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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1920)
ROIK BTRO iMued Daily fcxcpt bunduy. It Uiuiherly SUBSCUirTION RATKS Dally, por year, by mail. . M lily. n:o:t!hs. by mall 2 UU liy Carrirr, fur month '. Coll at ofTlr.1, pr mouih Weekly NHWi-lUvlew, pur yur The !toebuis News and ttevlew bav coini'lin-d on account of tne In creased price uf paper aud overhead expeusv. There in wuaom iu .. also a coriwi'nitIon for thorn; imr cbuitis who fel It tbelr duly lo ad vert In hot... It la a HiroiiK! paper than vvr and tho combination M doubll aiipn'C-iated by both id"". Hiibsjr ribr and huslueKi u,.n. Wooi! hum inwpei.dvni. Member of Tlie A -K U-Cetl Pre -Th A-tKocia'cd Prt-S ls txclubleiy titled to lb u ur republication ail nw dlapaicbes credited to Ji or not otherwiao credited In thin paper and also tho local news pub Uflhed herein. All rights of republi cation of fecial diHpalchea herein are ahto reserved. lUNtpburK. April !- SrilftCItllTIO-N IIATKH The following subscription rates become effective April 1, 1921). for the N.tws-Kview: Dally, one year by mall....4.00 Daily, 6 months by mall.. 2.00 Hy carrier, per munth 50 Call at office, per month.. .35 4 ' KTOI.KS CAPITAL. The National City bank nf New York la th blKKest bank In link ed States. Moiilhly It Ih.-uj'M an au thoritative review of biiMineKS and financial conditions. In fu April number the review tells tho Inside story pt how millions of dollar, are being mulcted from I ht public In the promotion of wildcat pto!-c whines: "Let mo show how a large number of heavily capitalized companies, now s'UltiK stork to farmers In the state, Ihroush salesmen pair Ifirg. comutlHsionH, nre operating. They Bell stock to a farmer to the amount of $1000 on which the company re ceives not" for 1750, tho nmainiiiR $260 bavin been pocketed by the stock Htilenman. This noto for $7fi Is offered to some bunk at a discount of say 10 per rent, which Is $75 off on a unto of $750. Kven then the purchaHlnK bank seldom desires to pay out aetual cash, but often a certificate of deposit, without in terest, duo at tho maturity of the notes. For the $1000 worth of stork subscribed for, the company now holds a certificate of depntdt for $675 the original $1000 less the $250 paid the salesman and th $75 dfseount allowed tho purchasing bank. . "The companies are nearer their ready chhIi than before, but they do not have, the real money. Th. cer tificate nf deponlt In the purchasing bank Ik offered a second hank and again a discount is made, often run ning as high ns 1 5 per cent. This menus that (lie company offers the $675 certificate of deposit for $573. 75, whlrti I 15 per cent less than the fneo value. The company now has its money (when the second nsnk buvs the flrn( hanVs certificate of deposit, hut It hns onlv $573. 7R for $1000 worth of stork. In n word. It starts out whntcvi-r business It may or may not venture Into, with but little more thnn one-half the cah wh'ch it Is iMnoed to have, for tho stock subscribed." A hu;. ok tiik timi:s. Kconomlc condition iu tho I'nited f?taUK are now a turmoil of extrava gant-o, Joy spending, n'rtking, profit eering, and practiees contrary lo the acruuiulated nlndom of all common aenne people. There seems no end to it. Hut the ebiume, like nil changes, may come some diiy qui"' suddenly. A few weeks ago you could buy an English pound for $3.19, hut xv ii hit a lew days it bus Tlsen to ahove $(,. and it In not fat from that point now. VY hat does that mean'.' It me.uis that three months ago Kurope was able to ex port but a Btnall qu:tut ily of goods- to the I'nited States, r.o that they had to pay In money for what they Imported. That made it more cost ly to buy an American dollar in Ixwdon, and less costly to buy nn KngllKh pound In New York. Hut this tendency Is rapidly disappear lug. The rie in London crhungi lueans that Micro Is less demand fur Americnii dollars, and that t he Ku J oean people are sending goods over hero Instead of monev. Thex lire making progress with their cto nomlc reconstruct Ion, and get! In r readv to do business at tho obi ptand. And th t means that th liertod of lAtr.iva Jiant nntt'iteeriiH', In this co ii til vy Is dm wing to it close. Amerirau business must trim lis nails, and c t readv to meet top ehtn competition IVicrs will ha to come down to bard pan. and to t' 1'hsls where the American nrti1e can C(mpete wUli the imported one It leeans abo that export will be reduced to a bov b-v.