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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
rAOKVOlU ' 1 . -" ' LETTCBS FROM THE PEOPLE M I Yoy'S! Like 8t Th first choice cf millions of housewives for over a quarter of a century. Proved best most economical by many tests. Makes most palatable and sAeetestof foods. Calumet Baking powder is used by more Domestic Scientists, Chefs, Restaurants, Kotela, Rail roads, and Housewives than any other brand. Call for Calumet BakingPowder. Ua, toe notea auuior Idah MSGlone Gibson K.UU, 9 LKTTKH. 0 CITY NEWS & Arundel, piaao tuner. POons lSSUj Podge louring- car for sale cheap. Five good tires. Ad- & ,ir... v o R.ji 963. Wa ub and polish carl at Vet- tan a garage. fprella Coraenere. Clara Corum. ' Pbona. 403-R. Ill W. Waab. tf. Wt pay the highest price for Cas - eara bark. Berger's Bargain Store. Poultryroen get your kale plants I from Earl Vosburg, 702 Fullerlon, tOe per 100. Vole for Fred Lockley for 8ecre .! tary of Stale. He la short on prom '' lea but loaf on performance. (Paid Adr.). Wo pay the highest price for Ca e.ira bark. Birger'a Bargain Store. Jnie-sulphur spray, sulphur foi fertiliser, sulphur for plant dusnug lime In Bbls., arsenate of lead, black leaf foty. L'mpnua Valley Krull ( nlon. We are now serving lunches, and our bre-akfaais are the very otfal Dnn'l furiref the food thlnea thai come from our s.ida fountain. Our candles are always fresh, - and wf make our own plea ana cakes. Jim rv them. The VnrlPleaf. CRM St. mm&BQf rcs&fw decay (3M I psin right eway with - PAIS? HE life, the valve, the beauty of your home, . depend on the care you (five it. Weather-beaten and warped siding, cracka and open joints are forerunners of decay. Many property owners ner'ect to look for siirh signs, judging their houses and buildings by general appearances only. It is good business to make regular inspection of your property, and to use paint of good quality, which is the purest preventive of decay. Through the varying conditions of weather in all their extremes, FULLER Paint has proved both its preserv ing and beautifying qualities a Pacific Coast Product for Pacific Coast requirements. 71 years of paint manufacturing experience are back of every blushful of FULLER Paint Some of the FULLER Products HOUSE PAINT FLOOR PAINT PORCH and STEP PAINT SHINGLE STAINS 8ILKENWTUTE ENAMEL For ulterior woodwork. DECORET combined stain and varnish in ail shades for refinishing furniture, etc. VARNISHES DEKORATO the Sanitary Kalsomine AUTO ENAMEL W. P. Fuller & Co. J lUDERS if" 1949-1S20 Northwest Branch Houses at Portland. Seattle, Ta coma, Spokane, Boise I Look t o a 7 After reaching homo I made to liiys-if for not road inn Karl '. in .lard's ku.r. Ii. f:i t, 1 hung up nv -'at wfhmit taking it out of the, and yet 1 was consumed with euriosity to know what was In It. It's very human to turn an en-ilon- over and over in your hand rnd wonder what the U tter contains when It would be the easiest matter in I he world to Ju-t own It and read the ui:slve Uut with me there was something over and above mere -urlosl-y. 1 really wanted to kuow Vhar K;irl Shenard had written, and yet I did not think It was quite right for me to read another oem snih as he had written me the last time. It was too personal. Filially when I could make no more ei'tises to myself I took out the letter and read: "If you only knew, my dear Kaiherine, hi.w much pleasure I get in sending my thoughts tn you. you would nut allow any Puritanical prejudices to stand In the way of reading them. lU'ivon fur Ills Jiy. "Hnw do I know that you have prejudices against reading them? Why. my dear. I know you. 1 know you perhaps better than you know yourself. 1 know your lo.vr.lty and steadfastness to John and because of It 1 am not quite sure that you will ever read this letter; and some times I do not care if you never do. The Joy I am getting out of it is the Joy of sending my unexpurgated thoughts to you. 'l have learned. Kaiherine, one wonderful thing about you shall I p.-.y friendship? and that Is that there Is really much more happiness In giving love than there is In re eivjne It. Much as I would like to know that you arc well, that ou are happy, and that you "are thinking a little tiny bit of me occasionally, I would rather that I would give up ho sound of your voice of your nearnes than the wonderful Joy of my dreams about you. I am out here tonight In I.otus land mv dear Katherine. all the way rfown the Nile. Lotus are In bloom. The whole river is creamy white with he blossoms, and the moon turns h.