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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1907)
ye '. 1 FAIU TONIGHT AND THURSDAY. rilEns A IL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. ,jcvu- SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1007. NO. 158. AS IT MURDER OR SUICIDE? State's Evidence in Haywood Trial Is All In D OF HE TRIAL IS NEAR IDV FOR ARGUING niHnn Will Probably Begin Its Ninent Tomorrow-Testimony lay Was As Immaterial As Most I States Rebuttal tvidcncer L July 17.-T-Attorney Rich- , announced this morning tnnt Inted Sheriff Kulan, of San county, Colorado; David C. In detective for tho Florcnco & c Creek railway, and Willis I, held within tho Jurisdiction i court. Whllo no explanation Lade. It Is stated the defonBO lake an Investigation of tho evl- !of theso witnesses, with tho atlon of starting perjury pro- Egg against them. Tho Colora Ibreaks again held tho ntton ( tho Jury today, a dozen wlt- be!nR examined, but nothing as brought out. Boise, July 17. It is possible tho rebuttal will bo concluded this af ternoon. Thomas Stewart and K. C. Sterling will be tho last witnesses called by the state. o- ; Railroad to Interior. Seattle, Wash., July 17. Julius Kruttschnitt, director of mainten ance and way for Harrlman lines, said tonight that tho surveys for tho Centrul Oregon lines of tho Harrl man system aro practically complet ed. Tlieso aro tho lines thnt will drain central and southern Oregon, and furnish an opening to Portland business Interests. Construction work, said he, will bo affected by tho condition of tho market, but ho be lieves both projects, can bo carried out soon. Surveys for tho road to bo built through central Oregon show it will bo constructed from Ontario to con nect with tho Southern Pacific cxton tlon across tho Cascades from Na tron, Bomowhoro near Odell Lake. Tho plan is to build tho Natron ex tontion southward to connect with tho Califor.nia & Oregon about Klam ath Lake. Snn FrniiclKCo's New Mayor. San Francisco, July 17. Tnylor, tho now mayor, took tho oath of ofilco early thiB afternoon. It wbb administered tho county clerk. o Chicago MnrkctA. Chicago, July 17. Wheat 92 & 8 03 V4, corn 52 53, oats 38 38. Unloading Sale 0 MERCY SHOWN TO PRICES The best price you can got elsowhero, wo will bent. Wo hnvo to room for our fall gqods, and that Is tho whole story, Out the h have to go. Tho following aro unmntcheablo bargains: Beat a, 3Hc yd; Ladlos' Handorchiofs, 2c; 95c Whlto Underskirts, ;9c, ?2 25 Whlto Underskirt's, with heavy embroidered flounce, N 45; $2 oo Whlto Parasols, handsomely embroidered, now 'i Children's 35c Parasols, now 19c; 45c India Silk, now yd. 25c; toss Silks, yard now 45c; 05c Panama Dress Goods, now .yard, 35c Fancv Plaid Dress Goods, yard, now 19c; Crashes, Towels napkins going at the low prices. Any old price on Fancy Lawns V Dimities, 35c Corset Covers, laco and ribbon trimmed, now 23c; fancy Dnss Ginghams, yard, 9c; 12 c India Linons, yard, now, 5 Muslins md Sheetings at snlo prices; 45c Bleached Table Da- ' Wrd, 29c; Embroidery three Inches wide, now 3c yard; best sk, ball, 2c; nlco White Pearl Buttons, dozen, 3c; Ladles' 15c "r Vests, now 9c; Ladles v20o" Summer Ve3ts, now, 12c; :S Ifce fast black Cotton Hose, 9c; Valenciennes Laces from 2c UP; best Sunbonnets, 5c; Wire Hair Pins, 2 packages for lc; Overalh, 49c; Ladles' $2.25 Patent Leather Oxford Shoes, now Ladies', Misses' and Children's Trimmed Hats, half-price; La- oats, Suits and Dress Skirts go at the same low price. BAXEM'S FASTEST GROWING BTORE. AFTER BANKER MAGILL SAY HE KILLED WIFE Friends Try to Steal Body to Prevent It Being Examlncd-Goroner Testi fied Mrs. MaGIII Left a Letter Saying Slio Would Commit Suicide McEVOY BROS. OHMKRCIAI, AND COURT ITRUTS. gAIJIU, OR. Clinton, 111., July 17. Attempts at Btoallng tho body of. Mrs. "Pat" MeGlll, for whoso death her hUBband, Frederick McGHl, wns arrested In San Diego, California, from tho cem etery here were frustrated by tho au thorities. It Is supposed that Mc QlU's friends mado tho attempt Ghouls, who wero