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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1899)
V THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 15, 1599 . The Weekly Chronicle. Advertising Katae. Per rate One Inch ' ha In tilr - O two lo"he and under four inehee Owr fonr incne and unde twelva inches Oree twelve inches PAiLT inn VIIKLT. Jut Inch tr les. per Inch Over on inch and under (our inches Over four inches and uuder twelve inches. Over twelve iucbea II 30 1 i Ml K 50 1 50 1 00 A LOSS TO TUE FCLPIT. llev. T. DeWitt Talmage's resign tion from his Washington citj ehunh to enable him to devote his time lo religious literature removes from the pulpit one of the roost famous men in American church history. lie was among the very first American divines, and the most prominent of that class, who devised means to render the church attractive to all classes of men and women. Under his inspiration, eibcp8, more thsn any other one man did the Protestant cbuich of nearly all de nominations cut loose from so-called orthodoxism, which rendered church going a sort of penance. While during the early sixties such men as Thomas Starr KiDg, Henry Ward Beecber and a small coterie of other progressive clergy men had already eschewed the old. tiresome methods of sermonizing, Dr. Talmage suddenly shot into tbe church circle wilb an originality which first shocked even bis more advanced brethren of the cloth. He was denounced as a clerical harlequin and charlatan. But as the years rolled by and he preached in his wonderful and entertaining man ner to immense congregations while his decriers bad no listeners, his magnetism grew, nationally famous. Tbe subsequent years also proved his sincerity. His eloquence and fiiyle o' presenting dry facts in an interesting manner did more for the Christianizing of his congregation than if be bad followed the prosaic coaise of bis predecessors. Tele gram. Toulon, France, the scene of the terrible explosion of which the telegraphic reports bsve been so full, ?"is noted chiefly as the place where 'X&TKilerm Tliinnnarf A hran lifa nrdat , , ft'v... n,rii TV.,! -,. I . ..IJ to the revolution, and an English fleet haJ entered the harbor to assist the French royalists. The revolu--tioaary forces had laid siege to the city, and Napoleon Bonaparte bud been sent to take charge of tbe artil lery. Though but a youth, be displayed such intelligence and force as to prevail over the old officers and to get tbe direction of affairs into bis own hands. By a series of pro found combinations, followed rby daring acts, he soon made tbe harbor untenable for the British fleet. AVben the fleet was forced to move away, the royalists were at the mercy of the revolutionary forces. The assault and capture of the city was attended by the most terrible scenes. Scott's "Life of Napoleon" contains this passage: "It was upon this night of terror, conflagration, tears and blood that the star of Napoleon first ascend ed tbe horizon; and though it gleamed over many a scene of horror ere it set, it may be doubted whether its light was ever blinded with that of one more dreadful." A fact of interest for us of Oregon may here be recalled. Tbe commander of the British fleet that was expelled from Toulon by the combinations of Napoleon was Admiral Lord Hood, for whom Vancouver named our great mountain peak, and Hood's Canal, at Puget sound. Oregonian. J. J. Hill talked the other day in St. Paul, for publication, after a visit to the Pacific Northwest. lie reports that the business outlook for tbe Northwest Is good, the only trouble being that there pre not enough ships to transport one-fourth of the pro duce. The Great Northern's magnnte hits upon a patent fact. There are not enough American ships to trans port one-tenth, or twentieth, of the produce. Ths congress of the United States ought before adjournment to have passed a' law providing for dis criminative duties In favor of Ameri can ships. This would have put all the ship yards on this coast to woik, and resulted in their enlargement and the establishing of more of them, and in the building of roller mills t supply the structural materials. Under such a law, we would before long have American ships enough on this coast to carry all our produce to market. statesman. AG VI SAL 00' S ESI) SEAR. It is evident that the end of the Filipino rebellion is near at banJ The re-enforcements