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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1918)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1918. loll nf ifflwnrji From Over There'9 General Pershing's Official Report Killed in action . , Pied of wound 106 IT Died of accident and other causes-.: - Died of disease j : 32 Wounded severely 935 Wounded, degree undetermined 443 Wounded slightly 733 Missing in action 100 Total 2309 Today's casualty list contains the names of the following Oregon men: Ernest T Eckerlin, Salem, killed in action Lars J Gissolt, Coquille, killed in action John Singleton, Eagle Point, wound ed severely William A Page, Fort Comath, wounded slightly Joseph A Kraft, Sherwood, wounded slightly Arthur C Lewis, Rieth. wounded slightly William E Parten, New Pine Creek, wounded slightly Bay r Taylor, Richland, missing in action ' Killed in Action Captains Wayne Anderson Jr, Richmond Va Charles E Delario, Los Angeles -Lieutenants ' ' Bam E-Andrews, Ozark Ala Charles Busey, Urbana 111 Daniel M Connolly, Brooklyn , . Earl M Cottrcll, Greenville 0 George F Gocbcl, Jackson. Mich William O Hodge, Centralis. Wash Fred .N Kinne, Delhi N Y Marsh S Lockyear, Chrisncy Inn Levi 8 Morehouse, Fulton N Y Otto Staoheli, Chiengo Sergeants Roy F Allison, Kokomo Ind Meredith L Dunkcrly, Halothorpc Md Walter E Gies, New York Leroy Martin, Bouden Kas Edward T Rnane, Cohoes N Y Wesley H Weeks, Shoshone Ida Lee O Zink, Cockeysville Md Corporals Martin M Babb, Lebanon Pa Alfred T Beach, Manchester Kas Richard E Bentley, Horhead9 'N if Joseph H Boumcr, Coal Hill Ark Samuel A Carpenter, Malaga N J. Joseph Dimkel, Corona N Y Walter S Eborsole, Mount Joy Pa Jott Falls, Roxton Tex Fred J Grant, Salt Lake Joe G Lloyd, Henderson Tex Francis F Heinbuck, Baltimore Charles F Marescn, Jersey City John L .Maroney, Buffalo N Y Irvin L Martin, Lyons N Y Malvern W Means Conneantville Pa fiusscll D Miller, Ballville N Y - -Horace E Moore, New York John Calvin Tiloy, Brockville Fa Clyde E Watkins, Hays NC ' Charles E Wctmer, Frays Landing Ta Leonard C Wright, Erlavper Ky iMech John H Hicks, Kichmond Va Cook Francis A Gero,' Malone N Y Privates Hcniy Bolak, Akron O Eugene T Betooks, Georgiana Ala Alba F Brunell, Littleton N H Brodio Caywood, Rosebud Tex Henry Dillow, Clear Fork Va Virgil A iFalkner, Rolla Mo ' Loo J Gallagher, Pittsburg ' Peter Gcorgess, Greece William A Giss, Denison lit Grover C Coins, Jasper Tenn Marcus J Hansen, Denmark Michael F Haughinn, Degrnudo Mont Curtis Jones, Xenia J 11 yGcorge Lucy, Chicago Fred McMillan, Richfield Ida Louis Maltose, Italy Peter Murray, Trenton N J Axel W 'Nelson, Sycamore III Walter J Noonan, Brooklyn Edward H Otquist, Brooklyn Joseph & Ozdarski, Detroit Mich Clarence B Stockhoff, Point Pleas ant W Va Benton W Winkler, Pleasant Shade John W Williams, Vclva N D ffena Joseph IWurth Jr, St Louis Mo Rocco Bagalio, Thornton K 1 Flovd C Beecher, Moquah Wis Fra'iik H Boltc, Sidney Mont Daniel Boutcliyart, Falmouth Va Lee Cayton, Jersey City John F Clear, 'Brooklyn Paul F Craig, Hilger Mont David C Dixon, Hillsboro N C Carl Gray, Anderson Ind Peter Grivetti, Wcstville 111 Cyril L Heller, Bamesboio Pa Bernard A Helmcft, Price Hill O William .3 Kennedy, Scotlnnd Amley E Liveley, Tallapoosa Ga George E Lloyd, Wildwood N J John L Lynch, Brooklyn Giovanny Osapio, Orange N J VinventPntalano, Brooklyn Harrv J Pedcrson, Norway . Harry Plosky, Philadelphia ' Theodore C Thorson, Inwood la Homer S Wade, Newburt; I 1 GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAW RELIEF You don't have to rub It la to get quick, comfort in relief Once you've tried it on that stiff joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu matic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you neve thought a liniment could produce. Won't stain the skin, leaves no muss, wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. A large bottle; swans economy. Your own or any ether drupsrist has it. Get it today. 