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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1920)
Fospmrwo irKWB.wwvTBW.wnnnAy, apbh. at. toao iii7l"T3 Children Cry fr Fletcher'3 M ff Vv 11 II 11 fl IK U 0 Vi5 liNwww Iha Kind You Have Always Bought, and which ha tea la use for over thirty years, has borno the signature of - and has teen made under his per- fl , SS7 sonal supervision since its infancy. IsZa&ffl&tCMit Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nd "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Inlants and Children Experience aeainst Experiment What is CASTORIA , Castoria is a harmless substitute tor Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It U pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its nge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natuittl sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 3 w - r si m In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought NEWS SNAP SHOTS VUlt nl KuIciii Mrs. II. E. Cook ami daughter Lola luft this mornliiK for Salem to Yliiit friends for a few tlu. Will (stvo Kxmiihuttinii C buries KIcUIh, local poHtul clerk, Uft thin morning for Lconu to Rive civil service oxuiiiiiiutions. liiiMlneNM In Kiik'im Attorney John T. Long lift thin morning for Eugene, when he will attend to uuttiiiesn matt era for a hurt time. (joe to WIHnir Mitts Kutherlne Akii lft this mornliiK for Wilbur, where nho will spend the week end vImHIiik friends. TourUtH Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carlson, who huvo been touring the maul durinK tho winter monttiH, left thin morning for Portland, where they will upend short time hefore going on to their linine In Canada. Sjx-nk jit Convention liev. C. II. Hilton left tli in inorn ln K for KugtMU', where he will speak at the Lune County I'hiistluii En deavor convention tonight. tin liuie County Kim n II. E. Wick, of the high school commercial depart ment, left this morning for Kugeiie. He has a five acre trait near that city and will su perintend putting In the crop. Will J-hi HiiNhiiml Mrs. H. W. Marsters left this morn ing for Salem, where idle will join her htiKhaud.Vho nan ltei, upending the past few days in Portland, anil together they will visit over the week end with Mr. Marsiers' brother, H. L. MurMerH. Leave After Kit j C. J. Moyer and wife, parents of j f. E. Mover, with whom lliey have I been visiting for the past few ! months, left this morning for Falls .City, where they will spend a couple i of weeks with relatives before re turning to their hotn" in California. vr rt In N'cwf !ii'vl'W AA KXl'KKT SHOE M.Alv l-'U not a mere cobbler inenila your shoes when they come to us. We restoi titioes Instead of repairing thuni. To strengthen the weak nesses without ar In preserving the style of the shoe Is un old-fashioned, clumsy work. Let us show you what we do by our modern methods uud factory machinery. Shoes called for and delivered. IP cents extra. 1'hune t::i. W. S. HOWARD iMKl)cr 8hot ICcpJilrer. 118 N. Jsskson Bt. noabmr LOVE and MARRIED LIFE uq, we notea auinor Idah MSGlone Gibson THK COM INK WOMAN'. "I recall that not long ao I wit nessed what was called the victory "Io you mean to tell me, Alice," I said, for the moment forgetting my own affairs in the, newness of her, 'that you are going tu vote If you get a chance?" "Why, of course, my dear. It will be mv duty viite. And let me tell you a great secret. When women have a little more experience they will take more interest and know more about what they are voting for than does the average man. Women, when they really get going In poli ties, will have another standard of feminine beauty. "1'p until now the standard of beauty in women has been youth, for unconsciously back In the minds of neii there Is always utilitarian mo tive behind beauty of any