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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1919)
Weaker Report 3 Oregon: Tonight and Sunday v fsir west portion, fair ami warmer cast portion, eatk northertv winds. 5250 CIRCULATION t (25,000 BEADF-K8 DAILT) Only Cireulatioa in Salem Gum- anteed by the Audit Butmi of Circu'ations. t FULL LEASED WIRE J IUSEATCHE8 SPECIAL WILLAMETTE VALLEY NEWS 6EBVICE 411 MOl ON TRAINS AND Vt STANDS FITS CKXTS FORTY- SECOND YEAR NO. 169. SIXTEEN PAG ES. SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1919.' PRICE TWO CENTS llld Au tlP TT o fl fl 4 u rny n nin in r ni LONDON GIVES A PDFAT&5 PflJf F WiLflnK'jll'lL TO TROOMS Nineteen Thousand War Vet erans Parade Through Cheering Multitudes Today. GENERAL PERSHING HEADS GREAT MILITARY PARADE Millions Of Enthusiastic Eng lishmen Literally Pack Streets To Cheer Heroes Of WorldWar. ' London, July 19. Great Britain or the part of !reat Itritain that could 'be packed into London sounded cheer upon cheer today as 19,000 allied troops representing 12 nations, passed in bril liant proecssiioii in commemoration of peace. Flags and pennanlg gave the city a festive attire an .1 millions literully choked the streets, as a composite regi ment of 3501) Americana, under the command of General Pershing, started to lead the parade at 10 o'clock down Buckingham Paluce road Beside the doughboys there were S00 French, and Italian troops, 400 Belgian and detach ments from Herbiu, Rumania, Portugal, Japan, Poland, Cxoeho-tslovakia, Greece China and Hiam. Field Marshal Haig led the British f'Wees, followed by tha coloninl troops. General disappointment wns voiced when it was learned that the pictur-e-ijiie Indian troops would he missing. 3 lie to an influemsa outbreak they were not; able to come from France. King George promised he would review them litter. - After the soldiers came 4000 sailors and marines and 1 i)T0 merchant sailors, led iby Admiral Beatty. .Six hmfdred Wrens, Waaes and Wrafs, niurching 12 abreast, formed ovideuco of the strik ing ipnrt British women have played in mnking victory possible. The procession took three hours to pas one point along the six and a half mile route. The supreme moment came whtm the Hied veterans, swinging into the broad space bofore Buckingham Palace went past King George, erected him with snappy salute and passed on ito ward II vile Park, where the parade end ed. Apart from the morning's parade nisnv other novel features combined to make the day a memorable one in Bri tain. )eii air exercises were held in the parks. The League of Arts had nr Tanged, for huge choirs, clad in multi colored robes, tabards and cowls to render national songs and hymns In all the open places. Included in these choruses was a choir of 10,000 voces which was to ling in Hyde Park, under direction of Dr. ( hades Harris, .Santa Barbara, Gal. Irish Republic Head Tells Americans What He Wants Them To Dd San Francisco, CaL, July 19. United Tress.) "Ireland does not want Amer ica to go to wnr with England for its cuse," Eainoin lie Valoru, president of the "Irish republic," emphasized in his speech before 12,000 in the Civic au ditorium last night. "All Ireland asks is recognition from your government," he continued. "We all believe Hint the peace con ference in Paris was sitting down with wider terms of reference thnii merely settling up (lie issues of the war. We f' It, therefore, y;at it had nn opportun ity that no former roiiferrnee had, and that it would look out broadly in the world and take measures to guar antee a lusti'g pence to the world, "Paris did not achieve that, but I riclieve Wcshington can. I believe it is not ret too late to found a lasting peace." " Prior to Be Valera's address, the ven erable archdeacon, James Grafton My tea, minister of the Community pis- enpsl chorea, Baltimore, rtealt a severe blow to e tinges t list toe I run question iras a religions question, declaring that the protcftsnts in Ireland and prnte tants of Irish blood salute Te Vairra as president of the "Irish protectant re public." STOCK MARKET CLOSED New York, July 11. The to k mar k.-t was closed tndnv to entblo' employes t- disjwise of a.