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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1919)
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1919. elie (Eapttal 3Jmmtal AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Publshed every evening except Sun day by the Capital Journal Printing Co., 136 South Commercial street, alem, Oregon. GEOBGE PUTNAM . .... r Editor and Publisher Telephones Circulation and Busi ness office, 81; Editoria) rooms 82. National Advertising Bepresenta tiveg W. D. Wurd, Tribune .Building, New York, W. H. Stock well, People's Has Building, Chicago. - THE SALEM BOOM. A.VEBAGE DAILY CIBCULATION 6250 Certified 'by Audit Bureau of Circu lation. ' FULL LEASE WIRE TELEGRAPH 8EBVICE Entered as second class mail matter at Salem, Oregon. Odds and Ends Backyard baseball doesn't wholly sat isfy the kids unless the enighbors gel m:id and hide the ball occasionally. C'nbool (Mu.) Enterprise-Press. . Too often 'Tin So. Ed Have you forgotten you owe me five dollars f Ned No, not yet. Give me time, und I will. l)e Jnnge Monthly. Moonstruck. The Worried Ktago Manager Well, what's the mutter nowf The Hinge Oarpenter The Moon's truck, sir: 'e snvs as 'o 'e won 't rise under fifty bob ft week an' a pint o' hcer duriu' the eelipse. .London Sketch. Irrepressible, "Now, Master Jaeky, if you brenfc any more of your toys I shall buy a stick to punish you with! " ' : . "Auj may I plav with il when you're not mine itf Windsor. Everyone Is striking but the Uplift Squad. New York Evening Sun. r , . Know What He Was About. A member of a national medical asso ciation tells the following story at the eicpeuso of a physician: "Arc- yon sure," an anxious patient once askod "are you sure that I shall recover! I have heard that doctors nave Bometiinos given wrong diagnoses and treated ft nntient for pneumonia who afterward died of typhoid fover." "You have been woefully misinform ed," replied the physician Indignantly.' "li I treat a man for pneumonia, .ho dies of pneumonia." Harper's.- Tor Economy's Sake. "I want a perfectly noiseless lawn Mower. " "Considerate of the neighbors, eht" "It Isn't that. If 1 ouu get up early paid cut grass without the neighbors bearing me I won't have to lend that luwuiuower seven times before I get to use it again myself.", Boston Trans THE Portland Journal refers to the demand for fruit lands in this vicinity as "the Salem boom." . ' The phrase is unfortunate, for Salem is not-booming, nor, with her calm indifference to fate and complacent self-sufficiency, is she likely to boom. Temper-mentally she is "agin" it. - Nature can spill her bounties about her and the state shower its tax roll over her, but Salem can not help it and is an unwilling Barkis to opportunity's proposals. How can Salem boom, When her citizens refuse to supply h.ousing accommodations for new residents? How can a community gam rapidly m population, when there are no quarters.for homeseekers? . ... . j Boom has several meanings. ' The Journal used the word in the sense of rapid growth based upon the tardy realization of the merits of natural resources; But boom also means "to drum, sound as an empty barrel," and "to cry with a hollow note." It is the latter kind of a boom, the hollow note ol artiiicial inflation caused by clever ex ploitation and over capitalization, which sooner or later is followed by the slump of collapse that Salem should and must avoid. The actual value of farm land is based upon the pro fit it can "be made to yield under average conditions. The speculative value is that based upon artificial or unusual conditions. . If hop land was selling on the basis of the present market, with hops at 70 cents a pound, we would have a parallel to the inflated vajues at which fruit lands sold in the orchard belts of the northwest in the apple boom of a decade ago. High prices for land must be dis couraged if we seek the permanent prosperity of the set tler and resultantly, of the city. Vegetable, fruit and berry lands in the Willamette Valley are in great demand because Salem industries now furnish a