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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1919)
PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUK.Nau SALEm. imtbUN. FRIDAY, APRIL 4. 1919. No Medicine- Chest Without Its Family Laxative From the baby to the frarrdparentt a good laxative ii the necessary medicine in the Uttle ills. It wards off serioua sickness and saves doctor's bills. Many a cold has been pre vented from running into (rippe and pneumonia by its timely tub Many racking headache has been quickly dispelled by it. And it is a laxative rather than drastic cathartic or purgative) that should be in every family medicine-chest, for a laxative can be used at all ages. Thousands of good American families have for more than a quarter century used a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin known to druggists as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It is a laxative-tonic that acts on the bowels and stomach. Infants take h with perfect safety, and it is equally effective for grownups. Grandparents are uow cseing their children give it to their babies. - It is excellent for all the family in constipation no matter how chronic, indigestion, wind colic, biliousness, headaches, dyspepsia and similar ills. TTia druggist will refund your money if it fails to do aa promised'. . PRICE AS ALWAYS In spits of ireatlr lncreaac4 laboratory cuata due to the War, by aactificina; protila sail abaorbing war laift c have main tained the price at which thtt family Lu st ive has been aula by druggists for the on it 26 year. Two aiaea SUc ami $1.00. SDr. CtldweWi YRUP OEPSIN The Ferfect jj, Laxative FREE SAMPLES If you bm sever uatd Dr. Cakiwtll'i LVru? Knsiti laid far a free trial bottle to Dr. V. B. Caldwell, 468 Waahaigton Bt., r'ortict Ilo, HI. If there are babiea at hr-, r.,k Set a cvpy of Dr. Caldwell's book, "Tot Care of I. aby." rOISON SOURCE TEACED tuesd lay by taking poison. Ho declares I SOCIETY. By GEBTSTJDE K0BIS0X A radio message from the sltamslup America, off Cape Grace, Newfound land, has been received by Mrt . W. K. Vincent from her son. Corporal Andrew If. Viaeeat, to Ui effect that he would arrive in Boston Saturday. Cor poral Vincent is with the 26th divis ion, known aa we " 1 suiee ihvisioa. which saw some of the severest fight ing of tli war. It was this famous "Yankee Division " that, with the ma rines, turned the tide at Chateau Thier ry and llellcan Wood. Corporal Laird Wo win of Dallas who was wound ed just previous to the signing of the armistice, and of whom the daily pa pers said so much at the time of his return, wus a member of the -0th. Friends of Corporal Vincent are awaiting his return expectantly, aa he will, no doubt, have a wealth of inter esting experieneea. to relate. a Sergeant Norlyn Hoff to whose re turn 90 many Salem friends have been eagerly looking forward, arrived in Salem yesterday for a brief visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hoff. ; Serjeant Hoff will remain in Salem until the first of the week when he will go to l'ortlund to engage in bus- ilU'Ji. Prepare ia Afecs f WowtWful Inflame For Eapsjctaat Hotkn T if ahHhers for ever La'f a century bars ward with h Mau rrroinnrr the tin, bouawd preparation. M Hber s Krleod, before Ua arrHaJ of baby, lirra Is a truly wouuVr. nil i mratuir spplieiUoa for tba abdoraea trtd bnaata. It aoficna and avUcs eu ia "ravfe, render!: t.'wia pUant teraauilv riH ts Bature demand for atpanitoa. fT Its an ta anitoHs aauntUs of pretnancy srs aurls cojDf.irt.ibk-. The ujuiI wreiu-n-lii auais. beriii-d)wsiHltreUoinpiiM fa iiierseted. Tb svste-ol Is prrparej JST enaUBs-rrent, sut to ue of Mother's Frlea4 brlsfs restful