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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1919)
I 5250 CIRCULATION A (23.000 READERS DAILY) Only Circulation in Salem Gaa- anUed by th Audit Bureaa of Weaier Report Circulation. FULL LEASED WIRE Oregon: Tonight fiar, root- ee extreme east portion, ttuaday fair warmer eaeept near tho eoat. gentle westerly winds. DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE TALLZT KEW8 SKEVICE FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 187. TWELVE PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS VN TRAINS AND KS STANDS mi C1STB in PRICES OF FOODSIUITS LD RPLUS ANNOUNC 5acs Direct to Uy$umer to Open Through PC offices On August 18tu. Washington, Aug. 9. Sales of food now held by the war department will begin August 18, it has been an nounced. Prices fixed by the department will be f. o. b. warehouses and an additional charge will be made by the postoffice department for transportation by parcel post. The food is now being distributed to postal zonesin amounts proportionate with the population, in order to give equitable distribution. No sales will be made directly to consumers. Food will be shipped on requisition cf postoffices. The following prices have been made public: Lbs. Wright Price Price Article- lVr Com1. Tor Cum. Por Case. Uaeou No. 2 cnua 17.011 Uo -'4.0 Beef coined '. . 1.30 ,2w IS.0-' Beef corned 24 No. 2 cans - 2.7:1 A". 13.20 Beer corned 12 No. 0 cam 7.00 1.93 23.10 Bee? roaat 48 -No. 1 cans..... ........:...125.0O .29 13.44 Beef roast 24 No. 2 cam 230.00 ' .Ch l3.21 Ileef roast 12 No. 6 cuus 7.00 2.13 23.50 Hash corned 48 No. 1 caus ...... 1.23 .22 jO.30 24 No. 2 cnn .. 3.0(1 .37 8.88 Beaim baked 48 No. 1 cans ... ...... 1.23 ,03 2.40 2t-No. 2 cnnB .. 2.72 .08 1.IW 2tx. s cuus : : : 2.00"" .11 ' v4- 2.6 "KHriS Klrtngll'ss ?r No. ? (jins "50 - 12-No. 10 cuus ',- .......... 6.U0 .42 0.04 ftweet coin 24-No. 2 cans - 2.2J5 - .10 2.40 Benin, dry begs . .'. 101 6.49 6.49 Corn meal, yellow bags 101 B.79 S.79 Cum atnrr.1i 40 No. 2 cans 1.00 .04 1.60 Crackers 48 No. 2 tins 1.00 .03 2.88 Crackers soda 48 No. 1 tins -. 1.00 .06 2.88 lY.riun 48 No. I tins 1.00 .14 0.72 Fish, dried cod 40 pounds ...... 46.00 6.82 6.82 Flour, corn, bags :. 101.00 5.24 5.24 Flour, graham, bag 101.00 3.80 , 3.80 FVnr, issue, br.g 1.01 .00 .06 Flour, rvo, bag - 00 8.75 3.75 Hominy," coarse, ack 101.00 6.49 6.49 Fine, 24, No 2 cartons 2.00 .04 .96 I.,vc. 21, smull cartons 3.00 .06 1.44 Macaroni,- hulk, 25 pounds 83.00 2.00 2.06 Macaroni, 24 pounds - 1.50 .07 1.86 Mi, condensed, 48 No. 1 emu 1.30 .13 6.24 Milk,' evaporated, 6 8 pourd enns 93.00 .93 0.58 I hits, roller, 36 No. 2 cartons 2.00 .12 4.32 (tut'., rolled, bulk, bag 9J.00 3.50 3.50 Bice, bag 101.00 . 6.71 6.74 Tapioca, 48-1 pound cartons 1.00 .13 6.24 Stiusaifi. viennn, 24 cans 2.50 .52 12.48 P..rk,' 24 cans - 2.50 .49 11.70 Peas, green, 24 No. 2 cans 7.25 .09 2.16 Tomatoes, 24 No. 2 cans 2.00 .09 2.10 Tomutoes, 24 No. 2Va cans 3.00 .10 2 64 24 -No. 3 cans 3.00 .12 2.88 12 No. 10 cans 8.00 .37 4.44 The following commodilies on account of their nature, most of (hem being cold storage, cannot be sold through parcel post, but may be sold to munici palities, provided the municipalities are fully informed and assume nil respon sibility for their delivery in proper condition: Lbs. Weight Price I'lice Per Case. Per Can. Per Case. Apples, evaporated, 601 pound cases 50.00 6.44 6.44 Peaches, evaHiratcd. 501 pound cases... 50.00 6.50 6 50 Prunes, 501 pound cases 68.00 ' 5.50 5.50 Uncoil, issue, 100 pound casts 6S.0U 5.50 5.50 Bacon, issue, 100 pound crates 110.00 .33 .33 Ham, sugar "cured, 100 pound dates 113.00 .31 .31 Proposal Lines Not Threat Say Unions Washington. Aug. S.