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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1919)
! m m We:tkr Report " Oregon: Toniyht sod Tuesday continued irn, ger-.Ue avrther lv winds. ' FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 170.-EIGHT PAGES. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 21, -1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND Vl BTAJTDS F1V1 CANT 5250 CIRCULATION (2o,000 BEADEE3 DAJXT) Only Circulation la Salem Guar anteed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS SERVICE n n d i - - 5 Wfl IjI'hII j mmiiiai in nnPMAT,v. mm. m a, -i ia Kitr III. i n.v VJ I IU.I1U I I VI Proposed Protest Against In tervention In Russia Fizz ling (Lt WALKOUTS OVER UNITED STATES ARE WEAKENING Amicable Adjustments In Var ious Industries Are Indicat ed Today. Paris, July 21. (TJuitea Presa.) Ad vices from European countries, especial ly the allied nations, indicated today that the international strike, planned by the proletariat as protest Against intervention in Russia and Hungary, had lost its element of danger and in many places would be a complete fail ure. Apparently strike lenders either had lost their control or had heeded govern nieut warnings. Only in one country Norway were there indications that the situation might prove serious, A general strike litd been called for today, following a strike Saturday which forced Chris tlauia to do without light, wnter, trani rur service nnd newspapers. The gov ernment issued an order closing restau rants and ordering three (lays prohibi tion of the sale of alcohol. . French Abandon Idea. In France the strike had been called off officially. Telegrams from Italy, Austria, Gcrmnnv'and Great Britain in- dii-uted the movement had been i.bnn Uniied, either wholly or pnrtii.'.ly on nc "count of the pressure of public opin ion. Dispatches from Germany announced that us a result of violent protivla from German agriculturists and the pulilic, the world revolutionary idea had been weakened very greatly. Vienna reports indicates the strike failure there was due to public scnti- incut. CHICAGO LABOR TROUBLES TO MAY BE Or SHORT DURATION Chicago, July 21. (United Press.) Iti-lief tknt Chicago's strikes and threat ened strikes may be of slum duration was expressed today following appoint ment of a board of six union builders tn confer with employers wno have locked out 10U,0U0 men employed in var- (Continuod on page three) PROGRESSIVE SEEK HIGH COSTS BATTLE Congr essional Action To Re duce Present Prices Is Demanded. By Raymond Clapper ( Cnited Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Jtilv 21. Demand that congress act to reduce the cost of living w as made by progressive republican sen- aiurst odi;y in statements to the Cnited l'r,'M- -nils ml unt ion is becoming so bsd'tion: that the party in power must take some definite action before the neit election or accept the consequences,' Senator Capper, Kansas, republican, warned. . SVnator Keuyon, Iowa, and others rec ord this opinion. Congress moved to strike at the high cost of living todsy when a committee of the senate started ia search of prof iteers in Washington. Conditions have become so acute here, according to some senators that government en.pio.vra are qutting tnd threatening to impa the efficiency of departments. Senators hope to throw light on the cause of the high price wave throngh out the country. Food, clothing and rents will lie studied. Wholesale deal ers, retailers and consumers will be besrd. "This is of more importa-ice right now, than the league of nations," Cup per said. "It is causing n volution in Europe and ever here people are get ting more and more dissatisfied." "It is the biiigest battle facing eon- jires today, ' Ke-.yos declared. "It is',ia f t,e nations to act a fisrht that euts across party lines. It jring the period required to rent a the divides those in r.regreis who are try- rS!if.ation of the trcatv." 5ng to solve the high eo-t of living S.