-l with eonseiiuent bti sitters d'prfslon. uh less some way is found to redact production costs. A few years the inoM ,riihV kind of tut si nes deal in c wan yv. ap- pltlg ho: es. Men w l.o el ii inal ily could be ti ll, d upon. mmiM skm ou on a lii'Mi' tiade. 'lu looked at tt as a kind of game in winch all whs fair. If it IhiV'T got cheated, 1 1 w;;s his own fault tor not kinm i'in K i ler. Much or the saiue p'.rit is transferred to the used nutiunohile trade. If you buy of nt. unlaid con cerns or personal a-iju'iitanci n, you are usually af Hut if you tiiturt among traders ,i:,v fioin horin-. you take chances. Your tdunv u w remt led car mav show up a lata! di feet In 100 mile-, run hi it g Auioinobile production is so behind, that home cars thieo years old Mel) fr more than the otfgiual price. lh tier take Mpert advice if you deal with at rangers. You can't carry many more elec tions merely by hiring a brass band to march past evir one's front door. While some people Kit on their ady porrhes and cuss the cost of ing. otlo rb don't say much but get e spade md prepare lo raise some gelilbbM. H-Vw things are more pathetic than the sight of a candidate who is 1'iiowu by everyone but himself to be hopelessly beaten lung before elec tion tune. Young people who don't take mar iluge seriously before they Jump Into It, don't take it any other way after they re in until they get ready to Jump out. Who remembers the old-fashioned girl that would not receive a man caller until she bad asked tho per mt;iion of her parents? Another reason why everybody Is for the under dog Is because tfie un der dog isn't In a position to harm anybody, while tho upper dog Is. The politicians haven't done any thing to beat the 11. C. L.. but they : re sure to do big things, if they are re-elected. A location near the Mexican bor der has not been considered so dan re rous since prohibition went Into ffect. Some people won't clenn up, as 'heir places would Immediately get dirty again. That is what the pig said. If "iralcln s nro I ;:uh in Heaven," vlii re are divorce ruits made It's alwas i uk for tho other fel iiw to reform. These "whirlwind campaigns" em to te iiiohtiy hot air. Revival Service Near ing Close Another great crowd assembled at the Christian church lust night, and listened to one of the greatest mes siges of the entire series. The spe cial sonic hy Mrs. Cross. "Christ in Handera." was tertainly a beautiful l umber, Pitd showed her power as a singer. Tne rendering of this niim her was considered by all as one of her greatest efforts in song. The crowd listened with intense Interest to the nermoii, and at tho close three more people responded to the Invi tation. The Hrvice will be held as l.sual toniuht, and plans are lab) foi a great day Sundav. beginning with tho Bible school at There will be three preaching services. Com munion and preaching nt II. This sermon will he given especially to church members, and more (special ly to the new converts. It Is the desire of the evangelist to meet every new member of the church at tho morning service. In the after noon tho snecial lecture on Mother, nd Mrs. Cross will sing Mother Mc Cree. Mothers will occupy the cen tral seats, and will wear a flower. Ladies will rerve a ushers. The closing service of this great revival comes In the evening when Hie evan rolint will speak on "(tod's Tit roe I'lrsls." There