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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1916)
t ft 3( )c C )f! s(( iff Sjt SfcSfkllCifSjfcSC FULL" LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES &.. , CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY Yf . VU lIC ?U Jlv" o H I Hi J 4 iTHIRTY-NINTII YEAR wm great FORCES TO liCK RUSSIAN DRIVE Germans Profoundly Impressed by Apparently Resistless Russian Advance Assemble Great Army for Defense of Kovel, Bringing Up Every Available ReserveFall of This Fortress Would Be Staggering Blow to Teuton Allies On Western Front Terrific Slaughter Still 1 Goes On By William Philip Simms (United Press Staff Correspondent) Petrograd, July 17. Profoundly impressed by the steady Russian advance, which see-saws first at this point and then at that, the Germans are massing enorm-j ous forces before Kovel. They are bringing up every available reserve in the 'hope of stalling the new Russian mowing machine. The present comprehensive calm is deemed here to be a mere prelude to a resumption of heavy and important fighting. The fall of Kovel now would be a staggering blow to the Central powei's, completely disrupting their plans. Lemberg would be menaced more than ever, the road to the great fortress of Brestlitoysk opened, and the rear of the entire Binsk region threatened, necessitating a German withdrawal. The Russians apparently do not lack ammunition. Printed on the cartridge cases are the phrases: "Don't spare bullets don't spare courage. There's enough a-plenty for all." Cossacks from the Don, Urals, fresh young giants from Siberia and elsewhere are fighting like game cocks, striving to ouiao eacn otner quarrel, with the Germans is uermans use oi nquia nre ana gas. oonsequeniiy iewer German prisoners are taken in proportion to the numr ber of dead on the field. ' Russian officers appear satisfied with the spirit of the troops which they declare was never higher. British Still Advance By tSA I. Keen (United Press staff correspondent) London, July 17. British troops stormed and captured German second line positions on a front of 1300 'yards in a continuation of the steady drive north of the Bomme, Gen. Haig re ported this afternoon. The advance was made northwest of Baxentine-Le Petit n-oods, which is now in the hands of the British and pressed the British line forward to the very edges of the Martinpuich vil lage, one of the German strongholds, defending Biipnume. Kaiser Wilhelm was nt Somme front wrren his army retreated under battering British blows in Saturday's lighting, It became known today. An official statement Issued nt Ber lin confirmed previous reports of the kaiser's presence on the front of the great Anglo-French offensive where he has been visiting his troops and in spiring them to a more stubborn de fense. The Berlin statement said that the kaiser conferred with his chief of .staff and commanding generals, vis ited the hospitals and conferred sev eral iron crosses. Press dispatches from the British front today brought new details of the successful attack on Saturday in which the woods of Belvllle and Bnzent'm-Le Petit were captured and the P.ritisn at one point penetried enemy third line trenches, Tiiese dispatches showed that the British flvance carried forward the lilies to the outskirts of both the vil lages of Pozieres and Martinpuich, two l the most strongly defended German Lafe Bud eat two dried herrings in Mtueie visterday r "f ore he knew n J7. a drv town. If women kin stand around th' polls all day they kin stand u in a street car. in aareaevii -cnarees. mcand-us trackmen, who threaten to now personal, owing to positions before Bapaume. The as sault was begun just before daylight on a moonlight night. It followed an artillery attack which, for intensity, if not duration, exceeded the bombard ment that marked the Anglo-French offensive two weeks before. British guns blotted out enemy works, leaving only ruined redoubts from behind which German machine gunners raked the attackers until blown to pieces by bombs. The fighting for Longtieval on Fri day was a bitter battle from under ground works and cellars. "In some of the cellars, the Germans fought like wolves at bay," wired one correspondent, "down in the darkness of these places men fought savagely seeing only the glint of each other's eiyes mnd fd'ing for each others throats unless there were still bombs haudy to make a quicker ending. It was primitive warfare, cave men fought like that in such darkness, though not with bombs which belong to our own age." The German war office admitted that the British have made further progress toward the important highway town of Pozierej, penetrating Ovilliers wood, southrwest of l'ozieres, where heavy fighting continues. The Berlin official ! statement reported lively fighting west of Peronne, the obiectiv'e of the French armies, though the French war office Wns gilcnt on the French operations south of the Somme. The British left flank near Ovilliers and I,e Boisselle, made further progress, capturing the remaining