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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1919)
? 5250 CIRCULATION V5 000 BEADED DAILY) Only Circulation ia Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. " FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE ' VALLEY NEWS SERVICE FORTY- SECOND YEAR , :; ;.' Cincinnati Again sews ua e With Fourtfainning Rail 1; " ; vF 4 to 2 ' ; vr; . By Henry L. Farrell - r (United Press Staff Correspondent) ' . Redland Field," Cincinnati, )ct. 2. One big inning again today for the Reds. Claude Williams' wildness set the stage in the fourth inniing for the blow that spelled defeat for the White Sox in the second game of the world series, by a score of four to two. A triple by Larry Kopf did the work a ud When the. . inning Was over three runs were across the plate and the Bedi had the game ou ice. . 4 ' Slim Bailee) Mora a 's dependable vet eran, was iii fiuo form and held the Hon. almost helpless in spite of the fact that they piled up ten hits off his delivery,- Sullee was steady as a rock in the pinches and at no time did he lose command of the situation. - Claude Williams,' the southpaw mem ber of Kid Gleason s. pair of aces, pjteu ed a mighty good game of bnll for Chi cago but ; was wild As a hare through out. Six men went down to first base on balls. , The Reds constantly waited him out. As in 'yesterday 's game, the Reds proved that they had a punch. Larry Kopf saved up his tr'iplo un til it was needed to cash in two runs that waited on the bags. Again in the sixth inning Greasy Neale delivered a smashing singlo that scut Eddie Rousn mound with another, run. Every Red hit was made to count. The White Sox lost a; wonderful chanco for a flock of runs in their half 01 me ivuriu iniirng ,wneu, wun aacK- o.ijl :f.i ..f ! t n.. j .1 11 HOll met lilllHIU Oil UUl'll.lllllf a.ipmwt I berg failed iii the pinch. - .. . . . , . . . - " " witn a count ui o iu a un rne oweae. sauce sr.mely sidled a floater across the plato and Bis-' friends and physician httv0 great difli beig popped an ensy one to Daubert and 'cuity in keeping him away from wor!.. their chance was gone. r DV. Grayson, has also been in confer- Today's attendance was 29,090, slight cnce with Dr. X R. Stitt and Dr. Dennis, y lower than at yesterday 's opening. both 0f tile n&vv, it was learned, a bo gross receipts excluding war taxi Dr. Grayson eir-hasized that he wm Y,yre $97,130. .. The players share $52,- calling in assistance as a precautionary "W4 of .today-, receipts. - measure nnd ns a help to Mm. His l7i?fin0"fli commi5S,ion'8 s,mre wUl treatment of the president requires more J, , , i time than one uit:n is able to give, it . The clubs nnd the league will divide w,.s stated. $ !4,9e8.90. I In treating caws of this character it .. riist Dmlng. Iwus pointed oui, rhe condition of tl:o Uiicago J. Collins up. J. Collins out, 'patient may vary from dav to day wl(a w. ee to Daubert. E. Collins up. E. out affecting the general progress to t ollins walked. AVenver un. Weaver ' , . : li,..l Vm,t -..J c- n-ii!. " bled off first, Kopf to Daubert. No .v nun a... .U111IIH was aou- runs, no Hits, no errors. - j t iiicinimti Hath up. Ruth popped to ielsch. Daubert up. Daubert out, Ris- Derg to Gondii. Groh up, Oroh lineo zo J. Collins. No runs, not hits, no errors ' y, Second Inning. Chicago Jackson up. Jackson dou - , , lcr- felsca UP- ielsch sac- nfiecd, Bailee to Daubert, Jackson going to third. Gamhlup. Gandil out, Kopf to Daubert. Jackson wa s held at third, "UCT UP- uuwtg flew to Nea e. N- runs, one hit, no errors. Cincinnati Rousli up: Roush walked. Duncan up. Duncan lined to E. Collins, who threw to Gandil. doubling Roush nt first. Kopf up. Kopf flied to Flesch. No runs, no hits, np errors. Third Inning. - 5 Chicago Sehnlk up. Schnlk flied to Roush. William up. Wililams singled fOontihuod on Page Six.) Mass Meeting to Consider Situation in Salem To further strive at a solution of tho critical housing situation in Salem, a