for Otis which have Jnst arrived and those which are expected to reach bim in a few days will give bim the force which be needs to permit bim to make the advance which will crush the re bellion in the only part of the islands in which any armed resistance to the United States is expected. The capture ot Malolos, the capital of tbe so-called Filipino Republic, which is likely to Uka place very soon, will not have the moral effect which such a conquest would bave among civil ized persons, but it will bave this effect that it will show the Filipinos that no position which will be of any importance to the Americans can be held by the rebels. Tbe fact that no vestiges of an insurrection are fonnd in any part of the islands exr-ept in the one in which Aguinaldo is now fighting is of the utmost consequence for the Ameri cans. The only resistance they will encounter is that which they are about to crush when the re enforce ments needed are landed. Luzon has tbe only Filipinos who are friend ly to Aguinaldo's cause. Moreover, only one part of Luzon is in re bellion, or shows any disposition to rise. When the rebel chief is driven from the towns in the neighborhood of bis present location the end of bis career will come, so far as be can be of any possible menace to the United States. This is one of the reasons for the rumors that the president is not going lo use the option given to him by the armv bill to raise the force of volunteers provided for in that measure. He thinks, or is said to think, that the force of regulars which the law furnishes will be adequate to meet all demands until the present congress next winter passes the sort of an army act which he desires. The outlook in the Phil ippines and the other islands which have come into our possession is certainly much brighter than it prom ised. lo be a few weeks ago, and this circumstance will probably have some Influence in determining the number of troops which will be en listed under the new law. With the rebellion crushed in the Island of Luzon, and that consummation seems to be not far away, tbe situation for the country would be greatly im proved. It is evident that the United States will soon have leisure to give to the purely administrative part of the work of setting up a civil au thority in tbe Philippines. Globe- Democrat Spain locks up M on to jo, Toral and the rest of tbe naval and military commanders of tbe recent war, while its statesmen who caused the war are permitted to remain at large, This conduct will bave a tendency to cast more discredit on Spain than tbe result of tbe war caused. Its military and naval commanders prob ably made as good a fight as could have been put up under tbe con ditions which were presented in Cuba and tbe Philippines, but tbe Ameri can belief is that the fighting 'men were less accountable for those con ditions than were the politicians. An exception, of course, will have to be made in tbe case of Weyler, who was more responsible for tbe war than was any other one man, civil or military, but Weyler has not been locked up, and probably will not be. A Vienna professor of economic science declares that American ex ports threaten the commercial life of Europe. If our products and manu factures are better and cheaper than can be obtained in Europe, tbe Austrlans will be apt to order them if they get a chance. In some lines of production tbe Americans are un rivaled. Otis' declaration that the Hlipinoi bave not taken a single American prisaner makes pleasant reading for this country. In the general smash np which is soon to come for Aguin aldo and bis fortunes tbe fate of any American prisoners in his bands might be hard. It as common praclico for the Indiana to kill their prisioncra when the day of doom came" to themselves. Aguinaldo is probably as malevolent and barbar ous as were Gilty, Brant, Captain Jack and many of the rest of the white and red savages whom tbe .Americans bad to physically or metaphorically extirpate for the good of civilization. It has been some time since Spain was represented in Washington, but cn the resumption of diplomatic re lations with this country the Madrid government proposes to jive us the whole thing in the person of Senor Don J. Brunetti, Due d'Arcos. Tart of him is said to be already on the way over. At a caucus of Democratic con gressmen in Washington, to decide upon a policy, it was declared by resolution that