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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1918)
PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. TODAY. TWIEMRET? ?0 iqir SIS IftHQUET AT CHEKEKETA HOTEL OB DEC. 20, 1870 i&v jit YOU Have the Opportunity of Your Life to Buy Christmas Gifts and Necessities at at a Big Savings to You Now from the eneer Hardware That we purchased at a big reduction and must close out in the shortest pos sible time. Below we quote a few of the many exceptional bargains, as every thing in stock is greatly reduced for quick selling. Sp Stock Regular 75c Cedar Mop,, with bottle of polish .t .,50c All aluminum ware .. .20 Per Cent Off All granite ware 20 per cent off $2.50 Mahogany trays, while they last ..: $1.25 Auto 'ires 20 pc: cent off Large alarm clocks, regular $5.00 . special $2.50 $5.00 Durham Duplex razors 95c Set of 6 silver teaspoons at ...50c Special prices on all silverware. : DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THIS STORE IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE OR PAINT LINES.-WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Feldstein-.D irector Co. 466-472 State St. s j ..... Salem, Oregon. BUSINESS CIRCLES (Continued from page one) other bus favored moro intimate rolii tious between capital and lubor, with tint idea of establishing industrial do noit f,,rbearar.c j,i both .idea. Unto J mwtm7 tt,,(l 80 Thi 'ncou.-aj . !' .1 .1 The offer of good wages and bet nr npitu ui lan Mlit UUU muium iui" 1,.,. fiitikil il i.t n.n i HP ftidciatij.i prevail there in danger ol 1 lurioiig eotiHi ijiit iic a to all concerned. !''. luii.'i'ely n no . spirit has developnn fiiong industrial louder., who show ilioitoaitlon to recognize the position ji Itilior And to taut- the lead in a dkIuv if tonriliatiiin One i iku: lcnuer u ilie toiiiitiv has I u'i liely taken the position that 'capital must bo ready to make' sacrifices; aa- ter conditions of employment comes when most needed from employed whose policies will undoubtedly be widely followed elsewhere. How will labor meet these advances! No adjust ment of wages to o peace basis u ex pected until commodities decline; but ! lie lovel of the latter cannot con- tiuno, and when the drop arrives the test, will come. ' Even's of the week were not ol! o THE WAY TO USE VAPORUB FOR SPANISH INFLUENZA 9The Influenza Germs Attack The Lining Of The Air Pas sages. When VapoRub Is Applied Over Throat And Chest, The Medicated Vapors Inhaled Loosen The Phlegm, Open The Air Passages And Stimulate The Mucous Membrane To Throw Off The Germs. Most authorities now - agree that pninriipnlly by huninn contact, chiefly through coughing, sneenine or spitting. Wo avoid persona having colds wuich means avoiding crowds common drink uut we tail pauisu ml hum, . is simp ly the old fashioned grip, which wan I""1" i 'ww. i in..ucn- in ,., ro,(,r toW(1, pt K snmith and atlai'k the lining of the air imssiiges nose, throat aud brouchlal your bodily strength liv plenty of ex or vis? in the open air. nml aood food. KEEP FREE FROM COLDS A I -It !J .11. t i ;f" f,. i),;. I vimvw hm, hvoui eoiuw, as COIC18 irn- 0 sou, but nature will throw off the!"'111, '""" ,r l'a!,W' " Ultack. if clv von conserve vm.r ' m. ,nuL" breeding rtromrth. A oo.m.e-teut ,i,hv.ician should ' :,ur. the go "lis. nluavH bn rnKid. Th unit nf Viuutltuli I tiioe. 1 here is no cure or sp.' (t iis not iint rfire nith any internnl treatment and it is now bein, used troadmlntlivd physician eveivwhoro, nler to atiinulat the lining of the air ftiasaires to throw off the grip germs, to aid in loosciiing the phlegm .ind keeping tht air i:issagi' open, thus making h bmathing- rasier. Ifot wet towlg should tie apjilied over the fciiroat, chest and buck between the liso Vkk 's YaiwKub at the very first sie.n of a co'd. J-'or a head cold, melt . a iiltUi ViipuUul) in a wpoon and inhale ' the vapors, or belter still, use Vapo ' , Kub in a benzoin :enm kettle. If this id net available, use an ordinary tea kettle. Kill half full of boring "water, put an half a teaoon of VapoKub from