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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1907)
DAILY OAPrAfc JOURNAL, SALMI, ORHGON. TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1007. fr Y HOFER BROS., PMhett and Proprietor K. HOFER, Editor. A. F. HOFER, Manner. STUB JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. GOOD TODAY. Ollior HiinR will flhlno nB goldon, Other skies bo Just ns blue, Other south wlndB blow as softly, Gontly drinking up tho dow; Othor goldonrods and asters With tho sun and sky agree, . Those for othor mon and women .Tuot today for you and mo. Othor fruit of wlnoy flavor Wnndorors will pluck and oat, Othor birds with wlnsomo volcos Other songs will sing an sweet; O'or tho dapplod brook will mldgon Dan co an hour, then coaao to bo, All tho world may have tomorrow I3ut today's for you .and mo. Othor gardens will bo planted Pair ns this which wo call ours, Othor blooms will put to shaming Thoso bonlgn, old-fashioned flowers; All tho glorlos of tho suiiBot In tho Biinrlso ono may hoc, That, which others call tho dawning Is tho night for you and mo. A Square Deal Is assured you when you buy Dr. Plorc' family medicines for all tho Ingredi ents entering Into thorn aro printed on tho bottlc-wrnppers and their formulas aro attested under oath as being complete and correct. You know just what you aro paying for and that the Ingredients are gathered from Nature's laboratory, bolng selected from tho most valuable native medicinal roots found growing in our American forptrandjvhlIe potent to cure aro perccrlv harmlwuiVanto tho moM dellcato woineaJTnllaTgn Not drop wcam.wwn im?Mi?ii smmmm rn npir 1'. 4r Vb li i V poftcssci r u nwn bolnir a most valuable antlsontlc and ant! fcrmont, nutritive and soothing dsmuN cent. Glycerine plays an Important part In Dr. I'lorce's Golden Medical Discovery In tho euro of indigestion, dyspepsia and wonk stomach, attended bv sour rlslncs. heart-burn, foul breath, coated tongue, poor a P not I to, gnawing feeling In stom ach, biliousness and Kindred derange ments of tho stomach, liver and bowi. llosldns curing nil the abovo distressing Mil m i,k t t n M 1 1 nl it n Inil lnl iM.Hnini.ii It UlllllUlltO. HIU VJUIUI3II .UUUIVJII ulatuvui Is a specific for all dlsoasos of tho mucous monibriinofl, as catarrh, wliothor of t!o nasal paR.n?ni or of the stomach, boVn,3 or p'i.ic ur an. Kvfm in its ulcerative Btag'" It Hi,1 yifld to this sovereign rem Public Buildings Stockton, Stol2, Oesner. Seworage, Stolz, Jacob, Low. Plumbing Frojjer, Downing, Gea ner. Firo and Water Low, Radcllff Goodo. Bridges Gesner, Churchill, Fraa- cr. Health and Pollco Haas, Jaeoi Waldo. Lights Goodo, Haas, Greenbaum Printing Radcllff, Haas, Fraser Public FarkB Bayne, Greenbaum, Stockton. Board of Education. W. H. Byrd, Chairman. A. A. Leo, H. C. Bpley, Crolsan, Directors. H. A. Johnson, Jr., Clerk. J. M. Powers, City Supt. Schools. . o E. M pdy if It3ii i'!jit-ri4vercdin. In Chronic Catnrrli of t!,o Nasal aftsaires. It Is welL whl in taking tlm "Onldnn Medical Dis covery" for tlm ncccvary constitutional troatrnont, to cloanso tlio pussuges fnviy two or nirco times a any wun ur. sages -Sticcoss. HIRELING WAINI'ltOMOTKIlS? Thoro onn bo no question whatover that the "yellows" on both sides ! tho I'aolllo oponn tho sonsntlonul now huntora and tho rookloBs pub lications that buy and soil tholr product aro chiefly, If not wholly, ro MptniHlblo for nil tlm ridiculous but Hllll disquieting "war-talk" thnt Sa today unduly oxoitlng tho poOpIp of two homlsphoros. Jt Is not (iiiito ho cloar ns practically ohnrgod by our