .lie - ' ;w a ihk . u - - 'A u.n.,1.1 l, of at from cara.'sn left Eugene this; v-' , .hor.fnre be it resolved, by, . . . ,,. ...... r,, Poit No. 18 01 '.ne ...e.. . - -- ,Vnuey Co., and who i roenlar meeting assembl- with the J. . 1 . emi y . ". : - . . k.,.nii" m- Ts Dersonany sn-.-ii - r .: . . . - - . t- it was found that the that this ''"""'""',; Salva-1 readers, has Just become a member wwwwww,---j as much belter than an- :-" h8. r"'P". " L ,..d In It. . of the International Association of Med and Itoseburg was reached 1 t,on Army Ior ' 1, ,d herebv pra.tlp-'dists. an organization inror-.w ...i.,. - i of ti ,....?j fcacnej . . ervice work and herenv "1 chartered under the . . . , I.U'.,. .. . :'ih its hearty sunnort 10 sa.u -,.. 4 The army In. planes t lt n ,h, and i noon .od.v' cause, and urges upon a 1 of .ne p"- - m ray f-i aar- kettle of Clossett an 1 , P' r 1 ?' .. 2 ..Id cause F-ra corfep ., nf eonlribiitlng to said cause. itli'w.r. ri ,,..,. . . ! AdnDted May 18. IS"." . h .,. in the anatomy stop f this t I-h. wnfnr nm'.tw nn i..i .1..... I a m . ...u.. ... 1 1 I 1 n.p-l -la ""iim 1 auie lime im'i , , ... oil b,ra,.8e of expected bad LR'Vt h . th he,.!, Attpot: 01 V t- atiii as buud ami ni-; 1-- mw icr;idiiaed whlrh arc ! tn K.iK"ii on 1 from the American S-hool of Praetl-, Thursday l-r the aerial - reus nedT . of Chicsgo.after having taken to be given -here wll pro-a My r.K"Lh course In the anatomy stop In K-ehurg on the r- turn I tho dfsabled from $'10 to $S0 stateiii-'nt abow uioniit. 11 lias si.j.isui . iit,iini... fleet that some- of elulius for war risk Insurance fo. ., ... ,.-.. i,,i f i .. v to ihe service men and their dependents. road -i strict fund has been withheld, Pnlll the legion t.K.k hold, the f-l-is enlirelv erroneous. 'eial board for vocational Irainlng I have aim been furnished with a was not functioning properly In many stntement to Hie efl-t ihat during districts. Recently a plan of co-op 'he last calendar year Hie increase. I , oration between Ihe legion and the expense of tin- county in and uroun-l board has been devised, that prom the courthouse approximates $-0.-1 fses to speedily solve Ihe rehalillHa (.29.78. I have examined the record . 1 -ion problem for all the disabled, of disbursements. for ihe years 191H 1 The legion has helped lo secur. and 1919, covering Hems expended I preference for ex-servlee persons and In and around Hie: courthouse, wlilcil tl.elr w idows In civil service appolnt nre grouiieri in lhe r-ir-ls under Hi" ..tents and special prelercnce for the following heads: Sheriff s 'offlc. . disabled. clerk's nffl-e, treasurer's office, as- Th(1 (our fold conipensatlon hill .. ps'.r's ottic ". courthouse, circuit , tlir aj rx.s,.rv- persons, now be eourt, rouniy i-iiirt, current exp-nses fnKrW(B , ramilliir lo all as be ard miscellaneous. The total expense )nl( n(( handiwork of the I. Kion of all lliese hes-lnigs tor tne year, jlkl. ,,, those (lavs Just following de vils was $5o,ir. 47. and for Hie : ta,ollllxas1 Ion. the legion was an active y. ar 1 '1 1 9 ws $r, 1.777.89, an in- : . . re-einployinent and co- favan al was served. The ! the occupj.d the camp grounds, ,ckcr-i Adopted May 18 if-". ,.., , ,hroueh course In the anatomy " " Attest: 01 Y COIIPW, auju.