acting suspiciously around tho comotery, nttrncted tho attention of tho citizens, who noti fied tho nBslstnnl Btnto attorney, who later, finding tho gravo Intact, placed n guard around it. Tho discovery created intonso oxcltomont. Coroner Johns, who conducted tho inquest, says Mrs. MaGIII committed BUlcldo. Ho declares ho permitted Madlir to practically cpndu'cinVh? qucst Inquiry, and added: "Whon I called at tho MaGIII homo tho let ter written by Mrs. MaGIII wbb hand ed me. Sho wroto that flho had com mitted suicide, Baying her husband's mo'thor had caused nil tho trouble MaGIII feared objectionnblo men would bo Bolectcd as jurors. An 'un objectionable Jury was solocted.' I directed my clerk to road tho lottor at tho InquoBt In a low volco, as I wanted to savo tho family from no toriety. I would do differently now." Attornoy-Gonornl Stead W preparing au opinion on tho question of oxhumlng tho body. If tho body Is exhumed tho orgnnB will bo tnkon to Chicago for examination by Prof. Haluos, of tho RubIi Medical College Attorney Mltcholl says tho remains will Bhow arsenic poisoning, not chloroform In tho lungs. MaGIU's fnto depends upon tho autopsy. A PINKERTOX SPY. Joined Telegraphers Union to Gain Information. New York, July 17. Reports which officers of tho Now York teleg raphers' union gave out In tho Inst fow days that a strlko hero was Im minent were, they state, part of a plot to trnp.E. W. DomareBt, whom they suspected of being a spy. "De- marest was forced to resign from the t unlont and was then ejected from tho executlvo committee's headquarters, officers of tho union accusing him of being a Plnkerton man. Tho slBtor of ox-President Russell of tho unlop, who Is chnirmnn of tho board of strategy, dld some detective work In Demnrcst, New Jersey, whoro Do mnrest resides, and reported thnt they ascertained from his, relatives that he .was In tho employ of tho PlnkertonB. To test their suspicions further tho union officers told De marest ln6t Sunday thnt tho tolc grnph cables wero to bo cut at n cer tain place and soon afterward tho companies sent men to protect those cables there. Demnrest hns been nc tivo nt union headquarters for about lx weeks. Ho served aB Bccrotary for. President Small, attended execu tlvo committee meetings nnd had chnrgQ-of tho books, o EUGENE BOYCOTTS HARRiMAN PATIENCE WORN OUT Merchants Instruct Wholesalers With Whom. They Deal to Route Goods Any Old Way So It Is Not Over Any of tho Harrlman Lines Eugene, July 17. About 70 Eu gono merchnnts yesterday wroto BIG VEIN OF COAI;. Reports Finding n New Field Xentf Gold Hill. Gold Hill, Or., July 17. A. J. Olson, of this placo, roports a now. field of coal Just discovered covering, soma 700 acres, and at tho present depths showing a 14-foot vein with, the cross-cut still running nnd got ting a better grado of coal nil the time. In Sams vnlloy, which Is tributary to Gold Hill, on tho north, Indications of potroloum are roportcd. The ground and Bprlngs show n thick olC BUbstanco, which burns rcndlly. Tha. prospects of oil nro so good that an experienced prospector has been at tracted, and ho Is now making prep arations to oxnmlno tho territory with a view of commencing drilling;: for oil. Los AngoloB capitalists hnvo bondn od n wator power on Roguo rlvor, In- eluding 120 ncrcs of land on which' SOAP MAKERS WIN OUT est Sprlngflold, 111., July 17. Attornoy-Gonornl Stead sayB that Coroner Johns will exhumo Jho body If tho charges warrant this action. Clinton, July 17. Tho mother and four widowed aunts of MuGIU and his sister, Mrs. O. M. Pond, represent ing $1,000,000, decided at a council this morning tho banker la Innocont, and that ho needs their financial support, as it Is reported tho leading momber of tho family declines to advance- tho defense money. Prosecu tor Mltcholl Bays ho will prove tho quilt on Mrs. MaGIU's bed covered tho wholo bed, and was tucked under tho mattress on all sides. Mltcholl says It was lmposslbjo for Mrs, Ma GIII to do this. Llvorpool, July 17. Tho' Jury to day awarded damages of a quarter of a million to Lever