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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1918)
PAGE SIX THE DATT.Y CAPTTAt jmwM SAfrv opfVW TUESDAY. DEOEMRKT? 17 1918. No Luck for Him at mm m. 7 This child won't play or smile. He is real sick. His tongue is white, breath feverish, stomach sour. He fears he is in for a dose of awful castor oil, cal omel or pills. How he hates them. 1 He would rather remain sick. No! He won't tell mother! " If his mother would only learn the value of candy "Cascarets." How children love this- candy cathartic how surely it acts on liver and bowels. Committees Are Now Assign ed And Vassals Commanded . To Report For Duty. wiff'tWWlLi,,llsl'sPJJr' mi I aa ram : ft piftMil I WW i Ap ijll i ! f 1 1 liiSli k ift State House Notes m sit Secretary of State Olcot ' today re ceived a letter from Bon Ludlow of H'altU', invral'KNU'r f,r the Paeifio Coast Automobile I'uderwriters confer "ico, linforniiiij; him that the attorney fr tlm Vnilpiwriti'rs t'red Clark, will H"on pall at his office to rc over tho . tern and roeords rottardiug tho teg i 'trntion and licunaing of iiiotor volii- "Those in'er'Ste, in this a'ato," The DIET Bating and After The Old Reliable Round Package nlted Milk Very Nutritious, Digestible The REAL Food-Drink, Instantly prepared. Made by the ORIGINAL Horllck process aod from carefully selected materials. Used successfully over xa century. Endorsed by physicians everywhere. ndiet E!0rlid(fS TheOri Thus Avoiding teliafes jGtOANDjRAVEtSS says Ludlow, "desiro, if possible, to m nave inaiauou inrougn on act of tho next legislature practically tho same system you have, as wo ar c' the opin- ..... ...... JU. have so far noon." ion that your system is tho best wo 11. . ftoHKe, who was formerly em ployed by tho Oregon indutlrial acoi dont commission as hief dtahistician and more rodent ly has been aafety en (fineer for the Tacoma distiict of the National .Safety commiiotion, has bcou given tho position of statistician for tho UuiU-d States Employe compensa tion eoiiuiiisttion at Wiu-liinnloii, I). C, Recording to word rereived from him by members of the Oregon commission. NFLOENZA IHloirSicCs During the nine months that ho was employed an safety engineer in tho Ta coma district Industrial accidents were decreased 43 per cent. This work is bom j paid for by tho employers, who see a financial benefit to them in the prevention of accidents. Krnployers in Washington, in all tho larger conters, aro now paying 10 cents per month for each employe to enrry on tho work of Uio mxtoty commission, A conference was held here yester day between J. A. Churchill, suporin- jtendont of public instruction, llavid 'lnnno and E. J. Stack of Portland, memberg of the state board on voca tional education, and Ben W. Johnson of Han Francisco and l. H. Caris of Washington, D. C. representatives of the federal board on vocational educa tion. The subject of the conference is tho Smith-Hughes act, which provides for the government cooperating with the states in advancing vocational ed ucation. 1'lans aro being discussed for putting tho act in operation an this state to the fullest extent. Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday by two companies as fol lows: Tho Cedar Valley Lumber company, Forest Orove; capital rtnek $10,000; incorporators, W. H. Frost, Mary J. Frost and H. S. Wildorniuth. hotes Oarags aompany, Bend; capital stock XiOOOj incorporators, P. r. B'aulien, U. J. Dugan and B. IS. Hamilton. Baders Brothers com;nv of Ontar io inoreased its capital stock from $25, 000 to 40,000. , Ohsrle Burnham. a convict emidoy- ed is hauling tile to one of the state institutions, was injured yesterday morning when ho fell off the motor truck and a wheel ran over his leg. He was taken to the WiUsmotte sana torium, where an examine tion revealed that no bones were brotan but the man's leg was b?fliy bruied. Court House News In the caso of Charles Maxwell vs : Marshall I Waring, the court over i ruled the defendant 's demurrer and ' gavo him ten days to file an answer to i the complaint. A. B. Sicgmund has filed suit against 1 G. A. Johnson and wifo on a note dat ed Not. 27, 1917, for $125', originally given to E. F. Younger. The complaint alleges there is due $1337.50 on the 1 note and asks full payment besides $123 attorney's fees. Judge George O. Bingham is in Al bany this week holding court. Kmistina Boehmke, as executrix of the estato of Theodore Boehmke, made her final report which was approved by tho court and the executrix relunsed A Tonic and Health Builder lRmor that warning rotish or cold with Cxlerba (the caloium tablet). They (rive strength to combat illness. 