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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1915)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, RATURMAY, NOV. 27. 1915. Everybody Admires a DR. T. RxiTw rWuslaaia2Atoim& mSumm w tm Unas., ';jrJ. 1 IBiS; 3 1 uouraua B urisniai uream cures nnni Tusenses and relieves Sunburn. Ttcmoves Tan, Pimples, Blackheads, Moth. Patches, Rash, Kreckles and Vulgar Kedness, Yellow and Muddy Skla. giving n delicately eienr nu(i rellned complexion which every woman desires. No, tl For sale by Druggists onil Fancy Goods Dealers. FercL T. Hopkins, Prop.. 37 Great Jones Street, New York. if if. STENOGRAPHERS Why Not use Columbia quality carbons7 if. Made In Oregon 100 Copies (lunrantoed from Each Sheet. Columbia Carbon Paper Mfg. Co. 3."rd & Broadway, l'ortlund, Ore. t tit 1a 1 V ik 4t le 4i 4t lit lit aj f f rp rr 4ft a r r S PILLS Di'tiiniiM. Askr.irrm.ciiiiM.Trns diaiicii niivMt rn.i.s, r.., m yem known 8!i llet, Ssfott, Always UHbW SOLD BY Dn'JfiGISIS EVERYVVHFRE BETTER THAN SPANKING Himnklng does not cure children o( bed vtting. There is a couxtltutloual caune for this trouble. Mrs. M. Bummers, Box W, Notre Dams, Iud., will send free to amy mother her aiicccsKful home troat jiicnt, with full Instructions. Send no sioucy, but write her today If your chil dren trouble you la this way. Don't bluine the child the chances are it can't Lolp It. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urino diUV unities by day or night. DR. STONE'S HEAVE DROPS For the euro of heaves; a liquid medicine given In (lie feed, which the must fasti dious horso will not re fuse. From one to six bottles will cure the moat stubborn easo. Trice $1 jjer bot tle, or 0 liottlos for !.). For snlo by n 1 1 druggists nud tit DR. STONE'S Drugstore Tli o only ctnsli drug store In Oregon, ivps no one, nil tl no one owes if j ent ries large stock; its solves, countera hud show ruses nro loaded with drugs, medicines, notimis, toilet Articles, wines nnd liquors of nil kinds for it.JJ'il lurioses, Dr. Slope is a regular ."vunto in tnodicluo and liaa had ninny ti-irs of experience in the Itrnctieo, ' Consultations arc free. Pro Koriplious nro free mid only regular ricp fur mcdii'lne. )r. 8tunp etui bo found at his drug- store, Pnleni, Orepon, f otn 0:4n in the nmrniug until 8 at iiight. Free delivery to all parts of llie cllv nnd williln a rndiiiB of 100 sj.iles. ' )) i()))!)kj(k;f:5ii 1T WAR NEWS OF ONE YEAR AGO TODAY Food prices advanced !n del' nitiuy and F.ngliiiul, suddenly. The Kaiser Wilhelm der (Irnsso was reported torpedoed In tho Baltic. Cairo said 70,000 Turks nui relied against tlio Suez eniial. ft ,HE SIGN POST for tl traveler HOTEL MORTONIA Spelli'Ath.omeneJi'-alwny'i Her on finds dictiitctivi Comfort Her on meets rorvlc tint tUicipates.. He r ii food tlwt is savory and satisfying Mr Ii ttmoiphtr tint cKsrmi nd chten. Hr It fovni that nra HOME LIKE Itmtnt which avtrj on lovti.. Th m.U loftly Ji of Nor. tonitttiys, Tlvs thing tint app1i-mJhi pries. M.IT Wuliinlton 123, and Slsrk nHIGHESTER '1 III: JHAMONII UHM. X myif- I''H ' AtkrnrrufuliC fr l( PX1 'li(.'lieii.tfrii ItlumiMiii ltruiiil filaL?TiJ l'l!U(n lli-d Or. l 4, old liiMalHAV b.)5, iraM villi Uluo 4iNan. Y U taw. 10. 1 I'iiLa tin nlhiK Utiv of vnup V lo CI f) Beautiful Complexion' FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Jin Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Requisite for Fashionable Women. A. dally necessity for the ladles' toilet whether at homo or while traveling. It protects tho Hkin from injurious enroots of the elements, fclves a wonderfully ef fective beauty to tho complexion. It Is a perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pos itively will not cause or "encourage the growth of hair which all ladies should Kuard against when selecting; a toilet pre paration. When dunclnK, bowling