-iCuued " J j le f ,h( milroad employes and the' -With striking shop men retumin- to 8jlJU biJJ , )h(, Bl8U.r t w lfr wf their jobs, and Kail Dire. tor lli'.es pr-.,lllv, W1,mlirted fne..tlv just prop parinjr to hear the wage piomsais ofi ..,,. I, i ... i. ....,. iositiuii. V e have so id thai if wc are to the eniploves n,xt week, representa tive of fourteen ruilroa.i union- today continue to live a Americans shnnld issued n pN-al to tht people to live, and rare for our fnmllies. the jirof-j their demand for more pay. iteers must be restrained and our wtges This appeal deuie.t that "any Tin- increr.vd. i leuce or thrent" n c.oiteiiiplati.l by j "Fiery fair minded man aid every' labor when it nke I iotr.-s to ad"j't 1 intelligent housewife will rc ni.i.e the nationalization of the raiiro..ds. " reri-ml.leness of this request. TU' fouitecii u.'.ioii lo : lis sil led tlu-y "If congress and tiie pre-iil, nt can were a-V.inr for Ani.MicMii.rioii rt n..t n-eet this request it U still 6 liv- the railroads." !i".' 'p"""'"n a'1' w' sht.ll hae to try Today a labor appeal fUluws: J tu find another solution. "To prevent any mis'iii !i i .lunding "This, however, Inars in im way np !. to ihe policy of the orauici! on oir tni worship of the f-ims Id: I. load employes, we unite in a d liuitc; We do hold to our conviction that the twrtiii'i that we have no des're and mi'-tsd .intd,yes are i no miil to b.T.p had none, to impress upo.i tiie pnh-i eoiig i th.-mwlves finally tj the i.uto l.c, I.v violente or by thrent O-ii pro- ,ra ies of fiimneial directors, itnt in js. l that railroad be njtioealii'cd nn- .rn.iiii the elimination of capital and er 'tri ps.'ii e i-o!tro!.' th.. tr: p;r directorate we have no 'To tii-t'.'.'c-t n,'.;et:il'i ii nrw, .-t.e of ititriding. We a;tu'l ce fl int the i n; f, (Ue v.;:e rij-iire-, t',.e .sialriaantuip of Aaieiiea ttl to the FRON ARNV To Federalize Rail Restarts To Evacuate Budapest Says Report London. Aug. 9. The Rumanian commander in chief at Budapest in tends to evacuate, most of the Ruiuan ian -troops within a few days Vienna advices received by way of Copen hagen said today. The decision was reached because of the allies' attitude, it was atated. According to a news ageucy dispatch from Budapest the government of Archduke Joseph will be endorsed in the coining Hungarian elections. RETURiNING TO JOBS j 25,000 Shop Men la Chicago! District Go Back Pending Settlement . Chicago, Aug. 9. (United Tresi.; Ranks of striking railway shopmen were considerably thinned today cs a result of President Wilsou'a request that the men go back to oik until their wage question could be tukeu up. More than 25,000 i t th Chicago district to icy had voted to return to woik pend ing wttleuumt of their claim, reports from union, headquarters showed. The passenger train (itualiou here and throughout the central west contin ued acute, however. In nany shops and varda, officials, foremen and yardnwa ters conducted repairs uuu nikiiued switck engine. Twenty tir.:ns on the Chicago and Northwestern, Chicago and Alton and Chesapeake i.nd Ohio rail roads were suspended. It waa believed suburban service will be kept intaet. Freight shipments were rcfunefl In v-veral directions early today and last night o-it of Chicago. The U abash rail way accepted only destined for points on its own liurs. All roads inurkcd taB "subject to indefinite de lay." ,, WHte Workers In Stock -Yards Of Chicago M i At Presence Of Guards Chicago, Aujr. 9. I)esite the with drawal of national guardsmen and oilier soldiers from the vicinity of thu stock yards, union officials todsy asserted the walkout of butchers scrapers and other workers at the big packing plants will continue until all police and extra guards -have been removed. , Wliil union