the Democratic party still stands upon the constitution. A more correct way of putting it would be to say that the party stands still upon the constitution, and will be found standing still. When anything rullles some of the Cuban editors they threaten to go off to the bills and become bandits. There is no guessing what will hap pen to tbe emotional Cubans wben left to quarrel among themselves. Questions of trade with Asia and of the commerce of the Pacific would bave confronted this country regard less of the war with Spain. The Philippines are but one item in a large commercial and industrial sub ject. A Berlin committee formed to en courage tbe Czar's peace conference has disbanded. It concluded thai with the work of armament going on everywhere the era of universal peace is not yet in sight. It is stated that tbe Cuban postal expenses under American manage ment are fully met by the revenue. The recipe ought to be respectfully forwarded to the United States. Admiral Dewey evidently intends to spend the summer at Manila. He has cabled the home office for a year's supply of coaling baskets. Lifting his hand high above bis bead, Gen. Aguinaldo boastfully de clares that be would rather write than be president. , There were 172 ocean disasters in the year 1898, not counting ihose in which Montojo and Cervera took part. Beat of All To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the springtime comes, use the trne and per lect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the genuine. Manufactured bv the Culifor nia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for tale by all druggists, at oU cents per bottle. Tbe new steamboat Sookane. built h the O. R. & N. Co- to ply on the Snake river between Riparia and Lewiston, is now complete, and in service. Steamer Lewiston is also in service, and the two steamers will alternate between Riparia and Lewiston, leaving Riparia dally ex cept Sunday on arrival of train No. 4 from Portland and reaching Lewiston next day at 1 p. in. Returning, will le j Lewiston daily except Saturday at. o'clock noon, arriving at Riparia at 7 p. m., connecting with train No. 3 from Spokane. The Spokane has been specially constructed for the run men tioned above, and is thoroughly equip ped with all modern appliances, electric lights, etc., and for speed and comfort will excel any craft that has ever been built tor tbe Snake river. The Lewis ton is her steady old self. Mar 4 1m Before tbe discovery of One MinoU Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis turbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. A Beautiful Skin. 1-adies. If YOU desire a transparent. Dlnn. anil fresh complexion use Dr. Bourdon' French Arsenic Complexion Wa era. Their effect in nitriplv magical p issessing the wizard touch In producing and preserving a bexutiliil trans parency and pellucid clearness of Complexion, shapely contour ol form, brilliant e,e, anft and -month sain where the reverse exists. Kven the coarsest end moit repu slve skin, marred by freckle, moth, black hernia, pimple, vulgar r dness, Tel low and muddy skin are permanent ly removed, and a deliclouslr clear and refined complexion assured Price per small box, .' cents; large ho x, 11, or six large hoxea, (.. Kent to any addresa pout pld and under plain wrapper upon receipt of tht abuv amount. Writ for free circular. The Parisian Drug Co., ' 131 Montgomery Ht," San Franciaoo Cat, NOTICE. ( To ahoaa it may rosacem.: t By virtue of aa nrWr. asde by the Oommcn U'ou'nril of lallen lit. wita. eniheltnuay ' ol aUrrh. A. l. nolle I Iw-rvbt given that ' the i l ouirfil ai.riJ i.i ru to ,' r.Hi:rurie-J. in awrdaiK wllh lb f"-T; tneert.-. a wvt evtin in and lor .u ' CUJ" ine nature. itl all rU nf alJ -i Icui i. nereiueiu-r l .!!. . ai"t mere ici wi:l be ibargwl la lb prxetty fc-oentrd I tbereby. i Thai all ol mv& kiw are u ben Irrra eolta i pipe and "I nrB ne a may tar nfmlt 1- brrtuiuc! UJ aaiu v .j First A fciaiu ewer. mrr-cinf fr to the low watvr mart on tbe ( lumlca n-T at Ibe I. ..I oil ui-'U lrwt, theac rniiiili t aoottl oo I nion lrvl to l ltitt-rat-na Uieail. Tbe n if'.airia in Knih irv-t wi:n I ui-w atnvt. Ihelice fMilh ou I" mot! flw W Hi iu ! tersertion ot Teulu and I'aton atrwt. . Second-A mai'j eer. commencing at and ewii'tei iih tbe at the luterwction of the aiiev between hourlh an-1 Filth ireet with I'nloo treet. It-nee ruunr.ig eateny, tnrooch pnvaie property in Mr l'1. town ea-brW thrmigh the alley between Fmrth and tilth tre-u to Wahii tton (.feet, Ibeuce outh ou Wabiuglon tree. to Fulton ilrat Third A aewercominem irg at and connected with the aewer at tbe inieraretnHi of tbelley tuti.