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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1918)
SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1918. PAGE EIGHT fj Only a Few Days Left To Do Your Christmas ShoBOiti 11 JL You Will Find That The QJI o CPen ney Company Will Facilitate Matters for you a Great Deal and at the Same Time save you Money. You Should note these prices then come and see our merchandise. It Will Certainly Please You THESE SUGGESTIONS MAKE PRACTICAL, CIATIVE GIFTS USEFUL AND APPRE- Ladies 'Sweaters $7.50, $8.90. $9.90 Ladies Bath Robes $2.98, $3.49. $4.98 dies' House Slippers, $125, $1.49, $1.59. $1.75 and $1.98 Childrn's Slippers 69c, 89 c, 98c, $1.10 and $125 Ladies Handkerchiefs 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c, and 59c box Men s Bath Robes $3.98. $4.98, $5.90 Men's House Slippers $1.35 and $1.49 Men's Hose 25c, 35c, 49c, 59c and 75c Men's Handkerchiefs 12 l-2c, 25c, 35c and 49c Men's Ties . . .25c, 49c 69c and 98c SHOES FOR ALL At prices that please You Should Look Over our OVERCOATS ........ ....... JJ4.75, $16.50 and $22.50 We have done a wonderful business in our Ready to Wear Department, and we have a few coats and suits and one-piece dresses left. And it will really pay you to look them over at :. ........... $ $12.50, $17.50 fj , Incorporated ' : PERSONAL t ..,''. : Hi t B. E. Morton of Eugono is registered at the Bligh. II. E. Marty was in the city yester day from Donald. Ij. A, Whlttington wns In the city Jdonduy from Eugene, Hoed Rowland, who wan In the 8. A. T. C. of Eugene is home for tho holi days. Bnpcr.ntondent B, E. Heath of tho Oregon Eloctrio was In the city yester day. , Uustav Anderson of Willamette uni versity, who was in the aviation ser vice, has returned t0 tho city. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ohrlslonson and bnby Marguerite of FittvUle, Cal if., arrived in this city Suiuluy morning and will make holiday visits with hela tive in Kalem and Portland for a month ortwo. The six months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Mnthcy of Brooks was bur ied Sunday at the Pioneer cemetery. The baby died last Saturday. Highways Rapid Transit Auto service to Portland and way points daily, leav ing Salem at 7 a, m. itone orders ev ening before, 137 S. Com 'I. Phone 663. tf Ra UVIU Will , It COX To Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Cox, Nov. 22, 11)18, a daughter. Blio has boon named Bertha Juno. Mr. and Mrs Cox live On tho Silvcrton road. FIEBEB To Mr. and Mrs. Charles A i'iober of Shaw, December 2, 1918, a daughter. . Potzel To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fotasol, living near (juinaby, Dec. 10, 1018, a daughtor. 8ho has been named Elsie Grace, WKNLOWSI To Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Woslowsi, of tho Garden road, Dec 12, 1918, a daughtor. fciho has been named Martha. SIEWEHT To Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hie wort of Saloni, Dec. 17, 1918, a daughter. She has been named Opnl Lorine. Dance Mooao hall Wed. night. Relax sad rest In the dental chair. Dr. Hartley fills and extracts teeth without pain and corrects diseased gums. Moore bldg. Phone 114. tf On account of influenza at McMiim ville ,tho annual meeting of the West- UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION W. O. McADOO, Dlrector-dcuornl of Railroads BOl'THBRN PACIFIC RAILROAD LINES NORTH OF ASHLAND, OREGON. Changes In Schedules OF Passenger Trains Tuesday, December 17th SOUTHBOUND: . No. 23 for Eugene leaves at 10:16 No. 15 for California leaves 11:10 No. 17 for Eoseburg leaves at 4:05 No. 13 for California leaves at 10:03 No. 53 makes connection at E NORTHBOUND: No. 8 for Portland leaves at 9.12 No 18 for Portland leaves at 2:00 No. 4 for Portland leaves at 0:50 No. 14 for Portland leaves at 7:45 