public mass meeting, at which the ur gent necessity of building will be im pressed ;ind at which the opportunity which lies in this direction for eapitsl will be shown, will be held here some time next week, i Since the facts under lying the situation were mndo plain in a statement in The Capital Journal Wed nesday interest in Salem has been thor tughly aroused, with the result that steps will be immediately taken to solve the problem. It is a well known fact that the only solution lies in building. The reluctance of local interests, to invest in this chan nel, beeaose they apparently arc not fa miliar with the opportunity for profit able investment that building promises. will be attacked at the meeting, and it 1 is expected that civic pride will be United States. Therefore there is notb fii ieiitly aroused to induce Slem finnn-jin(c 1ft T0 Aa btlt persuade local inter eiers to take up this matter. iesta to take up the matter. The exact date of the meeting has J lt has been estimr.ted that at least 20r not vet been set. It is announced, how-j new residences should be built in SaVn ever, that the session will be held at this winter to accommodate the influx M am. i - a ma mm mm mm ... '- NO. 233.-EIGHT PAGES. PRESfOENT NOT SO WELL TODAY GRAYSON SAYS Washington, Oct. 2. (United Press.) President Wilson's condition this morning was not at all good, according to a statement issued by Dr. Cnry T. Grayson Ms physician. " The statement said: "The president had a fairly good night but his. condition is not at all good this morning." , Dr. Grayson has called into consulta tion Dr. F. X. Dercum of Philadelphia, a nerve specialist. Later, he may call Tr. ftnni'tfp T)e Sell weimlt.a. an eve sne- einJut also of Philadelphia, v i. . . mu. ! ;.. i.:..i.T.. presiUBIll. iS 1" UUtuir um iKii condition, it was stated, although no irmi,ia .vmntnma hnvn devnlniM-rt. i-Ms '""-y such as to lead Dr. Gravson to be- lieve he is well on th, road to recovery, in spite of the fact thai his condition this morning is not so good as it has been, it was made plain at tho White rr No plnn has been made for the presl- ; i i i. n dont to seek rest in a more secluded sp0t, although it has been suggested that unless something was aone to that he cannot avoid some reaction from P?lce p,' frther TTS m :tno political battle in the senate if he!1"1 8a"e.8 m M h imPMSlble 0 remains here. Grayson stated definite- i"!8 . t. win l.v mh. House this week and doubted if ho will Complete rest is to be enforced and every effort will bo made to keep all v o matters from coming to the attention of the president, Bonds amounting to $150,000 rece'ht ly voted by the Oehoeo irrigation dis trict were sold this week at 90 cents on the dollar. the Commercial club chambers, if it deemed that these rooms can nccomodat i the crowds. ' ' At a meeting Wednesday evening of the board of directors of the Commer cial club support to the Salem Building &. Loan association was urged; It i) said that persons desirous of building and availing themselves of the chanct of a hurried sale of their property, wh find themselves without sufficient f und on hand to build, enn align tlicmselve? with the association, under plans that arc said to be acceptible, and go nheao with the association's aid and build This will be explained at the meeting. The imcompetence of the suggestion that a building syndicate lie indjiced to come to Salem and erect homes is now seen in the fact that the housing situa tion ia enuallv acute in all riftrr of the Building During September Only Tbtos $11,900 The building (boom has not . quite reached ' Salem, although the official record! - show- quita an improvement over ibuiidiug permits issued in Sep- temoer or mis and tor the month just passed. One year ago there was but two permit issued, one for a-residence in South, Soleav for $4000, and the oth er for repairs amounting to $400. For September of this year, the build ing permits total $11,900. W. J; Pruett took out a permit for the erection of a $200ft house s the first permit of the uionthfollowed 4y one for $6000 by the Salem VTater Light and Power com pany, for its office just across Com mercial street from its present loca tion, Trade and Commercial. : IF. A. Anderson was 'granted a $1000 to build a home and WV J.