30c, 60e, $ P ii isr TBattLiii'iirp" v ' L20 Bejamin Weiuer, Sew York Lester Woodruff, Washington C H O Died of Wounds Maj Warren Weissheimer, Eagle Pass Tex Lieutenants Louis Carmcl rBown, Bridgewater Mass Allen D Ford, Ypsilanti Mich Harvey B Jaggcr, New York Charles A Minton, New York Sergeants John C Anderson, Worcester Mass Peter Cominskcy, Scranton Pa William W Drabble, Newaik J Charles F McKevett, Perry N Y Corporals Henry Douglass, Englcweod N J ' Monsor Hana, Cleveland 0 William F Hartnett, Dedham Mass Frank Hootman, Mirabilo Mo Eddie Kozel, Chicago Joseph Miller, Hanover Pa Louis Sielsky, Brooklyn Robert G Stokley, Maplewood N J Died of Accident and Other Causes Lt Edgar iF Stahl, Log Angeles Corp Donald T Shonton, Philadelphia Died of Disease Sergeants John T Jones, Homerville Ga Charles n Murphy, Safford Ariz Frank Fulton, McKeesport Pa TJlysseg G Smith, Gideon Mo James Stewart, Monroe La ' Clnrence O Btorghill, Johnson City II Jacob Stoll, CBrenham Tex . Clifford E Sullivan, Woodenburg Md Edward M Sullivan, Brooklyn James H Tomlinson, Brooklyn Lisle Vorhes, Lebanon 0 Henry G Waggoner, Knoxvillo Tenn Jacob V Walker, Plattsburg Mo Cyrus Wiland, Lonaconing Md Edward Wilco'x, Portago Wig William II Wirt, Moundsville W Ya Charles Wilson, Altamont 111 Paul Wolf, Naticoke Pa Clarence L Wright, Peoria 111 Chester H Youngberg, Kansas Gity Mo Kamond Zimmerman, Cricago Corporals Guy S Moore, Lafayette O Harry G Grace, Panama Oit Fla Wilfred J Camiro, Batre Vt Herbert S Lunt, Clunvfield Me Otis Williams; Ontario Wis Nurse Grace G Buell, Roanoke Ind Musicians Xoro D Johnson, Marshficld Ind James W Larimoro, Horse .Cave Ky Mechanics Otto L Bell, Torwalk Wis Frederick Cleghorn, Sugar Valley Ga . Wagoner Fred O Snteltzer, York N D MARINE CORPS ' Summaries casualties to date: Officers Deaths 87 Wounded 88 Total .-: 175 - Enlisted Men Deaths . 1821 Wounded 2649 Hands of enemy ........ . . . 77 Missing . 275 Total 4882 Grand total 4997 The following casualties nie included in above .total: Killed in action 2 Died of wounds 8 TD'od of disensyo 2 Wounded severely - 78 Wounded slightly i 1 In hands of enemy ., - Total :. 9i Silled in Action Corp Frank L Miclkn, Buffnlo N Y Died of wounos Set Robert R Vandueson. Vineland N J Corp Benj F Roister, Auburn N Y Privates Walter L Davis, Munda Tex Allan V R Dutcher, Arlington N J John L Fulwilcr, Spokane Wn Harlow F Hooper, Rupert Ida lijle B Jonos, Cincinnati 0 Clarence I Kcyes, Auburn Wn Herbert Skidmore, Harlan Ky Died of Disease Privates Justin D Dorbandt, Houston Tex Harry J Head, Ctica N Y Wounded Severely Maj Dwight F Smith, Stowe Vt Sergeants Thomas E Bailey, Gooding Ida Charles A Bnrr, Buffalo N Y William Him, Columbus O Fred C Smith, Hudson N Y Jack A Snecd, Waco Tex - Corporals Edgar F Archer, Northeast Pa Jnmes Brennnn, -Chicago Robert N Crow, Cnirollti.u HI Joseph T Dacey, Gnry nld Arnold Erwin, Cause Tex Albert I Hanson. Kixby Minn H Kelley, KcderviUe Tenn Reginald M McClurg, Wnkita Okla Hex J Note, Jerome Ma Winn C Vankenrcn, Woodston 111 Florin M Andris, Portsmouth 0 Wounded Sightly Pvt Ed II Long, Louisville Ky Prisoner William O Ostby, Minneapolis M'.nn Preient for-duty, previously reporce'i killed: Etjt Eilwin L Ganlt, Toledo O Returned to France, previously re ported in hand of enemy: Corp Harry a iletcher, rrovo utiu Pvt Ralph J Charles, "v'inston-Salem NC Pvt Alban B Ixiwis, Philadelphia Returned to France, previously re ported missing: First Lt Charles P Nash, Alderson W V JSV STAYTCNNEWS (Cnp'tstl Journal Special Service.) Stayton, Dee. 14. Praise be, Stayton is once more enjoying electric lights. Koilo Mack, who has been a member of the spruce division of the army for several months, is visiting relatives in ?tnyton. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Watson returned THIN PEOPLE SHOULDTAKE PHOSPHATE Nothing Li&e Plain Bitro-Pfiosphate to Put on Firm, Healthy Flesh and to Increase Strength, Vigor and Nerve Fore Judging from the countless prepara tions and treatments which ere contin ually being advertised for the purpose of making thin people fleshy, develop ing arms, neck and bust, and replacing ugly hollows and angles by the soft curved lines of health and beauty, there are evidently thousands of men anw women who keenly feel their ex cessive thinness. Thinness and weaknes are usually due to starved nerves. Our bodies need more phosphate than is contained in modern foods. Physicians claim there is nothing that will supplv this defi ciency so well as the organie phosphate known among druggists as bitro phos phate, which is inexpensive and is sold by most all druggists under a guaran tee of satisfaction or money back. By feeding the nerves directly and by sup plying the body cells with the neces sary phosphoric, food elements, bitro phosphate quickly produces a welcome transformation in the appearance; the increase in. weight frequently being astonishing. This increaso in weight also carries with it a general improvement In (he health. Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of energy, which nearly always accompany excessive thinness, soon disappear, dull eyes become bnght,ana pale cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect health. CAUTION Although. bitro-pnos- phate is unsurpassed for relieving nervoisness, sleeplessness (ind general weakness, it should not. owing to its remarkable flesh growing properties, be used by anyone who docs not desire to put on flesh. - to Stayton Sunday evening from Vic toria, whero tho doctor lias boon lor some time a member of tho (mural corps of tho Canadian army. We understand thut Dr. Watson will resume his prac tico in Stayton after a short rest. Joe Spaniol auothcr Stayton boy who has been in the service of Uncle Sam, arrived homo from Camp Lewis, Wash. Joseph Bipp, of Sublimity, has .pur chased tho billiard hall of Paul Zubor In that placo, ond is piaking sonio im provements in the room and will take possession soon. He has recently ad- dod a new job press and paper cutter to his printing outfit, and will continue his job printing business in connection With the billiard hall. Mrs. M. J. Crabtrce has been visiting in Salem the past week. Considerable good work has been done on the road between this place and West Stayton lately, and it was badly nocded. Oscar Zimmerman of Mohama, quite well known hore, was listed in the roll of honor Thursday as having diod of disease m Francei S. H. Heltzel visited Albany Thurs day, having a enso in court. John Blakoly, who has been residing near Lebanon for tho past year, Is now employed in tho Stayton Mail office. Chas. Darst, of Sublimity, was in tho city Thursday, and laid in a supply of War Savings Stamps. He thinks Uncle Sam will need the money even if the war is closed. C. E. Lampman is now working In Urban 's auto repair shop. There are several cases of flu yet In town, but there have been no new cases reported tho past few days, and the lid is still off. AUMSVILLE NOTES. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Aumsvillc, Dec. 14. Word has boon received here of the death of 0. E. Darby of Lostine, uf influenza. Mr Darby who lived here the greater part of liia life has a host of frionds who sympathizo with the wife and son over his death. Mr. Darby was formerly postmaster at this place. Besides th-t wife and son ho leaves a rother, Claude Darby of Stayton, a sister Eva Ditrby. Ho was also a cousin of Mrs Win. Winslow of this city. Mr. Darby was nbout. 37 years of age. Funeral services will bo held here. Word was received hero by relatives of the death of Gene Colvin of Scat tie of the flu. He was a nephew of Mrs. C. S. Bown and Chas. and Bobort Colvin of this city ,and during & wsent visit hero madCmuny friends who will grieve to learn of lus death. Mrs. S. 8. Swank and Claude Boone arc convalescent from light attacks of influenza. School is being held on Suturduy to niuke up tho time lost ou acouut of the recent enforced vacation, due to the recent flu epidemic. Robert PctcrsW who has been in the sorvico and seriously ill at Vancouver is reported recovering very butisfac tory. Wesley Clieffing, who has been Work' lng at Castlo Rmk, moved his family back to Aumsvillo this week to spend tho winter. Thero will be a meeting of the Aums villo auxiliary of the Bed Cross Sat urday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall, to elcei officers for the coming year. Mrs. D. W. Wright and son Alan who have been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hein the past month, returned to t! eir home in Boise, Idaho. CLOVERDALE NOTES. (Capital Jonrnal Special Service.) Cloverdale, Or., Dec. 17. Fred Fell er purchased the W. G. Young place last week. Mr. Young will take his family to Missouri te make their future jtoine. G. Drager and son, Albert, were in Solera Saturday. Mr. Shifferer, Mr. Craig, W. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and F. A. Wood and family were among the Salem visit tors Saturday. Mrs. Gus Drager returned from Port land Thursday. She left her daughter TttTttVVtM TtttTttTT Sh oes oes Shoes "lH 511 Men appreciate Practical Gifts. A pair of shoes bought at Paris Shoe Shop will give him almost one year of Christmas remembrance and also ser vice. If you buy him a present at Paris Shoe Shop we will make you a present Bring this advertisement and we will give you 50 cents credit on a pair of work or army shoes or 75 cents credit on dress shoes. QUALITY goods: HOME OF. MMvvM Emma who is sick there, much bettor at that time. Miss Emma Shifferer of Stayton spent tho week end here with relatives. Mrs. J. E. Whitehead o nurner spent Friday here with her mother, Mrs. Kun ko. Mrs. W. J. Hadlcy spent a few day last week visiting and shopping In Sa lem returning home Sunday. Tho W. C. T. U. ladies spent a very pleasant day with Mrs. J. McKlnnoy last Wednesday. . . Ii Executive Of Every State In Union Except bix Present At Convention. Annapolis, Mr., Doc. 17 Governor K. Manning, of South Carolina, address cd the. governors attending the annual governors' conference in session hero today. The conference is dovotod to: discussion of readjustment policies. Governor Fred .Gardner of Missouri presided at the session this morning and Governor Theodore G. Bilbo, of Mississippi has charge of the afternoon The speakers for the day Included: Governors Emmet D. Boyle, Nevada; Lister, Washington; Pleasant, Lousiana and Governor-eloct Thqhmas E, Camp bell, Arizona. Tho recoptionv at tho executive man sion last night was a brilliant affair. All of the governors, many of whom were accompanied by their wives, wero rocoived' by Govornor and Mrs. Harriagton. Tonight the governors, governors- elect and lieutenant governors of every state in the union except six, will be tho guests of tho Pross Club of Balti more. WOMENINLW.W.CASE UNWILLINGJVITNESS Miss Seery Remembered Handling Books But None About Sabotage. Sacramento, Oil., Dec. 17. Tho na tion-wido snroad of