leadnrs claimed 40 000 men had quit work as a protest against return of negro help and placing of eitru pvliwuieu and .00 deputy sheriffs throughout the yards officials of the .packing houses declared not more than 10,000 men had struck. If the unions press their claims and the police guard is not Mlthdianii. it was predicted 70 000 men w ill be thrown out of work and the meat indus try tied up completely. P.VEIS FASHIONS SAME DAY London (i'y . mail) "Yesterday's Parisian styles? Yes, Madame, here they are, b'lt if you cm wait about ,hslf an hour, we will huve today s 'styles in." This is what customers i,f a London I department store ite J, will hear I shortly. i As soon an the government will grant ' permission, department buyer will fly to Paris three times a vw to. round 'up the latest styles. Puyra will leave I Iondon via airplane in ine morning, I make the round of Ihe. 'ashum shops laud boulevariis, relurii in the (if ternotin of the vt:ne di.v, iaden with 'the. latest in frocks, !ri'-. hosiery aid j boots. roiuuiou se' of American luvniined and womauhood. We all are loters and unlew our d luocmcy iu Kovernment is a failure our democracy in industry need net be. Wliat we as:: i.: the Ame- ieatiiation of the railrnaiis.' This was signed by tht hi rfds- of the Brotherhood if l'x-oinoiive fcngineers, Hiotilerho'id of Kailnay, Or der (f liaih.ay Conductors, fii lit hei hood of I.o-oniotive 1'iremeii and Knginernen, ftailwry hmployes ilepartment, Ameri can IVderaiioa of Ijiooi, Onier ot Kail way Telegraphers a id all thei raiOoad iimi'iH. Senator Hileh-oik. rfdiniuistiation leaib-r in the senate, tooav wired f braska railway brotb rln.ids that he is op;.o"d to th- Pl.inib pli.a for tailroad control. Ia reply to an inqjiry by the Xebriska brotherhood, liitc:ico k f aid: "la my opinion eongnss wOuM not be justified ia enacting s'irh ndirjl leg (Contiaacd oa psg thres) IDS ANGELES IfiilE ARHADATODAY Crowds Swam To Saa Pedro And Neigtbsrh Beaches To Greet Fighters. FLEET CLEARS FROM SAN DIEGO EAEY IN M9RNSN Extensive Plans Made For En tertaiment Of I.fca Dur- Saa Diego, Aug. 9. Creeping slowly through the early morning mists the Paeifie fleet steaoK-d around Point Lo m between aix and seven this morning and sailed to the t.prth, for Men Pedro. Only the cruiser Montana and three de stroyer a detached duty remained ia the harbor at 7 a. m. The fleet is due off tau redro at iwo o'clock this af ternoon. Lot Angles Up Early Is lAngrlef, Cnl., Aug. 9. Dressed her bib and tucker. Lni Anve. liss nd environs arose to the clatter of early alarm clocks today and before she usually hat finished her coffee and toast was crowding long line of Cart and speeding automobiles, bound for inn oeecuc to greet Tile 1'actTie fleet. i tie omeial formalities nil) 4cgin at 30 J. m. when Mayor Hnkder and other eivil officials will board the New Mexico to extend a welcome to Admir al 'Kndmail. linmodiAtclv tknronflm- Admral Rodman, Soeretary Daniels and uuier vinrera win come ashore to ro- tura the grwetings and the relrbmtinn will be under way. ... Tonight Ailmlrnl YtnAmnn fn. eers of the fleet will be entertained at a grand ball at the Hotei Virginia, 1 An ir Bench, and Secretary llnnUU anil Governor Stephens will be guests of ine jonatnan etui) in Los Angeles. Program Ertensie Fireworkii and street flancina will 'ka on the prngrnin and thousands of gnus wiu bo on shore leave. Tomorrow the hiir event will h m Kodeo at Kxunxition i'ark iii,If il, direction of lHiuglas Fairbanka and ia "men leaning motion juduie stars wi participal e. Mecretary IVimels will , Into irst foiinal addies at. 3 o (lock tomor row afternoon. Three Whites Indicted For. Participation In Rioting Chicago, Aug. 9. Three white men today were held