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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919. PAGE THREE, . 7k 7 .SUNDAY Four Old Veterans of the Civil War The Finest and Oldest Act on the Circuit Music, Song and Dance GYPSY WYNN MERIDITH LORRAINE AND CO. WHO SETS YOU 1 LAUGH and LIVE GUESSING ; GLADYS LESLIE , The Sunshine Smile Girl, in , "THE BEOYED IMPOSTER" BLIGH THEATRE SOCIETY B GEHTETOE E0BI30N Mr. and Mrs. V.'. II. Lcrehen have gone on a month' tour of southern .' California during which tiu.e they will "' visit in Los Angeles, San Diego and TKn ' Vra.nciacav'VnitIw lit "W TitTer eity they will be the guests o'l Mrs. Lerch . en's mother who -vill accompany them , to Salem when they return. Mrs. J. II. Lauterman tins as -her ' guest, her cousin Y. W. Wolfe, caiihier of the Hank of California in 8au Fran cisco, who is in Salem for a visit. Among the social compliments given "him wan a delightful dinner at the J. H. Lauterman residence Thursday evo ' ing. Honoring her little house guest, Miss Margarctt King of Prossor, Washing ton, Mrs. R. A. Miller entertained witb . a delightful lawn party at her home, WednosiLiy afternoon. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Daisy Melntyre. , About twelve guests wero present. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cooper and son Kenneth, and Mr. anil Mrs. T. H. Cooper motored to Salem yesterday and spent the day with relatives and friends in the city. They were ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. IX. W. Conger. Corvallis Times Gazette. Mrs. John Maurer, has hen entertain lug her niece, Miss Lorraine Lombard of San Francisco. Miss Lombard left Wednesday for a visit with her sis ters, Mrs. Vernon Parsons and Mrs. Bryc. Kerr, before returning to her home. ' A charming capttnl city visitor is Mrs. John Smith (Julia KcCulloch) of Amos, Iowa, who is visiting her cous in, Miss A. McCulloch (luring the i ' month of August. Old friends are busy welcoming her home again. Miss Mildred Bradbury, a graduate of the local high school with the ' March clam, has returned 10 Portland 1 i aftor visiting with her parents, Mr . ' and Mrs. E. D. Bradbury. Miss Brad . bory U connected with the Paramount , Art-craft film company. Bean Pickers Wanted Beautiful camp ground, tents and wood furnished. Good water. Call 830 Salem-Kings Products Co. L J. CHAPIN, Field Agent ALWAYS GOOD GREAT The social club of the Eastern Stnr will meet with Mis. Mary Cooke Tues day afternoon at 185 JSo.iih Wiator street. Hostesses, for the occasion are Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Amanda Hunts, Mrs. Bertha Kuhn, Mrs. Mary Howell, Mrs. Marian Hollier an I Mrs. Ida Babcock. Mr. Mnd Mrs, Curtiss Cross have visit. l gone to JNeskowin for a brief When they return .hey will bring with them their two children, Edwin and Frank, who are guests of their grand parents, Mf. and Mrs. Frank Durbin. Mrs, Joseph Si'hnlt, of T the River road, returned W-dn.-sday evening from Falls City, where she spent a week as the guest of Mrs., Richard Wicklander. Mrs. Wicklnnder and Mrs. Sehults wero neighbors in Michigan yenrg ago. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Pclono left this morning for an ex-ended trip in Cali fornia. They 'were occoupnnicd as far as Medford by Mrs. Lrwis Mishler, who will visit "in that City with rela tives and friends! Mrs. Z. J. Riggs will lnve Monday for Tillamook with the Portland Hunt club. Th etrip will he On horse back and a most enjoyable tlmo is an ticipated by those included in the party- Lieutenant and Mrs. Maurice Race (Maud Walters) whose wedding was an event of last Saturday at Tacoma have arrived in Salem and aro domi ciled at the Kenilworth apartments. Mrs. W. P. Lord has returned home from a delightful oift'nsj at Seaside, where she and Miss Elizabeth Lord were guests at the summer homo of Mrs. H. K Murphy. t " After an enjoyable two weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. William Burg hardt Jr., Mrs. X. F. Proper has re turned to her home in Poitland. t Friends of Mary Eli.