-cnmnlated New York. Francis X. Biissman's' former wife wrecked his picti.:e busi iws. he mill i'i court, here, i.y er at legation rt the time of their m.orrc. One picture to far tliis yenr i, it I'm - Salem Chautauqua Session To 0pen Sunday With a Well Balanced Program indav eveuinir and con-i Begiuuing Sunday evening and ton tinuiug fur one week, the Ellison White chautauqua will be in ISaleiu with its ti'nt spreail at the usual place on Wll Inuiette field. For the opening date Sunday even ing the soldiers, sailors and marines are expected to attend as those having prop- let cards will be admitted free. The :S S. nV.Tl This will include the singing of soiae of the old time religious songs, followed by the lecture of the evening by Dr. Joseph flare, on the, Russian situation. After Sunday evening the program for the week is as follows: Monday. Morning Lecture, chautauqua direc tor; junior chautauqua. Afternoon Prelude, Fillion Concert Party; lecture, "Worlds in the Mak ing," Dr. A. D. Carpenter. Evening Prelude, Fillion Concert Purty; leeture, "And Now What !" Edward F. Trefs. Tuesday. Morning Lecture, "The - American Gills' Americanism," Mrs. Robert C. McCredie; junior chautauqua. Afternoon-Prelude, Lewis i Military! Quartet: inspiration lecture, "The Ad vantage of a Handicap," Dr. Lllio't A. Boyd. Evening Concert prelude, Lewis Mili tary Quartet; dramatic reading, "Turn t0 the Right," Edwin M. Whitney. Wednesday. Morning Lecture, 'Mudnine France' Miss B. Louise Fitch; junior chautau qua. Afternoon rreludo, Becital Artists: entertainment, Elsie Mac Gordon, lm p.'r.v.Juator. Evening Miutetvle, Mary Adel Hays, eolorutura soprano, assisted by Itocltal Artists; lecture, "The Vnited States at the Peace Conference," Ida M. Taibell. TbuTEday. Morning Junior chautauqua. Al'tei noon Concert, Cimera's Czeeho- 'Slovak Band. Evening Grand concert, Cimera's Cr.eoho-Slovak Baud; Bohemian Folk Songs, Mme. Citfarelli, assisted by C.e.ho-Sbvak Band. Friday. Morning Junior chautauqua. Afternoon Prelude, The Kellers; lecture. "Misunderstood Mexico, n. ,. Mellinger. Evening Prelude, The Regniers; lec ture, "Two Years in Hell and Buck With a Smile," Private Pet.4. Saturday. Morning Junior chnutniiqua. AflernOoa Entertainment, Apollo Concert Co.; pageant, "I ncle Kim s r.x- periiiient," junior chautauqunns. Evening Concert. Apollo Concert Co. illustrated lecture. "Closing Days of the War," Henry Warren Pool. ii Drys" Seek Bill for Enforcement Of New Prohibition Law AMERICAN SAILORS ARE! I'JlID I I I M .ttions Containing alenliol liave the inClfient IS KegardeQ AS MOSt I amount printed on the container was de- C n ri t r OeriOUS Dy Otaie Ue- partment Washington, Jttlv 19. A 'boatload1 . ., ., . , , . , ' - ,i Meanwaile the senate judiciary sub cf American sailors tifa filing tnp ;,.(, tr ,0tined consideration of its in the Tamesi river, near Tampicn. Mex ,, fn.,.Im,JJ. i,i ,llt reached i.o dwis no, were held up and robbed by a body inn on important such as defiui of armed men July ti, the state lie- tion of prohibited beverages; search for partment was advised today. jaud seizure of home stocks and enforce Afier argent representation by the mcnt procpedure. department of atats both to the local '. K..,,rei,,ltlltiTl. ntgeral'l, Massa Mexican authorities at Md (k ,B!rl)mf(. . the federal government at Mexico C.ty, , ; fc h(mo mnnaUHar0 of . governmeat authorities have uromisea .r ... . , , .. . , , immediate investigation. j wiae and c..b.. provided ,t u for home Inofficial reorta in Wishinglon are bnt prohibitionists prevented eo. the host attacked flew the American ."deration on a point of order, flaz. It wa. admitted at the state de-! The use of ar.era mental wi will be psrtalf that the inciiicnt is "most senans. The fct similar incident was at Vera Crux where arrest of American sailors was followed by lauding of American troops with the aVniand for a formal apology and a salute to the American . , . The announcement of theatta.k was n- .!. ki' Ilia alat. HonsptmAnt tin. af. .' ,i ,i ,i. rident occurred nearly two weeks sg". The men attacked were member of the . V. S. S. hevTnne. a monitor. ,.c ik. f i,. , i , receive,! nn Julr j ; , n,Mf(, ff0m 'rr,mnd r R. P.' ifjrnev of the cnifser Topeka retorted ,B;it ', a,.,tor aniline launch nt the. j - (Cju'inncJ on page six.) n tot mis WW M oM Mil ss..r-.. ..... Corporal Kephart Cites lEaeis Propsal Of Tax As Pro per System. Extension