stronghold! and the "Brave Keinnnnts" of a Ger man garrison, General Haig reported. At the same time, the right flauk, advancing east of Longueval village capturing the Waterlot farm, further widening the breach to the German sec ond tine. Reports of the new British successes only slightly ovorshadowed the news of allied victories on the eastern front. The German war office this afternoon officially admitted that General Von Linsingen right wing in Volhynia had been compelled to retreat behind the I.ipa river. The Russian war office re ported the capture of 1.1.000 prisoners in yesterday's fighting in Volhynia. Russians With the French Paris, July 17. Russian troops in action on the French Champagne front counter attacked successful I v last night, inflicting heavy losses on the Germans, the war office stnted todav There has been no important fighting in the region ot the Snmme. The French made progress west of Heurv on the enliin front, captur ing three machine guns. in Lorraiut, two German attacks a gainst a French position southeast of .Nomeny were repulsed. British Claim Gains Berlin, July 17. British troops have penetrated Orvilliers wood in the re sumption of the great allied offensive, (Continued on Page Sevon.) Fourteen Pages Used , to Explain Measures At fifty-five dollars a page the in dications are that backers of proposed legislation on which the voters will pass judgment in November will use up at least fourteen pages. How much opponents of the legislation will re quire remains to be seen. To date the proponents of the amend ment providing that beer may be man ufactured in the state hold the record. They have absorbed five pages on which to set forth their argumentns in the election pamphlet, soon to be issued by the state secretary. The Pendleton normal school, or proposed school, will be extolled in four pages and the re peal of the Sunday closing law is al ready advised in a two page brier. Rural credits, the tax limit amend ment and the provision to make the prohibition law more stringent will use a page each for arguments in their favor. SAYS GOVERNMENT WILL TAKERAILROADS Department of Labor Official Says This Will Happen If Great Strike Conies St. Louis, Mr., July 17. Declaring that the United States government was .better prepared now than ever to operate the railroads of the country, J. J. Keegan, of the department of la bor, predicted today that the govern ment would take over the roads should the four great railroad brotherhoods call a strike of their men. Keegan said that once the govern ment took charge of the roads the men would go to work immediately. He based this assertion on the fact the government had long since recognized the eight hour day, one of the bones of contention in the present controversy between men and employers, Keegan, who is in St. Louis as me diator between the Missouri Pacific However he said that, according to his information, this .step cannot bo a voided if ' the men leave their posts. He said he was practically certain that the four brotherhoods-would vote to strike. "But I cannot conceive that either the railroads or the brotherhoods will let a break occur," he said. "A com promise seems more probable. Howev er should the break occur and nearly a half million men leave their work, naralvzing transportation and threat ening starvation of the nation, the government would act in executive hours. I could do nothing else. Every railroad in the country would be selz ed and once these roads pass into the control of the United States they would never again be returned to pri vate ownership." t TOD AY'S BALL SCORES I American First gnme R. It. T. Detroit 0 0 1 Xew York 2 1 Covaleski. Cunningham and McKee; Sbawky and Nunamnkcr. Second game R. H. E Detroit 2 8 0 New York 2 8 0 James and Baker; Love and Walters. R. H. E. St. Louis - " 8 Boston 3 Plunk, Gruom and Hartley; Leonard and I amgan. Chicago Philadelphia, postponed; wet grounds. Cleveland 7 12 Washington 0 f Klept'er nnd O'Xcill; Harper and Ilenrv. National B. H. Boston 8 11 Cincinnati 1 13 F.. Xehf and Trngressor; Knctzer and Wingo. Philadelphia-Pittsburg game post poned; wet grounds. Brooklyn 2 7 1 Chicago - 1 S J Dell and McCnrthv; Hcndrix and Archer. New York 1 6 ! St. Louis 0 11 1 Tesreau, Russell aud Rariden; Doal and Gonzales. ENGLAND SPENDING 30,000,000 DAILY London, July 17. England's expenditures have now reached six million pounds, (about ).'I0, 000,000) daily, Chancellor of the F.xcheiicr McKeuna informed the headquarters this afternoon. . War expenditures for the United Kingdom have been steadily increasing. At the be ginning of the year, it was stated that England was spend ing more than 125,000,000 a day. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DEATH AND WRECK F TERRIFIC STORM ? Rivers Higher Than For a Hundred Years Sweep "Bridges Away FIFTEEN KNOWN DEAD LIST GROWING RAPIDLY Railroad Traffic Stopped Property Damage Will Be Many Millions Washington, July 17. The Southern railroad today practically suspended traffic south, of Washington. Reports continued to pour in, telling of dis aster from floods in North and South Carolina. A second bridge on the Char lotte division went out at 3 a. m. Traius are unable to proceed beyond Salisbury and no wires are in operation south of that point, Atlanta being reached by way of Chicago and New Orleans. Ten million dollars wortn oi property destroyed, five persons known dead, hundreds injured and missing, railroad traffic and telegraph and telephone de moralized, is the toll of the flood sweep- ug the Carolina 8 and Virginias known to date. Details are drifting in to Washington over the crippled lines of communication. The floods nre the result of the hur ricane of wind and rain which struck the south Atlantic coast Thursday, lift ing rivers and streams far over their banks. , Asheville, the famous, U hard hit. The French river has broken its course near there, flooding factories and homes in the lower part ofr.'JHe. city. Two persos were drowned attempting to put food nto the upper story of the uienn nock hotel. Many are marooned in their resi dences along the river, while rescuing parties -fight against rushing streams. Asheville was without lights last night, and water is flowing in swift streams down many of the streets of the lower The southern railway aepoi anu buildine in the vioinity are flooded to a depth of six feet. Western Aorta Carolina is reported facing a serious situation. Lake Toxuway's big dam and two dams at Hondersonville are reported to have collapsed, setting free millions of tons of water. 40 Foot Wall of water. The Southern railway bridge over the Catawba river at Belmont, 21. C, was washed away, carrying 18 men into the river. It has not yet been learneu whether they were saved. The missing reported to Washington in scattering dispatches are: H. 1. Griffin, road supervisor, Char lotte. Joseph Kildnn, resident engineer, Charlotte. C. S. Burbee. section foreman, I liar- lotte. R. O. Thompson, section foreman, Belmont. W. L. Fortune, section foreman, Kings Mountain, N. C. lC. Kale, B. C. Gully, C. W. Klutts. derrick men. Charlotte. Andrew Scott. Tom Davis, Daniel Heath, Sloau Adams and Will Cathcy all colored laborers. A. B. Blackwell, Western l nion line crew boss. William Cooker and R. Ball, Asho- villc, and-three linemen. The Seaboard Air Line bridge over the Catawba river at Mount Hollyoke, N. C. has collapsed as has that over the Catawba river on the Salisbury Asheville line. An earth fill at Lookout Power dam, near Shelby, broke and the East Mondo, West Mondo and Alspnuge cotton mills are under water. A wall of water u feet high was reported rushing down from Lookout shoals last night. Oreat crop damage to the snrorund- lug country is reported from Spartan burg, S. C, due to neavy rains oi me last 48 hours. Practically all railway traffic in southwest Virginia aud eastern West Virginia was tied up yesterday by slides end washouts. No Warning of Flood. Asheville. N. C, July 17. Two Cin cinnati-bound trains, the Carolina Spe cial, which left here Saturday night. and another which left last night, are f "lost" as a result of the flood which I swept eastern rorth Carolina with the loss of IS lives. All railway and commercial telegraph lines are down. The dead in the flood caused by overflow of the French broad river are: Louise Cressler, Asheville. Lucas Frnzier. Asheville. P. W. Lip Biltmore. Ciarlotte Walker, Biltmore. Mabel Foster, Biltmore. Three are dead at Hendersonville aud six at Charlotte. Many bridges are earned away in the flood and railway traffic is paralyzed. I Danger of a food famine in Asheville MARK PATHWAY 0 (Continued on Pace Bit.) JULY 17, 1916 Militiamen to Have Two Weeks' Practice Fort Stevens, Or., July 17. Nearly 700 militiamen today began two weeks grind of living like regular, soldiers. Under command of Col. C. C. Ham mond, eight companies of coast artil lery, Oregon National Guard, are en camped here to spend the next fort night in practice with the coast de fense equipment at the mouth of the Columbia river. . . Although the coast artillery com panies are not recruited up to war strength, as the war department re cently ordered, there are more men in the two battalions here today than on any previous summer encampment. Two of the companies are from Eu gent. The others nre from Ashland, Koseburg, Albany, Cottage Grove, Med ford and Portland, with a sanitary de tachment from Roseburg. TELEPHONE SERVICE WITH Em AS WIRE Inventor Claims to Have Per fected System of Under ground Telephones Snn Francisco, July 17 Announce ment of a wireless subterranean tele phone was made today by Dr: H. Bar ringer Cox, one of the most prominent electrical inventors of the country. Simultaneous v lr. Cox declared that he had discovered that electrical ener gy can be transmitted over a single conductor, a new law of physics. The inventor made h's discovery, ne said, while he was experimenting for the federal foreBt service in an ef fort to perfect a wireless system of sig nals in forest reserves. He discovered that the human voice could be trans mitted through the ground. He tried out