-ii first and xvond rlreelawilh Inion ureet. thence running eaMerly ou aaid allee to Laughlin atieet, tbruvcaoulh on Laughliu street to tourlh atieet. Fourth A aewer commencing at and connect ed w ith the newer at ihe intrs-lion of the alley between First and !-cmd treet.i wilh Laughlin atreet, thence running easterly througn aid alley to Jeffenmn lrt. thence north on Jerler aon atreet about l'JO feet, thence eaaterly to a Klnt in the middle I T-ylor street about NO er north of the north aide ol the intersection ot Taylor and second atreets. Fifth A aewer eomirencing at the lnterse lion of the alley between Second and Third sireeta with Tavlor atreet, thence weaterly on aaid alley to Monroe r'.reet. them e north to con nect with aewer lu alley bvtweeu Firat aud sec ond atreeta. Sixth A tcwer commencing at and connected withftcweron Laugbliu street at tbe intersec tion of the alley between Second aud Third ta. with Laughl n at., thence easterly through aaid alley to Madixon street, thence southerly on Madison atreet to the intersection ol Third and Madikon atreeta, thence easterly on Third atreet to the liiteraecUou of Third and Monroe :reet. Seventh A aewer commencing at and con nected with sewer on Ijiuglilin street at the in tersection of the alley between Third and Fourth streets with Ijiughfin street, thence running eaaterly to M.idiaou street. Eighth A sewer commencing at and con nected with aewe' on Laugbhn street at the in tersection of Fourth and 1-aughlin streets, thence easterly on Fourth street to Jetiersou street. Ninth A aewer commencing at and connect ed with sewer on 1-aughlin street at the inter section of Fourth and Laughlin streets, thence westerly to Washington street. Tenth A sewer commencing at and connect ed with aewer on Laughlin street at the inter section of the alley be'ween Third and Fourth streets with Laughlin atreet, thence westerly to Washington street. Eleventh A aewer commencing at and con nected with sewer on Ijinghlln street at the in tersection of the alley betwetu Second aud Third streets with Laiignlin street, thence westerly to Washington street. Twelfth A sewer commencing at and con nected with sewer on Union street at the inter section of the alley between Second aud Thiid streets with said Union street, thence runniiiff easterly along said alley to 'the intersection of said alley Willi Washington street. Thirteenth A aewer commencing at and con nected with the sewer on Union street at the In tersection of the alley between Third and Fourth streets wilh Union street, thence easterly through said alley to the inter section of sniil alley with Washington street Fourteenth A sewer commencing at and con nected with the sewer on Union street at the in tersection of tbe alley between tifth and Sixth streets with Union atreet, thence easterly through said alley to the Intersection of said al ley with Washington street. Fifteenth A aewer commencing at and con nected with the sewer on Union street at the in tersection of the alley north of First street with Union street, thence running easterly through said alley to the intersection of aaid alley with Laughlin street. Sixteenth A sewer commencing at and con nected wlthseweron Union street at the Inter section of the alley between Second and Third streets with Union street, thence westerly thronuh said alley to the Intersection of said alley with Liberty atreet, thence southerly on Liberty street to the alley between Fifth and Sixth streets. Seventeenth A aewer commencing at and connected with sewer on Liberty street at the Intersection of the alley between Second and Third streets with said Liberty street, thence running westerly through said alley to the west end of said alley. Eighteenth A aewer commencing at and con nected with sewer on Union street at the inter section ol the alley between Third and Fourth streets, thence running westerly through ssid alley to the Intersection of said alley with Lib erty street. Nineteenth A aewer commencing at and con nected with sewer on l.lberte street at the inter section of the alle between Fourth and Fifth streets with said Liberty street, thence running easterly