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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1919)
Ar,F FIGHT TflE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1919. ,5tlAn Economical, Delightful, Light Hogs Are Higher Ecayy Ria Of Sheep Ftece -to Trade tyjTS ffl i n n l ? ti i 4 If If jf 1 I ? 11 Mr TV EARLY SPRING STYLES ! ii M li i i I a u vv-i j j Ft v iw; tj t-i hs.,- m is-, r la f.i V'e are new shewing the earliest of the Spring sty les cf Oxfords, Pumps and clher new footwear of special interest to the fashionable dresser. - Patent Pump, Loui heel $6.25 Patent Pump, Louis heel ,.;.$5.59 Patent Pump, Welt soles, wing tip, military heels .. $6.00 Kid Pump, Turn soles, Louis heels '. $3.50 Kid Patent, welt soles, military heels $3.50 White Kid Pumps, Louis heels $7.00 White Kid Oxfords, Louis heel $8.00 Black Kid, Oxford, Louis heel $6.50 Tobacco Brown Kid Oxford, Louis heels $7.00 Tobacco Brown Kid Oxford, white welt, military heels $7.50 Brown Oxfords, welt soles, Louis heels $6,50' 416 Slate Street Phone 877 Eobbers Enter Dallas the past month, the other case being Hi is considered one of the finest in this nJ 41.A VnrnanAir flnvin mill PfitlOll tit til,' HtfltA. , liOine. Get RICH Haill Vlers fc Company Bell Ston Methodic HTBig Meeting . ! The Viurs & Company grocery -store M.!n M., . (Capital Journal Special Horv.ce.) oil Man, street this week passed into row tho MMmihtx ot 1Uo Da I Hullas, Ore., March 13.-Kobbcr i en- he hands of Henry Voth a prominent wi hold a big Coronary meeting in the tercd the home of E, C. Kirk.mtrick on Polk county farmer and fru.t grower, , of the MclIl0(Ii9t Ej , Worth Main street on Suruluy night Mr. Votk lmvtng traded a 100 a church in this city. This is the last of while Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpftlriok v,t. prune orchard just north of tho city ..,.;,., ,,:,, ,,vn u .oM I Xorth Portland, March 13. Boeeipts !S0O. Cattle offerings today were in lhe with last Monday's offerings lots of ordinary esttle but very fi (outstanding steer, of quality. Trade was snappy and fast. The best steers sold at $13.65 t $14. Nothing seemed to tonch last Monday's top. If any I thing best steer, were a little lower in i price. Ordinary 3tuff sold steauy. Cow marled was good all the way through for all grades. Calf market was good nun saics up to 14.U. Current Quotations. Best steers, 13.50 (S $14.50. Good to choice steers, $11.75 $12. 75. Medium to good steers, $10.73 Fair to good steers, $9.50 y su.lo. Coinmoa t0 fair steers, $8.50 9.50 Choico cows ar.d heifers, $10.50(5)12. Good to choico eows and heifers, $8.75 Medium to good cows and heifers, 7.758.75. First to medium cows and heifers, ?0.00(a7.00. Cnnners, $3.50(S;5.00. nulls, $fi.oo(Sib'oo. Calves, $9.5()14.30. Btockers end feeders, $7.0010.00. Hogs. Receipts 2300. Trading started slow, nothing beins done till noon-. Strength was ci'-ined in prices and tops sold at $17.75 and" advance of twobits on the whole. There wns a very good run of high quality stuff. Currort Quotations. Primo mixed, $17.50(a 17.75. Medium mixed, $17.27(ffil7.50. Rough heavies, $15.50(316.50. Pigs, $15.00(77 16.00. Bulk, $17.50 17.60. Sheep. Receipts 4350. This was the largest day's receipts in the sheep sheds for a Ions tune. I.anibs- sold at $16.50, a half dollar raiso. Current Quotations. I'rimo lambs, 15.5016.50. Fair to medium lambs, 13.5014.50. Yearlings, 10.0011.00. Wethers'. 9.0010.00. Eivcs, 6.50(29.50. in tho different groups. The moenng utteiidinif the plctudo show and stole limits of the city f ir the s'.oro mid I aunt worth of property. o erne misi.