wi'l he baptismal services at the ever ing hour. Will Remain In Roseburg .T. C. Love, who has heen visltine with his old college Mend. M. A. 1'hllg. and meidentallv making him self handy around the electric stnre for the pat few davs, finds the Kosehurg feer growinr upon him Ho like the place and the people so well he has decided to remain for a few months ami lend some of the experience he has ca;!o i .! in flo ra st ten ears as an eli-nrU il en gineer with the Tactile A i:itv tric company, a larce power mrpora t'otl of 11 anclsco. Calif , to help the people of Koselmi solve tloar electrical problems. Mr. 1 him. after g-aduntoig from one of our w estern 'l i i T;t ;e in ele t rtt .it encineej-in.;. spent three ear sen fh- floor of the Ceil 4" nl Klcctric cumpunv of New York The two men. afvr m.Miv year ef si'Para i lim. are te.;. tier once more to play the c.vee .ih to " the rood cellcue da.'' and wiM he mnn than pleased to give o! their exp.Ti e'n-e a 'nl training, sin h li fn mat inn to the residents of It-, -mh vil !"ln keep oir cliv ) n.t. n:1 lo . ite and efficiimlv r T t t i r i t.l place of its ?i?e on the V:u ri te.i-Jt. Red Cross Nurse In City Today Miss M;iri::m-I K. )' !rit. tltr.Tt..r of :tio Ituriviu tif tlb' t 'r. : itmi uf .: immi Invent division t! .. A;v. ri.-.i;. lirP I'rosn. ;irnt tho m i1. t (.mtoiTltiK with Inral mi'liniif. f' t.itilim; a hiMlth iiiri' r,.r i..iui ,s 'nu. It Ik ilcslrcit tu ini n i!in.. I'l tin- counlv in t.a-h I hi. Iti-.l Cro lu rillh riinrmi In th,. n.i KchnoN nil. I i! t to rarry t!;o ti n. hmc into tln n'lllOt!' (IlKHi.t!.. s h,.i,.,l t,;it 'ho tonrhinv of iroiH-r hi-ulth nioth ri wtll ronult In ii Ktvat K.ninK ot llfo during cililiii. : n.'J also nt rrar aitTA HHIt Mt CCr Will PAY rittaLfil HUIV HH wit ... ..." " IKTE5EST AXD PRIKCIPAL 07 $40,000,000 ROAD BONDS Aprroiimately ?4o,ooo,coo of state -oad bonds can be Usued under a 4 Imitation on' .he'preicnt .eMed valuation of the . elujn bonds already issued. The constituuonal amendment to be voted upon at the May 21 election provides for tli;s 4 limitation. Inn-rest and principal of lite entire ?4o,ooo,ooo of bonds can be paid from revenues from auto license feci and gasoline tax, based on conservative estimates of that income. Following is an official estimate of the income to the State Highway Fund auto license fees and gasoline tax, compared with mtere.t ana principal requirements for the entire $40,000,000 of state roatl Donus. This table has been audited and certified by Whitfield, Whitcomb & Co., certified public accountants, whosa attestation is subscribed below. It verities the claim made that voting for the 4 state road bond l'mltaUC?" will not involve any taf on property, as principal and interest will be paia from the auto license fees and the gas tax, leaving an actual surplus above the amount required. orricui- TABLE Statement of Entimated Ineorae to State Highway Fund Compared With Intereat and Principal Kequirementu lo tarry $4U,000.()00 Bonds. nrwd.BEviirw ftATvno.r. APmt 84. imp. " jtr-!Eaa teJgjK-jl'-JME! iimi 11 "iirrrii 3 vaaKstMisazm 1920. t.'l. 12i. 1H.'4. IWS. IV26. 1927. I92H. 1929. 1950. I V i 1 . I9J2. I9J3. 1VS4. IVSS. IVJ6. 191, . 1938. iiiV. 1940. 1941. 1942. 194). 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. 19411. 1949. lL.timatH Nun.Ur ol .Mulur 'cll 14.1c. ..105,000 ,.125.000 .143,000 . 1 5S.OO0 .170.000 .180,000 .185,000 .190,000 .194,000 . 200,000 . 200,000 .200,000 .200.000 .200,000 .200,000 .200,000 .200,000 .200,000 . 200,000 .200.000 .200,000 . 200,000 .200,000 .200,000 .200,000 . 200,000 .2110,000 . 200,000 .200,000 Motor bicl. i,H-entc f eet Nrl Income to but. Hikw.ji Fund $1,575,000.00 1.S75.0O0 00 2,145,000.00 2,370.000.00 2,550,000.00 2,700,000.00 2,775,000.00 2,850,000.00 2,925,000.00 3,000,000.01 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,0oo,0uo.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.