or oth er exertions heat the skin, It prevents a (freasv appearance. Gouraud'a Oriental Cream has been highly recommended by physicians, act resses, singers and women of fashion for over half a century and cannot be sur- finsscd when preparing for dally or even ng nttlro. Society Makes Appeal For Homeless Children The Boys' and Girls' Aid society hs ranking its annual nppeul to the schools nnd the, public, for Tliunksyivinfi eon tributions of money, food supplies nnd clothing. For 30 years tho society hns been curiiift for the dependent and ne glected children of Oregon, utid it should huve tlio generous support of nil citizens interested in child wcl fare. During the pust year the society has enred for !!)! children in its receiving home, tmd supervised over 500 children whom it tins plnced in privntc homes. Wiorcns it is the nim of tho society to place the child os quickly ns pos Bible in a suitable home, tlio euro of children in the receiving homo is ncccs Bnrily n large factor in tho work. Such cure includes scientific treatment, for over SO per cent of the children com mitteil nre not plnccnblo until physical defects nnd nilments hnve been rem edied. Until they are plnceuble the children must live In the receiving homo where everything is done to give them the iitlvtiutnges of normnl chil dren. It is furtherance of this work Hint the co-opcrntion of public spirited people is sought. All contributions should be addressed to The Boys' nnd (lirls Aid society, Portland, (ire., nnd should be shipped over the following railroads, which enr ry nil donntions to the society free of charge between November lulli and ue (ember .'list. Oregon-Washington Ey. & Nnv. Co. Portland liy., Light & Power Co. Southern Pncific. Oregon Short ,ine. Hmnpter Vnlley E. K. Co. Central E. E. of Oregon. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ev. Dallas, Portland & Astoria Nnv. Co. THE HOME BOOSTER If you like the old town best, Help her growl If you'd havo her lead the rest, ' Tell 'em so! When there's anything to do Let the fellows count on you: You'll -feel bully when you'ro through, Don t you know. If you want to miikc ft hit, Oct n name! Tf tlio other fellow's it, Who's to blnmoi Mucin! vmip nwtnev In the town. Where you pull the shnrkles down; Oive the mail concerns a frown That 's tho game! If you're used to giving knocks, Change your style! Throw bouquets inslenrt of rocks For nwhlle. Let the other fellow roast; Shun him ns you would n ghost; Meet his hammer with a boast, And a nrnile. When a stranger from afar Comes along, Tell him who and what we lire Make it strong. Needn't flatter, never bluff; . Tell the truth, for that's enough. Join the boosters they're the stuff. We belong. Scrnnton Board of Trade HOW'S THIS? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for auy ease of Catarrh that can not be cured bv llnll's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Wo, tho tinderBignod, have known F, T, Cheney for (ho Inst 15 yenrs, and bo- liovo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to curry out nay obligations made by his firm. National Bank of Commerce, Tolodo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 73 cents per Hut lie. Sold bv nil druggists. Tako Hall's Family Pills for constl palinu. SIR EDWARD CARSON AND THE MAN OF BUSINESS London, Oct. 22. (By mall.) Sir VMwnrd Carson, whoso resignation from the British cabinet at attorney general startled tho nation, once was Interrogating n defendant charged with inebriation, "You are a heavy drinker, tiren't you I" "That's my business," re sponded tho prisoner, "Have you any other busi ness!" Carson ssked quickly, s You get a papsr full f rssd- lug, no contest dops, dt k)!l(((kIk))(l4()l))t( THE IN QUEST. By James Barton Adams. "Wasn't none of us denied it that we played a leadin' hand Scndin' Mexican Kiualdo to the Oreaser Promised