-.m Tiie store ,s one m will begin this evening at 7:30 with an as to who the robbers wore has yet boon most tip to dnto establiahnionts in tlx' j xliilit ion of Centenary pictures To- nscertaiiied but it Is thought by tho of Willamette valley and enjoyed a Inrgu morrow. t1(( H,.rvi,.0g begin i t 9-30 a m fleer, that they are local talent a. patronage. Messrs. tier, and with a devotional and introductory sor- Wiey seined to bo famlir.r with the inside hcrni who formerly owned the grocery . vlc(,. ut 0..)u 11Tho pn3t an("j the ot 'the residence This is tho soeond will devote their attention in tho futuro (;t,nt',,,mr y Program-" 11-00 a m Their robbery to take pluco in Dallas withlft to nianiiglng the pruno orchard which I PlavQ mul Vi.rt iu t'll() Centenary';" 12- ' j " ' m 1 13 o'clock, Contouary luncheon; 2:00 p. ARMY SHOW'- :.:'-' lit . tr' BEG. U.S. PAT. OPF. Acknowledged the standard Ariny Slioe jfr" 's on the Coast - an J .mail wonder : p , "Extra Service Every Step Comfort Every Minute " Tliat'. whv it is being worn by thousands or men in all walks of life- Office Man . Hikers Molormon Attorneys Farmnrs Conductor. Pltyiiciani OrchardUU Hunter. Look for the Maine Buckhi-CHT iunif d on the sole of every Shoe BLACK GUN METAL OR INDIAN TAN CALF The $100 stamps will be about the sIea ot a Liberty bond and will sell for 82.60 if put on sale In February. The price will In crease 20 cents each succeeding month until the end of the year. m. devotions: V:,W Centenary program; 6:00 Centenary dinner served by tho ladies of the church in tho Dnlns hotel dining room; at 7:30 Centenary rally j of the Methodists of the Dallas gronpl which includes tho towns of West Sa lem, Falls City, Amity and this city. Among the prominent sponkors wh will lie in ntteudr.nco today and tomor row aro Dr. Carl O. Donoy, presidout of Willnmetto University at Salem j Dr. II. T mll.i.i. - v. 1,-11 nn. rti fi". i V Z ai T Try ' n T from W to ThS eonutlo, are V i -r,.' "i1 X"; '"';! Jerome. Clark and Caribou. city i: 1 1 cnurcu, xvov. Xjt j. uiinerc A HUNDRED-DOLLAR 8TAMP A new feature of 1919 War Savings Stamp activities 1. the .tamp of $100' denomination, which will probably be placed on the market this month. The last Idaho iejrislnturo increased the number of counties in that stato of Oregon City; District Superintendent ' , abroad and studied musla in a T. B. Ford of fialem and Dr. W. C. wm'0,ttl)roaa and studiea muslo in a Wnsser of Nebraska Conference who IT!? .c,"!erJ , y' W W?" enlist, left a brothor, Newman nennis, buried on Fronch soil, he having diod of ptomaine poisoning the first of the year. . .:-.'.. . tnlks on tho Centenary for the Sunday I schools. Rhould your acu'er be unable to supply you, end his name to tho manufacturers Hue Ingham and Heclit, Ban Fruifcisco. Kncloso price of shoes you desire and we will have your order lilted. miArt IT fitil mm P Members of Headquarters Company, Lynn Elder, Bay Boydston, William Dennis and Will Boydston of this city,1 Decorating for Soldiers Homecoming. all members of the headquarters com-1 Every business house in the city is pnny of mo loss inrantry, rormorly the wearing a patriotic decoration of some Third Oregon, arrived home Monday kind in anticipation of the arival of night and Tuesday morning lrom Camp tho soldiers of Company L who are be Lewia whore they were mustered outjing mustered out this wees: at Camp Saturday. The boys were all glad to Lewis. The decorating of the windows homo again though not regroting tho i8 being done by Leo Smith, a local art time they spent in tho service of Uncle 1st, each window boaring tho loiters Sum. Kay and William Boydson who , " Welcome Company L" in red white were members of tho band of the 162 and blue paints. In addition to this grasped an oportuniry offered them i i , Nwimwmi nrnii mum in i i iiiirnrniii.Mr.ifai iT iTIm. FWErl f k 'dif. - Ait'.-' &h .'i W f'"-;'.',': si 4 f t i ? Id .- - . j ti - 3V i u ': : : 1 1 I? ,kl ' J ' i l h. ' ! 