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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1919)
PAGE SIX TEE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 13", 1919. J A 3i 1 - 11 I . All Around town COMING EVENTS TONIGHT March 13-14 "Officer 606" t the opera house. Elks benefit. March 14 Monthly, meeting of Salem Commercial club, 8 p. in. March 20 Salem Symphony eoncert, opera house. March 30 Turn clock f or: ward one hour, 2 o'clock a. m. OREGON THEATRE NOW "MICKEY" Sl'BOlAL irusio 7:15 p. m. 0 a. in. i $1500 will handlo it. O. W. Laflar, 405 406 Hubbard bldg. tf Highest marfcet prioea paid for dressed hogs, beef and real. Independ ent Market, phone 104. 815 The freshman basest baU team of Willamette university, together with a choice assortment (if college yells and a contingent of loud voiced rooters will invade Dallas thin evening, bont on taking the scalp of the Dallus ca dets team. On jSaturday the freshmen will go after tho Wootlburn high gehool cam at the latter iplacc. Iocal events at the university this week, ure a ser ine of games between the freshmen and sophomores, to ibe held tomorrow and Saturday. Dr. Mott offlceg moved to Bank of Commerce bldg, room 407,408. tf Bby chicks, 644 State St. today tf Columbia river smelts In any . quan tity. Fitts Market. ' tf Prealdent Charles W. Flint, of Cor nell college, Mount Vernon, Iowa, . tp jicd off in the city thia morning for a living visit with President Dmicf of Willamette. We bay liberty bona. 311 Masonic ildg. ' 11 tf Evangelistic meeting tonight,' Les lie Methodist church, Dr. A. Sterling llarner preacher; Paul Taylor singer. ... : tf Artificial toeth, have expert plate niaa, with over 35 years experience, at mr office. Dr. D, X. Boechler, don- tist, 308 U. 8. Nat. Bauk bldg. ; tf President Lee of Albajiy, was In the city on business this morning, visiting at Willametto university whilo in town. "The beet" is all you can do when death comes. Cull Webb & dough Oo. I'hone ,120. tf Dance at. Macleay Saturday night Big turkey supper and good time for everybody. 3-15 Get your miii, at the People's Mar ket. 153 H. Liberty. 3-13 Colonel Howard, of the V. S. army, tnnde a recent visit to ttiilein for a con ference with President loney of Wil lamette with regard to establishing the reserve offiera training corps at the institution. lr. Doncy thought it inad visable to take up the matter nt this time, but suggested that it might M considered at the opening of the fall semester. Economise, get your hats cleaned and blocked early to avoid the rush, at old location, 4tta Court M. C. B. Ellsworth prop. 812 Free bug leave Masonic Temple at 8 p. in. Ftiday night for Cheuinwa dance. 3-14 o Cvot. A. A. Hall, of the Oregon na HoaeJ guard is in the city today on a brurt business errand, coining in irom Portland this morning. Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer Co. for quick service. tf Try the Home Bakery for good bread pio, cakes and oookies. 1097 Chcmekota treat. 8-13 o Dance, tomorrow night M. B. A. hall near .'hiuawa. Free auto service from Oregou Electric. The Middle Grove auxiliary of the Rpri Orruut in mm of thn rurnl auxil iaries that is koeping on with the good wnrk mid matcriallv llftlnillff in thO making of refugee garments. The au- ... . ' r . j j -4.... ULary meeis ovory Yveunesutiy uiiui noon in the church. While tho meoubcra have nobly responded to the call, there is still a demand for more workers to complete the quota of garmcnits sent to the auxiliary. o Third Performance of "Officer m" OWING TO THE FACT THAT EVERY RESERV ED SEAT FOR BOTH LAST NIGHT'S AND TO NIGHT'S PERFORMANCES OF THE 1919 ELKS PLAY, "OFFICER 666", WAS SOLD BEFORE 6 O'CLOCK LAST EVENING, AND THAT SCORES OF PATRONS WERE UNABLE TO MAKE RES ERVATION, THE ELKS PLAY COMMITTEE HAS DECIDED TO GIVE A THIRD PERFORM ANCE ON Friday SEATS FOR FRIDAY'S PERFORMANCE ON SALE NOW. SALE OF GALLERY TICKETS FOR TONIGHT WILL BEGIN AT 7 O'CLOCK. i ' , '! "t-, y ' f - " v " W ' . !j" N WILFRED BATES Wilfred Bates, who has 'been in the 'unA.linn Tiinneer. for four vears. writes his brother. Rev. Alfred Bates, of tho Kimball fcvhool of Theology, I that he has now left Uade&burg on the IKhine, Germany, where he has been in the nrmy of occupation for three I months and is now writing from liel- gium, en route to Miguinil aim win come to Vancouver. 