to all of the states of a proposal now uuder consideration in Illi nois, whereby men who saw tervice in the army or aavy during the war would be given a annual bonus of $00 for the eoming 30 years, the money to be raised by the poll tax method of assessing ev ery man $3 a year, is advocated in letter to The Capital Journal from Cor poral M. F. Kephart,' of this city, who Lis now with the 8th Infantry in France. He says: "The. remcinder of the A. K. F. has been taking interest in what has been published in the various papers from tlw egpwciulljr ( tUHt wuich hag reference to them when titer reach home. I noticed where the Illinois leg islature is considering a bill to tax ev ery man $2 a year for the next ten years to give the soldiers c bonus of .'0. Now I call that very good plan only ti is not enough- considering w hut the men who came over here have been losing a week for the past six months to two years while the men at home were making a ivwher from $25 to "0 u week while we were making .1J a month R-nd spending twenty of that for eats and the rest for insurance, barber, (Continued ou page three) Alleged Propaganda m Of Packing Combine Will, Be Investigated By Raymond Clapper ' ffi.ited Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, July 19. Congiess will investigate charges that the big psck ers conducting a natiou-wiiin propa ganda directed aguinst the pending Kenyon, Iowa, author of the measure under tile declared today. The senato agricultural committee will conduct the investigation, Kenvon suiil. Ho has collected evidence which will be placed before the committee. Included in 1 hi, he said, copies of circular letters keut by puckers to stockholders, bo' dholJers, branch hous es and bankers urging them to protest against the bill. to Amend Washington, July 19. Beading of the prohibition enforcement bill was re sumed In the housetodsy with ootli i"wets" and "drys" offering numer ous amendments chiefly to perfect the test. Aii amendment to strike out the re- ijuirenieat that all lion-potable prepart - iieaiea. i ne aineniiiiicni was oirereu ui. tltepresentutive Husted, New Yoik, oi I the gr uud thi'.t the retiiremeiit would S eimaiimoil n Kiitit i t it tn fur liimiil :absulute:y prohibiten under tee prohi- ,iiitma enforcement uw as it is bow re 'fore the house, Representative -Igof, Missouri, told the house, j "Nobody cn give sway sacramental n;r r-x-ept M provided in this bill," ,aiJ( ,,tni th), m eonUiDI no except ions." HeMetntiv. Cannon, Illinois, ob ' ' jeeted to provisions in the act against cider for Lome consumption. 'You rai't enact a law that wilt i "P n,a. w'"-" " nia'"' "rr'1 01 -cider, from Diittinz it in bis ceils r end (drinking it," he said. Representative WalsAi Masueametts, ; a-ke.l whr the making of cider with more than onelh.lf of one is r cent ai e.,t"il hould be allowed if nhiskey were, not. STRIKES OH 111 HAtlY PIACES, PLANTS IDLE fcic Of Walk-Outs kf pears 1 o "Be sweeping loua- try, Now. HIGHER WAGES AND SHORTER HOURS DEIAND Russian System Of Shop Com mittees Demanded m Some Instances In Industries Of East. Washington, July 19 (United Press) An epidemic of strikes appears to be sweeping the nation, according to re ports made to the labor department here and unofficial advices received In Washington. There is no estimate of the totul number out.' Demand ate be ing ufelc by the strikers for more mon ey, a snorter wording day, the right ot collective bargaining and the rignt to organize shop committees. With seamen on strike all along the AtlnirTic coast, 28,000 rnilioad shopmen on lti southeastern railroads were threat cuing to quit, making demands on the milium! administration for more mon ey. Machinists were striking in Liu c'ngo and building tradesmen ni re being locked out. Boston had a street railway strike. Following Is a list of the strikes rc ported to the Ichor department and tu which mediators have been assigned: Hedwich, III., 1200 out of the West em Htecl Car Found t . Lebanon, X. H., .strike of machinist and helpers, Kendrick Davis company, want shorter hours, higher wages and shop committees. Macon, Ga., streetcar employes. Argo, Ills., employe! of corn products company. Chiengn, eniploves of the Crime eu.t pany, ulso boiloi makers, machinists and machine trades. Five hundred