kind. Na ture has given us one great privilege, the privilege of hearing children, and man has made the period In which we could bear them tho only period in which we might be called beautiful. convention of the suffnudHts. There was hardly a woman there under 40, and yet among them some of the mo! beautiful women I have ever seen. Something for Her Country. ' In the future, Katiierine, when a woman reaches what the novelist culls 'the dangerous age,' she will not go 'kind of batty,' as Tom calls it, and dress herself in the gewgaws of youth and try to bold on a little longer to the admiration of mn, but she will look forward serenely and haimily to doing something of worth and to achieve something for her sex and her country. We are always be ing told how much the suffragist can do for her country, but it seems to me that merely making women citi zens, merely giving them sotiM-thlnx to do alter their children have flown the nest, merely giving them a feeling of being Koine use in the world after they are 40 or 50, Is the greatest thing that has been given to our sex since it was turned out of the Garden of Kdeti and told that forever after would rest upon It the age-worn accusation, 'the woman tempted me.' "If men will only realize this they will be much happier. They seem to think that If a woman has brains she Is undesirable, and thev never will admit that brains and beauty can be embodied in one woman. looked at Alice. "Tom must hav learned that fact," I said. "Yes." she answered, "but wlm do you think my husband says to me about It? In a burst of confidence one nlpht be said. 'Alice, yon are so beautiful that I love you In spl M your brains.' and that's man's atti tude, my dear, tins world over." Mot Important of "Ml. "I am afraid." I said, "that I shall never be a new woman. Forust at present the fact of Juliu s love for nitt and tiiV loVe ior jum. if OLDS Head or chest- are best treated "'externally" with virus VAPop.uBti Uniform Abused By Ex-Soldiers It.cently there lias uppeared In the weHt'ern stales a team of dincharpeil mililit r.i. -ho. after flKhtinK In the much iimru Important than an) thinK j recent war to uphold the dignity and els In the world." ! principles of our flan and the I'nlted , don't vou understand, my ', States uniform. Insli-t upon belittling dear Catherine that John can love and desecrating the uniform by you and you can Joi n ever If wearing It to arouse the sympathy of vou ore a woman who ha ome in-; the public It. general to the ?er.'Mn other 'affair of life." of unofficial and fake pamphlet., 1 mltfht love John, but you know muKazmea. etc. vonr brother well enough to know In a majority of Instances it has n? t in't love me if he'hecn found that tho men wearing ; htnh.r, w e ou;h io .nan-he uniform for peddling, hawking g. my own affairs. He h,s never 1 and panhandling on .he streets and llow d me to talk to him ahout from door lo door, are not bona fi. e wi Z ,,?v wav. When I have soldiers but are using tlfis method to asked him the b ast important ques- take nefarious ndvanlage of popular .: A Koeiet ines seiniu.eiu. .ins ir.ciu-e in in on.-.-. I have asked the m stinn only for , violation of the National Defense Act heVakeof making 'conversation-he of June 3. HUB and subjects the n has shut me nu with a supercilious f'-inler to punishment by fiii.t of j00 smile while he said. "My dear, it ! or imprisonment not to exceed six wouldn't lt.terel vou. Why bother months, or both. r pr'uv head about it?' The real American soldier Is ah- "And yet I have heard that same , soluiely and positively opposed to the brother of mine." said Alice, - go in- , o. me u iuii .o. . u,,.,..,- ,. , ., i.. H..if,ti of one of his purposes, because the sign' rr a i catnnaimis with his dier peddling, panhandling, cn.ivass- ing -r soliciting in uniform (reateg I smiled "Of course vou realize. I the fallacious impression .hat he has Alio.." I s.'