a.m. instead of 9:42 a.m. ajn. instead of 10:58 a.m. p.m. instead of 4:18 p.m. p.m. Instead of 9:33 p.m. ugene for Coos Bay. a.m. instead of 9:13 a.m. p.m. instead of 1:20 p.m. p.m. instead of 4:00 p.m. p.m. iustead of 7:55 p.m. ' 4 E EB LEB ANON LINE: . .No. 74 for Oeer and Lebanon leaves at 3:50 p.m. iustead of 3:10 p.m. ASK NEAREST AGENT FOB PARTICULARS JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent. ern Walnut ' association, scheduled for lias ween, tins been indefinitely post poned. Knight Percy, secretary of the association, yesterduy sent out word of the postponement. o 35 eta per pound paid for No. 1 tur keys. Midget Market. 12-19 o Dance Moose tall Wed. night. Community Silver, 9 designs to se lect from at Gahlsdorf'g store of house wares, 135 N. Liberty. Dance Moose hall Wed. light. Cottone asters and azeleas were stol en from tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Fry last night. The shrups were dug up ana then tho ground carefully cov ered over. Mr. Fry is of the opinion that as tho plants are rare, some one stole them for tho purpose of selling nnu for that reason is today advertis ing a $20 reward. Dr. J. O. MatthiB,0 associated with Dr. II. J. Clements, office 4V410 Snlera Bank of Cam. bldg. Office tel. 573; res. 1705 South Fir St. tel. 590. 12-27 Dance Moose ball Wed. night. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fry have received word from their son, Orris J. Fry, that ho arrived in Now York city, coming di rect from the navy air station at Lough Foye, Ireland. Mr. Fry enlisted in the navy last May for a term of four years and will be home for Christmas only on a furlough. Will ship Thursday, Dec. 19. Call floo. W. Kyro, phone 2206M. 12-18 WOodry is the man who pays you well. Phone him if you have anything to sell 510 or 511, 12 21 There should he no trouble in secur ing farm hands, according to the num ber applying at the Commercial club yesterdny. Four men were willing to take almost nny kind of work. They wero referred to the TJ. 8. labor bureau with offices on State street. MM ! All Around Town HOmUMtHHUtt l A A A J. A. A A A. A A r W V W W W "The funeral oeantifuJL"Webb ft CLongh Co. tf "The best" Is all yo can do when death eomes. CU Webb Cloagh Co ttons 120. U. COBUNGEVENTS Dee, ' 16-21 Fifth annual Marion county corn show, 141 North Commercial. Dee. 30. Second election on school budget. Jan. 7 Annual Cherrian, ini tiation and banquet. . Jan 13 Legislature convenes Carpenters union will have smoker Doe. 19,' after business meeing. Full attendance desired, by order of com mittee. o Attention Maccabees. Special meet ing Wednesday night. Election of offi cers. Full attendance requested. H. T5. Marvin, R. K. 12-18 o 35 eta. per pound paid for No. 1 tur keys. Midget Market. 12-19 o The fifth Marion county corn show, at 141 North Commercial street, will bo ready for visitors tomorrow. It gen erally requires about two days for tho placing of exhibits but it is thought that bv tomorrow afternoon, everything will be properly placed. Salem bread supports Salem's payroll and in turn tho asks the support of 8a-Ioju- people tf Too should buy Salem bread only, To represent the teachers of Marion county in the state convention to be held next week in Portland, at the teachers' convention hold last Saturday the following dolegates were elected: Miss Jessie U. Cox, of the Salem high school, H. S. Dunlap, principal of the Washington junior high school of Sa lem, Miss Emma Ristow of lar.51e Grove, Superintendent Youoli of Silver- ton and W. J. Mishlor of Woodburn. High grade, genuine furs for Christ mas gifts at special prices. West Fur Co., 217 South High St. tf Lunch counter opposite 0. E. B. B. depot. Good lunches, M. J. B. coffee. Lady waitress. Open from 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. 