Laud; He had give us provcrcatiou fur a-doin ' of that same By a palmin' all the aces in an honest poker game. Flyin' rumors of th'o lynchin' in some unknown manner got To the county scat below us, an' precipitately brought The ol' coroner a sailin' fur to tnko the needless pains Of a holdiu' of an inquest on the weather-chilled remains. Said it was a legal duty, an' the jury 's verdict might , Oit the reckless perpetrators in a tangle party tight, Fur the suddou elevation of. a mortal to a tree Was a crime, as per the statutes, of quite serious degree. We endeavored to convince him that tho statutes didn't go In the Squawville jurisdiction, but ho wouldn't hnve it so, An' he asked us all to lickcr in sich a gentilcmanly way That we modestly informed. him he could make his legal play, So he summoned up a jury an ' it started on its work By clcctin' me the foreman, a posish I couldn't shirk, An' we met in solemn order, every face a wearin' woe Quite befittin' an event of sich solemnity, you know. Then the witnesses was questioned, an' they all expressed surprise At the startlin' information of the Mexican's demise, An' upon their oaths asserted thoy was more than satisfied That he just go tired o' livin' an' committed suicide. All the skill of the official couldn't Bhnke their evidence, An' the coroner waB puzzled at their ig'nnnce bo intense, Fut 'twas proved beyond a question that we'd neither heerd nor read, 'Fore tho coroner's arrival, that the Mexican was dead. He remarked In snappy manner that he thought it mighty queer That a thing like that could happen in the camp nn' no one hear Nnry cussed filing about it, an', to bolster up his view, By coincidence, we tol' him that us fellers though so, too. After duo deliberation in a strictly legal way An' considerin' the evidence brought forward in the play, We returned a proper verdict to the coroner, which road: "We, the jury, here aosembled, find the cold remains is dead." When I handed him the same, I tuk occasion to remark That srnic queer things sometimes happon here in Squnwville atfer dark, That tho Bun was just a settin', an' the way his boss's feet Hit tho landscape down the mountain was a pleasurable treat! WITH THE FORTY-NINERS. The historically Important discovery of gold in California was hade in lau nury, 1818, at John Sutler's mill on South Fork of American river near Column, a point only 10 or 1.1 miles southeast of the town of Auburn. From 18,)0 to 1 853 the greatest yield was de rived from tho gravels, and the largest annual output tor their period was more thnu $0.",000,000, in iS.)2. There was some reaction in 18"i4, due to pre vious wild speculation, but a produc tion of about it"i,000,ii00 a year, chief ly from plucer mines, was muintuined lip to 1801. At first the gold was won chiefly from the gruvels along the present streams. Those who first got posses sion of the rich bars on American, Yuba, Feather and Stanislous rivers and some of the smaller strenms in tiio heart of tlio gold region mnde at times from $1,0110 to ifo.OOO a day. In 1818, $rO0 to $700 a day wos not un usual luck; but, on the other hand, the inconio of the great majority of miners wns far less than that of mon who seriously devoted themselves to trade or even to common labor. The gold pan, tho "rockor," the "torn," tho sluice, and the hydraulic "giant," or "monitor," named in the order of increasing efficiency wero tho tools successively used by tiio miners. Into the "rocker'' and the "torn" the miner shoveled . grnvel or "dirt," rocking the mnchino as ho poured in water and catchipg tho gold, often with tho aid of quicksilver, on riffles set across the bottom of his box. Some times u stream was divertod into a flume to lay bare the gravol in its bed so tlint the miner could got at it. In sluicing, tho gravel wns shoveled in to a similar but much longer box through which a