'IT V.T""T if P ' ;. ' -J - 1, i v ; jvs Jr ' " . , - v ' 'i' . i - j, 4 . a i"-"- "" " WHAT ALM BEACH MEAN TO TMB THEATRICAL PRODUCES AND TIM P. FAMOUS SON WRITER; ..... .... .. r MwmM XS! ' several of tho stores are tuaking spo ial decorations. The boys may possibly arrive home this week somotiine and everything ig being placed in readiness for their reception. t 1 Arthur Bnhn of the Bodgers l'aper compnuv of Salem was a Dallas visitor Monday afternoon. Miss Bessie Gooch and Mrs. Elmer Strayor were Portland visitors ovor the week end. Mrs. J. O, Van OrBdel returned this wek from a short visit with friends in Independence. Peter Cook, a prominent business man of Ballstoa) was a Dallas visitor this possible to do in their behalf. Ho thus wcok. ' proved his sincerity and loyalty to the Dean Colius, a newspaper roportor of public in every way. Under all cir Portland, visited at the homo of his cumstances, without fear or favor, his mother, Mrs. Mary Collins on Court I voice was always raised in defense of stroet Sunday and Monday. Mr. Collins those whom he was trying to honestly FliWf Satisfaction for the sweet tooth. Aid to appetite and digestion - benefit and eniovment in lasting form. The price is 5 cents. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT SENATOR A. M. LAFOLLETT "THE MAN Of THE PEOPLE" (Turner Tribune) As we predicted at the beginning of tho legislative session of 1319, Sena tor A. M. LaFollctt ha been a true and sincere friend of the taxpayers of the stato of Oregon. Tho people of Marion county have reason to be moro than satisfied with his efforts to secure legislation that benefited them. He did all that it was began his newspaper career on the Polk County Observer in this city. - Word reached Dullas this week that a son had been born to Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Virgil, formerly of this city, at their homo in Kansas City. Mrs. Virgil was formerly Misa Edith Catherwood beforo her marriage to Dr. Virgil, Mr. and Mrs, II. L. Fonton are ini Portland this week awaiting the arrival of their Bon, Carl, who is a member of Company L and who expect, to bo mustered out of service soon, Mrs. I. N. Woods and Miss Marie Griffin have returned from a short vis it in Portland. Mr. and Mrs, George Brown and little daughter have moved back to thw eity from Black Rock where Mr. Brown has been working in a logging camp during the past year. snappy Grink, healthful, eco nomical and delicious Instant Postum and faithfully represent. His vote on all occasions indicated, the manuftr of man ho is. C. C. Chapman, editor of the ursgon Voter, a weekly magazine published at Portland, Oregon, has this comment to make on Senator LaFoflctt: "We vanturo.the assortion that .tad Senator LaFollett been a member of the 1919 couimiltee on ways and means, ho would have save.? the tax- gon who desire proper legislation, than Senator LaiFollett. Patriotic end cour ageous ho did his duty by the people. True, manly courage cannot exist without honor and lintegrity. Those traits Senator LaFollctt possesses in a reniarkablo degree. Any person can go with the current, but to stand firm ly by ones convictions in the interest of the taxpayers and vote for a propo sition that, one deems right, is dilficult to do. Most men lack the Spartan cour- 8go to stand up -and be counted alone SCOnS MLS NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Scotts Mills, March 13. The Parent Teachers associatioa iaet a. t.ic tchiol house- Friday evening. O.i i.ccount of rain there wa not a largo ulie..diincc. A gcou musical prolan was renders!, however. . Mr. and Mrs. VT, 6. Taylor moved o lort'iiml Moi.dty. Mr. 