nili!a bappy ajiuct. patiM, tar too aerrea are But draws upon lt the axial strain. Iif ns rewutar apnUraUon the rmnrtes x psixl eijy whea bubv arrives; tlw time ts leM at the crisis an J natural; tia paia and dunyer is leas. Mother's Kriend Is on sal at erary drtt store. It Is for external as only, is aowluUly tmf and woiHlerrnlly effective. V ""''"e'd Keiraiator Company, Dept. C, Lamar Duildins, Atlanta, Ceoreia, for their lutere-tln. WLtirhoo.! Boo, frea tojaws of AtotWs Krlcad. and ootain a holtls of Mother's Frt-iul from tha drua lors Hid Ufin tula grateful IreatmeuL Mrs. Gerald Volk entertained the 1. K. O. Sisterhood yesterday attor noon at her homo on North Capitol street. a a The name of Miss Hazel McGilehrist of Salem tvpiieurrd in a list of the wmtfidd KntJV "e lV..a Delta IH;l,a bo-.-Ivan 1 which he was able to obtain through his I r"nty , . . f North Takima, Wash., April 3. Ivan which he was able to obtain through Bynionds, who knew Ruth Morgan when 'k 1" drug store. He said she . wen. t .hl l,ro ,l,;tt.l v,,.. "livimcd to be "disgusted with things" terday that ho sent strychnine to 'the 'l wante.V the poison for a dog The Hirl wh0 tried .to kill herself in Seattle l orM ' Y ma ' Be about a miMith ago. Carried Over and Broken Lines Black Shoe Soap Kid, button, French heel, plain toe, A,B, C, size 3 to G 1-2. Brown vamp and white top Kid, lace with French heel and plain toe, also imitation tip, A and C sizes, 4 to 7. Brown vamp and white top Kid, button, military heel, plain toe,' welt, C and D sizes 2 1-2 to 6 1-2 A Buster Brown shoe. Brief descriptions of three excel- f j lent shoes that sold regularly at" (L O.S $7, your choice yTt Lot of kid and gun metal button shoes for women. Good medium heels and toes 2 1-2 to 4 1-2 and 8 only. A Buster Brown girl's black kid lace, medium wide plain toe, 2 to 6 1-2. L L' HOOK SAYS HIS TROUBLES ARE OVER Tank Built Him Up So He Is Now Workrg Hard Every Day. "When I weighed the other day I found I had gained thirty five pounds and that's only a part of what Tan lac has done for me, " said L. L. Hooks, of North Boawell, Ga., in re lating his crperienee with Tanlac. "1 suffered from such an awful case of Btnmach troulile," he contin ued, "that I eould hardly eat a thing and nothing tasted right. The Uttle I forced down didu't give me any strength and at times 1 would almost chske from the gas thnt formed in my stomach. I wa o weak and miserable ternoon at i o clock in tlie Loiimiflrcia-I I Jll3t couldn't do any work at all and club rooms. All mmners of soldiers in j was just about all in. any branch of the service and mothers . t commenced to tuko Tanlno bo ot nurses aro eligible anil ore carnont-1 cause I saw the good it wns doing oth ly requested to aUend the meeting. prSi arui r cmiij fool aU tho jifference in the world right from the start; it A pleaant .urprUo party was given simply made mo feel like a' new man. April two at tho homo of Mr. and My troubles aro now over, it built me Mrs. 11. McWhorter od' . Market etreet. ' ,, wonderfully nd J am wjorkinsj 1 The uffair wns in honor of Mr. and mnf Xlng r,jck and shovel every da Mrs. .luo Kisher and children, Hessio tttllj n(,v,,r hllvp Hnv niortf trouble WJlh iiiil Kverett, who are h aving soon tojmy 8toinach. " ' ako their home in talilornm. llie Tanlac is .old In H ibhnrrl bv Hub bard Inig Co., in Mt. Angel hj ilen Gooch, in Gervai. by John Kelly, in Turner by II. P."Cornelius, in Wood burn by Lyman II.' Storey, in Salem by Dr. A. C. Plone, in Silvertmi tlco. A. Steellinmmer, in Gates by Mrs. J. P. Me.fhirdv. in Stavton hv ',. A. Hcnu- Kweet, M rs. Wilkersun, Lillian .Impict, t chnmp, In Aurorn 'by AuroM Drug store, in St. Paul by Groceteria Store Co., Inc., in DnnaM by M. W. Johnson and in Jefferson by Foshay & Mason. Miss MuGilchriKt is one of the most charming members of Salem's young er set. a . Mrs. M. M. 4'hnpmnn is entertain ing as her guest, her sister, Mrs. Wal ter Williams, of Dallas. Mrs. Williams is Die wife of a prominent Dallas banker and sister in law of lialph Wil- iiains, one of the foremost republican leaders in tho stnto. a S There will bo a meeting of the Sa lem unit of War Mothers tomorrow af- pveuii, was spent with music and cm il ivftcr which the hostess nerved a delightful luncheon. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. .loo Fisher, Mr, and Mrs. i'. K, Cutler, Mr. and Mrs, II. McWhorter, Onirics Juipiet, Mr. and Mts. Willis Little, Mrs. Dan Hessio rislier, Delina ISweet Melvn Little, arl .Inquct, Klviu Little, Kv erett Fisher ami Kdwin Cutler, . i Knlph D. Moure, fiirmerly secretary of the Coniinerciul club, is iu l'ortland for a few days. ... I Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris, wifo of ljudge Harris of the supremo courtt is in l'ortlund visitor, being a guest at the Imperial hotel during her visit. Quinine That Does Not Affect Head lli'cause of its tonic and lJtive ef fect. LAXATIVK HHOMO yl'IM.NK ! (Tablets) can lie taken by anyone with lout causing nervousness or linging in I the head. There is only one "Broino Quinine. " K. W. GHOVK'S signa ! ture ou the box. 30c. Two more splendid lots that sold at $4.45 to $1.85, your choice $3.95 Another lot of Buster Brown black kid button shoes for women and growing girls. Plain toe and low heel, 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, reduced from $4.45 to $3.45 Broken lot Women's patent, kid and gun metal, lace and button shoes of various types and styles, sizes. 2 1-2 to 5, values up to $4.25, choice $2.50 Lot of Misses white canvas button shoes, al most given away. Sizes 9 to 11 l-2,choice 95c Sizes 12 to 2, cnoice $1.10 LOW SHOES: Broken lots of Women's Pumps and Oxfords in various styles, sizes 2 1-2 to 4 1-2-not the latest but high quality footwear choice $1.95 Lot of Misses White Canvas button oxfords, fc'zes 12 1-2 to 2, splendid shoes for. $1.00 All our shoes, although not reduced, will be found to be below the average market price of like footwear today. I MORE OREGON (Continued from page one) ! Fowler, Lieut. Wm Burgnrd, Major llnlvor II.. Kasch. ! tn one point there seemd to be unan I imity of opinion France was a good place to come r.wny from. Some of the boys testified that the French were j always glad to welcome them, but they 'always had an eye to tho American iiocketbook, and in some quarters there .was a progressive holdup for every com I modify and line of service. The fnmil i iar "gi.g" was passed up and down the I American ranks about the doughboy I who fought in the battle of l'aris Mid came nut with wound stripes on his pocketlxiok. j Auother thought thnt occupied almost 'every mind was the possibility of find ing a job awaiting them when tliey i received their discharge There were 'thousands of the arrivals in New York who found a hard jolt of disappoint jnienf coming to them when they went to look for work. When you are overworked, feel list less or languid, or when yon . can t sleep or ent, better take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, livens you up, purifies the blond, soothes and regu lates the stomach, makes you cat and sleep, A real Spring Medicine, 3J5c, Tea or Tablets. D. J. Fry. NEW GERMANY (Continued from page one) problems wMoh -haan n'mrwf daily. Rapid Changes Noted. Hut th' a e .it lights that stand out. Or group themselves under heads. and the best a correspondent can do in describe these problems as thev appear. not so much to a foreigner, but to (er ninny's republican cabinet, which is trv in to master them all at once. The following series of article on Gr many's situation politically, socially. economically, t.nd in other phases that can be covered, may bo altered by the time these stories get to print, but they will describe the chaotic, complicated, unrestful situation nut oY which the new Editor ' Note The above is the first of a series of twelve articles On the sit uation in Germany as scon by Mr. Tay lor in a tour of i.ll Germany during the AN 1 ' 6 BCLLANS Hot water Sure Relief iZLL-ANS 'FOR INDIGESTION rrmiii PRESERVELEATHER LIQUIDS a, PASTES: For Black .White .Tan ond Ox-lilood (dark brown) Shoes KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT u V. m ! i ;. .t vs 'PLEY'S t-r n n Spring Scintillates Thru These Stunning Garments The temptation is to write glowingly. It is needless. We ask, in stead, that you accept our invitation to call and see our assortment, of which we are very proud. You are interested in style.. Probably greater variety and more style joyfulness than you might expect awaits you to show that the sobriety of the past few seasons is no more. You are deeply interested in price. There are values here that testify to our merchandising ability. Without the keenest study of the market on our part many of them would be far from possible. SUITS - $19-75 to $55.00 COATS - $16.48 to $57.50 DOLMANS $24.75 to $55.00 CAPES $19-75 to $34.75 FABRIC DRESSES $16.48 to $34.75 SILK DRESSES 512.48 to ..ou SWEATER COATS $ 4.98 to $14.7o SLIP-ON SWEATERS $ 3.98 to $ 7.50 CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES ....$ 1.98 to $ 3.98 FEMININE WEAR AND FEMININE ARTICLES EXCLUSIVELY U. G. SHIPLEY CO. QUALITY MERCHANDISE POPULAR PRICES ....... .n.iimmiitit TV For Colds, Crip and Influenza Take "Lmzniivo ' Bromo Quinine Tablets" Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature nounced today. Mayor (,'onley of Deer Lodtfo, has offered $00,U0, it was slat ed. Tex Kiikard is expected hero from I Fort Worth, Texas, in a few days to consider tno oner. on the box. 30c. recent weeks. The series will bo pub lished in daily successions bv The Capi tal Journal. You must clean tho stomitch and bowels, rrnrifv the blond, each spring or you leave winter ' germs and im purities in your Mood and system. Drive them away, clean out the stom ach ami nowcN taKe ll misters ttockv Mountain Tea, a spring cleanser purifier. 3jc. Tea or Tablets. D. J. VARNA SOCIALISTS REVOLT l'aris, April 4. The Sofia corre spondent oT Le Matin wires today that extreme socialists in Varna attempted to bolshevik movempnt. Th town he said, was immediately occupied by Brit ish troops who declared martial law. Varna is! an important Unitarian port on the Illack s'a, i"0 mi!cs direct ly east of Sofia. OEEAT FALLS WANTS TIGHT New York, April 4. Great Falls, the third Montana city to make a bid for he Wilard Dempsev fight has offered 225,(HH for the attraction, it was an JOURNAL WANT ADS PAH YANKS TO SEE ITALY Rome, April 4. Arrangements havo been completed for American troops id FrRiice to vi-it the principal Italian cit ies at the rate of a thousand soldici a day, before Nailing for home, it wan nnnounced todav. F i - IVOID COUGHJ1 una COUGHERi.' HATS LIKE THE PICTURE Are real values. Nifty little hats for the kiddies in straw and cloth. Latest novelty shapes for the misses including Panama sport hats and others very classily designed. We have a first class milliner in this department for the express purpose of pleasing our patronage. All desirable trimmings. SAMPSON & GIDEON 152 North Commercial St. 3pr Li gHI'LrOH iBar 30 omvs-srov r cox en r i J