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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1918. PAGE SEVEN i i NEW TODAY! 4 ' ... TRANSPORT I-1ALL0RY BRINGS TROOPS HOME COMMUNITY INTEREST IS THE BASIS OF AMERICAN LIBERTY FROM THURSDAY'S FIVE O'OLOCK EDITION JOURNAL WANT AD DEPARTMENT IS THE BEST SELLING MEDIUM IN MARION COUNTY-TRY THEM FOR RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVEETISINa BATES WANT TO SELL OR TRADE small Bate per word, New Today Sash insertion .. . One week (6 insertions) It S Om month (26 insertion) , .. 17o The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more thaa as insertion, (tor errors in Classified Advertisements Xead your advertisement the first day it appears and notify us immediately it rm occam Minimum charge, 15. POTATOES for sale. Phone 80FU. tl WOOD sawing. Call 927; prompt serv ice.: 12-26 FOB SALE Fresh, extra milk cow, 776 S..12tk. tf WANTiBDi Lady not over 35 years as housekeeper. Z B care Journal. 12-21 FORD truck, chain drive, to sell. 225 Center St. Feed barn. 12-23 FOR HEDOT Furnished house with . two acres. Address P O 412. 12-2S HOUSEKEEPING suite, 2 rooms, nice ly furnished, 633 'Ferry St. 12 20 STANiTHD Calves of all k'nds. Phone 80F11. tf IF TOUR ROOF LEAKS phone 1074. 6t FOB SALE Equity in good piano. Call Mm. Frickey. Phone 742. . ; . tf PASTURE waited for 2 horses and 2 yearlings. Brown care Journal. 12-24 H0U8B and window clearing want , ed. Phone 1237. 12-20 EARLY f uggle hop roots for sale. J. R Oooper, Independence. 12-26 CORD wood for sale. Phone evenings t093M tf WANTED Fat thin and fresh cows, large calves. Phone 1425M.- 12-28 FOR SAU3 1918 Elgin six car or will exchange on modern bungalow. X Y . Z ewer Journal. tf FOR SALE Or trade for car, 1 house and 2 lots. Call at Commercial Gider worksi Phone 2194. ( 12-23 ,-A)3EiDH"W'oman to came to house to do washing. Call 555 8. liberty. 12-21 Fine large black walnut 14 lb, for $1, or $2.50 per TJUshoL Phone ' 1984J. 12-1" WAINTEtD Housekeeper for small ho tel, EgJht work. Call Richmond hotel, 462 State St. 12-20 WANTED To hear from pSrtios ex ; pecting to sell Loganberry tips. E. , . O. Ohamberlin, Hubbard, Or. 12-23 BARRED Bock roosters, fine laying strain, at Woodry's auction sale, Sat ; 10:30. 12-20 FOR SALE One of the best located and paying grocery stores in Salem. No trade. K C care Journal. 12-21 FOR BENJT 2 and 3 room furnished apartments. 491 N. Oottage. Phone 22? 12-26 1WALL PAPER 15 cents per double roll upward. Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Commercial. ' tf CALENDAR for 1919; large figures - for practical use. Call on Homer H. Smith, the insurance man, iteCor nack bldg. 1-1' WANTED Two dining room girls for an out of town hotel, good out of town hotel, good pay. Call Argo hotel 'afternoons. . tf FOR SALE 6 room strictly modern fcungalow at a bargain, if you are wanting something good and cheap, investigate. W. A. Liston; 12-21 IET met do your errands and deliver your Xnutg parcels, prompt, reliable ' service. 538 State St. Phone 636. Paul M. Ryan, Prop. 12-24 LOST 3 yearling Shropshire rams, one wean my label. If you find same please call 43F24, J. J. Doerflar. tf OLD paper for carpets, etc, 10 eenfce per huadred, eali at Journal effic mrATVmrJ for aale. $275. Tern Me chanically perf ee. Highway Garage PhflM 35S. Call 1000 8. Coal tf i.trbbw wiNTia Tf vom wnt dir poM or your Bonus, wo wiu j them. 314 Masonie. bldg. tf PLENTY of money to lo om good farms; low interest ratwi; fiw year time; privilege to pap $10 or multi tie ob any interest date. Call write H. M. Hawkins, 314 Vaaonie Ujg, Salem. FOR BALE 40 acre of land, maB bungalow, 20 acre of prunes, 5 acre nt clover, somra timber, balance in cultivation. Will accept good sev en or eight room modem dwelling a part payment, balance term W. A. J0 ACRES of level land for ale or trade. Where you have no house rent to tj; bo wood to boy;, ao watw to boy, mi if yon keen "wr n0 ; milk or butter to hay. Will take amaU true or tin ka fee oeaL B. Lmb, 845 a 17th, ialem. tf bnnneea for auto truck. Inquire 378 8tate st. . 12 20 FOR SALE Few loads of manure suitable for lawns and rosebushes. Call after 6 p.m. Phone 1366. 12 21 BALED oats and cheat hay for sale, - L Art- . T. . . . . iu per ion, nc. d, nox ms Laten field. tf WANTED Mare, weight 1000 or 1100, have- wagon as part - payment or cash. J. F. Harper, Rt. 3. 