the I. W. W. move ment, and tho eoupling of the 46 local defendants with tho alleged conspiracy of the organization leaders against the governmental war program is the pres ent objective of tho prosecution's testi mony. New channels of information, covering L W. activities in the north western woods through Lumbermen's locul 500, at Seattle, an d'hrougs uc general offices .f the order are now being opened. The first woman witness. Miss Hildn Seory of Chicago, admitted member of the I. W. W., and former stenographs to William D. Hnywood, proved the first unwilling witness. She easily re- WORSE THAN GAS Kidney disease is no respecter of per sona It attacks young and old alike. In most cases, the victim is warned of the approaching danger. Nature fiehts back Headache, indigestion, insomnia, lame back, lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, pain in the loins and lower abdomen, difficulty in urinating, all are indica tions of trouble with the kidneys. When such symptoms appear you will almost certainly find quick relief in GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This famous old remedy ha stood the test for two hundred years in helping mankind to fight off disease. It is im ported direct from the home laborator ies in Holland, and may be had at al most every drag store. Your money promptly refunded if it does not re lieve you. Be sure to get the genuine GOLD MEDAL Brand. Ia sealed pack ages, three sizes. " 1 mi n in i i y t MM M MM SERVICE GUARAN TEED QUALITY: MM meuibercd handling books, pamphlets and documents at the Chicago head- quarters, until ono of the volumes "SV botage ' ' was mentioned. ' There her memory failed her, although 7,900 co pica were found in the Chicago offices. GOLDEN WEDDING Pratum, Dec, 17. 50 years ago last Friday a very pleasant wedding took place at Vinton, Iowa, when Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kosling were united in mar riage. Mrs. Kosling is a sister of U. M. Lamberts. Both Mr. Lamberts and his other sister, Mrs. D. Oldakers were present at that wodding. Now for somo time Mr. and Mrs. Keeling whoso home is in 'Nebraska and Mrs. D. Oldakers, who lives at Aberdeen, Wash., have boon visiting at the home of Mr, and idrs. Lambert,' whore tho golden wed ding took place. Mrs. U.-.M. Lambert) assisted by two of her daughters, Miss es Hazel and Zina, had prepared an elaborate wedding dinner. After din ner the following presents were receiv ed by tho happy couplo; Gold coin po- I tutoes, Crimes Golden apploa, a can of I Gold Dollar strawberries, a package of gold eyed needles. Uoldon earysanthe- mums formed; a part of the brido's bouquet. In the evening a number of ..,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. 1 .1 -.-- . . i: QUICK REFERENCE TO FIRMS THAT 6IYE SERVICE ONJSIIORT NOTICE WHERE BUYER AND SELLER MEET WE RECOMMEND OCR ADVERTISERS MMMMMM HVEEYTHXNO Islam EleetrU Oo4 Masonie Temple, OSTEOPATH 0RS. B. B. WHITE AND R. W. WAL TON OBteopathie physicians and aerva specialists. Graduates of Am erican school of Ostoopathy. Kirk villa, Mo. Post graduate and spee ialized In nervous diseases at Los Angeles. College, Offices 505-508 Nat Bank lildg. Phone 85.. Residence, 1620 Court. Phons 2.18. Dr. White Res. Phone 409. DENTIST OB. V. L. UTTER, DENr l!,T, ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commorce bui'ding. WATER COMPANY 9ALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Commercial and Trade streets Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 600. SECOND-HAND GOODS FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Kstate Security THOS. K. FORD Ladd k Bush bank; Salem Oregon FEDERAL FARM LOANS 8 por cent 34 years time. A. O. Bohrnstsdt, 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. 