6'V noxes at uroRetats or from EOKMAN lARrV'THKT, Philadelphia Manufacturer! oX Ltu-i's Alterative. Every Cherrian is ordered to not oulv attend the annual banquet to be giv en at tue Manou hotel Tuesday eve ning, Jan. 7, but he has alsobeen ap pointed on some committee, and with tsc feeling that this will be a grout year for the 1,'herrians, each member is expected to stand to and do his duty. King Bing P. E. Fuilerton and Chan cellor of the Bolls W. I. Staley have notified each Cherrian that as member of a committee for the great doings and banquet Jan. 7, he will b expected to respond to the call to at least assume soiuo part, whether it be large or small. Tho call to arms, and alsn tn tho ban quet as issued by King Bing is as fol lows: --it is up to you as a loyal Cher rian to do your part, whatever it may m. So when Tour chairman calls, da lot fail him and tiefnra the venr anA. e, the fame and noiso of tho Cherrians win reach arond the world (may be)." The chairman of each committee for tho bin banquet at the Marion i ra. sponsible for his rssignment. Members report t0 their clii irman and the chair men report to King Bing. The assignments of eh nirmnn find their working associates are as follows: rtograin. Bill of fare, nrintinjr. time tnM tn Fred Thiolsen. chaimmn. v. n' in. derson. Dr. P. W. Bvrd. Hnl Ti pntf C. B. Webb, K. C. Bishop, A. Bush, J. J. Roberts, W. I. Staley, Clifford Brown, John Caughill, U. G. Shipley. MUSIC. Orchestra, fiddles, etc. Pnnl .Tni.n. son, chairman; Grover Bollingor, H. O. White, Aug. Huckestein, N-. D. Elliott, Frank Myers, Geo. O. Brown, P. E. Gra- nor, u. u. Siielii-ior, Frank Ward, J. A. Wilson, F. L. Waters, W. 8 Walton, Dr. W. H. Darby, Frank I.ovcll. tu&is ana ats. Something for the man (and woman) Chas. L. Miller, chairman; Jos. Al bert. S. B. Elliott. H ft r;on,i; v v Sharer, fioy II. Mills, W. II. Burghardt, Gordon McGilchrise, Rav Farmer, J. H. Uutermnn, Don Miles, W. C. Dyer, W M. Hamilton, D. E. Eyre, J. R, uao' ieu iviaiigis. Ecteriatiimout During the Eats Novelties, specials, etc. O. A. Hart ip-i, rhnirman; W. H. Lerchen, F. G Do 'tebacli, W. C. Winslow, A. A. Mick from all further liability. The final account of .Trhti A T.,ff... son. executor ..f tho ootnn . ' Jefforson was allowed bv tho countv court and actions of the executor ap proved, ajui the estate closed. The cstato of (fcorge W. Whitney, who died Dee. 3, 1918, i,9 estimated at a value of $5000. Sarah I). .1. Whit ner wa nmoin(.l iiiliniiiiuirnt,.; j Goorge Miller, John lilosscr and E. b mininetr, appraisers. The. estate of T.oniso T KonU.. ;u nn. praited at $,'000 by D. Webster, F. L. Newman and Mnv F l.,.t 9 in blosk 1. Salem, "was vnlno.i t fnon and lot II, Suunysidc fruit farms No. 1, at i-njuu. Tho estato of Alieo Nihler wa9 ap praised at 3000. Thi9 consisted of three life insurnnco policies of $1000 each. Jan. 20, 1919, has Been set bv the county court for the final hearing in tue ,101111 f. Holers estate. SIUIZETABIEIS Stop Stomach Distress Aid dieestion: relieve was. heartburn. bloating and that awful distress that follows after eating. Help to make good red blood and build up the nerv ous system. Neutralize stomach acid ity. There is no better mtdicine madoi for stomach troubles than Stumeze Tab- lets. At all Drug Stores 25 cents, The Business Men's " Has gone on record, as advocating protection of home in dustries, and especially 7b Buy Salem Bread Only It is necessary that the industries now on the ground, have . the undivided support of this community, in order to en courage new capital to come into the city. ,r Furthermore, the Salem Bakeries are producing an ex cellent quality of bread, one