12-23 FOR SALE 30 early hatch Buff Orp ington puiiets, good quality. .Price 2.50 each. W. A. Springer, Salem, Rt. 7. - 12-21 9 FOR RENT 70 aero farm, -with good farm buildings, 45 acres in cultiva tion, balance pasture. Half cash, bal ance secured by crop. W. A. Liston, 4S4 Court St. 12-21 SECOND published notice. Taken up, small bay horse, white spot in fore- i head, about ten years old. The own er is requested to make himself known. G. H. Croison, Phone 2249. 12-20 - WANTED TO RENT FARM. Wanted to rent grain and stock farm for a term of years by an ex perienced party; will pay cash or share rent. Address C. O. C, care oi Capital Journal. 12-30 FOR SALE iNew Underwood type writer; will consider trade on an old Underwood. Back spacers put on Underwood typewriters, work guar anteed. Call 124 S.'Liberty st. Phone 937. 12-24 IF YOU must sell your liberty bonds, sell them to me. If you can buy more liberty bonds, buy tbem of me. I buy and sell liberty bonds. W. A. Liston, 484 Court St. tf XMAS -BARGAINS Fine ten acre tract good soil well drained, 4 room cottage, good barn and put buildings, acre Loganberries, three fourths acre boarlng cherries, same apples and other fruit, on main road not far out, if sold in the next ten days $2000 takes it, part terms. Nifty six room bungalow well buflt, full basement, good plumbing, sta tionary wash tubs, gas, on paved, street, $2000. Want to buy 20 acres or more with prunog ana loganberries. Modern house close in for rent. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. 12-21 GOVERNMENT clerk examinations, .Oregon soon. Customs, internal rev enue, Income tax, railway mail, post office. $1100-$1800. Experience un necessary. Men and women desiring government positions write for free particulars, J". C. Leonard, (former civil service examiner,) 1C38 Kenois building, Washington, D C. 12-21 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT for the Cost of Constructing a sidewalk To Archie Parker, George Parker, Margaret Parker, Virgil Parker and Wilda Parker: - You are hereby notified that the city of Sitlem has, by ordinance No. 1569, levied an assessment upon lot 7 an block 13 of Highland avenuo addition to the city of Salem, Oregon, owned by you, in tlhe sum of $82.25 'for the ost or constructing a cement concrete sidewalk on the north side of High land avenue in front of and abutting upon said lot. Said assessment was en tered in the minor lien docket of the city of Salem on the 13th day of De cember, 1918, as a charge and lien againstssaid lot, and the same is now due and payable to tho city treasurer. By order of tho common council, tuns notice is served upon you by publica tion thereof for ten days in the Daily Qapital JouriJaL A daily newspaper published in the city of Salem. Date of frist publication hereof is December 20, 1918. - EARL RACE, Recorder of the city of Salt.m, Oregon. Jan. 1 It yout competitor talks about you, put him on your pay roll. No matter what he says, just so he talkn. DIXIE BREAD His Cot Fischer, graduate- of the Salem, high school recently home from California, ha accepted a position in tha law office of Lnruh. ft Macy. The Macleay auxiliary of Willam ette Chapter, Bed Cross, maiwa rec ord for itself yesterday when $506 was given to the chapter, this amount being brought in by tne treasurer, . Arthur Jones The folks out in the Macleay neighborhood have a way of doins thines and doing them right when the Bed Cross needed money, the auxiliary gave entertainments and dan- eeo until its treasury naa souu ior me chapter. mm JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY D J). Dancan Of Portland Oa Transport Tells About Ar gonce Fighting. New York, Dee. 20. The Sixty First brigade, field artillery, commanded by Brigadier General K. W. Young, grandson of Brigham Young, reached Jsew York today aboard the U. tt. transport Mallory. The brigade in clude the 143d, the 144th and 145th field artillery, which will entrain at onco for Chicago. The men come prin cipally from California. The steamship Manenuria, also an American transport arrived today, brinirina 150 officers and 4003 enlist ed men. They include all of the 116th field artillery, part of the oeth field artillery, the 106th ammunition train, headquarters company of the bimd in fantry, the 117th field artillery and ten officers and 90 men of the dlst di vision. Also aboard the Manchuria were 950 sick and wounded