-nstr Knox, republican, moved as problem from those who sees to protect iic eria! inn-re League Senators Open fire On Opposition With Heated Accusations of Petty Politics ogton, July 21 (Vuitid hen) g senators who opposed thslof you I mean ta republican leader atious to "hell hounds" and "mi!. ," Senator Harrison, Mississip pi, today delivered a fiery attack js them ia a speech ia the senate. Harrison dared republicans exposing the league to make American withdraw al from it the issue ia the 1920 cam paign. "If you do," re predicted, "you will heat the voice of the people; republican hopes will- be forever shattered and your party ignoininously defeated." He declared opposition to the league is based, first on jealousy of the great prestige obtained by President Wilson, and next ofl the fear of munition mak ers ia states represented by anti-league senators, that disarmament under the league will cut off their profits. Compared to "Hell Hounds." , "Nothing has been left undone by you," he charged, addressing the league's foes directly, "to have 'fail ure' written over tho conference door at Versailles. Your action is only com parable to the eouduct of the never ceas ing hellhounds Milton stationed at the infernal gates. "Never before In the discussion of a great national question has deception been so lavishly practiced and misrepre sentation so generously employed. Every alluring piece of sophistry that eratory could eouimaud, every cunning device that politicians could conjure have been advanced by the opponents of the league here that in the country reason might be dethroned and prejudice aroused. Partisanship Evident. "When - opposition to inleisitlional policies such as will make for the peace : and happiness of mankind is J'omided on rank partisanship and personal dis like aye merely to shatter the popular ity or retard the growing ascendency of a particular individual, then it is worse than bolshevism gone wild. The treaty low oeforo the senate for ratiiicatlon REPRESENTATION OF : U.S.0N REPARATION COMMITTEE OPPOSED Presidents Request For Ap proval Of intention To Ap point Member Signal For Senate FA Washington, July 21. While Presi dent Wilson was confined to his bed to day by, illness .the struggle over the peace treaty and tho league of nations continued at the capitul without inter ruption. Several senators prepared long speeches, urging ratifications treaty. of the; There was a debate in the foieign relations committee over a icltcr from the presidentto Senator Lodge asking that the committee approve his inten tion to appoint an American n.cmber of tne reparations committee, to suprevise the carrying out the reparations provis ions of the peace settlement before the treaty is ratified. The committee -deferred action on President Wilson's request until tomor row. Republican niembers vigorously op posed any action bv the committee ae- uucscing in the appointment in advance j !f ratification. Al ter Lodge had read Wilson ' letter to the committee. Senator Williams, democrat, moving the following resolu- "That we recognize no jurisdiction in the members of this committee as a committee of the subject manner in its preso it status, but we think that the president has the power to appoint an American commissioner in order to ex Mlite completion of the details of the proposed treaty." The effect of this resnluliou, repub licans said, would be complete compli ance with President Wilson's request. ' Senator Harding, republican, moved this substitute: "That the chairman lie instructed to reply to the president that in the judg ment of the committee neither the com mittee nor the senate has any auhority to take action in respect to any treaty provisioi until the said treaty has be come effective throngh ratification." To this. Senator Hitchcock moved to add the word "and assures that the president alone ecn take the neceanary action to have the United States tem porarily represented on any ro. omission of reparations net Bp by conceited at. (Continued on Tage 5.) is here not because of you but ta aprt ship ia this body. Harrison asaailed ia tura Senators Borah, Lodge and Knox and Will H. Hays, chairman of the republican na tional committee. They have concen trated "mud batteries" against the league, he said. He charged them with responsibility for China's failure to sign the peace treaty, for widening the breach between the Unit erf (states and Japan and for tryiug to arouse tie Irish in this country. Common Sense to Pisvafl. The coin ino sense of the great mass the American peoplo will prevail against the "prophets of evil," who are demanding rejection of the league of nations. Senator Beckham, urn tucky, predicted in a speech lu the senate. Because all other methods reducing the danger of war hare failed, the American people are willing to try the league, Beckham said, rather than