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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1916)
THE CITY BEAUTIFUL These Were Subjects at the Chautauqua New ; York "Marine Band Tonight (il,i 7,,i,i; .v. , , lUc u.un uo manes ditions until, a compromise scale- is a study of the needs of cities, entertain- drafted at conferences beginning ed the Chautauqua audience. yesterday August 1. No matter when completed, afternoon, telling of the advauced idea's tue ,,ew scale, will become effective of communities iu the east. He is an from August 1. Both, sides made con odvocatc of cities owning all public cessions. utilities, playgrounds, municipal bath-1 Immediately upon ratification of the iug beaches and of the laving out of Kreenient by local longshoremen, Fed parks, providing for the wants of the eral Mediator White will try to work cities 50 years from now. In regard to ! out tlle same form f settlement at all public schools, he advocates the Gary ! const I'orts. system, in which -pupils do all theii I Tue gtand o empluyers on overtime studying duriutf school hours and nre will be granted, according to the agree- not obliged to carry an armful of books ment. and they will also be allowed to home each evening.' The Cincinnati rerain efficient non-union men, plan of schools,., half study al half I Expressions by officials and members in some practical, work, was also com- ' unions involved indicated today mended. that the strikers would accept the com- I.ou Benucknmp on "The Sunny Side Promise by a big majority. Spokesmen of Things" is one of those rapid fire'0' Tne cimst district of the longshore orators who come to entertain and tell men '8 ull'on strongly indorse the propo- ln a goou uuniorea way just what is the matter with the country and things iu me musical part of the progrnm bv Iia ui:i.:..t... tr.i.T the yiibinsky-Welch company was weil receiveu nnu generously enchored. Iu order to give business men a chance to hear all of the New York City Marine band concert tonight, the program - will not begin until 8:30 o'clock. Beginning at 8 o'clock, memorial ser vices will be held for Mrs. Florin n Vnn Eschen, who died recently. .She was: The bathing beach' on the Polk conn the founder and first president of the'?' ot ,ue river belongs to the pub Snlcni Chautauqua Beading Circle and i !'c nn fr ,n'8 reason, the public is a member of the board of directors of 'nvitt,d to show some of its appreciation the Salem Chautauqua., Monday afternoon. Sunday afternoon the entertainment 8w'mm1's and all would-be swim- will be given by the Elite Entertainers mer8 are invited to assemble at the substituting for the Kiner Sisters, who i ,,eacn 5Ioai3ay afternoon and assist in were not able to fill their engagement I ,ne wor'c of cleaning it up. on account of illness. Vesper services! T1,e Cherrinus have been invited and will be held in Willson park at 6:30 1 t,ie yuI,m Biflc club has agreed to lend o'clock. The address of the evening!''3 assistance. A man is already at will be made by the Rev. Frank G. iworlc removing stumps and with the Brninard. The "evening program wili proper number of willing hands, the en include the showing by moving pictures ! ,ire beach can be cleaned in two hours. of -the Mawson Antarctic expedition,! with an explanatory lectureliv the Kev. ' Hunsberger. The progrnm for Monday is ns fol lows: Morning Junior Choutnuqtin, King Arthur's Court. Lecture, Mr. Krickson. Afternoon Concert, Sequoia Mule Qunrtette. Lecture, by Wood Briggs, Admission 50 cents. Evening Popular Concert, Sequoia Male Quartette. Popular lecture. Sylvester A I.oiig. president International l.vceum asso ciation. Admission 50 cents. PERSONALS Fred E. Mnngis tending to business. in Newport nt- K. L. Kuehnunn of the T.ihevtv trict is in the citv.' dis- Henry i-ennel of Marion is iu Sale; transurti nc busincssi. Justice and Mrs. I.awreuce T. Hnr-' ,lle '",''1'8 of ,lie '''' w'" serve coffee ris are in Eugene tor an over Sunduvi"1" s""l,w iehes. Those who have prom visit. ' ised to be on hand, nre Mrs. Chnuiieev Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of West' Salem will make their home in Sule on isorth f ifth street. If. C. Lininger of Boone. Town. 