Bros., tho biggest soap manufacturers In tho world, against tho London Dally Mall and evening News, Lord Northcllffo's pa pers, in n libel suit, whloh was brought becauso tho papors nttacked tho -attempt of tho soap makers to organizo a sonp trust. DOINGS AT THE HAGUE Ih It n Joke? London, July 17. Mark Twain, who is aboard tho Mlnnetonkn, bound for Now York, today sont a wlroleas here, that an unidentified bark Mon day struck tho Mlnnetonkn, breaking tho former's bowsprit. , Only prompt action on the part of both crows pre vented a disaster. For Killing His Motlicr-ln-Lmv. Carlseruhe, German, July 17. Carl Hau, professor of Roman law In George Washington University, who Is accused of murdering his mother-in-law, Frau Mollter, to get her fortuno of a quarter of a million dollars, was arraigned this morning. Victims of Georgia ExpIosfoH. Washlncton. July 17. Admiral Snow reports the Georgia pxploslon I victims' condition as serious. Hague, July 17. Tho United States won a victory over England, Russia and Franco combined todny, when tho Amorlcnn proposal provid ing Indemnification for private prop erty Belzed at sea during wnr, was adopted by tho commltteo to which It was roferred by n vote of 21 to 11, Gormany, Austria nnd Italy support ed tho United States. It Is doubtful If tho International conference will approve the proposition, owing to the opposition of tho three big pow ers. England thinks tho proposi tion limits her activities In war. Eastern wholesale houses to routo all ,t0 croct a owor nlnnt "repnratoryv u. . , - . . . lt - . , to running an oloctrlc lino to tho confc their freight In tho future over somo L, nQrth of hcr(j other thnn tho Harrlman lines. Tho Ing8 ,mvo boon carrIcil to a ,,opth oC. Merchants' Protcctlvo Association 1 80 foot, and tho coal haB boon tested, has appointed a commlttoo to lnvos- for coko nnd found to produce- nn tlgato tho best way of routing freight xcollcnt Brftll- " ,B reported" that; from tho East and to mako known to 78 l)or cont of tho conl ,M,,k ,B loft tho rnllroad commission tho plan, so ,n tho form of coko- So,no G0 that freight shipped over corapotltLvo ,ncr09 lmvo bcon bom,C(1 nml W,,L lines will not bo hold up by Tho ortly b siaa with a diamond drill' Southom Pacific whon It nrrlves in n- B- Donn ono ot tno oworB r- Portland. ports mat an or tno exporimonts so ThlK l.'invn nivthn imrl nf Mm nnnn. far. COIUlllCtCd tOIld to establish. tllO Clntion. whloh Ine.lmlnn In Uu n.nm. UtlMIBt OOnfiJOIlCO In tllO ValUO oi.tllCv borshlp, with the oxceptlon. of-'ffcur .cpal. Holds or five, all tho-merchants of Eugene, I U tho Inst resort In tho ondenvor to j InY Havc Db,u Hanging. bring tho Southom Pacific to a ful-l Pittsburg, Penn,, July 17. A plea ij Aliment of somo of Ucrr'promlsosTBket-teraPsrarjlBWB,tyul,bMrWl,tSB tho poople of.Eugono, ospeclnlly in ,n hohalt ot Angolo JnckBon, n nogro tho matter oftho establishment of murder, at a meeting of tho pnrdon-i a local pnssongor sorvlco that will bfuir(1 t0(lfty whon attorneys for tho pormlt tho puoplo of tho Mohawk b,ack '38sln will nttompt to nccurej, valley nnd other near points to mnke n commutation of hltf sontenco fromi tho trip to Eugene and roturn In'ono doath to nf0 Imprlsonmont. SiouIdf duy. This Is tho Immodlnto causo of th'8 movo ftt,, thoro w,n bo ft loublo . this movo on tho pnrt of tho mor- '"nnelng hero next Tuesday, whon . chnnts, although thoro aro othor un- JncKson nnu uowung urcon, niao .. fulfilled promises of long standing c010rC(, wl" o swung into otomlty.