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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1916)
i'HE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUG. 8, 1916. TOREfc! E :nnnc2QnBssac n Viil Provide Sewers for East ern Portion of CityOther City Business A. L. Wallace Writes of Visit ing the Salem Boys at Palm City AbMiiitely c: n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii n ii ii U n ii ii ii ii u n ii ii ii ii ii u B n ii ii ii :s ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii u a n n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii u a a M R a a n ii ii ii R II II II y u n n ii u a n ii ii ii n ii n ii ii ii ii u n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii M n ii ii ii ii ii n ii !i II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II SUETS CATS SKIRTS a of Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel in the History of Salem. MM Mt M ftMMtMtt -- of the highest quality, finest workmanship, and latest New York Styles, s oi sale Tomorrow (Qoe '"TTTTTTTTTT tTtTttTTt at the GALE & GO. STORE, formerly the Chicago Store at prices that will even amaze your strongest imagination LEST JLJnsd A 1 o o o Our Mr. Brill was very fortunate in procuring three sample lines of Suits, Coats and Skirts, made by three of the best manufacturers in this country, at a price concession that even the shrewdest buyers of ready to wear goods admit it to be without a precedent. The styles are the latest and smartest New York creations, the Coats and Jackets have the new flare effect and lined with guaranteed satin and Peau de Cigne. The skirts come pleated, and also in the newest straight line styles. The materials are fine serges, wool poplin, silk and wool poplin, gabardine, English tweeds and velours. The colors are black, navy, royal, gray, Copenhagen, tan and fancy mixtures as line a collection of Women's Garments as you ever had the pleasure to look at. And here is how they will be Sold, and believe us, they will Go Some at These Prices: Wonderful Offerings In Fine Waists Small lot of Women's white Waists made of fine voile and corded material, fine peai-l button trim ming; formerly sold for 75c; while the yast only 38c Small lot of Women's Waists made of sheer colored striped voile ; combination of green, gbld. and laven der stripes. A very neat and dressy waist, formerly sold for $2.08; while-they last only 0,gc Small lot of Women's and Misses' fine Middies, made of good quality Lonsdale twill ; formerly sold for $1.50, now and while they last only ..... - 59c Extraordinary Sale of Women's Shoes Come in gun-metal, patent colt, velvet and suede, cloth or leather tops, button or -lace, all sizes Regular $2.50 Shoes .. . .. .............. 49 Regular $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes : . . 0g Regular $4.00 Shoes . '. J2.49 Regular $5.00 Shoes . ... . . . ; I . ... .-. .... . . $2.98 Patent Mary Jane Slippers, all sizes, values to $2.50, to close out for Qjfo SUITS Values to $22.50 now go at COATS Values to $12.50 now go at $2.95 SKIRTS Values to $7.50 now go at $2.45 SUITS Values to $30.00 now go at $9.65 COATS Values to $15.00 now go at $4.95 SKIRTS. Values to $10.00 now go at $3.95 SUITS Values to $45.00 now go at $ 1 4.65 COATS Values to $25.00 now go at $5.95 SKIRTS Values to $15.00 now go at $4.95 M4 OA L CO II II II II II II II II u H II II II II II II II II II II II II u n n 11 11 ii 11 11 n 11 11 B K B B B II U The sum of 2')0 was nprnprinted to the Salem public playgrounds associa tion from the general fund. A bill requiring traveling medicine shows to pay a daily license of 10 or a weekly license of $50 was passed. Action was urged in the matter of providing sewer relief for the people who live in the section of 14tli street between Cuter and 1 The following letter addressed to E. Coke l'atton by A. L. Wal luee, well known in Salem Elk circles, in dicates t Ii it, life in the army is not 8 bud thing for some of tho boys. Mr. Wallace is otherwise the regular meeting of tin 1",,",.V'"K engraving in Los Angeles and Salem common council lust night was aJ"8t ,00K a ril t San Diego to see quiet affair, with nothing to disturb! bovs when they were camped at the spirit of peace which brooded over! City, He writes in part: it. I "While in Sail Diego, 1 visited tho It bad been understood prior to the boys of Company M when camped at meeting Unit the playgrounds matter, I'lilni City which is about an hour's which hail aroused, a Btorm ut a previ-i drive out of San Diego. There aro ous meeting, was to pass without seri- lO.'itl Oregon bovs camped there of ons