.iri "that John's slenng- been neglected and is obliged lo re- mt.iw.r Is tall lingular. akward. sort to the public through the pa crco-eyed grav-haired. and 4.r. " .trlotlc appeal of his unirorm. to T.,i .imv have something to do make a living. As one ex-service with ii" .i.i.l Alice musingly. "I ' man puts It: don't remember ever seeing a man j "There are crooks and crooks, but .11,1.... inn ht si. noLTanher. If bv about the meanest crook of them all anv chance that description would t Is the crook who disguises himself fl. ,.lP j as a siddier and, under cover of the v f.vuu i.MKw.lfk.i glorious uniform, or even an imlta . . ., , ... . ,.! lion of It, swindles the patriotic with "All of which A ice . lirlnRS various unworthy money-making io oy "'""" " schemes wtini me lo ue uujuiiiik out u Vac-a-slon. a very fraKile, lovely posses sion ...ip. ..... "'' "" uniform: the American Legion Is op """" , , v V, ,,. ,L h'.t ! e'ed to It: the public should not and I do no. think that I have iho , encourage It. strength of character to be happy if - tin lrnr,.il lit,, Tim. lloi'U VO... as a pal and comrade. You see this JjlQreClSe III nans.. ape o. mhih.iii m a in; unhappy one for most of us. I con fess I would have liked lo have lived years ago, when women knew of no other life, except that of being pos sessed by some man, a father per hnns until be gave her to her hus band: or it might he that I should e happy in Uir,'i, when women will e the e.junl of men in all the affairs if life nnd this great thing, which we call love, will not he of man's life a thing apart and woman's whole existence." ITo be continued). M 1U 'KIjLA.V EOCb. DRESSMAKING Stylishly done; tailor-ag. 74 So. Allln. Phone 42-. GENKliAL TRANSFER Hauling and country trips a specially. Troxell Ik Co. Phone 251. FOUND An envelope containing kodak picture! and films. .Owner please call at News-Review office. FOk rULE Medium .i.5 it at Foutche. U61 U. GOATS FOR s.TjIZrr , LOST Dark gray shoulder shawl. Finder please leave at New-Ho-Titw office. SAFETY FIRST Socui a safety depotit box for your valuable pa pers at the lioseburc National Bank. " POI'NI) 1'air of mens glova. The owuer may rwover property at News-Review office. t-C EGGS FOR HATCHING Brown Leghorn, good layers; 15 (or $1.50. D. 8. Houser, phone to 302-L. tf MONEY TO LOAN 20-year Mra' credit farm loans, low lnteres rate. $20,000 local money to loai on good real estate. First niort gage. See 41. F. Rice of Rice Kl;e. tt USED CARS O. K. Garage has a large number of different makes Prices and terms to suit your poc ket book. Call and we will de monstrate them to your satisfac tlon. Geo. Shanks & Son. The war and navy departments are ' opposed to any such misuse of the License Required Our Family Laundry Service WHAT IT I . A help that will simplify your particular wahilT problems aoa Is our family laundry service. Our drlvor calls for your fa n 11 T handle at a definite tln.o each week, and we'll do your wash tag in our customary considerate aud suulturv manner. 6.-' ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY I m:vs ruon mmjm. (.lass These cold nights are rather a se vere test on our fruit crop b 1 1 the! growers arv still optimistic ami he-j lieve there will he a f;ilr yield. The Puivtit-Teai'hers' association met Tnesdiv evening and discussed the educational hills coming up for ronsoh'iai ion at the May primaries. It is generally conceded the u.ilhitfe tav hill is a very worthy one and it will he largely supported. A. K t'henow.-th and family are lea inc today for en-ih-? n Or 'mm, u In-re they will make their 1 u Hire home. Jess I Indues, of Ko'hurg, who hoimhl the CniMioweih tanch. is hi re ;ind will tnoe his tamily to tlu- firm as snoii as s. hoo) clos.