nu charges of assault lo murder the first whites indicted in connection with Hie recent race riots here. In all fifty five persons have been indicted on vim ,.:,;.. i . - - ' " " V I 1 1 1 1 U II 1 charges ranging from asnult to rioting anu muriier. DRUGGISTS BLBCT PERKY Portland, Or., Aue. P. J. C. r; errv lif Salem wr.a eteetcd president of the Ore gon Hlute Plinrniacciilical associat' iii in the final (lav's session of 4he tli legists' coiive:ition in this city Thursday-." Other officers elected were; L, A. Robison, Portliind, first l ice pic; ii.ent ; Claude J. Klem, Cottage (iioic, second vice-president; L. I. ('lockei. Port inif third vice president; A. W, Alien, Port- Mini, secret.ny. and H. I , Joins, Port land, treasurer. . ABE MARTIff Mis Fannr M'?r .ob t!i' l-avj sil underskirt "at tii Psp;i: pu uic fer bein' ti most thorooL'': lv riresd is.i :. iiu k,....Li.,- ..' ,!,' 1st: ' Kni ,1 ii,. ... mirrors, what's been e e th' filler Hint nscd t' like t' wa'c'i git piekUJT 11 Beaver rip j Corporation Pal'aa, Or., Aug. 9. Just after ho ping off at the flying field here yes terday afternoon the airplane of the Beaver Klyinir corporation crashed iuto a tree top and waa wrecked. Without its wings and propeller, the plane traveled upward about "0 feet and then plunf.ed to the giound. Pilot I.. E. Fransceu was not injured, lle was traveling about 90 miles an hour when the accident occurred. SUICIDE PACT FAILS WHO ME IS MlLeaders Say Requested Cam- Saa Francisco Police Investi gate Alleged Act Of Los Angeles Girl. fan Francisco, Aug. 9 A story of a suicide pact bctwoen himself and Helen Steel, 18 whom he says la the daugh ter of a wealthy Is Angeles contract or, wns told to the police today by Joha Wiippie 22 a waiter of Oakland. Chippie wa found early today suf fering apparently from poison. He told police he and the girl made a pact to jump into th ocean off Lurliue pier and that the girl did so. Her cries un nerved him. chippie said, and he fled, later taking the contents of a bottle a druggist gavjj Mm when he asked foi poison. At the emergency hospital, where he was rushed and treated for poisoning it developed that Shippie had been giv en a harmless drug when he sought to buy poison. He is now iu the city jail while police are investigating bis torv Many points in Whipple's story are conflicting, police say. Thus fur they have been unaale to locate the parents of the girl in ho Angeles. The l.os An geles police have tieen asked to co op erate iu the. case. , FORMATION OF BOARD OflffllMOT) Organization Meeting Wi Be Held Here Wednesday Evening. With iihiiu now under way at th Commercial club, it is probable that Hn lent wi'U be the first city in the norlh west to huve an official board composed of members from employers as well as the employed to act as a mediation board. Only those who employ 10 or more are to be called and arrangements wilt be mndo for those who cniinot at tend to vote by mail. This cull to the employers has been made !)' n committee selected nt a former meeting and includo D. W. Kyre, J. B. Kay, W. II. Ilumillon, Theodore Ruth, T. K. Croskcy, Hoy .Mil's unit r,. Hofer. Practically every employer in Ndein who has heen interviewed on Ihe sub ii-et of voluntary mediation in labor matters, hns expressed himself iu favor of a bor.rd of six, three from ihe cm plover and three from those who ni.e employed. There are about 71 liusiuess tirms and corporations in the city of Hnbm that emp'ny ten or more and all wilt receive a letter setting forth the call for n meeting icxt Wcdm sd.iy and for what purpose the meeting will he held. PRESIDEKT PREPARES m THIS OF NATION Plans Thought To Includ Speeches Oa High Cost Wellington, Aug. 0.