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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1920)
nrtarvryji n?rre.iiisrtB,T.sATrKiA'f. Armi, ti. iha, MOW TrrHIW If You Want One-Day Service Best Possible Finishing, Personal Attention Clark's Studio On your films, leave them at the KODAK DEPARTMENT.... Roseburg Nat'! Bank Building. L Gents Strawberry Festival Will Be One of the Best Ever Known In County. CIRCUS IS A FEATURE Will Buy a big package of POSTUM CE weighing over a pound, net. What are you paying for eoffee? Spring Select your spring style frum our new arrivals of wools, serges, silks, piiutcd crevo do rhene nml voiles. Wo also huve In New Spring Coats. The snap anil freshness of Spring find expres sion in (he chic styles nnil brilliant weaves of our new fabrics. . They combine eulslio taste with perfect reliability which stumps tliem as the best. I. ABRAHAM . "Everything the Uest" DliV GOODS Electrical Contracting . . . Don't pay double for your electric work. We arc operating on an independent basis, and claim to do the best electrical work In tho city. Our aieu are specialists In this line. See us If you want best results. No danger when we Install Electric Work. MILLER'S ELECTS IC SHOP 123 N. Main Street Phone 447 LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION Get your orders in now and be prepared. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Write for prices stating quantity wanted. Sutherlin Fruit Products Co. SUTHKIUXN, Rum On In And have your battery tested at our free testing .station. Or maybe you need a new battery, if so get our prices before buying elsewhere. Special attention to Truck Tire work prompt service at right prices. TIX.ES, TUBES and ACCESSORIES Roseburg' Garag'e WE SELL Edison MADZA Douglas County Light' and Water Ca Styles IA1HK WKAIl OUEGOM. LAM PS EAL S CITY NEVS Arundel, piauo tuner. Pjione 13&L i Jitney Service. Fhone 76. Large cars for hire. Phone 300. Nifty millinery at Bellows, not ' over $15. , tt I , Bprella Corsetier. C!ra Comm. ; Phoue, 402-R. 311 W. Wash. tf. j O. K. Garage has some good buys In 'baud cars. See the Chevrolet. I Phone 309. ! Lime-sulphur spray, sulphur for ! fertilizer, sulphur for plant dusting, ' lime in Bbls., arsenals of lead, black ; leaf forty. L'mpqua Valley Fruit L nion. Factory expert will he wilhafdars- ters Drug Co. on April 2i, 2'i and 2 I to kivs lessons In graining and beau- myins your, corns wua I M .xainel Varnish. . o NOW IX THK CTI'V. i Frank A. Terry, representing ths 1 F.tiaitable Savings Loal Assn., is now in the city. For an Interview call or phone ths hotel, tf SF.TTIXO KtiUS. From High Producing White Leg horn hens Tanered Strain, $1.2.j per fetliiiR of 13; $S per 100. Earl Vosburgh, 227 N. Jackson or 702 Kullei ton. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For 0ver30 Years Always bears the Tignature of PROFESSIONAL" CARDS bit. it. I. niiADHoiin . vivf Chiropractors, West Roseburg. Phone 40F4. DR. CLAIM K. ALLEN Dentist at 331 Perkins Building, Roseburg Oregon. Orrice Hours: to 13 a. m- 1 to 6 p. in. Phous b5 MRS. P. D. OWKN Cut Flower. Potted Plauts, Funeral Designs. Wedding Bouquets, Etc. Ill Cass St. For sale at the Fern. Pboos HO, Roaeburg. Oregon. DR. . L. leLAPr Osteopathic Pkysliian and surgeoa. Phones 'flee 119, residence 454-J. 31 S20 Perkins Building, Roseburg fftvgon. lilt M. H. PLYLKIl Chiropractic Phye.fjUn, 222 w- L,De st- Elec' triLaJ treatments. Hours to 5. Pfmne IS nrtlce 'Hours t 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phows: Office, 171: Res., 172. lilt. I.VCKTTA H.WTH. I'll YhlCIA.M Women and Children Diseases a Specialty. Office. Masonic Building. 1)11. C. A. SMITH. M. T. Successfully treata all disease Consultation Frae. Lady attendant. Otfiee 4U4 N. Jackson. Puona 122-J Hour I a. m. to i p. m. 1H. II. W. TITIH. I. M. IK. Dentist Modern Ixiulpment and Method. Hours: a. m. to 12 a. m.: I p. m t, m Evening and Sundays i by appointment. I .TTiiir r.unVC OREGON. W&.AWw. -- ' Uumlval Shows furry Attractive Conceiudoii cif Stuiuluitl Well I'k-ttHhuf to AU TUo Ulio Attend the Attract loan. The routine work of the coming strawberry carnival is well in baud and the wheels have been put in mo tion to produce one of the best cele brations that the city has known. The committee has taken active charge of the work and with C. S. lleillline In the position of secretary, the event is an assured success. One feature Hub year is to be the Foley and Uurke shows. Without doubt this is the bist carnival coiu psniy in the west, and a set of hiKh class concessions will be