stream of wutor was allowed to run. Tho hydraulic giant was employed to wash into long riffle set sluices immense quantities of rfrnvel, especially from tho higher (Tertiary) deposits, much of which was too lean to wrdk out by hand, WntoT was brought for ninny miles in ditches and flumes from tho high Sierra and conducted under great head to a noz zle, from which it wns projected with tremendous force nguinst the gravol. It was the vast quantity of refuse washed into tho streams by these hydraulic op erations that brought about tiio con flict between mining and agricultural interests, finally decided in favor of the fanners. Of lute yenrs the gold obtained from quartz veins in California has exceed ed that won by placer mining. (Over bind Ouidebnok, Bulletin 012, U. S. (leologicnl Survey, for Bale by Super intendent of Documents, Washington, I). ('., at ! A NEGLECTED POET. Walt Whitman died a long genera tion too soon, The Spoon liivor An thologies that die public accept as real poetry express Utile Hint Whitman did not sav at least as well long before Masters smote his lyre. This is not licensing Master of plaigarisin. What he writes is well and delicately express oil. It flavors of tho soil ho knows, He is intimate with the feel of common, friendly tilings nnd folks. This is his charm. But listen to Whitman: "It is not the earth, it is not America who is so great, is ion up there, or any one, It is to walk rapidly through civiliza tions, governments, theories, Through poems, pageants, shows, to form individuals, underneath all in dividuals, "I swenr nothing Is good to mo now that ignores Individuals, The American compact Is nllogelher with Individuals, The only government Is that which makes minute of Individuals, . Tho whole theory of the universe is di rected unerringly to one single In dividual namely to iou." Tt I. nl l,nl!tllli. l, (.,,.. 1 I the popular slang of the day, that he will "liavo to go sonio" to express Amerienn democracy In dourer terms thnu did the unrecognized poet of I hi n Kb essentially American. Farm, Stock and Homo. .BELIEVED IN ADVERTISING, Mark Twain was a firm boliever In advertising. At a dinner ono timo, he said: "When I was editing tho Vir ginin City Knteiprise, writing eopy one day and mining tho next, 1 tried in ninny ways to drive home the fact that advertising pays, Ono day I re ceived ft letter from subscriber sny- Need a Laxative? Don't take a violent purgative. Right the sluggish condition with the safo, vegetable remedy which has held pub lic confidence for over sixty years. DEEGtMTS PILLS l Lara e it 3U of Any Medicina In Ik World, Sold OTonrwhero. In boxsi, 10c, 25 ing that he had found a spider pressed between the pages of his paper. He wanted to kuow whether this signified good or bad luck. I replied: "The finding of a spider in your copy of tho Enterprise was neither good nor bad luck. The spider wns merely look ing over our pages to find out what merchant was not advertising in them, so that he could spin his web across the door and lead a free and undisturbed existence forever after." BATUHDAl'1 d WAR ODDITIES ' , i 't Londou. Because a crooked too prevented his enlistment, A. Beaton, aged 18, Rugby, had the toe amputated and is now n privntc in tho Seventh Royal Warwick Regiment. London. Clifton, England, hns sent 2,171 men to the colors, 150 having been killed, 210 wounded, two nwurded tho Vic toria Cross, 17 Distinguished Scrvico Orders and 10 tiio military CrosB. Cardiff. The Cardiff Postal authorities havo given mauy male letter carriers jobs to wo men. Jledford Mail: It is being demon stinted thnt wo can produce nn excel lent quality of persimmons In this val ley. A specimen lot of that peculiarly attractive fruit from tho Westerlund orchard tract is on exhibition at the commercial club rooms. Constantly, with all the cluuinini! fortunes of war, friendly bacteria