his discovery over distances up to AO miles and then applied for patents on it. Ir. Cox said the system of subter ranean wireless telephony Is so simple that ' it is astonishing that ' scientists have not discovered it long ago. ' I 'The. equipment consists of an ordi nary telephone transmitter- eoimwwa with ab attery n o- special instru--ment which Dr. C6x alone under stands with a ground wire. At the receiving station Is a similar device. The only conection between the two is the ground through which the current carrying the human voice is sent. There is no "circujt." Sir Rocer Casement's Appeal Is Argued London. Julv 17. Sir Roger Cose ment' anneal from his conviction of treason, carrying with it the death sentence, was argued before Justice Daerling and four associate justices of the court of criminal nppeals to dav. Casement's counsel argued that the actions described in the indictment did not constitute a statutory offense. He arrued further that the definition of treason eiven to the jury by Lord Chief Justice Reading was inaccurate, CAPLAN'S TRIAL 8ET FOB OCTOBER 16. Los Angeles, Pal., July 17. The sec ond trial of David Caplau, charged with complicity in the dynamiting of the Times building here, October, 1910, was scheduled today for October ill oy Nu nerior Judire Frank. Willis. In his previous trial the jury which heard the Caplnn ease disagreed. The local TJ. 8. recruiting office to day rejected, on account of defective vision, Thomas l'atton, age zu ot Lot taize Grove, and Irn Mitchell, age 20, nf Pnlcm. John Derunes, age 24 of Silverton, who enlisted Saturday, will go to Portland tnis evening, nccompan ied by Colonel Charles A. Vamum. President Wilson Signs Rural Credit BillToday Pays Tribute to Farmers Wellington, July 17. Accompany ing' the act witn n speecn paying in- bute to the farmers of the country, President Wilson today signed the ru ral credits bill. It provides a system of land mortgages in banks to handle lor- time mortgage loans to farmers. On invitation of the president, many interested in the initiation of he rural credits system were present at its signing. These included house and senate members who had handled the bill. Speaking before he signed the bill, the uresiilent said: "On occasions of this sort there are so many things to say that one would despair of setying them briefly and adequately, but 1 cannot go through the simpie ceremony of signing this bill without expressing the feeling that I nave in signing it. It is a feeling of a profound satisfaction, not only, but of real erntitmle that we have completed this piece of legislation which I hope will be immensely bene llcinl to the farmers of the country. "The farmers, it seem to me, have occupied hitherto a singular position of PRICE TWO IS ABOUT READY FOR I Fear of Spies and Bombs Causes Utmost Vigilance On Part of Crew EVEN POLICE OFFICIALS BARRED FROM HER PIER jWill Drop Down the River To morrow, After That Only Captain Knows By Carl D. Groat. .(Uqited Press staff correspondent.) Baltimore, Md., July 17. The Ger man submarine freighter Deutschland now plans to slip down the Patausco river and into Chespakeawe bay tomor row night, on route back to Germany, a member of the erew told the United Press today. Loading should be finish ed tomorrow at the present rate. Cap tain Hinsch gave cororborative informa tion that the return trip is at hand when he announced no visitors will be permitted to board the vessel after to morrow. Captain Hinsch told the United Press he expected the Bremen in a few days and that she will come here or to New York, though he indicated Baltimore will be the port. -Fear of spies and bombs seemed to bear strongly upon the crew and man agers of the Deutschland today. me vigilance ot the past week had increased. Even police officials who had been permitted free entrance to her pier were barred, t -special watchman headed off messengers and mail car riers; all night the powerful search light on the tug Timnilns played nerv ously over th, waters to pick np launches and to search the shores for unwelcome watchers. "Drivo them away quick." was the shout from the Timmins to the police on snore wnere toe searchlight revealed newspaper "spies." "For heaven's sake don't let them stay there." . No Americana on Board. A special delivery messenger arrived at the eastern Forwarding dock with a small package, presumably a gift from an admirer to Captain Koenig. "You can't come in here," saI3 the German guard abruptly. "I won't take that, package.". The messenger was surprised. "Will you write that down, or I'll get in trouble," he replied. And the guard wrote it, unmistakably with the added Information that there is no uso trying to deliver any packages at the dock. The inference from this generally is that the Deutschland folk fear an at tempt to wreck the ship. The Deutschland, dressed up In fresh grey paint, and decorated with traces of white at the bow and stern, to re semble the ocean waves, still lay at the pier today. It had been announced that Captain Koenig would go to New York to