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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1920)
IfM. Ui)EUUBaJIJtWJBBVIK W . r r i-. 1 !1 JBTfeflOni?TtON RATES DSJIyTper year, By maUV $4.00 Dully, six months, by mall. ... t 00 By Carrier, per uioulh ...... . .60 Tlr flOtMl'r""!Nclulvely milled to the use (or republication ttsM nbwiTlfcipalcliM credited to It rti not utberylM ciuUlted In till" paper and !' the local newa pub IMied h'4a. All rights or republi cation ul inecial dinpatchea herein are also reaerred. snmniTPTioN hatku The following subscription rates become effective April 1, 1820, for the News-Review: ! Daily, one your by mail....! 4.00 Dally. 6 mouths by mall.. 2.00 By carrier, per month 60 Call at office, par mouth.. .35 Ibmelwr-K, rum, May 20, iOM. TIUU1.NO Stl'I'OltT. The novice In politics thinks all he has to do it to put forward hlt well meant and sincere proKram, an.I that It will win support on lis morits. This is of course the ideal situation. If the promoters of a proposition have ability and a good ruuse, they may he able to put it over. Politics however is a great game of trading support. It hus sometimes been described In these elegant and classic words, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours." If you go to a polltlclun, with the idea or the can- didate that you wish to advance for the good of the community, he will listen deferentially. Very likely hf will give you a guarded assent. Uui -fore you get through with him, he may want his return. Then will come some counter proposition same scheme of his own that he wants advanced and for which he de mands your support. Ijeislative assemblies and muni cipal councils are full of this trad ing spirit. To get a bill throuKh a legislature, a representative may of ten hnve to vote for propositions con cerning whose merits he is very doubtful. There is no offense that rr.n ever be punished. A man who was governed by such exchange of favors, would claim that his action vns taken en the merits of the case. No one could disprove him. The only way to heat that game I? for the people to watch the doings of political leaders and representa tives. Close scrutiny will detect tilt d fference between the man who sees things from the public point of view, and decide every question on Its own merits, from the one who trades sup port for favors, and is governed by personal considerations. eA u mataat hai tust ean diU-ti point in taadard fr.O.ustrlal stocks, and run Bin up iuch mora than that In sonif speculative pma. mis ooe mi rwessarlly mean that the country Is Inytor a bustneaa depression. But !t tfoes mean that the stock market op erators see that the period of extrava ;anre and Inflation is parsing. They feel the rcntment among the people at the high prices, iney can see iui an M.rn nf vrenler economy has beXUU. This means that the time hns pnvi.-d then producers ani uisiriuuiors u ask any old price for their goods, snd know tliey are going to git it. Ihese lndut.trlc.1 corporations musi nmu. Hnrn In mrth and do hUStllCSS on the close margins that used to pre vail. A period when many corpora tions could make 2j to u per rem nn hitf immtniin atock. la abnormal and unhealthy and cun not possibly continue. If Itoseburg expects to fly along with the march of progress It Is nec essary that she have an aviation field. Of course, If the natives want to stand on terra flima and watch the air birds go over they cn have that privileBe but the great ma jority of people In this thriving coni- Minnltv Innk tnu'nrri Inlfilie an act) ve and decided Interest In the coming rapid transit movement inai is oouuu to be a feature In future years to come. Douglas county people don't want in forget that Attorney Charles K. Hopkins is in the rare for Joint rep resentative from Doudas and Jack son counties. This office belongs to old Douglas county and the only way to get it is to line up for Mr. Ifopktns. Primary candidates who have not clready secured reservations for the ".Salt Creek" excursion will get them hsnded out at the close of the pri mary election tomorrow evening. It's a cinch there will be some diaai pointmciits snd a few surprises. Ily all means get out and vote to morrow. Don't "pans the buck" to the other fellow. It's your business to help select thoRe who are to look after the nation's affairs as well as the state and county. "ln(tilrer" sks The News-Itevlew v.hy the voting for convention dele gates la called a primary? Well, per il). pa because so many of the voters act as If they were primary school pupils. Proposed two-cent piece won't buy :i urh of anything nowadays, but pos sibly the boys will be willing to use em as sinkers on a minnow line. The opening of the Twilight leasue tomorrow Is one of the big pro-carnl-vr.l events, it's going to be some game, too. People are told to clear the cob webs out of their brains, but what a lot of folks want Is to wash them out oi tneir throats. . i . 