presented for the entertainment of those In at tendance at the festival. The carni val company carries a two-ring cir cus, which is said to be a "dandy." It also has a good sized baud of ac complished musicians and this band will participate in all or the festival parades as well as furnishing con certs and providing iiiubIc at the shows. The "Joy Trail," which Is Hie feat ure of these Shows, Is a path of mer riment and is replete with thrills of l lie kind that are clean and whole some. There are twenty-five separ ate and distinct concccssions, includ ing a lurge merry-go-round and Fer ris wheel. There are the usuul pit shows and the "fat lady." taking "six men to hug this specimen or human obesity." In addition to all these the Foley and Uurke shows carry a corps of trained hurkers that for noise can outdo anything on the coast. This outfit is far ahead .of the standurd of shows formerly In attendance at the annual fesi finis, and a good time Is assured all those who desire to enjoy this event. The parades this year will be bet ter than usual, as the piizcs are to be more substantial and well worthy of an effort. Kspeclal Interest is to be shown In the school pnrnde and a large sum of money Is lo be divided among the various educational Insti tutions in order to provide costumes and decorations. The children Intend to bring about some good natured rivalry during the contest for junior queen, .and It Is expected that n larEe quantity of buttons will be needed. Hats will not be sold this year and efforts will be centered In disposing of the festival badges. Fraternal organizations are show ing a great deal of Interest in the parade to be given on fraternal day. and several hundred peoide will be in line. The labor organizations end American Legion will parade this year, in addition to the lodges, and this will considerably augment the ranks of the marchers. Altogether the coming festival promises to be one of the best Doug las county has ever known, and with the co-operatfon of all llosebure r nl dents there Is no doubt but that it will go over with a pep and punch that will herald the name of Kose bmg from one end of the coast lo the other. Khltlt'S QI AI.ITV POILTRT KF.KDS. Art prepared uodar lh direction of Prof. C. . Brewster, formerly of the Poultry fepartiuet, Oregon Ag ricultural Collog. They will main tain the health and vitality of your flock, hasten th growth of profit able broilers and sarly laying pul lets and produce mors aggs from your laying flock. For growls chirks usa Karr's Chirh Feed. Chick Davolnpar Mash and Dsvsloping Scratch Fesd. For laving bens usa Kerr's Scratch Feed and Kxg Produced. For sal by v'c:burgh Bros,, Roso burg. Oregon. Headquarters for poultrymsn. lMiKIMi I 'Ml WOKK. A man and family arrived today from Missouri lo make their home in this valley. All are experienced farin workers, the mm having man ared a Linn for hlms-lf while his wife IS a good cook. The boy is al o handy in farm work. They de--Ire to obtain a place on some ranrh In the county for the summer and expect lat-r to liliv a lurei f-r tile i elves. Any person who hss em ployment lor them ran ifet inio communication hv tiolifymg the Chamber of Commerce. SPRING SAMPLES ABItlVED Don't fall to call and Inspect our fine lln of iprlng ainpls for men's clothing. A beautiful line to malts selection from for a nobbr suit. O W. Sloper. to cleaner and pres- l ar. o NEW AITO STAKE LLN R. Edgar Shanks ha put on a stage line to Camas Valley and war points. I-arre cars used, and he i prepared to give good service. Phone 30 for reservation. YOU who use 3,'i inch tires constitute more than half the tire buyers of the world. To build this spe cial molded 34 in. tire, a $7,000, CC0 factory wa3 built and a spe cial organization brought together. Sugar Prices High j During Civil Wan The following letter regarding sugar prices during the civil wai period, showing the comparison with present day prices, was received to- I day by Kverybody'a F.xrhange coin jpuliy from the Kugene branch of the j Allen a; Lewis company: : To the Trade: j We are today 111 receive of the 1 following sugar information which will, no doubt, be of interest to you. I In view of the present high prices I for both raw and refined sugar, the ' following table shows highest price? paid for sugar since 18tu, according to our records. 