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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
f AGS TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919. t n . i ... , ..-. - - -- " ' - 4c B Gortru-ld Bob i wo irS. BKN V. OLCOT' cnme tome todar from Portland where she a VI has been visiting ;ni't her re- Im frm Omiioa Beach. Tomorrow she aud the governor will go with the Na tional Editorial association on a tour to Crater Lake.-.-1-iiter, Mr. and Mrs. Oieou will lave-f?Salt Lake city to tli governors' contention nl wttk the other eieeotivfs aud iheir wive, be guests of the slate of I'tah during a trip to Yellowtiuuc National i park. Salem ii busy welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mathews of Vtoo.l River, Illinois wlio arrived in HaKm today to l the gueti of their inrents. Vanv social affairs have fceei pian:r.-l in their honor ever since news of tiinr j comiui; haa been jiniounet-d, and the visitors can r-et a round of pleasure during their stay here. While is Cali fornia, on their wy to Uicgun, thev were ratenaivelv entertained in Berke- 1. i icy ana marmia. Tha Salem reading public la, fig". tivelv sneaking, hiiliiinst lit breath un til the. next lumies of tile Jielinootor , aud American .Mnjazinp runie in. For in them, ur ill wine of the iionr future, will appear short stones by Mr, w. . Fargo, already noted locally for ker literary ability. Mra. Fnrgo is one of (he elect, who not onlv write atones but ai-Jla them. In this dav when tha magazine market is flooded with ar tic) in from inspired aut'i irs. (and oth ers not so inquired) it is quite an hon or to have an editor evyn romment upon one s worn, and u acceptance la .. g 1.i.i:nM ' .. I?. . m ytwi vl vuutu"K a'" J n 1 KB 'a talent ie aure!v fullilown. aa ahe never experiences the U-kA trouble is finding a market 'or her work. Not only have tho two niagtuiaes accented or latest atones, but the American lias tout a request for mre. The storie in both the Delineator and American will appear under the a me of "Hutu Fargo.'' Reporting tourist trade the heaviest la many yean, Mr. and Mra. J. J. Hub erts and Mr. and Mra. Frederick Thiol aen returned Thursday f:oni a trip to Washington and British Lol&nibia. Se attle, Tacems, Maimer National park, Vancouver, B. C, and tnuny other !oint of interest wero vUited. Accord ing to the party, tourist traffic ia tre mendous and it is sitnosf imposaible to a itu re Services and accommodations of any kiad. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H'alhh (Jen aie Pry) of .Sacramento, California, are eajiected to arrive in Halt.n neat week for a visit with relatives and friends. Th-y will bring with tbem their infant daughter, I'rUoilla. A pretty home oddinc was aolemn Hed Thursday noon, Aufidat 7th, when Ifosvll (i. Htillman and Phoebe K. nerno of the bride's motl.rr on lHth and Hi ate street. The groom's father, Severcnd O. A. Ktillman of White .Hal won, WaahinRton, ufficiatid, uting the imprseaiv ring eoreniouy. The tirido svaa charraiiily gowned tn white and the home waa beautifully dcaorated with pink tweet peas. The brido ia the slaughter of Mrs. John Alerched aud tha groom ia lately home from serving 1 aioulha overwas tu th I anadian ar wy. Only tmmediate rr'utlvei were Jneaent al the eeremony. a a A party eoiupoaiHl of Dr. and Mrs. . A. linen, Mr. and Mn Lester lavi and Mr. and Mra, illmiv i)aue motored to Oasiadia thia evening to pass tho vrwk end. ... .i lUJjUJWiimiTOH...- - -X '-fc ..... . . . ' 4 "' ... - j, y . "--v ' 7 ! ' MISS OT.fM CBiAY Popular young aooiity Mine who ia vl siting in Seattle and Tacona aa tha guest Of friends A larife numlier of Saiem folk will be eorrj to loarn that J. 8. Aus tin and two daughters, Florence and Harriett, will leave tum-now evening for California. Mra. I. 0. Curtiaa will aurompnny ' them aa far aa Berkeley where Mr. Turtles ia at present. Mra. Austin will remain in Berkeley for a few months, moving later to Los An geles where ahe will make her perma nent homo. Many eharming r.ocinl affaire have boon- givea in her honor recently, among which waa the enjoyable picnic at MM)g's landing last evening, given in form of a farewell favor