-s In Kosehure. Mis. Jennie Andni:' is the hafpy mot her of a l ine looU tin; hahy hoy. If tin-re is a r.-ward in heaven it ccitaiiih will he uiven to thise nioriu i s who follow the scrip! lire admonition to multiply and lcpleii Mi the earth. No Increase in auto license fees is required In order to pay the interest and principal of all state highway honds that can be Issued under tho pending four per rent constitutional amendment that will be voted upon at the May 21 election. Neither Is any increase required in the gasoline tax. Nor is any tax on property in volved. Revenue from the nuto license fees n-i.. i, ;.,, T!l . ! .. I""'' Oeweill IUICM Will lie ininnle in pure for hnth tnlornot nml ing the neighhors to scratch their nrinolml of all the bonds that ca.i knowledge box nnd everyone is trv- be issued under the proposed four inc to zet 'he verv . t.t-t wav to rer cent Uniitnfioii. The present road plant and grow tlum. There' are P cent of the ...... , n-essed value of propertv fn the daily discussions at the postoffice fl(o The increase Is necessary in i'lia some or tne most peslmisti- order to make it nogs bin to com even have decided to plant accord- ph te th main state highways within lug lo the sun, moon and stars. the next few venrs. instead of wait Our county court was out vester-,'11 indefinitely for their cnmnletio.i day inspecting roads nnd bridges. ! from annual revenues. T!y Issuing The old bridge at the Morgan place 'hebnnds. the roads can he provided is to hr- replaced by a new one. fo for u?e while the nuto license fees v e are informed. The old structure j and gas tax are being pnid. was built by the late K. Morgan ! 0 more thon .".0 vears ago and is one I of the landmarks of this valley. The ! Mrs J K- Zlmmerick left this rn-w bridge will bo a modern struct-, ,nnrninK f,' Kugene to visit with tire, with concrete piers and will bo friends aud relatives for a short built in the county road right in the t'"'1- middle, so our county surveyor says, j e are verv much pleased and grati fied to pco the optimism of our our lateral 'road's. ' j titJ'fe Koutli l.ccr t'reek tiranpc with snme ajipn'llctisnm. They evidently seek I to control or to at least direct the ' CHICHESTER S PILLS I 4T '1MK 1MAMO.NU KKXD. . A Who's Your Cleaner? What would the eonditlea of the banking IiuiIikm If anyone wuu oared to oould hold hlu.ult uut at a banker' What protection would you hare against fraust I. set the oondltlon In the eleanlng haalnese today? Onr (rule name la yuur proleutioii. O'er i et anseesarul kuluw and goed serrlee U ear piuof WHO'S YOUR CLEANER? Phnno 277 TRY OUR WAY Our Auto Wilt Call i i I isii iw otnrr. ii ii ir TnQ 11 Alio M ItHANU I'll.lji f , tI'!iiillUl1t.Sllnt.A,lnKFl i I SOLD BV Dfil'CGiSTS EVtiSCliE wm mi hard trodden path of the averaue l.'Kish.tor. in othur word.-, tliey would t io the hands and feet of tile vari ous candidates for repteMitativc so tl.ey coulil do nothing hut hovl. liii!i we admit Is tile lirst decree ... ... . in Kratm-erism. If a man can deride1 "awlfW Adwil.-rmei.ta D. his nciKhbors, shun all church and , new ,0,1y 'und on Sunday school duties, fiuht our onl "'" To.lay" head cnniuion school system and disrupt the community in Reneial he has taken all the degrees and becomes full fledged uratmcr In pood stand ir.K. There is strotiK talk here of Kettini; an enabling act and have tlio state capitol moved to Smith ANTLU Young lady. Reception I'eer creek. We will gla.llv siitn tho! fioin work. Clark's Studio. A'T1.T. WANTED Dishwasher at Koutch's restaurant. "tii.-h! II. iw my hack a.-h.-s: - Aft. r c.r 'TVi-. r ,,,,.. t.,, kidnc-s , '.! l.l.i.l.l. r ire ,.fi..n a.f....c.l -callwl ' n. I'i.rili?.. ur lullaiuiinl, .f k ;,ln,.ys. Tim is the r. .1 tl ic ( ,lMti; 'r-N t.T I be ie ami chivk the f nrHi.-r . nr. ... .t I " v "hmi'iltigthat w.iii.l.T. f..l ,lH.