men. This. hip brought Brigadier Generals Robert E. Steiuer and John Jj. Hayden. D. D. Duncan of Portland. Or., wounded in the Argonne fighting, told how a colonel, a major and four oth ers were wounded by the shell which put him out of business. DON'T DRUG KIDNEYS DON'T DRUG KIDNEYS RUB BACKACHE AWAY Kidneys eause backachel Not They have no nerves, therefore "can not cause pain. Listen L Your backache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, pene trating "St. Jacobs Liniment." Rub it right on the ache or -tender spot, and instantly the pain, soreness, etiff nos and lameness disappears. Don't stay, crippled! Got a mall trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Liniment ,f from your druggist and limber up. A moment af ter it is applied you'll wonu.. what be came of the baeftaeufi, sciatica or lum bago pain. "St. Jacobs Liniment" stops any pain at onee. It is harm less and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. ' : It ' the only application to rub on weak, lame or painful back, or for lum t ago,- sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, sprains or a strain. Perry Reigleman Was In Bordeaux For Celebration It seems that Salem hoyj over there were fortunate in teinir stationed in big cities when the news of the armis tice was announced. Perry Reigleman of the U. S. signal corps, photo labo ratory, nappenea 10 ve in -Duruenu when it happened. In writing ihis par to Mir nil Mrs. J. G. Rmulcman Of Salem, he tells of part of his observa tions as follows: "When the people of Bordeaux real iroi ithot it. wan all over thev were al most delirious. They shouted, sang and danced, waved nags, snouwu auu crowded the narrow old streets until they were almost impassible. "The young men and women parad ed the streets shouting ' We have them' dancing in circles around French and American soldiers. The band play ed and everybody threw bonfetti by the barrels. "wiiiln in Rnrflenu I saw Serzeant Bruce McDaniels, now a second lieu tenant. Also Lieut, uompton, Laeui, William R. Day, a former Willamette university, mnnter encineer Joe Mc Allister, private Frank Barton, I also met on te street Xjieut. romeroy oi the navy medical department who is atntinnfll nPflP nATf. "The weather here is very much like that of Oregon except the fogs. Bor deaux is dull compared to Paris. The thnotura ihnVA nlnsed down on account of the Spanish flu and we have to get .... n it oil the street ai a o uiocn. TO HAVE PERMANENT LANDING Eureka, Cel., Dec. 20. The Eureka chamber of commerce today Degan a movement (for a permanent landing place for private tourists traveling by airolane. The business men wish to encourage north and sonth traffic of that nature, JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Junda 'Dollar - . This is our method of Cleaning Up Stock. We open each - Season With Sparkling New Merchandise. HERE IS WHERE YOU BENEFIT-TAKE ADVANTAGE W omen's and Misses' Coats and Suits Yow Choice Eoce Coats and Suits Selling for $57.50, yours for... Coats and Suits Selling for $50.00, yours for... '.. Coats and Suits Selling for $40.00, yours for ETC. JUST CUT THE PRICE FUSo , LESS 1-2 PRICE Santa Is Sure Going Over The Top The War DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY. Stores will not be open evenings Christmas week. By action of Business ( Men's League. I Court House News I t . - In the soit of Marnaeh & Evans vs. the Boyal Insurance Co., the defendant has served notice that it will file a petition and bond for the removal of the suit to the district court of the United States for the First district of Oregon. The suit is of a civil nature and as the amount involved is more than nsrifin h defendant files notiw) of it intention to take the ease to a higher court. The amount really in volved is ia,7sw. Hi. wife's affections are valued at tlO.000. according to tho damage suit filed yesterday afternoon by M. 8 Hall nuainfrt. Fred Denham. Mr. Hall allege in his complaint that Denham was "wrongfully contriving and ma liciously and wickedly intending to in tha nlaintiff and deprive him of tho affiv.tinn. comfort and society and aid of his wife and did maliciously un dertake to alienate tne anection or plaintiff's wife and 1 that by reason thereof the plamtifl na Deen ana 11 ornnirfiillv dnnrived bw the defendant j -r - nt tha nmfni-t ancietv. aid and service of said wife and her affection for him have been alienated and destroy ed" For all of which Mr. Hall enter! suit for 110,000 damage against Mr Denham. Furs at Unheard KARIMEE BLACK FOX BLACK FOX PLUSH MOLE COATEES Animal Neckpiece Animal Neckpiece COATS . $30.00 $110.00 $150.00 . $25Too' $19.85 .