competitive market for the producer. The grow er can contract his yield in advance to be utilized in any one of half a dozen great industrial plants, thus stabilizing the market. He does not have to ship long distances to uncertain markets and become the victim of railroad de lay, speculative sharks, and commission vultures. Thus Salem offers more inducements to the producer than any section of the northwest, and the intensive development and payrolls assured, will force an unwilling growth upon Salem. , (i j , ; " f Salem can, however, materially speed-up this legitim ate growth by providing needed housing facilities," and stabilize it by discouraging land inflation and speculation. I The developer and worker is needed, not the speculator and get-rich-quick boomer. As a burned child dreads the fire, so does anyone who has been through a boom based upon the inflation of land values, dread its repetition. We cannot afford to handicap the producer by over-capital- lzation of the land he is dependent upon. , - The Journal's article follows: . , "Near Hulem a man bought, four months ago a !i3-acre farm, on which is a 5-aero prune orchard in full bcniintf. He paid $180 un acre for the property. "After nulling J00 worth of prunes, ho' disposed of the farm the other day. The salo price was .KM) an acre. His gross profit ou the property in four mouths is 124,900, ' - , "A farm of about JllO acres several miles southeast of Salem changed hands the other day for 00,000. It was bought-by; n man residing in the commun ity, ft comprised 75 acres of prunes, 2fi acres of cherries and 00 acres of tim bered land. The prune orchard and the higher price of prunes had a great deal to do with both sales. Quibs and Quirks T him," said Dr. Jennie Callfas, promi nent welfare worker. "If I had been 'the girl's mother,. I would have wanted to riddle that man with bullets mvself." All the logs are not in cold storage, r The future of our air service is plan Washington oPst. - . '':.' ncrt wirti imnlioi fnifh t. .1,. mgton oPst! -- ... Seems easier to get into war peace. 'Wall Street Journal. . nea wini implicit taith in the power iof the league to prevent war. Green tlmu.ville (S. C.) Piedmont. 'Perhaps the "Irish Republic" would aCuf Pn man(,a,c t0 govern Boston. ! future is like near-beer, something that rnrm uurnai. isn't. -Nashville Banner.' Laugh and grow fat. This method is The chap who went through that hell the only one now-in reach of the aver- j on the western front can't be persuad age purse.-Grecnville (S. C.) Pied-led that the cost of living is too high ureenvme (M. C.) Piedmont, 'Pork is said to be on the, toboiriraii in Chicago, but the slide we want to see Jt on is toward the home-plate. Sas katoon Star. ' Eight People Injured In 'Frisco Street Car Wreck San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 1.- rress.) tight persons were (United injured, Prices, we are 'told, will come down in the near future. Mavbe that near two seriouslv todnv when n T'nitnd TJnil. ways car jumped the track at a slippery The soviet party has been born. Its promoters plan to make America just as happy a IKussia. Omaha Bee. (Fourteen points,-forty five amend ment, and four reservations seem to be .all we have got out of tho situation to date. New York Morning Telegraph. curve at Chencry and Thirteenth streets. Over 100 persons were on the car. The car's speed was checked when it struck a fence. The brakes failed to work as the car was going north down' a teep grade. The car remained upright. A superfluous clause in. the new Ger- T1,a ..... I ft i !,. ii.uiiuuwii jiuYiuca uiut a vi c straighten out the affairs of the world !nmn s0,a11 not acccPt 8 titU or a do"'' tho more we 'believe in prayer. 'Rich- j mtibn from any foreign government. mond News Leader. 'Albanv Journal. 