to Mra, Auatin. Mr. and Mra. II. J. Wenderoth are home again after au abaeuoa of several weeks. Mra, Wendnroth 1een vis iting her mother, Mis. John Keisor in Hn Antonio, Totas, and Mr. Wende rnth haa been attemling tr Klk, eon vent inn at Atlantic City. Ileaidea visit ing her mother, Mrs. Wenderoth was alau tha gumt of hor brother, Dr. Keis er who had been reported lilted in r'rarree, at ttot Mum Uouston. On the way huiuo Mr. aud Mra. Wen deroth visited for a while in Catoliua island. t Mr. and .fre. David Cuaham (Mil dred Ifcigley) of Kmon are receiving congratulations upon tho birth of a on. The eapitol city will hi as its guests tomorrow, the meu.Uers of Na tional (Editorial association who will atop in Salem for a short visit en route to ("rater like. The state house grounds aro being .transformed into flower bowers, under the able direction of Mrs. Z. J. Kigga. and a "Made ia Oregon" luncheon will be served there by the Commercial club, aaaiitted by membora of the Salem women's elub, and with a group of the city 'a moat at tractive girl to serve. About MO will compose tha party, and after being shown the sights of the city they trill leave for Medford ae tsompauied by Uovoroor and Mra. Ol eott aud from there will go to Crater Lake. Mies Ethel Tales, domestic science teacher in the Iocs' hih school who had been vinitin with Mra. Carl K. Wimberly, retmaed to Halem thia afternoon. Miaa Yatea will leave for Hillings, Montana, in about a week, where ahe will be employed neit year. Rotidmrg Review. A jolly crowd re-turnh.g from Cae eadia Wedncailav was composed of Mr. and Mra, Clyde Johnson and daughter Pauline, Mr. and Mra. Q. M. Inmun, Mr. and Mrs. Koma Hunter and daugh ter Maeyle and their guest Mi.a Mary West. 1 AFTEB en ao-nee of several .months, Mrs. M. "L. Steeve and her daughu-r, iLi- ii Uriel, have returned from an extended tour of the country. The trip w-s 'it-uu by rail, Dr. aid Mrs. fteeM having shipped their ear to New Orleans and after a rather hasty trip through California during whkh only the principal points of interest were visited, the party, un ion arriving in Tjoui'iana, began a Icis-lurelj- tour of the atatea. btarting wirth the almost old world beauty of New Or ! leans, which accord ag tq i'rauk iNorrin lis the onlv titv in America oeide New I York and Haa Fran -ieco tUore real f-1 ' mance abides; continuing on through I a. the cotton regions of M.;.ssipi and I Alabama the beach resort i of ilonda! aud famous plantations of the two Car- slinaa, nothing waa omittcu ia the alow J eniovable trip throigh thr south. The rather solemn ibeaaties of 'nshington, ! D. C the rvpicaily ArucricaB splendors I of New York eitv, the tultured and exc-Juaive charm of Boston, aud the ' weighty importance of "The Pit," Chicago, were all incluted in the itin- erarv. Aside froni which man made wonder, the natuiU at lactions that alwund throuijhout the entire length and breadth of this gnatejit of all countries, came ia for share of attention. At home again, with the happenings of their own social set of greatest mo ment in, the daya' routine, the trav ellers ran look buck with pleasant ap preciation upon the munlha spent in the sojourn. And with characteristic Oregon loyalty they join with other tourists in sayijig toat the hills and rivers and wide green fie.ds of their own state are the- beet, after all. A pretty little farewell courtesy was teudered to ir'loreii -e and Harriett Aua tin Thursday afternoon, in the form of a delightful eui-prise party at Willson park. The guests met at tl.o A. B. Page residence, itidkl Court stnet and went from there to WU'son par where the long afternoon was pleasantly spcut wiih outdoor gnmcs and the serving of delicious refreshment.). The guest list included Harriett and Florence AuMin, Krma Rouguev, M:uy and Ma 'bel CHip)ietr, HiBkbeih Taft, Ruth Buckner, Rovena TOyre, Muxine Glover, Dorothy Keiger, .Bornice and Cather ine Mulkey, Donnic, Cather ne and Wi nona Smith, Florence Powers, iNina Kitta of Portland, Iris I nge, Dorella Anderson, Winifred Jeers, eolyn Bur nett, Myrtle Pagt", Maiv and Janet McKmnon, Iouise and Pauline find ley and Rosalind Van Winkle. Salem folk will soon he welcoming in thevr midst, Lieut ciui.t and Mrs. Robert McMurray who will arrive soon to make their permanent home here. iFiret laeutenant Konert M-M ur ray , who served in France Vth the 15th eavalry ana was erroneeiuty reported among the casualties, is visiting Port land friends while oa !,) dnys' leave, after which he will proceed to Camp Lewis to receive his discharge. Lieu tenant Mtuiurray la a sob of Mr. and Mrs. 