'B. 0., tn visit friends there and then to tvi'.em. ) DIED Here was a girl who (nought she cculd marry without love - 'S3?' by Lois Zellner Directed iy Clasvnce & Badger lii story of a girl who laugh ed at her marriage vows II ,9 Si L.M.HUM care of Chinese Medicine and Tea Oo. lias medicine which will cure any known disease, Open tiundnyg from 10 a. m. mi U 1 H p. m. 153 (South Uigh St. Salem, Oregon Phone 282 Xt WE ARB NOW READY TO TAKE CARE OF YOUB ELECT3ICAI. WANTS AT 379 STATE SREET WELCH ELECRIO OO. PHONE 933. I . JUNK .FULL VALVE TA1D FOR SECOND HAND (lOuDS AND JUNK. Phone 493 ' 337 Court St. CAPITAL EXCHANGE 'The funeral beautiful." Webb ft OloiigH Ct. tf Mil run, 42 per ton tbjg week. J. I). Waring 4 Co. 1-1 The regular meeting of the Elks' lodce will not" ibe held this evening on nccount of tho Klks' show at tho opera houso. Exalted ruler Harry J. Wondo rofh announces that the weekly moot ing will b hold tomorrow night. Dance tomorrow night M. B. A. hall near Ohemawa. Free. auto service from Oregon Electric. Elbert Thompson of Vick Bros, will be in J'ondloton to attend to Fordson tractors during the auto and'.trwitef show. The lAto rains have increased in terest in the Fordson tractors, farmers are .preparing to seed all avaiWblo ground and are auuptlng tno tractor. Vick (Bros are doing all tlioy can to sup ply the demand but, as yet have not been ablo to got tractors ahead. Sim plicity of construction and being ablo to got iparU and sorvico add to the popularity of any machine. This is tho Fords wy. IJave tho machine for the people, tiion tone care or mem uj koeping a good supply of parts, and your customers will do your advertis ing. A bos social and program will be given at the Middle Orove school house five miliis from Halem on the Kilverton road on Saturday ovening of this week The .Middle Orove church Just ueross tho road has a piano ami now the school feels that it should have one nnd it i for this purpose that the social is giv en. There i an abundance of talent in. tho Middle Orove neighborhood and a first das,, program is promised: An invitation to to:1 present is extended not only to neighbors but friends of tho school whoi live in Snlem. My new office is 328 Hubbard bldgj New phone 1 do a general insur ance 'business. I write surety bonds, and loan munoy un the easy pny't plan Own your own homo, and stop throw ing your money away for rent. See mo today, It, K. lioliiiger. tf Dance Sat. night Mar. 15 at Quorrys hall 4 mile south, (loud orchestra, new hall. Lunch 11:30. Auto service out from (. E. Hound trip fare !0c. 3 15 Olalre V. ' Dimick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dimick, who has been with tho tilst C. A. f. medical detachment, in Franco arrived in the city Tuesday eve ning, having just received his dis charge at !a.iiip L.wis. He has been over sens einht mouths, and returning, brings with him many interesting sou venirs, among which aro various for eign coins. Cole McElroy's Jaz Band, a real dance armory Friday March 11. 3H Harry McDaniol, the famous Jaw pi anist, just returned from war, will be featured with Colo M.'Blroy "s baud, armoiy Friday March 14. 3 14 The members of the Salem Sympho ny orchestra, especially Frof. .1. R. Sites and Henry Lee, have been vpik iii't to thuir utmost ability and under many Inconveniences to make , tho. con cert of March 20th a grand success. Many long nnd 'tirosome rehearsals, have proved the interest the members have taken in the progress of thia art in the city of Salem. One object of the concert is to give those who nover have hoard a real symphony orchestra, an idea of how music should be played and not murdored as some musicians V. Haydn's Symphony Militnir, me or tn.o selections, is a very ditricult composition to master. Hard prnnuice and much time has been f pont in bring ing out the beauty of each part. The well known overture, Poot and. Pens ant, The Triumphant March from ' ' Ai da," and two very beautiful selections from Oavaleria Rustieanna will nil be played at the concert. Mrs. Jane Burns Albert, known throughout the Pacific, northwest (for her bird-like voice, will fing throe selections.. o Dance, a real Jazz band, Cole Mc Elroy's at the armory