through said alley to the intersection of said alley with Union street. ' Twentieth A sewer commencing at and con nected with sewer on Liberty street at the inter section of the alley between Third and Fourth streets with said Liberty street, thence running westerly and throiwh said alley to tbe Intersec tion of said alley with Lincoln street. Twenty-first A aewer commencing at and connected wilh sewer on l.lbtjrty treet at the intersection of Fourth and Liberty streets, thence running westerly along Fourth atreet to the Intersection of Fourth and Lincoln streets. Twenty-second A sewer commencing at and connected with aewer in alley between Second and Third streets at the Intersection of Pent ism! street with aaid alley, thence running aouth on said street to Third street, thence west on T hird strict to the intersection of Third and Fourth streets. Twenty-third A sewer commencing at and connected with sewer at the Intersection of Third and I'entland streets, thence running easterly on Third street to the Intersection of Third and Lincoln atreets. Twenty-fourth A sewer commencing at and connected witb sewer at the Intersection of Fourth and Lincoln atreets, thence running westerly along Fourth street to the intersection of Third and Fourth streets. Twenty-fifth A sewer commencing at and connected with aewer running on Third street at the Intersection of Third and Fourth streets, thence running westerly and 75 feet moie or lesa north of the road leading to the Mill creek bridge, to said Mill creek bridge. Willed at Uallea tity, Oregon, this the loth day of March, 11. JiF.f). 11. (iA I Ei, mchll Recorder of Italics city. NORTHWESTERN TRAVELERS ABE North-Western" Advertisers Aeenuae I the Shortest and Best Route to CHICAGO and the EAST vLT A1HNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL; And also, the equipment of its trains lathe moat nioriern of the c:ir builder's art embodying all the luxuries comforts ami necessariesof travel. . "IHE HE? NORTH WESTERN LIMITED" Math Century Train) Is metric lighted both Inside and out, an equipped with handsome buffet smoking lihran ?ar, compartment anil atandnrd aleepera, fre ,'VJ1, n'1 mn'irrn n;'V coach; and on which no bX TKA FAKK la charged, it makes connec tions at M ininap., lis and bt Paul with Northern PaCltlc. Great Northern n.l 'H.i.D.nlfl.M trains; and leaves daily Minneapolis 7 30p. m St. Paul Slip m ; and arrives Chicago ft 3u. m. For berth reservations ratea. folders and llustrated booklet tKKIvof the "Finest Train im ".r'mn e" " or tddreaa Ticket Offices aw Washington St.. Portlondj m first r,i'2',le ": OranlU Hlock. Helena; 113 Nicollet Avenue Minneapollai HUH Robert St,. St Paul; 40f West Superior St.. Duluth r address T W. Tasauaui Inner al Paaaengaa gent, St Paul Minn. Freat Bmnderi bat purchased the ood boalnett of J. T. Reynold, in (hit city. Those desiring good wood will Mod him by ringing op 'phone n a ruber 12. How g. 3& serious diseasesTsuch as sciatica; neuralgia, rheum atkim and all forms of weakness, either in men or women. Miss Pearl Wood, a popular young ladjr of Arlington. Ind.savs ; "I had , fairly good health until two yeara ago.when facial neuralgia developed. The. pain was fearful. Frequently I would have severe attacks during the night, making it impossible to ever get a night'a rest. I suffered severely from this disease for many weeks. Our physician waa unable to help me, and we tried another doctor, but with the same result. I used different reme dies, but with no benefit. Happening to read in the newspaper concerning the merits of Sr. Williams' Pink Pills I concluded to try the pills. When I finished the second box I waa better. I waa never more happy in my life than over the fact that I waa getting well. After taking the third box the pain left me, and when I had finulicd the fifth box I waa well. At all druggists or sent direct by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady. N.Y., 5o per box; 6 boxes,$2s-? Removal We will move into our new store building on or about March 15th. Our store will be complete in every depart ment. We have a complete line of '99 model Colum bia and Featherstone bicycles at lowest prices. See our line before purchasing a wheel. laVaTctys eft? Crowe, Opposite old stand. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains ieava and are dua to arrive at Portlai LEaVI. OVERLAND EX Cress, balem, Kose urg, Ashland, Bao ramento, Ugden,Han Kranclseo. Moiave. 