'nnd liouise Lininger of St. l'lnil. Minn., are registered nt the Capital hotel. Miss Genevieve Primer will ,.1 Sunday in the city, returning Mou.lar! l-ummechooT.1'"0 9l,c u M'"'s " J. C. Scott is in" Portland on real' estate business. He will remain in thej city until next week- tn n ....... i n..J realty men's first annual meeting. I 'r''0 Salenv Patriotic League, at the William Osborne of iSprnv, Oregon.! wting yesterday afternoon di-ci. led to arrived in the city todav for a short i 8,'nd 50 today to Captain Gehlhar. visii. His son-in'lnw, David Baxter,' "'""K "itli the assurunce that 100 is expected to arrive sometime nextmo,' w'Ould follow within a few days, week. Instructions with the money is to the The following Salem folks were reg-, Pxt"t that it is to be used for whatever istered in Portland' yester.lnv: (ieoigej1"" believes the. boys need the-most. S. Jones, nt the Oregon: L. Y. .lossej Tnp 'gue ill co-operute with the Sewar.l, and M.- E. Matthews at th i fomrnproial club in every way possible. Washingon. Says Appointment Prejudiced His Case . j nun,.,: nuum iut-Hiiguie ana enre Ohnring that the Marion county 'f"r. ,,.lc needy from the monthly sub grand jury was prejudiced against hi,',,1 scriptions already, received and from by action of the district attorney in ""' 8a'e of ice rrenm nnd confections appointing Attorney Thomas Brown ns;at ,,1 ,",rts. The next regular a deputy. Lee Jeans, indicted for al- ""'''ting will be held in two weeks, leged nssniilf committed nt Turner in' , 1 1 April, todav filed n idea in nl.i.if. Dl D-1.- D J ment with . JuKellv.'. The eouri has laKcn tne mutter uinU'r advisement. .leans contends that District Attor ney" liintio aiuininted ltrown subterfuge and that the appointment t Oninhn, Neb., July 15. fl?esul of was intended only to permit Brown to:r''o 1"'" mile .automobile derby:' Restn, appear ns attorney for certain private! first; Milton, second; Mulford, third, interests seeking to obtain Jeans' jit-1 Restn 's time was 1:31:27. dictment.- "- ";. . Average time 9:,i5 miles an hour. As deputy. Brown is alleged to have New world's record for mile nnd quar exaniine.l a number of witnesses be-Iter board track, fore the grand jury aod is said to! have participated otherwise in the pro-j Dah Colombo Hurt, ceedings. Oninhn. Neb.. July 1.".. Dan Colom- Joans, wus. bound over to the grand 'bo. merhiinicinn, forAlvo Franchi. snf- jury in the .justice court at turner nnd.fered a fracture of the left hip bone neul in tOOO bonds, following the trou ble that n! trailed a riot in that city on .April 1. He is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon on Robert Ifuhsaker. ORPET CASE GOES TO JUEY. j, .... , .... ourtrooin-Wnukesan. 111.. July l.V ! Thj esse of Will Orpet, college boy,! Mechanician M. C.rath jumped before charged with the murder of his former, MP ,,. tllrn.,i. Hable's pel vis was jweetheart. Marion Lambert, went to broken, McGrath was unhurt, the. jury at 2:-"i0 this afternoon. j Manv who have been following the p If D J ease predicted a disagreement of the 4 OUT iYleXlCSLQ KaiQCrS Jury, others were confident that the C t J t t it. University of Wisconsin youth would. ueMenCeQ 10 il62.Ul be '.acquitted of the murder of his sweetheart Marion Lambert. Few ex-1 Laredo. Texas, July 13. Tho four pedted a conviction. Mexican bandits, Arco, Lira, Sauclici! IT E IS El Sun Francisco.. Julv 15. Members of the stevedores union today took a secret ballot on a prouosul accepted by com mittees representing the stevedores and employers which, if ratified by the un ion, will bring a resumption of work Tuesday morning. . Hie agreement provides that the ' uiuier iut oiu scuie nnu con- """' The movement of all bonded freight nloug the .wnterfrout was resumed to day, in accordance with an agreement by collector of the port and represMi tatives of the teamsters and longshore men's unions. Get There Monday and Help Clean the Beach Tue uatn house this year will be lXTiimneut. Each will have a dressing room and checking facilities, with a ma tron iu charge of the ladies' bath house and a man in charge for the men. Arthur R. Wilson will have supervision of the entire grounds and bench. Piles have been driven in the river nnd a life line run. Within the line, bathing will be absolutely safe, as, the beach slopes off gently and there are no holes. The grove i-s a natural park, espe cially adapted for picnic