- Thompson a permit to spend $2500 in erecting a house. The last permit was' to Ray H. KJoopar for- th erection of th little- tola store ttuilding on the efcttf prop erty on Liberty between State" and lUOurt streets. It will cost $too, SOCIAL HITS TOO PROMINDIT The .second dayof the 67th annual Oregon conference of the Methodist Episcopal church found more than. 200 delegates from all parts of the state in attendance. Many distinguished pas tors, who have won for themselves na tion wide fame, were present at the Large assemblv Thursday morning. The program for the day opened with a message delivered by Dr. Joshua Stansfiold of the Pirst Methodist Episcopal church of Portland the largest ia Oregou-on . the subject "The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.". Tha necessity ;of "ministers of the church-i (preaching the fundamental ideas of faith! was the'tenor of Dr. -. .iSfronaf o il 'a nnt Vn -wrtftBi-h Mo dMlM tlie devotion by the churches of too much time to all kinds of social activ ities outside the church. "I do not wish it understood that I am .opposed to social service activities' said he. Indeed, to the contrary. They are the fruits of the gospel. But pas tors should not spend too much .time with the fruit and neglect the tree." The report from the Klamath dis trict was read by Rev. diaries A. Ed wards of Aswano. lit. n. j. van ros sen, superintendent of the Klamath dis trict died a few weeks ago, and the business of the- district was entrusted' to Dr. Edwards. Dr. W. W. 1'oungson of Portland read the report for that 'district; and (Dr. T. K Ford submitted nn account of the church's activities for the Sa lem district. The report from Eugene was read Wodnosday. It was made known at the confer cnce that all ibencvolcuee, and finan cial iinatters of tho church m the state tt!.n.l jnnrlrArt nereoan rliir lit the oast year. Pastors salaries everywhere 'have been Increased, although small in ni;n Allien limfADono Tf una afilil ratio to other increases. It was said r""'. V "e-'- ii 11 A a ft a tr a nl li av wnrlf nil t cn il P P h 11 rftll J matt(VM to mai!e 8 livlihood, it was re- rveiueu. miio Jiiiinttmr, hi'b.iui III CHURCH WORK dentially, declared that the newsboy 8teel W wnen who passed his door each morning waff,le resumed his testimony before the malung a greater salary tnnn ne. xne cumminou wu;. tendency of the churches to remedy ,' Strikers misunderstand the purpose of this, however, for the most part, made the strike, Gary said. He urged an ex the outlook more hopeful. ! tended investigation by members of the Bishop Hughes in speaking on I committee instead of a hurried two-day (Continued on Page Eight.) Housing Is Called For !of families. After that, a prominent citizen said Thursday, building should continue with a gradual Increase to Keep pace with the growth of the city. Fred A. I.egg, local architect, declar ed Thursday tlitt he has not been call cd iob for plans for houses for thre' months. It is reported that oue enterprisiri capitalist of the city is now planniu the construction of between 15 and 2C houses within the near future. "If he can do it and make money at it," said Secretary McCroskey of tho Commercial club. Thursday, "why can't others here do it nnd thereby salve their civic pride to the pxtcnt that they have made a great" stride in the development of the cityf" a , All effort is being made by the Com mercial club to solve, this problem. Members are awajo tmit the future of Salem depends largely upon the imme diate undertaking of the housing situa tion here.; and are now launching upon an edticatioual program toward this t,rM days without wearin ' eotton stock-1 garded as entirely harmless b hos end. . in 's," said Mrs. Tilford Moots, t 'day. pital attendants. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, r. 1 . - . uk.T IPOS Senate CcKsiees Visit To Steel District i Settkseat; MISUNDERSTAIwIfX BY ! WORKERS RESPONSIBLE Moratiotf'.MSAiWses i , . Investigation Be Made Sim ple As Possible. Washington,. . Oct " if Compro mise or arbitration of the steel strike was flatly spurned by Judge , E. H. Gary before the senate labor' committee today, o ; 'I cannot talk about compromise . or arbitratiott at the present time," -Gary declared, "much as I regret ' r':'v:.';' 5 i '.' . Gary bases his refusal to meet at tempts at settlement of the strike on his declaration that the union leaders represented a minority ,bf the men.; "Why don't you leave it to the presi dent of the United States to determine whether they represent a minority or" a majority; isn't that fairy' Walsh press ed. "I want to know f you are con vinced that they . represent fitty per cent!" "I don't think I'm required to an swer a question as to what I would do Under other circumstances," Gary re plied. "I'm sorry to differ with you or tho public on thus question. ' ' " I 'm sorry for the tlioiiands of wive and' children who aro suffering In this strike," Walsh interrupted. "You don't give Mr. Gary a chance to answer the question,'? R. V. Linda bury, Gary's counsel, protested. ".The union labor leaders, or some of them, acting updn the existing circum stances, utilizing a comparatively small minority of foreigners, have brought about this strike, which is an attempt on the part of a minority to secure con trol of the employers as well as tho employes," Gary said deliberately. "That's what you isay, 't: Walsh, re plied. -"I want to know if yon will meet union leaders under any circumstances. yes or no?" Walsh insisted. "I don't propose to answer yes or no," Gary retorted. "I'm sorry to press you, but that's the issue," Walsh persisted. "The closed shop is the issue," Gary return. "I want to know if you appre 010 ine ounger. I ceriumiy uo una i appreciaic tne danger of your refusing to meet the wnrlm'fl " Wlli fir1 hneV. porkers, By Raymond Clapper (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Oct. 2. Delay in the settlement of the steel strike might re sult if the senate labor committee car ried out jts intention of visiting the . , trip. (Continued on page two) " ABE MARTIN Mr. Lemmie Peters' wealthy aunt has promised t' git him a railroad job if he'll bo t M-hool another term. "It's fllmt iinnmwible t' keep th' table up OCTOBER 2, 1919. "tt""MIMMIMMMMMIIMMt t ; What Is Your Idea? Some people seem to think that mrWm tha f ! price of property and raising rents is snlvinrr sQo t i Housing Problem. t j - Uthera apparently believe that partitioning old i ) snacks with small "apartments" is all the building ' ' i f m thers are converting abondoned barns into t modern bunaglows" with the aid of a few boards t ! : What do vou think A (. . . v IlllbC I briefly your, ideas for publication - in the Capital Journal "Open Forum." : " : r M M. M Four Whites and Seven ! Negroes Killed in Race Riot in Arkansas Town Helena, Ark., Oct. 2.Four white men and seven negroes are known to have been killed in race riots at Elaine, near here, Sheriff Kitchens of Phillips county stated today Several other negroes are believed to have been killed, the sheriff declared.'. f ; .?-;:-.:-- One white man and a numbon.of .nn ffrmm vitni L-i ll.r! who. renewed early today. The others lost meir nvps in weanesday'i fighting. , Soldiers from. Camn Pike At nnnn had surrounded a large number of ne groes hiding in tho cane brakes, accord ing to reports received here. " ' Couriers were sent into the cane brakes to demand surrender of the ne groes under threat of an attack from the troops. Machine guns are reported mounted and the troops ready to attack the brakes. Despite the presence of troops, feel ing is high. "There is not the slightest doubt that the negroes were w)i drilled and,, fully prepared, " Mayor