(10 3,00u,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 flaioline Tax Nut Income to Sut. lliKiovr t-und J 525,000.00 625,000.00 715,000.00 790,000.00 1150,000.00 900,000.00 925,000.00 950,000.00 975,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000.000 00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 l,0i 10,000.00 1,000,000 00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,00000 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,00000 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 'lotal Amount htumaled Income to Suic llignway huod $2,100,000.00 2,500,000.00 2,860,000.00 1,160,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,600,000.00 1,700,000.00 1,800,000.00 1,900,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.01 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,01X1,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.01 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000X1, 4,000,000.00 4,0i'0,000.00 4,000.000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 Interest and 1'rincipal Reiuiienientt for S.u.i'nO.OOO Honda $ 494,850.00 l,04i,25c(.o0 1,393,250.00 1,679,750.00 2.007,10.00 2,677,617.50 2,957,367.50 3,149,180.00 S,J29,742.50 3,429,O5.'.O0 3,396,S4.S0 3,iOS,392.5C 3,219,42.50 1,131,492 50 3,043,W2.SO 2,954,592.50 2,(,6,I42.50 2,777,692.50 2,689,242.50 2,600,792.50 2,412,342.50 2.J27.S92.50 2,218,442.50 2,068,492.50 1.S4S9S2.50 1,161,475.00 793,275.00 513,012.50 241,000.00 56,237.50 Surplul Re naming After i'aynient of Intereat and frincipal $1,605,150.00 1,456,750.00 1,466,750.00 1,480,250.00 1,192,660.00 922,382.50 742.632.30 650,820.00 570,257,50 570,945.00 603,157.50 691,607.50 780,057.50 168,507.50 9S6.9 57.50 1,045,407.50 1,131,857.50 1,222,307.50 1.310.757.5J 1,399,207.50 1,587,657.50 1,672,107.50 1,781,557.50 1,931,507.50 2,154,047.50 2,838,525.00 3,206,725.00 1,486,987.50 1,756,000.00 1,943,762.50 OFFICIAL KXPLANATiON OF TABLE Cdtuinn 1 represents the net income to the State HiKhwiy Fund frorr, motor vehicle license fee. (Chip. 399, Laws 1919). The 1920 regiitration figures to date obtained jrom the secretary of state's olhce indicate an average license fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) per vehicle. The law provides that twenty-five per cent be returned to the county from which the vehicle is registered, therefore the net income per vehicle to the State Highwa) Fund is approximately fifteen dollars ($15.00) per car which is the figure used in com puting Column 3. The administrarion expenses of the motor vehicle law will be met from tlie receipts from motorcycle licenses, chauffers' badge, transfers, etc. Column 4 represents the income from the Gasoline Tax (Chap. 159, Laws 1919) to the Stale Highway Fund. Figures obtained from the Secretary of Suite's odice indicate the average lax per vehicle in 1919, was approximately five dollars ($5.00) and this figure lias heen used in computing Column 4. Column 5 is the total amount of the motor vehicle license fees and the gasoline tax bied on the estimated number of vehicles as shown in Column 2- Column 6 is the amount required each year to pay off the interet and principal at ml uritv of State Highway bonds up to an estimated amount of $40,000,000 (the approxi mate amount which could be issued with a 4 per cent limit on the present assessed valua tion of the .tate. These figures are based on these premises: That the balance of the Six Million Dollars fiends (Chap. 423, Laws 1917), the State Co-operative Bonds $1,800,000 (lirnn-Marrrtt, Chap. 175, Laws 1917), and the Ten Million Dollar Bonds (Chap. 173. I aws 1919), now unsold will be sold during the year 1920. Also that further bonds will he sold x fallows: 1920, $5,000,000; 1921, $i,000,0uo; 1922, $S,0&0,000; 1923, $5,000,000; 1924; $2,200,000; i total of $40,000,000. All of the bonds thus far at-thorized are serial bonds and, except the Bean-Barrett issue, mature one-twentieth each year after the fifth