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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1919. FAdrE SEVEN en Try m JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARBIENT IS THE BEST SELLING IIEDIUM IN 1IARI0N COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISINa BATE3 Rate per word Hew Tods: Sack, insertion ' le oe week (6 insertions) 6 One month (26 insertions) 178 The Cafttal Journal will sot be re ponsible for mare than ene insertion, for errari in Classified Advertisement Bad yonr advertisement the first day ft appears and notify us immediately if error occurs. Minimum charge, 15a. BUGOT for gale. Call 5SF1. 3-13 FOR SALE Good secondhand top ' buggy cheap 720 N. 15th. 3-13 BARGAIN 148 acre farm, 6 miles out on paved road, $85 per acre. F. L. Wood. . 3-13 FOB RENT Nice, clean, modern housekeeping rooms, 4 in suite. Enquire- 248 State St. tf WANTED Guitar, secondhand Phone 1415 513 BOARD and room at 1120 Center. Phone 1074. , 3-17 TfOU'NG fresh eow and .calf for sale. 673 Brooks Ave. 3-38 WANTED Married man for ranch, with or without team of horses. Geo. L. Boss. 3-15 FOB SALE 36 eres witlK small fruits, eash or terms. See Owner at 1417 Market St., Salem. 3-17 "WANTED -A White Leghorn rooster, phone 44F5. 3-15 (WANTED Salesman and collector, with car. 337 State St. 3-15 FOB SALE Modern 6 room house, two lots. Call 1025 N. Front. 3-13 FOB SALE Wheat hay, 10 ton, phono 411 or 1593. F. E. Shafor. tf WANTED To buy cattle and calves. any kind. Phone 1576W. 3-15 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 597 N. Liberty St. Phone 2456W. tf WANTED Cattle, calves, veal, any kind. Phone 80F11. , 4-8 PIANIST and saleslady. F. W. Wool worth Co. tf BUGS cleaned 35c per rug Phone 18, I. L. Buckner. 4-4 FOB SALE Good table potatoes, $1.25 per sack Phone 86F22. tt WAlNTED To rent, modern 5 or 6 room house. 31 care Journal. 3-11 yOS. SALE Cheap, good work team, will trade for cattle. Phone 89F23, Kt. 5, box 125 on Maeleay road, tf A. E. HUTCHISON, 246 State Bt., Phone 311. Overland service and general repair shop. 4-7 FOB 8AL0 Six room, 2 story house, and garage on State street; for in formation call Main 1185. . tf BABBED Bock eggs for hatching, from fine winter layers, 1.50 for 15 K H. Pickens, 305 S 14th St. tf FOB SALE Baled wheat straw $9 at barn. Telephone 15F4 near Mid dle Grove school. -3-22 UBBBTT BONDS If you must dis pose of your bonds, we will buy them. 314 Masonic bldg. tf FOB TRADE A good, neat 4 room bouse with garags to trade for auto. Coll 1644 or 2022 in mornings, tf FOB SAW x xl3 scaft governor, engine and boiler complete, cheap. Box 268, Turner, Or. , tf WALL PAPEB 15 cents per double roll upward. Bursa's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. tf WE PAY highest cash price for eggs, pork, veal and poultry. Willamette Transfer Co., 171 S. High St. Phone 1400. tf AS GOOD as new, gas range, good heating stove, water heater, retail ored overcoats and suits, at halt price. Tne Capital Exchange, 337 Court St. Phono 493. tf JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY FOB SALE Choice grain hay for sale at the Farmers Feed barn, S. High street. . tf FURNISHED room for rent, suitable for a bachelor. Inquire 1280 State street. 3-15 FOR SALE House and lot, 54x164, 1 blocks from State, 259 S 19th. 3-27 WANTED Work by . experienced , LOOSE oat straw for sale truck driver. 75 care Journal. 3-17 Phone 86F2. ' FOB SALE Gasoline engine and pump jack. Phone 53F21. 313 FOB SALE Good corn. Phone 92F11. 313 FOB RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 1510 State St. 3-13 cheap. 315 WANTED 3 or 4 men at Quaker nur sery. Phone 2500J2. 3 19 FOB RENT House partly furnished. Phone 1936M. 3-15 BXTOK ear for sale or trade. 1523. Phone 3-13 WANTED email ipottatoee for fded. FOR SALE Young ehoats, about 60 Phone 8F5 evenings. 3-13 lbs. Phone 151. 3-19 FOB SALE Fresh cow and calf. 1595 N. Cottage, 3 14 FOB SALE 3500 Magoon strawberry plants. J. 8. Rt. 8, box 46. 3-18 FOB SALE A choice White Rock eockerel. Phone 2505W1. 3-18 I WISH to rent a piano. Address A B C care Journal. . tf WANTED Gentle driving horse, 1000 to 1300 lbs. Give price and descrip tion. J. A. Callan, Rt. 9, box 27. 3 14 WANTED To rent or buy upright pi ano. Must be cheap for cash. D P A care Journal. 3-19 WAOTED Black walnuts for planting purposes. Call 37iF14 noon or eve nings. 