-m at free to silver and then to opal as it flirts with them caregsin- hhind the clouds. r one ees an Eevptian moon anywhere Ise on earth except riEht here and I am not alone, because you are with j ne. More with me than you ever Acre, when 1 was close beside you j n that occidental latl of youth and i energy. 1 thank the fates every day that I had s'ept the earlier Part of mv ' life In making money lots of moojy I because 1 am afiaid. if 1 were no. blo to indulge in my dreams now, that my buatm-sa would sunVr grtai ily. I am smiling at myself, dear. when I think what my fnenus woui.i My if tliev could look down in my heart and find the trend of my mind iheee days. Kvery one of Ihein woul.l ihink 1 had gone i.nd. "You aee, 1 have gone thouaind of miles away from you Just to find you; and I am eiijoylns every -nun rte of It out her alone with you to il IK Ii'. "You know I ciin't picture you back th. re in the little country ch': w: ere I first met you. cr even walk ing the sleepy s-reet uhieh you have so often described to me as dividin. the town where you were born. In stead I see you here, silting bosld me. In one of these oiiccn rattan chairs, with your eq lislto profih outlined again! the moon-lishted rky. 1 am a fno'b'h sort of a creat ure, am I not? Hut honestly. Katn orlne. I believe other men are Jus' as romantic, just as idealistic as I am when they find 'he one woman and vet some way they are aha:ne.l to tell It. I don't think I could !el all this to anvune but you. Indeed. I do not think that I could even teil It to you. I ran onlv write ni dreams, not knowing whether voi will ever read them, and so I am en Ing to say 'good nisht' anil, just si' here In the moonlight with you be side me.'' Footlmll of Fate. I wonder if fate Is always taneline up the threads of other people's lives as she does mine? It is my destiny, ft seems, never to pet a letter from Karl Shepard. hreaililng the most poetic devotion, that I do not re ceive one exactly opposite from John. Is fate Joking or d'les she want us fully to unders'and the difference be tween a husband and a lover. While I had been away a special delivery letter from John the let ter I had gone to meet had passed me by and Hannah had re-etwd it and placed it in tny room. I did not notice it when 1 first came In. my thoughts were so taken up with the envelojie in my po.kot, now as I went to place Karl Shepard's letter in a drawer 1 s.iw .li hu s ;i ( . the dresser. It was in a !uincF3 envelope and It evidently had been written from rn office in the oil fields, for It reeked with the odor c erue oil, from greasy smudges upon it. As I tore it open 1 had a feeling of be ing a spectator at a play', so coincl dently had letters from these two men been coming to me lately. Tnrncms- Ited ew. F.I.KHKAI 1TF.M1. Fd. MiCrarken is wnrkin; for Ted , Modee in Scotts valley. j Mrs. Eve Oider, of Yoneulla, and j Mrs. Bessie Ford, of Vs."hin'Con. 1 are visiting at their parents' home, Mr an4 Mrs. Woodward. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Pugh visited Miss Maybetle Shortridge. of Lon don, last Sunday. Rev. Cartel, of Yonalla. preachtd :n the church at E'.khead Sunday. Bobby Campbell is back to his qrindparei.t, Mr. Cross, after sev eral weeks visiting with relatives. Mace McCraeken is working at the quicksilver mine. Several families were In town tc Yopcalla to the funeral of Earnest Thompson. PROFESSIONS ORf MRS. F. I. OWBX Cut-Flowers Phon. HO 403 W. Csss DR. R. P. RRAInFORD n.'E Chiropractor. West Rosnburg Phone 40F4. PR. CMIK K. AIJ.F.. Dentist at ' 131 Perkins Building, Rosburg 1 Oregon. Office Hours: to 11 s nv 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 65 , TOO LATE Death only a matter cf short :ime, Dont wait until pains and aches become incurable disuses. Avoid painful consequences by tatinj GOLD MEDAL 0Mi Ths world's standard remedy for kidney. livr, biadder and uric acid troubles th j National Rcneriv of Holland since l&as. Guaranteed. Three sizes, all dripsts. Leek ler t. ua, Geld MUI ea eeerr bra If you have something to sell or rent try an Adr. in the News-Review DR. M. H. I'MTUm Chiropractic Phys.ctan. tit W. Laru St. Elec trical treatmenta. Hours 9 to 5 Phone 15J Office Hours: 1 to It. I to 4. Phones; Office. 