time to time -keep the kettle just s!ow!y boiling and inhale, the eteain aiisini?. Wl.oolder blade t ooen the re. ""'"r""' ' 11 P 1 lien VBpoitul) h'iuuij tie rulibmi in ever the parls until thu akin is red, Dprend on tin. k ly and covered with (wo thicknesses of hot flannel c l.'ave the clothing overy of a North Inrolira druircist. jwhn found how to eoiubimi; in salve form, M. nthol end Onmipinor with such cl(j,llfc i volatile oils as Eucalyptus, Thyme, loose around the r" V- V u ,l i v , " " eck, as the heat of the bodv liberate "P T" , " "uuJ,.n 'B Ihe ingredientd in th form of ri!7"V 7r i i a 1'heao vapors, inhaled with each br'eath ! Y1 "b t& carry the medication directly to the ,Z " "r "Kr " " l.lmral"Z parts affected. At the same time, Vapo !ub i absurbod through and stimu- l l" rVhn. - l- , troubles-over i million Jar, were JM surface, and Jbu .da u,w y pularly 14.0 eongcrfio. wWti recommends for shildren i sroap or HOW TO AVOID TOT DISEASE (WllU M it u elternally applied and ' Evidence neoma ta pv that Bo- nan, therefore be used freely and oftes Ml ififlnooM it grm disease, spread without the slightest karir.fal affscta. ly new in certain parts o? the north, it 1 the standard home remedy ia the south and west for all foias f cold atiin'liiliiiu (,i niaoter in tho financn u'o i.ti. j'.viuii i'i cue war board 't sui gHti trul of the steel indus try ntler .' 31 was a disappoint iuent .iwpVcisilly considering that neO leuders had requested a delay in ordor to Help stabilize the market. Moderato co:u!c."Hion3 i gteol prices had already been decided upon, with tho idea of re turning to pro-war conditions by a gradual process. Tho bourd, however, was positive in its altitude that it was best for all concerned for industry to go fenek to normal as soon as possible. Another unsettling factor' was tiocro tury MeAdoo's lettor suggesting that control of the railroads be left to the noveniment for another five years, This is directly tho opposite of the policy prevailing in other industrial activities of tho government. Tho socretary, however, makes some strong arguments in support of his views, and theso will hnvo to stand the test of discussion. It seem hardly wiso to ae.copt his Ideas until cuo otnor siilo.lins been sufficient ly heard from. The return of the roads to their owners after tho war was fixed promise that should not bo re versed without ample reason, nor with out approval of those most concerned. An immediate return of the roads bo foro necessary legislation has boon adopted would be disastrous to some of the smaller roads, and an exti:.,,.e of five years of government control hut, not yot been justified. Let us havo a thorough discussion before any change of policy is adopted. Tho money nmr ket is fairly supplied with funds, call loans being abundant, but time loans scarce. Preparations aro already be ginning for the next liberty loan, which will probably be placed on somewhat different lines than preceding issues. Now that the stimulus of conflict is over, regular buain ss methods of flota tion will have to be denr.djd upon, and the terms of the new loan aro already being discussed. Somo important ques tions will be forced upon our new sec retary at an early date, but fortunnto ly he is well equipped by both knowl edge and experience for dealing' with thorn. An uusotftod stock market must be anticipated for tho immediate fu ture. What with the problems referred to above, and what with the adjustment 1 neoertwiry to declining commodity pric es, as well as tho fading awar f war profits, considerable deflation must bo expected. As an offset a slow fall in prices of commodities would stimulate demand, and induce a revival of cus tomary enterprise. There is n reason whatever for loss of real confidence. Uood invest mcnta should not be dis turbed; and after, necessary adjust ments we may look forward to more healthy conditions. HKXRY CLEYVa Mr. and" Mrs. William Hazxard of Chehalis have received word that their ion, O. P. M, Haazard, now in France, has been promoted to the rank of co onei. Formil Op'ths Of Finest H- Tc-1 a fiorthwest Great Ereit Ia Silea History. Almost half a century ago, thers was opened in Salem, Oregon .the fiaest ho tel in the northwest .surpassing ia fur nishings apd equipment the tkea fa mous St.