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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOT RNAL. SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY. JUNE 3, 1916. THREE r SO C LET Y Stayton's Prospects for .donate a right of way for that purpose. , P 11 U V .Mr. i.yuolt intornieu us tluit had the UUlld UC1I 1 COJlUld U 1HUI VUU IMIKUl tll Polo Grounds Today By ALIKE THOMPSON I (From Stnvton Standard.) From the appearance of things te ' prospects now are that the work of grading would now be lin ing oil as tlie money to build with is (ready as soon as culled for, but the New York, June 3. The miffs will the road will prove they .ire renl snorts nr. "Suf- (Continued from Page Two.) vantages of the best teachers in Eu rope and America, among them being Alberto llandegger of New York. I!or. George Worthington, bishop of Nebraska, in speaking of her work has thiH to say: ".She is known to me telligenee, iind the simplicity of ren (r""'M, ""-iii.i ; iiTii m-ciirn a ran- noi ue omit irom .-iiiem iniongu rur-jtrnge Day on the Diamond at tiie eyes, runu ur noi, ucpenus upon in popi ; ner, but try way or Alt. Angc ami Nil-1 New YorK Polo groum a i.jv. iiunu ui nui, m-peniis upon ine pupi ; ner, uur ny way or mi. Angel and .Nil-1. New VorK Polo grounds while the in uus bob ncoreu aiiouuT nisuuci mu owning mini uirougn wmen tno ronu verton, thence southeast. There is a 'Giants and Cincinnati struggle for su Miss Ruth Jones' piano accompaniment contemplates passing. 'saving of about twenty miles in the ' premecy before the ndmirinsr irnze of was particul.irly artistic and sympa- In conversation with M. I.ynntt, the j distance from Portlnfid to Bend bv cut-! thousaiuls of miffrum. f-, tnetie. Miss Gladys Harbert gave a . superintendent, Friday last, he inform- ting out Stuyton, Turner and Snlein, ! here today. j lovely piano solo "The Elf King,'' ed us that his instructions from head- ! and according to Mr. I.vnott, if this I -..,',,' i playing. with great sympathy and in- quarters were to build the' road where'phue gets the road there' w. have, to ! i v,,w ' A'' V.ll1.e. v h .... :..i.. . tf. ; . "... , .. . .... . ' in eiiuw. wnilt A guted woman of rare musical ac- ditiou in the sweet ballad air of her stated that, when the proposition was nwnimr In ,iH n,-rns whi.h ti.. i ,i... : . h ..u" mi n Miij, fill ns a teacher and as a soloist in of the young readers on the program! ton and vicinity, all were anxious fori pen -1 Hants, peanuts and voles for woine:i . liuttons. . j eomplishments. She has been success- encore was especially flue. The work I first presented to- the people of Stay-1 sires to pass. III! ns a teacher and as a so oist in ot the vouni? readers on the nroirra ui ton nnd vicmitv. nil were anxious fori It ;w K t,, t... v. ...... ehurca choirs." s showed uiuch character anil directness, i tho roud nnd the prospects seemed if tins ma. I is built and tl,.. t.. i..rt Among those who will carry travs i .,... ihi rioiia.;,,.. ..;...... There was not one who did not evince i bright for securinir the Hunt of wnvltn ...... ;.).. win. ,. i . suspended from their necks bv vellow Mrs. llullidny-Haighl has received the ja ,li,'e'' contact with the audience. without expense. After it appeared fair chance of becoming a cilv With I V.. I V ' l!iH AK,IM Morganthau, I following suffices to show their uni: holding the perfect attention and in-likly that the road would bo built. ! railroads on all sides and none'in tow n, . l'ss ':sRIP Jr''''fr'. Miss ('lara (ireen- form prais.