-..- - . , ,h, d, ,r, .c.,r "llg o ....,.'. ,..,, y , - ,nd discomforts to which Kelly, who 1 now 1,1 r Fae; Pisco almost to tne limits. to lllaine. ine name u for feet, are " 'V ", " . -.,.. from whl-h place he will trlirt IH one ui i"" -1 ... n.hnflf Ol rriiv" ihk . - - ,..i. r 1 .i ...-1 hud MH0 whii- . . . ... .v.. y.(.w,1ilf,.. finn otT fm ' "H" 'iinni . ih f,iAlimi W " ir,w from the contest . M- corrective lie .raduated ton. Caf , nr Ih. " " uii. -"- hlch had . " , a ... .,ncd and if sil h Is th r. ase of $ 1C 18. 92 I iuive also i" --ti furnished with a sla'eiuent purp irting lo show th" balanres on D-' 31, 1911. showa In tho various funds on the books of the county clerk and also 0.1 tne oo-.KS nr uie couniy .rens-ir-i. operated with national, stale and prl 11te organizations to speedily return seril-e men to profltal.lo and suit able employment. A recent act of the organization hrj been to raise a fund throughout II h which to decorate ... ,h. nnll.,1. flit furnished ihere la, ., .. . .,,u.r a,..a m dlffer-iice of approxlmr.tely II 4.-. K T ,h piirp0e tho money 11 I,. lhe lota of the ha ance shown : r ran . .0 .... e . ...,. ,., case .. ..... , h.,.,1,. I. 1. Is being forwaru.-i .0 ... uiiicem. rPDru" i nnr ithipu iiiip ... . . . .t.i- hpr to run al "-" v . . nf thA in. rreat f1"l lnrin m innni"-. w ltp that ,mm ahowa imh ia mannur m r- . .,tM ,, i - in h. " mr. inn Rivnai rnrn : huni soul inr flr rrillar - 1 .. . 1 . .v a k.p aln ine kwi crrfs , t was impoaaii fclc, P tronbls both The first general dance of the 01.' ing season at Tiller will be held Sat urday night. The ron-ls are good, ind auto parties from Itoschurg and idjacent towns will find a weicome iwaitl.ig them at Tiller. Good music, .Iways. 4 MIHIK PltH I-: CI TI IMf. (Mv Associated Press. 1 CHICAGO. May 19. Reports of price cutting In wearing ap- 0 parel continue 10 sweep Die country today, owners of di- parliiienl stores anii-iii m lug re duetlons ranging all the way from 20 to ail per cent. Market Quotations Showing Slight Drop lly AwocUlesI Pre." 4 PORTLAND, May 19. The market opened today wi.n quo- w tatious of 114 to l-"-. cents w for choice steers. IIK are also 4 weaker, price quoted lor pr.nn. mixed lots being from nn 10 15.35. The demand tor sne-e " 4 Is weaker today but iinrhsnncd I 11. ler and ecus ' whom had overseas1 ! Rudolph Roller 01 ,ne , nd womw Who nave tinea w . left last nignt 7" ' .hnvea for this particular urancn - 11.111 n.e . fctn I IS eXIl"' led. W.ll W whi,h Ih. ColintV hllSlll-'SS S Con- . ' " ' A . rlo ;V,'','!", H.-l..n I. a very power- l- h-re for several hours while rtc.,. As wa'l.r of fact, the b'.vt'":j,." A ateady with prices of earlier fined vestlgation of the lauding site. shown bv the books of the county great many 1 linn:. .:'n in any later, left 1.-. da., ,hemsel 1KB IH IH I- ciiuidit viT - - - ltfc V T clerk aid of tha eountr treasurer. lc reciprocate dt jo.o.... .... - ..A-,4)444w 4444 44444)444 never a(ro and aever should acre, bow. ) tMd ti -"a h. ' " of work. "vm WOQ1UOII. Ul TUUUOS wim