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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1918)
Editorial Page of llie Capital Jourhq CHARLES H. FISHER Editor nd Publisher THURSDAY EVENING December 26, 1913 Pablished Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. Address AU Communication To DailBitjil Ifournal BALEM 136 S. Commerciftl St. OREGON SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily, by Carrier, per year. i.$5.00 Per Month Daily by Mail, per year. $3.00 Per Month. .45c 35c FULL LEASKD WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES W- D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. W. H. gtockwell, Chicago, People's Gas Building fae Daily Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed" to put the papers on the porch. If the earner does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers aro following Instructions. Phone 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sentjou by special messenger if the carrier has missed you. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL It tho only newspapor in Salem whose circulation is guaranteed by the 1 Audit Bureau Of Circulations pended are resuming operations. Many of them were employers on a large scale of female help. They now enable the women to resume their former more congenial occupations. The percentage of women who took labors of dis tinctly masculine character, such as shipyard and foundry work, is really small, and almost entirely unskilled labor ei sy to shift. , ,. What employers call for in these days is efficiency and skill. The jobs are held by the persons best fitted forthem, be they men or women. The war only empha sized a fact already accomplished in this regard. Where the question arises what to do with a body of workers no longer needed, the United States employ ment service stands ready to help both employers and employes. This service maintains, branches and clearing stations throughout the country to aid in the distribu tion of help and the solution of the labor surplus or short age in any district. It is urged by the government that this service be utilized. No nation had it on the Belgians for enjoying Christ mas this year. You can bet your last dollar on that. LUMBER JACKS ARE BUSY IN FOREST OF THE NORTH F.Ik Zt At M i HiHr kARE OLD CHINA. One of the countries in which the world is going to be most interested, when it has time, is China. While the rest of the world has been largely "engaged in the conduct of the great war, China has been in the throes of revolution and civil war herself. She has swept . from monarchy to republic. The north has fought the south. Faction has warred on faction. Just now she is at peace, all her various parts being, at least temporarily in harmony. The change in governmental form in China is most significant of the progress of the world; for that secret, old, mysterious country invented kings and aristocracy, and has remained hide-bound and conservative beyond any other nation m the world. China was asleep, stupid with old age and opium. But now the voice of youth is heard in the land; railroads will be pushed into territory never before desecrated by the foot of modernity; mines are to be developed and Ehips built; there is a representative government, crude as yet, but none the less republican in form. The women have emerged from their abscurity and oppression to education and industrial employment. Most significant of the change in this ancient, self -centered people, is the report . that China contributed $1,200,000 to the United War Work fund for its work abroad, going over the top with twelve times the quota assigned her. Studying Y. M. C. A. methods in New York City are several Chinamen who are to go to France and work among the Chinese laborers there. South America is most frequently mentioned as a fruitful field for United States manufacturers after the war; but an awakened China, beginning to build and to buy, is worth the careful consideration of the American business men. THE BOGEY WOMAN. Ever since the call came for women in greater num bers for industrial service, there has been an undercur rent of worry as to what would happen when the men came back, and wanted their jobs. As a matter of fact this, like most worries, was unnecessary. There is more work than ever to be done throughout the country generally, and so far at least anybody who wants a job can have it without working any injury to anyone, male or female. Peace industries that were wholly or partially sus- RIPPLING RHYMES BylWalt Mason - WILHELMINA'S GUEST. Oh, Wilhelmina, may I not congratulate you on your guest? His merry ways will hit the spot, and give your humdrum life new zest. There's something doing all the time when little Willie is on deck, some