government offl 'clulB at Washington nnd momborB of tho .Tapnneso ombassythore that a uynloniutlc press onmpnlgn of inlHroprouentatlon Ik bolng conductod In "Toklo and this country to croatu a clash betwoon Japan and tho United status. lint fast-nnciimulallng Incldonts, it must be admitted, GIVE COLOR TO THE CHARGE THAT THE NEFARIOUS RU.SINESS IS ACTUALLY 1IEINH CONDUCTED ON AN ORGANIZED WORKING SYSTEM. For liiBianco, (ho Hochl Shlbun of Toklo publlHhod this plainly un Wirrnnto.1 and absurd critlclHin of tho American navy allogodly by Ad miral Sakamoto on Monday, and all tho 'yellows" In tho Unltoil StntOB ImHtoned to "build It up" Into Job-typo and color Hchomes: "Even If tho WnHhlngton govornment should docldo on a war, It Is uoumrui whether tho Americans Horvlng In tho navy aro Hufllclontly pn tilollo lo light. ... it Is too much to oxpoct a burning patriotism' In tho American naval norvleo In rnso or war with Japan. It la llkoly that most of llio orowM would dosort and loavo tho Bhlps." VlHcount Aokl, tli j Japauoso ambassador, hastenod to oxplaln that tho IMochl Iiiih absolutely no Htaudlng for truthfulnoBB, reliability and ro HIKiiiHllilllty In Japan, and to iiHHiiro tho Amorlcan public Hint Admlrnl Sakamoto could not possibly havo boon guilty of such an Indiscretion Unit lio is not purmlttod by his govornmont to hihh criticism of nny sort on u foreign power, that won If 'no privileged ho would not havo said any thing so foolish and that tho wholo story wan piopostorous. 101 williiii twonty-four hours tho Now York Herald Is found ropro duclng tho absurdity undor flaring hend-llnos and ropoatlng furthor In llammatory declarations erodlled to Admiral Sakamoto by tho discredit ed Uoohl Hiieh as: "It Is dlillcult to tell whuther It (President RoohovjII's nlloged decision lo dlNimtch alxfern warships to tho Purine) Is Intended ns a threat or as n provoentlun to Unlit'; Bul 'should America bo Inlinlonlly disposed Ja pun. IT iisiitHiinry, U rtNidy." Who U llnaurliiK tiU propaganda? WHO IH PAYING JAPANESE AND AMKItlCANS NEWSPAPERS TO MAKE K001.H OF THEMSELVES? OR WHO HAH PROMISED TO PAY THEM IF THUY CAN ONLY t.lifjiftir iiiih . . .. ......... . " WA Tllliortlll IDIPM)YING THE .MOST YICIOl'S Catarrh Remedy. This thorough counts caso.t. of treatment generally cures the worst In coughs tnd hoarseness caused by bron- umutlun In lis tivlvnticod Ntaires. thonUol(ien chlal.'tlirunlnnd luiic atlbctluiii, except rm- umpuun in us iivivnticou Niaires. uionuol(icn Medical Dlsovury" Is n most clllclent nirn- wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmn.'' t -rnr .iinirro ? inc IVIAISL10. lake Salem a Good Home i. Mnrkct. 1 1 1 1 m m t n ii 1 1 n 1 1 m i'F SALEM .MARKET. ody, tmit'i'lally In tlioso obstinate, hnne-on couzLniausi-d hy Irritation and congestion o( th lirunrliUl mucous rnuinhrancs. Tlio "1)U" corery " Is no' so irixxl fur acute coutfhs arli Inir aucj on cold, nor must It bo ot bocted to rut comminution In Its adrancrd staeot no inc rino will do that hut for all tho ol'stli.tic Ii runic couiriiH. which, ir nr li'Cti-d. or lit' I- triniod. lead uptoconsiimrv. lion, it :iu. t ini'iliclno lhatcnnhoinlv I I I M I I I I I I I V l OFFICIAL DIRECTORY AND UNPATRIOTIC "VEU.OWISM" AS YET CONt'EIYED IN THE HISTORV OF ,101'RNAI.ISMV llypmitlMii n h a Cmv. 