in the body are waging war nflainst invading microbes. Disease is the victory of the enemy, health the su premacy of the home guard. Intesti-Fermin Tablets combine the friendly, health (living bacilli ol Unitarian sour milk trr menu with Ulyco-Uakter the Bacillus of Long Lite. Taken per sistently, they tend to prevent premature old se. and guard against headache, blliouiness, nerve and ttomach disorders, inch diMtters at mito-intoxication and hardening of the arteries. $1.00 per bottle a wrel't treat ment aik for it today J. C. PERRY Baloni, Oregon, Cll iMiv Inr eepynt "Pfiwahii OH Aotr Cm) ml Prevtntton." by Uf. A V. dcStmn. tnttuf-Fannin k ntada atcluuvtly hy Tlio Dcrlin Laboratory, Ltd. New York City Rub Pain Right Out Small Trial Bottle of Old Penetrating "St. Jacob's Of Rheumatism is "pain only." Not one case in fifty requires internal treat ment. Stop drugging. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right in to your sore, stiff, aching joints and muscleB, and relief conies instantly. "St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheu matism euro which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. Limber tip! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacob's Oil" at any drug store, and in just -a moment you'll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. "St. Jacob's Oil" has cured millions of rheunintism sufferers in the Inst half century, and is just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, sprains. AN UNUSUAL CHUM Henry Blake's father goes fishing with him. And goes in tho creek so's to tench him to swim; He talks to him just like they's awful close chums And sometimes at night he helps Henry do sums; And once ho Bhowcd Henry how he used to make, A basket by whittling a peach stone and take The bark off of willow for whistles although He hadn't made ono since a long time ago. Henry Blake's father is just liko his chum, And when he goes fishing ho lots Henry come; Ho fixes two seats on the bank of the brook And shows Henry low to put frogs on tho hook; And sometimes ho laughs in the jolliest way At somo little thing ho hears Henry eny, And dips up a drink in liis hut like you do When only just boys go a-fishing with you. Henry Blake's father will take him and stny Soraowhero in the woods for a lie' holiday And wear his old clothes and bring home a big sack Of hick'riCB and walnuts to help Hen ry crack; And sit on a dead log somcwhero in the shado To eat big snndwiches his mother has made; And Henry Blake's father, ho don't seem as though He's more than his uncle, he likes Henry sol J. W. Foley. STOMACH MISERY QUICKLY VANISHES Yonr money back if you want it 1b the way in which Dnuiol J. Pry, tho popular druggist, is selling Mi-o-na, the great dyspepsia remedy. This is an unusual plan, bat Mi-o-na has so much merit and is so almost in variably successful in relloving nil forms of indigestion that he ran but little risk in soiling under a guarantee of this kind. Do not be miserable or make your friends miserable with your dyspepsia. Mi-o-na will holp yon. If it doesn't, tell Daniel J. Fry that you want your money back and he will cheorfully re fund it. A chnngo for the better will be seen from tho first fow doses of Ml-o-na and Its continued nse will soon start you on tho rond to perfect digestion and enjoyment -of food. Mi-o-na has been so uniformly suc cessful that every box is sold under a positive guarantee to rofiind the monoy if it does not relievo. What fairer proposition could bo mndo. Dnnicl J. Fry gives his porsonnl guarantee of "money back if you want it" with every box of Mi-o-na thnt he sells. A gunrnnteo like this speaks volumes for the merit of the remedy. "ADVANCE, MOSES, AND DELIVER THE 10 COMMANDMENTS!" " London, Nov. 2. (By mail.) & A real Incident of tinappreei- ated humor enmo frmi North- em Fi n nee todny via soldier letter. Tho