-aiieth Bayne will be pleased to hear that she is re covering steadily from her recent ill ness. Mrs. Daisy Meliityre, accompanied by her daughter, Mis Anna, are spend ing a -week at Lebanon as the guests of Mrs. T. M. Jones. Tomct It" Buy At Home f-s HOST TIMES Appear At Yoor Best Instantly, V m ncciv a wUn caltcraraa wwnKKMl In- vtutioa ya ui tec I t yoor best, k bul lo omentttt iwwfn to yoM l wonderfully VO soft tamcttiien that beyond compares. Mrs. M. J. ShaatftfH who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lanphear at Joseph, tor the past three weeks, has returnee home. Mr. and Mrs. Ronaid Gbver and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Giover wiil motor to Cascadia. tomorrow for a . two weeks outing. i ! air. and Mra. E. A. Thatcher have gone on their annual vaextion trip to the mountains around G:ande Hondo, where they are guests of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 0 Miller and small daughter, Lois Ireae, 6pent sever al davs in Eugene last week as tha house guests of Mrs. C. T. lawyer. J Mr. Carl Ruef (Florcne Elizabeth i Nichols) is entertaining as her guest, her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Jaiobsen of Port land. After a delightful visit as the guest of Mrs. Leo Schmidt. Miss Grace Ells worth of Olyiripia. Washington, has re turned home. " Mrs. George J. Pearce and Miss Dor othy Pearce are the glints of Miss Helen Pearce in Portland for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strickland have returned from Lake view, where they have been visiting for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William Eldridge are at Gearhart for the remainder of the season. The T. A. Livcsleys arc spending the remainder of the summer at their Gear hart home. ' Mrs. A. E. Stockton and Miss Zoe Stockton are spending a few days at Seaside. Miss Elizabeth Lord i.i home from Oearhart where she was a guest at the W. II. Eldridge cottage. Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Garrison were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Liver more in Eugene lust week. i Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Littler motored to Eugene last week for a short visit with friends.- Miss Jessie ' Miller has returned from a twU weeks visit with her par ents in Harrisburg. , . A special invitation is given to all members of the Salem Woman's elub to attend the luncheon. Mrs. II. V. Compton has returned from a visit with her molher. Mrs. F. W. Witham at Everett, Washington. Emery J. Baker of Tuorna has been a afiest at the E. T. Bunts home dur ing the past week. - The IT. fl. Holt famil;.- a'e spending a two weeks visit in sou'hern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Thomas are en joying an outing ot sc;idia. Mrs. A, villa, were B. Conn and daughter", Ar visitors last week. PROPOSAL TO (Continued from page one) islation without a mandate fioin the people. The railroad organizations hare j raised a very large question, one which 1 should not be passed on by congress 'without becoming the issue in a general .election. I am opposed to the bill." Plumb told the house committee that i his plan would allow roads to be re ' numerated for improvements and exten sions they have made out of surplus' earnings, should they be taken over. "You would not allowed the railroad owners aiiv return for a double traek :they have built out of earnings due to ; careful management and efficient serv ice!" Representative Montague, Tlr , ginia, tsked. "All of the money put back into th 'property from the earnings belong to .tlui public ad should not be iucluucJ," Plumb answered. At the invitation of Plumb, a confer ence of prominent men from all tarts ;of the con i try was held to discuss tbs railroad question. Itetails of the Plumb plan were ex plained. A national committee prob- lablv will be formed as a result of the conference, it was stated. Among those j who attended Were Frank P. Walsh, j former Governor Edward F. Dunne, Illi nois; Frederick C. Howe, New York; j Bail Manly, war labor board, and Oov iernor