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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1899)
Si If f. VOL. IX THE DALLES, WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1899. NO. 23 PART S. vJ STORM KING HOLDS SWAY Snow, Hit finis anil Floafls in Many Atlantic Coast ani Sontnern States. COLD WAVE (fN THE WAY Snow and Wind Storms Have Created Fresh Havoc in Georgia Many Buildings Unroofed and Fruit Crops Ruined. Washington, March 7. A blizzard like storm begin at 3 O'clock this morn-- ing, several inches of mow falling and caullafi m ich delay in traffic. The wetthir bureau say the storm is central this morning off the New Jersey coast, end bad rapidly assumed the propor tiona of a genuine blizzard.' By tomor row the cold wave will cover the At lantic coast states. Snow Storm in Alabama. Atlanta, Ga., March 7. Heavy rains and a cold wave have been followed by high winds and snow in many parts ot the state. At Monroe several business building') were unroofed and a number of dwelling houses blown down. Rome and Quitman, Ga., were visited by heavy snow stormB, and farmers report the complete destruction of crops. Livestock was killed near Opelika, Ala., and all fruit which was not killed by the cold wave three weeks ago, was lost last night. New Yohk, March 7. A fierce snow storm set in about 4 a. m., and con tinued unabated until 11 a. in., when about five inches of (now had fallen Considerable obstruction to travel is experienced. Cleveland, 0., March 7. It has snowed almost continuously since early Sunday morning. Philadelphia, March 7. Snow began falling here shortly before 4 o'clock this morning, and at 11 o'clock continues to fall rapidly. Heavj Damage bj .Flood. ' Charleston, W. Va., March 7. The night was one of discomfort and actual suffering. The slow falling of the water aided by the low temperature, made the situation a gloomy one. Many business men were compelled to use boats to seek provisions and fuel. Even the governor was forced to use a boat to go from the executive mansion to the state bouse The loss to the timber men up Elk river will be heavy. Lexington, Ky., March 7. Almost unprecedented losses followed the break ing of booms from high water in the Kentucky river. It is estimated that I. 000,000 worth of logs have been lost 'n this way at Jackson, Beattyville, Valley View and other points. Cincinnati," March 7w Notwithstand ing the low temperature and high winds ot last night, the Ohio river continues tsadily rising. A considerable portion of Newport is flooded. WILL NOT IN CREASE THE ARMY On the Contrary the Presidcut Proposes . to Muster Out as Rapidly as Possible. Chicaho, March 7. A special to the Titiie-Ierltl (r(,, Wachingion says: Pretident MeKlnley has decided not to vail himself of the authority granted by the compromise bill to organize a pro visional army of 35,000 volunteer. After consulting with olliclale of the f department, the president has de eded that m view of the present favor I'le outlook in Cuba and the prospect oi the complete suppression of the Philippine insurrection at an early day, it win not be necessary, after the present volunteer forces have been mustered out, to have more than the 65,000 men allow ed for the resular arm nniil Jnl i lQfii It is also his purpose to expedite the iue witnarawai ot volunteers from Cuba and the Philippines as rapidly as possible maa muster trfein out oi the service. All volunteers are to bo brought hnmn n soon as enough regulars can be sent out to taxe tneir places. The president will under the law to appoint volunteer staff omcers in sufficient number for the 65, 000 regulars. If subsequent developments show the necessity for more men tbe president will then exercise his power to enust an or part of the 35,000. KIPLING TO BE' MADE A PEER His Elevation Has Been Decided on and Will Take Place on January 1900. . New York, March 7. Kipling's con dition continues to improve. - Kipling, it is reported, will be ele vated to the peerage January 1, i:00 Dr. Neil McPatten, of Edinburg, Scot land, who is staying. at the Windsor hotel, says he has received the news from Sir Walter Besant. He adds that the report is common gossip in literary circles of London. The Damage to Wheat. Milton, Or., March 6. Recent in yeetigation of wheat fields in the east end of Umatilla county showed that the damage by freezing is much lees than was first thought. Very little grain was injured by frost along the foothills of the Blue mountains, where tbe enow laid deep enough to protect it, but in the lower parts of the valley consider able re-seeding will have to be done Conservative estimates place the amount destroyed, however, at considerably less than ten per cent of the total area of fall sown grain. How to Pravant fnsainonla. You are perhaps aware that pneu monia always results from a cold or from an att.ick of La Grippe. During tbe epidemic of La Grippe a few years ago when so many cases resulted in pnen monla, it was observed that the attack was never followed by that