12-30 It is the little things that count. In the office of the county recorder at the court house there has been for the past year or so a' small wooden b.ox on the counter, with tSie printed invi tation to contribute to tho Red rCoss. Yesterday Mrs. Mildred Brooks hand ed the box to the Red Cross and the pennies and nickels and dimes figured up $8.50 for the good cause. I have moved my offices Into more pleasant and more commodious quar ters on the third floor of the U. 8. National bank building. Dr. O. L. Soott Chironractic-opinologiBt, Aw-Zli U. . National bank bldg. tf 35 cts: per pound paid for No. 1 tur keys. Midget Market. 12-19 Dance Moose hall Wed. night. Up to 10 o'clock this morning the sum of $3137.79 had been received from the Red Cross membership campaign in Marion county. As thor is supposed to be about 10,000 who have been mem bers, .there is a feeling that member ships are not coming in quite as fast as they should if the county is to raise its quota. m Salem bread is freshest and best, tf All day yesterday and today there has been a long line of pooplo waiting at the staml- window of the post office sending packages. Postmaster Hucke soin says that packages . aie moving earlier this year than last. 11 o also giv es the warning that unless packages and letters for the east are mailed within a day or so, they will arrive about New Years instead of Christ mas. Build np Salem's industries by sup porting those on the ground. tf o Sedgwick Post No. 10, O. A. B. at its last regular meeting elected the fol lowing officers for 1919: F. A. Thomp son, commander;. J. M. Watison, sen ior vice commander; Henry Pasc,oe, junior vice eommnnder'; Dr. D. F. Lane, surgeon; Rev. James Lisle, chaplain; E. Stolz, quartermaster; C. A. HouBton, patriotic instructor; E. L. Briggs, of ficer of the day; D. M. Wilson, out side guard. o The Bev. F. J. Porter has accepted a call from the Lineoln Park Christian church of Tacoma and will assume his duties at once. Mrs. Porter will join him within a few days. C. E. Enowland, chairman of the Christmas cheer Tommittoe of the Cher- rions, says that the children will be re membered as usual this year and that he has appointed a committee that will carry on the work. With Mr. Know- land and Watt Shipp, the following have been assigned the pleasure of ear ing for the youngsters: E. A. Kurtz, Oliver J. Meyers, B. O. Sneiling, Lester Davis, Elmo White, D. M. Miles, L. W. Gleason, Sam A. Koser, B. W. Macy and Walter Winslow At the meeting last evening of those interested in the organization of a sec ond Oregon National guard company tho opinion was expressed that Salem was large enough for two full sized companies, especially as it is gonerally folt that within a few months tho Ore gon guard companies of Salem will be mustered out. No definite action was taken as the meeting was for a general expression of opinion. However, it is felt that Salem will have a second com pany and to go more definitely into de tails, another mcotig will be held at tho nrniory next Monday evening. Another worker for the Bed Cross Is wanted by Mrs. John A. Carson. It seems that for some reason those as signed to Bolicit for Red Cross member ships in that part of the city from the Garden road north to tho city limits and from Capital street cast to the city limits did not show up nor have they yet reported. Hence Mrs. Carson wants volunteers t'o tke up tho Red Cross work in that section of the city. Those willing to help might telephone Mrs. aCrson at 95. Everyone with some special idea as to what Bhould bo proper legislation is asked to meet Wednesday evening with the five representatives from Marion county and the two senators at room 416 Masonic Temple for a general dis cussion. While the delegates have sev eral ideas of their own ns to what the We Must Sell Out Without Delay We will save you 50 cents on your dollar if you do your Christmas shopping at The Farmers' Cash Store A Sample Price of a Few Items : Good quality hard wheat flour : $2.90 Good Valley Flour .'