3-14 FOR SAL13 8 year old gelding, sound and true. No skate. Skyline Oreh- . ards, Phone 36F11. 3-14 LOST 'Between Trade and Ferry on Com'l SU an umbrella. Phone 2430 W . 3-13 LOGANBEBBY plants for sale. J. P. Aspinwall, Brooks, Or. Phone 35F 12. tf WANTED Experienced grafters at Fruitland nursery. Phone 111F21, Sa lem Bt. 6. tf GROCERY stock and fixtures must be sold within 30 days, easy terms, 1390 S. 12th St. tf FOB SALE Double disc harrow near ly new, 24 18-inch discs. 8. R. Bailer Silverton, Or., Bt. 4. - 3-13 EXPERIENCED wan wishes position as foreman' on prune ranch. Ladd Bush reference. Phone 664. tf WANTED A woman or girl for gen , eral house work. Phone 1296 or ap ply mornings 890 Oak St. tf FOR RENT Modern furnished house keeping apartments in 1, 2, 3t and 4 room suites, Miller apartments, 633 Ferry Bt 3-13 FOR SALE .White Leghorn and Ore gon setting eggs 91 per sotting. Ba by ehioks $10 per hundred 768 S. 13th St. . . 4-1 IMPROVED farm, 235 acres mile from Marion, Or., 75 in fail grain, 80 in pasture, 80 in timber; price 75 per acre: tonus. Henry Fennel. ... 3-14 WE HAVE on hand a few tons of mill run for sale, at a bargain Willam ette Valley Transfer Co., 171 Bouth , High St. Phone 1400. tf CAMPBELL'S AUTO EXCHANGE 229 State Street OPEN SUNDAYS If you want to buy or sell car come and see me. Detroit car, good condition, ' ex change for Salem lots. Ford 1 ton truck, $600 Maxwell 5 pass, to trade for house and lot. 1917 Ford good as new, all new tires, a good buy. Dodge, big bargain, $650. Overland, good condition, $150 Elgin 6, will consider property in exchange Maxwell roadster $275 Paigo touring car, big bargain Ford bargain, $350 List your property trade with mo. Phone 362 We Buy and Sell at the Market MUNICIPAL BONDS ! , ;;;; ; Tax Exempt HrstMoirtgage .Farm Loams INVESTMBITS OF MERIT 0I1LY HAWKINS AND ROBERTS 314 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore. FOR SALE 8 room house on good street. Inquire at 1305 Highland Ave. 3-18 FOR SALE 1 Samson tractor and 1 ton truck, condition good. Phone 96 F2. 3-15 FOR SALE Good loganberry wire. Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa. Phone 398. - tt FOR SALE 9 White Wyandotte pul lets, just starting to lay. 642 N. Lib erty. 3-13 WANTED-Experienced eook at Wil lamette sanatorium. Apply 754 Fer ry . 3-14 FOB SALE 4 room house and 2 lots, 4 blocks from S. P. depot; would consider 6 room bungalow on Lib erty St. Call at 1595 S. Lee St. 3-17 WHITB Leghorn hatching eggs $5 per ' hundred, shipping orders $6; baby Chicks $15 and $20. W. R. Baker, Rt. 6, Salem. Phone 68F2. e-13 FOR SALE Chevrolet 3 pa"- csr. mechanical condition guaranteed, 4 new tires, 2 extras spot light, chains eto, $675. P. W. Byrd, phone 1925. tf WHY not get the. good, old honest United States citizen to cry your sales, he only charges 2 per cent. Col. W. F. Wright. Turner, Or., or phone 734. ,.; . , ., 3-17 TO TBADE For Salem home, modern 5 room bungalow or lot in Mt. Ta bor addition, Portland; also have timber claim in southera Oregon Ad dress T. F. Mesch, 382 Glenn Ave., Portland, Or. 8-17 FOB SALE Chevrolet 5 pass, ear, me chanical condition guaranteed, 4 new tires, 3 extras, spot light, chains etc. $675. P. W. Byrd, phone 1925. tf FOB SALE or trade, 640 acres of graz ing land, with water; for acreage near Salem. Address M-1990 er Jour nal. 3-15 FOB SALE Young eow, 1200 lb horse, 314 inch wagon, set douDie Harness, single harness, buggy and light wa gon. 1395 N. Liberty St. 3-15 FOB SALE 6 acres well improved, iVj acres close in. I buy and sell all kinds of real estate. 319 Hubbard bldg. 3-15 NORTHWESTERN Nursery, Rt. 6. Fruit trees, roses and shrubs. Special - low prices on certain lines. Phone 111F3. : ' tf ONION seed for sale, selected Oregon Yellow Globe Danvers, guaranteed, $2.25 per pound. J. I. Bliven, Gervaia Rt. 3. Phone 48F11. 3-20 FOR SALE Clover hay $25 per ton; clover seed 50c er lb; apples $1.75 ner 'bushel. Et. 6, box 51, Phone 23 .F21. tf 6 ROOM house with bath, electric lights, 2 lots, 16 fruit trees, grapes, raspberries, barn and chicken house. Bargain $875. Terms. 1976 Fairmount ave 3-15 FOR SALE By owner, modern seven room bungalow, $2750, beautiful, convenient, fine location, and a bar gain at 1710 Court: If interested write to A. E. Mitchell, Rt. 9, box 4. 3-17 FOB SALE A lot of large Belgian does with young, from four to eight each. Sickness requires all my time; also twenty five soon ready to market. Party 'buying lot can have use of fine rabbitry 6 month free. 629 N. Winter. Phone 1532J. hone calls after 5 p. m. tf A fine 5 room bungalow. Two good lots a daisy, on Capitol street for '$.-;ooo. A 7 room bungalow on Fairmount venue at $3500, ha, good new gar ge. A large brick building on North Lib erty street for sale or rent, at a bar gain. A dandy 6 room house on North 24th St. An extreme bargain. Make me en offer. - 8 A large house on Summer St, elose to state capital. What will yon give me A niee 6 room bungalow on Liberty St at $1600. A good 7 room fconse, all in fins con dition and quite modern, only one block from good school. $1500. .If you are looking for bargains see me at once. G. W. LafSar insurants man, 405-406 Hubbard bldg. tf WiANTED 60,008 straw berry plnnts in exchange for 3-4-ton truck. Phone 1138J. 3-14 FOR SALE Large tent and fly, 26 by 18 feet, $26 price. Phone 70F31. . 3-14 WANTED To buy some goats and sheep. B Andersen, Jefferson Rt. 1, box 72. 3-14 WE HAVE buyers for city end coun try property. Bring us your listings. J E. Scott, 124 S. Liberty. . 3-13 40 ACRES, part in cultivation, fair im provements $1800. Snap. See J. E. Scott, 124 S. liberty. 3-14 FOB SALE 6 room modern house, good as new. block to car Jno and paved street. Price $1500, easy terms. Call 180 N. 23d St. 3-18 WANTED iFord 5 pass., give particu lars as to condition and price and model in first letter. F-2 care Jour nal. 3-13 FOR SALE At 1260 JeffeTaon St. a nice little house and lot for $325; can give terms; act quick, for this is a bargain. Z TP care Journal, tf LOST On Salcm-Silverton road Mon day afternoon, one steel rim and tire for steel wheel for Ford car. Phone 27F18 or address F. M. Albaugh, Maclcay, Ore. 3 15 BIG BARGAIN Good young team, wt. 2400, price $165; also extra fine all , purpose horse, weight 1150. gentle for women or children, price $65. Said horses guaranteed; sound by .respon sible party; whatsis known as ,W. L. Skipton barn, 448 Ferry St. 3-15 IT PAYS It will pay you to own a pair or trio of those New Zealand Reds, pedigreed. Beauties, King Ore gon sold in Portland last week for $100. Cherry City Babbitry, 890 Oak See Warren Hunt.! ' 3-18 FOB SALE 4 acres well improved onion land, new 6 room bungalow, new onion house,, wood house, good i outfbuildings, all kinds of berries, good school; this land is just outside city limits, side walk all the way. For quick 'sale will sell for $.1000; for full information write T. J. Dunn Hubbard, OT.r owner. 3-14 FOR SALE 67 acre prune ranch, 40 acres Italian prunes, is acres oi ap ples, cherries and walnuts, springs, 3 acres of timber, good, house and barn, $10,000. $5000 cash, balance terms 6 per cent interest. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. 3 13 FOR SALE 5 room house on paved street, lot 50x100, price $800. 5 room house on paved street, lot 40x147, price $1300. fl room modern house, 2 lots, fruit and berries, $4000. 6 room modern house, garage, paved street, $5800. 8 room modern house, lot 50x 100, $1600.' 10 room modern house, close in, $4250. 6 room modern house, Yew Park, $1350. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. 3-13 I STATE HOUSE NEWS ! Another group of legal lights has been turned upon the dark spots oi Ore gon by the supreme court. Six attor neys, who have been practicing under temporary certificates during tho past year, were admitted to the bar yester day. The group consists oi a. v. Glanville, of Hood River; W. C. Van Emmon of Klnmnth Falls; W. H. Hal lam, George F. Felts, Henry M. Isaacs and Jas. P. Stapleton, all of Portland. XX XX tt XX 2 New Shipments We Are Happy lo Receive tra GoodClothingforBoy Cadillac Wash Dresses for Girls Attractively dressed children should be as frequently seen as attractively dressed womenn. This is one of the "immatchable" models of the famous ''Cadillac Wash Dresses.". Made up in Ginghams, Organdies and Voils Cut in that charming style that makes this line distinctive. None superior in wearing qual ities. Ages 6 to 14 years. Priced $2.95 to $8.59 , (See display in Court Street Window) "it A C JiffiL Styfa, XtrafioodClothes The greatest line of Boys' Clothing in the world That's a big