-: ".Mine. Florence llalli-1 'tref,t tnroughout each (-election. F.uch , and the right of way men went oventhe last resort would be for the people , ",' s. ''""'!!!' " -Molly I dav song 'O, Love Thvself,' (Samson one seemed to thoroughly imbibe the ti.e ground, there was a disposition on j themselves to build a spur, which would t-'i- i "', .'"'"i 1 I-eHls uml -Nlis,i anil Uelilah) Saint-S.icns, and won her i "P'l'it of his selection, and to back it the part of many to sell their land to in itself be little benefit. , Wiznbeth Scebcr. i way into the affections of the audience j UP with l'ver.V ounce of his personality, i the railroad at a good price, and some j Many Stavton people have been I'as( vt'a suffragists had to ask! bv' her clever rendition of the piece.!!1 wonderful thing in such youthful held out for exhorbitunt figures. strongU in hopes that the Snlem-Stuy-' "" k'''s for the privilege of lier voice has a wide range and re-1 1""1 formers. - Mr. i.ynolt says that the company j ton-BiVid road would be built, but pres- ! ll,lviK "Miff rage Bay" on the dia-l niarkable strenglh. The solo aroused! " ' I wi" ,lot l"y f"' right of way; that the lent indications are against such a eon-1""""1- Thi '' h,'.v were cordially' treat enthusiAsm In the (lavotte ,ii"", r was given i iuiisn.iv evcu-iiuuir can ue uuiu 10 nciui wmiiout ouv- elusion. niwicu i rciurti (Mignon) Thomas, she iiad a better op-i '"'8 ''y Glenn Ackerinan who enter-. ing right ot way, and that it will be portunity to displvy her talents, injtaiued in honor of tour or his gradu-, umlt, lint not as ut tirst located. this sekH'tiou her execution was i'ault-1 atinK churns, at the residence of his I Mr. I.ynott and Mr. Williams the. less which was due to the fact that i parents, -Mr. and Mrs. .1. .1. Aekeruian. ! chief engineer, left Stayton for Silver- she put more feeling into the song. The guests of honor were Whitney ton and Mt. Angel, and will look over Tho audience caught the spirit and np-j fiil1. Allan I'msou, Deryl Proctor.Frank that section with a view to running' uhiuded enthusiastically'' Rosenbrugh. Additional guests were ! the line through the Waldo hills and: Mr. Murpliy,, Ttichnrd Avison .ind ISry- ' thence to Bend. The people north of an ("Oodenough. I Sublimity and in the Sublimity neigh-1 The program given at the Court ... borhood ' arc anxious for a road and street Christian church on Friday ev- jliss F.dith Fugute was delightfully ' uumy have expressed a willingness to ming by the younger pupils of the ' entertained at a shower Tuesdav even- i i w cuoi oi expression was u picjs.iui, in ; Yen ,v Mis9 jial)6 Uudlesou ItKTTKH iair. inc program was mii icii ! aiH Miss Hattie (iibsbn at the home of . lively, and the large audience enjoyed i tne i,lttpr. Tne eutcrtainmeiit. of the I it thorouehlv. The young folks .uk- evening- was in the form of a mock I ing Nirt in it arc members of the ele-1 w(1,,iig. The weddihg supper was ser mentarv course in the school, and wcre VP(, jn tl)e Mng r00m which was very assisted by Miss Flower of too ad- ,i..;tiK. , in wink roses. Those vaneeil course, whose work in the line cn;,vin-ir thc eve,iing were Misses BIO CARAVAN OF NOVICE NOBLES' TO CROSS SANDS. FOODS HGTTKK HO.MKS . M I'Sli A j . WKKK PROtAM i I Santa Rosa, June Ji. A large class of novice Nobles of the Mystic, shrine will be conduct ed across the hot sands, into the oasis of Islam, at Islam Temple of the order here to night. Many nobles from oth er cities made the pilgrimage to witness the ceremony. The generals who have conducted' suffrage day are Airs. Norman de R. U'i.:... ...... , , minimise nun Airs. John mini-, as- j sisted I iv Aliss ,lcne Thomson of Cbi- Si cih'o, who has been balling cakes for! su.irage in one ot llnuuhvav's show Miter Nut: read at All Grocery Stores ASK FOR IT-LARGE LOAYES 5 CENTS ' NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THE LABEL SOLD wiLiii windows and selling tickets to her pa-' Stewart Mr ARMORY JINK ' 1 II..,. 