opposition, but tli? understanding which l.l.j are from Salem in company was not based on substantia grounds fM. , . lirl)rilu.d to finJ B1,.'h Immediately upon the introduction o , ,ielith nl, hllllUv ,,,,. f , the mutter Alderninn (ok, who ha lei ,,i. , ,; ... .... , . , ' the ..position to the bill from its " ". ' ' s0,t"skl""e'1 a! hol"e first appearance before the coul.cil, ha "cn ,an with red noses was on his feet. ' and cheeks, which together with short "I am opposed to this thing on prin- ,,il,lel hair, gives them the appcur eiple," said Cook. "Hoys are puttingl "m"e of an entirely different bunch in their time playing on these grounds ,ihnt 1 knew at home, when they should be working and curu- "I talked with -Captain (iehllier, ing their own clothes. I'uicnts should Lieutenant Allen and others knew take care of their children. It was much the snme line of talk that the alderman had used on a form er occasion. Its chief significance lay iir the tact that the bill was not to be put through without opposition. Alderman Hndoboii followed Cook with the statement that" he considered it a great thing to raise a tamily. with the assistance of his wife, ana tney all nave niioiit the same re port which is that they are all feeling fine nnd having a good time, and I'll say they sine look it. "I spent most of the. time with Car) (ubrielson anil witnessed Company M ' baseball team defeat Company 1. He, "".v nave a oracu team and have bent- had ie" nearly every team in the camp. raised seven children, he said. They had been successful in doing so with out the aid of a public pliiyground. Mothers of families should look after these mutters. It was not right to ask the city tu spend good money to do it. Hut. Alderninn llurtelson seemed to "1 lined up with them for mess Sat urday evening ami while holding my tin plate, felt like . an Uncle Sum, hero. Their dinner was a good one, in fact, better than what I have paid a dollar for in this city. "The boys are looking forward with lack his customary conviction. It was pleasure to their removal to Imperial noted that he was not so firm us he. Beach as there they will have the had been known to be ut former times: I'acific ocean for their both tub nnd when the public treusury was threaten- -,t will be only a few yards from camp, cd, and presently he stilted that he They ill have flouring for their tents, wotmi voie in mor ui nic mn un , olc.eti c I gits am ' other conveniences. he could .the understanding that change iiis vote later. Aldormuii Wallace stated thnt he going to vote against the bill, lie was 4) like it in l.os Angeles, but with all the fite climate, I lung for Oregon and old Snleni town, toecther with its .of .....111.,.. .,.,,1 trw.o.i liil u ......M ...... , .1 hope to see again before mouths." ri ii II a u ii ii n n ri a n n ii u B a n ii u ii u n ii ii ii ii u n ii ii ii ii ii SI ii a hicli many OIL TREATMENT FOR STOMACH TROUBLES yidcifd public playgrounds n tcuchers ; fad. Alilennnn Jones, who hud led the' j movement to obtain aid from the city, was n teacher. He was sorry that j Jones had got into the mess. The more i fads the more taxes. I At this .juncture Alilennnn Jonesi made an eloquent idea tor the pnssngej df trie b . lie tod of the plivground , . . ... , I , . ' i .i . . -. ... .,.. ' A simple prescription made up ot a 'work: what a good thing it was pr.i- , . '. 1 1 . 1 .. . ,' I ..M-i.. i i. i. ...... combination of puio vegetable oils is Alderman Hudelson's grandson h, N"' results tor sul been one of the most ei.Vhusiastic r-medy which ) .,.. drei the playgrounds." This cans-' '?vo originated in rrnnce. where it cd a smile ti ripple ero I the cuun-: '"n "."J I' cil chamber, nn'l Ablcrmnn llndelson ntry. was introduced into this country made no remarks. ; orW' f h""B In reply to a .Ucstiou from Cook "'K (." who cured himself of severe Jones gave n brief history of tie. play-; Jtoniaeh, liver ami intestinal troubles grounds moveme.ul in this city and s-l ! r ' ", H'l""-' wlio have used It i.v t.n-.h iiow Hie money was spent. Cuon'tho f.rsf Jose is sutti.lent to convince shook his head. He said he was will !n.V one of its remarkable merit, and ing to reimburse Jones, but otherwise within twenty-four hours i the snf- he vas iibsolutcly opposed nnd would ;frer feels like a new person. I Ins medi- continue so. Cheaper help should be ;-, ' , 1','omf "0W,", engaged tor the playground work. '.vr Wonderful Remedy, is so ,1 by A vote was tak resulting in 7 lending druggists everywhere with the lives nn.l :i noes. Tlu was si ceded positive understanding thnt your money several