Tommy said: "Thero is a certain Padre up our wny who wns Into in re- He turning to his qnnrtors and for- He got the countersign. The fol- fe lowing conversation Is between the I'ndro nnd a sentry, who had n sense of humor: "'Haiti Who goes there f id Ah or oh I'm, I'm Mosesl'" " 'Advance Moses nnd de- liver the Ten Command- meats! "' Tho Tadro ,tho letter adds, failed to take it so humorously and the witty Tommy Is now doing 8 days' field duty as punishment. ididikiii(4t)k4ciiitii)k4i)()t)ti Yon re pitying for news In the Journal, riot prizes, STATE NEWS )C C ifC )(( ))t aft aft aft 3C aft )(t as)t ift afl aC East Oregonian: W. L. Thompson, Pentdleton member of the Oregon com mission for the exposition at Sun Fran cisco, hns returned from Han Francisco, where he participated with other mem bers of the commission in the observ ance of Oregon day with Governor Withycombe as the chief guest of hon or. Pendleton and the Round-Up have secured very favorable and extensive advertising, says Mr. Thompson. Tho Ilounil-t'p motion pictures shown at the Oregon building have mnde thnt show the most popular one of the sort on the grounds. The Proctor "Buckaroo" is eliciting much praise, nnd reflects cred it upon Pendleton. Incidentally Mr. Proctor has been honored in other ways at the exposition. Two immense repro ductions of his bison minrd the main en trance to the fine arts exhibit, one of the most popular buildings on the. grounds. Sinslaw Pilot! Mrs. Daisy Wilkinson,! of Indian Creek, hns sent ns several ' branchos taken from wild blnckberry and cultivated red raspberry vines. TIicbo branches were secured October 18, and aro loaded with ripe berries. That tlio raspberry and wild blackberry vines bear such delicious fruit at this, time of tho year is proof that the cli-1 mnto and soil conditions on Indian creek are ideal for a long berry sea son. Medford Mail: C. Alder, of this val ley, left a specimen of milo maize at the Commercial club the other day that suggests its almost perfect adaptability to our Boil and climate. It is on ex cellent growth, full, well matured and of good "heft.": It resembles a cross between Egyptian corn and fetoritn. Tho latter has the advantage-in that it requires a shorter sensou by 30 days for maturing. It is but little known in this valley, however, but milo mnizo hns been grown considerably here. Both feterita and milo maizo arc excellent stock and poultry feed. Coos Bay Times: That (here may bo nn increase in the salmon run is ovi deiicert h tho fact thnt vesterdnv fish prmcn delivered somo C50 silverside sal mon ut the Tnllnnt cannery. For a week or more the run has been very poor and some days ns low ns 150 fish wero re ceived. Fishermen persist that tho main run wns late this year, and thnt in the Inst few days of tho season there may be a grcnt many fish caught. The seu'son closes November 2. Eoseburg News: Work on tho TJmp- sf;?,1;! i?.",:1 ny:n, ie:: U Hilly ill llliu mi" '' v vs. nnu clcariuir the right-of-way. Forest Hu- I nervisor o. vj. tmrirmii nuu xj. -t . iim,i i : J?-, T),i.,.,,i I,,.,,,,,' for Tiller tomorrow morning to direct the woik nnu cot it under wny. it win t i i n.... ,,,..,1 ' oe leiueuiuuruu iiiuv iuib niiywn iuiiu in to bo constructed in co-oporntiou with tho county and the forest service and tho tax payers in that district who have already voted a special tax to assist. Coos Buy Times: John LnMure, of the Tallunt cannery, said this morning that in the past week tho run of the salmon has been lessening until now thoy nro getting only about 350 silver- sides a day and about a ton of Chi- nooks, no Knows no reason lor inn fish not running and says he hopes that Inter in the Benson will see them start ing in again. Tho season will close on November 20. Bandon World: Coyotes nre rapidly driving tho sheepmen of the open coun try in Curry county out of business, ac