. $2.75 10 pounds of Sugar $1.00 Fresh eggs, per dozen 65c Package, 15-oz., raisins 15c 12-oz. can Royal Baking Powder 38c Quart Wesson Oil 74c Pint Wesson Oil 39c 2 oz. Vanilla : 23c 2 1-2 oz. Lemon extract 24c Large Crisco -- $1.S5 3 pounds reliance coffee ; 95c Economy Coffee, pound 19c Best Japan Rice, pound 10c White beans, pound 9c 2 pounds Dry Italian Prunes -23c Alaska Herring, each :. 5c Best English walnuts, almonds and brazil nuts mixed, per pound 32c Large quantity of mixed candies at the lowest pos sible price. Also big bargains in dry goods, shoes and rubbers. VEGETABLES. Best Oregon potatoes, 2c pound; 100 pojnds....$1.60 Best selected onions, 2c pound; 100 pounds $1.50 Sweet Potatoes, per pound 5c Cabbage, per pound - 3 l-2c This will continue until Christmas only. Orders of $2.00 and over delivered free of charge. C. O. D. Orders accepted over the phone. Farmer's Cash Store 151 High Street Salem, Ore. Phone453 Closing Out LADIES SUITS In keeping with our policy of never carrying over from one season to another, merchandise in this department, we are plac ing all our Ladies Suits on sale at unheard of prices Ladies Suits, value to $22.50 now .... . .'. . .$1150 Ladies Suits, value to $25.00 .no w .$14.90 Ladies Suits, value to $40.00, now. ....... . .$24.50 ladies Suits, values to $50.00 ,now !. Our Prices Always The Lowest u GALE & COMPANY PHONE 1073 Commercial and Court Sts., formerly Chicago Store country need, yet it is of an open mind and is quite willing, to receive sugges tions. In fact, it is barely possible that the Marion county delegation will uoid several meetings just to learn definite ly what the people of tho eounty want in tho way of new legislation. The one tomorrow evening is the first and wo men as well as men are invitod to tako part in offering suggestions. The total value of assessed property in Marion county is $42,876,441, as shown by tho books of Ben F. West, eounty assessor and by the public utili ties properties for which tho state tax commission places valuations. This is an increase of $831,410 over the valua tion for 1917. Last year the corpora tion roll was $5,211,861, while this ycuc it is $5,.?65,441. The corporations in Marion county ro thug taxed !,) more than one year ago, the balanco of the increaso being from tho locul.tux roll. Thursday evening of this week is en tertainment evening for members of the Elks lodgo and already it is an nounced there will bo several initiations and a luncheon served to top tho eve ning's pleasure. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY HVt M H M t ROSTEIN & 1 Christmas Suggestions: Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs, Nice Big Assortment pre-war prices 25c. ' Other Handkerchiefs from 2 l-2c to 50c. Wool Fur Knit Muffs Toques And 25c Collars to es 1 oo Bargains Scarfs $6.50 to to Match $13.50 Colored Silk Umbrellas Ivory And - Tips $4.50, $5.00 and $6.50 Nice Real Table Linen, yard $1.25, $1.50, $1.90, $2.50 and $3.25. t Best mercerized table cloth, 2 yards wide, only 90c yd t Men's Suspenders 35c, 50c, 75c And $1.00 Boys Suspenders 15c and 25c Christmas Men's Neckwear All Silk Pretty Patterns 35c, 50c, 65c, And $1.00 Japan Stand Covers 36x36 $1.00 Bureau Scarfs 38c to 75c Men's dress shirts, new patterns $1, $1.25, $1.35, $1.75 Men's Fiber silk socks, good quality. Bar brand 50c Petticoats Good Silk and Beldings Satin $5.75 Others at $3.50 - Pretty Plaid Blankets Fluffy Nice a Bargain $6.50 Petticoats Special Good Values at $1.00 and $1.50 Silk Flounced -$3.00 ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS FAST COLORS AND REASONABLE. 240-246 MERCUEET mere is a reason. iij