see Ambassador Bernstorff and bring back a package of diplomatic mail, but Manager Hilken said this afternoon: "The captain will stay right here." Captain Hinsch, mannger o'f transpor tation for the Eastern Forwarding com pany, Deutschland agents, said em phatically today that there will bo no Americans on the submarine when she returns. "Thoy would not proloct her," he added. disadvantage. They have not had the same freedom to get credit on their real assets tout others huve who were in manufacturing and commercial en terprises, ami while they sustained our life, thev did not in the same degree with others, share in the benefits of that life. Therefore, this bill along with tiie very liberal provisions of the federal reserve act, puts them on an equality with all others who have gen uine assets, and makes the great credit of the country available to them. One cannot but feel this is delayed justice to them, and cannot but feel that it is a very gratifying thing to play any part in doing this act of justice. 1 look forwurd to the benefits of this bill, not with extravagant expectations but with confident expectations that it will be of very wide reaching bene fit; and incidentally, it will be of ad vantage to he community for I can imagine no more satistactory ami soiui investment than this system will af ford those who have money to use. I (Continued on Pegs Fly.) IE DASH FROM CENTS t5PSSR HIGH OFFICIAL OF 11 DEPARTMENT Adds That His Name Is Used by Rebels to Scare Car ranza Followers ; ARMY TO LEAVE MEXICO V INSIDE OF THIRTY DAYS Militia Boys Will Be Hoze Within Three Months, His Prediction Washington. July 17. Villa is dead. General Pershing's troops will be out of Mexico within a month and the na tional'' guard back home' within threw months, a high war department official said today. Villa's name is being used by minor ity leaders to inspire fear among Car ranzistas, the official declared. He said, Cnrranta was stronger today in Mexico than he ever had been, principally be cause he had averted war with the Unit ed States "without loss of dignity by exico." Army men in touch with border and Mexican interior conditions said today there "isn't a chance in a thousand of further trouble with Mexico," either by a repetition of the Parral and Cnrriznl inoidents, or by bandit raids. Since the Carrizal attack was cleared; up, and the last Carranza note received, the war department has taken the view that the Mexican trouble is over. Persh ing's moviug his base north helped im mensely, it was declared. Now rains have come and threaten to necessitate) further shortening of the lines. "We expect Pershing to be out of Mexico in a month or so,", said a, de partment official , today. "Ia' three months the national guard proMNy will be back home.'' . r "The Carranza government was nev er stronger than it Is now. Sentiment has erystalized behind him siace the re cent trouble. This because without loss) of dignity to Mexico, be staved off war with the United States. Villa himself could not hurt him for that reason. "And Villa, according to our reports, is dead. We hear his nnme is used by leaders to embarrass Carranza and to. inspire fear in the Mexican people. We think he is dead and his cause buried with him." On Way td Meet Bandits. F,agle Pass, Texas, July 17. Oarranz troops at Pledraa Negras and Mon clovia have moved south to oppose large Villista forces marching, toward the border, it was learaed from Mexican, sources today. A party of Mexicans arriving from , tho interior reported today that their train was held up by Villista bandits) Friilay near Torerou and that all pas-' scngers were robbed and everything of value taken. Luis Martinez,- of El Paso, said the Carranza authorities bad assured the party a safo journey to the border. lie suid most of the citixens of Torreon and vicinity were Villa sympathizers und that Carranza soldiers there are de serting to Villa. . Fifteen hundred national guardsmen nttended the services In the local Cath olic church yesterday. The soldiers served as altar boys, ushers and choir. Miss Clariette Bieosc, Texas, repre sentative, has organized a local branch of the Girls' National Honor Guard. A reading and writing room has been open ed by them in the district court house tor accommodation of the Vermont, Kansas and Maryland militia. Mexico Makes Offer Mexico City, July 17. If American troops are completely withdrawn from Mexico, the Carranza government will see to it that the border is fully pro tected against bandit raids, War Min ister Obregon snid today. "Onr pro posals made at the Jpnrcz-KI Paso con ference, have not been withdrawn," said Obregon. No News of Villista. El Paso, Texas, July 17. The where abouts of the Villista column Carran za warned as headed for the Big Bend country was a mystery today. General Funston's preparations to prevent raids, may have caused the bandits to change their plans. ; THE WEATHER Oregon: To night and Tues day (tier ally fair, warmer Tuesday, except near the coast; westerly winds. SAYS VILLA IS DEAD You ARC THEV55 ITMEgisg