parties. Au tomobiles using the park will be assess ed 10 cents. steps will be liufT, from the Polk county end of the bridge. Bathing suits will be rented for a small amount. Steps . are being takeu to secure n luiiiu-u to carry passengers across the river and this charge will not be over five cents. While tint grown-ups will be asked to contribute five cents each to maintain the beach, everything will be free for the children. The beach is bucked by the civic department of the Commercial club and is not-n municipal proposition, it is co-operative nnd be longs to everybody. To make life pleasant for those who donate their services Moudnv afternoon "ishop, -". " M. Pliinplun, Mrs. W. H. Jr.. Mrs. 7.. .1. Riirirs. Mrs, Water McDougal. Mrs. W. C. l.ytle. Mrs. Chester Cox and Mrs. W. T. Grier. - yuite n number of young ladies will also assist iu serving to the willing workers. . 1 " A Little Gift for Boys at the Front although the money raised by the league win ue Handled in a way. the league deems best. I In the report of the relief committee it was made known that several fam ilies were being taken care of and that tl.A l..n..n ...... 1.1 : ; , IVCMd DIOM IXCCUfU for Style of Track and severe bruise' about the- hend this afternoon shortly after the stilrt of the 150 mile Automobile derby when Franchi 's Pusun car left the track nnd crashed through the fence.. lie is exjiected to recover. Frnnch was un injured. -'acK i.ic drove nis iturm.m special .i; i.-v.u i n .i IF THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SAEEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1916. Attended Druggists Meeting at Seaside Frank S. Ward, accompanied by Mrs. Ward, returned last evening from a week's visit at Seaside, where Mr. Ward attended the annual meeting of the , state pharmaceutical asciation. Besides having a good time, the hun dred or more druggists attending went advances. ..V on record as being in favor of a more I - strict enforcement of the liquor laws. Mecca in Hands of Rebels. They will recommend to the legislature that the liquor laws stand as they are, but will suggest that a special prose- but will suggest that a special prose- cutor be appointed to care for those who violate the liquor laws, especially iu vases wnere arriuuviis ure laiseiy made to securo alcohol. . A traveling men's auxiliary wn lormea at tue eeusiue session, to in clude all who are interested iu the drug business and to do their part in secur ing a larger attendance at the next meeting. Marshfield extended an invi- tation to the druggists and it is prob able the next session will be held in that city, although no official action was taken. WoodburnNews (Capital Journal Special Service) Woodburn, Or., July 15. The new high school building which is being constructed is nearin completion, it is expected that it will be completed auout August 15. It is a very attract ive constructure and adds greatly to the beautifying anil advancement of Woodburn. There will be many out of town pupils attending school here this fall. Arthur Wilson, son of Rev. Wilson of Portland, spent the week end as the guest of W. T. Binkley. The home Rebekah lodge -met Friday last for' installation. The following officers were elected, Mae Crosb, X. G.; Hazel Wright, V. G.; Mabel Neu del, Rec. See.; Mary Stewart, Treas.; Ethel Bonney, warden; Sadie Richards conductor; Jessie All.-n, R. Hi. N. G.; Goldie Rominger, L. S. X. G.; Esther ... . c, . ii v'T'. if'i ' .J'' ,' e Ber' -. V. G.; Adda Harrington, chaplain; Elizabeth Walker, 1. G. C ecil lirown, O. G.; Lila Jermau, musician. Just before the election of the offi cers, Louisa Bennian, noble grand, pre sented Adda Harrington, captain of the staff, a past noble grand's collor, a gift from tiio members of the staff. After the session closed ice cream dan cake were served. Miss Esther Plank who has been at tending summer school at Corvallis, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Will Median of Vancouver, B. C is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt nnd brother John P. mint lnueiiiiueiy. ueo. rn'UIIC oi I. o. l mis uceu iriuin- lerreu to tne iiiirn regiment ...mi u- tioned at San Diego. Miss Minnie Scttleiuier left Monday for a month s visit witih friends at Benton, Wash. The young ladies '. sodality of St. Luke's Catholic