1 .... , I . . la ant soma A primary , toimilluated aBalr ll'SM t point of candidates This Is real strawberry carnival weather and will probably last week longer. It is remarked that profiteers are nil good at addition, but they are at en stronger at iniiltlplli atlun. Tomorrow's the dav. Don't forget to line up at the voting booth. lilt her up for the election booth teuton ow und put one over. M.IX' t'AIW COMING. Clenn II. Taylor, local Hupmobile agent, has been notified to the effect that a carload of Giant Six touring cars, and a carload of Dort cars, will he delivered to him In this city the first part of next week. The Service garage, of which Mr. Taylor is to be the owner, will be ready for occu nn June 1st. according to the plans at the present time. Mr. Tay lor also reports the sale of a Hup mobile car to Mrs. Susie Bales, of Kiddle. Miss Vesta Kruse, of Sutherlln. who has been visiting in this city for a short time, returned to Suth erlln this mornin. Chaik-a Post, who has been resid ing in this county for a short time, i left this morning for Everett, Wash., where he expects to locate permanently. Don't ask for Crackers say Snow Flakes fCi OUR METHODS please the particular because of the sanitary, modern equipment, careful handling and 'individual attention. DRY CLEANING THAT SATISFIES tid lube. iiaU Ji P I Cut Down Your Losses and tv Gains Will Care for TheniselveT WHEN people work so hard for their m owe it to themselves to spend or invi ciously. ' "est it m Loss on one investment cuts down nmtn the rest. irollWoim Customers of the Umpqua Valley Bank find uiwuva vtiiwuf to auvise mem regardin. i ments. JOHN M. THRONE, Cathie SOME MORS p. C. a moaucTS Annie UuricSlicrt Bread Arrcwro biuU Awurtcd Cake bum T lan Chetie Sacdwtca Cricwanu'. Wii:fS F:s SuIuiis G'if ft nc Jumtilrt Uranch baiiiDcFlakat Fresh hem ths Ovn Crisp, light, daintily delicious crackers salted just enough in other words-SNCW FLAKESl PACIFIC COAST d:scu:t CO. dltlons for this year, and all grow- I ers. whether members of the asso c'atlon or not, are asked to be pres- Oregon Growers Mipi lfll rddV ent as they will derive much benefit meet ouiuruuy from the b on whU.h Mr Paulug A meeting of the Oreuon Growers' Co-operative association has been called to take place In this city on Saturday, May 21', at the city hall. C. I. lewis, organization manager, and Robt. Paulus. Miles manager, will be present and address the meet- will spenk. The meeting will open at the city hall at 2 o'clock Saturday. the UMPQUA VJILLEw II I ?IMImIIIII limiMM I fir . r J r ---- piant 1 f,. warning issuea ror- Shot Hole Borcrl-Z t-se everv tp.-a.-i.,. ie received renorts of the j Increase the vitality of a of the Shot Hole. Borer froni , ultlvatlon, dralnaje lite, r of places In the county this tiliratlon. etc. For trMat.1 says E. M. Armstrong, coun- fmted with borers, nnJyJ TltOTTKItS HAD KX.IOYAIll.E DAXCE I-AST KVKN'IN'C spring," ty fruit "The Shot Hole ltorer la attracted I Portions: Water u to, and breeds in devitalized trees, "iip liquid fish oil ioiSj' alTected with sour sap. The whole-1 rrudo carbolic arid, tale attack is due to the lack of vlRorjtliorouKhly and apply wT, in the trees from combination of at weekly lntervili nJ.,AA nllmaiu nH anil pnnHHInni lnf,.ilu,l L m "The beetles tunnel Into an. I t'.r.u nre gen'-nllv mi ff IcIenV """ Did You Read the Report published in last nijht's issue of The Daily News-Review, compiled by A. G Sutherland, public accountant? It was a plain statement of TRUTHFUL FACTS concerning County finances from an unbiased mind. NO JUGGLING OF FIGURES I . I r yy:m& ! ill! &- -a. r Ih'iP. K sail I fc.r, A large number of members ori the Trotters' DancliiR club motored lug. The Roseburg meeting Is one or to Dlxonvllle last nlglit io partici- a series being conducted in the ! pate in the ladles' choice dance given i Rogue river and Uiupnua valleys by j by the club. The ladies had "the .Messrs. Lewis and Paulus. The ace 'floor" for the evening and if any at present In southern Oregon, and .nail flowers were present It was ; from Oranta Pass will go to Kiddle from choice. A lunch was served at for a meeting on Kriday afternoon I 12 o'clock and the return trip was of the fruit growers of that vicinity. ! made to this city later. Music was Mr. Paulus has a very Important ! furnished by Ott's orchastra. message for all Interest! d in fruit c raising, concernliu tiie market cou-' advertise In Xews-ltcvievr. or long-range conclusions-simply a business'summary of present condition, which is evidence that the office of County Judge has at all times been conducted along sane, safe and economical lines. The tax payers of Douglas County can expect and will get the best possible admin istration of County affairs that it is possible for me to execute. S5 D. J. S Yours for a bigger, better and more pros perous county as a whole-a real business ad ministration for all the people and a faithful performance of each and every official duty by the County Judge, TEW A RT Republican Primary Candidate for the office of COUNTY JUDGE OF DOUGLAS COUNTY (Pd. Adr.) we . . I BH. jTiWI ati- V .a ?atT' ,' 9 WILL GIVE YOU A t tew 1 MAXIMUM cf power with a MINIMUM of GAS Consumption Save Gasoline! We have a Model for every car that will make it perform with Ease, Precision Power - Economy v Devaney & Burnett "The Repair Shop wi:h a Conscience" 406-408 West Cass Street PHONE 81 " W WILLIAM KLETZER s rr.i jv-r EH i riaf ii m t mi i .arUH v -"'V I REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR County Commissiooef I am baslnj my candidacy upon my quallflcatlons ait com engineer, buelneaa man and farmer. My yeara of experience as a general engineer have (Iru training that will enable me to give the people of DonilnC"" bread-minded and efficient service if elected. voTEFosGeoD mm Veto 302 X Yes fcr 4 State Road Do.rJ LiwiS NO PrSSJTY T-"X NO DiZCT TAX r.Q INCREASE Vi AUTO LICENCE FEES NO INCREASE C7 GASOLINE TAX Present Auto Licence Fees and Gclinc Tnx will pny both pnncpal and mterest on sU the bond, und.-r thi, stitu. fonal amendment. Approval of thi, amendment i. necestary to perniit early complcUca of State HijUwayt. CucliliGocsGearT!imu$i mr This car is designed with regard to yourr. a. ease. The seats are wide and restful. holstery is of comfortable thickness and the w springing resilience of the long springs cu the car against road shocks. Price f. o. b. Roseburg $12ti A carload of these popular light cars will in Roseburg about May 25th and will be nan in Douglas County by the Sen ice Garage. n will be open for business about June first GLENN H. TAYLOR DEALER- n