'William McMurrar, and is visit ing at tha home of his parents, accom panied by hia wife and little son, Rob ert Jr., almost 8 month old and whom the father eaor for the first time oa his arrival at Forf Howell, Wyo., a few weeks ajro. Mrs. McMuirry proceeded to IFnrt iRuaaetl to meet her husband on his assignment te that post after a brief stop at Oamp Mills, L. I., follow ing his return from overseas. While ia France Lieutenant McMur- ray was stationed near the Pyrenees, and oa detached service ttw a great deal of the country, including trips in to Germany far be vend the old Hindee- burg line. He will be associated with Harrv Hawkins m the farm loan busi ness here. e Mr. and Mrs. F. Ja-iko-kl have as their guests Professor and Mrs. diaries r. Hhiveley and children, Bthel and Arthur, from Denver, Colorado. Mra. Jaskoaki is the aunt of Mrs. Wiiveley. The ratter is en route to La Verne, California -with her family, where the protfessor has accepted a position as MODART CORSETS WARNER'S CORSETS yankee Motions Richardson's linens handkerchiefs toilet articles dennison's paper novelties LEATHER PURSES STATIONARY HOSIERY GLOVES UNDERWEAR NECKWEAR RIBBONS UNDERMUSLINS UMBRELLAS FEATURING READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS AND READY-TO-USE MERCHANDISE FOR WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN WE ARE NOW SHOWING A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ADVANCE MOD ELS IN OUTER GARMENTS AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY; r ti 1 f "a-Jai ;-HIS THEATRE PRESENTS- riior NATIONS ATTRACTIONS" SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY u 1 M M m m 10? 5 i af XI The Amatuer Cracksman 5 "JOHN BARRYMORE" Seven reel elaborate picturization of the famous Book and Stage Success n - id M M 1 -aw eaSaji s Km laisav The Biggest and Fattest Laugh on the Screen Mitgtr. Nina Wadsvorth Kahler , . J - ttf FTP frtl t f?F i . Ct" AA . SUIXS, 5-3.o, .a to qjo.uu COATS.. -$16.48, $19.75, $24.75 to $75.00 SERGE DRESSES $16.48, $22.48, $27.50 to $65.00 LINGERIE WAISTS ... 98c, $ 2.48, $ 3.95 to $12.50 GEORGETTE WAISTS 1 ........$ 3.98, $ 4.98, $ 6.95 to $35.00 SHETLAND SWEATERS .$12.48, $17.50, $24.75 to $35.00 Quality Is Right Style Is Right Price Is Right ii WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE 1. $. i!iplinj do. LIBERTY STREET SALEM, OREGON. J iiistrucUir ia stk?matai in the la Vera college. Mrs. T. if. Toothaere has received word that her son, ( lay Toothaere, haa arrived ia Now York, aftoi aa absence of two years, most of which time was spent with the lament second divis ion, ta regiment or V. S. marines. He took part ia the huge parade held in New York city yesterday and will go from there to Jmtntieo, Virginia, to await his discharge. Lebanon, Ore., Aug. 3.(Specinl) Miss Atveaa Moist and Earl Mickel son were married Wednesday at the farm home of the bride ' parents. Rev eread W. . White of Albiny officiat ing. The Vide Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moist of North Iiobanon and has for the pist t and a half had charge of the txtekg of the firm of Everett, Kyle and Kpirly, a hard ware company. The groom is one of the fonr Mich elson brothers, sons of Mrs. M. Miek elson, who were in military service. He served in the navy on board a emiset off the Atlutrtie eoat for ner ty two years. The eonple left soon after the eeremony for a tr-p tj the coast, after whn-h they wilf be at home at Lebanon. The numerous friends of Harry Mills, a former resident of this eity, will be glad to know thnt he has re turned from nee. With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mills of Portlsnd, he i at present the gueet of his brother, J Waldo Mills ef H.tod River. j ... j All the Belgian relief milk bottles