year. The Bean-Barrett issue matures $100,000 each vear beginning with 1922. The Sii Million and Bean-Barrett issues draw 4 per cent inlrrerl. All other issues 4'a per cent. Column 7 shows the surplus estimated to be available each year after meeting obliga tions for principal and interest. The One-Quarter Mill Tax (Chap. 257, Laws 1917) on the total assessed valuation of the state is not shown in this table as an aset of the State Highway Fund as this fund is used principally to nieet administrative expenses, surveys in the various counties, en gineering supervision of county construction, and design and inspection of county bridges and structures. L III' KI IIV CF.RTII'Y tha' we have exam ned theofficial recoidaof the StateofOregon as regards Income from Motor Vehicle licenses and Caroline taxes and believe the estiuia'es above set tcrlh m columns 1 to e, both .nclusive. to be conservative. Wt luriher Certify that baed upon these estimates the tabulations set forth above in columns 6 and 7 are true and correct. WHITFIELD, WHITCOMB & CO. Ctriijud 1'ublic Accountant. Si Kit. I'ortland, Oregon, April 14, lo;o. other timi's whoii the s-MViri tif a trained nurse are nut available. Mis Durkln is taking the matter up with tne Hchool lieatd and with the local chapter of the Knd Cross. 0 Demellio Appears To be Ladies Man Kl'GKXK. April 24 Letters writ ten nnrl recelv-d by t'ltriiieti Demel lio. the fmliliiT wlm was arresiid on the charge uf fernery ami who Is now in the county juil. Indicate that he is a -'lailii'S.' 1111111," if nothing else. .'U'coniiiig to Fred C. Hllckels, sheriff of Lane county. Sheriff Stickels s:tya his prisoner curries on a curri spondence wilh several girls, and that he has nought n diamond etigag.'tuent ring for one in I'ottlaiid Letters found In In niellio's possession Indicate that he has sent $20 to a New York diamond linn for the engagement ring, anil trat he Is to pay 20 n month until 'he purchase price of J100 Is paid l'eiin Uio told th,. sheriff that he has not y.-t r.avivrd the "smrk.'--but h. is .Ap.-etini: it Tlie girl for rth.'in th,- rlei ';is honcht was here from I'ortland si. 01 after rtenielllo's nr. t. d told the sheriff she would to her sweetheart's ball. liem.llio on Weilnesdnv handed to the sheriff a letter written to n rill In Oklahoma and asked that It I" mailed. in his letter lie s-nted th-il lv was In training for the Olym 1 c rames nt Antwerp, ll.lcium. nt,d l':rit he expend to enter tlie lioxtl-c r'.a'chfa In the no p.mnd class. I.el t. is from oth.-r girls were found. LOIH.'E DIHKCTOHY. 4 Tho 11. It. K. I. A. I'nlon M"etlns will be held at the Macrabbee hall every first anil third Weiinu'sdays of the month. KMfillTS OK PYTHIAS Alpha Lodgo No. 47, meeta every Wed nnaduy evening; cor. Jackson and Lass ata. V Isltora always welcome. C. A. CHAMBERLAIN. C. C CHAM IA HOPKINS, M. F. E. H. WIMBEKLY. K. ft. S I,. . T, M. Itowbiii'K lllve . 11. holds regular reviews on second and fourth Friday afternoons In Maccnbee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting In the citr are cor dially Ir.vlted to attend our re views. Mccce.bee hall 01 Cass Street. KI.l.A LANK. Com. JKSSIH ItAPP, Col. r:.;I.I.S. Ttoseiturg Aerie meets Ir. their hall on Jackson St.. in Stm and 4th Monday evenings of ea month, t 8 o'clock. Visiting breth ren in good standing always we! come. FRED p. CLAR v., W. P. P. VICTOR MICELLI. W. P. B. 1". (IOODMAN. Seerfltarv. I. O. O. y l nloti KtlinliliiiH-nt Xo. ) Meets In odd Fellows' Temple, every Thursday evening. Visiting biethren nluas welcome. FOSTKIt Ml TNKli. C. P. J. II. HAII.KV. 11. P. Ol IVFU JOHNSON. R. S. ja.mks f:vart. F. S. H HaJ?T0 TPT!?TVf MOTOR CARS & TRUCKS Distributors for Southern Oregon ANNOUNCING OPENING ON Saturday, April 24 OF OUR NEW liow Room ON Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore. You are cordially Invited to inspect our complete line of ' HIGH GRADE Motor Cars & Trucks FARTS DEPARTMENT