disease when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or La Grippj to result in that dangerous disease. It is the best remedv in the world for bad colds and La Grippe Every bottle warranted. For sale by Blakeley Houghton, druggists. Danger Point Reached. Louisville, Ky., March 7. The Ohio river is rising here at the rate of two inches an hour, and reports from above are that all tributaries are pouring un diminished volumes of water into it The danger point has been reached here and houses on the levee have been entered by the water. All the streams ia the state are swelling and most of thera are bevond their banks. Great damage Is being dono to crops and farm buildings. Dyea Asks to Be Made a British Port Victoria, B. C, March 7. A petition addressed to the British high cora missioner has been circulated and large ly signed In the little town of Dyea, Alaska, asking that the commissioners accept the town from the Americans, as proposed in dispatches from Washington some time ago, and make it a British port. The idea is to get the trade of the Klondike and Atlin districts, which are In British territory. Strike In White Pass. Skaowav, March 2. tVia Victoria, B, C March 7.) Seven hundred of the 1400 employes on construction of the White Pass A Yukon railroad are out on a strike as a result o! a reduction in wages from 33 to 30 cents an hour, and an increase of work to ten hours a day. After the men struck, all the others were laid off for a few rtav. Not one child dies where ten formerly died from croup. People have learned thevalne of One Minute Cough Cure and use It for every lung and throat liouhle. Il'mrnediately stops coughing. It never fails. Snlpes-Kinersly Drug Co. recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Disovery for Consump tion, and was so much relieved on taking first doce, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured. Her name Is Mrs. Luther l.utz." Thus writes W. C. Hamnli k A Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at Blakeley A Houghton's Drug Store. Regular size 00a and 1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. OREGON STILL IN THE BATTLE iilcl It lie Mrastans Tfa Drive lie Enemy Frnm Tteir Position. FIVE AMERICANS ARE W0UNDED1 Tbat tbe Loss Was Not Greater Was Due Solely to the Bad Markesman ship of the Filipinos, as Their Fire Was Heavy. New York, March 7. A dispatch to the Herald from Manila savs : After the insurgents had been driven off last night from in front of Mariquina they came back 500 strong and cut off a company of the Nebraska volunteers. This morning General Hale sent out three companies of the Nebraska regi ment and two companies of the Second Oregon to dislodge them. Tbe enemy who were holding a strong position among the rocks, fired several volleys at the advancing Americans, but the latter by a flank movement, drove the Filipinos over tbe hills. No sooner was this fight well under way than the insurgents to tbe south of the water works, knowing that the forces there had been weakened by sending troops to Mariquina, attacked the water works in the rear. Their object was to cutoff the pumping station, but they did not succeed. Their fire was heavy and our small loss was due solely to the bad marksmanship of the Filipinos. The enemy's dead numbered twenty. Returns now in show five Americans wounded The insurgents are placing guns In position at various points. The opinion of all the prominent men in Manila is that the military force of the insurgent anarchy must be broken before a stable government can be established In tbe islands. ENEMY LOSES 250 MEN Heat Is Intense, and Both Americans and Rebels Are Spending the Time in tbe Shade Wherever Pos sible. New York, March 8. A dispatch to the Herald from Manila says : General Hale determined this morning to clear away the enemy from the front of the right of bis wing. Tbe gunboat La Guria de Bay, under Major Grant, began shell ing the enemy's position. Two companies of the Twentieth in fantry and three companies of the First Nebraska, under Colonel Statenbarg, swung in from the road to the water works, driving the rebels toward tbe Pasig river. The First Wyoming advanced directly on the insurgent position in iruni. Meanwhile the La Guna de Bay pound- e l the foe from the river. Thus attacked on three sides, the in surgenls were driven back. Captain J D. O'Brien, of the First Wyoming, was shot in the right wrist, and Major Shell, of the bureau of information ws slight- y wounded. Complete-reports of the wounded are not yet in. General Hale estimates tbe enemy's os at 250. At the time of sending this dispatch, the Wyoming troopa occupied an ad vanced position. The insurgents opened fire across the river from (iuadaloupe, killing Private ,oveioy, of Company C. First Washing ton, and wounding two others. The insurgents have been concentrat- ng to the east ot me city, ani win probably try an attack from that side. Their principal object is to cut off the water supply of Manila. The American positions are strong, and their attempt will be futile. The insurgents losses have been severe the last few dav. The Madrid, authorities have offered Agulualdo a ransom of $1000 for each officer, 100 each for the privates, and (50 for each civil servant. They have not offered to ransom the priests. Heat Cootinues Intense. Manila, March 8, 3 p. m. The tem peratore today at 3 p. m. was 87 degrees but the cloudy air was like steam ami the troop were greatly inc mvenienced on the line, In spite of the temporary shade afforded by matting and bamboos wherever possible. Theie are fewer prostrations, however. Our troop to day are not compelled to remain in the open country as much as yesterday, when they were engaged In clearing the jungle. The rebel seldom appear In the open, except in the cool of the morn ing and in the evening. many Indians : . are SICK Unusual Suffering at Rock Creek An Old Chief Dead. Goldendai.e, Wash., March 7. Dr. Bill, an Indian medicine-man of the Tumwater tribe of Kllckitats, visited Goldendale yesterday on his return from tbe tribe's winter quarters on Rock creek, east of tbe city. He reports that the Rock creek Indians have suffered more sickness this winter than ever be fore in their history, and that the advent of civilizition has carried in its train scores of epidemics unknown to the red man of previous years. Two of special mention are the mumps and scarlet fever. Chief Yuc-a-lat, a peer of Chief Cani-poo, was burled last Friday on Rock Creek, having died after a few days' illness with pneumonia. From Dr. Bill's report, it seems the late chief resorted to the old custom of the Indian sweathouse and a plunge into Rock creek' waters, which are ice told at thi time of year. The semi-civilized doctor admits that as to the ills the white man has bronght thera he is very ignorant, and feels that an unaccount able burden is now falling heavily upon his people, that has doomed them to death. Chief Yuc-a-lat was over 70 years of age, and in his time had been a great warrior. One time he was the owner of many ponies, which with In dians as well as white men in former times denoted much wealth. Dr. Bill further states that tbe fifty families of Indians that have wintered about Tum water or Celilo falls have experienced good health all winter, and he believes it is from the fact there is no near-by white settlement to expose them to the nsnal winter contagions, which have been more lrequent thi winter than usual. BETWEEN ITALY AND CHINA Italian Minister at Peking Reports as An Insult tbe Manner in Which a Coaling Station Was Refused. Peking, March 8. The Italian min ister reports as an insult the manner in hich the Chinese foreign office ha treated Italy' demand for a coaling sta tion at San Mini bay, and a rupture of diplomatic relation between Italy and China as probable. It is believed Russia has reiterated her protest against the British railroad loan, in order to make the contract ground for complaint against the Chinese and thus seek compensation, territorial or otherwise. China Must Stand By Her Contract. Pikino, March 8. Sir Claud McDon ald, the British minister, has informed the Chinese foreign office that any at tempt to repudiate the railway contract will be regarded as a breach of faith meriting retributive measures. At the same time, the minister recalled Lord Salisbury' assurances of support for China if any other power attempted to force her to repudiate her contract. Bad Fire at Dyea. Skauwat, Marth 2. (Via Victoria, B, C, March 7.) Fire In Dyea last night lestroyed the Palace and Northern hotels, Chilcoot tram stables, Senate saloon and courthouse. Loss, f 12,000. BSOLUTEXY Makes the food more Ovn BAttrWQ INSURRECTION CHINA EeMs in Central China Defeat In- tsrial Troops. HUNDREDS OF LATTER KILLED Victorious Insurgents Capture Four Towus and Massacre the Inhabit ants Fear of a Famine Is Felt. Victoria, B. C March 8. Detail of insurrection in the central provinces of China, received by theEmprees of India, state tbat the rebel, force and the imperial troops met In a pitched battle on January 23, and the later was defeat ed with great slaughter. Hundreds were killed and their bodies, after having been mutilated, were thrown Into the river, nntil according to a correspondent of the China Mail, the stream was like a lOg-junmed creek. After the defeat of the imperial troops, the victorious rebels swept on to tbe cities of Kuyang and Meng-Sheng, which they 'took after a short siege. As toon as they passed the walls they massacred men, women and children, and perform ed all manner of revolting cruelties. They then burned the captured towns. After these successes tbe rebels push ed on to Shacbou and Kauchon. The gates oi tbe former city were opened by sympathizers within, and the horror witnessed at the first two captures were re -enacted. Kanchon held out for soma time. At length Niu and his follower gained an entrance to begin their slaughter. As reyenge for his having held the city against the rebels tbe garrison was butchered with savage