0I.C0TT REQUESTS TEACHERS TO AID IN FIGHT ON H. C. L Omaha Women Split on Justice of Negro's Death Georgo Bca er and M. Green, one of who was formerly game" warden, are under arrest at 8t .Helens for fishing for salmon is Scapppoose bay. Women Who Are Always Tired Former Mine Workers Head Leaves $259,009 Fortune (New York, Oct. 1. The will of John Mitchell, former head of tho United Mine Workers, was filed here today. It was in his own handwriting, but because there was no witness it was believed to be invalid. It disposes of an estate of $250,000, divided equally among his widow and two children. YE LIBERTY Oinnha, Neb., Oct.' 1." (United Press) Omaha women, discussing the lynch- public j 'iaS Sunday of Will Brown, negro, iden- the tliritt registration . day in a manner: that will be a credit to the state which! has nevor yet faired to respond to tified by Miss Agues Loeback as ei Teachers and pupils in the schools ot Oregon are urged, m a proc lamation issued by O'ovornor Olcott to- assailant, stand divided upon the justifi day, to lend -.-their assistance to the cation for tho hanging, federal sovernment in its attack on: "Tk h( t ;. high cost of living toy observing )n ,.' miA Ura j w. ii,.w,,,i ,.;. inally a Louisiana woman. -"Mob rule is never iustjfiiible, " said the call of the. government for cooper- Mrs. Draper Smith, former president of at ion in patriotic .enterprises. " ..the Nebraska suffrage association. "As one phase of its attack on hitrh "Omaha can never live down the dis places, the federal government . has- graceful performance of Sunday night." itamcd.October 3 as thrift registration "I am utterly stunned, crushed and day iij all the sehools throughout the humiliated to think that such a thing United States," the proclamation reads 'could happen, hi Oumlia,'" said, Mrs J. " On that, day evory teacher and 8tu-'ll. Dumont, prominent 'club woman. ...... ... o-i huch women get little iov out of lite, they-are "dragged out," "worn out," ''tired out" and nervous, but how few realize there is a way to overcome this condition.' Druggists guaiaiitqo Vinol, the end liver and iron Ionic without, oil, to build up strength and energy for over worked, run down, devitalized men and women or will return your money. Why .not take advantage of this guarantee? Emil A. Si-haefer, druggist. (Adv) a ser Bs the The Sacrifice. '(To the ludy who advertises fu vnt with medium or dark hair only qualification.) " ' . I'd love to match a- Morris frieze, iM golden-ochro potiore, A black brmiettisli Pekingese, Ih- old brown Windsor kitchen chair, Though I can neither wait nor cook, And will nut answer knock or ring, I ahould be very proud to look In harmony with everything. Hot Nature with a head of low Endowed me in the davs gone by, I cnniiot serve you, ma 'am, but, oh, , I 'd gladly dye. A. W., in London Daily Chronicle. The Road to Paradise. "My darling," said a fond mother, who believed in appealing to children's tender feelings instead of pimishiiig theui, "if you are so naughty you will grieve mamma so that she will get ill find have to fie in bed in a d:irl( room, and tnk( misty medii iue; and then she may die mid have to lie taken nwny out to the cemetery and -be buried, and you " ..- The child hud heroine more solemn, !ut an anirelic smile overspread his fac,. nt liis mother's lest words, and, throw ing his arms 1mut her neck, he ex ciihned: "Oh, iniimiun, and may I sit beside tJie ei)iichmniif " Tit ltils. "A year ago a man bought five acres of loganberries near Salem paying SSOO for the property.' The five acres of 4-year-old vines netted him $700 an acre this year, and he has just sold the place for .1o00. At an investment of 2500, he look off in net profits for his year's work jtWOO. 'There is a fruit land boom around JSalein. Loganberry men raised three"! nnit a Unit' nnd lur tons per acre and i.uut at rents n pound. Numbers -of them netted $700 an acre, in some instances hero and there, even more.