out at Union Prop Forge company. (The building trades lockout has not yet been reported tn the labor department. Pacific coast: 12,000 employes of Pa cific Telephone Si Telegraph lompiiiiy on strike. Peoria, IU., Keystone Wire company, 700 walked out. St. Louis, bakers unions declared strike. Kapulna, Okla., mntnrmen and con doctors nut. Jumcstown, X. I)., metal poii.hcrs strike directed anin four companies. Jackson, Ohio, 200 furniture workers, affecting three companies. Coutriilia, Pa., !00 miners out. Worcester, Mass., C00 leather work ers. St. Louis, telephone operators, line men nnd ojectrieiuns. Buffalo, N. Y., several hundred line men, locksmiths and machinists. Fort Worth, Texas, 500 boilcrmaLcrs and metal workers. St....-.,,. ia 7.-.0 cnir.l, t Ravara Arms company against 'institution ofjHalem. It is known as the llowcllj 1 1'"'1''' work svstem. T .i. ii, l-l,,,. ,l,.,,..,i,nMi hn. long list of " threatened strikes which have nut yet reached the siiike stage. ;1Irf,.r,rt LABOR TROUBLES OROWINO MORE SERIOUS fhiecj'V July lf M'mted Press) Chicago'! labor problem ulrea.Jv In volvinj more thun 1I.1.000 persons was made more s4ious todar when "resig nations" were received by the fire de partment of 237 fire dejiBrtiiicnt and pumping station engineers. City officials declared the stations will be manned with emergency engi neers and that the city wi'l be amply protected from fires. The engincrs voted to go out at II a. n. today and to stay off duty until their demand of eighty cent an hour i met. They now receive 41. , hurfacc and elevated traasjiortation employes announced their vote of more than HiO to 1 in favor of a strike to force their demand for more pay. Ftir face lines employes voted 10.01 (J for cud 4.13 against the strike, while "L" employes were 3-Vil to 3", in favor. Hojw of a settlement in the building trades lockout, nffectl -g 100,000 men sppeared today. At a meeting last night Simon O'Donaell, secretary of the build ini; trades council, told the men their strike was unauthorized. He p;winted a committee of five " disinterested" men to go with a committee of the builders fnr a conference with the eon . structinn emtdover tdi:v. Tne men Peace Treaty Will Be Ratified Without Slightest Change, So Asserts Senator Hitchcock EXCESSIVE HEAT ADDS TO FIRED AUGERS High Winds Also Increase GrantT Of Situation la Idaho And Montana. Butte, Mont. July 19. Continued dry weather and high winds further in tensified the forest fire situatit in Montana today. . Reports of many new fires coming into the forest office led officials to declare that unices the weather mod erates there will not be sufficient men in the state to conquer the conflagra tions. Kenorts from the St. Beirii fire show the blaw jumped Clark Fork river and is spreading at the rate of several mile, an hour unchecked. Officials declare there is little hope of checking the Henderson fire, wuich jumped the mountains into Muller gulch. The entire nun river warcrinca nenr ureat rails is mreaienecr oy rue oia. which is raging apparently unhampered along the north for oi the river, Bozcman repots Indicate the fire ftn the Madison river in the Bear Tooth reserve is raging, while the one on Ross Peak in the Bridget range apar cntlr has been controlled Keports from .Missoula declare tnar fires ia the 8o1way, once under con- trol have broken out again and that the situation has become serious. The village of Jinitown near Helena is threatened according to reports from Helena. The Evaro fire in the Helena forest Is still on a rampage but several other fires in that vicinity are reported under control. The Cedar Creek f iro in the Kootenai forest is spreading rapidly and nunier ous small isolated camps in the hills rare threatened. Thus far no lives havs been reported lnet. This may be be. cause communications with many vil lages' have been entirely cut off and reports are in many instances unavail able. Heven hundred sheep owned by the Northwest Sheep company of Portland were caught between cross fircn near Alberton yesterday and destroyed. Holocaust Impends, Spokane, Wash., July 11). ' Nothing in the world can prevent a holocaust in northern Idaho and eastern wasii ington forests unless rain falls. Fire fighters can't hold the fires, which are gaining steadily. Men are scarce." (Continued