$56.65 $89.85 $16.35 BLACK WOLFE Animal Neckpiece $70.00 ; $35.85 ' HACK FOX if Animal Neckpiece ; $140.00 $79.85 K Is Over! You can always do better at re 11" n .GOOElLGOOD s "Join The To quiet title to lota 48 and 46 Sun nyside fruit farm No. 5, containing 27 acres, William Butzke and wife have entered suit against J. A. Jefferson and about a others who claim an in terest in tho tract. Lucinda RundalL executrix of the last will and testament of B. T. Ran dall, reported to the countycourtthcsulc dall, reported to the county court the sale of land in Tillamook county fot 1300. The administrator of tho estate of Arthur G. Dalrymple reports that the amount received from the sale of the persanal farm effects amounted to 833.80. PRESENT FLAN FOB RETtTRNTNO RAILROADS TO PRIVATE OWNERS (New York, Dee. 20. The railroads will present to congress on January 2 a definite and constructive plan for the return of the railroads to private eontrol and remedial legislation in con nection therewith, Thomas DoWitt Cnyler, chairman of the Association of Railway fHhceetitjvf, nnnpnnced late today. The detail of the plan are being worked out by a landing committee of twenty fonr executive of the nation leading railroads, who were in session here today. George Harris of Yakima, the oldest ambulance -driver In Italy has been dec orated with the Italiaa eroix de guerre. . ... ...... IN TWO, THE SAVING IS YOURS of Prices for Xmas Specials BLACK FOX Animaif Neckpiece $100.00 $66.85 Go the Limit, Santa! Red Cross" The Elks of Salem will give an en tertainment next Thursday evening at the lodge room, to consist entirely of hoome tulvnt. Superintendent Join W. Todd was named as it committee of one to arrange the program. HOW VICTOR BERGER ADHERES TO THE SOCIALISTIC PRINCIPLES (Mt. Angel Hagazine.) S an economic system socialism de nies the right of private property but how about those Socialists whom Mam mon as befriended, Victor Berger of Milwaukee, Wis., is one of these lucky Socialists. Arthur Brisbane in a recent Washing ton Times had a very striking illustra tion of the danger of Pilshevism to those misguided intellects of the United States who have gone beyond the tranit cuts. Victor Bcrger is one of the prominent Socialists of this cou: try; a citizen of Wisconsin. He seems to be extremely friendly to the BolnUeviki and declare, that Socialists sympathize with them. Hero is what Arthur Brisbane sayx to Victor Bcrger; If Bolshevism came to this country, Victor Bcrger und he probably knowt it would be one of the first victims The American Trotsky or Lenine would say: "Citizen Bcrger, you are accused of having an umbrella with a silver han dle and an overcoat with ft fur col lar.. Citizens have testified that yta live in a comfortable house, with the $28.75 $25.C0 $20.00 OSTRICH STRIP COLLARETTE $9.50 $5.85 Bobbie Says: Give 'Till It Hurts Santa i Merchandise Orders When in doubt Make your gift a Merchandise order entiro upper floor given over to gook shelves. It is further stated that y,n have a bathtub. Can you offer itn good reason why yon should not bo hanged, your plutocratic $4000 mansion sold, and the money divided among th proletariat I" There Is no imagination about this. Tho Russian lives now iu Milwaukee, Victor Bergcr's city, that would cheer, fully move to hang Bcrger. Then Bomo body would hang that Rusian. And when the peoplo got tired of it, he well-known Bourgeoisie would arise and govern. OVER THE TOP AN1MHEN SOME . "I never folt better in my life than since taking the first dose of Mayr'w Wonderful Remedy, I had s bad caw of indigestion and bloating and triu all kinds of medicine. Mayr's Wonder ful Remedy is all and more than i claimed for it. On my reeomroendationf ear postmaster's wife is using it with ood results." It is a edmplo harmletm preparation that remove the catarrhnf mucus from the intestinal tract and al lays the inflammation which cause practically all stomach, liver and in testinal ailments, including appendici tis. One dose will convince or money re funded. J. C. Perry, Capital Drug stero and druggists everywhere. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY