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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1916)
of "The Capital Journal A " aw m " IS 4 11 S ATl'liP A Y K V KN 1 NV. , June P. I Dili. Hdatonai rage CHABLES H FISHER, Editor and Manager.. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUXDAY, SALEM, ORECOX, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. 8. BARNES, CHAS. H. FISIIKR, UORA C. AXDIiESEN, President Vice-President Sec. aud Treas. Sl'Ii RIl'TIO-V RATE3 Tl.iW nr enrrier. Tier rear $') Per month 45c Daily by mail, per year 3.00 1'iiT moutli 3oc FELL LKASKD WIRE TELEGRAPH REI'UItT EASTERN' REPRESENTATIVES New York, Ward-Lewis VYiUiums Special Agency, Tribune Building The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects gettitng the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, s this is the only way we can determine whether or not tho curriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81. CAPITAL JOURNAL WILL HAVE FULL REPORT Those who read the Capital Journal will have observed how complete descriptions of the doings at Chicago are published daily in it. Of course the matter so far, is all of the preliminary battle, but next week it will be dif ferent and the real fight will be on. The Capital Journal has arranged to have in addition to the full dispatches. which will be sent out by the able corps of correspondents in the service of the United Press, a special service the United Press is putting on for the occasion. This will cover things political bearing on the conventions, but taking place outside of them. With two hours difference in time the Capital Journal will have the entire occurrences of the day up to nearly six o'clock. . , , . e The Portland papers arriving in Salem about tour o'clock at which time the Capital Journal is also distrib uted, are forced to go to press about one o'clock to catch the mails, and so will not have the doings of the day nearly so complete as the Capital Journal. Not only will the Journal have the same report as the Portland papers, but it will have two or more hours of it and two hours later, so if you want the latest and fullest news of the convention you will get it in your home paper. Try Salem first, if you want the news and you will hav'e no occasion to try anywhere else. WHAT WILL THEY DO NEXT BOTH WANT TURKEY INSTEAD OF CROW Artemus Ward said a monkey was the most amusing thing on earth because you never knew what it was going to do next. The Germans in this war are certainly not amusing, it is not an amusing sort of business, but they certainly fill the balance of the bill, for what they will do next no man knows. When the news flashed over the wires yesterday of their last exploit, the attacking and besting of the English squadron on the North Sea, it was like lightning from a clear sky. According to tho dispatches the Egnlish knew nothing of the presence of the Gorman squadron in their neigh borhood until the attack was made and the battle begun. The Germans slipped up on them and turned loose their irnns bpforo thev knew thev were on the sea. It was a genuine surprise, and nine of the big British war dogs and many smaller crate went down in trie battle tnat lasted through the day and night. Then before the bal ance of the squadron could come to their aid, the German fleet sailed away, and returned to its base. In the few hours the ships were engaged the destruc tion was terrific. In all, some seventeen English vessels aggregating 1:19,100 tons were destroyed, the German loss being 15,015. This does not take into account the British battleship Marlborough, which is reported missing and whose fate is not definitely known, nor the German cruiser Weisbaden which is not registered in any registry iivuiiituii.-. ; This sudden foray will cause much uneasiness among; the British ships, as they will not know what to expect! next. It also causes some guessing as to wnai uermany is doing in the way of building a stronger navy. In the light of the unexpected things the Germans h:ve done, it would not be surprising to learn that they had built up a navy big and strong enough to make them almost ready to venture a meeting with the whole British ravy. It would be an astounding thing, but that is the kind of things the Germans are, and have been doing. Some fear is expressed that Carranza may be assemb ling his armies in northern Mexico for the purpose of cutting off General Pershing and his forces. This is not at all probable for Carranza knows, if the ignorant Mex icans do not, that this would mean the end for him. He also knows that if he attacks IYrshing and the Americans that he will be badly whipped. The Pershing army is not large, but it can fight its way to the border without as sistance, if it becomes necessary. It reminds one of the time when the Oregon ntade her trip around the Horn. Then there were those who feared the Spaniard would run across her. This they finally did, and regretted it. There is an old story about two men who went hunting and killed a turkey and a crow. When it came to a divis ion of the game one of them suggested that he would take the turkey and his comrade could have the crew or he could have the crow and the party making the suggested division would take the turkey. This is about the way the situation shows up ot Chica go between the republicans, and progressives. Each is willing to let the other fellow have the worst of it. The republicans offer to let the Bull Moosers make the plat form if they will let the republicans name the candidate. The progressives are perfectly willing to let them name him if they will agree to call him Roosevelt. They otherwise refuse to accept the crow, as the naming of the man is the turkey side of the proposition. On the other hand the progressives are willing to permit the republicans to make a real progressive platform if they are permitted to name the candidate. They gener ously offer to let the republicans name the man for second place and point out that Fairbanks would be the best man for that position. On other words they offer to let the G. 0. P. have the whole crow. " In the meanwhile the vaudeville becomes more inter esting and in somt respects amusing; that is if you are not tied up pretty firmly with one of the other wings of the party or parties, or whatever it may finally result in when the conventions have finished their labors. Hitch cock has kicked the Hughes fat into the fire, and this pleases everybody who is not a Hughes supporter. The favorite sons are jubilant and Perkins who represents Teddy shows his teeth and smiles even as does the gentle man he represents. Hughes studies baseball scores and seems more inter ested in "Matty" and his pitching than in all the political ball tossers gathered at Chicago. Everybody is making claims except Root and he is saying he wants only a small vote. He is one who will probably not be disappointed. The first bad break of the longshoremen's strike was made at Tacoma yesterday when a number of the strikers boarded a ship, forcibly removed the strike-breakers and took them to Seattle. They have an undoubted right to strike and stay struck, but when they go up against the law, they weaken their cause and turn public sentiment against themselves. No strike can be won against pub lic sentiment, and it is foolish to provoke hostility, where naturally there is sympathy. We may have ou opinion about strike-breakers, but under our system of govern ment they have as much right to work as,, the strikers Mr. Macy Exposes the Mental Reservations The open letter of the Warren Brothers company, addressed to me, which recently appeared in your paper, is quite aunisii to those familiar with the paving business as it is conducted in this territory, and with the methods of the Warren people. This letter is signed by the Warren Brothers com pany. Jt is a well known fac t that the Warren Brothers company are nt now. and never have been engaged in the paving business. It is only a holding company which owns the patents ami machinery under and by means of which Bitulitliic pavement is laid. Bitulithic pavement is always laid by one or mora of its numerous subsidary companies. All the Bitulithic in Salem was laid by one of these. It was this company I referred to and metioned in my former letter. The Warren Brothers company is the parent orgam, ization of the trust. This company un doubtedly can hold up its clean hands with a -show of honest virtue and' truthfully say, "we have nothing to do with the injunction suit," and still it would not be an answer to nor a denial of the truth of my former letter. It is a fact that McXary & McXary are not appearing for Mr. Fry. Mr. Triudle represents him. AlcXury & McXary are appearing for some mi known client, and are controlling the proceedings. There is only one other concern interested in the paving game in Snleni, and that is one of the branches of the Bitulithic paving trust. The Warren concern hai kept and maintained one of their representatives in Shalom almost constantl ythis spring since it became known that the city was contemplating embarking in the paving business on its own account, thtus endeavoring to carry out the mandate, of the people, and furnish j good pavement at one-half of the trust ll lee.N, III n-r. nia ir;iiiinu.i taken careful note of every move the city has made. Has investigated the specifications for the mixture and noted the proceedings of the council. We know that this party is not work ing for the Warren company. They are not in the paving business. He is however, working for one of the well known subsidary companies of the War re u Brothers company. B. W. MAOV, Citv Attorney. 10th Annual Rose Festival, Portland Reduced Round Trip Fares Daily June 4 to 9 from All Points on OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Use the Fast, Frequent Trains of This Line and See the Features of the Celebration Three Days of Pageantry and Festival Fun. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 6 Crowning of Queen Willie Ritchie-Ralph Cruman Boxing Match. WEDNESDAY School Children's Pageant Dedication of Highway THURSDAY- Floral Pageant State Conventions FRIDAY Military-Civic Pageant Marine Parade, Speed Boat Races Ualtee Masquerade. ROUND TRIP FROM SALEM, $2.09 Final Return Limit on Tickets June 17 J. W. RITCHIE, Agent, Salem, Oregon Pioneer of 1844 Passes to the Beyond Mrs. Josephine P. Boyle Was One of Earliest Settlers of Polk County Another of the very early settlors if Poll.- fiutntv host missed: to her re- have to quit. Of course it is galling to have them take j ward. Mrs. Josephine i isoyie, aged jobs as they do and so work against their fellow workmen, jtTthuncX but aggravating as this is it had better be borne than by ias born in Missouri and was a iaugh- ler or v oionei .aiiiitinui huh i.m-inu.i Ford, and crossed the plains with thein in 1N14. la I.SM5 she was married in l'olk county to Dr. J. W. Boyle, one of the pioneer physicians of Oregon, who died in 1.VS4. The following chil dren survive: Mrs. ll.innah I-;. Tatom. Charles W. Boyle, William I. Boyle, living on the old home place: Mis. liona Chililers, of Portland, and .lames M. Boyle, whose present address is mi- taking the law into their own hands, for this will inevit ably turn public sentiment against them. The Chicago convention scramble already shows big business strongly behind Roosevelt. Big corporation law yers do not get into politics for fun, or for their own ag grandisement. They are there to do the work for which they are paid. That is why attorney John Miller made so adulatory a speech concerning Roosevelt, and that is why J. Odgen Armour is behind him. Since that billion dollar dinner, the big corporations are very friendly to Theodore, which looks somewhat suspicious even though Roosevelt is supposed to be above suspicion. Maybe as Sam Blythe wrote in the Saturday Evening Post, there is some "West-eii informed on public aft -ixr i i i l I unlit v Iteniizer. ci 11 ! ui vv n.img ijuiiij; nunc. property if it proves to be ns renrn- seated. Coos Bay Times: Mr. Yountz. a bench miner, reported findimr u i-p, !.!.., t'rm,, a steamship on the beach above Cut vicvk, soma or live .Mile mint. The wreckage consists of nates m,.l i.rm boxes bearing the name of the steamer T 11- t T 1 A m-puiiir. rie also round one half of a lifeboat with Portland. AlYii ne nrtinlo.l on it. The boat apparently was rpiite uiu mm covereu witn narnacles. but the paint on it was still in nod eondi. tion. Coos Bay Harbor: Two carloads of logging equipment were shipped to North lake this week bv the Buchner Lumber company, which will be used in the new camp to be started at Kel lake. TIn company proposes tapping one of their big timber lets recently purchased from the Nimpon Lumber company. This camp will probably em ploy about 00 men. Rnseburg, who was obtaining informa tion yesterday about the extent of tha supply of hardwoods in Jackson coun ty, will return to his homo this even ing. He says that it is promised thnfc work will begin on the construction of the railroad just voted by tha people of Roseburg about the middlo of next month. Medford Mail: Since the Jackson ville branch of the Southern Orego Traction company began operations over 100.000 fares have been tnficn ia. The register turned this mark Uonday evening. This includes the traffin since the beginning of the servise. and not for the county seat branch oloae. Captain N. J. Cornwall has sold his interest in the transportation com pany on the Umpqmt river to J. P. Christie. Henry Sagabenl ami Prank Sagabertl. The other share of the company remains in the hands of 0 B. Hinsdale and W. H. Jewetl. ('apt Cornwall and family intend shortly to move to Beikeloy. f'al., where thev' will make their 'future home. r..,. ,.! - tvlll ,n held at the home Friday afternoon, at 1:110, and interment will be in the Masonic cem etery at Salem, beside iier husband. Mrs. Boyle wns""considered a very rem.irkable woman in many respecis. Of high intellectual attainments, she was alwavs a great reader and kept urs. 1 oik The average germination percentage of onions in Oregon is low this year, on ly ol.iHI per cent oerminfit;,, ' .. - . 1 - .1 I "!W- pare.I with ,.,.1:1 per rout for last year. The germination of over 24 per cent of the onion samples was below 2" per cent. Onions make up over 10 per cent of all germination tests made in the Oregon 1, ranch seed testing laboratory at the o. A. C. this year. Mclr'oid Tribune: C. T. Coster, of ' STATE OF OREGON. : I'liOPOSALS FOR SUPPUKlti I Tin Oregon State Hoard of Contjot I will receive sealed bids on June 15, j lf'lfi, at 2 p. in., for furnishing supplies j to the various State institutions; eoa ! sisting of dry goods, clothing, furuisk ! ings, groceries. shoes, hardware, : brooms, drugs, paints, oils, stationery, icruckery, plumbing, etc., for the semi- annual .period ending December St, I HMO. Specifications nin) sctinHola. wilt. be furnished uon application to tha secretary, at Salem, Oregon, also from the industries nm Manufacture Bureau. Chamber of I laud, Oregon. Each bid to be accom I panie,l by a certified check i the sura of 10 per cent of the whole amount of .bid, payable to the Oreson State ItonrJ of Control, to be held as a Ruarantea of the faithful performance of the con tiio t. The Hoard reserves the right U reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. OOODIN, Secretary, Oregon State Board of Contrfl! STATE NEWS Brandeis is to take the oath of office and hi seat on: the supreme bench June 12, the day the democratic con-' vention meets. The supreme court is supposed to be com- ! posed of the very best lawyers and the most honorable men i rr7. n , i ., , . r, ., . .111 . T-i i ! Deputies from Sheritt Quine's oftice, in the country. Now if all the things told about Brandeis 0f Douglas county, confiscated -t-o are true, these gentlemen should refuse to sit with him. 1 'i;iar's of 1"sk,,';' ,nt V"rJili''I;- 0re" . '. .,P hi i ,i .Monday, under the direction of District Their action will really be an expression of opinion by the ; Attorney Ne.mer. The liquor had been supreme court of the United States as to the truth or j XeuL"1 befr "'tZit! it'Tal falsity of those stories, and of the fitness of Brandeis for in beer bottles, but every quurt was a Hid mwiiinn measure of whiskey instead of beer. I uu. malum!. . .... ,,..,..,iii,..r g..),, ..:,. fnr . r,..rt nF whiskey is reported to have been $.'!, T bo IVvt bird T?oco rnvnivn nnd tho foctujo nt fhinirrn miming tne retail value ot the con L 41V' . V'AVJCtVA IVVt't. VUk 1111 lit UI1VI tUV III V VHIIVMJijV i ,ij , ( i begin on the same day. Ihis is unfortunate for the Chicago affair, so far as retaining public interest in it is concerned: lor wnen tne l ortiand roses get in their worn wardens at Winchester. The salmon, it no' one will care two cents what is doing at Chicago. tfZ'l ZZ'L ' ' i prohibited place. The Woodburn Independent asks: "How can the Re- AUhmicll 2. r (.oimtit,a rf publican National Convention refuse to nominate Roose-! Oregon contain deposits of gold, the to volt and expect to win?" They can't; but the delegates to;i,us. 0rStiiar,sw the convention realize that they cannot win if they do'i'''ase of is;.2is over the $us!.. nominate him; and there they are. 1"?$ producing mines has fallen off fully In that battle on the North Sea all kinds of craft werej-In X brought into use. Besides the big battle ships there were, i,,a',(,r- Ms' of the properties are .,,J .b;i,, ;n V.: i:!s'nn": aitnougn there are i, if ICH3 ipimKhum(& B M w a - . f I t t t V Knl m px wait mson FLSHING TIME fiscnted i iq iocs about $ 1,1100. No ar rests have been mad?, although several may 'follow. A quantity of salmon was also confiscated the snme dav bv game and aeroplanes dropped deadly bombs. mix up. It' was sure some LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18G8 CAPITAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT As a matter of preparedness having a big fleet of bat tleships does not seCm to be the whole thing, Hay :llst on the North Sea has demonstrated thi?. It was a victory for the destroyers. mimn cr ilistricts, few operations are extensive Baker county produced about St per cent of the gold taken out in 11H5. The most important, placer enterprise in the state is in Baker county, on the I'owder river, the output of one big company, which operates two dredges li.m!,, The battle iRW" tn the combined remaining piucer ouiput. line nrl 1 Snt , T" bl"k' and 1 nmst take Sisf?dseie Can catch a shark that will occasion some remark I know not why I always feel like i lu Ui eei aout tms season ot the year; the inclination's rather queer. For well I know I will not bring, when I come home, a decent string; some bony fish that would not fetch a half a plunk will be my catch. And I'll be spotted o'er with sores, where all the insects o'ut of doors got in heir work vvith drills and stings and teeth and other redhot things. And I'll be sunburned, I suppose, until the bark peels off my nose and I'll be coated thick with lrillrl tiAii . .... I'll tan minnf vT , ? ln the babbling flood. 1 11 be a u in of the jay who in the morning went awav all K 7LfZVy0iryed AP110 in h?s Pompyknd even-' iri if; thlS' ,and J:et' I must go fishing vhSef glome baft " by hei is rly j Koseburg Review: One reliable au thority it is said that l.os Angeles cap italists have tak ST. HELENS HERE SUNDAY. 1ms figured in mnnv a game on the ; property of the Gardiner Mill The Woodhuiu fans will have their Woodburn grounds, is playing shortstop , in the I'mpqna country. It is said that first view of the St. Helens team next for these Lower Columbia river boys 'the parties tried to make a deal with Sunday when they meet our boys on an I they have some other players who O. B. Hinsdale, who had an option on the local lot. A comparison of butter- are considered top notchers. Pellette, ' the property, but he held it at such a ies mnl fielding averages shows that Woodburn 's new pitcher, will be in the price that they could not see their way Woodburn has it on this team just two box and Kreitf will catch. If you have ; to take the property over, so they weVt points, which reallv means that they not seen this big league battery work, directly to the Gardiner Mill company lire evenly matched as any two tennis come out next Suudav. Woodburn lu- and got an option themselves at a 'much less iigure ana w Always Watch This AShg often UHIHmniiiii . . . - possibly could be. Charley Moore, who dependent. vill probably take the T T T r W T fetnctly correct weight, nn,. j.i . ., . jnk, metal, rubber: hid a ft T T P"CM " H. Steinback'Junk Co. Tie Howe of Half Million Bargi. 102 North Coauuercinl PL ' " Plow H8 tM)(