fascinating curves in crime, new stunts in arson, death and wreck. He's coma to eat your Holland prunes, with you he'll rest and break his fast, and I would always count the spoons when he has finished his repast. The kaiser at your door has knocked, you've let him in, without his crown; now see the henhouse safely locked, and all your portables nailed down. Oh, Wilhelmina, may I not suggest a safe deposit A good many people are getting so addicted to the war bond habit that they're almost sorry to see the war eidmg. Hiram Johnson seems to think that he is represent ing the Russian bolshevik in the United States senate. Bein ggovernor and boss of .California for several years admirably fitted him to become an associate of Lenine and Trotsky. ; -. :j . THEWIFE By Jane Phelps. RTJTII RETURNS TO THE SHOP vault, ior an tne gooas you prize a Jot, for everything ex cept tne salt ( Your visitor's a charming skate, when'he has will and wish to please, but while he strives to fascin ate, hang firmly to your cupboard keys. No doubt 'twill grieve your gentle heart to see him with his crownless brow, but you should bid your tears depart until you have secured the cow. His hair is white, his cheek is pale, he bears the marks of misery; but while you listen to his tale, just chain your palace to a tree. He'll doubtless talk of Me und Gott until your woman's heart is sore; but, Wil hqlmina, may I not suggest a strong new cellar door? CHAPTER CXX Mrs. Cihy borne remained with Ruth until the baby wag over a nio.uu ut The duy she left, Ruth returned to the shop, although hor aunt had told her it was unnecessary Mrs. Clayborne glad ly would havo taken both huth and tuo baby homo with her and cared for thci But Ruth, aside from her feeling of lay -alty to Jiduu, ui'.a was uucaBV. Sho loved her work jud found herself long- ma to got uu&y Uj-uiu. ........ Mr, Miniiel hud been most kind so Mrs. Clay Lome impressed u, liulli llo Lad 3Ciit many flowers to both Ruth and her .mint, and when RuUi was able to go out, he had sovoral times taken them to the opera. 'I did enjoy it so much," Ruth said to her aunt after ono of those evenings at he opera, "but it bocius dreadful to enjoy one's self whon B our boys aro ngiiting and killed." "Your moping at homo won't 'koiu them. It is needful for everyone to have a vcrluiu amount oi pleasure in i, - lives. Uoodnoss knows vou have had title dough since you marrk'fi." " I have boon as gay as most in our circumstances. " 'Thai's just it! xou lad no bust iii'hh to be iu those circumstances. .'. am not saying a word ligniiiBt Brian at a num. .iut as a provider for a f'tmii hi is dociuYuly inadequate." Ruth mado ntt reply. What her aunt said ias true, llriun, as a nrovU.-r wus inaatquiite. Ho would have anoth er' to woik for when he came back if he did come back. Someway, Ruth's thoughts of Brian jvore always tingo with fenr. She knew ho had a reckless, venturesome spirit. Sho fearod it would load him into needless danger, Whoa she read that tho Americans could hard-1 ly be controlled so anxious were they to be in tho fiirhttn" she always visuoliz-l ed Brian as ono of the foremost of to boys -Mulling into danger. Ruth settled down into her old work at the shop. Sho first lenrned what had boon done in her department during lnr absence, then with renewed enthusi asm, gave the best of which she was capable to her employer. She had nothing to worry her if ono excepted four for Brian. Rachel wus thoroughly competent to care for the bn i'V, and also lo do the simple house keeping required, now that thev wore alone. Ruth hired a laundress, but aside from that Ruchol would havo no help. I peo.v cum ak cure o you, missy Ruth, and yo' baby too," she had said when Ruth had expressed a fear thai, it would be too much for her to at tempt. And as sho saw no neglect any where as tho baby was well and won derfully cared for, her own meals woll cooked and nourishing she gradually left all tho details of the home to Ra chel. "Gt what you like," was her an swer whenever Rachel consulted her as to tho marketing. This freedom from all ears at home gnvo her more strength to use in busi ness. More and niorro did Mandel come to depend upon her. Much of his time was given to war work. He had always been a generous and philanthropic man. And new he gave himself as well as his money, so making it necessary to lean more heavily npon hfs empwyus to run his business. La Monte had gone into a training camp, and his work, to a great extent, devolved upon Ruth. But she made no complaint. Sometimes when she was unusually tired, site would say to herself: "I can only do my bit this way." Mandel had raised her salary again whon La Monto left. "Tou will have considerably more care, now that La Monto is gone," he had told her, "it is only fair that you have more money. Then, living expens es have advanced , p a great extent. Be careful, though, that I don't put too much work on you.' Ton must not got sick." "Work never makes me ill," she had responded, thereby telling him more than she meant to of tho reason of her occasional illnesses before Brian left Bor. "It was worry because of him," Mandol said to himself aftor this eon rersation. 