church gave an inter esting enrd and dancing party ut the Foresters' hall Thursday evening. Miss Helen Scollard and Miss Jennings tied for Intlies prize and had to cut at which Miss Jennings won. the gentle innns priv.e was won by Chas. Menkes. After cards were played dancing was enjoved bv all. .Mrs. S. A. Kemp left Tuesday for Oregon City where she will visit rela tives after which she will go to Rock away and spend the euramer visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. i.. C. Goodale aud daughter left Wednesday In their car for a month's vacation. They will first to go Foley Spring from there they will go to Crescent Lake where they will join Dr. O. P. Overton and family of Brownsvilic After a few days spent nt Ciuer Luke they will return home by way of eastern Ore gon. T. P. Monies and Hev. L. C. Poor motored to Henna Vis;a Monday. Mrs. Albert Humphreys and children who have been visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mis. L. M. Hendricks left Wednesday for their home In Albany. They were accompanied by Mrs. Hum phroiy' sister, Miss Ida Hendrivks), who will visit them indefinitely. Mr. ami Mrs. A. K. Austin and fami ly attended Chautauqua at Gladstone Sunday. The St. Mury's Episcopal guild mem bers met at the home of Mrs. II. L. Gill Tuesday afternoon. After the bus iness session light refreshments were served by the hostess ussisted by Mrs. II. M. Austin und Mrs. R. A. Lives ley, The members present were: Mrs. E! G. Emmett, Mrs. H. L; Moore, Mrs. Fred Dose, Mrs. T. C l'oormnn, Mrs. D. C. Cowles, Mrs. F. Wolfe, Mrs. L, M. Ititney, Mrs. 11. M. Austin ami Mrs. P. A. Laivesley. I Hev. and Mrs. I). C. Bevan who re cently sold their property nere 'el this week for Portltind where they linve purchased a .residence on (i'.'iul St. Mt. Tabor where they will make tlitfr future home. .Rev. nd Mrs; Itevaus will be greatly missed as they have manv friends here and were prominent iu cJjun li circles. 1 ne Heft I wishes of their many friends go with ! them. Great Crowd Sees the American TlPrnvl 1vl Uj .' Hawthorne ,Riice. Track, IIIK-UU' July 15.-r-Tlie sport of kings came W'k.ry. MishleT, as guardian of Henry Mil to the middle west toduy and found be tween 35.000- and' 50,000 race mad.Chi cagoans ready to welcome it. Before post time for the first race at ' the Hawthorne track, miles of auto mobiles were lined up along the road ways waiting 'for a chance to move up and into the parking place. ' '. The. .crowd, . dra-wu by the feature event, the $10,000 American derby, was as greaj or larger than that attend ing any of the old derbies, before the lid was clamped on 12 years ago. - : The Winners. Chicago, July 15. Derby winners: George Smith, first; Faux Col. second; Franklin, third. , and Ccdra, tried here1 for the murder of Corporal William Olierlies, one of the four American soldiers killed in the ban Ignacio raid last month, wete con victed and given the death penalty this afternoon. The jury us out nil night. SIXTY SQUARE MILES (Continued From Page One.) redoubt. On the east bank of the river, violent artillery duels occurred and in the sector of Floury the French dis persed several German reconnaissances. In Aprcmont forest, French curtain fire checked several attempted enpn.v , Cair0 July' 15,Thc Mecca, the most holy place of 1 i,m,I,i., .m Co. .i city of hammedan world, has surrendered to the Arabian, rebels, according to dis patches received here today. The Tur kisU Karrison of 100 office rs, 2 ,500 men 'and 150 civil officials laid down their arras. Greece Tires of King. Rome, July 15. Home newspapers re- P't that a. violent anti-monar. hial out break has occurred in Athens and that the populace set fire to the royal palace. English correspondents at Athens re ported that a careless cigarette smoker caused the mo that destroyed the sum mer palace of the Greek king in Tatoi woods Thursday afternoon. Italian Destroyer Sunk. Berlin, via wireless to Sawille. I.. I.. Ju,-V a- An Italian destroyer of the Indomito type was sunk last Monday uy an Austrian suomanne, acorumg to an official statement from the Aus trian admiralty received hero today. Y Wt A. NOTES A new field1 of work at the associa tion headquarters Is the Nurses Reg istry, which -was established June 1st. The purpose of the directory is to se cure calls for the members of the di rectory aud to aid the physicians and v. .ui ouu am tuu I'll nizx a ub aui I public in securing competent nurses promptly. Severn! calls liavo been made in Salem and neighboring towns. Tue board is hoping to make the regis try mutual help to doctors, nurses and the public. 