Knight of Helena said. VTJiey employed military tactics throughout the fighf." r : Recurrence of the rioting preceded the arrival in Elaine of five hundred vet eran soldiers of tho Third division who were sent there from Camp Pike, armed Farm property is looking up in this part of tho valley and county record's office is doing a rushing business in excess of the days of 1912 and 1913 when farm lands were no greatly in de mand. : ' .. -. ; '. For a consideration of $5700 James N. Robertson has sojd to Andrew Fletch er Lockwood and wife, as tenants in the entirety, 80 acres, parts of tho dona tion land claim of Felix Raymond In section 19, range 2 west. ' ; J. W. Woodruff and wife have con veyed to Clarence A. Poole and wue, in the entirety, 77.74 acres in town ship 6 south of range 3 west, for consideration of $15,000. The tract is directly north of Salem. John Scheffo has sold to August Hil fiker 64.59 acre in township 7 south of range 2c west, for a consideration ot $9300. The tract is cast of Ralcm a few miles. Harriet A, Curtiss and husband have sold to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Biatch ford of 1745 State street, a home in (jueen Anne's addition, known as lot 9 of block 1. It is on the north side of State street between 17th andM8th streets. -. - - - Marines Landed At Traa Upon Italian's Request Washington, Oct. 2. -Landipg f American marines at Trau, DaJmatia, was at the request of Italian authori ties and resulted in preventing "a very serious incident which migltt have re sulted in open warfare between Serbians and Italians,'' Read Admiral Knapp, commanding American naval forces in European waters reported to the navy department. INSANE PATIENT ESCAPES. Pierre Ramsycr committed to the state hospital from Marion eounty, March 9, 1918, ccapcd from a gang at work in the Lai'hmund prune orchard, north of here, Monday after toon. I Ramyser was a ouiet patient an-1 is ro FARM DEALS III COUNTY BACK IN FORMER STRIDE vLV - ' - PRTfl'R twa ii v " ; shnnirl hd :Ann9 - uir.uA M M m with machine giins. Order was restored as soon as the troops took charge. - In addition to the soldiers, surorund ing towns sent armed-, eitizens to Elaine. Helena contributed 500: Clarenrinn isn. McGee, 25, and Lula, 770. Thre hun dred reserves were hold at the Helena court house. Other nntrnllnil tha otv.n. of Helena, fearing race hatred might communicate to this city. One hundred Elaine, were brought to the Helena jail looay ror sate keeping. They wore herded into the town by the sheriff's posse, which was sent to Elaine when rioting got beyond control of local au thorities. Race trouble started when W. D, As king, special railroad agent, was shot Olid, killed from ninhiwl., .. panying Deputy iSlioritf Pratt to arrVst negro on bi minor tnnrge. . Special deputies were sworn in,. by Sheriff Kitchens and sent to Elaine. Clinton Lee nnd .T A T...... ( killed.' - ' ' Tl llfll AMENDMENT VOTE Washington, Out, 2. First vote's fi pcacetrcrity amendments i the senate today resulted in 'i victory for support ers of tho pact. After rejecting four of the series of Fall amendments to eliminate Ameri can representatives from ' arioua so.-n-missions set up by the treaty tho sen ate continued debating and preparing to vote on the others. The first vote was 30 to 58 and the next record vote, 31 to 50. , The amendments defeated so far would have eliminated this country from the Belgian boundary commis sion; excluded the United States from arrangements regarding Luxemburg and eliminated American rcpresentavioii on the Hoar basin commission. By unanimous agreement the senate lumped twenty-six of the Fall amend ments and without a roll call rejected them. All of these amendments provid ed for elimination of the United States from various commissions. There aro still several other amendments to bo voted on. Benjamin Sutter, Civil War Veteran, Passes Away Benjamin Sutter, a Civil War vctoran, died Tuesday evening at the age of 75 nt the home of 1,1. son