1 u ' -' Tho thought riiade him feel that Soon ho might win Ruth' for his ownj-as such thought always . ctfd. vMandol was not a bad man. e was really-a good man. He thought Brian unfaithful, not wor thy of Ruth, Hot had thought hor un happy with him, and although she now had a child he (dMndel) would gladly take baby and all at once. But as I have said bcfore,5"he wag a patient, man," so ho bidid his time, making Ruth as happy as was possible under tho circumstances. Then camo a letter from Brian that turned Ruth's world upsido down again. (To bo continued.) . J Open Forum J - SCHOOL BUDGET COMMITTEE REPORT. Question. What is the comparison between Sulem and other first class dis tricts in Oregon in regard to tho mill ago tax for schools for tho year 1917 ana lifts i . A. Salem has the next lowest of any in tho state, Albany being the lowest which will be readily seen by the fol lowing: The Dalles, 13,1 uiillsjMarsli field, 13; 'McMinnvillo, 12; Medford, 11.8; Corvallis, 10.2; Kosoburg, 10; Astoria, 9.4; Ashland, 9; u.vson City, 8.3; Pendleton, 8; Eugene, 7.6; Tort land 6.5; Salem, 6.4; Albany, 6. Q. Have any i these dstricts fail ed to pass the budgets on tho first elec tion! A. Yes, Thj Dalles. They had a sec ond election and -passed it by a large majority. Salom cannot afford to. not pass this budget either from the stand point of dollars and cents or from the stand point of the children. Q. Why is it noi a good proposition in dollars and centa tn vot mm.,- et down! A. Because the district will have to borrow about 9b,000 with which to maintain the school, at an expense of about 6000. I his interest wi)i amount to about one-half of the raiso tho school board finds it imcessary to have (13, Q. Why will it be a good propositiou from the children's ttandpointt A. If the schools are crippled be cause of financial aij thoy will also be crippled because of moral support to the effect that tho schools cannot be kept up to standard for tho benefit of tho rising generation. Q. What is one of the great contrib uting factors which has mado the Unit ed States of America take the lead in recent world events? A. Tho schools have been largely responsible for producing a rac of peo ple who possess initiative and ability to think. There has never been ia the history of the world such a well edu fated army as the United 8tates of Amorica put into the field during tho war. , , ... Q. What ret irmkniiu hunt K people of the United Stalest a. ina industrial situation showed America that she had to take steps iu tha future to bring hor industries up to tk proper standard by educating the people along this line.- . - - . Q. What is the object of the so-cull-1 fflrl ICS - & W v I. I Oitpio IiUtttbet0 Yard- " 1 . t Winter-time is busy-time in" forest lands. Only when the snow is on the ground are trees felled and drawn to water, so the white season is a fever ish one. Logging companies bid against each other for the services of the fearless fellows mostly Scandi navians and French Canadians who follow the dangerous calling known as "logging." The felling of trees is no child's play. Strength is needed to swing the axe or thrust the saw; judgment ' and . nimbleness "are re quisites ' ?when dodging a down crashing giant; fearlessness and dexterity are essential when tiding the logs down stream or breaking up a jam. i I Cetera t JV l2?1teiUrf in, cb-a. i . ... Loergincr camps are busy, interest ing places. They are maintained by the various companies who operate in the woods, for bed and board must be furnished every worker. Enor mous quantities of food are con sumed by the husky men whose ap petites are whetted by hard labor in the clear, keen atmosphere of north ern woods. Canada bids fair to soon have a monopoly of these lumber camps, for the logging industry in the States is fast dwindling. Take any given sec tion in northern Wisconsin or Michi gan where in the eighties or nineties flourished a dozen camps, today you will do well if you find two. The reason is that most of the standing timber there now is too far from water to make loeeine a cavine bus!