j ia Oregon will no be ucd for the I rn-nefit ef the wn-nens building fundi of the I'mvrrsity of Oregon. This en- nniineemont i made br the camneign i committee, after ratting permission ! from the Kotarv club to Lite the Port find bottles, fl'he orgnni-ationi in I'ortluad and threnhoiit the state are separate and the fi'-t perniiwiion wai only for the use of the bottles outside of Portia ml. ' I Mrs. Hov Hi-hop, v,ho has er-srje of; the work throughout the slate, was the origiuatnr of the les si the time when I the work for the Hels'ir relief com-1 mittee was finished. The state bonrdi' of the committee i the ir irf for Bel- (irium. of whi-h Mrs. W. B. Aycr ia 1 president, granted hr lh" right to ze trr bottle liiwnsnruit toe afnte the prinwis. Tiw bottles will be traced onh- in the fciisin section in I Portland. The ha. ni er been vis lited ia d:triet for this benefit fu-:d, i the ai'priwi h hiviy been intirelv th.-s 'alumni. Now. any one interested, m,iy contribute to the dne. i ' I The Xorth 8ulem Wo-ii-ii's club w.ll t imeet with Mrs V. N. T. .nthscre Beit ! j Wedne-lev. The regular I -mine-s ee. hng will tie fce:d ruiiowe i ny a socisi ! hnor. Friday evening, August .'rt, Mrs. An na A. Cuibertson and Miss Catherine Orunnell, succeeded in completely sur prising Miss Zoe Stockton with an in formal party in honor ol her birthday anniversary, at Mrs. C'ulbertson's home 375 ' North Capitol street. The house was very attractively decorated with a color scheme of pink, tho dining room being especially picnaing, as the table and buffet, were esveediny pretty. Cards and musie constituted the enter tainment of the evening. Those present were, Mrs. Stockton, Mrs. Grnnnell, Misa Zoe Stockton, Miss imella Fatten, Miss Catherine Grunnel, Mrs. Anna Culbertron and Mewra. E. B. ftoto, 8. B. .Elhott, J. Brochhagen, L. A. Cul Bcrtson. One of tho most en.jnvuhic affairs of the season was tin thiru annual pic nic given by the fale and company store on Thursday evening. The event i timed in the nature of a fare well to Miss Evelyn Orcmmcls, who has been with the firm over three Tears as their head bii;er and who leaves shortly for the east. Tho party was made tip of three ears and motored to Spong's landing where games and swimming were mjnyed bik! a delicious picnic vipper served. Those present were F.velrn (irenmels. Berths Onle. Eva Waldorf, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkwood, Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Bohle, Mrs. Johnson, Mis Hansen, Mrs. I D. "Hnrdt, M. Onle, Lawrence Boch, Bay Loter and Lawrence Gulf.. Mrs. Frank M. Jordan and daugh ter, Helen, prominent in Seattle social circles, have retur.ied to their home affcr an enjoyable visit In Salem as the guests of the H. W. Aliyers. Dur ing their stay in the eapitol city they were the inspiration ef numerous in formal social favors, and tneir depart ure is regretted by the mmy persons who iiViilo their .'ii-qiuiilanc-o while here. Mrs. Emanuel Northup of McMiiin ville is in Wslem ss the guest of Mrs. W, IF. FHrjro and Mrs. Fr L. Purvine. Monday Mra. Purvine aud Mrs. Fa 170 will be joint hostesses at a delightful reception . in her honor. ... Mr. and Mrs. Kollin K. Page are en joying an extended ante tour of Wash ington and British Colnnbia. . Mrs. J. S. Ponev of Taeoma is vi-et- inj her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. N. H. ViesKo, at their home on Mouth J.10- erty -street, eihe will remain ever the week end, aud then will iro to Taco- m to tke up her residence. ...... Mr. and Mrs. flnmle KetUenieir aud Miss Florem-e Blake who have been ee- joying a delightful outi'tir at the T. A. Uvcsley cottaae at A arte Beach will return tomorrow. (Continued on pa (re three) After Supper j I utiliz I for t ka0 Big shipment cf Japan cups and sauccis just re ceived and will make a big cut on them for hours from 5 to 8 p. m. only. This is first class goods and you will go away proudly'carrying a bundle of them.. Frank F. Richter V . Mr. and M'. Pn Ftv , are eed Adults 20 Children 10 injj the siH-'t end at - x.s-n. . '' I 'l f I Mr. asd M.s. 7.. J. K,.;i are is Po-f. " -.- -W. .1 land attend'm; th i v' 1-4 of the COURT STREET