Accessories - Good Year Tires QUALITY - SERVICE MCHiHIiOIW OF WOOIXJIMFH', Lilac Circle No. 49 Meets on 1st I and 3rd Monday evenings. Vlsrit Ing neighbors invited to attend EDITH CHURCHILL. O. N. TILL IE I. JOHNSON, Clerk. f. O. O. F. rhlletaflnn Ixxlfo No. 8 Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple, corner Jackson and Cass Sts., on Saturday evening of each week. Visiting brethren are always wel come. VICTOR BOYD, N. O. A. J. GEDDF8, Reo. Sec. J. n. BAILEY. Fin. Sec. Try A News-Review Want Ad For Results n- melllo Is ,1 known in this ritv i "id se nt some tm,,. l,,,r t,..,iii for his boxing bouts In drums Pass o . Moi,,,. Tonmrrim xlrs I 15 r.iddle ho hi. ),.,., i r..r-1-....i ,,, ,,,,, ul hpr m.itb. r. Vrs s C. Simmoii. will re- l turn to t.r home in this cltr tomor row evening. , tU I", t). KIKS, r.osipoiirsi ft., 3'Jii Holds regHtur comnijnlrn tions st the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month. All members requested to at tend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend harry nn.PRncRN, e r IRA H. RIDDLE. See'7. REIIKKAHS. noseonrg Rebekah Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F. Meeta In Odd Fellowi' Temple every week on Tuesday evening at the '. Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting mem- j bers in good standing are Invited to attend. i MAUD PLTI-ER, N. 0. BEUfl STEPHENSON. Sec . DELLA LEWI8. Financial Sec. n ooD.HK.v op woitu. Camp No. 125. Aloets In tie Odd Fellows' hMl In Rouiburg every 1st and 3ru Monday evenings. Vis iting neighbors always welcome. H. CAR RICK, C. C. M. M. MILLER, Clerk. LOTA I, OltlJKR OK SIOOSE. Rtrae burg Lodge No. 1037 Meots sec ond and fourth Wednesday even ing or each month nt 8 o'clock In the Moose hall. All vls-ltlng bro hers are invited, to attontl. C. W. CLOaVr Dictator. H. O. PAR0F:-.-EH. SeerMnrr A. F. A A. M.t Isurtrt TAttige No. i;l Regular cnniniunlcaiions 2nd an! fourth Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors welcome. A. A. WILDER, W. M., . W P. HARRIS. See. Price and Principle OUR SLOGAN Price tha Lowest Principle the Highest It is our business to sell good things to eat. We do sell you every good thing to eat that can be found in a well equipped grocery store. Our low prices and high grade goods have made the casual buyer a steady customer. If you are not getting Grocary Satisfaction see us. 1 Our line of Ready-to. Wear Dry Goods is increasing daily and we can save you money. Call and see our line. Peoples Supply Co. ii i.iuinmnnnnn aiLnnnnri n i .11. 1. 1. 15. Itosehnra- ctiapter Ho, S Holds their regular meetlnf on the 1st and 3rd Tborsd&y In each month. Visiting members In goofl standing are respectfully Invited to attend. I.KONA ABRAHAM. W. M. FREE JOHX3QN. Secy. 1. O. O. V., Rising Star Tla:e Jfo. 14 meots in tho Odd Felloe s- Tempi every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. Victor MIcelH. f. 0., Perry Bovd. V. G J EARI.E PICKENS. Roc. gee M FICKLE. FlnanetFil ISOSKIH riO IllHiE NO. 1003. rnf- i-n iiroiiin-IHWd of .Mninteiianee of Way Kmdoje and Rnllnay Shop 1 -"borers. Affiliated with the A r. of I. Meets at Moose, hall the first d.. fourth Sat. nights and third Sunday of each month. J. K. SMITH. President. W. J. MEREDITH. Reed. Secy GEO. MAC 1VER. Fin. SeT 0 . If Tou have aonmhln. EXPERT WELDING - Includes not only the kaol edge of where to aW'T heat, but also just wlen t ' stop. The work can be OTff done as well as underdone. W possess the expert knowlW and hare facility for doio all kinds of welding work satiafM torily. We ate at your i" vice any time. Mathews Welding Worb ACETYlfNE wElDlltC 1 CUITWC SHCaUlT i KOSKIIL'ltU. OHECOX J It's Time We Repair low lib If yoa want to gt ths ttS nefit of the season. days delay Is a dar'1 P' lost, So bring the lx wheel aronnd and bar t first class riding ec- Tou know what U n,i. a svery old ria does. D. W. JAMES It In tlon. j - - v ...i m rent try an Adv. in the News-Review.