run the risk of becoming involved again in war. "The common sense citizen does not see in the league the many snares and mares 'nests and evil demons that have possessed and inflamed the lurid imag ination of Bouie orators who have en deavored to describe it as a veritable Pandora's Box of trouble and danger, " sr. id Hcckhaiu. "Common seusc quick ly answers theso prophets of uiseuster with the unalterable conviction that if a provision like article ten had existed as wart of international law in August 1914, suil had been recognized by the nation who later went to war with tier many, then list war would nevsr iave occurred. " Republicans Challenged. Hp charged that personal dislike of President Wilson and partisan politics include the opposition. Ignominous defeat awaits the repub lican party in IPSO, Beckham predicted (Continued on page three) 'FRISCO TELEPHONE WORKERSSTILL OUT Operators And Linemen Plan To Press Demands Despite Union Heads. ft Sim Viuni-iui-n I'll .lull? ! '..t striker returned to work for tho Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph company here this morning, striking operators said. Iliey stated that a number oi girls started for the exchanges to (,o to work but were met by heavy cordons of pick ets who persuaded them to remain out. A meeting is in session toJ;.y iurtliei plans for resistance of international of ficers' orders to return to work, fol- lowing yesterday's mass meeting when the workers voted not to return to work as ordered by international officials. Oakland strikers took tho same atti tude, andthis morning no strikers re turned to work there, union head RS sertcd Returning to work 1 .08 Angeles, He attle, Portland, Tac.oma, Belliiighain, Eugene, ban .lose, Santa Rosa, Fresno, Hi u), (junta Barbara, i'awidena and Sun Dei go. Against returning to work--Saii Frun cisco, Oakland, Sacramento, Stockton Modesto, Marysviiie, North Vakima. San Francisco operators and electri cians Ire seriously considering contiu umg the strike rcguidlcas of Ue httion of other localities. Local operators voted HI to 4U for staving- out, whUe in Oakland they poted to for con tinuing the strike. Complete results of the referendum will he announced at mass met tings of oiierators and electricians here and in Oakland tomorrow sfternooa. Portland Phone Operators And Linemen Return To Work Portland, Or., July 21. ( Cnited freas.l !srmal telepaone aemce wus restored here at 8 a. m. todsy when the operators who have ben on stiike three weeks returned ta their positions. At the same time Ike electrical work cr who have been on strike M days. went back to work. They voted mously yesterday to return. In order to absorb the strikebreakers and at the ssme time employ ail tlif returning strikers, the telepnone coin pa.ny will fur a time consent to a sur plus of labor. It probsbiy will tempo rsrily discontinue the school of insiruc tioa. (Continued on page five) HIE FULL PEACE TMIIOED TO AUSTRIAHS .1 Final Section Of Teres Is Turned Oyer W?d Forcalty. FIFTEEN DAYS ALLOWED ENEMY TO FILE ANSWER i a "I Additional Provisions Reveal ed Resemble German Pact Closely. Paris, July 21. Jf Cnited Press) The Austrians were in possession of the complete terms of their peace settle ment tortny. l be remainder of the doc umentthe first eection of which was handed to them June 3 was given to tueir representatives at Germain yes terday iiy Paul thitasta, secretary of the rea tonference. with an uttrr lack of ceremony. They have 15 days in wuica to lilo aiUlitional observations The jiriucijial torms of the troaty are: . 4 . , Austria must accept responsibility for loss and damages to the allies thru i war of aggression. She must surrender all of her mer hant fleet and a fifth of her river fleet within three months. She must make reparation within thirty years for damages to allied ci vilians and their property. lie must abolish conseniition and reduce her army to thirty thousand. Sho must accept her share of the former d ial monarthy's pre war debt. which is divided nmonir the nations which formerly constituted the empire. Mio must reduce all her armaments and surrender all surplus. lie must renounce the Bucharest and Brest -Lit ovsk treaties. She must turn over all her cmbles to the allios. The definite announcement Of in demnities will be determined by a spe cial eesMon of tho allied reparation committee, upon wmcn tnere will be American representatives. Austria