'Ww II ml tlm hy until iHtii l"rniiou. lllto tliH psychical rarrh- urs of HiiKlaiiil, stinking tho way to visor MiiitptlM,ii f tbw Hir." myt AiiiiiiiKlou liruuo in ApplotouN In no iu niyntiMlmii way 8UKRtons of .made to a hypuotltiwl patlunt sot In II Magatluo, "and We also II ml tliout turning tli nw knowludgo to prac tical account In the buttormeut of tho Individual and tho rnc. This Is piirtloularly true of tho Nancy liohool, which from l.Miwuilt'n tlm has reooftiilKtid tho Inlliioitco of sug Kutlnn on thp bodily orgnuUiu and luts Htwulfustly umployod hypnotism tor tlitrmiitlo mtlior thiiu axporl muntal purpoitM. Of course, at th uulsot of tholr labors tho roprosu tatlvvs of thin school did not possess tho Inforiimtlou sture Kulund of tho Miihtlu lntractloiu httweon tho phys lil and lh psycUlcul in th humnu body; but thy bslivisl cUarly that Capital National Bank Offr iu nuMiiiu'i Nu ib f- cllltls of a nimltrn Mnd woll Hulp.a buk SWINGS DEPAIUiMCNT I'm) Utet om drpimlts com IkOHuJvd kiH(-aauMlly. Dno- IU of Hi ilalkvr or inor oau be nmU : uhj- tlm. Hmall mckwl bukd of uu ImproviHl pattorna supplied to depositors. miamnMUDMinunti J, H. ALHKUT, ProkkHt K. M. CHOIHAN, VlcsPr. SOii. H. AIJiKHT, OMbW, itiotlon forces mighty to heal and upbuild. Undeniably, tholr onthiiB lui led them to luditlg In extra va gaut hopoa and to much futllo offort. "Novrthhtw. the oxperlonoo of years promUus, 1 think, an ovor wldunlng sphere of usefuluoH for thurapeutlp hypuotUm. Among the lust allegations was tho claim that hypnotic NiiKgMtlou radically affects tho powor of digestion, nutrition, circulation, and the like; also that It could be utllUsd to strengthen tho I n toll vet and the will and thus bo made to nerve educational and moral ly correotlvo ends. Llebeault, ac cording to his report, took In han.1 a group of weak-minded chlldron tin.) by hypnotism alone expanded their lutolllgtfuotf to a really niarvolotu extent. Ono boy who was nctunlly an Idiot and deemed Incapable of j; learning to road or write, ho claimed , to have so stimulated that Iu less than thr months he had mastered the alphabet and could make simple , arithmetical (viloaulntlons. "In the cheeking of bad habits In child mi. eonsHlclaualy succo was jiportttd. more particularly by Dr. , in-rtllou. who was perhaps the llret j'i.vstn'HuulcHlly to apply the hypnotic ,nthod to education. Similarly, ac cording to numerous reports, adults were cured of alehollsm. tho mor phine linblt, uxceealvo smoking ami kindred vices. "With tho passago of time, too, It was realised that If, from the thora- peuuc ainnupoitu, uypnonsm wore unavailing Iu the treatment of most physical Ills. It might bo utilised to alleviate- the pain accompanying such Ills, nml .In some case to effect cures Indirectly; po&soaslng probable curative value In connection with all maldlea lmvlng luychrfcjU basis, unless these maladies had progress ed (rota, the functional to tho or- iiiiniimiiiiin ii mi Delegation in Congrt;fl. Bonator Chns. W. Fulton, ABtoria. Sonntor Jonathan Bourne, Jr , Portland. Roproaontatlvo W. C. Hawioy, Sa lean. Roprcsontativo W. R. Kills, Pondlo- ton. State Offldals. Governor, George E. Chamberlain, Sorotary of State, Frank W. Ben son. Stnto Troasuror, George A. Steel Suporlntondent of Publio Instruc tion, J. II. Ackerman. Attornoy Gonoral, A. M. CrAwford. Stato Printor, W. S. Dunlway. Stato Labor Commisalonor, O. P I loft. Supremo Court. Chlof Jiifltice, Robort 8. Bonn. Assoclato Justice, Frank A. Mooro. Assoclato Juetlco, Robort Eakin. CommisHlonors, W. T. Slater, W. R. King. Clerk, J. C. Morolnnd. Hoportor, R. a. Morrow. llnlllff, P, II. Raymond, Circuit Judges, Geo. II, Rurnett, Salem; William Galloway, McMlnn vlllo. District Attornoy, John II. Mo- Nary, Salem. Other Stato Ofllclals. J. W. llalloy, Food and Dairy Com mlsalonor, Portland. J. W. Rnkor, Gamo nnd Forestry warden, Cottage Grove Robt. 0. Yenny, 8tato Health Ofll cor, Portland. J. II. Lowla, Stato Englncor, Sa lem. E. Gllllngham, SUto Librarian, Sa lom. II, O, Vau Duson, State Fish Com missioner, Astoria. Cans. V. Galloway, Stato Land' Agent, Salem. W. W. Elder, Commander Soldier' Home, Roseburg. Mnrlou County Ofllclals. John II. Scott, County and Probata Juduc R. D. Allon, Clork of Courts. W. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Treasurer, E. T. Moorea, Superintendent of Schools. F. 4. Rice, Assessor. 11, R. llerrlck, Jr., Survoyor. J. 0. Neodham, W. H. Goulot, Com missioners. A. M. Clough, Coroner. D. G. Drager, Rocordor. Salem City Oltlctals. Geo. F. Rodgors, Mayor. W. A. Moore, Recorder and Police J ud go. I). W. Gibson, Marshal and Chle! of Police. Frank Meredith, City Treasurer, A. O. Condlt, City Attorney. Jas. W. Martin, 8treot Comrals- slouor. ' Mark Savago, Chief Fire Depart-nont W. C. 8mlth, Health Officer. City HUntllng Commlttco. Ways and Means Jacob, Waldo Churchill. Ordinances Greenbaum, Low Goo4e. Aceeuats tad Currt MiiB OsMtrelUll, XUi, Bya, Iyocal Wholewilo Market. Eggs 20c. Buttor 27c; fat, 25&c lions lie; young chickens, lie. Local whoat 75c. Oats 37c. Barloy $21. Flour Hard wheat, $5.00; valloy $3.85 $1. 00'. Mill food Bran, $10.50; shortS, $21. liny Cheat, $8.50 9, and clo ver, $S.00 por ton; timothy, $11.00 (3' $12.00 per ton. Onions $4.00 por cwt; potatoes, $1.00 per cwt. Hops Choico, 10 lie; primo to cholco, 8 9c; medium to primo. 8Wc Chlttlm bark 4 Hi ZT 5c. Wool 20c. Mohair 20c. Tropical Fruits. Bananne $6.75. Orangos $3 $4. LomonB $0.00(5 $0.50. Itotp.ll Market. Oats Whlto, $30; whoat, 90c por bu.; rolled barloy, $27. Eggs 25c. Butter Country, 25c; cream- ory, 30. Flour Valley, $1.15 $1.20 por sack; hard whoat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran 65c por sack; $21 por ton. Hay Timothy, 75c 85e per cwt; cheat, 60c; clovor, 55c por cwt.; short, 95n por cwt. LIvt'Ktnck. Hogs Fat, Cci Cattle 11001200 lb stoors, i3'jc. Llghtor toers 3C3 Vic. Stook hogs 5C6c. Cows and holfors 900 1000 lb, Lambs lV6c. Voal Drossed, 5 7c. Dry Goods Spiccialj Coraet Covers, neatly trimmed, at 25c each; Ladles 8leevelc8j 4 good quality, at 10c each; Ladies' Bleovesless vests, extra y, sizes at 15c each; White embroidered waBk bolts, at 18C t' Muslin gowns, fair quality, at 75c each; Muslin gown, extra laj Bizes, at $1.25 each; White Parasols, $1.00 ones at 65c each; pt! sols, $2.00 variety, at $1.50 each; Ladles' and Misses' 25c ft white hose, at 18c pair; Figured lawns, pretty patterns, at j,', 10c a yard; Straw hats from 10c up; Canvas gloves, plain orgj lets, 3 palrj for 25c; Children's 25c knit waists at 15c each; $ broidcrios and laces, from lc a yard up; Men's 50c work shlrti1 40c each; Boy's 45c work shirts, at 38c each; Men'a socks, at r1 pair and up; Men's $2.00 pants, at $1.40; Men's $3 pants atij.' Shoo dressing, whlto or black, 10c a bottlo. 'j Come In and See a Store Pull of Bargains ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 298-300 Commercial StA IH i A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRIAL OF OUR FARM IMPLEMENTS MACHINERY OF ALL RINDS. IF YOU ARE NOT 8ATISP WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NEED NOT BUY. I SELL TRACTION AND STATIONERY ENGINES, NICTJQ AND SHEPARD'S RED RITER SEPARATORS, HAY DAL STREET AND ROAD GRADING MACHINERY. AVE HANDLE THE 11U11U WAUUNH, ENGER BUCCB HACKS AND CARRIAGES. WIS AUK AUlS.Ylb l'Xm THIS AUKIANUE, IIUCKEYB MOl ERS, CLIPPER FLOWS AND BLUE RIBBON CULTIVATOR ALSO SOME SECOND HAND FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS VERY CHEAP. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES AT WHOLESALE AXD I TAIL, GLASS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINT SUPPLIES. BUGGY TOPS, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS, ROnES, ETC. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIRCULARS AND DESC TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Pop, PHONE 101 MAIN COR. FRONT AND PINE SI USE SELF RISING B. bB, Flour For Boston Brown HrquI, Grlddlo O nhes, MullInH and Plum Pod ALLE.VS B. II. II. FLOUR CO., INC., SAA' Jose, Cnl. Tolstoi All RlghtT St. Petersburg, July 16, The re port that Count Tolstoi is dead or III is not true. Ho Is In excellent health. Portland Wliolisnlo Market. Wheat Club, 8o; valley, S0c; hluo stom, SSS0c. Oats Cholco whlto, $27.50ff$28, Mlllstuff Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $17$1S; alfalfa. $13. Votch $S.50. Poultry Hens, 18c; spring chlck ons, 17c; dressed ch tokens, 16 17: turkoys, live, llM2c; aiiokt, Se 0c; plsoons, $1.00f$l.R0, Pork Best, 6c6c, Lambs Spring, 994c. Mutton 6c 7c, Beef Dressed, 6 6c. Hops Cholco, por pound, 77. Wool Valley, coarse to medium, 20C22c; Eastern Oregon, 106 22c, SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. TJmo Cml No. jr w..i.. Juno 10. Towurtl Portland Passenger. No. 165:23 a. m., Oregon Ex proas. No. IS S:30 a. m., Cottage Grove Passenger. No. 124:21 p. m., Shasta Ex press. No. H 9:2S p. m Portland Bx ptess. Toward Portland Freight No. 22210:5t e. ra., d4parta 1U3S a. m Portland Fast Freight No. 22610:40 a. m., departs ll:3S a. m., Way Freight. ToM-nnl San Francisco Passenger . i4 Ai;uo a. m., Shasta Ex- prcs. No. 176:42 p.m., Cottage Grove P&seonger, No. 169:56 p. m., California Ex- proa. No. 131:31 a. m., San Francis co Siproas. Toward Sa Kraacisco Freight. Ne. J3is:33 m m., San Frn. U Fat rt4gbt. H, 3U--ll:iS a. a.. rriT. The Texas TVuuacr. Cures all kldnoy, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mail for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive streot, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by 8tono's drug store. dw-lyr STEER THIS WAY s for your Boof, Pork, Lamb. Mutton and Veal and you will got tho finest Meat ever killed. Tho tasty, juicy, appotlzlug kind that makes you want more aftor the first helping. Only the boat fed cattle aro evr killed for our trade, and our cus tomers may alwayB rely upon tho very best quality of meat, cleanlv and properly dresjod, and In every way fit for tho boat tabloe. 0 F. A. Kurtz Phone 205 277 N. Com. St. ; H- i I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m : : buy : : :: Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ii ; ; Brushes, Window Glass : : ; ; at ; ii Fry's Drug Store:: :; .,310 Com'l St., Salem, Or.,. ; ; RFT GOODS PRICES RR. : '. ! SONARLE. ' THE ORJECT OF TUB JW TION OF ALL IS ElTLEll FECTION RAKING POWDER SUPERR ITS GOODNESS ONLY RE REST DEMONS RY ACTUAL ACQCABt YOU WILL AI'PRECIATE Hi TRODUOTION TO EPriiET3 FECTION RAKING POWDER RY ALL GROCERS. MW TUREI) BY C. M. El'I'LEl',! OREGON. DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE Will nn with OlIl and cure any disease without or pain. Dr. Knm 1 known 0' Salem, and has cured mssT people here. He has uv tar 20 vm and can bfl uses many medicines unknow doctors, and with theffl e&tarrk, aetkma, lung troi rattlsm, stomach Uver, t "UUU, ,1 Dr. Kum makes a speci" and female troubles, u cure private diseasw w" Ue fails. He ft" inB' okIaI. a4 trirM to FxitM for Bwdielaes tery PersM U tfte eoantr bla&k. St stamp. If ye mM ti " k Area w. M XTTMBOW W? giulo tai," DfrwiUr, fcKMktoa, Wote.U:S, H-44I Mill I W4-1 l iMik Wk 4i