6:00 P.M.1 Los Angeles, El Paso, New Orleans and A. M. East 8:30 A. II. K.meburg and way sta tions Via Woodbura tori Mt. Angel, Hilvorton, West Hclo, Browns- vtlle.bprlugfleld aud Natron J 4:40 P. M Daily except Buudaya. Daily except Hunday 17:30 A. M. Corvallla auu way fstationa I 6:50 P.M INDEPENDENCE PASSENGER. Express train Dally (except Sunday). :S0p.m. (Lv Portland ...Ar. 25a. m 8:30 p. m. 'p. m. Ai.:McMlnnvllle..Lv.J 6:bua.m (Ar..Indepeudence..Lv.) 4:f0a.m Dally. f Daily, except bundny. D1NINO 0AK8 ON OOD EN ROUTE. PULLMAN BDEFET 8LFEPER8 AND HECOND-CLA88 SLEEPING CARb Attached to all Through Traias. Direct connection at n Krancisoo with Oeci dental and Oriental and Pacific mail steamship llnea for JAPAN aud ClilNA. Hailing dates On af plication. Ratea and tickets to Eastern points and Eu-f'Pe- Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU auc All above tralna arrive at and depart from brand Central 8tatlon, Fifth and Irving atreet YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jederson street Leave for Rherldan, week days, at 4:30 o. m Arriva at Portland, :: a. m. Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 Mia. m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day. Thursday and Haturdaj it 8. Oft p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. K. KiyKL.LER, ,'n. MARKHAM, ilanaaer. Asst. o. f, k Pans. Aat Through Ticket Office, 134 Third atreet, where - ,' " " - i"fi. iii ne nastera Mates, ( an ml a and Europe can be obtained at orN.WnKJA.BDO,yRKUM)'T1CketA'"!nt- S E ED S CHOICE Northern Grown SEEDS In Bulk at J. H. CROSS Feed and Grocery atora Cor 2d & Fadaral 9t. E E E D S E D SEED to be Healthy in Winter. Winter ii &. trvintf time For delitm peoDle. Coujhi, coldk &nd pneumonia find them tsy victims. -Do you t&tch cold 'easily? It thows th&t yoyr -system is not in & condition to reiist disease. You will be fortunate if you pneu monia.. " - ' - i Nature is always fighting ' against disease. The right kirld of medicine is the knd that helps Nature by toning op the system and enabling it to resist disease. Such a tonic is found in Dr.WiMie,m5 Pink Pills For PaJt.PtopU., ' By building up the blood and strengthening the nerves these Dills reach the root of manv Notice. O.fUCUf Dr.ART tim a schidcli. Ae.iivi run from Uallxs. Fhom. Fast Halt Ijikc, Denver, Ft. Fat Mail Worth, Omaha, Kan- MsI. 11:50 p.m. sas t Ity, St. Louis, 8:1;. . a. Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Spnkain r Iyer Minneapolis. Ht. Paul, Flyer. 5:40 p.m. Duluth, Milwaukee, ft :00 a. at. Chicago and East. 8 p.m. From PogTL!r. 4 p.m. Ocean Wteamshlps. For ban Franeiwo January 'II, and every live days thereafter. 8 p. m. 4pm Ex.Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. E"x.buuU u.,.a . To Aht"1a and Way batilrday landings, lo p. m. J I , ,;!";. WiM.TTl Rivrr. 4:30 p. tx.bunday Oregon city Newlierg, Ex.BumUf Salem it W'ay Land s. TiieJ iHl,, w,LLA"Tr and Yam- U:3fl r andlSl B'U' H" - Mon.Aved.. anu bat. Oregon City, Dayton, aud Kit and Way-Indlugs. T,.l Tm; . w"-I.ametti River. 4:30 p. 'Ai i1!' Port1"'"1 lo rvallla, Tue., II"" nd Sat. and Way-Landinga. and HaU Lrrt?ll.'L"," . B" River. Uwsto. R'l'arla to Lewiston. dally except except mlay. Saiurdsf. p;IIm desiring to go to Heppner shmiM t'l J' lev" ' Dalles at o::l P ' rnaking dlriTt coDiieoMona at llcppner Imielli He imiliig ninklugdirHi-tp.Hinaetloti at Hew"' Junction with No. 1, arriving at The Dalles"' 1:1.) p. in. No. ft!, thronght freight, east bound, doe" ml carry pasngi-ra arrlvea J:,' a. m., dipa'u a'.'M a. in. Ho.t' l.ical freight, carries passengers, e"' bound- arrives 4 :),,. m., departa M: 1.". p. m. . no. ill, weal h iiiiid iorough freight, d- carry passengers; arrives . m., dc'" : p. m. No. HI, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrlvea :1.', p. ni., UeparU (i::W a. m. For full particulars call on O. R. N. Co.' agent The Dallva. or adilresa W. II. IICRI.BNBT, Gen, Pas. Agt., Portland, W Government Lands With fine timber and running water l Hood Hivar Valley, anltabie for homestead "n timber entries. Wa loeata Individuals " eolnnlaa on thine lands. I.arga Milling I"" dnstrles now Imlng liK-ated here; also towu and other lauds for sala. . Soma of these Government landa ar WJ choicest Apple land of the Famous H" Klvar Vallay. W. R. WINAN8, l and Iicator. to-lm i Hood River.riascoCo., On