1 Last Monday evening thiry five young women attended the Y. W. C A. social, a very enjoyable time was jeported by all. Watch these notes for the date of the next party and there will be a picnic soon.' i . There nre 12 rooms ir the Y. W. C. A. for permanent guests and transients There have been 'J2 women accommo- dated in one night, beds being made ,.- ,.0;iui.i., ,, ',,.iu , . h , . , - the full price for a bed. Here is girl find a 'Home" with good care, good I beds and good wholesome food for a minimum price. Peple of Salem, how could your city prosper with out a Young Womens Christian Association to care for girls and, what are you do ing to help? BAND CONCERT SUNDAY ' Following is the official program for the bund concert in Marion Square Park, Sunday, July 10, 3:30 p. m.: 1 March "Jack Tart' Sousa 2 Overture, "Kienza'' Wagner 3 Waltz, "Danseuse." Milos 4 Comic Opera selection "High Jinks" ...T Frinie 5 Floral Tone Poems (a) "Basket of Roses" ....Aiders (b) "Bowl of Pansics", Reynard fi Serenade ; Drdla 7 Japanese intermezzo, "O Kioto San" ... Thurdun 8 Valse, " Cecilia " : Pether St Excerpts from "Mile Modiste" Herbert 10 March, " Ktcrnal Friendship" Miller H. N. STOl'DENMEVEK, Director. - : COURT HOUSE NEWS I The case of Oliver Lesley, indicted by the grand jury fur alleged assault and battery will come before the next grand jury. The mutter was to have been set tled nt this term of court but further consideration was deemed ; necessary. Lesley is nof iu custody at the present time. .. . Olnf E. Anderson, ai suveyor of Cor vallis, and Eleanor Munich, a Salem stonogrupher, buve secured a marriage license. Complaint against. Joseph J. Keberr as administrator of the cstnto of Chris tian Speth has been filed bv Louise Dyer. It is alleged tiut- the plaintiff I lono,l S.,..h .fittfr in lul l tnkinir nl mortgage ou a farm of 51 acres as se-J ..,.... Foreclosure of .the mortuniie1 and payment of -V'S'O is sought. Eight , children are ncirs at. law ot tne de ceased. Annette I. Miller, guardian of the cs ate of Henrv J. Miller, an insane per jsbn, lias-filed complaint against Adam'' T Mil,lni- nnrl ntlmrii rn rnxivur ninli . ler, states the complaint, appropriated t5,000 to his own uses in July, 1914. Of this it is stated that all but fto.Hii has been paid back. In September of, the same year, .the pluintiff further! avers, $5,000 more was "apprffwite.l, none of which- has been paid. Other sums -for abstracts and attorneys' fees are asked of the court. A, Records on file in the couiify clerk's office show thut the county scnt 437', 937.H3 on the roads during the month of June. More than 413,000 of this wqnt for placing gravel on the high ways. Mtii'u.leniizitig accounted for over 410,000 and bridge repairs and construction- ),00. More than 9,000 yards of gravel were hauled. Volunteer work ers contributed 408 days of work anil teams were furnished gratis to the ex tent of 360 days. George Paulus, deputy in the sher iff's office, leaves Monday for a two weeks' vacation. THE CHURCHES )(c sc sc sfc )(c )Jc sc sc sjc sc )fc jc )jc )c )jc Free Methodist. ' fo. 1228 North Winter Btreet. Sun lay services: Sabbath school . 9:45. Preaching -at 11 a. m. and 7:43 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 7:45 p. m. W. J. Johnston, pastor. Salvation Army. Sunday services as follows:. Enee drill, 8:30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class, 10:30 a .m. Christian praise meeting, 3 p. m. - T. P. L., 6:15 p. m. Salvation meeting, 7:45 p. m. Week sight services every night except Monday and Thursday. Capt. and Mrs. Kelso. First Methodist Episcopal. Corner Stato aud Church streets, Richard N.. Avison, minister. - 9:0U a. m., Class meeting. 9:45 a. m., Sabbath school, Messrs. Schramm and Gilkey, superintendents. 11:00 a. in., Morning worship, sermon by Rev. T. B. Ford, D. U. rj:.!0 p, ni., Lnion meeting in the Willson park, address by Rev. F. G. Brainard. 6:45 p. m., Epworth League, Miss Eva Scott, president. 