-.,.ry f l,r. r.r,-., . ,,,, s A ic i;ri,- , ,t ,.v.'., i the un,- . , !.., ,,,., ,;, H,j re.....,., tl,.-.. ,;,e. I... u UO, t e im..t-n .1. ii.,..,.es u-;,! j..;:its. I N..tMn:'v !,. n the '., .., are - t I .!! M,n. ?u -i-r.h,.-h s,.,,,- , the I-!. i.,k.e, a,,.) r-i.; r unJer the J.'S 111 Liu-IlM- (.TllliUe.ns. lir. l'.eiveVXnur:.. ...,, t,,.,.., V "t then I Hi... .;!,,,.., ...... i.r k- ... .1 !, t..a .,,, .k.jr ' I M ,l;i I. ,. 1 r. ,e:,,l t,r. , " ' ' '' ;r I..- -i! I:-.!... rear, .:h ' "' IAier. tr'.,l . ; "' ' I w s.lvert .., n I 11. n h-.-l, 1 ,.. ,. en u .U;J r-v a. tt r-( ... .., .!lmw J, '',' ''' '! ' "' 1 !'. :i et the i It. -il H.'.it... and l,,,,j .p .,,nn. I ?''" r."i..Hv I it, ., i ..;, . 1 ..a v I.. .11 .,.,:, fn., .,". ir',.;""..'.'..'..'' k V ,r nr..- ac,S , r."nMiv sn. MitTer n " '.".la In I '.W Miu,a)i. P. HksmQ. i ; etition. A. H. Marsh and a-ifo have re.-ent-ly m. .veil into their new luitidlew. W. S. (;oodm:in and family are iro 'nz to t'oos county for the s-iiniuer. The health of the cnmimmity Is pretty tend as far as we know nnd the neighbors are generally lnoliin.4 to a blighter future. X. X. ANTED Man or ooy willing to do Jnnitiir work for board. Inquire at Cafeteria. WANTED Nicely furnished house in good residence district. Ad Hres, A. C.. carp New,-KeTiew. Bad Check Artist Wanted In Eugene WANTED Second hand boat In Bond condition. Address 1; Kletuni. 427 Mill St. FOK HALE. OI.D PAPERS FOR SALE News Review office. FOR SALE Two good Fox hounds, will run coyotes. Phone 33-F14. FOR SALE 1917 model Ford buy at a bargain, See it at Harrison's Garage. m FOR SALE Good 1 i 1 4 model Ford touring car. W. R. Warner, at the Cafeteria. HARLEY-DAVIDSOX motorcycle, with Bide car. mechanically per fect. 627 Mill. FOR SALE Complete sets Ilritani ca, Dickens and Shakespeare. In quire News-Review. FOR PALE Good furni of 171 acres on Coos Bay highway. No agents. Lock Box 25. Camas Valley. Ore. FOR SALE Small pigs, 10 days to 2 weeks old, separately or with sows. Wm. Weaver, Myrtle Creek. 1' 1S-X2. HOUSE ON MAIN ST. Jll3t off Mosher, 100 ft. frontage, beauti ful reuiiiiing wall. Trice 13750. Casey-Harding. FOR SALE: 10 acres of good land situated ahout one mile west of Sutherlin, planted to prunes. Price 200. Splendid buy. St. John Lund Co., Sutherlin, Ore. Jl'ST on the market, beautiful 6 room bungalow; sleeping porch, with bath; at the intersection of Fullerton A Micelll Sts. Price 2U00. Casey-Harding. F0R SALE UibaledTTrT--J Mabley Bros., Uh, '' o-f j. s- root J COW FOR SALEonTrT"" mllker. LoniT??'1"'. way milker. Lone Oak V". M rreo. Schmidt. FOR SALE 1 second '. Oal. steel water , a, ? TlJ VH " Phone a-F-ij . u FOR SALE Eggs 7o7lTr--l White Leghorns, 1,0 ',"t-l Harvey. Phone o.V. Ior 15- JJ OAK WOOD FOR S I P TRUCK, oun-k ri"0V Price, reasonable. FOR SALE, BARGAEIZs! l dern bungalow, 'leeBin. " M garage, close in m...... ' "ntl 1S7-K. '""Bir.d FOctasPA;i7ooTlivq l-rtc I35r; hack. J. WhJV,. "'fJ1 burg. Phoue 38'J. ' "0R SALE-GoodhTroTlrl on Winchester St. Kur nr,.H see Chas. M,.l.-li,i .. -um u-hi..i B. : COAL, BODY Woniiei I -Jill ends. n,rauSSSa oU.aK, iranster. H iv i Phonn 12 nj TOR SALE Eggs IIutoThJ i o- . "drrW Socul t ,p.r:,.lj'.,Aii"M' ej FOR SALE 11 1-2 acroBlr"! harn fh lrun -warn ..w.. .... j, nuseuurg. On. FOR SALE-Large coumTmJ fihnu-a nil I II . i ' ' lands open to entry, prft, jj,,! . v- rrr. county nnij.: FOR SALE About 6 acres of good prunes, 6 year old trees; also 3 acres of timber and building site. Price J2000 for quick sale. St. John Land Co.. Sutherlin, Oregon. FOR SALE A bargain, Chevrolet touring car, new tires. Just over hauled, terms. See . R. Parmlee, 710 S. Jackson St., any day be fore noon. FOR SALE 2 lots, corner, 5-rooiu house, outbuildings, fruit trees; nice garden land. $800, including furniture. Terms. D. Whitsett, Rapp's restaurant. WE REPRESENT the Fenner Mfg. lo. ot the Peninsula Lumber Co. of Portland. Ore. Ready Cut Homes. If you contemplate build ing a home, barn or garage, write or call for catalogue. Casey-Harding. Roseburg, Oregon. FOR SALE Prune trees for fall de livery f. o. b. Canby, Oregon, 4 to 6 ft. .40 c: 3 to 4 ft., 25c. All kinds fruit trees at reasonable prices. R. L. Ellis. 