10 ACRE prune orchard, very fair im provements, 4 miles from Sulem, want stock ranch not ove. $4000 in exchange. Socolofsky, 841 State St. tf STOVE REPAIRING 9TOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 80 years experience, Depot, National asd American fence. Sizes 26 to 58 in high Paints, oil and varnish, eta Loganberry and hop hooks. Salem - Fence and Stove Works. 50 Court street. Phone 124- JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY IT BEAUTIFUL THICK, GLOSSY. WAVY Try This! AH Dandruff Disap pears And Hair Stops CommgOat, Surely try a "Danderme Hair Cleanse" if you wish to immediately double the beauty of your hair. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil -in a few minutes you will be amased. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and pos sess an ' incomparable softness, lustre and luxuriance. Besides beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves ev ery particle of dandruff; invigorates the scalp, stopping itching and falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to, the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft. lustrous hair,' and lots of it, if you will spend a few cents for a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet-counter and try it as di- roctea. . , friends took part in the elosing fes tivities of the day. Those present wore Mr. and Mrs. D. Kleen and -five of thoir children, Mr. and Mrs. Val. Go rig and children, Mr. and Mrs". Fred ile rVrios and ohildrcn, Mrs. A. Banner, Carl and Dorothy Bunncr, Mrs. Fred Gerig. Miss Daisv Lambert. ' Henry, Ernest and Miss Hulda Both, Mrs. D. (.(makers, and U. M. Lambert and fam ily. ' Ice. cream and cake wero served, games were played. A regular old fash ioned charrvairo was Btaged by the young folks, when shot guns and cow bells were evident. The couple left Sat urday on their honeymoon trip to Mon tana, from where they will go to thoir home in Nebraska. I MMAIIKET J drain , Wheat, loft white $l.trl8 Wheat, lower grades om sample Oats 80c$I Hay, oats . . (23 Barley, ton $50S8 Hav, cheat, new $24 Aim run $3738 . :t , , , Butterfat 68 mm M Telephone Mala 120$ ELEOTRIOAIi 127 North Hi.k REAL ESTATE 70 ACRES $100 land, on account of cir cumstances will strll for $65 on easy terms. 6 acres nil cultivated, good improvements. VA mile of eity limits only $3500. Ii4 aere good house, tarn all in fruit, good soil, close to ear line. $1250. fiocolofsky, 341 State tf WANT $350, $500 and $1500 loans on good real estate security. Bocolofsky, 341 State St. tf Best oargain in ffalom in a strictly modern 7 room bungalow, close in. If sold soon only $2800. Socolofnky, 341 Stato St. tf l'i ACRES, 4 room house, new barn, wood shed, lots of bearing fruit, good soil, close to car lino, only $1200 if taken at once. 8ocolofk, 341 Ktate St. tf MONiBY to loan on good real estate. 5 percent government money to loan. Liberty bonds bought and sold. W. D. Smith, Salm Bank of Com morco. 12-14 5 ACRES, 5 in cultivation, the best of soil,plenty or lamuy iruu,pieniy wood, good 5 roum,uew house; fair outbuildings, on county road, beauti ful location, I will guarantee the im provements would cost more than the price ssked for the wholo. Price on lv siOfiO. terms on $100 at C per cent. Soeolcfskv. 341 State St. tf BRING YOUR TRADES I cn mateh you. C. W. Nioiycr, Real EsUie Agent. Canadian ands, C44 Stats street. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on month ly contracts at reasonable rates. Cess pools eleaned. Dead animals re moved. Office phone, Mala 247. Residence, Main 2272. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT McCornack hall on every Tnitda; at 8. P. Audresen, C C. P. J. Konti K. B. S. 666Ts! Pork, Veal and Mutton Pork, on foot 16e Veal, fancy . ,,. 