- ' ness. On the other hand, Canada's 600,000,000 acres of timber lands are threaded by such a network of waterways that the profitableness of logging is insured for many, many years. The timber of Canada embraces nineteen varieties of soft woods and eleven sorts of hard woods. Of these, white pine is the most im portant and commercially valuable. Spruce makes the best pulpwood, the newspaper demand bringing this ta a $16,000,000 annual item. British Columbian red cedars go into furni ture and interior decorations. The yearly output of Canadian forest products . near? the 200,000,00tj mark. cd Smith-Hughes Act! A. The objoct of the Smilh-Hughes act is to pronioto industrial education among the peoplo and to produce an educated workman who knows and feels about conditions in an enlightened way. y. now docs the oniitli-liuglios act promote industrial education! A. It promotes industrial education by appropriating money. These appro priations covor a period of seven years Salem public schools receive $1800 this year from the appropriation. Q. Under what conditions does Sa lcm receive this money 1 A. By conducting the work of the shops, carpentry classes and homo ec onomics elass in a real manner so as to fit a boy or, girl for a useful occupa tion; Q. How many 'states in the Unitec? States of America have token on tin. work! A. Every one. There is a great de mand for this kind of work. Respectfully submitted by the .com mitoe on public information. ' MTLTOX MEYERS, Ohm. Win. TRINDLE THEO. ROTH FRED THIELSEN MELVIN PLIMPTON W. T. JENKS J. J. ROBERTS H. H. OLINOER BEN T. WEST JOS. H. ALBERT THE SCHOOL BUDGET es would naturally have a downward tendency and they say they are will ing to pay teachers liberally, but not exorbitant wages. That wo in the cap ital city should sot examples instead of following examples set by other cit ies, but they do not know what the salaries are nor how much- was the raise, they think the committee should print, the names of tlie teachers or at least classify them together with the former salaries and Ithe amount of raise, and why the teacher demanded it. They have the impression that in some cases tho raise wag unexpected by the teachers. Vc have not written this in antagon ism to the school board or the commit tee but undoubtedly these impressions defeated tho budget formerly and we believe' tUe committee atwiild know the reasons and thus avoid the same calamity and we believe no doubt they can explain matters satisfactorily. CALEB HUGHES. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Slate Council Of Defense Ceases As Department Qovornor Withycombe today receiv ed a copy of the letter being sent t tlit chairmen of all county and con. nnmit.y councils of defense announcing that I ho state council of dnfonso will cense to operate as an official depart ment the stato government on .nn ary 1. "The problems of demobilization nut tho induction of returned soldiers intu armies of peaco will be handled direct ly by tho federal employment service and by the special executive commit too headed by George L..Bnkor, mayor of Portland," says the letter. With the approval of Governor Witb yenmbo, Secretary Kollock urges the county and community councils to ecn tinue in existence as voluntary organi zations for tho purpose of aiding ia various relief campaigns and to pro vide a statewide organization fully equipped to meet such futuro emergen cies ns mar arise. Editor Journal. We have read the explanations given on the school bud-i get by the committee of information.! -I. Mi M . 1. . . 1 ClAn. I is in .favor of schools and willing to tlo their part in what is proper as they understand it, and we believe they en dorse every item contained in the bud get, excepting the buying of the Hol man property, and they have doubts' as to the justification of the raise in teachers' salaries. We will give their reasons so that the committee may ex plain them prior to election. The im pression is general that tho Holman property was not bought as an actual necessity but as an investment because it was cheap and much more had been offered for it previously and that we might have use for it in the future. Statements have gone forth that we could nse one room and rent the rest until such time as it was needed and think that if so that an extra room might have been rented. That much property might be bought for less than former prices; that the people in gen eral have done their utmost financial ly to help erush militarism even to bor rowing money to assist in- this worthy cause, and that taxes are already high and that an effort should have been made to stay within the 6 per cent lim it. Now, as for the raise of salaries; they say that it was evident early in the summer that the war would close this year and that in such Case many of ur factories-would close. The boys would return home and as a result wag- Mr. Business Man Asa matter of economy you should consult the Journal's Job Department before placing your printing--we are satisfying Salem's leading firms put us on your calling list. Phone 81