- Charles hotel on Froat street in Portland. It was known as ths Chs- meketa hotel, now the Jaarioa, appear ing then as the Marion appear low, with but few changes. i , it was on December 26. 1870 that he great social event took place. The lob by was about twice as laree as in tho Marion at present and tho seen as the' notables appeared for the grand ban-1 quet was in ninny ways the most in' spiring that had oceuired in the capital ' city for many a day. C. A. Cutting was the proprietor: The ! hotel was owned by the Commercial Ho- i tel association which included John G.1 Wright, Joseph Holinan and F. Hent- schel. Ia every respect and especially! in tho furnishings the hotel was equip-1 ped almost a generation ahead of the' times. John F. and Miller . Meyer ' mrscn wore aiso part owners. Of the hundreds who signed the new ly opened register barely a doaen or moro aro living today. These include John G. Wright, John H. Albert, J. A. Iiakor, Mrs. Bello Martin, Miss Hattio Clark, now Mrs. N. H. Looney, Mrs. B. II. Dearborn, now of Portland, 8. A I lea Thall, now of Portland, A. B. Cross man of Portland, E. C. Halley, Salem, Georgo P. Holman and wife now of Salt Lake City, and Honry H. Gilfry of Washington, D. C. j Tho ceremonious opening of tho hotel was an event when prominent ritizeus! of tho day from all pare.) ei i,io Wi. j inmotte valley were glad to i jme to Sa lem to join in the rejoicing. On the pages of tho. register, now almost 48 years old may be seen the following: 11. V. Brown of Albany, state print er lor a number of years. A. J. Monroe, prominent in the lifo of r:io ciry anu inter mayor of Salom. u. . bk.ft, city councilman for a number of years. T .li. Kickoy, postmaster of Ralcm at tho time. l,. K Grov-f, at that time governor nr uregon aim :ater United States sen ator. Oregon's first representative in congress. 1. B. MoorcSj.iormer speaker of the house of representatives of Oregon and and agent a number of years tit th. )rogon .and Calif nrnia . railroad, now tho Southern Pacific. H. II. Gilfry, former member of the stato legislnturo and in 1870 private secretary to Uovomor Groger. J. N. Glovor, at that time eity mar shal and later one of the founders of Spokane. Werner Breyman, pioneer merchant of tho Willamette valley and at that time leading businoss man of Salom. John F. Millor, leading democratic politician wh0 was defeated for gover nor in 1862. John G. Wright, mayor of Salom for several terms and still an active citi zou. John H. Albert, at that time cashier of tho Ludd & Bush bank, later prcsi dent of tho Capital National bank of Salem. E. M. Wnitc, from whom is named tho Wuito fountain adjoining the stato house grounds on Winter street. J. H. Moores, stato senator and mayor of Salem several terms. J. A. "linker, still living in Halem, city marshal ,lator sheriff of Marion county and member of the legislature. Pan H. Murphy, county clerk and an active politician in tho early 70 's. S. A, Clarke, editor of the Statesman E. It. Dearborn, prominent in many wnys in the civic life of tho city and afterwards postmaster nt Salom. B. F. Bonham, circuit judge aad later appointed postmaster for Salom. u,v U. 8. consul at Calcutta, India. E. N. Cooko, stato treasurer eight years and grandfather of &. Cooke 1st ton and Hal D. Fatton. N. B. Knight, afterwards state sen ator from Marion county. L. S. Scott, afterwarda mayor an8 representative and later ppointed posf mster for Snlem. A. B. Grossman, afterwards appointed postmaster for Salem. Then moving to Portland, was appointed postmstor for that oity. Georgo P. Holman, who for a number if yoars was a member of tho stato leg islnture, now a resident of Salt Lake Ciiy. 1'ho firrt few pages ji the famous 1 1 if . c?l One of the Most Favored of All Gifts for the Children Dark blue, wi'h Bunny ornament; sizes 11 to 2 ...75c Dark blue, Piggie ornament, sizes 6 to 11 65c Red with Skater ornament, sizes 6 to 11 ..: ...$1.15 Red with Rosebud ornament, sizes 11 to 2 $1.25 LAWK' SLIPPERS Nice black or blue felt, leather over fiber soles 95c Better grade felts, blue or grey, felt soles, price dat $1.25 Good felt, with leather and fiber soles in grey, with wine collar, also blue with white collar, at $1.35 Lovely blue or pink with flowered col lars, fiber soles, new styles ....$1.65 Fine grade felt Juliette, all leather sores and heels ....$1.75 Highest grade comfy style, in old rose, orchid, deep red, gray and dark Copenhagen, priced. at....$1.75 and : $2.25 Black or grey feljt with felt soles....95c Better grade grey Romeo, felt soles.. $1.25 Fine black all leather $1.65 Brown with leather scles ............$1.45 Fine brown all leather slippers....$l.S5 -Fine brown felt, padded soles.... $2.25 Velvet Vamp, leather back all leather soles, special a last year's price ...$1.93 Finest grade all kid, black or brown, hand turned soles, best leather....$3 Shoes of any kind for any member of the family at prices right Buy year Christmas presents here; show your seed taste and judgment, and also save enough to pay for Red Cross Memberships for the Whole family. NEW SHOE REPAIRING DEPARTMENT Clio'iioketu hotel V'gister for that fu mous occasion on the evening of Do comber 26, 1870, reads as follows: From Port and. L. P. Shaw, O. Kirkpatrick, W. L. Hirsch, Joseph Holman, J. S. Morgan Georgo Andorson, M. Bahwl, K II Waite and wife, J. H. Moores and wife, William England and wife, W. J. Pal- lev, J. H. Hass, J. A. Bakor, Dan II Burnham, E. Degencr, Tom Cottcll, T. Murphy, B. M. Thompson, Mrs. I. N. J. Carter, W. Bradcn and H. T. Hud son. From Albany. It. f. Brown and wife, J. Irving, L. 8. Gilbert. Mrs Belle Martin, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. C!arko and sorvants, Miss Hattio Clarke, E jX. Dearborn and wife B. t. Bonham and wife ot al. J. D derson. Bates, Henry Meyer T Janios . McCurdy, M.D., B. F Brown aud'diuigh- tors, r b. Herren, wife and daughters, J. Hoyt and wifo, E. N. Cooko, N. B. Knight, II. Cnmonter. wifo and dauph- 1L.N. Stiles, A. J. Monroe, L. S. Skiff tcr, John Patterson and wifo. S. A Samuel Brown, William E. ITov.1.11 and Gray, G. W. Cranson, J. A. Bipperton, j. Li. wuuanis ana aauglitor, Li.TS. Scott From Salem. wifo, T. B. Rickey, L. F. Grover and wife, I,. B. Moores and wife, Henry H. Gilfry, J. N. Glover, W. Breyman and wife, John F. Miller, wifo daugh ters and servants; J. G. Wright, wifo and servant; F. Hentschcl, Geoi Chance, C. Uznfovage, wifo and ser vant, C. E. Burrows and wife, J. C. Brown and wife, J. H. Albert, M Thoma8 Taylor, J. H. Howell, wifo and servant, S. Allen Thrall and lady, A. B. Crossman, James Cross and wife, E. Y. Chase, M. D., E. C. Halley, Georgs P. Holman and wifo and T. B. Newman and wife. The original hotel register is now in possession of I. L. Patterson senator for Polk and Benton counties The .power schooner Stasia, which left Victoria with a cargo of lumber for Chine, hus burned a to the waier s edge at Shanghai. The vessel was built at Victoria last summer, Safe Milk For Infants Sr Invalids -il.M -Vii m,- A; . ".!?! No Cooking A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. Quick Lunch; Hone or Oficc. OTHERS ara IMITATIONS ACHES AND PAIS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll n J Sloan's LlnJraea ofteas the severe fheuzastic ache Put It ca freely. Don't nA li In. Just let it pentiraia rctUrally. What ft esse of soothing relief soon follows! External aches, stiffness, cramped muscle, strained aiaews, tack "cricks" those ailments can't fight off the relieving qualities tt Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient, economical. Ask any drugtrist for it. n m a; 2 I V 1-1 In n I FT": ft"- J""" M-R.JIMs ci m mi - : (V S ' -"' x - "A 4 ?!!- WW S.I u i u a 30e, 60s, $1.20 .'11- --) . ' it..- Hi .t- ii. W ,t . , li I WKST PHOTO OF THE ENTBT OF THE ROYAL PAIR INTO BRUGES Thi m th, first photo of th, entry of k ? " qUCC Belnm lnt0 of Brnge, after being occupied by the German, for four years. Th, () UBiemod k Underwood