161S Steers . 79 Cows 46 Spring lambs , Ho Ewes 48a Lambs, yearlings ggs and Poultry Eggs, cash ..ta- 64 22(S24e 15a Hens. Jive Old roosters Chickens , 21(f?24 30S.e 2526 Turkeys, dressed Turkeys, live Vegetables Sweet potatoes Potatoes Onions, local . Cabbage Turnips Celery Head lettuce $4.50 $1.75 $1.75 . 2K U 95o T-.7532 IV a $6 $1.85 Beets Parsnips Cranberries, box Cauliflower I run Oranges $3.50 Lemons, box - $5.756.50 Bananas Huckleberries, pound 15s Florida grape fruit case . $67 Black figs 83 25 lbi. - 4.50 Figs, 4 oz. packages $5.58 Figs, 6 os, packages - $4.50 Figs, 8 oz. packages $3.50 Figs, 10 lb. faney . $-.5-1 Figs, 10 lb. ex. fancy $-5- No. 1 comb honey $7 Retail .Prices Creamery butter ............... 73a Flour, hard wheat $53.2S Country butter tj5((70s Eggs, dozen -. 75 Portland, or., iwe. it, Butter, eitjj creamery 66o " -tugs, selected local ex. 7.(a);.a Hens 24(27e I Broilers 2637o Geeso 22o Cheese, triplets 3940o ' ' DAILY LTVB STOCK MASS-S Oattla Receipts 400 , ' Tone of market higher ' Prima steers $1.5012.70 Choice to good steers $11.2512.2S ' Medium to good steers $910 Fair to medium streers $89 Common to fair steers $3.507.50 t Choice cows and heifers $7.758 . Medium to good eows and neifer$ $er Fairto medium cows and heifera 56 Canncrs $34 Bulls $57.50 Calves $a18 Stockers and feeders $68 Rcga '. Receipts 8178 , Tone of market steady Prime mixed $10.75(n)17 - Medium mixed $Q.50(g10,T8 Bough heavies $14.7510 ! Pigs $14C(D15 Bulk $16.5018.75 1 P-eep Receipts 355 Tone of market strong Fnir t medium lambs $11.50 12.25 Yearlings $10(S11 Wethers $10.50 , ,t Ewes $08,5O t ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA "Oregon Grape, Camp" No. 1360. meets every Thursday evening la Derby building, Court and High &U Mrs. Pearl four soy, 211 Court St, oracle; Mr. Melissa Persons, record er 1415 N. 4t.H St. Phone 143AM. HOME SEEKER, here Is your oppor tunity, desiring a change In occupa tion, I purpose to remove from ths city; hcaiee I am offer' ng my homa at a sacrifice I have a ,-ood housa on a fine corner, oast front, near one of S.-ilcm's excellent schools, roomy grounds, plenty of fruit and cement walks, for two thousand dol lars. Five hundred dollars, balance $15 pnr month at six per cent inter est. Telephone 1310M or call o Square Deal Realty Company, tele phone 470. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6240 meets every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, 8 o'clock in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. B. F. Day, V. C.j F. A. '"urner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capi til Assenw bly No. 84 meets first Thsrsday el each month, at S p. m- in I. O. 0. T. Hall. Norma L. Terwilligcr. M. A; C. A. Vibbert, secretury, 34ft Owens (trt. ITALIAN prune trees, I have a few: thousand 4-6 foot grade yet to of fer and also chorry and bartlett pear trees. Fruitland Nursery, Rt. 6, box 138D. Phone 111F21. M PNEUMONIA CASE FATAXt Dallas, Or., Dee. 16. S. B. Taylor, , known throughout tjie state an aa pert logging engineer, died at his homa in Dallas Friday with pneumonia fol lowing influenza. Mr. Taylor's death makes the tenth to occur in this eity this week. Ho was formerly chief en gineer of tho Salem, Falls City Wen tern Railway and while acting in that capacity superintondeilded the eonstrae tion of the big steel railway bridge across tho Willamette at Sulem. lt whs under the direction of Ml Taylor that the many milos of logging railroad tapping the big timber belt above Blaek Bock in tho western prt of Polk county was located and built He leaves a wife and several children, all confined to thoir beds with infla-enxa.. Creamerv butter .