claim but it's true AB SOLUTELY. This line is carried by the most reliable stores in America. This new shipment puts our Bloys Clothing department in a position to care for the want of every customer. Only 2 Wlme Special Delineator Of fer The greatest magazine for the home, full of clean, helpful inspiring stories, and also the most authentic fashion magazine published. Regular yearly sub scription price $2.00 per year. 3 Days Only at an Extra Special Price See our saleslady at the pattern counter, or MRS. M. RANGER The Publishers' Special Representative You can always do better at if ft il t d W. J. Hoffmann, both of Port-whom more than 200 enrolled during land. ' The state highway commission will in the near future be settled in one of the finest suites of offices in the Capi tol building. A group of workmen are rapidly completing the remodelling of the entire south wing on the third floor which will give a large number of com modious offices to this department. The patriotic lessons taught in the public schools of Klamath Falls are hav ing a permanent effect, as shown by a report from the city superintendent of that place, R. H. Dunbar, to the state mirmrintendent of public instruction. Every grade from the first to the 8th inclusive, of each of the schools of Klamath Palls has made a liberal sub scription to the Armenian Belief fund. This report showj ,only the contribu tions of the first-eight grades, as the high school is under county manage ment, being a central high school for the entire county and not nnder Mr. Dunbar's jurisdietib... Total trib- nted by pnpils and teachers, f lf.w.1. The governor todav appointed on the j finance committee of the NorthwcrV Tourist Association, Phil. Metschan, Jr, The hearing which was to htve been held yesterday before Commissioner Wells of the insurance department re garding the insurance of vessels, which was to have been presented by Port land parties, was postponed for one week on account of lack of direct evi dence. , Engoneer John Dubuis, of Grants Pass, wt, in conference at the state engineer's office this morning with re gard to the work on the Rogue River irrigation project. He reports satis factory progress on that work. Summary Of Ubrarian's Report, February, 1919 February has been a busy month in the library; only in j)16 has there been a larger circulation in 5473 -book 1W3 were the month. The three lectures of the month have had a total attendance of 500. Though the numbers have been miscellaneous in subject, each has been a success in offering to the people of Salem an in teresting hour and an opportunity for a broader outlook on subjects of com mon interest. During the month of March, two lectures on France are to be given. Dr. Doney spoke on tho Spir it and life of France, on March 12 and Dr. Franklin, aim of Willamette, has the subject " What is a Frenchman" scheduled for March 26. Latest Relief Drive Going Very Slow deprived them of all means of snppoit and food, and the military nuthoritii" of their deliverers have been unable t cope with tho situation which now threatens hundreds of thousands of Christians with starvation,' if relief is not extended within the next few weeks. The local committee is urged to bond every effort to concludo it campaign within the next few days) that such funds as are available here may be dispatched at onco te the point of greaatest need. The bad weather oi t"" te weeks has greatly impeded the progress of County Chairman Roy R. Hewitt end City Manager H. N. Aldrich and their corps of workers in raising tne Marion eounty starving women i i'ii : . a : .1 .il... r-n ' two of the bbrary has increased . V ... i v i. k with the renewal of . story hours. 1" " !? llZ tuc r nun u j. imo .uiaj v wi-iv- . .. iv'v lias wib uccti 1 their corps of workers in ra irculation in a February , 0, , Mi a Mario have been ned, of wh,h ; th f of the (tgrvi children's books. The chil- . , ,. , . The additions of the month brings i . a i.- .i. i pacious peoples during tho war. . TL HI" HM-Wl mill...-! Ul .JWBB .11 11115 in.ror j" . i n' . ry to 14,353. There is now a registra-1 arD1 ot tho alhc won for tllem tern tion of patrons numbering 8100, of Porary surcease from death by the sword and outrage, but their oppressors m When yon use Journal classifi ed ads get what yon want them to they work fast. Kt