1 1 M..u ..11 P....... .1... .-..I. .. .. . trims between bit.. , ....... . . . ....,.,,,,,. Vn, . . um umj inns ine gas. is eonvieil I . , . . ;..unmui De R. nitehouse. j to the house in pipes ami is used in'ihe . .win iiuacs ncni inst nun ine leookine and heatini' stoves Interest in the showing of gas that has been made in that vicinity is in- j creasing and several oilier wells hav: There is one home in Polk eountv j recently been drilled, which yield cor- to carry wood i sulerable gas. It is not improbable NATURAL GAS FOR FUEL. following social leaders will appear Hi i I their .rout row boxes: Mrs. Ogden I Mills Keid, Mrs. Charles Tiifitnv, Mrs.' ftj.loscph S. Stevens, Mrs. Charles Xoejl V'Kilge, Mrs. Harry White Cannon, Mrs. : where it is not necessary , John I uinphrevs Wntkins, Mrs. Iter-: or split a stick of kiudli.iL'. Natural i '''''t a paviiiir fieul ot both oil ,ii,,l niagnetie. Miss Greta Philliis sang " Thou an like unto a Lovely Flower," so beautifully that the audience in sisted upon an encore to which she gen erously responded witn i aat rat (ijbson. On the new I'M i son Diamond Disk. ...Band f :.. .. .!:... i. . ' -J . . . , ... T si,.d lrti. A.Miin Willi- wi i-ii.ri-B.-Hui. .s .n. i,.,,c..i,iiK i K.lith. Grace and Kulh rugate, Lottie . j .. r - v.- . . ". ; ,;.,,:,.,,,,,,, u;th iiinn'. Lallv. Louise Humphrey, Christobcl nope, line nappo.i -. , ,"; Thomas Chalmers i Jt 4- Aim.. P..1.I0 Ftt mid V.Kie1 Anewer, song White, '..iargaret and' Eva Fisher, Ma- Thee Well String Orchestra ble Hudlesoil, Nettie, Verne and Halli. itct, Luca POIlUlt' rWClM UI'MIV anna -e -!c A A V' "'l Ih'incl Giiggenhcini, glis from a well on his own farm is 'H p developed in that section vet.- V -f -f -f f t 1 V ( V i.,.. s. Arthur Men bner. rs. S.Iiiav' '....:..:... .11 .1... - (',......, 1. ' V r 1,. i 1 . . ... ui. in.- uifi iii-rt'ssitrv ror v,,..,j, jh-hha.-i-. r- .. ...... . : I org, .Mrs. Laurent. Oppcnhciui, Mrs. Aithe use of the family of Cass Rieus I T- 1 r ... .t.u, .111. urss. A 1 rM. lilTht'If tn u v iuh wnu u P fti.. r ?i. n 1 rut 1 u niiniiifs, .irs. i. i si vim v Tim rouinl trip fare frcmr Portland to iiost'lmrir 's Ntmwhorrv iMirnii i (.Him, . w;..i. 1 u: 11: m t . . . . . . . ' . ' Kverit Mncv. Mrs. Sinn A I.o-l,o., 1 i..' i .,V;i:...,.i 'i V7, "i.'5.." " 'I """ .".-sli. Us sfiny N.. M.. lit. ml .ML on :l... i- ... ' , : . !' "'" '"'.' "'KU " lUMlllieil He - j "- ' - J" -iMi. r.. 1.. I.CWIS, ieep wui nave reiulti lor yon in tn;Mrs. I'. Louis Simie, morning "" '"K uiiii.'u. -ur. iugg.1 11ns llisiiiiieil 1 Mrs. .Myron Hori!.ia storage tank on the plan of the huge , Miss M. I). Har-jeity gas plants, only on a smaller scale I criies are worth it. row, Mrs. H. Hooker, Mrs. Percy II. ; of course, and this tank filled from the Little, charms. Xew Today's wofk like "Rett ev roods, Better Week" 't:'7' ArmoryAll Week Admission Free For every woman in and vicinity, under th Salem e aus pices -of the Capital Journal f 1 ooc 1 I COGRS will he ieresied especially m Open at 1.30 Musical Program 2 to 2.30. Lecture---Demonstration, 2.30. v. Mrs, Kate Brew T - vat ignn Famous Culinary Expert in Charge. A rmoYVy J uue 5T C7 "II A". t: . - - 'V -. , ; ' . VA 'Si !"-r A7 f ' ' A . 't . , ' - : 1 : : -,M': V " ' ' A A- ;.t't :., Zy':'- ' A-.., SVSS Mrs. Vaughn who will cond.ict the C.-pitai jounial Better roods- Better Homes School, Armory, June 5 to 11. k 4V 4 .A. A A A A 4 r-r-rv'V-r-V'W