on pago five) Wheat and Oats Principal Crops In Eastern Section of County; fruits Not So Strong In making the horticultural and agrl cultural statistics for coi.n this sniinir. there is a district assessed I, i- John Tweed und the resilient live mostly on rural routes I anil UiU Oli Prairie district in lownsmp i m j ri.,i,.. west, and begins one t.nlu cast: or close to 17 per cent. Spring I 1 V " 1 C to the Puddiig river and witli hwitwr - lend on the east, cirenonin "- north of (Switzerland. .There are lf.,211 acres in this district. Winter wheat leads in this district with 3102 acres, or 20 per cent of the I land ,snd outs second with 2.il4 acres,! or eloscto 17 per cent. Kprmg wheat comes in lor ivv acres oui. ui mn ,. . . ..J i w.. in '! I rye 59 acres, corn 543 acres and clover 957. There is 15 acres in marsh hr.y and 12HT acres in other hay crops. Four farmers put in field beaiw with a total of 10 seres. This section ij given but little to friut trees as there was assessed only 41 acres in bearing apple,! 12 noa bearing, 33 acres in cherries wiin 19 acres non bearing and 22 seres of nnn bcarini peach trees. There is only w sere in bearing pear trees, with 7 non- hearing, 72 acres in prunes and 8 in non Ixsriug prunes, 5 sere In bcr.s, wsnuts end 4 seres non-beuring. The district is coming along with logan berries ss there is 1 1 acres lu w aring wih H coming on. In this district there I one acie in broccoli, one in parsnips, i in Kiissn and one in cabbage. There aic many five and ten acre tracts here, lue tug Isnd owners are William A. Koth 347, (Charles Hppinfid 20t, Heniy C. Fletcher 290, William Fitts 19S, Zella M. Fletcher 1st, A. B. Hughes 1R9, i has. Bsrtruff 1S2, B. Weisiie.r lnO, Ed. Dunnigsn 190, and A. B. McKillop 179 acre. George H. Ottimsr assess.d the dis By I a Martin (United Press staff correspondent) Washington, July 19. President Wil son.' position on reservations to the peace treaty, today was the subject of a warm dispute among senators. Those who want reservations declar ed the president has indicated to re cent callers that he might be willing to accept explanatory or interpretative reservations. Administration senators replied that he is unalterably against reservations of any aort. 'But it was considered fniricant that following conference' with the president last night at the eapitol, Sen ator Hitchcock, administration spokes man said: "The whole question now is the form and the wording of the resolution of ratification. There is no longer any danger of amendment of the treaty. It will be ratified without the dotting Of an V or the crossing of ft 't so far as the text Is concerned " Hitchcock ssid he and the president discussed the interpretative and ex planatory reservations among other things. But he insisted the' president is standing pat against all reservation His reference to -the wording of the resolution of ratification was taken in some quarters, however, to indicate there might besoms concession to those. demanding reservations in the .form of .. . --,..,. ,. , lha . .,,. 1 ' lution. That the president has been search- (Continued on Page Sis ) I'McNary s Pet Hobby Is if , C J IV 1111112 JlinuaV lHlHeiS Washington, July 19. Among the harmless hobbies of lv'sla- 4 tors, none, says Hcnator MeNary of Oregon, is more interesting than his. & "It affords so 'much variety, and not a few surprises," said McN'ary, telling about it. His hobby is hunting Kuniluy dinners. Not a country hotel or sjt old time tavern within many miles of Washington hu cs- eaped McN'ary. - Whenevtr hu hears of a new place, he's off to try it. The. other Monday ho came to the senate Indignant. "Found a new place yester- day," ho explained, "and li.ry charged me 2.50 for a chicken dinner. Worst of it was; tho chicken apeared to have been chased up and down, around and over the adjacent Blue Kiiilge i: mountains until it was ull tough- e 'cd up before it got into the $2..i0 class." mm. mm m in rsoj co. in 'ynjr IJJday ABU IdllCU LApCl iences He Lands In Clutches Of Sheriff Needham. John Vilieff, born in Siberia, brought up in Hiberiu, veteri.ii of the Boxer uprising in China, shot by the Chinese through the hand, a soldier of the liusso- Japanese war, in at the sur render of Port Arthur, later sm ren.lereo 'to tho indie of