171: Res., 171. UK. LLCLTf A SMITH. PHYSICIAN Women and Children Dlaeasea a Specialty. Office. Masonic Building .ook I'd a FCI.l.ER DEALER in Your Town Sheet MetalWork OF ALL KINDS J. H. SINMGER llfl V.Sh STKKKT fHO-VK A New Flour with an old name "Pride of Dou2Ias" 40.. HARD WHEAT . giving the flour the sweetness, arotra and nut-like flavor of the wheat. Try this Home Troduct. Koseburg, Ore.. May 18, 1920. Editor News-Reirlew: 1 ssw an editorial In your ppCT recently giving a plan tor making a ve city tliul 1 thought was a fine idea, it wua a plan for getting ideas Iroin the people at large by the use of printed slips to be dlatrlb.ilvd among them calling for suggestions retarding the welfare of the cliy. An artlile on the front rage of your pa per of Jiay 17 asks "What's the mat ter with Roseburg?" 1 want to Bay ihst the main trouble with Koseburg is that the will of the people of Roso burg is not being carried out. Yean :go the people of this city voted S.'JO.OciJ uuiids for the construction of a municipal light and water plant. Why didn't we get It? I want some body to answer that question. Why didn't we pet it when one dollar would buy what three dollars will buy now? For years we have wanted a city park. At last a public spirited citizen offered a beautiful park Bile to us absolutely free of churge and seems to be having a hard time to get our city duds to take It. It is proposed now to make the pi blic buy an aviation Bite. This proposition Is backed by a deter mined set of business men who will rtap whatever benefit there Is to b-. gained by such a site, and they want the people to foot the bill. The peo- le who would defeat that measure are the ones that have the best in terests of Roseburg at heart, and!!' their will is carried out we will havi a bigger 'and better city, because the city will be full of boosters lusteid of a discontented populace. The peo ple went to the polls and cast a solid vote for a railroad and sawmill but we couldn't have that. It seems we er.nno! have anything that will mnk for a biggor and better city. The aviatlor site would lie a fine thing on 1 aper to spread broadcast over the world but that's all. It would brine moro people here to Join the dls-"on tented lot that Is here. The busi ness men would get what loose bange ihey had and the purpose of ;!ie aviation site would have been .tried, but the prosresslve citizen. of the city do not look with favor on a proposition of that kind. It is claimed airplanes are practi- al as forest patrol, but we have es trbllshed lookout stations with tele phones throughout the forests a! it-eat expense, and they are the most efT'"'" means of detecting ard re ertliu a fire there is. The "pro- ;.-e:sivc" rumens who are so anxious :. r att av-a.rn field ace cs refill not o mention the huge continual ex pense nf maintaining an aviation '. Id after It is once established. Let he business men buy the Ilanan field if they want It so bad. They co:ild 'o It and not miss the monev. The same argument applies to the tour 'st rami) grounds. Nobody wants the camp grounds ex.-ipt the business :mn. Thpy want It for the new dol 'ars it brines In and nothing else, them furnish the grounds. The ity dads have already appropriated -."0 from the city treasury for th 'euefit of the tourist and are Just waiting to see If the people will stand for It to squander a much larger nm on it and lack hundreds more on fnr an annual upkeep. ;)on't be I say vote for something that will make for a bigger and bet ter city. Vote for a municipal light :ni w.iter plant: Vote for the inter ests of the people at large. Instead nf bench of men that are so anxious to add to their dollars. E. E. MORGAN. I tVomen should be taught by those of exneri .... l-"" " nicer lieailil. Intel T happiness, succesa and attractive hornet furT4 be attractive or happy with a despondent r.? wife and mother, suffering from the ills peculiar such as displacements, ulceration, inn-amtC L'!0' ties and the consequent headaches, backache. atiT1 down pains. 4 "Jp; It U sn.