cruelty. It is said 200 men, women and children fell in the struggle attending the capture of the city. It is feared a great famine will follow the insurrection, for so terrified are the natives that the crops have all been left standing and will not be harvested. WANTS A CHANGE OF FLAGS Wrangle's Citizens Will Petition the Joint High Commission to Cede the Town to Canada, Seattle, Wash., March 9. The citi zens of Foit Wrangle, Alaska, are said by late arrivals from the North to be drawing up a petition asking the joint high commission to eeda their town to Canada. This is one of the oldest settle ments in Alaska. The people desire tc be the center of Canadian travel to the mines of the interior, and think a change of flags would help their busi ness chances. The only excuse they offer for their desire to get from under the American flag is that the principles and laws for which that flag stands are not in effect in Alaska. They claim that the terri tory has been abused and neglected, and that the present laws are unfit to live under. Wrangle is the starting point for the InteVior by the Stickeen or all-Canadian trail. It proved a dismal failure last year, and the Canadian government has about given up hopes of getting to the interior that way. It is doubtful if Canada would accept Wrangle as the British entrance. Wrangle is one of PflvVlDER fcjRE delicious and wholesome row CO.. irw votw the oldest settlements in Alaska and has about 500 population. THUGS BEAT A TAC0MA GIRL Robbed Her and Then Tried to Make Her Drink Poison. Tacoma, March 8. Two unknown men entered the house of J. B. W. JohnBton, in the heart of the residence portion of tbe city, in broad daylight, today, while the family was away, and attacked Myrtle Fulmer, a 15-year-old adopted daughter. They said they wauted to get the money they understood to be in the) house, and commanded the girl to pro duce it. She refused, and they ap proached her. She struck one in the eye with a stick of wood and knocked a falee mnstache from tbe lip of another. The ruffians then put a revolver to her bead and made her gi about the house with them while they collected the jewelry which had been left in the drawers. The girl was so frightened she gave them $$ of her own money. This they put in a purse, and then turned upon the young girl. They attempted to make her drink a cup of carbollcacid, but she knocked it from their hands. They then chloro formed her, tied a towel about her mouth and fled. They tailed to take the puree of valuable, leaving it behind the door. The girl did not come to until two hours after she waa chloroformed. She is uninjured. Telegraph to the Klondike. Ottawa, Ont., March 8. The govern ment hasdtcided to construct a telegraph line to the Klondike country. The plan is to build a line between Lake Bennett and Dawson City at once. At the same time surveyors will leave to examine the country northward from Quesnelle.B. C, which is the terminus of the present government system, and see how to con nect with tbe line to Dawson. The government will retain the line in its own possession, having decided it is too valuable and too important from a standpoint of the national safety to be allowed to go into other hands. Princess Kaiulani Probably Dead. Honolulu, March 1, via San Francisco, March 8. Princess Kaiulani is on her death bed. She cannot survive another 24 hour. Rheumatism of the heart ia the cause of her illness. Kaiulani is the daughter of the Princess Likelike. A. 8. Cleghorn, a Scotchman, was ber father. He is now living in Honolulu. She was born October 16, 1S75. After tbe death of Kalakaua, when Liliuokalana ascended the throne, Kaiulani was declared beir to the throne of Hawaii. Li Urtpp 8ucofully Treated. "I have just recovered from the sec ond attack of La Grippe this year," says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I nsed Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, and I think with considerable suc cess, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former at tack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for the use of this emedy as 1 had to go to bed in about six hour after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down,' " For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. No Christian Science There. GiTHKiR, O. T., March 8. Both houses of the legislature have passed a bill prohibiting the practice of Christian science In Oklahoma. The governor, it is aaid, will aiuu the bill. Mr. Botkin Wants a Divorce. Sas Francisco, March 8. Welcome A. Botkin, husband of Cordelia Botkin, convicted of the murder of Mrs. John R. Dunning, of Dver, Del., today applied for a divorce on I he ground that his wife had been convicted of a felony. L. M. Haywaid Elected Senator. Linci.x, Neb., March 8. In j tint session today L. M. Hayward was elect ed United States senator to succeed William V. Allen. He received "4 votes, the solid Republican membership, with the exception of one absent. Alien re chived 58, the full fusion strength.