Allen, Kansas, i This is the conference Plumb annonn !red in his testimony before the house ! committee recently. j F. A. .Place baa recently purchased from Willis Sumner houe and bit in ' south Salem on Church etreet. F. L. j Xxake ho bought a 20 are tract of j cultivated land nea Concomley on the I Oregon Eledrie for f22')0. The tract ia ; about 14 miles north of Halem. "Forget If Bay At Home Try Salem First Ia Bnyir mi forget It-Buy At Hi SMOKE BARRAGE PLANNED TO SAVE BRAZIL'S COf FEE By Lawreur 8. ILias (United Tress si alt eincpoudeut) Rio De Janeiro (U- mail) The "alerte" and "all eha" sysiem.of warning of air raids, wh'ri whs used in Paris during ttw war, Lis been adopt ed by the coffee planters if southern Brazil ia unique ncssurc hich have been ordered to combat f'ujt. A smoke barrage is to be adopted instead of the shrapnel which wa so effectively used to "got" enemy e r uitffrs, and the agricultural o'ficials i-f this coun try believe that complia.,cis wi:h the new regulations wiM provide against a repetition of the tk.uirge of last year's frost, which cost so many mil lions of dollars to planters and also to consumers. During tha winter of l"!(t an extra ordinary cold wave, beyoi.d the memo ry of the "oldest inhabitants," swept over southern Brazil, ai d it was dur ing this spell that the ti-st snow in more than eighty years fell in Buenos Aires. The frost found the ).!antera ab solutely defencelessf and when normal weather returned, ;t was tound that millions of coffeo trees were killed and a large percentage of the others injured so badly that the vrops for the next three years will be cut down by about one half. Instead o' a produc tion of 15,000,000 bags s yeur, seven or eight millions is all that can be hoped for annually until 1H21. This frost had the effect of about tripling tha local price of coffee. The new plan which haa been evolv ROLL 0FH0N0R The following casualties art lepoitcd br the commanding general of. the American Exeditionary Forces: Killed in Action 4 Died from Wounds : S2 Died of Accident and Other Causes 19 Died of Disease - 8 Wounded Severely T Wounded (degree undetermined)..- 8 Wounded Slightly .". . 13 Total 108 w Killed in AcUou. Andre Rryp, Brighton N Y. James J Brunson, Cuscilla Miss. Claude Fenton, Torre Haute Ind. John Nell, Edinburg 111. Disd of Wounds. Wrilliam Seiler, Kansas City Mo. . Rail Whittle, Des Moines Iowa. William Fleming. Philadelphia l'u. Kazmcr I.encrt, Irnnwood Mich, Robert A Ruste, Montrose 8 Duk. Jacob J Beromlzcn, Henley Mo. Austin Bower, Bremen N D, George H Bowling, Howardsville Va. Pearl A Bufore, Lancaster Ohio.-. Robert A Campbell, Weston ldano, Clifford F Cot Bwkville lnd. '; Louis Criscuolc, JS'nV York I Y, Carl B Oylfo, Buffalo N V. . Healer E Jensen, Btillnutu Minn. Joseph A Logg, Cameron La, -Simon E Mnrhurski, Milwaukee Wis. James A llr.gnire. Philadelphia Pa, Dennis R Meyer, Pittsburgh Pa, Frank Meyer, Jamesvilie Wis. George Milieu, Aberdeen Wash. Joseph Miller, New York N Y. James C Mitchell, Lewistown Pa. John Moss, Galliporrs Feny W Va. Leslie P Parrott, Endeavor-Wis. Joseph Peyton, Baltimore Md. Adolph A Pinneckc,' Akron Ohio. Omar E Pratt, Atlus Mich. Joseph Pucello, Italyi Douiiuick Quia t i 1 iu ii i, Chesiviik Fa. Paul Ernest Eusieo, St. Louis 111. Carl Floyd Roseberry, MouudvilU" Mo Mooiso rinlKssi, French Setilemeiit La Earl 0 Sanders, Newport Ky. Frank J Showalter, Wichita Kan. John Hhupienis, Sharon. Pa. Churles Henry Simmons, Carroll Ohio. Fronre V Smith, Wenatehen Wash. Gocbel Smith, Sadicvillc Ky. Richard F Williams, Eupora Miss. Willir.m C Williams, Palmyra Tenn. Antonl Alfier, Port Homer Ohio. Fred Basile, Monturo Italy. George W Budlonm, Detour Mich. Ernest Burton, England. Laggiero Di Carlo, Chicago 111. Daniel Healy, Hartford Conn. Antouio La Roeca, New York NY,- Benjsmine F McCollum, Jlurlington Kan. Itoy M McLennan, Florence Aril. Elmer L Maennaa, McCull Idaho. .