cording to a resident of thnt section wiio wns in Handon today. Mr. Stan ford, of Myrtle Point, who hns been a livestock raiser in tho Floras creek re gion for several years, now has a force of men busy cnrnling his bands and will sell them within tho next few weeks. The coyotes hnve created such havoc with his flocks that he is forcod to givo it up. lie expects to stock up tiio raugo with cuttlo. HERE, AND THERE IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY Cttnhy, Minn., Nov. 27. Mayor John Bowes, who disnppeored, has been found with tho Foreign Legion in France, his wife says. Oakland, Oil., Nov. 27. California high school girls wero to have a mam moth regatta on Lako Merritt here todny- j Denver, Colo., Nov. 27. Denvor to night will lenm tho Identity of Queen Kloctrn, secretly chosen for the olec- A poor or inferior butter will make the best bread distasteful THEREFORE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Marion Creamery Butter "Meadow Brook" it costs no more and you Get the Best IWILLGIVESM It I FAIL to CURE m mm "jTi!"3Ri tmt bsfonj It POISONS fcif ituiVuOliKWf hi BONE WithoblHnitisrPaiii. Ns PAT Until CuKlDI WRITTEN GUARANTEE ho X Kay or other swindle. An Island plant malt esthecure' Any TUMOR, LUMP on SORE on the lip, face 8r body long la ANCEFt; It never palnauntiflastataso 120-FA6E BOOK Bent FHRE. 10.0C4 teatU moiUala. Hrtti is new Any LUti WOMAN'S BREAST it P KM P CD andalwayapoltonadeep b A i? b E. it oit Klanda and KILLS OU arm- QUICKLY One woman lneverr7aieaof cancer 0.8. report We refuse many who wait too long & unit die Poor cured at bait price If cancer la yet small Or. ft Mrs. Dr. GHAMLEY ft CO. SKKl "Strictly RalttMt, treatart earner Saecialltt Uvlni" 4349 i 436E Valencia St, Ssn Francisco, Cat. KINDLY MAIL THIS tasMNeiiltj CANCER trical week fostivities by a commit tee of artists, fl Ft. Madison, In., Nov. 27. State pen itentiary convicts had their first re hearsal today of "Tho Mikado" comio opera, which thoy will present public, ly. Mon convicts will impersonate wo men. Boston, Mass., Nov. 27. The unex pectedly simple labor of munitions manufacture, the heads of factories here working on wur orders admit, will give them 50 per cont more profit on the work than originally was estimated. Million dollar orders ure not unusual for" manufacturers here. Monroe, Wis., Nov. 27. Orecn coun ty citizeus in the last year have manu factured 11,328,995 pounds of Swiss, limburger, brick and American cheese, valued at $3,785,004.81. One hundred and fifty-three factories, three big con densers, three cren.-neries and :i8,H!2 cowb, (which is 10,000 more cows than humans in the country), helped mako the chceso. Now York, Nov. 27. A branch of tho Woman's Congressional Union for Suf frage wns to be organized hero today for New York state. 1 New York, Nov. 27. The indoor games of the Irish-American Athletic club will begin tonight nt Madison Hquaro Garden. The entry list includes the Olympic, Amerienn, intercollegiate, mimurv nnu meiroponian cnampions. l-yAltir- I I n ti ml TO IN E U P YO U R ! STOMACH and thus bo protected against Loss of Appetite, Indigestion and Bowei troubles. i . I . i 1 j " HACTFTTF ni c IIVSO I L I I 1 IV O j Stomach Bitters, has been proven an evcellcnt tonic and appetizer. Try it. Lightning Washing Powder The kind you have always wanted to get but havo never found till now. Goes farther and does more than nny other Washing Com-" pound. Kemovos paint, pitch, spots or stains without injury to the most dolicnto fabric. Does not hurt the . hands. No wnshbonrd needed with this powder. Exccllont for washing floors, woodwork, dishes, pots, pans, in fact anything for which soap is needed. Good for the bath. Smith & Lucas Marion County Agents 118 South Commercial, Phone 615 For sale nt O, K. Grocery, 150 8. 12th, nnd by Damon & Son, 835 N. Commercial Street. Agents Wanted.