3 miles west Roseburg, Ore. HATCHING EGGS Hollywood 200- egg strain White Leghorns, Gold en Cntnpines, from first prize pen Snn Frnncisco World Fair; White Face Black Spanish; heavy layers and non-setters. Eggs $1.50 per setting: $8 per 100. Phone 9-F25. Ed Bryant. FOR SALE Sawmill complete, th xiollker engine, cannr-h. f ..ti i thousand feet. Pltnly of dale! Address S. M., care Nem-Kennl 120 ACRES of timtinr l.nil by owner, located west of Dnfcl i rice i ac per M. c. 0. Andeno: Box 463 Ballard Sta., SeitUe, W: i'OR SALE 60C acres of Umber i sale; few rods from hiihwirm near siding at Riddle. lut bii sold at once. Good team tottf. proposition. AddreM Hnj Grube. Cottage Grove, Ore. EGGS FOR nATCHKC. Thoroughbred whits Rockl 100 egg strain. Alio thorctilt.l 1 C. Whits Leghorns Taucml Kti :ggs $8.00 per hundred. A lit vhlte Rock cockerels for ule, II I 'ash. A. S. H int. 225 Jickioi .' V.. Roseburg, Oregon. HEIN LINE -MOORE CONSERVATORY 1 1 lie ill tMyftlcil Educatioi Managed by Accredited Teachers Only The State demand nirhlr fOw teschrrs and this school eomM 1UU pwrceut witb tb9uwl. Kohlhagen Bidg. PhoM FOR SALE Highest grade nursery stock walnuts, prunes, In fact every variety of fruit tree grown in Oregon, as well as latest in orna mentals. For fall deliveries see F. E. Jordan, special agent, 324 E. 1st Ave. N., Roseburg, Oregon. WANTED Furnished or parti, fur nished houre. References if de sired. Address H, News-Review. WANTED Middle aged woman or girl for general housework In fam ily of 3 on i.mch. Mrs. C. S. Baker, Sutherlin. Phone 42-K12, Oak-laud. Sheriff George Qulne has received notice to watch for a bail ar tist who makes a specialty of p iling I5 cheeks on drug stores and who has been operating quite succ. ssfully in Eng. lie this week. The man has generally called up the stnre on the telephone, ordered an outtit of sup- iron nrvr 7T. plies, and then come In a few hours 1 , .. lKNTTrr-.rt"T "Plt boxes nfierwards in offer ft bog::s check in tne sum of f id. I FOI. TIFAT ' FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms. t.4i'. So. Pine St. HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCES Kitchen Caslnets, Built In effects of any sort are made by us. Its all home industry. See us about anything In this line yon want TheJ. G. FlooKCo. Phone JOO Township Maps Showing 0. & C. Grant Lands subject to entrj April 12th. W township. Douglas Abstract Co. M. A. BULEY CONTRACTOR RmILIc AnvlhinS. FW' class work. Let me fiff with you. Box 304, R rfenre- 305 Douglas St IUieeburg. Ort&- J Roseburg National Hank Iterance of a tnis- I'nii lr-v-T n . . take In a name the clic ks were an- ' v typewritei prenen.ten m Kugenc and a g. n. ral warning rnMit out to the various po- ! 1 tfl nfT.i-.ld r.t I r. ol..... ' N. Jackson street. Advertise In v.TS Rrvi,.,.. HOrSEKEEPIXC. ROOMS Also sin gle moms at reasonable prices. Rosehurg AparttnenU, oor Main and Donglaa. Poultry and Eggs WANTED We pay highest markst pries in cash. Highest market price paid for your cream, no delays. Bring In Your Products Roseburg Produce Co. 501 N. Jackson SL PHONE m Soiae Land Bargains . ... tans. I have quite a r. w r tJ sell in Hosfburj. 'Th-J hnmo. in IUU 111,' rJ i souie of them well ImP , up to date, ranging fro" " 15 acres: small snd Ur? on Cow trees. " (t, ranging from 40 aerei i Come and see the '"Tl the land suits we will try w J the price rignu j Write or call on I Rf. KOSCDUrg, vim