- (I' .iied I'rissj I'leoolent Wilsoe, hiivieg handed the iiij;!i rent of prolili :n over lo con ire-, nt len-t f'r the ti'iC being, inrn erl his aftention' toilHy to pians for his t.eir of the I'nited States. It was be lii-ieil, however, tl.nt he noold touch on the liiuh .-list of livi'ig iu hi speeches. fu hit ruldre's to congress yislerdny the president said there rail iie no peace pri.-es until there is peine, lie is ex peeled t0 use this trguuient ia his rum paian. It. fore Wilson goes on tour he mny hold a "rie of White oo- confer enies with representatives of botn capi tal and labor, to discuss tiie pnsent "coiiomic conditioiis and t:ie rcnmlv fur certain evils. lo Ills sjieoi h he s.iid many things should be corrected in the rela tions between capital a .1 labor Slid that he w:n ready to confer on li,e mat ters with "men who ki.ow what they ere talking about." A lUhUHLui) HLLO Itt UWL paign Against Profiteers Will Be Launched. By Ls C. Martin (United Press Staff. Correspondent) .Washington, Aug. 9. Congress. will begin at once consideration of legislation to carry out, in part, at least, President Wilson's recommendations for reducing the high cost of living, house and senate leaders promised today. . Representative Mundi 11, majority lender of the house, bkIu that any re quest for money to make effective the campaign against - prof .teers would speedily bo complied with. "Congress will grant nil the money that is needed," said Mondell. "In ad dition, I havo no opposition to extend ing tho Lever food coutiol act if that is believed necessary." Senator Lodge, majority leader o' th senate, aiUd: "I think tho president made some god and practical suggestions iu regard to the artificial and extoitionato price for the necessaries of life, and 1 am sure congress ' will deal with them at once." A number of the president'! sugges tions have been covered in bills now pending. Committee action on these w'H'be orged next week. They include measures for regulation of storage plni,!s and for stamping of prices on food products. Comment from memberr, of both par ties today showed that some of the president 'a suggestions regarding legis lation met with general approval and that his stand against la nor strikes to a menus of enforcing demand waa en dorsed. His appeal for ratification, of the treaty apparently caused torn re sentment. Z, . . . , it.- . tho operation of the law of supply anil The president Is taking an "nrWrlJ thp Ul,pur!mon, 0f'rj,istic u.i...K., uj ...... "-'" ma, ,. Known. living issuo as a club tu force rntiflcn- preparation! tiou of thfl biague of nations," nn,'W(, under w Senator Brandegee. ".le cun have pence In two days if he will agree to R reservation excluding the I'nltea States from the lengiie of nations." Mondell 'a willingness to re enncl the Lever food control law n a peace time measure is not shared by all members tl... k Miimlt.-i. I( inunfitfi also expressed opposition lo this plan. "1 am cgainst runner exriusion oi autocracy," said Senator Ornnna, of North Dakota, chuirmaa of the ngricul tural committee, before which a bill t re-enact the Lever measure would go. "The president has all the authority he neds, and I think, he nr.s all he'll get, so far as the agricultural committee is concerned." Recommendation for federal licensing of till corporations In interstate busi Revival Of Monarchy Rule For Hilary Is Predicted . Home Aug. S.