-h women who should listen to common t and when such symptoms nppear try tliat mm? :' of all medicines. Lydia E. I'ilAih.un'a VetSlfrSf1 which is made from roots and herbs at.3 confafe cotics or harmful drugs, and which for more than fcV, has been restoring American women to health. Here Is Proof. R05ERUKG MYRTLE POINT MARSHFIELD AUTO STAGE 0EPENDON CCO0S LI fe.' Summer Dress Goods. Beautiful designs in figured and flaided Silks, Voiles, Georgettes, ongees. Klaxons, Crepes, Ging hams and everything for Sum mer wear. FURNISH I NCJ FOR MEN WO'iUN AND CHILDREN. Mail Oracrs Filled Promptly ana SatufjclorDy. I. ABRAHAM DRY GOODS STORf 121 N. Jarkoxa at. Ihne 1IU WARNER'S RUST-PROOF CORSETS M. A. BULEY CONTRACTOR 3'j:ldi Anyt'iing First class ws)i k. Let me figure with you. Box 304, Resi dence 305 Douglas St. Iere r.o bun. dnr et 11) a. M. Leera Mertle foml, 4.1T , jo A. ! Connections at Myrtle Point to ana trom ilarshfleld. Co qullle. B.,niion and Powers. Fare $6.48, Including war tax. ReserTations at main office, 05 Cass St., near depot. Phone 303. or I'mpqua and Grand ho tels. Rapp'a store. TAYLOR & CLINTON 'OOW O0OKHrXOOOOo5 i Fence Fence Fence i Auto Owners! We woalil be pletmed to teel foar Batteries Free at any time and aire joa ernert adrlr no the CJirr of rWilterl. When pnrchMlna: new tkirle. lea ptrt cur price. We ran nte you money. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Ml N. Jarkann St. Rrwbiiri. THE BEST Prlnki of all kinds Coca Cola. Root Ber. and all flar ora of Soda Water. Order by the ease. ROSf&tRG Dm m SUM WCEXS PHONE 186 Poultry and Egs WANTED We pav highest market rrice In ranh. H:ghet market price paid for your cream, no deiaya. Bring In Your Products Roseburg Produce Co. 501 N. Jackson St. phone m Para woren steel coll spring wire (nce. loop ends, no trouble to splice Jim received car load and have in nock the S bar X In., 8 In. stay, 10 har 2s m 8 in. stay for hogs: also 7 36; i bar 39 In.; 10 bar 40 In bar 42 In.; 13 bar 47 In. stock ferine. .nu 20 bar 48 In poultry and al-bit fence. Soft wire fence 7 bar i In. at 33c: bar 39 In. at 42c Alw several kinds of poul.ry fence. 'o 73 inches hlch. Barb wire hrace wire and staple.. White foi pricea. -Trr3s j STEARNS & CHENOWETII Oakland and Yoncalla ! Cokenberry, ria. I had a tumor and Beu.'errd w.tli a aevere pain in my r'iit ti.le. 1 cuiU not suwp to fasle-u my shous and was not aUo to de luy woik. 1 went to lUe eluclor and he gave me ulii:ine ami Uhd Die to suy In bed for at least tiften divs and not even to lift a twiiu of Wiiler till 1 could giein str-nth cnoQh to be oerated ou for I never tronld be well without It. 1 re-nieiii-bered one of my aunts vho had be-en iii the same conelition and wascun-d by your medicine so I took I.y'lial;. 1'iaKham's Vegetable Cnmpouid and got well completely. The tumor has disappeared and 1 am able to do anythiti 1 want to do. 1 recom xneud your medicine to try friends and you can publish my testimonial."- Mrs. 8. K. lttH,i.rji, Box: 111, t- okeslicrry, t a Wak-n5M.S.-IH,a ev-r.nddi.iM.JJ1 will, inwll. l.uim,"'! hl chills a:td nituinjn"1 Tomil at llMt till iSlS Ins i.wsy for many ,un did mi'ol-o,11,a10L11!:r turn, riaallyaiyaaka,, ot m-init fie su:l-r UT ta..l(..n ;i04 ItMBfcl," mo rW.t ajr, ihn 1 ftbi J'okhams VetmU Cina JMl'j v: h-ok nTtnlboi: s, I fi-el ju-.l tie li the ta,,: surely U s won.ler'nl tutrat 1 1 toid -STer.1 UJiis tocn meeliri:ie r.A yoc C4D in moEiJ." Mrs. Juiirt Lfta ! R No. 1, Beel 4, ffsfcili;. bras.: I'neiucsUonubly the Rest Remedy for Womaa'i Db b j Er LyUIA C.PiNKHAM MEOIC'IE CO, t,YNWt'i4fcS$. fmmTfan-UMfrmtmilll TTllsf aTauflaTJanrrtrT all litaHslilfc 0 CITY NEWS & We will pay more than anybody uku trip v.,. A.I. n,A f.w ' - "J . . . J 1, 1 UiUII.II, HOIK ... U IUI prlco before selling. Berger Junk Shop. Phone 182. AsulHiant Slate Highway EnglneeT J. C. Mcl.eod arrived in the city last night and -remained over today look ing ovrr the roads In this vicinity. ' Dance .it Myrt! Cmk H May 21st. Ott's orthota J t:n :;!icnb lubtohl lihe city court for isi3 1 contribtiiion to the citju 15. Mrs. S. H. DIckeM! and Mrs. Sadie Cole,I .li e visiting In this dnlW of the former's ii.ier.fcM SimiuilkiiT. They wiliinatl city several weeks. Our Family Laundry Sere WHAT IT IS A help that will simplify yonr particular wsshdif r"! inch Is our family laundry service. Our driver calls f!l 11 ft. 11- -. 1 ..... . . . . , '11 J. HIT Stl ur uuuuw bl a uenniie nmo eacil weeK, auu i lng in our customary considerate and sanitary " Wrf ROSEBURG --rar- steam um WE SELL " Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Waterlj A SLIGHTLY USED V2 TON TRUCE All' Hardwood Body. A Good W. J. F. BARKER & CO, rrnV IMPLEMENTS AUTOMOBILES TRAJ