Portland for being drunk, is now languishing in tiic coun ty jail. fot it was John Vassilicif who at tempted to find sudden riches !y operr.i . moonshine plant a few miles north of Ralem in what is known a tlie Mmtn Bottom. When the sheriff nd two internal revenue inee.tor paid the Kussinn a visit the other evening, he took to thej woods, leaving hi large assortnidit of real moonshine whiskey tnd his still, nil of which were gathered in by the officers. Late Thursday evening, after the of ficers had left, he returned to the house where he lived, to get his gun, having word that he would not be taken with out a fight. Just to make sine of causing trouble for the officers, he filed off the point of the bullets, making the regulation dum dums, which trc nt present forbidden ill rivilired war. However, when Sheriff Netahain and party arrived in his eighboil.(od lost (Continued on page tlx) emetic FLEET STEAMS FORTIUS! Admiral Rcfean Left fas ten Roads Promptly At 8:33 SECRETARY DANIELS TO JOIN FLEET AUGUST 1 list Of Warships Ad ITieir Commanders Is Offi cially Given Out Tcday Dy Navy Officials. Newport News, Tsv, July 19. Hoodri by 20 destroyers, the Pacific fleet, to charge of Admiral Hugh Kodmaa btft Hampton Roads this morning at 1:39 o'clock. ' , Washington, July 19. Secretary Daa lets said today be expects to kavs Washington for the Faclftc coast about August 1, arriving In Saa Diego, Aagast 6, to meet the Pacific fleet which 1 due Tin morning of August 7. The president, it is understood, will arrange to b on the Pacific coast in mid August and probably will review the fleet in San Frarcisco. Newport News, Va., July 19. (fat ted Press.) The new Pacil'm ficot, the first powerful battle force this country ever ( in bl d to guard the west coast. sails from Hampton Bonds today tot its home waters. For weeks the huge fleet ha bevi gathering off Old Point Comfort, Eight battleships, the flagship Hirutiughnin of the destroyer squadron, a tuader and dozens of destroyers weT lined up tn dury hlong the roads reiulry for tho start. Admiral Hugh Kndnian, commanding' the fleet, was with the flugship New Mexico. With the New Mexico wer seven battleships the Wyoming, Ar kansas, New York, Texas, Arizona, Ida-" ho ami Mississippi. The liiimhighian and t lip tender Vestal wcrti wlih 'oi de stroyers and smaller ships. The fleet will make fur the Panama canal. It will bo the greatest that has passed through the eanul. When it is assembled on the Pacific it will e. pi'me I'OO ships with 20'H! officers and .'13,000 men, It will be more than twico the toniiugn of the "huge" tint t which nailed around the world in HKS. From the time the fleet reaches the open sea it will bcina to increase. Kix more battleship the Virginia, Isew Jcf S'V, Rhode Island, Georgia, Nbraka and Vermont will join it, as will alt of the cruisers now on the Pacific const. The Virigijiia is the flUK'nip of View Admiral nrenee William, ecosd. in rmninand. Home of the ships particularly do stroycrs and mine sweepers art sow in Eurnpec-n waters and a few cruisers are already on the Pncific side. Whei the fleet is complete Dime will be ail teea battleships. Admiral Hodman estimated taat about 100 of the fleet of iOU russets wiil cruise through the canal. Of thi .") ."mr more will be destroyer. Maoy units sniftered nt Atlantic coast navy (Continued on page three) COLUMBIA BASIHIStE u'i! i pz unnn hill dl mmi) fisbt Started By Pcrthri Against Seattle Involves Great Interests. Portland, Or. J'y 1. The van guard of the powerful legal ad judi cial talent thirt Kill convene here; Monday for the big Columbia basia rate case expected to arriv today. Three menibor of the interstate com merce commission H. C. Hall, throp M. Ianiels and Jos-n B. Fast man are spec ling westward fro Washington to hear the is. Thi i the first time a western esw ha bee Signified by the presence of thre eeas- missinners. Washington. Orejou and Idaho aavo vital intennts in the case, which will decide whether Puiiet Sound or Colum bia river ports shall be Iho outlet fr the vast Inland Ijnpire wheot reaches. Port and business interests of Port land are the chief leaders ia the suit, whwh is aimed at the railroad ad :niii':tnitiou. while sim.lar interests in (Continued a pags to') (Continued on page fix) (Continued cu page foui)