Friday night Marci 14th. " - 3-14 BLVGHO At his homo, i;i9 South High street, March 13, 1SH9, Amirew J. Ringo. at the ago of 4" years. Besides foig wife he is survived by three children, two daughters, Zada and May and one son, Ulenn. . The body is at the Terwilliger Home and will 'be forwarded to Ulnckamas for funeral services and burial. Markham Anderson, who entered the II. 8. naval service la rear and a half Ago, is visiting his uncle, 8. M. Oarri Bo a, in tliis city. Young Anderson has soon much real service, having been assigned to ditty on the transport Northern Pacific, and making elovon trips across tho ocean He was with the .Northern Pacific when it wont ashore at Fire Island, off New York harbor, and wjis a. .participant in that thrilling incident. ; Loon A. Oulberton, who hits been in tf ho naval service nd stationed at Mare Island during the past seven months, has just received his discharge and returned to his home at 395 Capi tol streot, Dr. Byrd hag recently received a let tor from his brother, Dr. R. D. Byrd, who has been in the field hospital ser vice iu Franco and Belgium during tho past year. Ho states that ho is all pack ed up with the expectation of return ing homo about tho first of April, al though it is uncertain. Ho has been in some of the worat areas of the fighting front doing emergency surgical work, escaping without injury, although in ono engagement a shrapnel shell ex ploded so close to lum that his uniform was almost torn from his 'body. Lieut. J. o. Van Winkle of Jefferson arrived in the city yesterday on his return from San Diego, where he re cently received his discharge from mil itary service. He enlisted about a year ago, spent some months at e training school in Kansas, and was then sta tioned at San Diego,- !al., where he was in command, of field hospital 264 of the 16th division. Mrs. Van Winkle has ibeen residing at Sa Diego in or der to 'be near her husband. Mrs. Robert McGilchrist Is home from an extended visit in tho. east. Among the cities where she stopped to see friends and relatives are the fol lowing: Cleveland, Ohio, Toledo Ohio, St.'- Louis", Kansas' City, Rossville, To peka and Netawka Kan., Denver Col orado Springs, Las Vegas, New Mexi co, Albuquerque, New Mexico, El Paso Texas 'Long iBeach, -Calif, and San Francisco. - E. A. Kurtz driving a truck and an Oregon Electric freight train collided this morning nt North Commercial and South streets. Mr. Kunts was coming into-town; ;on' North .Commercial fend collided Wish the train just as it turns on Commercial and South .streets com ing from Front street. The truck was pretty badly smashed up imt Mr. Kurtz was fortunate to get through without any injury. ...f o CARD OF THANKS . vs To all those who so tindly and lov ingly rendered thoir assistance and sympathy .during the last illness of j Mrs. Martin'BTubaker our beloved wife and mother,' we desire .to oxpress our .i..An.v... ...... iu...i u- O. L. Brubaker and wife, L. E. Bruba Ker. o The grand jury will meet tomorrow and the circuit court in department No. I 1 under Judge Percy Kelly will open i f .. ,n. n .i. in. :.i., .i a...,., t lur 'me lYiartu leriu. jmiu'uj. tiii,u wjiiui- , i murrers end tho setting of esse,.. Triuls will begin Monday morning. One has already been set, that of Sears versus Daucer. Also SMILING BILL PARSONS COMEDY No raise in Prices K i-s' '. ,- 1 3 f l. v . : --v YeLIBERTY Business in issuing marriage licenses ! haa 'been good at tho office of county clerk V. O. IBoyer. The records show that for the first dozen days of this . . month, 10 licenses were issued. Yester-1 " " ' day marriage licenses were issued to 'six months later when the clock is turn George E. Scott, Bge 30, of Pendleton ed 'back the hour. An effort was made and Lillian A. Zwicker, 21, of Saiem, by some farming interests to repeal tho TODAY TOMORROW SATURDAY day will be given ,to motions and de- and to William Hall, 28, of Miuneapo,- lis and Miss Marie Bishop of fealein. o Taxes are coming into the tax pay ing department of the sheriff's office at the rate of from $12,000 to iMSMO a day. After April 5 there will be a penalty attached on delinquents equal to ono per cent a month. Then if not paid in full 'by Nov. 5, the penalty will go up to 5 per cent, in addition to the regular