-Doubtless Archduke Joseph will attempt to restore the mon archy in Hungary, said the I'omiIo Ro uiano today. The pnier believes efforts to form a union of Aiiitiia 1 1 u iikmi y, Croatia and Hlovania will follow then as Joseph's first step totvnrd the recon at ruction of the Austro -Hungarian slote. New York, Ang Only 111 more days before Christmas. Ho the toy makers, the 'amly man ufactnrera, the fiction wrrters and il lustrators, and all others in partner ship with Hitnla Cans, ine working at top speed to get Ihiir nans ready for the, holiday s'.nnn. The toy factori sv, h iiuiuiiig' with industry, are turning out the most var ied assortment of "nn.:eii:eiit device! in their history hot nothing of a marterial nathre is lained. flic manu facturers are procee lino in the theory that yiiurigter, as 'veil as 'heir eiders, are tired of war. Han'a Claus' newst pa-t.i'r appears to be Japan. Dealers s-v I today that country will run n close sveond to the I'nited Htstes in turning O it toys. The quption of whether den any and the saint will resume diplomatic relations ; appears to bo an coen one. Most dcitl cr, however, dcclire th.': oppr-sition Ut a linilting Oormi a toy at this time, la common with cverytl ':.g eisc, toys ST. KICK'S PARTNERS ALL GETTING BUSY neas did not appear to be generally ap proved. There fs lending in the annate, however, a bill which would create sack, a licensing system. r Senator Cr.pper, Kansas, waa of those who snpimrted this feature of the president 'a mesaniro. SECRET SERVICE AGENTS TURNED LOOSE IN QUEST OF HOARDERS OF FO0rV Wahinglon, Aug. 9. America's ar my of secret service agents waa turned loose ou tho food, hoardoia Udoy. Ovdere were flashed from Washing ton to hundreds of special operatives of the bureau of Investialiim of tba department of Justice all o'cr tho Unit ed ttlatos, instructing them to eoaper- . ato with federal district attorneys ia tho profiteer hunt. This adds materially to the numeric al strength of the force which is de voting all its ene'gies to opening tha warehouses and putting st'tcd food, on the market to force down prices. Hoarded food stocks will X takes over br the government and placed unoti tlio market, to acin re estatmsa. made known. a for thin wirk aro bow well under way, as part of Attorney (Jeneral rainier 's country wide cam paign against profiteers. I'uimer today was houily expecting ne of arrests fro-n diwnrt attomeya who have been flooding him with tele grams concerning tvidence they ,ar collecting. ' Tlldeil Alld JohnSlCH Wall Meet Ia Newport Finals Newport, R. I. Aug. w.-WilHam T. Tiiilen, 11, youthful tennis star from Philadelphia itodaj- met William M. Johnston former national ehampinti and regarded as one of the moat bril liant of American players, in the final round of the invitation singles meht on Ihe courts of the Casino here. The match was expected to bo th be.-,t of the tournament which at orot together the best players of the nation. tlernlil Patterson and Norman Rroohes, Australian stars, weer to meet ir. Noma Williams H and Watnon M. Washburn in the doubles. BREAD OOINO TJP. Pol timid, Or. Au,(. D. - The pi'oe of bread nil be advanced from 10 to II cents a loaf wito'in a few days hy Portland bakers, according t an aa iiiiiinceuiout which ivns made today. twill cost co -sidenbiy more than last tvear about twice As nril a as before the war. With the baa off itp:ir, candy mak or are confiilent there ei'l be rc . orrl demand for lueir ; inducM thii Ichri-tmas and arc making preparationa ' aeeordingly. j Majazine editors are accepting ami rejecting mint If rejecting Christmas ! storii and pictnn-j. Printer aro :n ! creasing their almas of t'hriatnua i car Is. Poultry dealers refused to commit thi nm hes as to him- mu h !ha hr:t juias turkey will col, b it fiankly ad ' mi, tul th v can see no chance of a de crease from last' n cord price. I Out on the wornled hills, the ever greens are utilizing these hot days to add enough to 'their re:ght and j'rit to quatify as Christmas trees. ; Everywhere in the I njcd Ktatf the : Chris'inas spirit, though !iH hidctca Iwnearh half a calendar, it lusty and rowiu.