C. W. SuUer nea, Brooks. Ho is survived by two sons, C. W. Sutter of Brooks and H. M. But ter of Kcthi, Kan. The family came to Oregon about one year ago from Tabor, Iowa. The body will be forwarded to day by the Rigdon company for burial nt his former home. WAR VETERAN DIES N. A. Cox, veteran of tho Civil war, died yesterday at the state hospital st the ago of 79 years. His home was In Coos countv where his body has bean forwarded for burial. He is survived by two sons living at Bandon. Tho Orants Pass irrigation district, covering about SOTO acres fit land on ttif south ide of Ramie river, is ad vertising the nle of $40,000 worth of irrigation bonds. REATY FINDS WIN VICTORY - m . Oregon: Tonight and Thnr- v day showers; moderate aoutb- easterly fwjnds.j , '... -ill T-k 0: - Oregon :"x Tonight fair. exeept showers northwest portion: cool. ' 'f'-r er interior , southwest portion; Sir i;kt .1. l v.ll DUillU emu WHHt Hir ' tions; Friday fair; gentle west sfe erly winds. " . ' rxTmo JJ1 x S3 Belgian Rdeir M Party Gt enTrez Ova In New York. CRoVDsamsDECcna Albert Expresses Scrrcw At Wilson s Ekcss Ad Tlfeiks United States. . . ' King, Albert, on landing, de livered the following message to the American people: - y "At the moment of setting foot on American soil, the king' of Belgium desires to express to the people of the United States the groat pleasure with which the queen and he are com ing to its shores at the invita tion of President Wilson. ''The king brings to this na tion of friends testimony of tho profund sontimenta of gratitude of his countrymen; for the power ful aid, . moral and material, which America gave, to them in . the course of the war. .The name of the commission for' the relief ' Belgium will liva eternally in the memory of Belgians. " The king rejoices in ' the prospect of visiting the cities whose hearts fought with the cities of Belgium and whose con tinued sacrifices know no meas ure. He is happy that he will meet the eminent citizens, who animated by the highest thoughts, nlnecd themselves at the head of organizations for re jinvinc the sufferings of war. ; ''American people, . splendid army and their courag eous navy nobly and nowerfnlly served a grent Ideal." By Don Chamberlain (United Press Staff Correspondent.) New York, Oct. 2 The world's great est democracy today welcomed royalty's greatest democrat Albcrtf -of the Bel gians. ' For the first time in history a king trod American soil when Albert stepped iwdiorc from the steamer Oeorgo Wash ington in Hoboken, N. J., at noon. And the nation that wrote "tho Argonne" and the "Meuse" on the scrolls of time gave the man of "Loigo'J and "Ant werp" a greeting fit for a king.' American officialdom had sought to give the ceremony a certain deeomnt, but the tens of thousands, afloat and ashore, who witnessed the coming of tno king, his contort and their heir, despite a heavy rainfall would have none of it. They were determined to snow weir (Continued on page two), 0 WINS REFUSE TO LISTEN TO RED Oklahoma City, Okla Oct. 2. Oov crnor Robertson today approved Ard morc's reception of Senator Reed last night when he was hooted eut Of speak-: iug. Ardmore, Okla., Oct. 2. Six thousand men and women hissed vnd hooted Hen 0' '' tJ J convention hall-aMe last night when he attempted to make a speech iu opposition to th3 league of nations. Reed wao unable to even start hut speech. The crowd started its demon stration while the mayor was making the introductory address'. Lights were turned out and tho crowd yelling and shouting, flocked on the stage, . - ., . The senator attempted to quiet tho audience, but failed. He then irede his exit and returned to his hotel. He. nn nouueed he would not again attempt to t-jeak heie. Governor Robertson will be appealed to- if eity authorities refuse to .punish the rowdies. A shot was fired in the tcst of tho auditorium and the crowd stampeded, fearing an attempt was being made on the senator's life. Odfl TRAINS AND X3B fvrifNTia win in. FMSTDTO 1BT0MY