ono per cent a month. Then if not paid by April 5 of next year, tho property may Ibe sold-for taxes. Day old chicks are mailable. That is, if any one w'ants to ship them at itljat age and if the little ones are properly boxed, the parcel post is one means of transportation. It isn't necessary to put any rati'ons in the box as it Is fig ured out that a day old chick thrives better when it doesn't have any re freshments for 36 hours or more. Mark Woodruff of Portland will speak to the members of tho Commer cial club tomorrow evening in the au ditorium nt 8 o'clock. An effort is be ing made to make the Oregon State Chamber ot Commerce a strong contra! organization for the business interests of the state and it is on this subject that Mr. Woodruff will speak. A lot of people will lose one hour's sleep 'on the night of Saturday, March 29. For on the morning of Sunday March -30, at 2 o'clock, the time-is to be advanced one hour nnd when it is 2 o'clock it becomes 3 o'clock. This lost hour may "be made up however daylight saving plnn ibut it was in one of the 'bills .that failed to pass during the closing hours of the last congress, Hence the old law is in effect. o Deals Id Real Estate Peter Springer to Louis M Hilfieker, lot, 4, .Springers Fruit Farms No. 1 Lucy I. Cottrell to Fannie Feller, tract No. fi, in Fellers 2nd Subdivision. Robert Hackett to Clark Aspinwall, i 20.05 acres in Lucas Brook? claim, i township 6-2 W. - ' 1 j Adam Snvder to Alphonse Klinger, I 20.04 acres in section 26-6-3 W.' , A M. Lull to Roy Bohmami, north i j 1J!' .U , ... .. J . 1.1... I. n 11T..1 ilT east half NW quarter NE quarter of section 18, 8-3W. Anton Kufner to Frank Domogalla, 40 acres in Wm, Dodgo claim, section 7-2W. Robert Schcrmer to Bank' of Wood bum, lot 3, block 4, Woodburn. ' Clautlo Cole to Willametto Valley Prune Co., 24.66 acres in I McCully claim, 52-9 2W C. B. Bouch to Oscar Bouch, 27.4i acres in Oliver Pickard claim, 9-2 W. Flora A. Hoag, to R. H. Evans, N 8 quarter of N E quarter of section 20-7-2E. Pctor N. Smith to Frank Neidl, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 11 and 12 in block 6 May's addition Silvertou,. RP IN YOUR SHOE BELLS "A constant 'hiker' over all con ditions of roads, my shoes were hard on my feet until I discovered Neolin Soles, And as for wear! Neolin Soles give twice the service of soles I formerly used," writes H. Noyes Coilinson, Hazelton, Pa. This long service niean3 sharp re ductions in those big shoe bills, for it is because of worn cut soles that most shoes are discarded. Buy Neolin-' soled shoes, not only for yourself, but for the whole ftuuily, children in cluded. Also, tal.o your eld shoes to the rpninrifm and linw them re bottomed' with Mccliti Solos. jkemembf r Nefi'in Sole s are water proof, as well as comfortable and long wearintr. They are created by Science t: he ml that soles should be. aad are mada by Tha Ooodyear Tire & Rub ber C:i AI;ron, Ohio, who also make Wiii".'-o!; Keels cuaiantceci- to out wear all ct!:.-r hee's. . 0 0- I SHOES AND SUITS FOR THE BOYS 1 1 ALUMINUM AND GRANITEWARE FOR THE KITCHEN. & ft . One 2-seated sum- Si I half of lots 3 and 4. block 3, Walnut Grove addition, Salem, . Kay V. Ohmert to Herbert A. Wright The Journal Job Department will print you anything in the stationery line do it right and save you real money. , Saleoi Ayctson Go. 157 S. Commercial St. WE BUY FURNITURE PHONE 1117 fi. SATTERLKK. AnrrirmPPi- D: CITHRTR, TVTov. I- " TV . 5T I ' vvT i - h ! v . ' J 1 '' : . ! ' MABaNORMWID r MICKEY" MICKEY Is packed with a lifetime of experience. It is a super-picture that comes only once in a long while, lie sure to see it. TODAY TOMORROW TO SATURDAY NITE Mates 2:15. 3:45 Evening 7:15. 8:45 PRICES: Matinees 25c, 10c, 5c Kvtnings ...35o, 15c, 10c THE OREGON f7 yd The CAST George O. It. Snyder, Miss Olga 6ray, I Oscr B. Gingrich, Miss Florence Cart wrii'ht, Jmo Mott, Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Ben'W. Olcott, Carl Hinges, B. Cooie rtton, Bunny Moiring, A. Ii Frsser, Dan Langeuberg, Mayor C. E. Albia. l.iiiiliMllll The Elks Announce Their Annual Play for 1919 II and 11 Grand Theatre. See Page 1 Today's Journal IS - H ww n n - SEAT SALE For Friday Night L'117 : Opera" House Pharmcv j Phoae 1459 Tickets 50c-$I.CO mrif IBf Hrlr