will be required to pay a reaonable sum" within the period extending from the present to May 1, 1021. Before May 1 1 of that year the ciiimission will apprise Austria of tho full sum of her liabilities or the schedule for payment. in raising the money for reparations Austria will make three bond issues. The first shall bear no interest, will be made before May, 1912. The second will bear 2Vi per cent interest between 121 and 1S2I and five per cent there after. The third will bear five percent interest. Austria also will deliver within three months after ratification of the treaty a fixed number of domestic animals to Italy, Serbia and Rumania. All art treasures will be restored to cities in invaded territories from which they were removed during the war. Expense of the army of occupation must he paid from November 11, 1!18, until it is withdrawn. Carranza Soldiers ft . v Are llOt ImDUCated El Paso, Texas, July 21.-Commont- ingon WT nmde y t niled State, Senator Fall in Washington vestprrtay that numerous Mexican border raiders had been killed wearing the uniform of Carranza soldiers, military authoiities here today denied any Carranza men hsd been shot In the Big Bend, Texas, district, where most of the raids have occurred. ABE MARTIN Joe Mi.n' has sold hii f.rm it. wii7. too ronfinin'. When a woman (fits too much chanffe back she thinks it's luck. """-ft Lecture on Russia In Time of Bolsheviki Revolution Opens Chautauqua Season In Salem The 1919 session of the Kliison-White chautanqua opened auspicuoukly in the I big tent last night with a round Of "everybody sing," with "Big Doc " Epley on tie platform, bulging out the caavas with his optimism and cnthus-Jtion lasm, and Director John Todd, of the Apollo elub, doing the artistic thing in solo work. The audience wa gfutify- ingly large considering tue opening sight, the "temperament" of lac ther mometer, the church cr vices and the "joy rido' absentees. , Dr. Epley, who has played "cUddy" to the clhautauqua ao long that it has become an obsession, was particularly jovial in the announcement that a laige proportion of the tickets pledged had been taken up without the necessity ef aelicitation, and that the guarantee had 6en fully covered. Superintendent Emery, one of tne iiv- eat wire that ever carried voltage to the circuit, jollied the audience on the fact that Suiera was making the finest showing in this respect or any city in their circuit. He assured them that the program before them was the finest ever put on by the .Uison-Vi ui'.e peo ple. The prelude or the evening was fur nished by the McDonough-Cagleston en tertainers. They are merely c duet in number but a quartet in the variety of their program numbers a tparkling repertoire of songs and readings. The alleged lecture of the evening was not a lecture at all, but a personal account of experiences in "darkest Rus sia" by Rev. Dr. Joseph Clare, the plump, jovial, keen-eyed and keen witted fipastor of an English-America church in Petrogrnd. His address coistituted the most enlightening ex position of present end past conditions In Russia ever given In Salem, and for a hour anil a halt lie ne.ia ms uuiueni-e in close Interest. Dr. Clare was not only closely In touch with some of the leaders in the Russian revolution, but was ait eye wit ness of some of the terrible scene en- uted on the streets of Petrogiad. More than once his own life was iu duuger, SMED jCROSS IK Taxable Treasure Is Taken Out Of Country To Beat Indemnity Levies. By O&rl D. Croat (Cnited Press Stuff Correspondent.) Ilcrlin (fly Mail.) Svwl.iilund and the Scandinavian countries ut piesent house a vast treasure in German tnd Austrian securities. Their worth can only be guessed, but it Is estimated that they run into many millions of doilurs. These securities have been smuggle" out of Austria and Oermuny ogalnst the time when their owners would have to help pay the German war indemnities. Because of the movement of tiusc vulu L.I .... . 