- The average, of course, was considerably lower. , . ''Prune growers who did not seli too soon uro making fortunes. The dried product is selling around IS cents. The scarcity in Europe iiiul war prices, have created jniirkets never li no wjl before. The Snlein district has found itself. Jts soil is wonderfully ndnpti-d to fruit growing, and the farmers have become skilled in the game. .. .. "I t is assumed uf course,-that- they realize that, prices and profits may not always be what they are now, and that over-capitiilizat inn of their land may ultiinatelv bvi : rr disaster," HUNTING A HUSBAND By Mary Douglas the government of tho United States torce down exhorbitant prices by agree !ug to, practice thrift through saving and investment in government secur ities such as thrift and war savings stamps and treasury saving certificates "The authorities at Washington feel that while prosecution of profiteers may 'be of some aid in bringing the necessities of life to a proper price level', yet furtdamen tally the remedy for the present unbearable price situa tion is restriction of demand to abso lute needs, increase of capital through strict personal economy and nso of this capital, in greater production of rlie necessities, of Jife." , i "Let thrift and economy ,becomc ail effective weapon with which to com bat tho profiteer," the proclamation concludes. ' . v N BAPTIST WOMEN WILL CONVENE AT STAYTON THE LITTLE DRAMA Australians Here To Study Farming And Fruit Growing Three Aiistrnlinn soldiers, with the typical Austrian hat were in (he city yesteidr.y, coming to Salem for the special purpose of interviewing- C. I. Lewis, publicity manager 0f the Oregon Growers Cooperative association as to oo operative work among fr.iit growers. The thre young men have ben select ed by the Apstiafian government to study agriculture and fruit growing on the coast and are visitiug.various fruit flections. From Berkeley they came di rect to Salem to learu of tho wtij-s of tho Oregon Growers Co operative asso eiat ion and their next Visifit will be in Hie Yakima section. Puriug (heir year in this country, their expenses will be paid by their home government, s it is recognized that tho Pacifje coast states are taking he lead in fruit growing as wall as in the organization of fruit growers. A were all down on the dock. Cousin John and Mrs. Ashby wore fishing. She soeuied us gay, an imperturbable as ever. Yet I know. And between us there U a deper bond of understanding, confi dence. '" . ' Little Anno was sitting on the edge of the platform swinging her legs, lint I hud no eyes for niiything but Winlhrop Carter and Mnrgot. nithorp Carter, the penniless heiress hunter. And Margot, penniless, too. Hut with her beauty as a grout stuku for fortune. And these two lire in love. I suvv it. Too, I saw they were strug gling against it. I'or they each one of them must marry money. And here they hud been caught unuwares by the chubby god. What would be the outcome f I could only wonder. I saw Margot 's fleeting look from sea-green eyes. And Win lhrop Carter! The eomedv iif sm-h il is was no. played out ttiis afternoon. I was caught by my own drama. Coin' edy, tragedy, whatever it is td be. For George Arnold came swinging down the dock. The color swept over me, as I watched h'm ronie striding along. Such man Then into tho quiet, sun lit afternoon, came unother element. Little Anne had slipped off tho dock. Into tho water sixteen feet below. Iii n flash, it seem ed little more, George Arnold hud thrown off his cont. He dived into the water. Wo watched breathless. There was no sound. Then he appeared with Anno in his arms. Cousin John took her from him. It had been othing. A child slipped sud denly into the water. There wero two men here. Hut th0 third mini Goorg,: Arnold had lenped without thought. He-shook off tho water. "Would you take these, Miss Lane?" he said. 11,, held out & roll of bills and his watch. So ! went with him to the house. I could not keep the admiration out of my eyes. It was so like him, so quirk, so ready. " Awfullv nice of yon to come up," he said. "Would you wait for me? won 't be long." The Woman's Missionary society of tho churches of the Central Baptist as sociation will hold its semi-anual meet ing with the Baptist women of Stayton Friday, October 3, It is expected there will be delegations from a number of the churches. The niorning session will begin at 10:;)0 and tho afternoon session nt 1 :4fl. During tho Don hour the Stay ton women will serve lunch. Mrs. O. F. Holt of Salem, president of tho associationnl circle, wtlh preside. An interesting missionary program will be given and all the women of tho com munity are invited. Among the features of the afternoon program w ill be an address by Mrs. Ida Warnock of Albany, who leaves soon for missionary work in Nicaragua and an suitress bv Dr. (i. t . Holt .of Balojn oh "Tlic New Baptist Program.?' The outrage upon Mayoy Smith was unforgivable." .. , " -. 