7:45 p. m., There will be no evening service on ac count of the union meeting. Music by the chorus choir under the direction of Dr. F. W. Chace. First Methodist. The Rev. T. B. Ford, D. D., superin tendent of the Salem district, will speak at the. First Methodist church next Sab bath morning aud the congregation will unite iu the union meeting in Will sou park at 6:30 in the evening. Leslie Methodist Episcopal: Bible school, 9:45 a. m., Joseph -Barber, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. There will be no evening service, or Epworth League meeting,- as all . are invited to participate in the union open-air service, at Willson park, at 6:30 p. m. Rev. J. C. Spencer, pas tor. First Presbyterian. A weapon in one hand and a tool In the- other for .watching and building will be the subject Sunday morning, the pastor, Carl H. Elliott, preaching. Archie Smithe will sing. Evening serv ice with the other churches nt 6:30 o'clock in Willson park. First Baptist. ' Corner Marion and North Liberty streets. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Pub lic, worship 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Young People's meeting 7 p. m. Morning topic "The Church of the Living God." Ev ening topic. "True Freedom and How it is Secured." Prayer and conference meeting Thursday evening at S o'clock. Highland Friends. ' Corner of Highland and Elm streets. Sabbath school, 10 a. m., Mrs. Myrtle Kenworthy, superintendent. Meetings for worship, 11 a. m. nnd 7:45 p. m. Junior in charge of Miss Shinn in church, and 11 n. m.. Christian Endeav or 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. You nre welcome to all of these services. Josephine Hockett, pus jor. Phono 1405. i "' German M. E. ' Corner Thirteenth and Center streets, A. J. Weigle, pnstor. Suuiluy school lit 10 a. in., Henry Grnlnpp, superintendent.. Public, worship nt 11 o'clock. In the evening we will tnke part in the union meeting at Willson park and will there fore have no evening service at the church. ' Lutheran. East Slate and Eighteenth streets, G. Koehler. pastor. Sunday school in Ger man and English at 10 o'clock. Divine service at 10:30 a. m. There will be no evening service. Swedish Tabernacle, M. E. Corner South Fifteenth and Mill streets, Rev. John Oval, j.astor. Sun day school nt :.'I0 p. m., Mrs. Ed Olson, in charge. All welcome. Jason Lee Memorial. At the corner of Jefferson and North Winter streets, J. Montcalm Brown, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., R. A. Harris, superintendent; Miss Einmn Mintnii, superintendent primary depart ment. Preaching service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Class meeting at 12 :15 . m. The Rev. Dr. J. H. Tnldott, of Kim bull college, will preach ill the morning. Strangers especially welcome. W. O. T. TJ. Rev, James Oliver will speak in Rnmp Memorial hall Sunday ut 4 o'clock. There will also be a rending given, the title of which is "Fruil Human Strength; What Is It?" Come und bring some one with you. There will be no meeting ut the W. C. T. U. hiill on Tuesday owing to the Chautauqua. First Congregational Church. James Elvin, pastor. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. W. I. Stuley, superin tendent. Morning service at 11 o'clock, subject, "Without Hope und Without God." No C. E. service and no even ing service OH account of ChautHiiqilu. Mid-week meeting Thursdny evening at 8 o'clock. . ! Rural Chapel. 'H. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school at 10 it. m. Christian Endeavor nt 7:30 f. in. Sermon by the j.astor at 11a. m. Central Congregational. : Comer South Nineteenth and Ferry streets, H. C. Stover, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. . Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. Evening service at 8 p, m. I ; . Castle Chapel, TJnited Brethren. i Corner Seventeenth aud Nebraska avenue. Bertha M. Peoples, j.astor. Sun day school at 10 a. m G. G. Tooker, su perintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock, subject "God's Requirements." In harmony with t'i action of the oth r churches the evening services will be dismissed for j.srticiHitioii ill the ves per service iu Willson park. . ' First Church of Christ, Scientist. . Sunday services held at 440 Chemeke ta street, at 11 . m., subject of Bible lesson, "Life." Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Rending room in the Hudbnrd building, suite 303, and is ojien every day. excet Sundays and holidays, from 11:45 a. m. to 4 p. in. jjc 3$C jf' 3C )jc )C 5( 3fC 31 f NEW TODAY PHON E 937 For . wood, saw. tf fcEAD Dr. May's ad in today's issue. july 15 HARRY Window washer. Phone 768. Aug3 RUBBER Stamps made 163 S. Com'l tf PIE CHERRIES For sale. 60F4. Phone julj-18 LAUNCH For sale. Address L-5 care Journal. 1ulyl7 All are welcome to our services and in vited to visit our reading room. . South Salem Friends. Corner of South Commercial and Washington streets, H. E. Pcmberton, pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m., B. C. Miles, superintendent. Meeting for wor ship at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. C. E. at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Thurs day. St. Paul's Episcopal The Rt. Rev. Arch Deacon Chnmbers of Portland will conduct services in cluding early communion 7:30 a. m. and the regular 11 o'clock service. The subject of his sermon at the 11 o'clock service will be Left. As Arch Deacon Chambers comes to St. Paul's on ac count of Bishop Sumner being unable to be here, it is hoped that he will be greeted by a good congregation. Sun day school at 9:45 a. m. There will be no evening service. ; THE MARKETS $ The following prieea for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, and not what is paid to the producer. All other prices 'are those paid the Producer. Corrections are made aily. It 's the same old story today, mar kets fjiiiet and no changes. Wulla Wal la onions are now on sule, with a wholesale price a crate of $1.85. ' Crrams. Wheat .... .. 80c Oats 40c Rolled barley , 35.00 Corn $39.00 Cracked corn 440.00 Bran 427.00 Shorts, per ton $30.00 Alfalfa, California, ton $20.00 Butter. Butterfat 26c Creamery butter, per pound .......29c Country butter 20c22c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 20(a20 l-2c Eggs, trade ....,r 21c Hens, pound : 13(S 13 1-Bc Roostors, old, per pound 8o Broilers, under 2 pounds 16c Pork, Teal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 9ri 10 l-2c Pork, dressed 10(al0 l-2c I'ork, on foot 7i8 l-4c Spring lambs, 1916 Kn 7 l-2c Steers 5(&6 l-2c Cows 45c Bulls 3(4.3 l-2c Ewes 4g4 l-2c Wethers 6c Vegetables. . Tomatoes, California $1.00 Cabbage 40c Cucumbers 40i90c Strincr garlic - 15c Potatoes, cwt 41.75 Potatoes, now . . 22 1-Zo Beets - 11.00 Radishes 40s Green onions 40s Green peppers 25a Ureen peas 6(aie Carrots, sack, new 41-75 Carrots, dozen 40c Oninna. Cttlifnrnifl S.3.50 Beuus, green and waxed 8c onions, walla vtuiiu, crate !.. PORTLAND MARKET -Portland, Ore., July 15. Wheat: Club, 90c. Bluestem, 99c Fortyfold, 92c. Red Russian, 90c. Outs: No. 1 white feed, 42G.50. Barley: Feed, $27.00. Hogs: Best live, $8.80. Prune steers, $7.73. Fancy cows, $5.50. Calves, $7.25. Butter: City creamery, 2flc. Country butter 27c. Eggs: Selected local ex., 2Gc. Hens, 14(a 14 l-2c. Broilers, 16(Ti 18c. Geese, -10(3 11c. HARLEY-DAVTDSON CYCLES A snakeproof tent that requires no tent poles is a feature of the equip ment of W. B. f'risso, Wm. Mitchell and Jos. Mitchell who are traveling a. -ross the continent on Hurley-Davidson motorcycles from S.ringficld, Or., with the idea not only of going to California but visiting all the other weati-rn flutes. Another important part of their equipment is a little gaso line stove as they intend to be abso lutely independent of hotelsr doing their own cooking while "Seeing America.'' Henry Horner and twenty other Hurley-Davidson riders of Columbia, Mo., were among the first to go to the Mexican border when President Wilson called iiion the national guard of all the states to aid in the border patrol work, releasing all the regulars for use in Mexico. The Columbia mo torcycle company is attached to the First infantry- Missouri National Guard and will be use 1 in dispatch rid ing and courier service. Oregon City, Or., July 15.