-iii.r Uin-rr. West Philadeiphm ......v.. . , r. ' MM,i QUALITY PAIS When you are con sidering an order for glasses Bear In Mind We prescribe and make Quahtjr Glasses, properly fitted and perfect in workmanshipPromptly- De livered. DHA.McCULLOCH Optometrist 204-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. I '?-'',;f N X i ed for getting the bti! of "Jack' Frost" is beii.g put i'lt) effect by the municipality of Itaja'uv, a city in; ihe state of Santa l atha.iua. ia the heart of the southern Hiazil, coffee! country. Planters n other localities will watch the effect of this cam- j paign With the greatest interest and j many are considering its .i-ioption. Its j success will probao'y mea.i the enforce j aieut of such a regu'stion in other dis-1 tricts where cof fe-J crops would be ; subject to frost. j The regulations are c nepulsory, be-: ing issued by the agricultural authori- j ties. Violation by plainer ui.der the i jurisdiction of til:; - listriri yj tueui' S'.ib;evt to heavy fiius. j The prtiieet calls for the preparation of fuel for bonfires north, east and j west of the coffee proves at distances j of thirty to forty metres apart. This preparation must be "idi- early in ' the eool season and cou iiuied for sv- i eral months. Each plan'er must collect j sufficient wood tind b'ush to keep ' fires three nights in succession, and j in case the fuel reserve becomes in j any way depleted must maintain the adequate supply. When theforcyisters I see a frost, a signal to the planters to i ht their fires immediately will be given by means of the fiving'of bombs. ' The idea is to create as much smokel as possible, and hay and rcen leaves j are to be thrown on the (res. When I the danger of froft is pa;std the plant I ens will again be notified by bombs! to extinguish their fires. William Merren, Redruth, England. Died from Accident and Other Causes. Amos Bucher, Bluffton Ohio. Mcllville Cady, Greenfield Center N Y. Oscar J Gallas, Pittsburgh Pu. Samuel Gnnn, Philadelphia Pa. Walter John Podcrson, Mason Wis. Diniitrios N Votikidis, Hartville Wyo. Hubert H Beck, Saxton Mo. Clemie Byrd, Everett Wash. Krikor 8 Donabediun, Fall Kivcr Muss. Oluf Dyhdul, McLeod ND, Vincent Pulcenckes, Tnnmqua Fa. STAHJW NEWS (Cspltnl Journal Speeinl Service) Salein, Or., Aug. 9. Evergreen black berries are beginning to ripen and pickers will soon be numerous. Not many years ago this berry was conmil crcd a nuisance on a person's land. . Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Goode went to Salein Wednesday, taking their son Don to the hospital for treatment ot his broken arm. Mr. Goodo returned home but Mrs. Goodo will remain with Don until his return. O. Kennsrd, father of Mrs. H. J. Rowe, is visiting in town. Repairs now being made on he bridge crossing the- Santiain river here are beim? pushed as fast ns pns. ajhle It Is expected that -the bridge will be 0ened for traffic next Tuesday, Paul Schonaglo a native of Germany with no relatives in thiB country, had both legs crushed at Camp 14 of the Hammond Lumber company, near De troit Tuesday. He was run over by a ear loaded with logs. He was taken to the Mill City hospital where he died the following dny. He was iirt yenrs old. Enrl M'nck, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Mack, of North Snntinm has returned home. He la a sargeant. Miss Mary Schultz, of Portland, is visiting at the J. F; Mielke home. J. W. Mayo has purchased the W. A. Weddle prowrty on Water street and after making some improvements will occupy it. Mr. Weddle and family will move into the Lee Brown property on Second street. Mrs. J. M Kitchen is having her residence painted and improved. Miss Nora Cavin was married July 2.".th at Cnrvallis to W. F. Dunivan of Alpine, Oregon They expect to go in a few months to Wisconsin to reaide. Relatives of Mrs. Wm. Nendel nre here from Marion, Iowa, ninking the trip In a Ford car. Sain McQueen, a young man whose home was in Brownsville was killed by the breaking of a trip line while working in n logging camp near Nia gara, Wednesday. Mrs. H. If. Kirk, f Halsey, is visit ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. P. Wilbur. Mrs. Kirk is a pioneer coming to the valley