'It was not lawful, but in view of the long , list of crimes against women in Omaha in the past 30 days, it was up to the people to augment the luck of policy protection, " aid Mrs. Thomas P. Reynolds, wife of the president of the Nebraska Federation of Labor. "The lynching was a blot upon tile city," said Mrs. C. H. Hempel, presi dent of the Omaha Woman's club. "I deploro mob rule and consider the attack upon the mayor a disgrace, but the hanging of a- man guilty of such a crime is to my mind justifiable; , he punishment could-' be tob- aewtsfi for SUSP WOODRY HAS MOVED to 170 N. Com'l St. LA "laid servant by day a v's'ot'nJsijcsby night j . re . Mum, -mmim, THURS., FRL, SAT. LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. WOMAN SUES MAN FOR CAUSING HER ARREST For being placed tinder arrest and obliged to put up bail amounting to t0 to keep out o fthe .Multnomuli county jail, Violet McOritnm hu brought 'Suit in the circuit court here against B. Cuu iiinghain for $10,000. She alleges that on July 7, 11, Mr. Cunningham mnliriously and falsely ac- I.cused her of stealing a tent. She claims unar a warrant lor ner arrest a warrant for her arrest wa us There - was something almost boyish sued and that she was arrested by the in his question. It made me feel older than he. Though he must be thirty-eight, thirty-five at least. Now he likes me! He has shown it. And I admire him. Since Jim he Is the only man I have ever felt this way about. , ' I see a .lung 1 path of shilling liappiuos strong virile. Powerful. Th sunliirht i touched his mffleil hnir. Tl lniil a. fin. f ger on his deep-cleft features. He was au,,,ul 1 an ugly -handsome man. Ho I said to) The diania is still to be played. myself. ; - (Tomorrow Aboard the Blue Jay.) Sheriff of Multnomah county. Crimiiinl action against her was dis missed and sht was acquitted she says. Due to the fact that she ia well known in Portland, the reports of her arrest greatly, injured her reputation, and that the shock has made her become nervous and ill and incapacitated for work. Agricultural Agent For Lane County Resips Job N. Uobli for the past three years agricultural agent for Lane county, left Monday afternooa for southeast ern Kansas, whore ho will locate. Uis resignation as county ageat took ef- ievt tu tii dojxi of work. Mr. Rolib returns to Kansas to take charge of his mother's stock and grain ranch, bin father having recently died, leaving no one but the son to fill the place. Kugone lurd. Business men of Oregon City will pre sent i; handsome American flag to tie iH-wly-oriraniaed American Lesion of the tieptember ciackamas county. Charter Granted To New Bank In Portland Today A charter has been issued by Will H. Bennett, state superintendent of hank, to the new Broadway Bank of Portland, to be located in the Elks Temple. The bank is capitalized at 10ojo00. W. B. Haines is president of the institution. 11. H. lluynes is vice-president and Col. Creed C. H&mmotid of Kugeno is to be the cashier. "Forget It -Buy At Hoi II i -4?Yourftwsackof Mi y MlMm HourwiU - A 4 I give the same satisfaraory results as 'Sfi'f .-.I . V your last. From wheat field" to ' ill!! : " Tj i 1 ''' . . Y ' flour sack, aftual baking tests' f l : r : AL5eir" ifllR '3 made at every' step fj " - j to assurc uniformity, III ' iJ-M-KMljifisS I V M There is no guess J j iMIjl! ' - tbadc mass i V I work in the making J t . .Best Patent " o StSTEESSg; there " i J in the baking with it. " 1 III silWf. Simply say "OLYMPIC to your near- ... MUCiv mi3i, r.u"u J groosr when you onUr flour, nd uk " kttl ,nvii bimtomaayouthemontrdyitdpecaro. L ; , j t,fj