-r-When Wilbur Rainwater, ten years old jump ed from a wagon to cut a switch, one of the horses his father was driving kicked the Is. I over the heart, killing him instantly. The Rainwater funiity was driving from Baudou, Or., to Spo kane, Wash. SEVEN HARRif Expert, window cleaner. Phone 1041. julyU FRONT APARTMENTS Ground floor : 491 N. Cottage. FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap ital Journal office. tf VACUUM CLEANING -r Rugs 20e each. Phone 1022. julyl5 FOR SALE Or trade for wood, gaso line engine. Phone 451. tf TIIOROUG II BR ED Jersey calf for sale or trade for wood. 1750 Market julylS FOR SALE Household furniture, en quire at 173 S. 13th St., or phone 351 M. julyl8 WANTED Girl for general house work on farm. Fred Durbin. Phone 10F21. i . -julylT FOR SALE Young singing canerys or trade for vonng chickens. 1160 8. I2th St. , july!8 NEW HAY Tedder for sale, used only one season. W. M. Sihuett, R. 2. Phone 8F23. julyl5 FURNISHED -Rooms and housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable, close in, 160 Court. tf FOR SALE Two very fine Scotck collies, male and female, one year old. 2396 Church St . tf TO LOAN $500, $1000, $1500 on good real estate security. Scott and By non, 124 Liberty St. julylS WANTED Man and wife to work on fruit ranch, HL- miles west of steel bridge. Phone 47F12. julylS TOR SALE Clover hay In shock, 47 per ton, 'i mile north of Fruitland church. Phone 24F13. julyl8 FOB. BENT ADS under this heading lc a word. Bead for profit; use for results. WANTED 6 logan berry pickers, 3 miles south of Salem st Liberty. I. W. Gilmer. Phone 21F3. julyl7 FOR SALE 113 hop sacks, wire and furnace, one good hop baler 435, all at a bargain. Phone 14FJ. july21 ICE' CREAMj And soda outfit com plete. Cost $20O. will take $73. See A. Kitterman, 275 State St. julylS FOR SALE 5, 10, 15j store, a bargaim at $1075. would accej,t Ford on pay ment. "Ill health, .avra A. Fidler. Datlas, Or. tf FOR SALE 3Vi half truck Studabak. er wagon. .Will trade for heavier wagon, cordwood or stumpage. 2786 Lee. Phone 1322-J. tf GIRL Or woman wanted for general housework in country; must be ex perienced. Phone 22F25. Address box 12, Sublimity, Or. U WANTED One dozen three months old S. C. Rhode Island Red pullets, good laying strain. Address 1653 Fir St., or phone 507, Salem. julylS FOR SALE By owner- one of the pret tiest bungulows in Salem, just com pleted, modern, price below cost, torins. 1255 N. Cottage St. tf WILD BLACKBERRIES Orders fill ed, fresh 50c gnllon, canned, 35e quart. Order soon. Addross Mrs. J. O. Bogcr, R. No. 1, Amity, Or. jlyl5 WANTED We are paying 2 l-2c per lb. cash, for Mammoth blackberries suitable for drying, delivered at our warehouse. Salem Fruit Union, jlylS FOR RENT 12 acre tract with 4 room bungalow, barn, chicken house and yard, hog houses, etc. 114 miles west of steel bridge. Phone 47F12. julylS FOR SALE OR TRADE 50 acre farm near Newport, one tot in Portland 100x103 ft. for particulars call or write W. D. Edwards care Meyors store. julyl5 FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnish ed sleeping rooms. Office rooms and housekeeping roenis, reasonable rates W. H. Morris, Rec. Hubbard Bldg. Room 304.- ' tf CAPITAL EXCHANGE Phone 493. 837 Court St. From $2 to $6 paid for 2d hand mens suits. We buy, trade 1 and sell jewelry, musical instruments tools and guns,' augll SEE FLEMING FOR Hop basket and American fence screen doors and window screens, paints, oils and var nishes. Stoves for sale and repaired. 250 Court street. augl.1 FOR SALE Clean general stock, a bout $.1000, discounts pay your rent, splendid trade, adjacent livinsf rooms. Small town Marion Co. Ad dress Box 193 Salem, Or. julylT WANTED Sholed bids for painting Snlem Heights school house. Specifi cations at Snlem Heights store. Bids to be iu July, .20. U. W. Smith, chuiimun. Phone 751'3. july 15 HAVE Beautiful bungalow at Wes Stuvton $1500 with or without acre age. Trade for Seattle and pay cash difference. Address H. K.' Rubey, University of ashington, Seattle. julylS FOR SALE 5 acres of good soil all under cultivation, 4 miles from Sa lem, price $."50,' $30 down, balance $10 per month, 0 per cent interest. See E. B. Grubeniiorst, 273 State St. julylS FOR SALE 4 room house, electrie lights, citv water, lot 50 hy 125 feet, price $350, $233 down, but. 45 per month without interest. See A. Kit terman, with W. H. Grabeuhorst. Co., 273 State St. ' julyl FEMALE HELP WANTED At once, ten ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell well established Hue to our leul 'ers. Previous experience not ..neces sary. Good pay. Railroad, fare paid. Goodrich Drily Co., Dept. JUS, Oma ha, Nebr. ,