minutes of excitement, and! by presently Jones made a mutii.n tnnt the motion just lost be reconsidered. This after the fact had been brought out that the people of the city hud al ready gone on record in favor of h pub lic playgrounds. The- motion to recon sider was carried. On the second vote Cook voted no, Elliott yes, Hoover yes, Hudelsou yes, Jones yes, Miller yes, McClellnn no, I'ullcrson yes, Roberts yes. Wnllnce no. Mayor While declareii the motion carried. The proposition to raise, the license fee for automobiles and taxis carrying passengers for hire was defeated, but in connection with this a motion was introduced by Alderman Conk that the public auto and taxi license be rnised to -"i a venr and the city attorney be instructed to druw i p a bill for sub will be refunded without question or quibble if ONE bottle fails to give you absolute satisfaction. For sale by .T. C. Perry, druggist. FITTJNO UP W STORE Fl. ft juimi is quite busy this week repairing and remodeling IJs liui.'d iug which has just been vacated by fl. If. Young, lie is being assisted in the work by Joe Tlioney. The" front room iias been partitioned off and is being re -arranged for a confectionery store and ice cream parlor. A new soda fountain will be installed, as well as other elaborate fixtures, nnd it is the intention to make the insti tution second to none in this part of the coiinry. The back room will bo used as a billiard parlor and will be, entirely separate from the front. Mr. mission to the council. This motion Yiiiu M " "!" ," was carried. ' '"r business by next Tuesday or ed- Thc petition for sewer relief from nesday Donnj.l Iteeord. the people lixing cast of 14th street be-j 1 ' tween Center and 1) was the cause of j , , some ilifcnssion us to whether the niat-T --Ti--'-TT-r-r.rTTT.T-j-tor should be referred to the sewer SUMMER SPOILED SKIN f" "'u'" I' r iv . oi REMOVED BY ABSORPTION the former, and the petitioners as sured that relict will be given tii.-m Be fore another winter. . , The council decided iuvornbi in thel As undue Miuuiier exposure usually matter of rebuilding the foot bridgel leaves an 'undesirable siirfuce of tun, on North 17th street It tween lieniek-1 redness or roughness, ollten freckles; ctn and Center. i "e sensikle thing to do is to re-. Tlu street committee with the street move such surface. There's nothing commissioner was authorized to buy 50 better for this than ordinary merc.ul tons of hay. i.ed wax. which uctonlly absorbs an The city attorney wts instructed to unwholesome eurplcxion. The thin notify Congressman ll iwlcy to remove , lavcr of surface skin is itself absorbed." s-1 ft ii tl is located in I'ni vcrsitv addition , Sidewalks, bills and small m J pertaining to street work im-c II attention of . the meeting II, than as stated in the foregoing, II inn unsightly fence on his properly with gently, gradually, so there's Jin .13 days or the city nould rennve venience, no detention indooi ler. no incon-. lours. Spread wax lightly over the entire face utf the bedtime and take it off in the nioin int with warm water. If you will getf wax; at the. Jj Pineapple Pepsin Will ii Restore Your Appetite III 1' .v0" ar 'f thousands who I suffer from indigestion, sick head- ache, constipation, belching, p henrt- l.n.n In., n 4 nn.util. U...I a V t.i I II tnins of stomach trontile, come in and let us tell vou about NATO!, IMN'K IJjAI'I'I.K I'KI'NIX f'OMrOl'XD nud the splendid results manv of our custom- .! I one ounce of mercoli.ei onierii.t- . . :. .......I, ... ...... urugninir gnc 11 nir n nrn i p.., ..u I ms v expect marked Improveineut. daily. When the underlying skin is wholly iii view your cvutplexion will he n marvel of spotless purity and beautiful white ness. Don't let those summer wrinkles worry you; worry breeds more wrink les. Itnnish them by bathing the fuce in a solution of powdered saxolite, I o.., dissolved in ' pt. witch hn.el. I'sed daily for a while this will ke found wonderfully effective.' 'vrn ic .if-ii,iii( i.fiii ill ji ,comes in 50c and 1.00 bottles and we II, sell it with a positive guarantee II benefit or money kack it finest things weknow of. U I ij Formerly The Chicago Store, Corner Com'! & Court Streets, Salem, Ore. KNIGHTS' SUPREME TRIBUNAL lNirtland, Ore., Aug. 8. The Knights of I'vthiiis suiireme tribunal met at the. one of the! rortland hotel today to itispose of sev .1. C. Pcrrylernl tangles affecting the organization. 1 This tribunal is tne supreme court or Journal Wont Ads Oct Eesults Yon l'ythinnism. The supreme lodge was i& Want Try one anil see. 'session behind closed doors all day.