18G4 Civil Wart Orunu- luied, high 30.00 Low 16 87 4 Haw. high 31.75 Raw. low 12 XTi, lSKfi (Civil War) granu- luted, high 28.50 Low IX mi Raw, high 19 12 '4 Raw, low 12 00 In lXf.l. at the beginning or the civil war, the consumption In the United States was 4MI.743 tons, which decreased to 275,3fiO Ions in Ufil. In 18115 the consumption was 333.104 tons. It will be seen that sugar was not used as freely as It Is today, as the consumption for 1 ft t wns 4,nf,7,fi7l tons. The population figures for the corresponding vears In 1X60, 31. 413.0IHI; In 1919, 1 06. 7 1 .000. So while the popula' loii only increased 3 times, sugar consumption has In creased from H to 12 times over tin average of the civil war period. Very truly vours, H. O. IK) WEN, Manager Kugene Branch Allen Lewis, Inc. W wash and polish car at Usr tan's gsrsga. VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid trouble! ara most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by talcing GOLD MEDAL HV afJ v M-m The world's standard ram ad 7 for ihtMM dnordara, will oft in ward off thtaa dia aaaae and atranahan the body again!1 farther attacks. Three tHraa. all dojjfflta. Lae; lr Ike ikaae GeU MmIaI ever? torn Most miles per dollar is a Firestone pledge, lo owner as veil as lo the owners ol light cars. Standard Oversize I'irestone Cord. ?4p$vw 925.00 Itl ltl For liiforinatlnii that will lead In the urri'Ht niul convirllnn htiya or P'THonti hhooling Intuitu, Satunl;Ly or Sunday. April l' and 1 1, 011 (hn old Kos & Ih-iiry ranch, now ktntun ut tht Stewart runrh. Civ' liiToi inution to Sin-riff Gto. K. Quint. F. A. CUKCtl. Now Ifi tl)i tune lo have your piano artistically tutn-d. C. 11 Vrundcl, plume 1S9-L, 25 yuiB In 4ruaUoital v yt'i lcnc. Nonet i on iiiis. Tho uiidtTstiH tl. l rk of School DiHirlcl .No. 4, in ItoM.-liuiK, Ongnn will r.'celve waled bids up to ft:i(. o'clock p.m. Monclay, April 26, U2 at liiu olTice In the ciiy of IliiHt-Lnirn (1). For thf repair uf old fur naceB now lnlnilffl In the Ko tchool huilditip, or (2. For a halt cry of three new hirnacef to he fntnlled, (Hi plann and ptc,t,rii Moris uci-eptahle to the School Hoard, In the Hwe school liulldlnjr. This work In either Instance to he completed 011 or before Sept. It', 1920. Th Ilonrd reserves (ht r i k t) to reject any or all bids. F'jr further lnform:itlon tr.iiiie of UOSCOK N. CltKKN. Clerk NO T I ' ' F. OF RAM-: OF G O V K 1 1 X -MKXT TIM MKIC- General Land Of Ttcrt. WaHhiiiftton, 1. 0,. Match 2i. 1 ft !!. Not icn Ih hiTfhy given that subject to the condition and llmtfa lions of tho Act of June !(, 1 't 1 (i CJft Stat.. 218), and the Instructions "f the Secretary ut dtp Inferior of Hep ten, her 1.1, I '1 1 7, The Urn her 011 lie following IhikN will he Hold May 2, lf2, at 10 o'clock a. 111 . at nuhllc .met Ion at the Fnlted Hi at en land offico at HnHebnrir, Oregon, to the IilKhent bidder at not Inm than the appraiHed value nw shown by thin im!r. n t be nih((pt to the np- ,-WJMTlaffiq3MZMtXl5SCJCXE 1920 MITCHELL STYLE PLUS QUALITY SEE THEM! J. F. BARKER & CO., IMPLEMNTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS Firestone Flant No. 2, making thisone size only, has a capacity of 16,000 tires a day. This quantity production means savings for the car owner low est costs and bet ter tire values. Buy Firestones. the big tar See the provnl of tho Secretary of the In terior. The purchase prlc, with an nddlllomil sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commlsfllons allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be retunud If sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber which must : be removed within ten years. Itlds ! will be received from citizens of the ' United States, associations of such 'citizens and corporal Ions organized ; under the laws of the United States , or any stale, territory or district j thereof only. Upon application of a riualllled purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being Included- In ; any offer or a larger 'itiit. T. 16 S., 1 It. 1 V., Sec. 7. Lot 2. flr 85 M., Ixl 1 3, flr 300 M . not tu be sold for less than ll.BO per M. T. 1 ! S.. R. 1 iW Sec. 113. sv v sv, flr 1000 M HKU 8V. flr 1070 M., not lo t sold for lens than $1.75 per M. T. 37 S . R. 7 W.. Sec. 11. NK NE4. flr 515 M., sugar plno 35 M., none of the ft r limber to be sold for less than $1.25 per M., and none of the sugar pin timber to he notd for leas than M OO per M. T. 37 S.. R. 7 W.. Sec. 13, Lot . flr 800 M., NW 8Kj, ! flr 500 M , pine 25 M., flV SK-4, I f !o0 M T n 7, flr 1 ?0 M , NK SW4, flr 170 M., pine 170 M.. SI" HWW, fir 120U M , none of the flr limber to be sold for Iphs than $1 25 I per M., snd none of the pine timber , to be sub! for lens Mian $2 50 per M. , CUY TAMMAN, Commissioner j General Land Office. MILK SCREAM PHONE 186 ROMURG DMRY AND SODA WORKS