of them delivers fresh bread twice daily. Why buy bread made outside of this city ? Cilery Qty Baking Co, TO MOTHERS! Each ten cent box of Cascarets contains full direc tions for dose for children aged one year old and upwards. Nothing else works- the nasly bile, sour fermentations and constipation poison from the tender little bowels so gently, yet so thoroughly. Even cross, fever ish, bilious children gladly take Cascarets without . being coaxed. Cascarets taste just like candy. Cascarets never gripe, never sicken, never injure, but above all, they never disappoint the worried mother. el. 8. A. Stone. Balnh Moorna. J. T.. Alliuon. Gon Crnvna SI A lwiv..i I er .Myers, xneo. Koth, Ueo. r. Hookers, uutonian uiancey, Thos. a. Kay, ii. W Macy, Dr. H. H. OHnircr. O. J. Shoi. C. A. Murphy. Initiation Convicting new convicts Paul Stogo chairman; T. L. Billingsloy, Chas. II. PiahtT. Walter E. Kovoh. Hmirv f en J01111 iiowiuiut, l.oreu Wlnto, P. E. lul iertou, Curtis B.- Cross, Dr. II. C. Eplcy, E. A. Kurtz, O. A. Olson, Watt Shipp, Elmo White, Lester Davis, A. J. Egan, W. J. Kenrth, W. H. aPrker, A. L. Wal lace, Lee Cnruh. Decorations. (Go as far ns you liko.) J. C. Perry, chairman, C. E. Albin, L. 8. Gcer, Fsnuk Spears, Geo. H. Riches, C. 8. Hamilton, P. 8. Barton, Dr. T. C. Smith C. 0. Foreman, Dan Langenbcrg, Z. J. Hifi,!;s, Elmer Dauo, h. W. Gleason, W, I). Evans, D. H. Moshor, Geo. E. Wa tors Stunts. Tliinus to batmen when no nun is looking II. E. Hinges, chairman; Chas. ivnowiaim,, wm. MeUilchrist, Art. Wil son, Win. Cmlilsdorf, E. C. (Spook) Pat ton, M I, Meyers, C. T. Pomoroy Daa Langenkrg Receives Letter rroa UI. fflcUosaid "After eight months overseas and 11 days of rough weather on a crowded troop ship, tho statue of liberty was surely a welcome sight." It is thus that O. L. McDonald, aor Ucant of tho first class U. 8. air ser vice, expresses his opinion of the r turn to America. In a letter t0 Dan Langenbcrg dated Dee. 8, at Camp Mills, New York, ht writes: "Here wo aro back in the old U. S, A., and it seems eighty good w f,et back, too. We came in Thursday and received a great welcome here in New York. Tho Orca oti which wo sailed was tho first boat to get away with homecoming troops but bad storms do layed us and we were the fourth bant to get in. "It was very rough coming over ana almost evorvonn wit. anmriok We ro- Iceivod a great reception as wo btenmed (up the river at New York citv. When 1 - wo lauded at the docks the Bed Cross provided us with good American cats. m me ierry Doat wo spottc some Un gon apples and it was not loi.g before evryone was enjoying that wmi kiicvui fruit. Apple merchants near by wore soon sold out. There just "ainf such 111 Eugiand. "I exect to bo on my wuy west be fore long. I think Cump Lewis ig tho demobilization camp for Oregon so will probably be sent there. Wo nro m..t busy turning in equipment :i-d chock inn np and as soon ns that i done, I thiuk wo will bo on our vu. "Our leaving England for himo cniiio very suddenly. I was in London when the news came. I was in the Ynnkr-n parade celebrating tho signing of tiio armistice 'and expected to spend sever al daya there, but a telegram came that evening that wo were to start back for home at once. 80 I lost no timo iii getting bck to camp." air. McDonald enlisted Dec. 0. 1917. in tho air service. Ho was sent first to Vancouver and later to ft training camp in Texas and then to England. 'Tape's Cold Compound ' Ends Colds And Grippe la A Few Hours. Take "Pape's Cold Compound" ev ery two hours until you have taken three doses, then nil prippe misery goes and your cold will be broken. It prompt ly opons your clogged-up nostrils and air passages of the head; stops nasty discharge or nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, fevcrishncss, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness Don't stay stuf fed-up! Quit 'blowing and snuffling. Easo your throbbing head nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," -which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts with out assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Accept no substitute League NO QUININE IN TI COLD CURE