1. r. t 1 . . !1 i Tl inivitrtiin.ittf nuiw fjuwrm, lur w. ...... ftv . . . - ma(l0 tron complttint in the course of the peace nogotiatioii. It pointed out a VMt. f""' ! "T'ZJT ' r.ovt.ring; M, i ,, . . l i could not be reached. The securities were tnke.1 out by wealthy men who desired to cseape their share of the burdens aiising from peace payments. In some cases, air plaucj were used to take out great stores of securities. In other cases, di rectly after the armistice, it was pos sible for the wealthy to pack up thou tangible assets snd move quietly into Switzerland, or some other neutral eoun try, where the securities were sufely stowed sway out of the reach of the German government. Only today there came news rroin Vi enna of a considerable movement of Austrian and Hungarian paper out of the country. One estimate was that re cently $1,000,000,000 worfh of notes and other securities had been smuggled out of the eountry with quite evident signs that, the movement had the same pur pose behind it as the earlier German smuggling. The government Is now seeing to it that Bo great sums of money or paper are allowed to slip through the oouu dnries unless for leyitimate pmposes. Germany complains that her ability to meet foreiga claims has been materially decreased by the acts of war-swollen profiteers fad wealthy citizens who chose to take their wealth away rather than aid in rebuilding Germany, where in these profits were made. Incidentally, Switzerland and tiie oth er neutral countries btve made vast pro fits through the warj while the access of wealthy Germans with taen lortunes ' makes money flow rather freely. Hwit zerlnnd hat been for some time the playground ef Europ, owing to the clo and for months Via own family was forced to share with the wretched pop ulatioa in the struggle for food and fuel to marely sustain life. No academic discussion of tne situs could give such a vivid picture of the causes that led to the chsos tn una sia aa these personal observation of Dr. Clare the pathetie helplessnes s and ignorance of the peasantry on the one hand, and the imfaasy of the political leaders who betrayed them Into the handa of the Germans on the other. The speaker went on to show Russia has suffered more than all the powers together, for in addition to a dcatii list of 2,500,000 during the war, not less than 10,000,000 have atarved to death in the empire; and . millions ' more arc doomed to starve. The feature of this morning's session was a strong address by Superintendent Emery on the subject of "Human Ro tations "r replete with sound advies md carrying a vera of humor. This afternoon there was a popular scien tific lecture of unusual excellence by Dr. A. D. Carpenter "Worlds in the Making" 4n which the eminent astron omer presents some of the greatest mar- vols of (he universe in a manner to be grasped by the ordinary mind. This evening there is a double treat in store for the audience in the prelude concert by the tillion Coucerl l'nrty and a tlmely.leoture by Captain Hind ley, inking "the place of Edward Trufz, who was obliged to cancel hUdatcs on the circuit on account of illness, The concert company, Is nuuie up of a trio of the most talented musiriuns in Chautauqua work the wed known French violinist, Ferdinand Filion; Fern Goltra, a lyric soprano, formeily with tho Chicago Orand Opera association; and Mary McKinnon, a pianist and ac companist of the finest technique. Captain Hindley, who is rated as one of the strongest speakers on t'ua circuit", will have a big subject "America at tho Parting of the Ways" in which ho will deal with some of the gieatest politicnl, economic and industrial prob lems of the day. -s - j SE1TEC01ITTEE ASKS INFORMATION fill MEXICAN DAMAGE Full Details Of Outrages Since Fall Of Diaz Is Requested . In Resolution As Reported Today. Washington, July 21. The foreign relations committee today ordered a favdenlile report on Senator King's resolutions requesting the slate depart ment to furnish the following informa tion about the Mexican situntiou: What steps have been taken, if any, to press for collection of damage claims of American citizens against the Mex ican aovernmeiit: the uuuilwr of Am erican citizens killed in Mexico since Diaz retired; the number forced to flee and tho value of the property they left behind; the number oOvr there and the value of their property, sua the num- ber of nationals of other countries killed by Mexicans since Dm.' time. 1 lie siuie today of the robbery tby bandits tho Atlantic. Refining company's or oil loading station at luerto Lobes, Mexi co, of about $10,000 last Wednesday. DETAILS OF BANDIT ROBBERY OF YANKEE BAILORS EXPORTED Washington, July 21 The following dispatch from Commander E. D. Fin ney of the V. S. S. Topeka was receiv ed at the navy department this after noon, giving further details of the Mexican bandit robbery