- that havo holped to break tho pa- fl0m. tho. "nmo gallows. tlonco of tho business mon nnd cltl-1 Novor bcforo 1,ftH HUch ft morbid zens of Eugene. , curiosity in a Hanging ueon oviuoncoa Tho morchnnts hnvo notltloncd hnvo ,n PlttabnrR hundreds of pooplo hav- passed resolutions nnd nil this in a ,nB nppllod to 8horlff Gumbort for vory rospoctful way. Tho only result I'ormlts to soo this double oxocutlon. hns boon promlsos that havo boon I" nccordnnco with the Htato Inw all so often nnd consistently reforred 0l U,0H0 ,nU8t " uoniou, tno only pop nnd deferred that tho buslnoss mon 80na Prlvllogod to wltneBs a hnnglng: nt their meotlnK Inst nluht wero nl- " Ponusylvnnla Ijolng tho Hhorlff end moBt to a mnn opposed to any furth- h,B doputlos, tho coroner, tho oxocu er correspondence with tho railroad "on ury county physlclnnH nnd not compnny nbput elthor tho local train morQ than two ministers, sorvlco or the construction of n mod- Tho scaffold on which tho two mon? ern depot hore, tho promlBo of tho nro to bo hanged Ih In readiness. It lnttor being of so long standing that ,B a now 8to1 nffnlr nd will bo UHod tho young business mon Bay thoy ro-ifor tho flrRt t,mo Tuesday. Shorlff call when such promises wor- hold Qumbort will personally spring tho. out to their fnthors. who woro in.lI. required to uo oy mw. business boforo thorn. At tho moot ing ono or two proposed thnt they In form thp compnny of what thoy woro about to do, so as not to appear un- nlM .1. 1i W 9 iUn n-tnn.ln. iuii, uiii. iiiu nu-iiuiu ut niu iiivuiiiiu was struck wnon n momoor vigorous Advocates Pence nnd Target Practice. Oyster Bay, July 17. Prosldent Roosevelt has put his heurty approv al on public rlflo pructlco. In a let ter of congratulations to Ambrose Scharfenberg, of Brooklyn, winner of tho shooting trophy of tho Public School Athletic League, ho takes oc casion to encourage tho system of rifle practice Inaugurated by George B. WIngate, retired. That tho letter to young Scharfenberg may havo as far-reaching Influence as possible 11 was mado public, at tho President's direction. o Famous I'alatcr Dead. PariB, July 17. Theobold Chart- ran, the famoiiB painter, who painted many prominent Americans, includ ing President Roosevelt and wife, died this morning. lie was born In Franco In 1849. o Lamia Restored to Settlcmmt. Washington, D. C July 17. The secretary of the Interior restored to entry 40,000 acre of land heretofore withdrawn for thiUatllla Irriga tion project Is Orefea. Jackson wns convicted of tho mur dor of Gortrudo Nichols, n nogro woman, on October 2fi, 100C. Ho was temporarily Insane from tho ox cosslvo uso of liquors at tho time nn.Ii this will he urged In tho effort to ly opposed any explanation to tho, havo ins sontonco commuted at to Southern Pacific, stating thnt tho ,ly'8 hearing. Bowling Croon shot road would easily find out what was,a kinou mo wire, Jounlo uroon, bo- tho matter If It wished to. Tho frolght receipts of tho com pany nt this point Is about 11000 per cuiiBO ho bollovcd Hlioiwns unfaithful' to him. Tho two blnck mon nro unconcorn- day, tho bulk of whloh Is paid by tho cdly nwnltlng tho march to tho gaU merchants, and of this amount neon-;JW t Tuonday morning. Thoy sldorablo pcrcontago Is for tho Iong.8,"w lltt, interest in tho proparn haul. But tho morchnnts will not bo .t'ona thnt havo boon going 'forward alono In tho mnttor of routing freight, 'or their hnnglng, although both over othor lines, for a committee will .havo long slnco professed religion work among tho citizens for tho pur- and roponted for tholr crlmos.. Most poso of turning all poBslblo frolght 'of tholr tlmo Is spont In reading tho rmm Mm TInrrlmnn llnnj vt'll Jit lfr It Blblo. ' bo merchandise, household goods or any othor commodities, Whllo this Is at tho present purely a local movo, it may bo moro thor oughly organized and other commu nities, near Eugene asked to Join in tho endeavor to get somo of tho long-drawn-out promises fulfilled. , o Tho Blllek Murder Trial, Chicago, July 17. Edna BUIok, daughter of Herman Blllek, accused of murdering six members of tho Vrzal family, today testified In favor of hor father, and described events at the isowo of the Vrzal family pre cedlag the death of Mary Vrzal. Tho Glldden TourlM-v. Indianapolis, July 17. Tho Glfd den tourists left this morning nt in tervals of ono mlnuto, In a drlvlcl, rain. Thoy aro duo at Columbus, O., at C o'clock thin nftornoon, aftor a run of 107 miles, the longest on tho tour. Dr. J. F. COOK THS BOTANIOAIi DOCTOR, MOVBD TO 840 LIIJIRTY iTRlMT FOK AXY DIHKA8M CALL OK DR. COOK. OONfUITAVIOX. .' ? jl- 5 - '. mmimmmmmmmmimmmMmatmmmim Jkr