in 12. W, R. Alvin of the Lebanon frentii ery conmanv, was in Stnvton Wednes day looking the town over with the view of putting in a creamity here. Jt is believed that a creamery here would be e profitalle investment nnd many farmers nre anxious to see one built. K. D. Alexander visited over Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. ('. F. Iloiintk, ii Portland. . The fourth quarterly nnferepee f th M. E. church will be held here Si t urday, the BSth. conduced by Dr. Ford. T. A. Carlisle who with his wife has been visiting at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Titus Archer, at Kinui.,n. for several months died tt the Arci'r home Saturday morning from pneu monia. He was "ft" years f age s:id came here from Central Ike. Mich, where the remains were takin for bur it Th Poitland News, of die 7th, has the full' v '" to oav regarding two !" pie well kin- '- ffivfiri and vicin ity: "Declaring G. A. Pratt, a disappointed suitor had threatened to kill her Mrs. Cora Hrndershott Mi pealed to the police Wednesday night fur protection. The woman said Prutt had threatened to end her life and hi j at the first opportunity. She wanted to leave the house for the I'nion depot but wss afraid. Patrolman Hurrhell escort ed her to the station. Pratt ia said t be employed by the Peterson studio." Owing to a wahout on the Sta.v'nn ditch nesr the Brown Petz-I mill Sat urday, that instituf i'm was idle for sev eral days. The bresk has been repaired and sawing resumed as usual. B. W. Munkers, who has been in east ern Oregon fnr several weeks, has r J turned home. He says the hay eroji J is the best in that seetion fur year. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Humphreys are Suiting lilm EVERY day brings new goods to our Biany depart ments, from the ninny clothes markets of ' the Vnited States OUR boys' suits are the best made they are just like BISHOP'S suits for men; cleverly de signed features sug gesting the most appropriate models in men's suits. THEY preserve that youthful touch that makes them unmis takably clothes for the energetic hoy. SPIRITED patterns in BISHOP'S fabrics, sty led in the new waist-seam and Norfolk models; priced moderately, gives the greatest economy in ex tra wearing service, assuring satisfaction. EVERY mother's natural pride is in her bov's appearance; why not a BISHOP'S FABRIC NOW? Stocks are complete; and prices may be higher. . $10.00 to If 15.00 Every Family in Marion And Polk Counties a Patron a SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE WANTED, WOMEN For work in factory. Apply Tues day afternoon. Salem-Kings Product Co. camping at Caseadia. Harry will jou ney over between shows to see that they are enjoying themselves. John Thonm was in I'ortland Sntur diiy where h? purchased a now Re public truck to be used by the Brown Petzel company. Earl VanNuys of West Stayton, is hitine from service in France. Clyde Hill and Harold Murphy are camping at Breitenkush hot springs. J. M. Kingo has received the new auto hearse he recently purchased and it i'l a handsome affair. However, none of us are anxious for a ride. Fall Wool Now In If you are planning on a visable to order it now in order to get away from the advance as the tailors are voting on a 75 per cent wage advance to be effective September first. Our assortment of fall woolens and overcoatings are replete with excellent materials, while your choice will easily be found among them. Order now and get measured before the ad vance comes. D. H. Mosher ; High Cbs9 Tailor to Men and Women it JOT Louis Hoffman, of Green Bay Wk, who has been visiting at the Felix Van Krmen home was accompanied on his return as fnr as Portland by Mr. ond Mrs. Van Krmen and -Mrs. Crump. While in Portland they took a trip over the Columbia highway, Mr. and Mrs. S. It. Cole are visiting thi'ir son at Astoria this week. Miss Mildrird Williamson, of Salem, Is visiting her sister. Mrs, J. A. Hon dershott. . J. X'. Mielke and English Bros, have eneh Installed new gasoline filling sta tions. suit for fall it would be ad- t v