of American sailors on the Tamesi rivers "The motor sailing launch of the I . S. S. :heycnii that was involved in the rolsbcrV by Mexican on July six contained a party of 13 men, all of whom were unarmed. Three Mexicans constituted the bandit party. They held up the men In the Tamesi river, which at the place i very narrow Two of the Mexican were armed with rifles One of the men withdrew shortly af ter they had arrived. All of them were dressed as civilians. The authorities of the Mexican government to whom the matter was referred expressed deep re gret that the incident should have oc curred and stated that they were at tempting to ascertain the identity of the thieves. At the present time, these attempts have been entirely fruitless, for none of them has either been iden tified or captured. I am personally. I am personally acquainted with the Mexican commander and I believe him to be in good faith on the proposi t ion. ' ' Volnrr H. flart, sged 64, a prominent resident of Seattle for 2 years, hi that city Monday night. died im rail! for mm BASH! ISO uiWivlMy VVuustwi Vvt sba Takes Evidence h Pcrtlarl ASTORIA JOINS FORCES WITHWASHmONHlT3 lawyers For Pu jet Scsd Co tenders Confided Ct h b ' ' nag Out. : : Portland, Or., July SI. (Units Press.) The Important Columbia baaia rate esse opened here today Defers in terstate commerce rommisaioners Halt, Daniels and Eastman, ' Probably fifty lawyers, representiag the many port and business Interests in volved were assembled with their mass es of evidence when the case wJs called at 9 a. m. . The hearings will continue here osa week and the commissioners will tkea . move to Seattle where they wil! hJ4 court on the same case for a woes. Tho decision probably will be given out ia Washington. The pleasant air of confidence dis played by the big lawyers from Seattle nnd Tacoma proved somewhat baffling ta their opponeiits of the Columbia river ports, who had not beea able to deter mine just what line of defense would T followed by the men from riiget Bound. All were assured that the three, eom missioners had eome with open minds to decide the most far reaching rata case ever placed before them v tho I'ticific const. , "Those whose lutcrefs""are nitally . affected may rest assured there i been no pre judging of this case," Said Commissioner Henry Clay Hall. This case is direrted at the railroui administration and is tn attempt by the Inland Empire Shippers league, Tort- (Continued on page three) RACE RIOTING KEEPS CAPITA! roilCE BUSY Military AulhcritiesMay Ms Hand In Preventing Re curasce. Washington, July 21 (United Press) Major Ptillinun, head of the Washing ton police, was expected to confer with miliary authorities today and obtain re inforcements for his men to guar ! against possible renewal of fi(!ttiitl be- itween whites snd negroes here. j jiinturbancos last night and early this mori(j t0ok the form of numerous fist f:illlt between groups of whites and Umg Pennsylvania avenaa. ()lllh , front of the . ,.,ii.ll., -.I,:.- .f..i-..-i,r.r.H t & eny nan. One negro Was chased around tha treasury building. Another was sued in front of the White House. I There were fight " " io principal uuicu. ouiuit., ta r.mi marines were coiisneuoM ; the white belligrrents. About a doseii scattered arrests were made, but tho serimmuges were o widespread tho po liee were handicapped. In some instances it was reported taxienbs were seized by the whites sad used l;i the pursuit of negroes. Street cars were boarded and negroes draped to the street. Although fists were for the most part the only weapons a frw club and slug shots made w th stones carried in hand kerchief were used. Estimates of tho injured varied widely, mot of them -ing so slightly hurt they were sot tak es to hospitals. It was believed, how ever, that not more than 100 wers real ly injured, although others received black eyes and bruises. One crowd of whites cruised for blocks on Pennsylvania avenue, attack ing negroes, but "finally was kept at by bv a crowd nf neifroes who assembled in a side street. Negro chauneors om police patrols were sent home, the is thorities hearing they would be tons from their sects. Ambulances wer in adeuuate to enre for all the eal's, injured lying ou the sidewalk twenty minutes before surgeon came. Keeling ha bee i running high d;iriS the last weeks because of attack. hile women by negtoe. m nr ' fighting broke out late Saturday aighU PE