'ia-Iur e.pccti to take up soiii" Bible study work vvhib there '.Mrs. A. 1.. l'io:i' 1 (r, who was callel to .Suluu lit -t YioK '.u account of the sickness it I in :r ui :'ht Mra. LcsiiU liliniiiiy, litis ieiur.j( d homo aim repjrH her daughter nnieli Loiter. MUs Cleon dar.w who has boeii vu iting here, lms reti .ied to her name at Hreeule.J', Main. fe.i.e was acconaiauie i in favor ot a measure they consider by her brother, F. C. Uurris E-ud his wil'u ngnt wnen mo crcwa is against it. ns f ir in Korllanu. where they visitoi Bugged and -strong If character, hon- friends f r a fot dnjs. est in the conception of his duties," Sen J. a. i.iylar ie.a-.i-! a np to ator LaPollott is a type jj man that is j Portland Tu..!v, cwning on Wcuno uncommon in thesa trying times of day. duplicity and double dealing. Mrs ! it-, n i.j,a to, nier Anvi Ho is one of .tho chivalrous charac-j0f fc.iloiii. :,wo t en visiting wit ters that has the firmness to advocate friends here lh. p..ti few days, what is right because it is just.rather Leti.wjl White was mustered oui than for any personal interest. Big1,,,- s,,.irP ,, . ,, in r'niifnrnU hearted and faithful to the cause of ,,.Veinl dav a, who atmme,: in the taxpayers, Senator LaFollctt rws r . ,Tf,r,. ... .....n,, .., made a name for himself in which his i.i. iL."),' ' . ' r relatives and friends should take a ' i . i i . LT . ILfilTJlX "PM H9 d h, the FriTnds" ehtrch MondaV ight. " An "l """v m..w,B poensy. An enemy io laiscnooa ana ae- .. r,n frnm -.-o would have pene.tra.ted the vulnerable point of many an application for funds' I This handsome compliment comes from a person who has seen fit at dif ferent times to criticize our senator. The regret is that the legislature was not constituted with many other sen ators and representatives like Senator uaFollott. If Senator LaTollctt had bowed down and stood la with the "Steam Rolling Machine" of the senate, he could have been appointed on any coin mittee he desired. He was honorable (enough to apurn, every proposition sub mitted to him that waa not in accord with his high ideals of honor and in tegrity. Hence he wa. left off of im portant committees because ho wculd not cringe or fawn to the machine. His thorough irtdependeneo and wish to loyally serve the people, did not allow him to become a mere hie! of designing men. In our judgment there was not a member of the legislature n.nre thor oughly in sympathy with the enti- ment and aspirations of the voters of Marion connty and the state of Ore- ova ii mtl i uf la Avnni-or1 frtni .awlinr(f ceit, he could not help properly repre j nclt weeK; -senting the people of Marion county, j mm Liliaa Horigstad had the He is a plain, blunt, and fearless per-1 fortune t in her foQt an has siuc(, sonage. He is a born fiShfer for the bcen nuablc ,0 d overburdened taxpayers and the pub- The w c T v t th home of he m general. Those who thoroughly NelUe . CoutaoM last Thursday, know his honesty of purpose, admire b j ,Qr his grand qualities of heart and mind. The people of Marion county are sin gularly fortunate in having selected as one of their representatives a man of his sterling character. When the smoke of tattle of the thirtieth session of the legislative as sembly of Oregon shall have cleared away, the name of Senator LaFollett will appear preeminently before the public as one of th test legislators comprising it. His honesty and integ rity will stand out as a beacon light for the encouragement and as an ex ample for the future members of the legislature to follow and emulate. It can he truly said, Senator LaFollett it "The Man of the People." The executive committee of the new labor party at Chicago will test the constitutionality of the espionage act. time because most of the ladies wished' to use their time exclusively lor Bed Cross work. S. J. White and family motored to Salem Saturday. Mr. White i8 still quite sick but wished to return to his home in Salem for a while. George Critcs has bought tho soda fountain and confectionery stoc of George Myers and will move tho same to the drug store formerly occupied by Dr. Hume. ", Tho "American drive" ut this plaee) resulted in raising one hundred dollar which was our quota. D:vid Delano was a Salem visitor . last Thursday and Friday. Farmers of the Ridgeficld communi ty have organized the Oregon Milk pro duce eompany, i cooperative concern.